EREmilia-Romagna Region European Culture - Regione Emilia-Romagna
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AN IMAGERY FOR FUTURE MEMORY T he Region of Emilia-Romagna is a recent invention in the long history of our country. Its birthdate is that of the political unification of Italy, when physically and politically diverse territories were joined together with a happy outcome. It was certainly a political invention–creation, but also an invention-finding at a cultural level. Within the numerous differences, a cultural singularity was discovered and reinforced, a sense of self and unique skill and know-how. The conjuncture found a structure, a civilization, which means a deep and lasting way of life and inestimable patrimony of economical, artistic, scientific and technical products. The boundaries drawn are, at the same time, places for exchange. From the Apennines valleys – mountains crossed with many passes – to the main navigable river, the Po, down to the courses of the Adriatic Sea, they contain an archipelago of cities linked by a Great Road, the Via Emilia, which passes through them and makes them porous. If I may use a metaphor, it is like a great, ancient, inhabited bridge, crossed through by other roads run along by pil- grims, such as the Via Romea along the Sea and the Via Francigena across the mountains. A thick urban cobweb where the cities – like clearings in the forest during the Middle Ages – seems to be immersed in a complex territo- rial fabric - mountain plantation and “filled” geometrics, grain and fruit orchards, stock farming and its products, among the richest and most civil in Europe. Large and small cities with their gates and ports, always knotting together with many threads their local tradition and Northern Europe and Orient. Thanks to these characteristics, the important industrial settlements become part of the territory avoiding the unmanageable phenomenon of the metropolis. An open, or at least an ajar localism acts as a con- scious counterbalance to the impulse towards globalisation. Men make the places which will make them. The Region has merged the Romagnas, with their Byzantine heritage, Bologna and Ferrara, with their papal past, Modena and Parma, with their “laic” duchies - territories gathered in many different ways by history into cities and seignories, into fiefdoms and monastic territories. Each real political project makes a community, ceaselessly provides a way to stay together, but must take into account the character and life-style of its citizens - as idiomatic as their dialect. Undoubtedly few peoples in Europe are so attentive to the quality of the earthly nourishment we find in domestic architecture and public living spaces, from public buildings and noble palaces to rural houses, from squares to porti- coes. Hence the quality of its hospitality and the privileged welcome to tourists. We must not forget that the national flag was invented in Emilia and that the only project of unified Italian cuisine was attempted in Romagna. But flavours are not alternative to learning, nor Arts and Sciences to the Art of Living. From the Etruscan and Greek vases to the painters (Correggio, Carracci or Morandi), from the cathedral sculptors (Wiligelmo) to the film directors (Fellini and Antonioni), this Region gave itself and those who have eyes for seeing an Imagery, that is an incalculable index of images which represents its great “game”. Over time, the Muses have joined hands. Here Verdi’s music resounds with the joyous words of Boiardo and Ariosto, and the mysterious words of Pico della Mirandola and Savonarola. In the original heritage of Italian culture, Poetry and Science (Marconi) are part of the great pedagogical tradition of Bologna, the first of the European universities. The multi-cultural reality peculiar to Emilia-Romagna Region’s past and present cannot be depicted once and for all, but must be continually redefined through its images, music and writings. The new languages of the modern age - from technology to fashion, are also involved, so that its traditions become “future memory”. To live the present we can look at the future problems using the certain resources of the past. Paolo Fabbri
“Thus the oldest sign in the history of the Po plain assumes the imaginary form of writing on a stone, in the open.” BEGINNINGS (from “Le antiche vie”, Giancarlo Susini, Marsilio, 1992) P haethon stole the chariot f rom his father Sun but no sooner did he soar into the air than he was lost among the lights and started plunging headlong to earth. He touched down in the heart of the Po Delta, where nymphs, his sisters, wept rivers of tears, dedicating to him a poem carved on a stone. Actually, it was Jupiter who struck Phaethon dead in o rder to prevent him, chariot and all, from crashing to earth and destroying the planet. Emilia- Romagna – from myth to history. F rom stories of the gods related by Ovid in the “Metamorphosis”, to the b i rth of the regio VIII, as Augustus named it when he wanted to subdivide ancient Italy into regions but lacked a single name that could indicate the Adriatic, the Apennines Ronco Cesi, Reggio Emilia 4 5
BEGINNINGS Funeral stone of Atiliae and the Po, the three natural Primitivae, Ferrara, Civic Epigraphic borders mentioned by Pliny the Museum Santa Libera, 2nd cent. Elder in the middle of the first cen- tury A.D. (“octava regio determ i n a- tur Arimino, Pado, Apennino”). B e f o re that, there were the Etruscans, the Celts and, in a limited area, the Umbrian-Sabines. Roman wine However, from the Neolithic on, this Tiberius Bridge over the Marecchia, 1st cent. B.C., Rimini amphora, Small bronzes 1st century A.D. region, an easily accessible cro s- Among the ruins of Velleia and Marzabotto representing male and female offerers, s roads between the North and the From Ariminum to Placentia, following the traces of time, in Marzabotto, Etruscan search of our origins. Places once inhabited by others and Museum “P. Aria”, evidence of a past to be seen and rediscovered, now visiting South, lacked a cultural and ethnic museums and ruins, now following the ancient ways of end of 6th, Emilia-Romagna. Artefacts unearthed in Villanovian necro - beginning 5th cent. identity. “Venus”, the figure of a polises; examples of local, early Iron Age handicrafts, con - B.C. s e rved at Bologna’s Museum of Archaeology; small woman sculpted in stone, is what Etruscan bronzes representing offerers, unearthed in Marzabotto; details of floor-mosaics from a Roman villa, still partially visible in the basement of Meldola and also remains from the Palaeolithic some bronze ingots housed in the Municipal Museum in Rimini, together with marble slabs, graffiti, pots and bricks. period; it was found near Savignano An impressive catalogue of finds. We go back in time as we walk among the columns of the Velleia forum, in the provin - sul Panaro. The Bronze Age ce of Piacenza, stroll among the ruins of Marzabotto, at the National Etruscan Museum “Pompeo Aria”, or enter the continues until the so-called National Museum of Sarsina, which houses the statues from the temple of oriental divinities. All of these are a must for anyone making an archaeological visit of the region. The “Villanovian” civilisation, which galleries at the National Archaeological Museum of Spina, Ferrara, are also of particular interest, as is Bologna’s derives its name from the first open- Archaeological Museum and the National Museum of Parma and Ravenna. Mention should also be made of the air necropolis discovered in Archaeological Museums in Forlì, Modena and Budrio, in the province of Bologna. Finally, the City Epigraphic Museum in the Church of St. Libera in Ferrara and the Villanova. In this period the Garden of Epigraphs in Rimini are also well worth a visit. In the province of Modena you can visit the archaeological c e n t res of Bologna and Ve rrucchio collection inside the Este Castle in San Felice sul Panaro, the Spilamberto collection and the Mammoth Museum in extended into the middle of Mosaic depicting Anubi, end of 2nd, beginning of 3rd cent., Rimini City Museum Savignano sul Panaro. 6 7
BEGINNINGS the Marecchia valley. From the Aemilius Lepidus, setting out on VI century B.C. on, Etruria has a the Flaminian Way, which linked g reat influence on the region with Rome to Rimini, opened up the way Felsina (Bologna) as capital, f rom Rimini to Piacenza. It is the M a rzabotto a thriving centre of Via Aemilia, the Roman road along c o m m e rce, the expansion of busy which the most important towns in Adriatic ports in Adria and Spina, the region were to grow while, over Etruscan bronze liver, end 2nd cent., Ciarvernasco di Sèttima, where Greek culture predominates, Farnese Palace Museums (Piacenza) the Apennine passes, Velleia, and ports of call in Rimini and F o rnovo, Mevaniola and Sarsina Ravenna. There is also strong evi- w e re to be gradually Romanized, dence to suggest the presence of the latter becoming the centre of a peoples allied with the Etruscans cult devoted to oriental gods. and the Samnites against Rome: the In Ravenna, at the port of Classe, Gauls, notably, and among them, p a rt of the Roman fleet is based; the Senones in the area we now View of the Veleia forum, 1st cent., Lugagnano Val d’ Arda (Piacenza) with Miseno it is one of the most know as the Marche; the Boes, who p o w e rful in the Empire. advanced as far as Parma, and the Oenochoe with With the fall of the Roman Empire , trefoil mouth, Lingonians in the North-East. The 425 B.C., these towns were to go into Ferrara, land also bears witness to the pre- National decline. Only Ravenna, crowned Archaeological sence of the Romans, who founded Museum capital of the West, was to their first colony, Ariminum, in the flourish, first falling to the Goths, N o rth, in 268 B.C. Bononia, Mutina then to Byzantium, whose splendid, (Modena) and Parma were also p recious mosaics still remain. founded. The Consul Marcus Bas reliefs representing Saint Ellero, 7th-8th cent., and Teodorico, 11th cent., Galeata, Municipal Museum The Caesii mosaic, 50 B.C., Galeata, “Mons. D. Mambrini” Civic Museum “Mons. D. Mambrini” 8 9
“But the city does not tell us about its past, it contains it like the lines on your hand, written on the street corners, in the grills at the windows, in the balustrade of a staircase, in the lightning conductors, flagpoles, TOWNS AND CITIES every section marked in turn with scratches, cuts, grooves, wrinkles.” (Calvino, Le città invisibili, Einaudi) R oman towns, spa towns, for- tified towns. In the plains, on the Po and by the sea, along the ridges of the Apennines. Every piazza, palace and city centre in Emilia-Romagna is replete with h i s t o ry. But that’s not all. “Emilia- Romagna, top of the class for its civic sense - writes political scientist R o b e rt Putnam - is far from being a traditional ‘community’ in the generally accepted use of the word, that is the idyllic village fondly recollected by the old-folk”. Quite the opposite: it lives in the p resent and it is “one of the most modern, affluent, technologically advanced and entrepreneurial societies in the world”. Bologna is the region’s capital but t h e re are other small “capitals” of Emilia-Romagna. Imperial Ravenna, Piazza Maggiore, Bologna 10 11
TOWNS AND CITIES the restless Seigniories of Romagna, Trips to large towns, castles, abbeys and Faenza, “the little Athens among Medieval villages. Off the beaten track in the untamed hill villages”, Ferr a r a Emilia-Romagna. of the Este family, the cradle of cul- We set out from Piacenza, visiting the Piazza dei Cavalli and the cathedral whose foundation stone was laid in 1122. t u re and diplomacy, Bologna with Arriving in Rimini, we admire the church of the Malatesta its 900 year-old Alma Mater family, built by Leon Battista Alberti. Ports of call in the most important towns: Parma, ducal town, Reggio-Emilia, foun - Studiorum, the dukedoms of ded in 175 B.C. by M. A. Lepidus, Bologna, Modena, Ferrara, Forlì and Ravenna. Art towns, “capital” towns, but Modena and Reggio, the Farn e s e that’s not all. Romagna is riddled with castles as are the foothills between Piacenza and Parma in Emilia. In the Po and Bourbon courts in Parma and delta, where the river runs into the Adriatic, we come across Piacenza. Faenza was also the town land reclamation structures, while in the mountains, villages of rare beauty like Castel D’Alfero (Forlí) and Scola di of neoclassicism and Piacenza,the Vimignano (Bologna) suddenly come into view. There are various tours off the beaten track, following a particular city of palaces, invites us to look theme: heritage and nature trails. There is the long trail of abbeys for instance: Bobbio, in the Trebbia Valley, founded in again at the way our cities are con- 612, in compliance with the wishes of the Lombard King structed. Indeed the forma urbis of Agilulfo; Nonantola (Modena), Pomposa, cut off between the Po in Goro and the Po in Volano and St. Ellero, near Forlí, the towns along Via Aemilia often are the most famous abbeys, nearly all of them, together with minor religious communities, part of the Benedictine order conceals more than one heart: there which furthered the monastic life in the region. From Piacenza to Parma you can follow the castle trail, is the time-honoured pride of the starting at Castel San Giovanni, Borgonuovo Val Tidone, on Dukedom, the dignity of the to San Giorgio Piacentino, via Rocca d’Olgisio, Castello di Lisignano, Rivalta Trebbia and Castello di Montechiaro. Seigniories but also the custom of If it’s more medieval history you’re after visit the area in the Apennines above Reggio, between the Enza and the Secchia all pulling together, the bonhomie rivers, and be sure to take in the Canossa Fortress. It’s still and a striking knack for coopera- Este castle, 14th and 15th cent., Ferrara possible to admire ancient noble towns in the plains, from Cortemaggiore, Busseto (birthplace of Verdi), Fontanellato, tion. If we talk about a region of San Secondo, Colorno (the Farnese and Bourbon summer residence), stopping off at Sissa, Roccabianca and Zibello. cities we must also inevitably talk Then there is the trail from Parma to the Liguria region: from Fornovo di Taro to Pieve di Berceto, from Borgo Val di about metropolitan areas and small Taro to Campiano, a splendid Medieval and Renaissance towns. And this also means talking town, to Bedonia and Santa Maria del Taro. Or else back - track via the eighteenth-century route from the castle in about a “thoro u g h f a re” region, a Bardi to Vernasca and Vigoleno, a noteworthy Medieval village, to the celebrated Cathedral in Fidenza. “conurbation as long as Via Towards the sea along the via Aemilia or the foothills the itinerary starts at Dozza and takes in the renowned fifteenth Aemilia, formerly the Consul’s century castles in Imola, Forlí, Forlimpopoli and Cesena. highway”, as urbanist Pierluigi En route we meet neoclassical Faenza, the Medieval centres of Brisighella and Bertinoro and the atmospheric villages of Cervellati puts it, adding: “the town Longiano and Sant’Arcangelo. And more towns on the water: from Medieval and Renaissance Ferrara to picture s q u e which spreads out into the Region Comacchio, taking in the archaeological site in Spina, Mesola Castle and Pomposa Abbey, then on to Ravenna and is after all an expression of its the Basilica of Sant’ Apollinare in Classe. Imola castle, 13th cent. Architectural group: Romanesque cathedral 11th and 12th cent., gothic Facade of lombard-gothic cathedral, 12th and 13th cent., Piacenza bell-tower, 13th cent, baptistery, 1196-1307, Parma 12 13
TOWNS AND CITIES a rc h i t e c t u re which, through centu- settlements. From the real town we ries of stratification, gives the town go to the ideal Renaissance town, of its identity. And here in Emilia- which only the Terra del Sole Romagna the sense of arc h i t e c t u re remains. The nineteenth century e x p resses itself in the demarcation transforms the city walls into of the fields with the same intensity avenues which circle the town as that which demarcates the urban centre; industrialization brings with landscape”. it an unbridled building spree; The history of urban planning in brick is replaced by concrete, and Emilia-Romagna begins with the the diff e rences between town and Romans who set up colonies countryside grow more and more (Rimini and Piacenza), with Via Tempio Malatestiano, 1447-50, Rimini apparent, although in Emilia-Romagna Aemilia and “forums” such as this phenomenon has been less Forlimpopoli, Forlì, Imola and radical and irreversible than in Reggio Emilia parcelling up the other parts. And there you have it: land in regular plots for distribution a history of stones, the growth of among the centurions (centuria- towns up to the metropolitan are a s tion). Subsequently, minor towns of today. such as Cesena, Faenza and Fidenza arose where the main valleys were located. The Middle Ages impose an urban stru c t u re tai- l o red to the needs of a community Miniatures representing Lanfranco and Mathilda of Canossa, A.D. 1200 life: the portico, lordly and devotio- nal, useful for commerce and an extension of the home, becomes a constant element in all of Emilia’s towns from the period of the Comuni onwards, while fortifications, places of worship and centres of power predominate, especially in Romagna, in the development of Hump-back bridge over the river Trebbia, Bas relief by Agostino di Duccio, 15th cent. Abbey of Santa Maria in Pomposa: basilica 8th cent., cloister court 11th cent., Ferrara Facade of Modena cathedral, 9th cent., Bobbio 1099-1106 14 15
No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and in doing it very well, HANDICRAFTS ever loses his self-respect (George Bernard Shaw) N othing has changed since the days of the Carraccis and the Marsilis. In Emilia-Romagna the city centres were made for craftsmen. And in today’s modern town the role played by ancient trades is far fro m secondary, from potters in Faenza to coopers in Modena who pro d u c e casks for balsamic vinegar. Every handcrafted object invariably takes us back to the human dilemma; e v e ry ancient trade, which is an e x p ression of the craftsman’s individuality and the social function of the object he produces, puts a m o d e rn slant on age-old questions. Quality craftsmanship of the old school and creative new generation a rtisans, traditional artistic craft- smanship and modern ground- Picture framer Ariano Zaniboni who worked for many years in the historic Federici workshop in Bologna 16 17
HANDICRAFTS b reaking craftsmanship all make Majolica plate with wide rim the arts and crafts an integral part of and shallow the region’s social fabric. And the bowl, first half p ropensity for specialization and of 16th experimentation has also led to the century establishment of new kinds of “workshops” in the field of communications and software. This explains why concepts of maintenance and creativity have Majolica jugs, 14th century, Faenza, International Ceramics Museum p revailed over the more typical concept of replacement of today’s Decoration for printed fabrics from Romagna t h rowaway consumer culture. Pottery and mosaics which trains technicians and Palace in Bologna, Malagoli’s Renato Signorini, mosaic composition of a Gardens for vases by N o w h e re is this more true designers to degree level and the c reations in Modena and the cartoon by Renato Birolli Mirta Morigi (Faenza) than in Emilia-Romagna, the in the workshops of Institute for Technological balustrades of many eighteenth based on a project by land of small and medium- Emilia-Romagna R e s e a rch on Ceramics, which is century buildings in Piacenza. Ugo La Pietra an official re s e a rch stru c t u re of Meantime in many workshops in sized firms and co-operatives, “Grotesques” on a blue back - CNR, Italy’s national research Ravenna impressive mosaics are g round, fruit dishes with fretwork council. The Intern a t i o n a l assembled piece by piece. Since where myriad workshops decoration in the manner of Competition of Contemporary 1945 a group of mosaics expert s have carved out a space Mosaic workshop in Ravenna, Raphael, painted majolica, Ceramic Art and the biennial have been working to rediscover mosaic composition of a cartoon by Liberty tablew are. Traditional I n t e rnational Exhibition of the ancient techniques in order for themselves in an faience styles and decorations. Antique Ceramics are also held to pre s e rve Ravenna’s Byzantine Renato Guttuso economic landscape A centuries-old tradition which in Faenza. From Faenza pot - masterpieces. Ravenna also still holds its own in today’s consu - t e ry, known all over the world, boasts a Fine Arts School and dominated by larg e - mer society of mass-pro d u c t i o n , to the centre for lute-making in the Institute of Mosaics. Last but scale industry. It is p roving that craftsmanship and Pieve di Cento. Then there’s not least, there is the region’s industry make a lasting marr i a g e . decorative painting established distinguished tradition of p recisely here, at the The town of Faenza, whose soil is at the end of the seventeenth goldsmithing and, in Romagna, junction where culture rich in clays suitable for firing, century when the Bibiena family textile printing workshops, has been a thriving centre of began working for the Farn e s e the remaining few of a once meets commerce, that ceramics production since the court and for churches and ari - extensive group which these skilled craftsmen Middle Ages. Today Faenza is stocratic residences in Piacenza. flourished in the Papal State in home to the International Equally well-established is the the eighteenth century, a case in (albeit in limited numbers) Ceramics Museum, one of the The lutemaker Masetti tradition of artistic wro u g h t point of an art form which has have continued to play their most important in the world, the i ron work of which evidence survived in suburban are a s in his workshop in Majolica jug with State Institute for Ceramics, f rom the past remains in the while gradually disappearing Modena trades, occupying an important which attracts young students trefoil spout, end of shape of the Romanesque rai - in cities such as Rome due to position in the life of the Region 15th century, Faenza, Rino Pettorazzi’s wickerwork and f rom all over the globe, the Higher lings in Bobbio, the fifteenth cen - economic and cultural factors”. International osier workshop in Busseto Institute for Artistic Industry t u ry balcony of Bevilacqua Giampaolo Bertozzi and Stefano and beyond. Ceramics Museum Dal Monte Casoni, Black and white ballerina in painted majolica 18 19 Aquatics by Giorgio Fusella based on a project by Ugo La Pietra
Ultimately the aim of art is to intensify and, where necessary, MUSEUMS IN EMILIA-ROMAGNA develop people’s moral conscience. (Norman Mailer) O nce upon a time there were the "Rooms of Wonders", private collections of rare, p recious or exotic objects. Today many of these "wonders" can be seen in museums which have sent experts out into the country’s highways and byways to bring back tre a s u res that are selected, catalogued and put on display. There’s no need to dwell on the immensity of this heritage. (For each exhibit on show many other less important but equally significant objects live a secluded life Guido Reni, Massacre of the Innocents, 1611-12, National Picture Gallery, Bologna 22 23
MUSEUMS IN EMILIA-ROMAGNA in the dim light of museum store - From the Carracci family rooms). You only have to think of to the museum houses of Verdi and Toscanini the number of museums our region Schools of painting and great boasts to get an idea of its cultural a rtists are exhibited in regional wealth. museums. Beneath the porticoes of the School of Fine Art in T h e re are more than four hundred Bologna the National Picture Gallery possesses, among many museums (the database of the other oustanding works, region’s museums can be consulted paintings such as the Virgin of the barefoot by Ludovico online at www.ibc.regione.emilia- Carracci and the Massacre of, ranging from large- the Innocents by Guido Reni. And there is also the Medieval scale repositories of artistic and Town Museum, the MAMbo a rchaeological tre a s u res to small Museum of Modern Art Bologna and University Museums. Just civic museums which conserve outside Bologna, in San Marino local finds, and thus document the di Bentivoglio, the Museum of Peasant Farming Culture h i s t o ry of a microcosm. There are recounts the history of the scientific collections (the best are the university museums), and curious collections of cigarette cards, toy soldiers, upholstery, naïve art, boats (obviously outdoors and bobbing in a harbour) and a museum dedicated to the history of weighing machines. There are s i n g l e - room museums (celebrating village-pump virtues) and museums Parmigianino, Madonna with Child, Saint Margaret and Correggio, Madonna of Saint Epigraphic Museum of Santa Libera, Ferrara saints, 1529-1530, Bologna, National Picture Gallery Jerome (the Day), 1527-28, Parma, National Gallery 24 25
MUSEUMS IN EMILIA-ROMAGNA which cover vast tracts of terr i t o ry Emilian landscape and you only Faenza have their Natural have to visit the Ethnographic Science Museums and nature is (the Po Delta, the Trebbia valley) Museum in Santarcangelo also in the limelight at the Valley whose cultural heritage - a culture (Rimini) to get an idea of what Museum in Argenta, the Centre the people of this region are for Environmental Education in Mosaic lunette depicting the Good made of houses, stones, water, like. Another picture gallery of Shepherd, Galla Placidia mausoleum Mesola, the Ethnographic Po national importance is in 5th cent., Ravenna plants - would not lend itself to Museum in Monticelli D'Ongina F e rrara, at the Palazzo dei in the province of Piacenza, the conventional methods of selection Diamanti (Diamond Palace), Flora and Fauna Museum in and display. itself an architectural master - Premilcuore in the province of piece of rare beauty. Also in the Forlí, and at the Nature Museum T h e re are museums exhibiting pri- city of the Este family you can in Pavullo del Frignano discover treasures on display in (Modena). From these museums, celess Old Masters and others the castle rooms and at the City renowned all over Europe, to the which diligently set out the every- Museum, inside the Schifanoia minor but equally intere s t i n g , Palace. Ravenna exhibits the curious and sometimes bizarre day tools of common working folk; ancient splendour of the collections: in Brescello there is a museums that sink their roots in Byzantine Age at the Town Museum devoted to Peppone and Museum and at the City Don Camillo, and the Museo ancient history and others pre s e n- Museum. In Modena you can degli Sguardi in Rimini dedicated ting modern history so recent that it visit the Este Museum and to non-European culture. The Gallery as well as the Museum National Museum of Naïve Arts has a disquieting ring of familiarity. of Modern and Medieval can be found in Luzzara (Reggio The idea is to give them (great or History and Art. Parma: after Emilia), the Museum of Salt in visiting the National Picture Cervia, and you can visit a small) a second chance: to exorc i s e Gallery inside the Pilotta Raffaello Sanzio, Saint Cecilia, 1514, floating Museum of maritime National Picture Gallery, Bologna Palace, you really must pay history in the harbour of memories of tedious school trips Parmigianino, portrait of a young lady (The Turkish slave), homage to Toscanini and Verdi, Cesenatico. 1532-34, National Gallery, Parma (lined up unwillingly to admire the calling in on their respective memorial houses, the former in usual Egyptian mummy, the enig- town and the latter in Busseto. matic Etruscan divining liver, Piacenza boasts Antonello da Messina's Ecce homo at the Guido Reni and the extended "Alberoni" Gallery and the City family of the Carracci, a whalebone Museums in the magnificent setting of the Farnese palace. f rom the Pliocene Period or one of From cultural to natural Garibaldi's old shirts). Life is also heritage, often hidden in out-of- the-way places: Ferrara and h e re - not only elsewhere . Palazzo della Pilotta, Parma, National Gallery Roman ship, Fortuna Maris, Comacchio Bastarolo, Madonna of the spinsters, second half of 16th cent., Ferrara 26 27
If the world were clear, there would be no art. VISUAL ARTS (Albert Camus) L ocated at the crossroads between continental and Mediterranean Italy, Emilia Romagna has always been a place where different cultures met and fused. Thus the cultural map of the region is extremely rich and complex, characterised by the different characters of its cities in the absence of a s t ronger central authority. Nonetheless, the contact, sometimes conflictual, “between the colourf u l and irregular fantasy of the Celts and the constant proposal of the more supple, regular models of G reek culture” (Riccomini) over time has formed the character peculiar to the artistic response to a multitude of stimuli in the region. This character is seen clearly in the many Romanesque cathedrals of the Po Valley, symbols of community pride; the first was the monumental construction of the i m p ressive cathedral in Modena at the end of the 11th c e n t u ry. The masterpiece of a rchitect Lanfranco and sculptor Wiligelmo, who inaugurated here the season of Italian plastic arts, work on the cathedral bro u g h t together in vigorous synthesis all the phases of Western devotion: from Giorgio Morandi, still life, 1952, G. Morandi Museum, Bologna 28 29
VISUAL ARTS Genesis and the Breton King Arthur solemnity of Rimini painters, Wiligelmo which complete Niccolò dell’Arca’s cycle to the crude realism, of influenced by the personality of Telamone, detail of the decorations on the sarcophagus of Provençal origin, of the reliefs of the Giotto, who left in Rimini, in the Sacrifice of Cain and Abel the saint (Nicola Pisano, 1267). Masters of Campione (12th century). Modena, cathedral façade Malatestiano Temple, a splendid Of the works of Nicolò dell’Arca This injection of Romanesque the- Crucifix (1312). from Apulia we may remember the mes into the underlying ancient Late Gothic architecture, repre s e n- Compianto in S. Maria della Vita in heredity is remarkable in the sculp- ted by the Estense castle (1385) in Bologna (1463), a robust synthesis t u res of the Parma baptistery Ferrara and the construction of San of Tuscan and Burgundy culture, (1196); appealing scenes calibrated Petronio in Bologna, initiated by b e f o re moving on to the florid sea- by Benedetto Antelami on the mea- Antonio di Vincenzo in 1390, has son of the renaissance in Ferrara, sure of the building’s Roman monu- its artistic counterpart in the fre- re p resented by the architect Biagio mental aspect, a formula unheeded scoes of Giovanni da Modena in the Rossetti in the “Herculean addi- by the artist of the cycle of the Bolognini chapel (Hell, Paradise, tion” and the Palazzo dei Diamanti months, among the masterpieces at Stories of the Three Kings, 1415), a and by the frescoes of Schifanoia, the Ferrara cathedral museum, in didactic, narrative cycle that intro- where Tura, del Cossa and dè favour of greater realism. duced the rich variety of accents Roberti produced a masterpiece of E u ropean Gothic quickly made its from the 1300s into 1400s’ art. Po Valley humanism accented with presence felt shortly thereafter, Jacopo della Quercia’s sculptures in persistent veins of late-Gothic with many beautiful buildings in the main portal of the S. Petronio courtly style. our region, among which we may Benedetto Antelami, Deposition basilica were finished only a few This was an aristocratic model for note S. Francesco Church in Parma, Cathedral years later (1425), bringing Bologna Lorenzo Costa and Francesco Bologna (1263) or the Piacenza Tuscan artistic tradition, present in Francia, who painted the City Hall, appropriately known as Rimini with the works of Leon Bentivoglio chapel in S. Giacomo the “Gothic” (1281). A visit to the Niccolò dell’Arca, Compianto, detail Bologna, Church of Santa Maria della Vita Battista Alberti, Piero della Maggiore and the oratory of Municipal Medieval Museum in Francesca, Agostino di Duccio and S. Cecilia (1506), cornerstones of Bologna will serve to get an overall Matteo dè Pasti active in the con- Emilian renaissance art inspired by view of the art of that time. struction of the Malatestiano Umbrian-Tuscan art, an influence Vitale da Bologna, in an impre s s i- Temple (1450). In nearby Forlì, that escaped the “irregular” genius ve series of paintings in the Simone Ferrucci from Fiesole, in of Amico Aspertini, another Bologna Pinacoteca (National his masterpiece, the tomb of important artist working in the G a l l e ry), re p resents pictorially the Barbara Manfredi in S. Mercuriale Gian Lorenzo Bernini region. descriptive naturalism seen in the (1466), off e red other provocative Bust of Francesco I d’Este The arrival in Bologna of Raffaello’s tombs of the glossarists. The varied stimuli from central Italian art , Modena, Estense Gallery S. Cecilia in S. Giovanni in Monte n a t u re of the Bologna art scene brought into the region by other (1514, now in the Pinacoteca) contributed in a variety of ways: for authoritative masters of “ foreign” paved the way for the great season instance, Mezzaratta gained works: in Bologna, Paolo Uccello in of Raffaello’s influence in the Po inspiration for his lively, descriptive the church of S. Martino (1437); in Valley, magisterially interpreted by frescoes, reassembled in the the church of S. Domenico Filippino the Modena sculptor Begarelli, Pinacoteca, from the Bolognese Lippi (1501) and Michelangelo, opening the way for Bolognese school of the miniature. This is a Vitale da Bologna who at the age of nineteen sculpted La Madonna dei Denti classicism that would later find its v e ry diff e rent figurative formula Jacopo della Quercia, some of the statues (Angel, Bologna, Davia Bargellini way to Rome with Bologna’s from that of the noble, cadenced Donato Creti, Allegorical figure Noah’s Drunkenness, Right-hand pillar, Bologna, Municipal Collection of Art St. Petronius, St. Procolus, 1494) Museum Annibale Carracci. fourth panel, Bologna, S. Petronio 30 31
VISUAL ARTS Annibale, Agostino and Ludovico w e re the Tuscan Mochi, (Piacenza, p o rtraits of Baldrighi, was bathed C a rracci tried to imitate the man- Piazza Cavalli, Farnese statues, in a Parisian atmosphere very dif- nerist grace of Parmigianino, as in 1625), Algardi (Bologna, S. Paolo, f e rent from that of Jacobin Faenza, the frescoes of Fontanellato (1523) 1644), Bernini (bust of Francesco, represented in the myths and and his masterpieces in the Estense Gallery, 1650), while a rcane fables of Milzetti palace National Gallery of Parma (The architects built spectacular (Felice Giani, 1805) at a time Turkish Slave, Self-portrait), as examples of emphatic theatricality when Enlightenment, rationalism well as the brilliance of Corre g g i o , which constitutes the most and incipient eclecticism had who, in the Camera di S. Paolo important aspect of Emilian a l ready inspired a whole generation in P a rma (1518), translated architecture, for instance, the of reformed architects of Romagna. R a ffaellesque suggestions into Farnese Theatre, the work of The sculptural group at the e rotic seduction before embarking Aleotti and the ducal palaces of Certosa in Bologna and Canova’s on the long adventure of baro q u e Modena and Sassuolo, with their Hebe in Forlì (Pinacoteca Civica) ceilings in the cupola of the cathedral. grandiose façades by Mitelli and i n t roduced the taste for neoclassi- The Carracci frescoes in Bologna Colonna, authoritative promoters cism and the passion for antiquity in the Fava (1584) and Magnani of that style peculiar to our region to which Palagi was greatly (1590) palaces and the decora- that swept through all of Euro p e , indebted. The decorative arts also tions in the Palazzo del Giard i n o c a rried by the many artists fol- offer refined examples in the (1601, the work of Agostino who lowers of the Bibiena family, them- region: the antiques and furn i t u re was Giovanni Lanfranco’s teacher selves scenographers and theatre in the Glauco Lombardi Museum in Parma), are the precursors of a rchitects. Wo rthy of mention are and the Magnani Foundation; the the great altar-pieces in the also Ferdinando, architect of the f u rnished rooms in Milzetti palace Pinacoteca in Bologna, guiding ducal palace of Colorno, Gian and the 19th-century apartment in lights of Bolognese painting of the Giovanni Boldini, The Laskaraki sisters, 1867, Ferrara, Boldini Museum Giacomo Monti, Paolo Canali, Tozzoni palace. 1600s: Domenichino, Albani, Giuseppe De Nittis, Around the lampshade, 1883, Alfonso Torreggiani and Carlo Piacenza, Ricci Oddi Gallery One name for all: Giorgio Morandi, Guido Reni and finally Guercino, Francesco Dotti, famous for the the “painter of bottles” as he has represented with a series of a rcades and sanctuary of S. Luca. been simplistically defined, the paintings in the municipal gallery Painting in the 1700s included the a rtist of light, through which he of Cento. We must take a trip to surprising ceilings frescoed by regenerated objects from nothing, Rimini and Forlì to admire the Giuseppe Maria Crespi in the making them observers. He lives works of Guido Cagnacci, one of Pepoli Campogrande palace, on in the heart of his native city, the most sensual and refined w h e re the presence of an unusual Bologna, through the over 250 painters from Romagna in the popular vein contradicted the paintings exhibited in the Morandi 1600s, while the sanctuary of the local classical ideal, opposite to Museum in Palazzo d’Accursio. Ghiara in Reggio Emilia provides the lightness of Donato Creti, the “ This is the starting point for con- a good selection of the develop- Bolognese Watteau”, who did a t e m p o r a ry art in Emilia-Romagna, ment of Emilian figurative art in the series on the Story of Achilles now which branches out into a thou- 17th c e n t u ry: Ludovico Carr a c c i , at the Communal Collection of Art sand collections and exhibitions, Guercino, Luca Ferrari and in the Accursio palace. among numerous galleries and Alessandro Tiarini. French Parma, as exemplified in public and private museums, art Other illustrious artists present, in the urbanistic plans of Petitot, the Christian Boltansky, Les Regards, 1996, Bologna, academies, shows such as Art e the field of baroque sculpture , Giovanni da Modena, Wise men’s sea voyage Antonio Canova, Hebe permanent collection, Modern Art Museum Bologna, S. Petronio, Bolognini Chapel Forlì, Pinacoteca Civica sculptures of Boudard and the Fiera and experimental centres. 32 33
VISUAL ARTS The MAMbo - Museum of Modern contemporary art: Art of Bologna - periodically holds the most recent have exhibitions in its new premises, been dedicated to “ex Forno del Pane”, a form e r monographic documenta- Bakery, opened in May 2007, and tion of artists such as at Villa delle Rose, dedicating an Lucio Fontana, Luigi “open space” to young emerging Veronesi and Enzo Cucchi; talents. The permanent collection among its most important includes works ranging in time acquisitions are the over from the Roman Secession to the one thousand works of Francesco Francia painters society Giovanni Fattori, photographer Franco of the 1920s and the artists in the Mounted patrol, 1861- Fontana and the collection following decade gravitating 1864, Piacenza, Ricci of contemporaneous around the review “l’Orto”. Oddi Museum design. The most important currents from Many other collections of the post-war period to the present modern and contemporaneous art day are also represented. are available in the region: among I n t e rnationally important exhibi- the private galleries it will be tions of the masterpieces of Monet, enough to mention the Ricci Oddi Chagall and Gauguin, to name but Antonio Fontanesi, Poplars, 1868-70, Piacenza, Ricci Oddi Gallery Gallery of Modern Art in Piacenza, a few, are shown in the Palazzo dei with paintings of the 1900s Diamanti in Ferrara, a part of the including La Madre by Boccioni. municipal Galleries of Modern Art. Gilbert & George, Sleeping, 1991, Bologna, The important Magnani Rocca Palazzo Massari, the other section permanent collection, Modern Art Museum Foundation at Mamiano di of the Galleries, houses the Boldini Traversetolo in the province of Museum with works from the 19th Parma exhibits among others and 20th centuries, from the works of Durer, Tiziano, Rubens, Ferrara “divisionisti” to the rooms Goya, but also Monet, Renoir, dedicated to Roberto Melli and Cézanne down to De Pisis, Filippo De Pisis, as well as two Morandi and Burri among the exhibition areas reserved for moderns, besides sculptures of modern and contemporaneous art. Canova and Lorenzo Bartolini. Futurists such as Enrico And finally, in Romagna there is Prampolini, the Roman school up the Tito Balestra Foundation in to the realists (Renato Guttuso) Longiano, with numerous works of and the abstractionists (Afro, Mino Maccari, and the Vero Giuseppe Capogrossi, Renato Stoppioni Pinacoteca in Santa Birolli) are shown in the Modern Sofia, which, besides carrying on Art Gallery of Forlì, while in the tradition of the Campigna Modena the Municipal Gallery, Prize, conserves many works of born in 1958 as the Hall of Mattia Moreni. Culture, holds exhibits of Filippo De Pisis, Vase of flowers, 1937, Gaetano Previati, Stealing the Lord’s Body, Ferrara, around 1900, Carlo Carrà, Haystacks, 1929, Piacenza, Ricci Oddi Gallery Piacenza, Ricci Oddi Gallery Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art 34 35
My library was a dukedom big enough. LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES (William Shakespeare) E milia-Romagna possesses an extraordinary wealth of libraries and archives which conserve and make available to the public a priceless heritage which is constantly expanding and developing. During the Middle Ages there were clerks who copied folios: these were the parts in which – in true entrepreneurial style – the works of the masters were subdivi- ded so that they could be copied at the same time and then distributed among the students who flocked to Bologna from all over the reading world. In the closing decades of the fourteenth century business was brisk in the typesetting trade as the art of Gutenberg gained recognition: names Malatestiana Library, Cesena 36 37
LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES like Benedetto Faelli, right Libraries Museums and Cultural Heritage, The International Children’s Book and historical archives has been coordinating and imple - through to Bodoni in the 1700s, menting a regional library policy Fair in Bologna is a date in the are now known to experts and non- in Emilia-Romagna which aims at standardizing proce - diary of the world’s book trade: In Emilia-Romagna there are dures for cataloguing and retrieval e x p e rts alike. Through the and once again Emilia-Romagna state-owned libraries, local of information in conformity with centuries a publishing industry municipal libraries and libraries national and international norms. finds itself, by virtue of its books, run by the Church (about 1300). It also promotes re-ordering opera - developed which had its share of at the crossroads where ideas are Together they form an immense tions and the inventorying of histo - c o l o u rful personalities which cultural heritage. Roughly 460 of rical archives: after the activities translated into words and images. them are local libraries dispersed aimed at their enhancement, with grew, and continue to grow, in this Where library and publishing throughout the region and perfor - inventories and reordering, techni - f e rtile topsoil. Links with ming an inestimable service to their cal support and staff training, new facilities keep abreast of the users. Local libraries alone account services were opened to the public, Academe, school and the art world industry’s latest developments for some 14 million volumes, both often along with library ones. The have always been strong. The ancient and modern, and 127,000 a rchives of Giosue Carducci, and welcome visitors from all over periodicals. The only example of an Marini Moretti, Riccardo Bachelli, mention of the names Zanichelli, the reading world. ancient library which has survived Giuseppe Ung aretti, Cesare Guanda, Franco Maria Ricci, intact to the present day, is the Zavattini and Luciano Anceschi Malatestiana Library, Cesena University Library, Great Hall, Bologna extremely interesting Malatestiana are all on Emilia-Romagna’s soil. F o rni, Pàtron, Il Mulino and library in Cesena, set up by the Maggioli is enough to make the express wishes of Malatesta Novello in the Fourteenth century. Other point. Theirs was a cultivated and world famous libraries are: the stimulating environment which set Archiginnasio and Sala Borsa libraries in Bologna, Ravenna’s great store by its legacy of books, Classense, Reggio-Emilia’s Panizzi, documents and native writers. the Ariostea in Ferrara, the Palatina in Parma, Rimini’s Today there are newspapers, Gambalunga and Modena’s Estense magazines, periodicals of every Library. All of them contain collections and bequests which tell description, cigarette cards – Classense Library, Ravenna the story of their close links with everyone has heard of Panini – local – and not so local –culture. To this list of libraries we should then and multi-media publications. add the historical archives which Various forms of the written word belong to local authorites, cultural institutes and research centres which, now as in the past, find which form an integral part of the their readers who come to consult region's cultural heritage. Since 1983 Emilia-Romagna’s Superintendent them in the same centuries-old for books and documents - then libraries. Department for Libraries, Archives, Trisi Library, Lugo 38 39
Give to me the life I love, Let the lave go by me, Give the jolly heaven above NATURAL HERITAGE And the byway night me. (R.L. Stevenson) N ature and culture. In parks and gardens the very stones breathe the air and an invisible thread runs between the world a round us and our interpretation of nature. That’s why the museum becomes a journey along the paths of the Apennines, along the shore- line on the longest beach in Europe, boating down the Po through the telescoping tre e s which lead to ancient villas. Rocks f rom the Tertiary period stand out along the ridge of Mount Cimone. They are the oldest rocks in a Po delta regional park, salt pans, Cervia 40 41
NATURAL HERITAGE geologically “young” (no more than The great outdoors in Emilia-Romagna 50-70 million years old) and “unstable” region, ranging from F o u rteen regional parks, fifteen regional nature reser - the Apennines to the River Po. ves, plus two national parks With a sea view. The natural land- and one interregional, several state nature reserves and many scapes on display to the visitor historic parks and gardens, show the peaks of Mount Cusna, make up the green areas of Emilia-Romagna, equal to 11,8 Mount Cimone and Mount Corno per cent of the entire territory. alle Scale, which rise to a coy F rom the regional park “Boschi di Carrega”, a game- 2,000 metres and then tail off to reserve for Parmesan noble - form a well-behaved band of hills. men under as early as the Farnese dynasty, to the forests A landscape formed of stratified of Casentino, whose history is reliefs and sedimentary rock stai- Monte Sole, historical park, Bologna bound up with the monks of ned by layers of gypsum where Camaldoli. There is the protec - ted area of the Po Delta, calanchi, friable clay landslips, between Ferrara and National park of Tuscan-Emlian Apennines, Lavacchiello Falls gouge furrows in the upper flanks Ravenna, through whose rare - fied mists emerge like distant of the valleys. And we descend recollections the Pomposa once more to the flatlands of the abbey, among the most precious examples of Romanesque art , plain, divided up into squares by the Etruscan Necropolis in the ancient Romans. It’s the Spina, the mosaics at Sant’ Apollinare in Classe and the alluvial plain of the Po valley, Este castle in Mesola. The itine - which opens onto the sea, borne rary, rich in unique, stunning scenery, changes rapidly fro m along by the great river itself. snowy peaks to lowland mar - The Delta widens out and fresh shes. Forests of beeches, chest - water meets sea-air where the nut-trees, conifers and rare Piacenziano and Stirone river regional park, the canyon at San Nicomede, Parma Po delta regional park, Volano Interregional park Sasso Simone e Simoncello, Pietrarubbia Castle 42 43
NATURAL HERITAGE marsh was reclaimed and the natural vegetation was replaced by vineyards and orchards, except for the woods of Mesola, full of fat-columned oaks, and for a pine-forest near Ravenna where ever since ancient times man has pre f e rred the Mediterranean pine to the white poplar and the ash. Badland formations in Parco dei Gessi and Calanchi Sassi di Roccamalatina regional park, Onferno nature reserve, caves of Onferno, Rimini Piocene spur nature reserve, Adone Mount, Bologna dell’Abbadessa regional park, Bologna Modena flowers cover the Western area of the Roccamalatina Stones and the Groppi Bolognese Apennines. Meanwhile the Rossi in the Berceto park, where the peak of Mount Cimone dominates the ancient village of Corchia stands out. If a “Corno alle Scale” park and the neigh - walk through history and nature is your bouring Upper Modenese Apennines thing, why not climb Mount Sole, which Park, sharing a border with Tuscany. sadly g ained notoriety for the massacre The national park of the Tosco-Emilian by Nazi-Fascists of local partisans in Apennines extends along the north 1944. Alternatively, visit the Monteveglio Apennine ridge of Reggio; while gypsum Abbey and its intact Medieval village. outcrops in the hills of Romagna cha - Other protected areas include the river racterize the parco della Vena del Gesso Ta ro, which attracts an incredible variety Romagnola (chalk seam park). In the of birdlife, and the Stirone, which flows province of Bologna in the gypsum park between walls rich in fossils and is domi - and in the “Calanchi dell’Abbadessa” nated by the castles of Vigoleno and badlands, visitors can explore under - Scipione. ground thanks to the karstic phenome - The Onferno natural reserve stands out non which has produced a network of for its seven different species of bat; the over 200 caves, one of the most extensive reserve of Salse di Nirano for its curious, gypsum cave systems in Europe. In little volcanoes produced by salty mud Castelnovo Monti the square outline of emissions; and the reserve of Fontanili di the Bismantova Stone is easily discerned; Corte Valle Re, where some import a n t it rivals the sandstone pinnacles of the plain springs are protected. Foreste Casentinesi national park, Falterona Mount, Campigna Po delta regional park, pink flamingo 44 45
Music does not address itself to the rational mind. MUSIC It’s a kind of structure you can’t explain. (Anthony Burgess) T o attempt a description of Emilia- Romagna’s musical life is not sim- detailed ple. It is perhaps best understood as an answer to a calling and, above all, to a hierarchy of relationships, a network of responses to an artistic and theatrical stimulus which at various moments in the region’s history has assu- med various forms and directions. It would be helpful to think of the entire region as a royal court, an ideal society whose musical life develops around the work of the great reigning dyna- sties such as the Este in Ferrara and Modena, the Papal State in Bologna (at Maestro Arturo Toscanini 48 49
MUSIC that time it was already one of the Italian peninsula’s chief centres of music and cultural exchange between North and South), the Farnese, the Bourbon and the Habsburg dynasties in Parma and Piacenza. The specific weight of the people’s musical aptitude is gal- Regio Theatre, 19th cent., Parma. Concert conducted by G. Gavazzeni, vanized by this legacy and finds Messa di Requiem by G. Verdi, Parma concrete expression via administra- A living, productive tive structures designed and set up cultural model with the express purpose of optimi- The structures operating today in the region are the true expression zing the relationship between musi- of its cultural history: the Bologna cal supply and demand. Municipal Theatre Foundation, the six traditional theatres of Organizational structures which Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Ferrara and Ravenna, a were to bear lasting fruit since the multitude of small and medium- patterns adopted in the Po plain sized historical theatres, the T h e a t re Association of Emilia- were immediately taken up by Romagna (ATER), a pioneering venture to bring concerted regio - international centres of thought, nal planning to the arts. Born of fashion and ideas. the need to coordinate and stream - line policy, programming and pro - This musical identity, the expres- duction, ATER paved the way for Aterballetto and the Regional sion of a collective heritage based Orchestra and, most recently, the on a shared sensibility, is epitomi- Arturo Toscanini Foundation, the region’s chief source of musical Romolo Valli Theatre, 19th cent., Reggio Emilia Giuseppe Verdi Theatre, 19th cent., Busseto 50 51
MUSIC zed in landmarks like Corelli and Paganini (the latter laying the foun- dations for what was to become the modern orchestra when he was with the Orchestra Ducale di Parma in the first half of the nineteenth cen- tury), Padre Martini (with whom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart studied. The young composer went to Arturo Toscanini at Bayreuth with Winfred Bologna in 1769 and brilliantly Wagner in 1931 passed the examination to become a Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini full member of the prestigious Luciano Pavarotti with the Emilia-Romagna Symphony Orchestra Arturo Toscanini P h i l h a rmonic Academy of Bologna), production which runs the Emilia-Romagna Orchestra, Rolla, Paer and on to Toscanini and dedicated to serving the region Emilia-Romagna Symphony Orchestra Arturo in terms of concerts and opera - Pizzetti. It is thanks to Giuseppe Toscanini tics as well as the “educational” Verdi, however, the high point, the sector for schools, and for the Filarmonica Art u ro Toscanini, most significant episode in a long an excellent orchestra of inter - national standing which repre - line of memorable musical expe- sents the region’s contribution to riences, that the region’s energ i e s the exclusive circle of gre a t Italian symphonic orchestras. drifting on the current of Italian These organizations constitute the various segments of the melodrama, were channelled in a region’s multi-faceted produc - tion system, organized to chan - new direction towards the tenets and nel and foster new development guiding principals of Central on the historic and cultural heri - tage of this land. E u ropean culture . Maestro G. Gavazzeni Girolamo Magnani Municipal Theatre, 19th cent., Municipal Theatre, 18th cent., Bologna Fidenza 52 53
Celebrating is much more than just an expression of individual happiness, it is an experience. It means loving others, FESTIVALS accepting them, laughing with them. (Douglas R. Stuva) T he spirit of fun and the love of music, of theatre and of life itself of the people of Emilia- Romagna is reflected in the region’s historical reconstructions and medieval fairs. Jazz and blues music accompany the buskers who also bring with them the sound of the Celtic harp and African drum into the heart of Ferrara. It also pervades the dance and theatre season which f e a t u res distinguished names both in the classical and contemporary A place for public demonstration and solidarity, the piazza has the magical power to transform art into a popular event 54 55
FESTIVALS p e rf o rming arts. That’s entert a i n- ment! – Emilia-Romagna style. When in summer the theatres thro w open their doors and drag their audiences out into squares, cloisters and court y a rds; when city centers come alive and period architecture p rovides the perfect setting to be “moved by concord of sweet sound”. With this in mind, the Region plans a “tour through history”, placing the traditional themes of music, tourism Pat Metheny, Ravenna Jazz 2017 and architectural heritage side by Gran Final, Porretta Soul Festival 2012 Chick Corea-Steve Gadd Band, side with cinema, ballet and gastro- This is where the stage is set Bologna Jazz Festival 2017 nomy. This is designed to shine the Great celebrations, concerts and festivals in keeping with the theme of showing our of great interpreters and international stars, well as region’s architectural heritage to advanta ge. During the summer there are festivals in “Ravenna Jazz”, “Crossroads” brings the cities spotlight on the region’s immense practically all small towns and cities. The outstanding events are: the great symphony t o g e t h e r, the “Porretta Soul Festival” in Porre t t a concerts and performances of commissioned works at Ravenna Festival; the famous Terme, is dedicated to blues, and gathers together lovers wealth of cultural and natural Malatesta Classical Music Festival, each year devoted to a specific aspect of classical of this Afro-American music, and “Jazz in’it” of Vi g n o l a music. Summer in Bologna always brings a fine entertainment series in Piazza Ma ggiore exhibits musical influences ranging from the resources, and to increase public and in dozens of other locations. The courts and courtyards of ancient palaces and castles Mediterranean to the Atlantic. Ferrara plays host to the a w a reness of the entertainment and come alive with concerts in Piacenza, Modena and the Province of Bologna. Buskers Festival, the most important event devoted to Among those events not to be missed are “Mundus”, Italy’s most complete series of World s t reet entertainment in Italy, and perhaps even in p e rf o rmance opportunities off e re d Music, hosted by Reggio Emilia and “Ferrara sotto le stelle”, which offers the city’s public Europe. Ancient music too has its important space with Buskers Festival, Ferrara Jazz and original music by singers/songwriters. Every year Sarsina pays homage to the Festival “Grandezze& Meraviglie” which takes by the regional system. In this way Plautus with a summer season of classical drama. Of particular note are the place in Modena where is also set the remarkable the region becomes one large stage S a n t a rcangelo Festival, which for decades has presented the best in experimental theatre Festival VIE dedicated to the contemporary scenes. If p rojects from Italy and abroad, and the “Arrivano dal mare” (they come from the sea ), a you want to relive the past all you have to do is attend o ffering its citizens and visitors a festival devoted to puppet theatre. one of the traditional Palios, held just about everywhe - During the autumn season, the Festival Ve rdi, a real celebration of the great cultural and re, Medieval celebrations such as those held in chance to enjoy themselves. historical icon, takes place in Parma, and moreover the Parma Theatre Festival, which Brisighella, complete with learned conventions and A cultural tourism strategy which gives exposures to various trends in international experimental theatre. Noteworthy p e rf o rmances of miracle plays, or follow a procession events in Bologna include “Bologna Festival” devoted to traditional classic music, like those in places once under Mathilda of Canossa. enhances, both at national and “Angelica”, a festival dedicated to contemporary and experimental music, and “Gender Amongst the full calendar of cultural events throughout Bender” a rich festival exploring the theme of gender identity. In the Province of Bologna, the year, the festival “Organi antichi”, organized in E u ropean level, Emilia-Romagna’s “Emilia Roma gna Festival” reaches a wide audience through lots of concerts all over the different locations in and around Bologna, gives terr i t o ry. From classical music to jazz and blues. The “Bologna Jazz Festival” is the sta ge p rominence to the wealth of fine organs in the are a . image as a region of culture . 56 57
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