2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA

Page created by Karen Mcdonald
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA
2021 Technology Digital
Transformation Survey
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA

03    Introduction

04    Tech Fast-Tracks Digital Transformation

06    Prioritizing the Customer Experience
      in a Changing Environment

08    Optimizing Product & Process for Enhanced Reliability

10    Innovating With Trust… or Bust

12    Conclusion

                                                              2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY   2
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA
After the events of last year, nearly every company had to become a tech company to survive. The pressure is still on.
Critical industries and processes are counting on tech companies not only for resilience but for growth.

The pandemic opened the world’s eyes to new possibilities that lie ahead—but also outlined the risks of failing
to innovate.

With digital demand increasing across every sector, the technology industry is accelerating its own digital
transformation plans too. BDO’s 2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey found that:

92%            of technology companies have a digital transformation strategy underway.

Building the business of the future will take a dual approach, but center on the singular disruptive driver: demand.
Demand has both surged and fundamentally changed. Convenience is not as important as reliability. New business
models mean new opportunities.

In the short-term, tech companies will fine-tune operations and critical processes—such as supply chain and
security measures—to ensure that they perform under increased demand and ongoing pressure. At the same time,
tech companies will invest in what’s next by introducing new products and upgrading the customer experience.

By focusing on meeting demand and bolstering trust, tech companies can both power and influence the future
of business.

      The stakes for successful digital transformation execution are high across every sector. Business resilience
      relies on technology, and the ability to adapt requires innovation and insight. The technology industry’s
      influence on the future of business and our economy has never been greater, but to capitalize on this new
      demand, it’s critical that tech companies invest in key areas like experience, reliability and trust to ensure
      they can deliver.

                                          AFTAB JAMIL
                                          National Co-leader of BDO’s Technology Practice

           *A detailed description of the study methodology is included in the Methodology Overview.

                                                                                                                         2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY   3
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA
Tech Fast-Tracks Digital Transformation
Digital innovation is at the core of most technology companies’ DNA, but the shift in demand in 2020 accelerated short- and long-term priorities and brought new priorities
to the forefront. Plans created pre-pandemic no longer reflect the market needs, and as a result, many tech companies went back to the drawing board.


            67%                                           57%                                           41%                                          40%

  Revising long-term strategic vision              Adding new digital projects             Accelerating some or all existing plans         Putting some or all existing plans
                                                                                                                                                  on the back burner

                           plan to increase spending on digital investments in
                           the next 12 months

                           1 in 4 by 10%
                           or more

                                                                                                                      2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY             4
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA

                  of technology leaders have seen their existing digital
                  transformation initiatives as successful to date

                  expect revenue to increase as a result
                  of digital investments

                  expect profitability to increase
                  as well—with 33% predicting
                  increases of 10% or more

  Accelerating the pace of digital transformation means nothing if solid plans are not in place. Considering not only the investment in digital capabilities, but looking beyond
  to adoption by employees and customers, assimilation into company culture and integration into processes is crucial to ensuring a successful implementation. Are senior
  leaders on board? Are employees aware of how these changes will impact them? Are you able to communicate how digital will add long-term value for the company
  and customers? Just as the digital transformation process must be ongoing in order to remain apace of changes to the landscape, the onboarding and education process
  should continue alongside it to be a concurrent priority.

                                                                                                                         2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY             5
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA
Prioritizing the Customer Experience in a Changing Environment
Customer needs are changing and consistently expanding—high levels of speed, reliability and consistency are expected, and patience for outages is at an all-time low. In order
to meet—and hopefully exceed—these expectations, tech leaders are prioritizing upgrading the customer experience to retain current customers and edge out the ever-growing
competition for new ones. In many cases, this means adding or expanding services, including cloud computing, collaboration tools, contactless options and more.

                                                                                                                                                   will introduce a new
                                                                                                                                                   digital revenue stream
                                                                                                                                                   in the next 12 months

                                                                            #1 cited digital priority
                                                                            = Improving customer

             will expand into new markets
              or customer segments in the
                           next 12 months

                                                                                                                       2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY              6
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA

 1 in 5                          87%                    Only 6%
 respondents say             say that digitization of       of respondents say
  poor customer               customer service and           that outstanding
experience is their           customer experience            customer service
   biggest digital              will have some or          was their company’s
  threat this year              significant impact         primary competitive
                               on their business in            differentiator
                                   the next year

  The customer experience is continuously evolving as needs and expectations
  change over time. Technology organizations are in a unique position
  given that the industry is generally at the forefront of innovation, leaving
  customers with less patience for outdated products and interfaces. With this
  in mind, tech leaders must continue to transform and modernize how they
  interact with customers alongside their upgraded products and services.
  Customer experience is about more than products—it is about people.
  Designing solutions with the user in mind, then investing in training and
  guiding employees to provide excellent service whether upon delivery
  or when troubleshooting, is critical. Any friction in the customer journey
  or experience creates an opportunity for a competitor to capitalize.

                                                                                 2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY   7
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA
Optimizing Product & Process for Enhanced Reliability
Digital transformation isn’t just about investing in new solutions—it is also about surveying the current state of affairs at an organization and evaluating how operations
and processes can be improved. As demand for technology products and services increases, so in turn does the pressure to deliver. In order to make sure they are up to the task,
technology companies are turning an eye inward and reviewing potential weak spots in their operations. Inefficiency or ineffectiveness means lost opportunity and revenue
 and must be addressed in the year ahead.

        39%                                   17%                         Upgrading is key for long-term digital success—an organization won’t be able to innovate
                                                                          and scale on legacy technology if it doesn’t meet the business’s current or future needs.

                                                                          36%           of respondents identified interoperability with legacy technology & processes
                                                                          as the reason digital initiatives underperform

     say most 2021 R&D                        say most R&D
  investments are aimed at              investments are aimed at
   improving or enhancing                improving or enhancing
      existing products                     internal processes

More than 1 in 5 respondents say that optimizing business processes
and driving operational efficiencies across the supply chain was their
#1 most important digital priority, second only to CX

                                                                                                                        2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY              8
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA
                                                          BDO INSIGHT
After a year where weaknesses became painfully
clear, upgrading the supply chain for increased agility   Supply chains have been under scrutiny recently, after shutdowns, shortages and surges left many
is in the spotlight.                                      organizations finding their current strategy wanting. As companies look to de-risk and optimize value
                                                          in their supply chain, access, reliability and even redundancy and back-up options will be in focus.
                                                          Technology enhancements to the supply chain—from IoT to data analytics—can help tech companies
                          51%                             have greater visibility into their current and future needs, allowing for better and faster decision
                          of tech companies               making when it’s time to pivot. This can be a key competitive advantage whether customers are in
                          say stakeholders have more      times of relative calm or crisis.
                          trust in supply chain than
                          the year prior

                          of tech companies
                          say they have less trust

Digitizing the supply chain is on the agenda:

                          50% planning to adopt

                          43% already adopted

                                                                                                          2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY           9
2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey - BDO USA
Innovating With Trust… or Bust
Security and privacy have been top of mind for technology organizations in recent years as they work to ensure that customer and proprietary information is both safe and
properly used. Amid disruptions brought on by COVID-19, trust has become both more important and more challenging to achieve. From the shift to remote work, to the surge
in digital transactions and information sharing in the cloud, tech companies are on alert.

                                                                                        TRUST TRACKS UPWARD, BUT THREATS LINGER

     #1           Cyberattacks or privacy breaches are the #1 digital threat              LEVEL OF TRUST IN           MORE                 LESS              SAME

                                                                                          Cybersecurity                 57%                24%                19%

                  33% say cybersecurity and compliance is the biggest challenge           Data Privacy                  61%                27%                12%
   33%            they faced in the last 12 months

                  of respondents say that cybersecurity and data privacy risks
    37%           was their top IT resilience challenge


            83%                                           78%                                        77%                                          66%

       use security analytics                         use data encryption                  use managed security services              use continuous threat monitoring

                                                                                                                  2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY         10
Data privacy and cybersecurity have always been both an area of opportunity
and risk for technology companies. With new regulations in the data privacy           Privacy and trust are critically linked. Building a world class technology
space still expected, security tools and privacy protocols will be necessary to       company with a best-in-class customer experience means building
ensure compliance and get ahead of bad actors looking to harvest information—         privacy and protection into the product or solution. With many tech
especially in light of the SolarWinds hack early last year. While it’s not possible   companies now leading the conversation on the push for more guardrails
to predict every threat, building a culture of resilience requires being agile and    and guidance around privacy, it’s also more critical to reputation than ever
responsive to emerging risks. By investing in security and privacy, tech leaders      that they hold themselves to these same high standards.
will ensure that they retain the hard-earned and easily lost trust of customers,
as well as the assurance that their own operations are secure.                                            DOUG HART
                                                                                                          National Co-Leader of BDO’s
                                                                                                          Technology Practice

                                                                                                              2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY          11
Technology companies are well-positioned when it comes to digital transformation.
While organizations and leaders within the space look to undergo their own
transformations, they are also in turn upgrading operations in a way that impacts
the digital journeys and opportunities of their customers. As demand continues,
so will scrutiny, and leaders must be prepared to ensure their plans and protocols
can meet the moment.

Technology leaders should focus on building the right technology infrastructure to
meet increased customer needs, improving reliability and consistency and upgrading
security, all to power their businesses forward for better growth.

Though digital transformation is a complex undertaking, the return on investment
is clearer than ever before. A rising tide lifts all ships. Tech is the tide, our economy
the ships.

  To benchmark your digital maturity and transformation
  readiness against your peers, explore our 2021
  Technology Digital Transformation Survey
  Benchmarking Report ⊲

                                                                                                               For a personalized evaluation of
                                                                                                               your organization’s maturity level
                                                                                                               and opportunities, sign up to receive
                                                                                                               our Digital Performance Indicator.

                                                                                                                 SIGN UP NOW 

            Source for this and all subsequent graphs: Data analyzed from S&P Global’s Capital IQ database.                   Retail - Online: 9.6%
                                                                                                              2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY   12
About BDO’s 2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey
The 2021 Technology Digital Transformation Survey was conducted by Rabin Research Company, an independent marketing research firm, in January 2021.
The survey included 100 C-level executives at technology companies with annual revenues between $100 million and $3 billion.


                        17%                                5%                                32%                                                            10%
                        $2 billion to                      $100 million to                   Chief Technology                                               CEO
                        $3 billion                         $250 million                      Officer or Chief
                                                                                             Innovation Officer
18%                                                                                                                                                             7%
$1 billion to just                                                                                                                                              CFO
under $2 billion

                                   ANNUAL                                                                                EXECUTIVE
                                  REVENUES                                                                                 TITLES


                                                                  $251 million to
                                                                    $500 million

                     14%                           16%                                               24%                                   4%
                                                                                                     Chief Information Officer             Line of Business Executive
                     $751 million to just          $501 million to
                                                                                                     or Chief Information
                     under $1 billion              $750 million
                                                                                                     Security Officer

                                                                                                                  2021 TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SURVEY          13

               AFTAB JAMIL                                                                                                         MAURICE LIDDELL
               Assurance Partner and Global Technology Practice Leader                                                             Principal and BDO Digital Technology Leader
               ajamil@bdo.com                                                                                                      mliddell@bdo.com

               DOUG HART                                                                                                           HANK GALLIGAN
               Assurance Partner and National Technology Practice Co-Leader                                                        Assurance Partner
               dhart@bdo.com                                                                                                       hgalligan@bdo.com

               MARK ANDERSEN                                                                                                       KRIS KAUFMANN
               Assurance Partner                                                                                                   Assurance Partner
               mandersen@bdo.com                                                                                                   kkaufmann@bdo.com

               OCTAVIO DOSSI NETO                                                                                                  BRYAN LORELLO
               Assurance Partner                                                                                                   Assurance Partner
               odossineto@bdo.com                                                                                                  blorello@bdo.com

               DEMETRIOS FRANGISKATOS                                                                                              DAVID YASUKOCHI
               Assurance Regional Managing Partner                                                                                 Tax Partner
               dfrangiskatos@bdo.com                                                                                               dyasukochi@bdo.com

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