Climate Change: BMO Global Asset Management Approach - March 2020 - Responsible Investment Solutions For professional and/or qualified investors only

Page created by Kenneth Miles
Responsible Investment Solutions   For professional and/ or qualified investors only

Climate Change:
BMO Global Asset
Management Approach
March 2020
1. Governance                                     4

Contents   2. Strategy                                       5

           3. Risk Management                                6

           4. Metrics and Targets                            8

2                                   BMO Global Asset Management
BMO Global Asset Management is the brand name for various affiliated entities of BMO Financial Group
that provide investment management services across Asia, Canada, the U.S. and EMEA.

BMO Global Asset Management (BMO GAM) considers climate                                 in January 2018, and this commitment covers all business
change to be one of the defining issues of our generation,                              entities, including BMO GAM.
and fully supports the goal of the Paris agreement to keep
the increase in global average temperature to well below                                BMO FG publicly reports on its environmental and social
2°C above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit                         performance and targets in its annual Sustainability
the increase to 1.5°C. As a supporter of the United Nations                             Report and Public Accountability Statement (PAS)1.
Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), we recognise that                              In 2019 this included a stand-alone Climate Change
tackling climate change is also an essential foundation for                             Report detailing BMO FG’s approach to climate-
achieving these, particularly SDG Goal 13 on Climate Action.                            related risks and opportunities in line with the TCFD
                                                                                        recommendations2. BMO FG also reports to the Carbon
We recognise that we can play an important role in supporting                           Disclosure Project.
the transition to a lower carbon global economy, and that
climate change presents both risks and opportunities that can                           This statement sets out our approach, based on the
affect our business. BMO Financial Group (BMO FG) – comprising                          structure recommended by the TCFD. It focuses on BMO
the Bank of Montreal and its subsidiaries – became a supporter                          GAM’s policies and practices, referencing our parent
of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)                       company where relevant.


Climate Change: BMO Global Asset Management Approach                                                                                               3
1. Governance

This section explains the governance within BMO FG and BMO           BMO FG’s Sustainability Council, established in 2008, is
GAM with regards to climate related risks and opportunities.         chaired by BMO’s General Counsel and comprises senior
                                                                     leaders from business and corporate support areas across
BMO Financial Group                                                  the organisation. The Sustainability Council meets quarterly
                                                                     and acts as a support and advisory body to oversee the
Board-level oversight of sustainability, including climate change,
                                                                     implementation of BMO FG’s sustainability strategy and
is embedded within the charter of the Audit and Conduct Review
                                                                     discuss topics including climate change risks, opportunities
Committee (ACRC) of BMO FG’s Board of Directors. The CEO has
                                                                     and disclosure. A member of BMO GAM’s Responsible
delegated responsibility for climate change to BMO’s General
                                                                     Investment Team is on the Sustainability Council.
Counsel, a member of the BMO Executive Committee, reporting
directly to the CEO. In 2018, BMO FG developed and delivered
                                                                     BMO Global Asset Management
online climate change risk and disclosure training for its Board
of Directors, and made it available to all current and new Board     Within BMO GAM, responsibility for oversight of the firm’s
members. In 2019, this training was updated and rolled out to the    responsible investment strategy lies with the Global
Boards of Directors of all of BMO FG’s subsidiaries, and was also    Investment Committee (GIC), the members of which include
provided to the London Risk Management Committee.                    our Global Chief Investment Officer (CIO), CIO North America
                                                                     and other senior investment representatives from across BMO
BMO FG has also appointed a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO),      GAM representing our respective regulated entities.
who reports to the Corporate Secretary and General Counsel.
                                                                     The GIC approves all responsible investment policy
The CSO is responsible for the development and execution of
                                                                     statements including this TCFD statement.
sustainability strategy, including internal advisory, stakeholder
engagement and disclosure. This mandate includes producing and       Our Responsible Investment team includes several experts
publishing BMO FG’s annual Sustainability Report and other related   on climate change and climate-related issues. This team
public disclosures, as well as monitoring climate-related issues     is responsible for day to day monitoring and expertise on
and developing strategies to manage the risks and opportunities      climate issues, which is shared throughout BMO GAM through
associated with climate change across the organisation.              formal training and informal dialogue.

4                                                                                                       BMO Global Asset Management
2. Strategy

Our corporate purpose is to Boldly Grow the Good in business                                investments, which include two dedicated mandates for
and life. We believe that profit and progress go hand in hand,                              institutional investors.
and we seek to pursue our growth opportunities by balancing
                                                                                          • Implementing a comprehensive engagement and
risk and opportunity to create value that is shared with the
                                                                                            proxy voting approach aimed at encouraging investee
world around us.
                                                                                            companies to address climate risks (further detail
BMO GAM has a 35-year history of working on responsible
investment and was a founding signatory of the UN Principles                              • Supporting public policy statements on climate change,
for Responsible Investment. Stewardship and the identification                              including the Global Investor Statement to Governments
of financially material environmental, social and governance                                on Climate Change
(ESG) issues forms an integral part of our investment processes.
                                                                                          • Taking a transparent approach, including the publication
We apply a tailored approach to ESG integration by investment
                                                                                            of portfolio-weighted carbon intensity data for selected
strategy and asset class, to ensure that the additional analysis
                                                                                            fund strategies.
is relevant and meaningful to each investment process. We
also offer specialist responsible investment strategies, where
                                                                                          Scenario Analysis
sustainability considerations or impact investing form a formal
part of the mandate. Assets under management in these funds                               BMO GAM co-chaired a working group set up by the
are £4.2 bn3.                                                                             Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) to
                                                                                          develop investor guidance on scenario analysis; authored
BMO GAM has engaged on the topic of climate change for over                               the final report ‘Navigating scenario analysis: A guide for
a decade, calling on governments and regulators to put policies                           institutional investors’4, published in 2018; and has spoken
in place for an orderly transition to a low-carbon economy,                               at a number of workshops on the topic.
and asking companies to implement strategies to incorporate
climate risk into their business planning. Companies that are                             BMO GAM team members from our Solutions and
proactive in recognising the transition, and providing solutions,                         Fiduciary teams are also now co-chairing an investor
should see their business grow as actions are taken to achieve                            working group on Paris alignment in strategic
the goals of the Paris agreement.                                                         asset allocation.

BMO GAM has taken a range of measures to address climate                                  During 2019, BMO GAM’s Responsible Investment team,
risk and provide solutions to clients. These include:                                     Investment Risk Oversight team, Fiduciary and Solutions
                                                                                          teams and Fundamental Equity and Credit teams have
• Integrating ESG factors, including climate change, into the
                                                                                          been working together to consider options to embed
  investment analysis process (further detail below).
                                                                                          scenario risk analysis into investment processes. We have
• Offering investment products that allow investors to direct                             been considering approaches both to stress-test portfolios
  capital towards climate solutions and/or avoid carbon-                                  from a top-down perspective, alongside more sector-
  intensive investments. These include the Responsible Funds                              specific and company-specific scenario methodologies for
  range, which have screens applied including the exclusion of                            teams conducting fundamental company analysis.
  all companies with fossil fuel reserves; Climate Opportunity
  Partners private equity fund, which is entirely invested                                Work is ongoing and we hope to be able to disclose more
  in clean tech and green infrastructure; and green bond                                  information on outcomes in 2020.

    As at 31 September 2019

Climate Change: BMO Global Asset Management Approach                                                                                                     5
3. Risk Management

This section describes how BMO GAM assesses and mitigates                       Our climate change engagement programme objectives and
climate-related risks.                                                          activities are set out in ‘Climate Change Engagement: A framework
                                                                                for the future’7. In this document we set out the trajectory we
ESG Integration                                                                 expect companies to follow, starting with basic awareness of
                                                                                the issue, through active emissions management, to a strategic
BMO GAM has built an ESG Risk Tool, which is available to fund
                                                                                approach, and ultimately alignment with the Paris climate goals.
managers invested in relevant asset classes (listed equities and
                                                                                Please refer to the next page for details on this. These objectives
credit). This tool takes MSCI ESG data as its starting point but
                                                                                are closely aligned with other initiatives including the Climate
significantly re-calibrates it to better reflect the views of RI team
                                                                                Action 100+ initiative and Transition Pathway Initiative.
sector experts on which issues are most material across different
sectors. Selected higher-risk companies are identified by our
                                                                                Our Engagement Framework also sets out some sector-specific
fund managers and analysed individually by members of the
                                                                                recommendations in key industries such as oil & gas, utilities
Responsible Investment team, and allocated in-house ESG scores
                                                                                and transportation. For instance, we are calling on electric utility
which override the default scores.
                                                                                companies to phase out unabated coal-fired power by 2030 for
                                                                                developed countries, and 2050 for developing countries.
The risk tool provides an estimate of companies’ carbon intensity
versus sector peers, and flags those that are significantly over
                                                                                Since the Paris Agreement was adopted on 12 December
the sector average.
                                                                                2015, we have conducted 1,075 engagement activities with
                                                                                629 companies on climate change. Tracking the results of our
This data is combined with proprietary information, including our
                                                                                engagement, we have identified 236 milestones or instances
engagement and voting, to produce quarterly portfolio-specific
                                                                                of change following engagement.
reports for fund managers. These reports include a carbon
footprint analysis, which provides an overall portfolio-weighted
                                                                                We have used both one-to-one and collaborative approaches,
carbon intensity. The reports also provide details on the
                                                                                with the Climate Action 100+ initiative being a core part of
contribution of sector and stock selection factors to the footprint,
                                                                                our approach. BMO GAM has been an active participant in
and indicate the companies with the highest carbon intensity
                                                                                Climate Action 100+ since the start, acting as co-lead in six
versus peers. These reports can then be used by fund managers
                                                                                company engagements, and participating in engagements
to identify potentially high-risk companies for deeper analysis.
                                                                                with a further 17 companies in different sectors and regions.
Fund managers within other asset classes also incorporate
                                                                                However, there are many important companies and sectors
material climate risks and opportunities using methodologies
                                                                                that are not part of this initiative, so our direct engagement
tailored to each asset class.
                                                                                remains important. For instance, in 2019, we engaged banks
                                                                                in Southeast Asia on their climate-related lending policies and
Some investment teams also seek opportunities to invest in
                                                                                initiated a dialogue with the marine transportation sector.
companies that can contribute to solutions, either as part of
the low-carbon energy transition or in addressing the physical
                                                                                Climate change and wider ESG issues are also considered
impacts of climate change. Examples in our fundamental equity
                                                                                when we make decisions on proxy voting. Our Corporate
strategies have included water solutions companies, electric
                                                                                Governance Guidelines set out our expectations on board-
vehicle suppliers and renewable energy developers. In fixed
                                                                                level governance on climate risk, including our view that
income we have significant green bonds investments, both
                                                                                boards should to be able to articulate how remuneration
as a component part of wider strategies and as stand-alone
                                                                                structures and lobbying activities support their declared
specialist mandates.
                                                                                climate strategies. We have generally taken a supportive
                                                                                stance on shareholder resolutions calling for stronger strategy
Investor Engagement
                                                                                and disclosure on climate change. In addition, our Guidelines
Our engagement programme covers our global BMO GAM listed                       also state that where companies in high-impact sectors fail
equity and fixed income assets5, and is also made available to                  to provide investment-relevant climate disclosure, we may
third-party clients through the Responsible Engagement Overlay                  vote against management resolutions, such as the report and
(reo®) service, with assets under advice of £165bn6.                            accounts or election of directors.

  Some exceptions apply including Pyrford which runs its own ESG engagement programme
  As at 31 December 2019

6                                                                                                                      BMO Global Asset Management
Figure 1: Our engagement expectations

Basic awareness                             Active emissions               Strategic approach              Alignment

                                                                               Integration of climate
                                                                                  change risks and
     Recognition of issue                                                        opportunities into
                                                    Actions to reduce            business strategy             Alignment with Paris
      Measurement and                                   emissions                                                   agreement
   disclosure of emissions                                                    Consideration of supply
                                                                              chain and products and

Recognise the materiality                   Set emissions targets          Develop strategy at Board       Set Paris-aligned science-
of climate risk in public                                                  level                           based targets across the
                                            Take steps to cut emissions;
reporting                                                                                                  value chain
                                            monitor and report outcomes    Align climate performance
Measure and report Scope 1                                                 with executive pay              Demonstrate how business
and 2 emissions                                                                                            strategy is Paris-aligned,
                                                                           Analyse and disclose risks
                                                                                                           for instance via capital
                                                                           in line with TCFD, including
                                                                                                           expenditure, asset mix and
                                                                           scenario analysis
                                                                           Assess resilience to physical
                                                                           climate risks
                                                                           Include product and supply
                                                                           chain (Scope 3) emissions in
                                                                           strategy and reporting
                                                                           Identify opportunities
                                                                           Join progressive industry
                                                                           groups; avoid negative

TCFD = Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

Climate Change: BMO Global Asset Management Approach                                                                                    7
4. Metrics and Targets

As stated above, BMO Global Asset Management produces
internal carbon footprint reports for a number of its funds
in both equity and fixed income. We have so far disclosed
this within impact reports for our Responsible Global Equity,
Responsible Emerging Market Equity and Responsible Euro
Bond funds, and plan to roll out disclosure across a larger
number of funds in future.
Our operational emissions are disclosed for BMO Financial
Group as a whole in our annual reporting and our CDP
response. Since 2010, BMO Financial Group has maintained a
carbon-neutral status, based on a three-pronged strategy of
promoting energy efficiency and limiting emissions; purchasing
energy from renewable sources; and purchasing high-quality
offsets. BMO Financial Group has a goal of achieving a 15%
reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 2021
relative to a fiscal 2016 baseline and is investigating setting
science-based reduction targets in the future.

8                                                                 BMO Global Asset Management
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      +44 (0)20 7011 4444

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© 2020 BMO Global Asset Management. Financial promotions are issued for marketing and information purposes; in the United Kingdom by BMO Asset Management Limited, which
is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority; in the EU by BMO Asset Management Netherlands B.V., which is regulated by the Dutch Authority for the Financial
Markets (AFM); and in Switzerland by BMO Global Asset Management (Swiss) GmbH, which is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).
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