Essential information - about the call for applications - CIRCLET project

Page created by Tim Weaver
Essential information - about the call for applications - CIRCLET project
Essential information
                                         about the call for applications

What is Community Engaged Research and Learning (CERL)?
Community Engaged Research and Learning (CERL) is an innovative approach which gives students the
opportunity to participate in research and learning projects based on community ideas and questions, through the
curriculum. CERL has been identified as a high-impact learning and teaching activity that research suggests
increases student engagement and student retention. There is lots of good practice in CERL already in TU Dublin.
The term CERL captures a wide range of different terms for community engaged research and learning. CERL can
be taken to include community-based learning, service-learning, community service learning, community-based
research, participatory action research, community-based participatory research, and science shop projects.

What is the CIRCLET project?
CIRCLET is the acronym for Curriculum Innovation through Research with Communities: Learning circles of
Educators and Technology. This Erasmus+ project aims to strengthen the capacity of higher education, especially
lecturers, to improve learning outcomes for students by rethinking curricula to incorporate CERL, enhanced by
educational technology.
What is an International Learning Circle?
Learning circles involve people coming together to share and reflect on learning and experience as they address a
particular issue – in this case how to rethink courses/modules to include CERL projects, enhanced by educational
technology (online tools and strategies for collaboration and learning). The international learning circle will include
lecturers involved in the module and the learning circle in the participating universities across Europe who come to-
gether online to share their experiences, ideas and questions, to learn together, in a structured way.
The exact format of the international learning circle will be shaped in collaboration with participants, and will draw on
the learning from the local learning circles (for example the 2020-1 international learning circle involved a ‘practice’
track and a ‘research’ track). Potential outcomes of international learning circles are: international publications by
members about their process for rethinking courses to incorporate CERL; sharing and/or developing examples of

Do I need to be experienced in reflection?
Not formally, as we will provide templates, supports etc. We are looking for people who already have some self-
awareness and who look to learn from their experiences.
Do I need to be experienced in CERL/technology/module revision/design?
No – we will recruit participants with a mix of experience so you can learn from your peers as well as from the
resources and facilitators. We will also bring in expertise from relevant colleagues at institutional level, as well as
community partners.

Where will I find community partner(s) for a CERL project?
The TU Dublin CIRCLET co-ordinating team (the staff of the Programme for Students Learning With Communities)
will help you with this. We have ongoing relationships with a wide range of community partners, and ideas on file
from them for projects with students across disciplines.
What criteria will be used to assess the applications?

 Interest in: CERL; revising modules/courses; and educational technology

 Potential to develop and sustain a CERL project in a course/module

 Clear personal goals for the online module/Learning Circle

 Awareness of strengths and potential challenges

 Support from Head of School/Department
For more detail see table in appendix 2, on the final page.

Why are you asking for the support/consent of Head of Programme/Institute/School?
We feel that making your manager aware of your application and interest in this area, and asking them about how
they can commit to supporting you, will bolster you on your journey of implementing CERL projects.

Can I withdraw?
If at all possible, we would ask that once you have confirmed the offer of a place, you honour that commitment. As
this is a competitive process, if you withdraw it means you have taken a place that someone else might have used to
the full.

What happens if something goes wrong?
Please contact the TU Dublin CIRCLET co-ordinating team as soon as possible, so we can work with you to provide

Has this initiative run before in TU Dublin? Where can I find more information about it?
TU Dublin’s first local Learning Circle and online CPD module ran in 2020/2021 as part of the CIRCLET project. This
academic year the Learning Circle was run entirely online as a result of the pandemic. You can find out more about
this at

I still have questions, what do I do?
Visit our live drop-in question and answer sessions online:
Online Module Q&A sessions drop-in: Monday 19 April 10.30am-11.30pm (Irish time) (Click here to join) and Tues-
day 4th of May 12.30-1.30 pm (Click here to join)
Learning Circle Q&A sessions (drop-in): Tuesday 20th April 12.30-1.30pm (Click here to join) and Tuesday 4th May
2.30-3.30pm (Click here to join)
If you need a more detailed comparison to help you decide between the learning circle and the online module, please
see the table below. You can also email the TU Dublin coordination team at
Appendix 1: More detail on the differences between the Learning Circle and the Online Module

                       Learning Circle                               Online Module
      Description      Regular scheduled meetings (in person         Weekly webinars with regular small
                       and/or online), supplemented with             assessments, individual and group
                       independent and small group learning,         work, alongside local and international
                       in collaboration with local peers. Partic-    peers. These lead to a final reflection
                       ipants interested in collaborating with       and detailed proposal for a CERL pro-
                       international peers can join the Interna-     ject within a module.
                       tional Learning Circle too.

      Timing?          Full academic year 2021/2022                  Semester 1, Autumn 2021, with final
                                                                     assignment due early January 2022.

      Planning and     Semester 1 involves planning your             The module focuses on planning for
      delivering       CERL project on the course/module,            CERL project delivery. One of the
      your CERL        and semester 2 focuses on delivering it       module requirements is that participants
                       with your community partner.                  must agree and sign a project timeline
      project          Peer and coordinator support for your         agreement form with a community
                       CERL project in both semesters in             partner, to run a CERL project in the
                       various forms and using various               following 12 months. Participants can
                       communication media.                          choose to join the International Learning
                                                                     Circle in semester 2 to support their
                                                                     CERL project delivery.

      Number of        Max. 10 in each local Learning Circle,        Maximum 20
      participants     max. 50 across all project partners

      Facilitators     Guest inputs from both university staff       Experienced CERL staff will facilitate
      and              and experienced community partners.           discussions in webinars, these will
      contributors     Experienced CERL coordination staff           include presentations from participants,
      involved?        will facilitate the process of collabora-     and guest inputs from experienced
                       tion and peer learning.                       CERL stakeholders.

      International    Local learning circles will be connected      Participants and facilitators from several
      dimension        internationally, offering collaboration       European universities. Small group work
                       opportunities for interested partici-         will involve a mix of partners from differ-
                       pants, where possible clustered around        ent universities to allow participants to
                       common interests.                             meet as many peers as possible.

      What             The TU Dublin local CIRCLET co-               Weekly webinars from TU Dublin, with
      supports will    ordinating team will support the              technical support. A wide range of
      I receive?       Learning Circle participants in a variety     online resources. A designated drop-in
                       of ways, from facilitating sessions to        weekly online ‘office hour’ for asking
                       providing resources and feedback, as          questions. Weekly feedback from peers
                       well as co-ordinating small group micro       and/or module facilitators. Online dis-
                       -learning circles, and one-to-one meet-       cussion boards for questions and an-
                       ings with participants to support their       swers.
                       CERL projects.                                In TU Dublin, at least one meeting of the
                       Participants who choose to take part in       local participants in the online module
                       the international learning circle will also   will be facilitated, to build the local sup-
                       receive appropriate supports.                 port network.

      What will I be   Plan your reimagined course/module            Weekly reading/viewing of resources
      expected to      by the end of the first semester to in-       and regular assignment submissions, -
      do?              clude CERL and Technology-                    including reflection on learning, and
                       enhanced learning.
                       Active reflection on the process.             group work assignments. These will re-
                       Deliver a course/module with a CERL           quire 4-5 hours per week. Co-design
                       project responding to a research              with a community partner the CERL pro-
                       question from a community partner.            ject you will complete together within the
                                                                     next year and submit a co-signed time-
                                                                     line agreement form. Final assignment
                                                                     (30-40 hours’ work across the semester
                                                                     into early January).
Learning Circle                            Online Module
What option-    Participation in the International         There will be some choices within
al elements     Learning Circle is optional.               assignments given, but all assignments
are there?                                                 are compulsory and must be passed in
                                                           order to successfully complete the mod-

What do I       Certificate of participation.              Certificate from TU Dublin confirming
receive at                                                 your 5 ECTS (subject to successful
the end?                                                   completion of all assignments).

Do I need       Access to your own virtual learning        Recommended browsers for Bright-
particular      environment (e.g. Moodle, Bright-          space (TU DUBLIN VLE): Chrome, Fire-
technical       space, Canvas), and to online meeting      fox, Safari. Internet Explorer is not suita-
skills and/or   tools commonly used in TU Dublin           ble - (see Video 1 - Getting started in
access to       (e.g. MS Teams).                           Brightspace as a student).
How much        No more than 20 hours contact time         9 weekly lunchtime webinars, with
time will I     and around 5-8 hours independent           regular small individual and group
need to com-    learning across 2 semesters.               assignments, requiring 4-5 hours per
mit?                                                       week. Final assignments requiring 30-40
                International learning circles will        hours across the semester. 100 learning
                involve additional time.                   hours (inclusive of webinars) are re-
                                                           quired for 5 ECTS.

Do I have to    Yes, where possible, in semester 1. In     Each participant must attend 9 webinars
attend every    semester 2 the sessions will address       over 11 weeks.
session?        particular topics, so you will have the    Two of the nine webinars will be
                option of attending some but not oth-      repeated in different weeks, so
                ers.                                       participants can choose the most con-
                                                           venient date to attend.

Are the ses-    Semester 1 sessions will be from           Fridays from 1-2pm Irish/UK time, 2-
sion times      10am—1pm as follows:                       3pm Central European Time.
set?            Friday 10 September, Thursday 28
                October and Thursday 16 December.

                Semester 2 will involve a mix of shorter
                -full group and drop-in sessions. These
                will be scheduled in collaboration with
                participants. Participants will choose
                three or four semester 2 sessions to
Appendix 2: Rubric for evaluating applications.

                                  Not yet at level required       At level required         Above level required
      Clear personal goals for    No clear goals              Clear goals, related to     Very clear goals, very
      the module/Learning                                     module/learning circle      closely related to mod-
      Circle                                                                              ule/learning circle
      Awareness of strengths      Little or no articulation   Clear articulation of       Very clear articulation of
      and potential challeng-     of strengths and poten-     strengths and potential     strengths and potential
      es.                         tial challenges.            challenges, related to      challenges, very closely
                                                              module/learning circle      related to module/
                                                                                          learning circle
      Potential to develop and    Does not teach and as-      Teaches and assesses at     Teaches and assesses at
      sustain a CERL project in   sess a suitable module      least one suitable mod-     least one suitable
      a module (you should                                    ule.                        module with clear po-
      teach and assess the                                                                tential for sustainability
      Interest in CERL            Interest not clearly ex-    Quite Interested            Very interested

      Interest in educational     Interest not clearly ex-    Quite Interested            Very interested
      technology                  pressed

      Interest in revising mod-   Interest not clearly ex-    Quite Interested            Very interested
      ules                        pressed

      Support from Head of        Not complete                Support expressed, no       Support expressed and
      School/Department                                       clarity re tangible form    tangible measures

      *Note we will select participants for maximum diversity (gender, level of teaching experience, subject(s)/
      discipline(s) taught, level of experience (CERL, technology, developing courses/modules), university (CPD
      module only)).
      *We also need to recruit a minimum number of participants with a level of interest in the transnational
      learning circle, as it is a requirement of our funding.
      *To maximise sustainability, we may prioritise: programme coordinators; module coordinators; course
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