Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...

Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
Enterprise Digital Transformation
Se s s ion 47, Augus t 10 , 20 21

Pa ddy Pa dma na bha n, CPHIMS                                                         Ka re n Murphy, PhD, RN
CEO, Damo Consulting                                                                   Chief Innovations Officer, Geisinger

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are solely those of the author/presenter and do not necessarily represent any policy or position of HIMSS.
Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...

          Pa ddy Pa dma na bha n, CPHIMS   Ka re n Murphy, PhD, RN
                     CEO                   Chief Innovations Officer
                 Damo Consulting                   Geisinger

                                                    #HIMSS21      2
Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
Conflict of Interest
Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS

Karen Murphy, PhD, RN

Has no real or apparent conflicts of interest to report.

                                                           #HIMSS21   3
Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
• Learning objectives

• Digital transformation priorities and market trends in a post-COVID era

• Geisinger Health Digital Strategy

• Case study 1: portal consolidation

• Case study 2: intelligent automation

• Assessing digital maturity

• Digital transformation roadmap & best practices

                                                                            #HIMSS21   4
Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
Learning Objectives

•   Identify best practices and learnings from how a
    large integrated health system is driving a multi-year
    digital transformation roadmap
•   Discover how technology is enabling digital
    transformation at the front and back end of
    healthcare operations and best practices in
    technology strategy and technology partner
•   Recognize how centralized governance can
    accelerate transformation and maximize value from
    technology investments

                                                             #HIMSS21   5
Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
How healthcare CEOs
are approaching
consumerism in a
COVID-19 era*

                      * Modern Healthcare CEO Power Panel Survey 2020

Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
players are
into healthcare

                  #HIMSS21   7
Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
Partnerships focused on
data and analytics are
on the rise

Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
Geisinger: Integrated
health $7.1 billion in
combined revenues

We care for patients.           We provide quality,     We teach, research
•   10 hospital campuses        affordable healthcare   and innovate.
•   125 clinic sites            coverage.
•   23,828 employees
•   1,677 employed physicians

                                                                             #HIMSS21   9
Enterprise Digital Transformation - Session 47, August 10, 2021 Paddy Padmanabhan, CPHIMS - HIMSS PowerPoint ...
                   Lead the nation in building transformative, scalable,
                   measurable, and sustainable solutions that lowers cost of
Steele Institute   care while improving health, care delivery, and patient

was established
to lead            Definition of innovation

                   Guiding principles

                                                                      #HIMSS21   10
Geisinger Digital
• It’s not about digital – It’s about
• It’s not a five-year strategy – It’s a forever
• It’s not about one function – It’s all

                                                   #HIMSS21   11
Geisinger Digital Strategy
                          Powered by Digital
   Digital Strategy Vision                                                 Value Levers

               Make it
                Easy                +               Improve

Leverage enhanced and new               Make it easy for Geisinger   Empower customers to        Provide connected care
Geisinger digital capabilities to       and customers to complete    save on costs by            solutions to reduce medical
deliver on the Digital Vision:          tasks by streamlining and    personalizing and           costs stemming from chronic
                                        simplifying interactions     proactively engaging them   care and ED visits
Going above and beyond to                                            in the care journey
understand our communities to
make healthcare easier and
more affordable so you can
live your healthiest life.
                                          Disruptive

                                          “Fundamentally different approach”

                                          Results in better care, better experience and lower costs

                                                                                                                               #HIMSS21   12
Digital Transformation Organization Model
Driving digital initiatives across the enterprise

               Governance Structure                                    Geisinger Digital
                Steering Committee                                  Transformation Office
                                                                           ( Damo)

                                             Clinic          Marketing        IT            Patients   Operations
                 An Aligned Geisinger
                     Enterprise =
               An Exceptional Consumer        DS               DS             DS              DS           DS

                                                                        Execution Arm
                                                      (A Business and Transformation Office Partnership)            (bi-directional)

                                                                    Technical Architecture

                                                                                                                                       #HIMSS21   13
~2-3 year future state website, portal
& communication vision supporting
Deliver a superior digital experience through a
unified account, that is personalized and easy to
use driving customer loyalty and stickiness across
all enterprise services.

                                                     #HIMSS21   14
Deliver easy to use experience that creates customer loyalty and stickiness across all enterprise services

•   Customers log into mobile responsive web/portal through
    one account to manage health, health plan coverage,
    finances, pharmacy, etc.

•   Customers manage their communication
    preferences centrally, and Geisinger can send
    communications tailored to channel preferences (print,
    email, text, app notifications, IVR/phone)

•   Superior digital experience drives consumers to opt-in for
    digital communications, driving down print, mail and
    phone costs

•   Geisinger enhances compliance with increasing data
    privacy, consent management, security, accessibility

                                                                                          *draft designs, mobile responsive

                                                                                                          #HIMSS21        15
Intelligent Automation Hub
Program Goals
•     Automate manual, high
      volume processes within                                             Annual Value Generator
      multiple lines of business
•     Accelerate operational
•     Establish a foundation for an                       24+                                    $2M+                           6000+
      intelligent automation culture
      within the Enterprise                          Digital Workers                              Realized                      Hours Saved
                                                    Across Geisinger                              Benefits
                                                         & Growing!                               Annually

                          Power Automate
                                                                                      Three Tenets
    Scale / Maturity
    (infrastructure/experience)                       Process                                                                    Infrastructure
                                                Design/Architecting                         Development                           Management
    Value Optimization
    (within current operation)                                                      Application Developers working with   Oversees IAH technical operations
                                           Partners with the business to identify
                                                                                      automation tools to create bots      and Steele Institute application
                                           and scope automation opportunities
Data as of 5/5/21

Example Success: Clinical Services Optimization

 COVID, Flu, RSV Result Automation
Four automated ways to get results to ensure optimal            Key Highlights                                   and Data
communication time to patients
                                                             5 automations + IVR component
                                                                   in just one process
Out bound ca ll t o         Pa t ie nt s ca ll in t o ge t       Bot productivity 23x more
pa t ie nt s                t he ir re s ult                    productive than human (91
Within 24 hours results     Calling any Community              patients/hr called by Bot vs 4
being available, patients   Medicine main line or the          patients/hr called by human)
receive an automated call   COVID Hotline, a patient can
and documentation in        press 1# and authenticate to     Prior to automation, patients with
their chart                 hear their results                  positive test results only were
                                                             called due to resource constraint.
                                                              Automation made it possible to
myGe is inge r              Aut oma t ic le t t e r           call patient with negative results
port a l                    ge ne ra t ion                                  as well.
Patient's have              When a result is available,
immediate access to         an automatic letter with a             Symptom monitoring              Hours Saved         Realized Benefits

their lab result via the    patient's result is              volume/saving data is part of the
myGeisinger portal under    immediately generated,             volume and saving of COVID
“tests & labs”              printed and mailed to the                                                  Symptom Monitoring
                                                                                                   Hours Saved         Realized Benefits

Structured &
collaborative approach
has delivered significant
benefits to date
☞ Quantified benefits: multi-million $$ impact

☞ Technology strategy that lays strong foundation for enabling
  digital transformation

☞ Improved governance for faster decision-making and
  implementation acceleration

☞ Best in class partner selection for improved chances of success

Assessing Digital Maturity in Health Systems*
               Model                                  Model                       Model                            Model

 EHR as primary platform                Digital initiatives focused   Stand-alone digital            Long term strategic bets on
 for digital engagement                 on virtualization of care     innovation initiatives         multi-year investments
 • “< EHR vendor name> is               • Telehealth, eVisits         • Enterprise-specific point    • Comprehensive, enterprise-
   our digital strategy”                                                solutions: Homegrown and       level transformation strategy
                                        • “Digital front doors”
 • Focus on specific                    • Remote monitoring                                          • 1-2 key strategic
   functionalities e.g. access                                        • Innovation programs for        partnerships, alongside EHR
   and scheduling, real-time            • Patient communications        commercialization of in-
   video consults                                                       house development            • Robust governance model
                                                                                                       to leverage startup
                                                                      • Departmental initiatives:      ecosystem
                                                                        specialized clinical needs

*Source: Damo Consulting DigiMTM maturity model framework

                                                                                                                     #HIMSS21    19
Digital Front Door Strategies for healthcare providers*
 Section Digital Initiative                   Provider 1   Provider 2   Provider 3   Provider 4   Provider 5   Provider 6   Provider 7   Provider 8   Provider 9   Provider 10

                        Online scheduling



                        Symptom triage
   Digital Front Door

                        Online payment tool

                        Online registration

                        Online check-in

                        Wait-time estimator

                        Slot management

                        Mobile app

                        Video visits

                        Second Opinion

                                                     Not implemented       Implemented            Stand-alone tool with       Stand-alone tool
                                                                                                                                                      * source:Damo Consulting Research
                                                                             with EHR             FHIR/HL7 integration       with no integration

                                                                                                                                                                     #HIMSS21       20
Digital Maturity - Select Providers*
Relative maturity levels based on strength of vision and strength of execution
                                                                                   Provider 10

                                                     Provider 6     Provider 1
                                                                                       Provider 5
                                                                                                               Note: Size of bubble
                                                                                                               indicates relative size
                                                                                 Provider 4                    of the organization in
                                                                                                               the sample

                                                       Provider 7     Provider 3

                                                   Provider 2              Provider 8
                                      Provider 9

                               Weak                                                       Strong
                                                                                              * source:Damo Consulting Research
Developing a Digital Transformation Strategy *
              1                                  2                           3                                  4                                   5                                 6
    Design strategy                       Readiness                     Digital                         Prioritization                        Operating                        Technology
    and enterprise                     assessment and                 Roadmap                                  &                               model &                      platform & partner
        version                        benchmarking                  development                       dependencies                            funding                           selection

•   Where does digital          •     What are the current      •   What is the universe of      •    What is the right              •    What is the optimal          •    What are the key gaps
    transformation fit in             digital initiatives in        digital opportunity               prioritization and                  operating structure to            in talent? What are the
    overall enterprise                flight?                       areas?                            sequencing of the                   deliver on this strategy?         key skills to be
    strategy?                                                                                         digital roadmap                                                       developed in-house?

•   What are the goals          •     What benefits have        •   How do they map to           •    What is the business            •   What is the                   •    Who are the strategic
    and objectives of a               these initiatives             patient engagement,               case for each                       governance structure               technology partners to
    digital strategy?                 delivered?                    caregiver enablement,             digitalization use case?            for digital                        help execute the
                                                                    or organizational                                                     transformation?                    vision?

•   What are the risks in       •     How do current            •   What is the expected         •    What are the major             •    What is the funding          •    What is the role od the
    not executing on a                initiatives compared to       level of investment               technical                           structure and funding             internal development
    digital transformation?           industry benchmarks?          over a 3-year period?             dependencies? What                  sources? How much is              teams?
                                                                                                      is the level of technical           Capex or Opex?

                            Phase 1                                                         Phase 2                                                               Phase 3

                                                                                                                    *  From Healthcare Digital Transformation : How Consumerism, Technology
                                                                                                                    & Pandemic are Accelerating the Future, Taylor & Francis, Aug 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                  #HIMSS21            22
Best Practices In Digital Transformation
                                               Prioritize high-impact            Establish robust
             Start with the end in             digital engagement                governance and
             mind: define the future           opportunities in patient          processes early; ensure
             state before developing       2   journey; leverage             3   compliance with process
             a technology solution             synergies across                  for consistency and
                                               enterprise                        optimal outcomes

                                               Research potential
             Define the scope and                                                Build an engaged
                                               vendors carefully for their
             requirements clearly:                                               community of
                                               healthcare market
             avoid overdesigning                                                 practitioners; establish
     4                                     5   presence, and especially      6
             solutions, consider inter-                                          regular communication,
                                               their understanding of
             dependencies                                                        share best practices
                                               the provider landscape

                                               Leverage existing
                                                                                 Recognize changes in
             Address near term                 technology partnerships
                                                                                 enterprise and market
             enterprise needs without          where possible e.g. Epic,
                                                                                 needs and reprioritize
     7       losing sight of longer-term   8   Salesforce. Look for best-    9
                                                                                 digital roadmap items as
             strategy                          in-class solutions where

                                                                                                       #HIMSS21   23

      #HIMSS21   24
Thank you!

Paddy Padmanabhan          Karen Murphy
+1 630 649 8548            +1 570-271-7091
paddy@damoconsulting.net   kmurphy2@geisinger.edu
www.damoconsulting.net     https://www.geisinger.org/

                                                        #HIMSS21   25
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