Page created by Amanda Juarez


                                                                 ABBREVIATIONS LIST
6    Introduction
                                                                 GUST       Graduate University of Science and Technology

8    A message from the president                                ISI        Institute for Scientific Information
                                                                 IT         Information Technology
11   Organizational chart                                        LIDAR      Light Detection And Ranging
                                                                 MOST       Ministry of Science and Technology
12   Highlights in 2018
                                                                 MoU        Memorandum of Understanding

17   Priority directions in scientific research and technology   NAFOSTED   National   Foundation      for   Science   and   Technology
     development                                                            Development
                                                                 NGO        Non - Governmental Organization
18   Fundamental research
                                                                 ODA        Official Development Assistance
                                                                 SCI        Science Citation Index
20   Information Technology - Electronics - Automation - Space
     Technology                                                  SCI-E      Science Citation Index Expanded
                                                                 S&T        Science and Technology
23   Biotechnology                                               VAST       Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
                                                                 VNMN       Vietnam National Museum of Nature
29   Materials science
                                                                 VNSC       Vietnam National Satellite Center

32   Biodiversity and biological active substances

37   Earth sciences

41   Marine science and technology

45   The Environment And Energy

49   Technology application and development

53   Training activities

58   International cooperation activities

62   Investment to strengthen research capabilities and
     Technology deployment

65   Activities of key laboratories

68   Information, publishing and museum activities

81   Plans for the year 2019

83   Some Important Statistics

V   ietnam Academy of Science
    and Technology (VAST) is a
government agency, previously
known as Vietnam Academy of
Science, established in 1975 by
decree 118/CP dated May 20th, 1975
and issued by the former Council of
the Vietnam Government. VAST is
committed to:                                                    >3.500                                          2.582
- Carrying out basic research in                                Staff members                          Permanent staff members
natural sciences and technology
- Providing objective grounds for
S & T (science and technology)
management, policy and strategy
making     and      socio-economic
development planning;
- Training high quality human                   54               183                    28             925         1186          211
resources for S&T.                            Professors   Associate Professors   Dortors of Science   Dortors     Masters   High-level staff


V    AST aspires to be a leading
     national          multidisciplinary
research center for S&T of world
class standards recognized both
regionally and internationally, to
fulfill its roles and responsibilities in
driving scientific, technological and
social development of Vietnam and
its global integration.

                                                           Distribution of staff members according to degrees and titles

                                                                                                                                        VAST IN FIGURES

  from the President
                                                                                                                              Scientific publications (increased
                                                                                                                             by 14.5% compared to 2017),
                                                                                                                            of which 984 were articles in                        New books published
    Looking back over the past year, VAST has achieved encouraging accomplishments, comprehensive                           international journals (increased
development in all aspects.                                                                                                 by 10.8% compared to 2017);
    Being a leading scientific research institution of the country, the VAST published 2,096 papers (up 14.5%
compared to 2017); many of them were published in the high impact factor journals. In addition, application
research and technology deployment have been promoted, the Academy has been granted 50 Patents for
Invention and Utility Models (up 25% compared to 2017), and it has successfully published 51 monographs.

The units under the Academy have participated in the selection and implementation of 1,712 science and
technology contracts, which range from deep majors to multi-disciplines, and from basic science to application.               Science     and      technology

                                                                                                                                                                       > 940
    Simultaneously, other science and technology activities have also achieved good results. These include
                                                                                                                              projects and tasks, science and
                                                                                                                             technology contracts at different                 billion VND - Total funding for
operation of VNREDSat-1, and completion and operation of “Strengthening the network of earthquake
                                                                                                                           levels;                                             development of S&T and tech-
observation stations for the tsunami warning” project. Furthermore, we will continue to implement the Tay
Nguyen 3 Program and Space Science and Technology project.                                                                                                                     nology transfer
    The Graduate University of Science and Technology (GUST) and the University of Science and Technology
of Hanoi (USTH) offer stable training activities and they have opened new courses. Additionally, the Vietnam
National Museum of Nature continue to be stable, especially the Oceanographic Museum has attracted a
number of tourists that has exceeded targets, which is extremely encouraging.
    The quality of human resources in VAST has continued to improved. For example, the Youth Support               95        New species of plants and
                                                                                                                             animals discovered by VAST
Program after 5 years of implementation has been able to attract many highly qualified cadres with 953
PhD’s and Doctors of Science in 2018, up 10% compared to 2017. This is the first year that the Academy
has implemented the program to support high-level researchers with the goal of supporting and developing
specialized research directions. Although it is still in its early phases, it has been able to achieve very
encouraging results.
                                                                                                                                                                       2.198   957 PhD students; 536 Master;
                                                                                                                                                                               705 Students;
    International co-operation has additionally been expanded by VAST. VAST cooperated with The Russian
Academy of Sciences in 2018 to conduct a joint survey of the Vietnamese sea by the ship “Academician

Oparin” to launch the “Roadmap for cooperation in the field of marine scientific research between VAST and
                                                                                                                             International bidding research
FEB RAS period 2018-2025”.
    VAST counselled to the Party and Government policies, especially the national strategy on Industry 4.0.
    Following the success of 2018, VAST in 2019 is extremely determined to fulfil all of the tasks, contributing

deservedly to the development of the country in the new era.

                                                                                                                                                                               Observation stations in 14

                                                                                                                                                                               research    institutes located
                                                                                                                                                                               throughout in the 35 provinces
                                                                                                                             Patents and Utility Solutions                     and cities.

                                                Prof.Acad.Chau Van Minh
                                 President of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

                                                     8                                                                                                             9
     DIRECTORATES                                                                            ORGANIZATIONAL CHART

                                                                                                                                                      DIRECTORATE                                Scientific
                                Prof. Acad. Chau Van Minh
                                                                                              Department of Organization and Personnel                                           Institute of Mathematics
                                Prof. Acad. Chau Van Minh is responsible for all VAST
                                activities: strategy and develepment projects, planning            Department of Planning and Finance                                                Institute of Physics

                                financial activities, organizational and administrative       Department of Application & Development of Technology                                Institute of Chemistry

                                activities, international cooperation management and
                                                                                              Department of International Cooperation                                   Institute of Natural Products Chemistry
                                                                                                          Department of Inspection                                                Institute of Mechanics

                                                                                               Administration Office (Representative Office in                        Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources
                                                                                                            Ho Chi Minh City)
                                                                                                                                                                                  Institute of Geophysics
                                                                                                Publishing House for Natural Science and Technology
                                                                                                                                                                             Institute of Geological Sciences
                                                                                                    Vietnam National Museum of Nature
                                                                                                                                                                                  Institute of Geography
                                                                                                      Institute for Scientific Information
                                                                                                                                                                                Institute of Oceanography
                                                                                                 Center for High Technology Development
                                                                                                                                                                    Institute of Marine Environment and Resources
                                                                                                   Center for Informatics and Computing
                                                                                                                                                                     Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics
                                                                                                Center for Research and Technology Transfer
                                                                                                                                                                               Institute of Energy Science
                                                                                              Graduate University of Science and Technology
                                                                                                                                                                              Institute of Materials Science
                                                                                               University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
                                                                                                                                                                          Institute of Information Technology

                                                                                               Institute of Applied Physics & Sci. Instruments                                  Institute of Biotechnology

                                                                                                     Hochiminh city Institute of Physics                                 Institute of Environmental Technology
       Vice President           Vice President: Assoc. Prof.Dr.        Vice President
Prof.Dr. Sc. Nguyen Dinh Cong           Phan Van Kiem             Prof.Dr. Phan Ngoc Minh
                                                                                              Hochiminh city Institute of Resources Geography                               Institute of Chemical Technology

    is responsible for                is responsible for              is responsible for        Mien Trung Institute for Scientific Research                                   Space Technology Institute

    scientific research         organization and personnel            organization and                                                                              Institute of Mechanics and Applied Informatics
                                                                                                        Southern Institute of Ecology
 management, planning            management, inspection           personnel management,
 and finance, application        activies (Until Nov. 2018).        inspection activities,                                                                                     Institute of Tropical Biology

   and deployment of                                               higher education and                      STATE ENTERPRISEL                                              Institute for Tropical Technology
        technology.                                                postgraduate training.                Newtatco Company Limited
                                                                                                                                                                         Institute of Applied Materials Science

                                                                                                                                                                    Nha Trang Institute of Technology Research & Application
                                                                                               SELF-FINANCING UNITS:
                                                                                               1. Center for Technology and Technique                                      Institute of Marine Bio-Chemistry
                                                                                               2. Scientific Production Union of Telecommuni-
                                                                                               cations - Informatics Hi-Tech                                                 Vietnam National Space Center
                                                                                               3. Scientific Production Union of Telecommuni-
                                                                                               cations - Informatics Hi-Tech                                           Tay Nguyen Institute of Scientific Research
                                                                                               4. Scientific Production Union of Telecommuni-
                                                                                               cations - Informatics Hi-Tech                                                  Institute of Genome Research

                                              10                                                                                                          11

                              Highlights in 2018                                                Discovering of the relics of prehistoric
                                                                                                people at volcanic cave in Krong No,
                                                                                                Dak Nong Province

                                                                                                With the discovery of the relics of prehistoric
                                                                                                people at a volcanic cave in Vietnam, researchers
                                                                                                have subsequently been able to supply a new
                                                                                                type of resident of prehistoric people in the
                                                                                                basalt soil in Tay Nguyen. This is big turning
                                                                                                point for anthropology in Vietnam.
                                                                                                The prehistoric people from the cave are
                                                                                                commonly known in the world, but the
                                                                                                prehistoric people discovered in the volcanic
                                                                                                                                                    The sample found at volcanic cave in
                                                                                                cave have not yet been published. Therefore,           Krong No, DakNong Province
                                    Chu Ngoc Anh, Minister of Science and Technology awarded    the relics discovered in Vietnam provide a
                Dr. Tran DinhPhong and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Hung the Prize on 05/20/2018
                                                                                                convincing scientific argument to restore life of
                              The work “Coordination polymer structure                          the prehistoric people and to build a geo park
                              and revisited hydrogen evolution catalytic                        in Dak Nong.
                          mechanism for amorphous molybdenum sulfide”
                            Dr. Tran Dinh Phong - Dean of Basic and Applied Science
                            Department, University of Science and Technology of Ha-
                            noi (USTH), is awarded the Ta Quang Buu Prize in 2018.
                                                                                                A MODEL OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT IN HA TINH FORMOSA COMPANY ON
                                                                                                THE AREA OF 43,000M2
Machine produces snow ice from
sea water for offshore fishing

The machine that produces snow ice from
seawater has been made from materials
that are resistant to seawater corrosion.
Hence, it is easy to select the water and
adjust the density of the snow ice according
to certain temperature. Furthermore, the
strengths of seafood preservation by
snow ice are prolonging the storage time
of fish on board, (aiding) speeding up of
seafood cooling, and better overall quality
of seafood. Thus decreasing the amount
of bad quality seafood and contributing
to environmental protection.                     Machine produces snow ice from sea water
                                                            for offshore fishing

                                           12                                                                                              13

                                                                                   DETERMINATION OF GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE
    Detecting of new                                                               CONTINENTAL SHELF IN THE CENTER OF THE NORTH– HOANG SA BASED ON
     branches of the                                                               GEOPHYSICAL DOCUMENTS
    DNA of Vietnamese                                                              The thesis has established
   and Characteristic                                                              a deep geological structure
         genotype                                                                  map of 1: 500,000 scale,
     agglomeration                                                                 identified 5 points of
     in the period of                                                              continental slope in the
    Dong Son culture                                                               study area according to
  (Institute of Genome                                                             Clause 4 (b), Article 76,
        Research)                                                                  UNCLOS 1982. The results
                                                                                   also pointed out that the
                                                                                   continental and ocean
                                                                                   transition      boundaries
                                                                                   are outside the study
                                                                                   area to the east, which
                                                                                   is the scientific evidence
                                                                                   affirming that Hoang Sa
                 Diversity and                                                     archipelago locates on the
       distribution of haploid                                                     continental shelf extended
         F which is one of the                                                     from the mainland.            Map of continental slope points determining boundary of the
      main group of Vietnam                                                                                      Vietnamese continental shelf under Clause 4 (b), Article 76,
                   population.                                                                                                          UNCLOS 1982

                                                                                                                                  The monograph “Monitoring
Discovering of 95 new animals and plants which based on recording                                                                    results of earthquake
of living fossil specimens through geological periods used to science                                                             observation network in 2017”
and studying of isolated map off 433 plant species (belong to 133
                                                                                                                               This book introduces the latest results
                                                                                                                               of seismic activities from a station
                                                                                                                               system located in Vietnam.

           The hallmark of SyzygiumhonbaenseTagane in Hon Ba, V.S. Dang & Yahara

                                         14                                                                                  15
By Nov 2018, VAST has been granted 50 Intellectual Property patents, including 15           PRIORITY
Inventions, 35 Utility Solutions. The number of patents granted over last 7 years: 08
patents in 2011, 15 patents in 2012, 17 patents in 2013, 15 patents in 2014, 18 patents
in 2015, 29 patents including 12 Patents for Invention and 17 for utility Solutions in
2016, 40 patents including 20 Patents for Invention and 20 for utility Solutions in


                                                                                                                                                 Intellectual property: Until 30/11/2018,            Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Earth
                                                                                                                                                 VAST was granted 50 intellectual property           Science, Agricultural Biology, Biomedical
                                                                                                                                                 titles, including 15 patents and 35 utility         and Mechanics (According to statistics of
                                                                                                                                                 solutions. The number of the titles according       topics in the period 2013-2018).
                                                                                                                                                 to the years shown: 8 titles in 2011, 15 titles
                                                                                                                                                                                                     This year, VAST has had scientists who
                                                                                                                                                 in 2012, 17 titles in 2013, 15 titles in 2014,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     continuously receive the prestigious Ta
                                                                                                                                                 18 titles in 2015, 29 titles (12 patents and
                                                                                                                                                 17 utility solutions) in 2016, and 40 titles (20    Quang Buu Prize. He is PhD. Tran Dinh Phong
                                                                                                                                                 patents and utility solutions) in 2017.             (USTH) who is the main author of the Physics
                                                                                                                                                                                                     work “Coordination polymer structure
                                                                                                                                                 In 2018, VAST had 8 projects on the Basic
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and revisited hydrogen evolution catalytic
                                                                                                                                                 Science Development Program in the field
                                                                                                                                                                                                     mechanism for amorphous molybdenum
                                                                                                                                                 of Chemistry, Life Science, Earth Science, and
                                                                                                                                                 Marine Science and Technology, which has            sulphide”. The work is published in Nature
                                                                                                                                                 been approved by the Prime Minister for the         Materials, which is one of the leading
                                                                                                                                                 period of 2017-2025.                                journals about Material Science in the world.
                                                                                                                                                 In the first phase in 2018, VAST was sponsored      Vietnam Journal of Mathematic (VJM) and
                                                                                                                                                 29 of total 146 research topics. The topics         Acta Mathematic Vietnamica have continued
                                                  Fundamental research                                                                           are divided into 8 research directions              to be on the ESCI list with 0.27 (Q3) Simago
                                                                                                                                                 which are Mathematics, Information and              index (Scopus).
                                                                          M.A. Nguyen Tuong Lan
                                                                  Institute for Scientific Information

       ffirming its strength in fundamental        an average of 1 international publication.
       research, the Academy has strongly          Besides, VAST has also published 51 science
       promoted international publication,         and technology monographs.
and encouraging intellectual property              UNESCO has recognized and has supported
registration in order to create a legal premise    02 centres in mathematics and physics
for application activities.                        at VAST, which have been operated since
In 2018, affiliated units at VAST implemented      mid-2018. They organized international
813 topics and research projects, which            classes and attracted prestigious to conduct
contained 20 research projects from the            research.
international fund.
VAST raised the quality and quantity of
scientific works in 2018. There was a total of
2,096scientific works (up 14.5% compared
to 2017), including 984 international articles
(up 10.8% compared to the previous year). In
addition, there were 735 articles published
in prestigious international journals with
ISI standards (up 6.8% compared to 2017)
and papers published in journals with high
impact factors. Due to these results, on
                                                            The total number of articles   The total number of      The total number of
                                                            in the SCI, SCI-E journals     international articles   research results published

average, each institute official has published
                                                    Bar chart of distribution of published works of
01 project per year and each PhD achieved                         VAST (2011 - 2018)

                                              18                                                                                                                                                    19

                                                                                                    The monitoring system has been tested
                                                                                                    on Nhat Tan bridge, Hanoi. When vehicles
                                                                                                    commute over the bridge, the vibration
                                                                                                    signals will be automatically measured by
                                                                                                    the vibration sensor installed on the bridge
                                                                                                    and these signals will then be transfrerred
                                                                                                    to the server computer via 4G network. The
                                                                                                    vibration amplitude and natural frequencies
                                                                                                    of the bridge will be searched and analysed
                                                                                                    for structural health monitoring.
                                                                                                    The vibration sensors are installed
                                                                                                    permanently on the bridge for the online
                                                                                                    monitoring of the bridge, which is based on             EyeBall object remotely observation sphere
                                                                                                    the vibration signals of the bridge subjected
                                                                                                    to the moving vehicles, accidents on the
                                                                                                    bridge, collisions between ships and the
    Vibration sensors used
        in the system                                                                               bridge structure, earthquakes and storms.
                                                                                                    This is in order to warn of sudden events and
                                                                                                    forecast the damage of the bridge.
                                      Information Technology -                                      Information Technology
                                      Electronics - Automation -                                    Project: “VAST01.10/17-18. Designing object
                                              Space Technology                                      remotely observation system for security
                                                                                                    operations”(MSc. Pham Ngoc Minh, Institute
                                                                  Prof. Dr. Phan Ngoc Minh          of Information Technology): A remote
                                                                Chairman of Scientific Council      observation system (EyeBall) was successfully
                                                                                                    designed and manufactured by the project.
                                                                                                                                                           Information transfer method of EyeBall object
                                                                                                    The EyeBall Object Remotely Observation                        remotely observation system
In 2018, in the field of Information             system for online structural health monitoring”.
                                                                                                    System includes a wireless receiving and
Technology, Electronics, Automation and          The vibration instrument system for online
                                                                                                    recording sphere-shaped equipment, central
Space Technology (VAST01), 26 projects           structural health monitoring includes the                                                             mountains. The remote observation system
                                                                                                    controller, portable display device (PDU)
have been carried out with a budget of 15,5      online vibration sensors, software installed                                                          can be used in prevention of terrorism and
                                                                                                    and electric charger to keep the sphere in
billions VND, including 06 extended projects,    in a server for controlling the vibration          operation.                                         hostage abduction to name a few.
10 transferred projects (2017 - 2018) and 10     sensors and software installed in an analysis
new research projects (2018 - 2019). Among       computer for vibration signal processing.          The spherical receiving and recording device       Space Technology
some of the projects from the period of                                                             has the advantages of being very mobile
                                                 The vibration signals of the bridge will be        and it is able to automatically balance            Project: “VAST01.08/17-18. Research, design
2016 - 2017, 04 projects were completed
                                                 measured automatically by the vibration            the position. The sphere has the ability to        and simulation of an Earth Observation
and successfully evaluated, and 06 projects
                                                 sensors and the signals will be transferred        provide continuous monitoring of audio and         satellite in coordination with VNREDSat-1”
are expected to be completted in early 2019.
                                                 automatically to the server by 4G network.         video signals in the area. In addition, the        (MSc.Nguyen Van Thuong, Space Technology
In addition, 10 projects from 2017 - 2018 are
also expected to be completed on schedule        The analysis sofware installed in the analysis     sphere has an infrared LED that allows it to       Institute):
and 10 new projects in 2018 - 2019 are being     computer will automatically get the data from      operate during night time conditions or in
                                                                                                                                                       The project is subjected to design for an
                                                 the server via the internet and automatically      dark areas.
implemented on time with the approved                                                                                                                  earth observation satellite (named VN-2) to
schedule of annual funding of the budget.        analyse the vibration signals to warn the          Video signals from the sphere are transmitted      form a constellation with the VNREDSat-1
                                                 sudden problems. Furthermore, the software         to the central controller via radio waves with
Electronics and Automation                                                                                                                             with a revisit period of less than 02 days.
                                                 will analyse the dynamic characteristics           high definition (HD) images in the 5.8GHz
Project: “VAST01.02/16-17. Design and            automatically of the bridge in order to detect     band. Products of the project are very suitable    The orbital parameters of the VN-2 are
manufacture of the vibration instrument          and forecast the damage of the bridge.             for rescue operation in mines and rocky            provided on the table below:

                                            20                                                                                                        21

        Epoch *          2013/04/01 22:32:00.000 + T0        optimized for imaging over Vietnam, VN-2
       Coordinate                   J2000                    and VNREDSat-1 shall increase the temporal
 Semi-major axis (km)           7058.907082                  resolution for the areas of interest of the
 Altitude (km)                     680.767                   country, which is an important factor for
 Eccentricity                    0.00120705                  observing and monitoring applications.
 Inclination (degree)            98.1471783
 RAAN (degree)                Ω
 ω (degree)                   ω
 M (degree)                           M
 Local solar time                   22h32
 (accending node)
   Period (seconds)                 5909.4
(Note: * the epoch is selected in similar with launch of

Assuming that the VN-2 satellite specifications
are similar with the VNREDSat-1 in imaging
capability, the objective of the VN-2 is to form
a virtual constellation with the VNREDSat-1
with less than a 2 day revisit period. The
orbital analysis method is to coordinate the                                                                                                                                  BIOTECHNOLOGY
orbit characteristics of the VNREDSat-1 and
VN-2.                                                                                                                                                                           Prof. Dr. Truong Nam Hai
                                                                                                                                                                           Chairman of the Scientific Council

                                                                Revivit time of the constellation (VNRESDSat-1
                                                                   and VN-2) (average 1 day revisit period)

                                                                                                                 Master of reverse genetic technology to        (NA and HA with removal of pathogenic
                                                                                                                 generate influenza A/H5N1 seed virus           region) from current A/H5N1 clade 1.1 and
                                                                                                                 strains for vaccine production (Project        clade in Vietnam. The virus was
                                                                                                                 Leader: Dr. Nguyen Trung Nam, Institute of     rescued from 293T cells transfected with the
  3D simulation resule of the virtual constelation                                                                                                              “6+2” plasmids.
             (VNEDSat-1 and VN-2)                                                                                Biotechnology)
                                                                                                                 Aims of the project: (1) To generate seed      Our generated recombinant viruses have
                                                                                                                 virus strains containing HA and NA genes       a stable inheritance and high HA titer
The outcome of the project will show the
                                                                                                                 isolated from current A/H5N1 isolates in       (HA=28 for clade 1.1 and HA=29 for clade
capability of the system design for an Earth
Observation system, especially in the mission                                                                    Vietnam by reverse genetics; (2) To master The next steps are to evaluate
analysis method so as to optimize the top                                                                        reverse genetic technology for rapid           immunogenicity, efficacy and safety of
requirement of the revisit time over Vietnam                                                                     response to new A/H5N1 isolates in Vietnam     the virus strains in chickens. This master of
territory. The designed virtual constellation                                                                    (in approximately 6 months).                   technology will help to advance the A/H5N1
of the VNREDSt-1 and VN-2 guarantee an                                                                                                                          vaccine manufacturing in Vietnam in order
average revisit time over Vietnam territory                                                                      With the technology transfer from St. Jude     to cope with the occurrence of the new
of around 1 day with satellite agility of                                                                        Children’s Research Hospital (USA), our        H5N1 virus. These vaccine strains with high
35o off-pointing capability. Meanwhile,                                                                          research group has successfully mastered       specificity are important to reduce national
                                                                      Revivit time of the VNRESDSat-1
the revisit time of the VNREDSat-1 alone                               (average 2-3 day revisit period)          the reverse genetic technology to generate     spending for vaccine imports. In addition,
is 2-3 days. That means the constellation                                                                        seed virus strains. Each recombinant strain    reverse genetics is useful for production of
shall double the imaging capability over                          Comparision of revivit time between
                                                               the constellation (VNRESDSat-1 and VN-2)          contains 6 backbone genes from H1N1 virus      vaccines against other influenza strains such
Vietnam compared to a single satellite. Being
                                                                          and the VNREDSat-1                     (A/PR/8/34) and 2 antigenic coding genes       as H5N1, H5N6, H7N9…

                                                        22                                                                                                     23

                                                                                                     a wide range of fields such as biology,          Labeling and tracking of proteins and
                                                                                                     chemistry and physics for new materials.         cells: We are developing fluorescent
                                                                                                     In life sciences, nanodiamond has recently       nanodiamonds for the labeling and tracking
                                                                                                     been applied in stem cell research, drug         of protein antigens, protein drugs, and stem
                                                                                                     delivery, bio-imaging, and proteomics. In        cells both in vitro and in vivo.
                                                                                                     this brief news, we will present some of
                                                                                                     our latest development of novel protein-
                                                                                                     nanodiamond conjugates from the biotech
                                                                                                     field including nanovaccine [1], labeling-
                                                                                                     tracking of protein and stem cells [2,3], and
                                                                                                     protein analysis [4,5]. The studies are being
                                                                                                     carried at the Institute of Biotechnology
                                                                                                     (IBT), Vietnam Academy of Science and
                                                                                                     Technology (VAST).
                                                                                                     Synthesis       of    protein-nanodiamond
                                                                                                                                                                  (A)                       (B)
                                                                                                     conjugates: The bionanoconjugates can be
                                                                                                     synthesized by 02 approaches (i) physical           Labelling (A) and standard curve (B) for
                  Reverse Genetics for H5N1 recombinant virus production                                                                             quantification of stem cell homing in liver-injured
                                                                                                     absorption and (ii) covalent bonding. Based              mice model (unpublished data)
                                                                                                     on the first approach, we recently have
                                                                                                     developed a green and economic synthetic
                                                                                                     method which does not need any chemicals
                                                                                                     and specialized equipment, but has proven
                                                                                                     to be very fast.
                                                                                                     Protein-nanodiamond conjugates for
                                                                                                     nanovaccine research & development:
                                 HI assay of vaccine strain                                          At IBT, the bionanoconjugates are being
                                                                                                     studied for nanovaccine R& D of influenza,
                                                                                                     cancer, and porcine diarrhea diseases.
Synthesis and application of protein-
nanodiamond conjugates in biotechnology
(Project leader: Dr. Pham Dinh Minh, Institute
of Biotechnology)
Nanodiamond        is    a  new    attractive
nanomaterial in life sciences because of its
biocompatibility and remarkably chemical-
physic     characteristics. Surface-oxidized
nanodiamond is the only nanomaterial which
has proved to possess a remarkably high
affinity for proteins, including membrane
proteins in detergent micelles. Moreover,
fluorescent nanodiamond with negatively
charged nitrogen-vacancy center ([n-v]-)- an
atom-like quantum system is excellent for
                                                   “Physical (i)” and “Chemical (ii)” synthesis of
bio-imaging studies. To date, nanodiamond            protein- nanodiamond nanoconjugates              Nanodiamond boosts antigenicity of HA/H7N9            Labeling and tracking of vaccinia A27
has been developed for applications in                                                                         both in vitro and in vivo                              in live Hela cells

                                             24                                                                                                      25

                                                                                                correlated (P-value < 0.05). Considering the     associated with the agriculturally-driven
                                                                                                substitution pattern, the number of A > T/T      expansion of this culture. Networks of
                                                                                                > A mutation and the dioxin concentration        major MSEA haplogroups emphasize the
                                                                                                was positively correlated (P-value < 0.05).      overall distinctiveness of sequences from
                                                                                                Our analysis also identified one possible        Taiwan, in keeping with previous studies
                                                                                                disease-related mutation in LAMA5 in one         that suggested at most a minor impact of
                                                                                                trio. These findings suggested that dioxin       the Austronesian expansion from Taiwan on
                                                                                                exposure might affect father genomes of          MSEA. We also see evidence for population
                                                                                                trios leading to de novo mutations in their      expansions across MSEA geographic regions
                                                                                                children. Further analysis with larger sample    and language families.
                                                                                                sizes would be required to better clarify        Metagenomic insights into lignocellulose-
                                                                                                mutation rates and substitution patterns in      degrading genes of the microbiome in
                                                                                                trios caused by dioxin.                          Vietnamese native goats’ rumen (Project
                                                                                                Complete human mtDNA genome                      leader: Dr. Do Thi Huyen, Institute of
                                                                                                sequences from Vietnam and the                   Biotechnology)
                                                                                                phylogeography of Mainland Southeast             Lignocellulose waste comprising agro-
                                                                                                Asia (Project leader: Dr. Nguyen Thuy Duong,     industrial biomass is inexpensive, renewable,
                                                                                                Institute of Genome research)                    abundant, and provides a unique natural
                                                                                                Vietnam is an important crossroads within        resource for enhancing the bio-economy
                                                                                                Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) and a             to substitute the fossil-based economy.
                                                                                                gateway to Island Southeast Asia, thus           Overcoming the limitations of the fossil-
                                                                                                exhibits high levels of ethnolinguistic          based economy, the bio-based economy
                                                                                                diversity. However, comparatively few            has the advantage to (i) be environmentally,
                                                                                                studies have been undertaken of the genetic      economically and socially sustainable; (ii)
                                                                                                diversity of Vietnamese populations. In order    decrease the dependence on fossil fuels;
                                                                                                to gain comprehensive insights into MSEA         (iii) reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas
                                                                                                mtDNA phylogeography, we sequenced 609           emissions, which is responsible for causing
                                                                                                complete mtDNA genomes from individuals          climate change; and (iv) stimulate regional
                                                                                                belonging to five language families              and rural development. Lignocellulose can be
                 Single de novo mutations in kid of patental dioxin exposed
                                                                                                (Austroasiatic, Tai-Kadai, Hmong-Mien, Sino-     converted into sugar molecules by microbial
                                                                                                Tibetan and Austronesian) and analyzed           enzymes and the released sugars can be
                                                                                                them in comparison with sequences from           fermented into various high value products
Whole genome sequencing and mutation             rate in trios has not yet been elucidated at
                                                                                                other MSEA countries and Taiwan. Within          including bio-fuels, materials for food, bulk
rate analysis of trios with paternal dioxin      the whole genome level. To identify and
                                                                                                Vietnam, we identified 399 haplotypes            chemicals such as bioplastics, and value-
exposure (Project leader: Dr. Nguyen Dang        characterize the genetic alterations in the
                                                                                                belonging to 135 haplogroups; among the          added fine chemicals for pharmaceuticals
Ton, Institute of Genome research).              individuals exposed to dioxin, we performed                                                     and human health.
                                                                                                five language families, the sequences from
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)       whole genome sequencing (WGS) of
                                                                                                Austronesian groups differ the most from         The conversion of lignocellulose into higher-
or dioxin, is commonly considered the most       nine Vietnamese trios whose fathers were
                                                                                                the other groups. Phylogenetic analysis          value products requires a multi-step process
toxic man-made substance. Dioxin exposure        exposed to dioxin. In total, 846 de novo       revealed 111 novel Vietnamese mtDNA              including (i) pre-treatment (e.g. mechanical,
impacts human health and diseases. In            point mutations, 26 de novo insertions and     lineages. Bayesian estimates of coalescence      chemical, or biological), (ii) saccharification
addtion, birth defects and teratogenesis were    deletions, 4 de novo structural variations,    times and associated 95% HPD for these           by enzymes, and (iii) fermentation into
frequently observed in children of persons       and 1 de novo copy number variation were       show a peak of mtDNA diversification             end products, while saccharification by
who have been exposed to dioxin. However,        identified. The number of point mutations      around 2.5–3 kya, which coincides with           enzymes is a crucial step affecting the
the impact of dioxin on the human mutation       and dioxin concentrations were positively      the Dong Son culture, and thus may be            cost of final products due to the low and

                                            26                                                                                                  27

      SDS-PAGE analysis of the
     expressed CBM63 in E. coli
    (A) and purified CBM63 from
     recombinant E. coli extract
   (B), and assessment of CBM63
     ability to enhance cellulase
   activity by DNS method (D). M:
   Standard proteins (Fermentas)

ineffective activity of enzymes. In nature,       cellulases, and 2252 ORFs encoding 22
more than 99% of microorganisms from              GHs of hemicellulases, were mined. The                                                                 MATERIALS SCIENCE
environmental samples are uncultivable and        carbohydrate binding module (CBM) was
their functional significance is overlooked.      also abundant with 763 ORFs, of which                                                                    Academician Nguyen Van Hieu
Thus, next generation sequencing of whole         480 ORFs are located with lignocellulolytic                                                              Chairman of the Scientific Council
metagenomic DNA from environmental                enzymes. The enzyme modularity analysis
samples with a high lignocellulose breakdown      showed that CBMs are usually present
capacity is very powerful for the discovery of    in endoglucanase, endo 1,3-beta-D-              l Plasmonic effect    enhanced                 Au nanoparticles increased from 14 nm to
genes relevant in this process. The digestive     glucosidase, and endoxylanase, whereas          photocurrent in nanostructured                 65 nm almost linearly with the evaporated
tract of termites and Korean goat rumen           fibronectin 3-like module (FN3) mainly          TiO2 films decorated with gold                 Au layer thickness increasing from 3.0 nm
represent rapid and efficient lignocellulose      represents in GH3 and immunoglobulin-like       nanoparticles                                  to 8.0 nm. Surface plasmonic resonance
degradation environments, which make it           domain (Ig) was located in GH9 only. Every                                                     (SPR) absorption effects were observed
more likely to discover enzymes that play an      domain located in each ORF was analyzed         (Research Leader: Pham Duy Long)
                                                                                                                                                 in Au@TiO2-NPs samples where the SPR
essential role in this process.                   in detail to contribute enzymes’ modularity,    Gold nanoparticles dispersed on the            peaks shifted from 534 nm to 614 nm,
With the aim of mining novel lignocellulolytic    which is valuable for modelling, to study the   nanostructured TiO2 films were successfully    corresponding to the Au nanoparticle size
enzymes, a ~9 Gb metagenome of bacteria           structure, and for recombinant production.      prepared by evaporation of a Au thin layer,    changing from 14 nm to 65 nm. For the Au@
in Vietnamese native goats’ rumen was             With the aim of confirming the annotated        followed by thermal annealing. The size        TiO2-NWs samples, only the density of Au
sequenced by the Illumina platform. From          results, a mined ORF encoding CBM63 was         and density of Au nanoparticles (NPs) were     nanoparticles increased with increasing Au
the data, 821 ORFs encoding carbohydrate          highly expressed in E. coli in soluble form.    found to be dependent on the thickness         layer thickness, while their size remained at
esterases    (CEs)    and     polysaccharide      The purified recombinant CBM63 exhibited        of the evaporated thin Au layer as well as     about 22 nm. The resonance absorption peak
lyases (PLs) serving for lignocellulose           no cellulase activity, but enhanced a           on the morphology of nanostructured TiO2       was located at 547 nm with a considerably
pre-treatment, 816 ORFs encoding 11               commercial cellulase (Sigma) activity in the    films. For the Au@TiO2-NPs films with the      large absorbance in the thicker gold layers.
glycoside hydrolase families (GHs) of             destruction of a paper filter.                  smooth nc-TiO2 films surface, the size of      The investigations on the photovoltaic

                                             28                                                                                                 29

                                                                                                      throughput and automated analysis of large         volatile substances and their concentrations.
                                                                                                      biomolecules such as tumor markers and             On the other hand, this method is able to
                                                                                                      pathogens.                                         detect the presence of atrazine pesticide by
                                                                                                      l Nano porous silicon microcavity                  the shift of the resonant wavelength, with
                                                                                                      sensor for determining organic                     good sensitivity (0.3 nm ml/pg) and limit
                                                                                                      solvents and pesticide in water.                   of detection (LOD)(0.8-1.4 pg/ml), that we
                                                                                                                                                         tested for concentrations in the range from
                                                                                                      (Research Leader: Nguyen Thuy Van)
                                                                                                                                                         2.15 to 21.5 pg/ml, which is the range useful
                                                                                                      A sensing method using a nano-porous               for monitoring acceptable water for human
                                                                                                      silicon microcavity sensor was developed in        consumption.
                                                                                                      order to obtain simultaneous determination
                                                                                                      of two volatile substances with different          l Recycling and handling the
  FE- SEM image of membrane surface of TiO2
               nanoparticles.                                                                         solvent concentrations, as well as very            environment of nix grain waste
                                                                                                      low pesticide concentration in water.              (Research Leader: Nguyen Trung Kien)
properties of solar cells based on Au@TiO2                                                            The temperature of the solution and the
films serving as working electrodes indicated                                                         velocity of the air stream flowing through         Composition and particle properties of nix
that, due to the plasmonic effect of gold                                                             the solution have been used to control             grain waste were studied and the selection
nanoparticles, both the short-circuit current                                                         the response of the sensor for different           of materials suitable for smelting iron from
density and the open-circuit voltage of the                                                           solvent solutions. The dependence of the           nix grain waste in electric arc furnaces was
solar cells were significantly enhanced.                                                              cavity-resonant wavelength shift on solvent        performed.
                                                                                                      concentration, velocity of the airflow and
The photocurrent nonlinearly depended                                                                 solution temperature was investigated.             Three SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 slag regimes, as
on the size of Au nanoparticles, and the                                                              The wavelength shift depends linearly on           well as the conditions of smelting electric
strongest effect was obtained with their size                                                         concentration and increases with solution          arc furnace were found. Slag system SiO2-
around 22 nm. Besides, the photocurrent                                                               temperature and velocity of the airflow. The       Al2O3-CaO contains: 48% SiO2, 15%Al2O3
increased with the increase of Au                                                                     dependence of the wavelength shift on the          and 37%CaO. This slag system began to
nanoparticle density. For the devices made                                                            solution temperature in the measurement            melt at 12990C and was completely melted
from Au@TiO2-NWs film with a 8.0 nm                Diffraction diagram of X rays and SEM image of
                                                   MIL-88(Fe) which is synthesized in micro storage   contains properties of the temperature             at temperature of 14000C .
thick Au layer, Jsc reached a value as large                            device.                       dependence of the solvent vapor pressure,
as 0.035 mA/cm2, which is about ten times                                                             which characterizes each solvent. As a result,     A chamber was used for settling metal
larger than that of the devices made from                                                             the dependence of the wavelength shift on the      dust to be used again as a raw material for
                                                   developed for detection of carcmoembryonic
pure nanostructured TiO2 electrodes. Voc of                                                           solution temperature discriminates between         smelting and auxiliary generated gases were
                                                   antigens (CEA). The device was capable
the Au@TiO2-NWs was found to be of ca.                                                                solutions of ethanol and acetone with different    treated with a solution of lime Ca(OH)2 to
                                                   of working in continuous mode and was
0.38 V, which is far larger than that (0.24 V)     designed with the aid of numerical simulation.     concentrations. This suggests a possibility        ensure that the environmental conditions
of the pure nanostructured TiO2 solar cells.       The detection of target CEA was based on           for the simultaneous determination of the          standards were met.

l   Development   of   a  PMMA                     immuno-assay via magnetic partides and
electrochemical     microfluidic                   electrochemical sensing. The as-prepared
device   of    carcinoembryonic                    microfluidic can be used to detect CEA at
antigen detection                                  the relatively low concentration of 150 pg/
                                                   ml. The device could be reused many times,
(Research Leader: Tran Dai Lam)
                                                   since the capture and removal of magnetic
A poly (methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)                 particles in the assay could be manipulated
microfluidic device fabricated by an               by an external magnetic field. The proposed
inexpensive CO2 laser etching system was           approach appears to be suitable for high-

                                              30                                                                                                        31

                                                        Limnonectes kiziriani
                                                         Nguyen Quang Truong

                           Callosciurus honkhoaiensis
                           Nguyen Truong Son

                                                                                                                  a data bank on the biodiversity of Tay            methods in the world today. The final
                                                                                                                  Giang district, Quang Nam province”. It           specimen of Ho Guom turtle is quite
                                                                                                                  has determined the biodiversity and the           remarkable and looks very much like the Ho
                                                                                                                  conservation value of the forest ecology of       Guom turtle as if it were still alive today.
                                                                                                                  Tay Giang district, Quang Nam province,
                                                                                                                                                                    The Institute of Marine Bio-3chemistry
                                                                                                                  including 540 plant species, 40 animal
                                                                                          Neoalcathous annamica                                                     has implemented several projects in 2018.
                                                                                            Constant & Pham       species, 137 bird species, 50 reptile species,
                                                                                                                                                                    It published10 SCI and 39 SCI - E papers,
                                                                                                                  44 amphibious species, 299 insect species.
                                                                                                                                                                    submitted the application of 2 patents, and
                                                                                                                  Among these, 9 plant and 58 animal species
                                                   BIODIVERSITY AND BIOLOGICAL                                    are considered as rare and precious species.
                                                                                                                                                                    4 innovative procedures (GPHI). One of them
                                                                                                                                                                    is GPHI No. 1806 - 2018 about the synthesis
                                                             ACTIVE SUBSTANCES                                    They are valuable and need to be conserved.
                                                                                                                                                                    method and biological activity against
                                                                                                                  Based on this result, a proposal for an
                                                                                                                                                                    the cancer cell lines Lu- 1, MCF - 7 and
                                                                                  Prof.Dr.Sc.Tran Van Sung        establishment of the conservation zone Tay
                                                                           Vice-Chaiman of Scientific Council     Giang was made.
                                                                                                                  The Vietnam National Museum of Nature

                                                                                                                  published 14 SCI and 29 SCI - E papers
     he Institute of Ecology and Biological                 of software BIOKEYS in the study of plants.
                                                                                                                  (1.4 SCI/SCI - E paper/ researcher) and 3
     Resources has established a date bank                  BIOKEYS has been submitted for a patent.              monographies. It discovered 58 new species,
     for high porous plants in Vietnam with                 The institute published 11 monographies               including 2 scorpion, 12 spider, 10 reptile,
500 information sheets and photos for 500                   and reference books, 34 SCI and 68 SCI - E            frog, and 1 dragonfly to name a few.
species. It proposed an elective course in the              papers, described 90 new species, including
education program of the VAST graduate                                                                            In addition, The Vietnam National Museum
                                                            reptiles, animals, bees and plants.                   of Nature was successful in the creation of
university for science and technology
“Application of information technology in                   The Southern Institute of Ecology                     the Ho Guom turtle using the plasticization
                                                                                                                  method, which is one of the most modern                                         Compound I
the plant taxonomy” with the application                    implemented the project “Establishment

                                                    32                                                                                                             33

                                Marine Star Acanthasten planci

KB of some bengamide analogs, a natural         - heptl}was isolated from the marine star
compound isolated from amarine organism.        Acanthasten planci, has been applied for
                                                a patent. This compound showed the               lines: KB, HepG2, SK – Lu – 1, among them        which belongs to the state program for the
The Institute of Natural Products Chemistry                                                                                                       development of the pharmaceutical industry,
                                                inhibition of the cancer cell lines: HCT - 116   there are derivatives, which are 100 times
submitted an application for one patent,                                                                                                          which resulted in an improved procedure for
                                                (colon cancer), T - 47D (breast cancer) and      more active than the reference compound
two food supplements: “Trứng cầu gai”                                                                                                             the synthesis and purification of celecoxib
                                                RPMI 7951 (skin cancer).                         erlotinib hydrochloride. Preliminary study
and FORTE’KID which are the results from                                                                                                          with a 10kg/batch scale, total yield 80.69%,
                                                                                                 on the SAR indicated a strong influence
a pivotal VAST project and a project lead       The Institute of Chemistry implemented a                                                          and a USP standard and stabilization of 36
                                                                                                 of the heterocyclic ring and the aryl group
by the Ministery of agriculture and rural       NAFOSTED project “Design, synthesis and                                                           months. A production line for acontinuous
                                                                                                 bound to the triazol residue on the cytotoxic
development. Thenew compound I {(24S)           cytotoxicity of the new hybrid derivatives                                                        production with a 10kg/batch scale on
- 28 - O - {β- D - galactofuranosyl - (1→5)     of 4-anilinoquinazoline through the triazole                                                      a GMP - WHO equipment with 250.000
- α - L – arabinofuranosyl} - 24 - methyl -     bridge”. The new synthetized compound             The pilot project “Technology improvement       capsule/batch was established. One million
5α - cholestane 3β, 4β, 6α, 8, 15β, 16β, 28     showed strong activity on three tested cell      for the synthesis of celecoxib with the USP      capsules celecoxib were produced and the
                                                                                                 standard and manufacturing the celecoxib         document for the authorization of celecoxib
                                                                                                 capsules on a WHO- GMP equipment”,               by the MOH is in preparation.

                                       Food supplements                                                                                               Celecoxib

                                           34                                                                                                    35

                                                            Vietnam Earthquake
                                                         information and Tsunami
                                                               warning center

                                                                                                                     EARTH SCIENCES
                                                                                                              Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Tran Trong Hoa
                                                                                                                 Chairman of the Scientific Council

Agostemma vietnamicum        Oreocharis tribracteata
                                                       Science - technology activities                 institutes. Along with topics and projects,
                                                                                                       many science and technology contracts or
                                                       In 2018, the Institutes of Earth Sciences
                                                                                                       scientific and technological services have
                                                       conducted 31 state-level projects including
                                                                                                       also been implemented. In addition to the
                                                       independent topics, national key programs
                                                                                                       science and technology topics and projects,
                                                       such as KC08, KC09, KC06, Tay Nguyen
                                                                                                       the Institutes of Earth Sciences carry out more
                                                       Program in the period 2016-2020, Northwest
                                                                                                       than one hundred (115) research contracts
                                                       Program, Southwest Program, Space Science
                                                                                                       or scientific and technological services with
                                                       and Technology Program; 25 basic research       localities, agencies and enterprises.
                                                       projects under the National Foundation
                                                       of Science and Technology Development           Publication
                                                       (NAFOSTED); 5 state-level projects are          In 2018, the Institutes of Geology, Geophysics,
                                                       authorized to be implemented at VAST; 35        Geography, Marine Geology - Geophysics
                                                       projects of VAST and equivalent; 5 protocol     and Geography at HCM city have published
                                                       topics; 8 international cooperation projects    34 articles in SCI and SCI-E lists, 32 articles
                                                       at VAST; 15 cooperation topics between          in other international journals, 46 articles
                                                       VAST and localities; 9 tasks assigned by        in VAST2 journals and 77 articles in other
                                                       the Government; 1 pilot production project      national specialized journals. In addition, 7
                                                       and 7 other projects. In addition, a series     monographs have been published, including
                                                       of grassroots and grassroots topics for         3 monographs published by international
                                                       young staffs have been implemented at all       publishers in English.

                        36                                                                            37

Major research directions                         About natural heritage: A series of objects       impact of climate change. Many solutions               magnitude M³3.5 earthquakes have been
                                                  such as volcanic caves in Krong No (DakNong),     have been proposed such as changing                    fully informed on the mass media. Scientists
Basic research and basic application
                                                  the value of young Highland volcanic              land use structure (for example in Tra Vinh            are studying to establish a earthquake
                                                  landscape in tourism development and              province), evaluating land adaptation and              monitoring network and earthquake
Basic research and basic application-oriented     tourism potential for some important socio-       proposing ecological-economic models for               evaluation to stimulate the reservoir on the
are carried out primarily through projects        economic regions have been interested in          socio-economic development (specifically               Song Da hydropower system, earthquake
funded by the National Foundation of Science      research. Particularly in 2018, the topic TN17/   for West Thanh Hoa, Nghe An) or integrated             hazard assessment for different regions
and Technology Development (NAFOSTED)             T06, belonging to the Tay Nguyen Program          technical solutions to maintain and improve            like Thua Thien Hue, and a earthquake risk
and some international cooperation topics.        in the period of 2016-2020, has established       soil fertility in order to contribute to increasing    assessment model for Hanoi city to name a
The basic research focuses on the problem of      a series of geological heritage related to        productivity and quality of the lychee fruit           few. Studies serving for tsunami earthquake
building models: endogenous ore formation         volcanic caves in the Central Highlands such      in Bac Giang province. A study to evaluate             warnings, such as building and simulating
such as Ni-Cu-PGE, Fe-Ti-V related to mafic -     as petrified trees in the cave, types of cave     bauxite-related soil quality degradation in the        near and far tsunami scenarios on the East
ultramafic magmatic activities in NE Vietnam,     structures, stalactites, boundaries/traces of     Central Highlands has allowed the proposed             Sea, studies of the characteristics of deep
Au-Sb related to reduced granitoid; the           eruptive generations, lava flows, lava marks,     solutions to improve and restore soil ecology          structure and modern movement of the
formation and development of Cenozoic             etc. These results, along with solid specific     with suitable plantation models.                       earth's crust, detailed studies of seismic
basins along the Red River deep fault; coastal    biodiversity and archaeological heritage                                                                 activity of the meridian fault zone Thuong
                                                                                                    Environmental problems
erosion model and the trend of the Mekong         in volcanic caves, are an important basis                                                                Xuan - Ba Thuoc and related geological
River delta fluctuation; using WRF value          for building on-site heritage conservation        Some topics have evaluated heavy metal                 hazards have also been carried out.
model in studying the mechanism of forming        models for tourism development.                   pollution and residues of pesticides in soil
                                                                                                                                                           Studying solutions to early warnings of
heavy rain in Vietnam; Hanoi earthquake                                                             and surface sediments for specific areas such
                                                  Regarding water resources: Along with                                                                    land-subside, landslide, flash flood, debris
                                                                                                    as Thai Binh, Nam Dinh and Ho Chi Minh City.
risk assessment model. In addition, using         researching and evaluating the quality and                                                               flood in northern Vietnam and studying to
                                                                                                    Research on the causes of negative impacts
remote sensing and GIS technology also            reserves of surface water and underground                                                                build a monitoring system for automatic
                                                                                                    on the environment is approached from
implemented climate change studies, the           water, the topics also focus on researches                                                               landslide warning in some key urban areas in
                                                                                                    different directions such as assessing the
relationship between Hanoi's urban heat           to identify causes and propose solutions to                                                              the Central Highlands are being promoted.
                                                                                                    impact of mineral exploitation and processing
island and land use changes; Research and         combat natural water resource degradation.                                                               Studying to assess the level of cracking
                                                                                                    activities, assessing the environmental impact
develop automatic classification algorithms       The new research results on changes in                                                                   and landslide, propose scientific solutions
                                                                                                    of used materials, floats in aquaculture, etc.
with Landsat 8 OLI data or cloud removal          groundwater levels in basalt rocks in the                                                                to ensure safety for residents in Tu Son and
                                                                                                    Development and application of remote
interpolation algorithm on MODIS multi-           Central Highlands (TN16/T02; TN18/T10) have                                                              Ha Bi communes, Kim Boi district and Hoa
                                                                                                    sensing and GIS technologies in marine
time data, etc.                                   allowed the introduction of a new approach                                                               Binh province. Studies on saline intrusion
                                                                                                    environmental monitoring and management
                                                  in solving the problem of rising groundwater                                                             control solutions in Da Nang city; using
Natural resource                                                                                    in the waters from Khanh Hoa to Ca Mau;
                                                  levels facility for groundwater recharge                                                                 remote sensing technology in saline intrusion
                                                                                                    application of remote and high-resolution
Regarding mineral resources: Scientific           technology solutions. Thus contributing to                                                               research for estuarine areas along the coast
                                                                                                    remote sensing materials, multi-time
and technological topics and tasks have           solving drought in the Central Highlands.                                                                of Hai Phong - Thai Binh - Ben Tre.
                                                                                                    evaluation of environmental hazards in the
focused on the research and evaluation of         The results of improving the technology of
                                                                                                    North-Central region, etc. Additionally, some          Studies for natural variable evaluation,
the prospects of a number of minerals such        hanging lakes to increase the ability to use
                                                                                                    technical solutions in handling pollutants such        such as the study of Pliocene tectonic
as gold, antimony and tin. Research and           water and create tourist landscapes in Ha
                                                                                                    as the manufacturing of high-performance               movement - modern islands and continental
development of microbiological technology         Giang have registered useful solutions and
                                                                                                    semiconductor photo catalyst processing                shelf in Vietnam. In addition, the research
used in the treatment of sulfide ore recovered    approved copyright registration applications.
                                                                                                    under visible light process persistent organic         and evaluation of serious geological and
from gold from Au-Cu, Au-As, Au-Sb ores           The water supply project for Mun Chung
                                                                                                    matter in water is underway.                           environmental hazards in processing and
in the Central Highlands contributed to           High School, Tuan Giao District, Dien Bien
                                                                                                                                                           exploitation of a number of major minerals
the reduction of environmental pollution.         Province, was constructed and put into use        Geological hazards
                                                                                                                                                           in Vietnam, proposed solutions to mitigate
In particular, for the first time, prospective    by the Institute of Geological Sciences. Some     In the study and warning of tsunami                    damage and prevent disasters have begun to
studies of solid minerals (Mn-Fe nodule, Co       solutions for using rainwater, surface water      earthquakes, the network of national                   be implemented.
– and rare earth element- containing Mn-          and groundwater and recovering water in the       seismic stations operated by the Institute of
Fe crust and polymetallic sulfur ore) and         aeration zone by condensation method have                                                                Significant achievements
                                                                                                    Geophysics has recorded 51 earthquakes of
Cenozoic volcanic magmatic activity in East       also been proposed and implemented.               magnitudes ranging from 2.5 to 5.3 degrees             Metal Indium (In) recovery method from
Vietnam Sea deep sea basin started to be          For land resources, studies focus on the          according to the Torque scale located in               tin refining furnace dust was granted a
deployed.                                         proper use of land resources under the            the Vietnamese territorial waters, in which            patent for a useful solution in 2018 on the

                                             38                                                                                                           39

basis of the results of the implementation            has not been studied to recover, therefore,
of     independent      state-level   project         the application of this technological process
DTDL.2011-T/22. The principal investigator            will increase the value of products of tin ore
was Dr. Phan Luu Anh, and the lead agency             mining and processing industry and reduce
was The Institute of Geological Sciences.             the loss of rare metal resources.
Indium recovery technology includes
                                                      Detecting the remains of prehistoric
oxidation steps, separation, impurity
                                                      humans in Krong No volcanic caves
separation, cementation and product
                                                      (DakNong province) is one of the three
refining. Metal In products reach 31.40%
                                                      outstanding science and technology events
pure Indium. The by-product is tin (IV) oxide
                                                      of VAST in 2018. This was. voted and
with a content of 63.05% Sn with very little
                                                      announced by the Club of Vietnam Science
impurity content. An advantage of this
                                                      and Technology Journalists. This is one of
method is that the production cost is low.
                                                      the results of the topic TN17/T06 under the
This is largely due to low investment value
                                                      Tay Nguyen Program 2016-2020, chaired by                Survey and
of equipment, chemical inputs are cheap
and recovered in the process of technology,                                                                sample collection
                                                                                                             at Lung Cam
the metals are useful in mud with maximized                                                                  cross-section
recovery, the residue returned to the tin                                                                   (Source: Project
processing process, and the product was the                                                                   VAST05.03
input for the purification of Indium metal.                                                                     / 17-18)
Indium is a valuable element attached to
tin ore in our country. However, until now, it                                                             Dr. La The Phuc, with the Vietnam Museum          posted online for 5 weeks, the article has
                                                                                                           of Nature being the lead agency. In the           always been at the forefront of the "new
                                                                                                           process of studying the heritage values​​         mention" rating chart of The
                                                                                                           in the volcanic cave in the Krong No area,        two boundaries of PTB, one at the eastern
                                                                                                           geological heritage, biodiversity and cultural    edge (Lung Cam), one on the western edge
                                                                                                           heritages have been established. Among            (Lukač) of the ancient Paleo-Tethyan ocean
                                                                                                           the archaeological vestiges, prehistoric          were analyzed and compared on the basis of
                                                                                                           remains have been discovered to prove the         a combination of geochemical, geophysical
                                                                                                           occupation and residence of residents from        and paleontological data. The results not
                                                                                                           7000 to 4000 BP. This is a very important         only identified the age of the boundary of
                                                                                                           finding and receives special attention both       PTB Lung Cam (~ 252 Ma) but also showed
                                                                                                           at home and abroad. The results of the            interesting features of this boundary in
                                                                                                           research on chronology, archaeological            Lung Cam, its coherence with the PTB
                                                                                                           relics, and prehistoric human remains have        boundary in Lukač as well, such as the
                                                                                                           been published in national and international      cross section and global benchmark GSSP
                                                                                                           scientific journals and media.                    in Meishan, southeast China. The results
                                                                                                                                                             of these comparative studies have allowed
                                                                                                           Results of the comparative study of the           the determination of the ancient climate
                                                                                                           Permian-Triassic Paleo-Tethyan boundary           context in the period of PTB boundary in
                                                                                                           (PTB) in Lung Cam (Ha Giang, Vietnam)             the study areas. The results of this study
                                                                                                           and Lukač (Slovenia) of the project code          have made Lung Cam section (Ha Giang)
                                                                                                           VAST05.03 / 17-18 by Dr. Luu Thi Phuong           the most detailed section of the global P-T
                                                                                                           Lan (Institute of Geophysics) as the              boundary (at recent time). These are new
                                                                                                           chairperson after being published in the          results, which are very significant in regional
                                                                                                           Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences VAST No.        geological research and increase the value
Patent for a Utinity Solution in 2018 on the Metal     Ancient rocky axes excavated with the remains       40 (3), which is of special interest to both      of the global Geological Heritage of Dong
 Indium (In) recovery method from tin refining        of prehistoric people in C6-1 volcanic cave in Dak
      furnace dust (Source: Phan Luu Anh)                      Nong (Source: Project TN17/T06)             domestic and foreign experts. After being         Van Stone Plateau.

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                                                                                                        sub-basin and adjacent based on the analysis         marine scientific conferences and seminars.
                                                                                                        of updated geological - geophysical data.
                                                                                                                                                             Some key results
                                                                                                        In 2018, scientists from The Institute of
                                                                                                                                                             - The project "Researching the accumulation
                                                                                                        Oceanography, The Institute of Marine
                                                                                                                                                             of some heavy metals As, Hg, Pb and
                                                                                                        Geology and Geophysics, The Institute of
                                                                                                                                                             residues of plant protection chemicals in
                                                                                                        Marine Environment and Resources, The
                                                                                                                                                             surface sediments and assessing the level of
                                                                                                        Institute of Geography, The Institute of Marine
                                                                                                                                                             ecological risks for sustainable development
                                                                                                        Biochemistry, and The Institute of Natural
                                                                                                                                                             of aquaculture in the coastal area of Thai
                                                                                                        product Chemistry, have actively implemented
                                                                                                        the State Protocol tasks of Vietnam – China          Binh province” has analyzed and assessed
                                                                                                        and Vietnam – Russia and deployed marine             the status of heavy metal pollution such as As,
                                                                                                        scientific projects under the KC09/16-20             Hg, Pb and pesticides in 81 sediment and 90
                                                                                                        program.                                             benthos samples; Calculation of geochemical
                                                                                                                                                             index, enrichment factor, ecological risk index
                                                                                                        According to the 2018 work plan, the SCMST           of As, Hg and Pb elements in 81 sediment
                                                                                                        organized a business trip to Brunei University       samples; Developing a zoning map of the
                                                                                                        of Durassalem. The delegation discussed              effects of organic chlorine, As, Hg, Pb and
                                                                                                        issues of possible cooperation in the field of       pesticides in coastal sediment samples in
                                                                                                        marine research, including: marine biodiversity      Thai Binh province; Wrote a research article
                                   MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                                        research, focusing on coral reef ecosystems;         submitted in international journals on the SCI-E
                                                                                                        How to approach and protect the restoration          list and were accepted by two reviewers for
                                                     Van Cu
                                                                                                        of coral reefs in the context of climate change      publication.
                                                               Chairman of the Scientific Council       and issues of coral reef restoration; Protect
                                                                                                        and conserve aquatic resources associated            - The project "Study on geochemical -
                                                                                                        with coral reefs; Research on deep-sea mineral       petrology characteristics of magmatic
                                                                                                        resources; The geological structure and              basalt in coastal and offshore areas of

  n 2018, The Scientific Council on Marine          of coastal zones in Cua Dai estuary and             evolution of continental shelves and geologic        South Central Vietnam to understand the
  Science and Technology (SCMST) reviewed           neighboring areas.                                  sea related to the development of seismic            mantle dynamic and related geodynamical
  the proposals of scientific projects for 2019,                                                        and tsunami-oriented research directions;            regimes" has developed the distribution map
                                                    + Two proposals related to marine                   Exchange, share information, training activities,    of volcanic eruption location in the Southern
evaluated and accepted the scientific research
                                                    biochemistry: Research on making cosmetics          exchange graduate students; organizing               Central continental shelf. Update, supplement
projects in the direction of marine science and
                                                    containing natural active ingredients quinonoid
                                                    from the test and spines of sea urchins and
The SCMST held meetings to review, select           construction of biological indicators to assess
and revise the proposals for marine scientific      environmental warnings in farming areas.
and technology development under the
                                                    + A proposal related to the direction of
program and at the VAST and State level. In
                                                    assessing the risk of micro-plastic wastes in
detail, SCMST has reviewed and selected 6
                                                    the coastal environment of Haiphong - Quang
of 13 submitted proposals under the VAST
                                                    Ninh and proposing solutions to prevent
priority direction. These includes:
                                                    ecosystem health decline.
+ Two proposals related to the geological
                                                    + A proposal related to the field of research
hazard in coastal and estuarine zones:
                                                    of manufacturing remote control diving
studying the mechanism of sedimentation
                                                    equipment for seabed research.
and proposing solutions. This is in order to
ensure the prevention of the sedimentation in       - The Council has selected 1 of 2 proposals
the estuary in Thanh Hoa area and applying          under the VAST young independent project.
machine learning technology and artificial          The direction is to determine the characteristics
intelligence to assess the geological hazard        of the earths crust structure of the Southwest                          Bouguer anomaly map of the North Central region - Hoang Sa

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