Energy Justice POINTs: Policies to create a more sustainable & fairer future for all - Briefing paper prepared by Rachel Bray and Rebecca Ford May ...

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Energy Justice POINTs: Policies to create a more sustainable & fairer future for all - Briefing paper prepared by Rachel Bray and Rebecca Ford May ...
Energy Justice POINTs:
Policies to create a more
sustainable & fairer future for all

Briefing paper prepared by Rachel Bray and Rebecca Ford

May 2021
                                        The transition to clean energy is one of the UK’s five priority areas for COP26. Alongside the
                                        potential benefits from creating green energy jobs, transition to a net-zero energy system offers
                                        the potential for delivering broader social, political, and economic benefits (Hamilton and Akbar,
                                        2010; Hepburn et al., 2020; Roy et al., 2018; Sovacool et al., 2020).

                                        History shows us that socio-economic disruptions associated with transitions tend to amplify
                                        inequalities (Sovacool and Brisbois, 2019). It is likely that without intervention, these benefits,
                                        and the costs to deliver them, will not be evenly distributed across society, with negative impacts
                                        disproportionately affecting those in lower socio-economic and minority groups.

                                        Against this backdrop there has been increasing recognition for the need for Energy Justice – to
                                        deliver a socially inclusive and equitable net-zero transition (Abram et al., 2020).

                                        This growing awareness of the importance of energy justice has created the need for a
                                        framework or lens through which policy impact can be explored at the wider system level to
                                        help mitigate against unintended consequences.

                                        Energy Justice POINTs (Policy Overview and Impacts for Net-zero Transitions) – see Figure 1 –
                                        provides a useful and usable framework to help decision makers explore the wide-reaching
                                        energy justice implications of their net-zero visions, strategies, and policies.

                                                                         It is based on four tenets of justice:

                                                                   Ad                          • Distributional – where injustices lie
                                 Distributional      Over time                                   • Recognition – who is affected

                                                                                                   • Procedural – how injustices can be overcome

                                                                                                    • Restorative – what we can do to ameliorate past


                                                                                                       injustices and mitigate against future injustices
          energy just

                           Recognition                       At different
                                                                              ns of a just en

                                            POINTs                                                           It also includes an additional four dimensions to
                                            framework                                                        take a whole-systems approach to a just transition
                                                             Along energy
   ets of

                                                             supply                                          which has been developed through a review of
                                                             chains                                         the literature (see Appendix 1 for description of


                                                   Across                                                   methods).



                                                   structures &
                                                                                    In this paper we outline the development of the Energy

                                                                                  Justice POINTs framework, discuss how it can be used, and
                                                                              provide a worked example of how the framework could be
                                                                           applied to a specific project.

                                        Figure 1: The Energy Justice POINTs framework

Contents                                           Acknowledgements
                                                       This report forms part of ALIGN: ALigning
    Introduction                                   4
                                                       Impacts for Getting to Net zero. The authors
      Engaging workers in a shifting industry      5   gratefully acknowledge financial support for
                                                       ALIGN from the UK’s Economic and Social
      Beyond workers: addressing wider societal
                                                       Research Council (ESRC) through the Place-
      issues                                       6
                                                       Based Climate Action Network (P-CAN), grant
    Embedding energy justice in net-zero               number ES/S008381/1.
    transitions                                    8
                                                       We also wish to thank the ALIGN Advisory
      The four tenets of energy justice            9
                                                       Board, who provided valuable feedback on
      Justice beyond the four tenets              11   previous versions of this work, which helped
                                                       us to shape the final report.
    Using the Energy Justice POINTs
    framework                                     18

    Appendix 1: Methods                           25   Authors
    References                                    28
                                                       • Rachel Bray | University of Strathclyde
                                                       • Rebecca Ford | University of Strathclyde

                                                       This report should be referenced as:

                                                         Bray, R. & Ford, R. 2021. Energy Justice
                                                         POINTs: Policies to create a more
                                                         sustainable & fairer future for all. Glasgow:
                                                         University of Strathclyde.
                                                         ISBN: 978-1-909522-85-5

    In the run up to COP26 countries around the world are revisiting their net-zero commitments
    and nationally determined contributions (NDCs) toward limiting the impacts of climate change.
    Recent weeks have seen revised commitments from Japan, South Korea and China, and the
    welcome return of the US to the Paris Agreement. Alongside this activity at the national level
    are commitments to deliver net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 from businesses, cities, regions
    and wider investors via the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
    Race to Zero campaign, which now includes 454 cities, 23 regions, 1,397 businesses, 74 of the
    biggest investors, and 569 universities around the world.1

    The energy sector is a key area for action, and the transition to clean energy is one of the UK’s five
    priority areas for COP26. This transition has the potential to impact a wide range of stakeholders
    across government, industry, business, communities, workers and members of the public, and
    across geographic scales and boundaries, industry sectors, and supply chains. Alongside the
    potential benefits from creating green energy jobs, transition to a net-zero energy system offers
    the potential for delivering broader social, political, and economic benefits (Hamilton and Akbar,
    2010; Hepburn et al., 2020; Roy et al., 2018; Sovacool et al., 2020).

    However, we are also faced with an era of unprecedented social and economic inequality
    (Lacey-Barnacle, 2020), and history shows us that socio-economic disruptions associated with
    transitions tend to amplify inequalities (Sovacool and Brisbois, 2019). It is likely that without
    intervention, these benefits, and the costs to deliver them, will not be evenly distributed across
    society, with negative impacts disproportionately affecting those in lower socio-economic and
    minority groups.

    Against this backdrop there has been increasing recognition for the need to deliver a socially
    inclusive and equitable net-zero transition (Abram et al., 2020). There is a moral imperative
    to embed justice in the energy transition and underpin international agreements (see Box 1).
    Equally important, the transition to a net-zero future simply won’t happen at the pace and scale
    commensurate with the commitments being made by national, sub-state, and non-state actors
    unless the values, needs, perspectives, and rights of the energy workforce and wider society are
    accounted for.

    1 Up-to-date statistics available from UNFCCC.

Box 1: The international context of a just transition

      Justice, and a Just Transition, are enshrined in international agreements. The 2030 Agenda
      for Sustainable Development (UN, 2015), adopted by all United Nations Member States
      in 2015, sets out 17 goals aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring
      prosperity for all people in line with a just and equitable energy transition. In the same
      year the International Labor Organization (ILO, 2015) also set out ‘Guidelines for a Just
      Transition’ with clear indicators for international governments surrounding the ‘greening of
      economies’ in line with decent work, poverty eradication and environmental sustainability.

      Three years later, during the COP24 meeting in 2018, the ‘Just Transition’ received particular
      emphasis, with the adoption of the “Solidarity and Just Transitions Silesia Declaration”. A
      Just Transition takes into account the rights of the workforce, encourages the creation
      of decent work and quality jobs in sustainable economic sectors in accordance with
      nationally defined development priorities. It also sets out that the burden of climate action
      should not be borne unequally by one set of workers or communities or any one country,
      encapsulating a very geographical perspective on who is affected and where (Jenkins,
      2019; Jenkins et al., 2020a).

    Engaging workers in a shifting industry
    Changes in energy production and use toward net-zero could lead to the loss of 6 million jobs
    globally by 2030, while creating 24 million new jobs, compared to a ‘business as usual’ pathway
    (Gambhir et al., 2018). However, it’s not just the number of jobs that is important to consider,
    but other factors. These include job availability, duration, and hours, as well as the quality of
    these jobs, described, for example, by pay, career progression opportunities, whether workers
    are employed or self-employed, and the presence of unions to represent workers in growing

    Workers in high carbon sectors would be willing to move to jobs outside the sector, or in the
    renewables sector, according to research (Robins, 2020). However, perceived injustices, anxiety
    over losing out, and lack of clarity around how their needs can be met can lead to pushback or
    backlash against decarbonisation. This was evident in some of the areas of the US that voted for
    Donald Trump (Healy and Barry, 2017) and also in the 2019 Australian elections that saw voters in
    the coal-producing state of Queensland rally against proposals to cut coal production over fear
    for their jobs and income (Johnson, 2020). Workers backlash was also evident in the ‘Mouvement
    des Gilets jaunes’ turbulence on the streets of France due to President Macron’s rise in fuel duty
    (Abdelal, 2020) and the historic 1980s Miners Strikes in the UK (Foden et al., 2014). Workers must
    therefore be engaged in the transition in order to build socio-political support for the changes
    required as the world shifts toward a net-zero economy.

    It is also important to recognise that not all regions will see net job creation. The Middle East and
    Africa will experience job losses if their economic structure stays in line with historical trends
    (Gambhir et al., 2018). In these regions, and others with prevailing fossil-fuel based industries, the
    shift away from coal could lead to increasing levels of poverty and unemployment, along with
    the loss of embedded local identity (Harrahill and Douglas, 2019).

Additionally, job losses in areas dependent on fossil-based industries of coal, oil and gas can lead
    to further job losses in other sectors such as retail and construction due to the general decline
    in local and regional economic vitality (Graff et al., 2018). Without the right policies and public
    investments, these regions – including the east coast of Scotland and the north east of England
    in the UK – could suffer disproportionately (Nicolle et al., 2020).

    While powering past coal is clearly a key dimension of delivering net-zero, closure of mines
    can have significant widespread and long-lasting negative impacts on these regions. A study
    by Sheffield Hallam University in 2014 (Foden et al., 2014) on former coal mining areas across
    England, Scotland and Wales showed continued substantial unemployment and deprivation. Key
    statistics highlighted that:

      • Across the coalfields as a whole, there are just 50 jobs for every 100 residents of working
        age. In South Wales there are just 41 for every 100.

      • Coalfield residents in work are more likely to be employed in lower-grade or manual
        occupations, and the coalfield workforce is more likely to lack higher-grade qualifications.

      • Ill health is widespread: In most of the coalfields, the proportion of residents reporting ill
        health or limitations on everyday activities is almost double the level in South East England.

      • Deprivation is widespread: 43% of all neighbourhoods in the coalfields fall into the worst
        30% in Britain, according to Indices of Deprivation.

    To address this and help mitigate impacts on people and communities, ‘just transition’
    movements are springing up internationally. These include:

      • The Just Transition Centre established by the International Trade Union Confederation
        (ITUC) in 2016

      • The Scottish Just Transition Commission established in 2019

      • The Institute for Just Transition introduced by the Spanish Government in 2020

    These initiatives bring together workers and their unions, communities, businesses and
    governments. They focus on optimising opportunities for industrial and economic activity
    to provide employment and development for workers and regions affected by low-carbon
    transition and exploring the need for early planning and long-term investment to capture the
    economic benefits of transition.

    However, it is not simply a matter of creating new jobs, as job creation in itself does not
    necessarily ensure just outcomes (Abram et al., 2020). Governments need to take account of
    where these jobs will be located, who will be filling them, and whether there is adequate skills
    provision training for workers to undertake them. This includes equal access to education and
    targeted vocational training for lower skilled workers to ensure that the creation of ‘green’ jobs
    benefits the workers and regions most in need (Unsworth et al., 2020).

    Beyond workers: addressing wider societal issues
    The magnitude of reducing energy sector carbon emissions requires action across the whole of
    society (Bolwig et al., 2020). This means that public acceptance and support is a critical element
    in delivering net-zero (Heffron and McCauley, 2017).

Governments and companies need public commitment as they make difficult decisions
    surrounding how much to spend, how much cost to pass on to consumers and what kinds of
    policies and regulations to implement (Bayulgen and Benegal, 2019). Furthermore, a lack of
    social acceptance can increase costs, cause delays and unwanted distributional impacts (Bolwig
    et al., 2020).

    The social acceptance of transition can be characterised in three areas: socio-political
    acceptance, community acceptance, and market acceptance (Bolwig et al., 2020):-

    Socio-political acceptance means that new energy technologies are considered to be
    acceptable and useful by society and they are favourably represented by media, politics and
    national institutions (Bolwig et al., 2020). A lack of socio-political acceptance can lead to social
    backlash as shown in the ‘Gilets Jaunes’ movement in France (Tagliapietra et al., 2019) and the
    demonstrations in Santiago, Chile sparked by an increase in metro fares caused by the decision
    to power the rail network with renewable energy (Early, 2019).

    Community acceptance covers the opinions of people living in the environment of specific
    energy projects, who therefore bear most of the direct external impacts. Community perceptions
    may also be shaped by past experiences and cultural heritage (Cuppen et al., 2020). Processes
    which engage local citizens and build trust in these energy projects can contribute towards
    gaining community acceptance; a lack of such processes can contribute to local conflicts
    surrounding projects (Bolwig et al., 2020).

    Market acceptance relates to consumer costs and a perceived fair distribution of financial
    benefits between producers and customers. A recent Welsh study (Becker et al., 2019) uncovered
    ‘pervasive distrust’ in the energy sector caused by a perceived lack of transparency in reporting
    company profits and perceived collusion between energy companies, government and the
    regulator leading to unfair profiteering by energy companies. This was echoed in a study in
    Cornwall (Bray and Woodman, 2020) which also uncovered public distrust in energy company

    It is worth noting that social acceptance or lack thereof often hinges on perception rather than
    fact, and may in fact constitute misperception. Individuals or companies may attempt to do the
    right things but if the public perception of the industry or technology is negative, or hinges on
    deeply rooted concerns related to trust and integrity, it becomes a challenge to make progress
    in the desired direction. In addition, the current transition to net-zero is happening against the
    backdrop of uneven distributional impacts of past transitions that have already undermined
    public trust. This is particularly true in the UK where social inequality and regional disparities
    have worsened since the Austerity agenda, introduced in 2010, drastically cut public expenditure
    for services such as education, health and welfare provision (Lacey-Barnacle, 2020).

    However, while deprived communities may not be primarily concerned with lowering their
    carbon emissions, opportunities to reframe low carbon transitions as supporting economic
    development and local regeneration can appeal to deprived areas (Lacey-Barnacle, 2020).

    This is exemplified in Indianapolis through the ‘Thrive Indianapolis’ plan, which outlines the city’s
    aims to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050 whilst also increasing community resilience and
    reducing social inequalities. To do this, they use a co-benefits approach that treats reduction
    in greenhouse gas emissions as just one of many beneficial outcomes of the actions they are
    implementing to achieve their overall goal to build a thriving, sustainable and resilient city.

Embedding energy justice in net-zero transitions
                                        It is clear that the energy transition to net-zero needs to be socially inclusive and equitable. While
                                        a number of policy tools can help support this approach (Abram et al., 2020) there is the need
                                        for a wider framework or lens through which policy impact can be explored at the wider system
                                        level to help mitigate against unintended consequences.

                                      Energy Justice POINTs (Policy Overview and Impacts for Net-zero Transitions) – see Figure 1 –
                                                             provides a framework to help decision makers explore the wide-reaching
                                                                    energy justice implications of their net-zero visions, strategies,
                                                                       and policies. It takes a whole-systems approach and has been
                                                                 Ad        developed through a review of the literature (see Appendix
                                 Distributional    Over time                 1 for description of methods).

                                                                                                             The goal of this work is to create a useful and usable

                                                                                                              framework for policy makers and practitioners to
          energy just

                           Recognition                        At different
                                                              scales                                           examine the energy justice implications of policies
                                                                               ns of a just en

                                            POINTs                                                              or strategies to deliver net-zero. It takes inspiration
                                            framework                                                           from The Energy Justice Workbook developed by
                                                              Along energy
   ets of

                                                              supply                                            Shalanda Baker, Subin DeVar and Shiva Prakash at
                                                              chains                                           the Initiative for Energy Justice, and extends the


                                                    Across                                                    ideas developed by the workbook to build on the

                                                    power                                                    wider substantial body of energy justice literature.


                                                    structures &


                                        Figure 1: The Energy Justice POINTs framework

                                        The following sections outline the development of the Energy Justice POINTs framework, discuss
                                        how it can be used, and provide a worked example of how the framework could be applied to a
                                        specific project.

The four tenets of energy justice
    Energy justice is a term that’s been widely used in social science research literature as well as
    public policy literature in the context of global decarbonisation, climate change mitigation
    and the transition to a green economy (Healy and Barry, 2017). Many scholars refer to the ‘three
    tenets of energy justice’ to describe the three underlying principles of distributional,2 recognition
    and procedural justice:

    Distributional justice
    There are two interlinked aspects to distributional justice. The first is location, relating to the fact
    that energy infrastructure can be unevenly distributed spatially. This can be due to operational
    reasons (for example because wind turbines needing to be sited in locations where they will
    have the best output) but it can also relate to socioeconomic factors. For instance polluting
    forms of energy production can often be situated within areas of social deprivation (McCauley
    et al., 2019). Additionally, low carbon domestic technologies (such as solar PV, batteries, EVs,
    heat pumps and smart appliances) are often only available to those who can afford to purchase
    them. This leads to the second aspect of distributional justice: the benefits and impacts of energy
    system transformation can also be unequally distributed between people and communities.
    Distributional justice therefore seeks a more even sharing of these benefits and impacts across
    society, regardless of income, race, gender etc. to reduce inequalities (Jenkins et al., 2016).

    Questions to ask when considering distributional justice include:

       • What are the primary benefits? Are there any second order benefits? For example,
         policies supporting greenhouse gas emission reductions in cities could have health
         benefits due to reduced air pollution; economic benefits due to reduced hospitalisation;
         and wider social and environmental benefits due to reductions in carbon emissions in line
         with targets for climate action.

       • Who are the intended beneficiaries? This could focus on particular groups defined by
         geography (e.g., those in a particular region), or socio-demographics (e.g., those living in
         social housing, those who travel on public transport, those in fuel poverty etc.).

       • Are there structural reasons why certain groups may be unintentionally excluded or
         marginalised? For example, gender-neutral policies could have gendered impacts due to
         unaccounted for differences in working or travel patterns by men and women.

       • What are the costs (economic and beyond), who is bearing them, and how are
         these costs distributed? Explore potential unintended consequences that may result in
         additional unforeseen impacts, including financial consequences for future generations.

    2 Sometimes referred to as distributive justice. Distributive justice is used more commonly in environmental
      justice literature, with distributional justice used more commonly in energy justice literature (Jenkins et al.,

Recognition justice
     This refers to the inclusion and fair representation of all stakeholders. It recognises that not
     all members of society are equally valued in current socio-cultural, economic and political
     arrangements, and that climate change and transitional policies could threaten to exacerbate
     these existing inequalities (Abram et al., 2020). Recognition justice therefore seeks to identify
     people and cultures who could be, or who have previously been, misrepresented, disadvantaged
     or exploited through energy system processes (McCauley et al., 2019).

     It advocates for the fair treatment of all people, regardless of social, economic, cultural, ethnic,
     racial and gender differences.

     Questions to ask when considering recognition justice include:

       • Who does this policy serve? Is it based on the dominant cultural groups (often aligned
         with white male identity) or are different groups explicitly considered?

       • Are there any groups of people who are either not recognised or misrepresented in
         the future scenario/society this policy aims to deliver? This could be unintentional due
         to replication of historical bias in how different groups of people with different identities
         are accounted for.

       • Does the policy value all members of society in an explicit rather than an assumed
         way? Implicit recognition can suffer from hidden forms of bias, so it’s important to
         articulate how the policy ensures that all members of society are valued and treated fairly.

       • How does the policy level the playing field for access to energy services or benefits for
         those people who may suffer injustice in the current system?

     Procedural justice
     This refers to how different stakeholders are involved in decision-making processes and calls
     for equitable procedures that engage all stakeholders in a non-discriminatory way. It therefore
     aligns both distributional justice and recognition justice by giving people fair representation
     through appropriate and fair decision-making channels.

     Questions to ask when considering procedural justice include:

       • What channels have been employed to provide stakeholders with input to decision
         making processes? Are these channels appropriate for all stakeholders? Have
         a range of channels been implemented to increase participation? For instance
         online consultations may be inappropriate for older people while ‘roundtables’ may be
         inaccessible to those who work during the day or have caring responsibilities.

       • Which stakeholders have been actively engaged? Are there biases toward particular
         groups due to the engagement channels used?

       • Are there any groups who have been systematically (if unintentionally) shut out due
         to the processes implemented?

       • How has stakeholder input been accounted for in the decision-making processes
         and resultant policies? Are some voices given priority for deliberate or unintentional
         reasons? Is this bias (if deliberate) transparent? If unintentional, what action can be
         taken to remove the bias?
Restorative justice
     Recently, a fourth tenet has gained traction, which is the concept of ‘restorative justice’.
     Restorative justice is based on the legal theory of criminal justice which calls for a process of
     remediation in response to past injustices. Restorative justice therefore aims to redress the past
     harm done to people, society or nature and can assist in pinpointing where prevention needs to
     occur (Heffron and McCauley, 2017).

     Questions to ask when considering restorative justice include:

       • Which stakeholders or parts of society experience injustice in current policy or
         practice arrangements? Why is this the case? Are there underlying issues (e.g., social,
         political, economic etc.) that have created this past injustice?

       • How might these groups be affected by new policies in terms of process and
         outcomes? Through what mechanisms is past injustice being addressed?

       • Have these groups been engaged in this restorative process?

       • Can this policy/ proposal alleviate previous landscape degradation or community

       • Could the new policy create future unintended consequences?

     While these four tenets are inextricably entwined, the distinction between them is helpful for
     considering where injustices lie (distributional), who is affected (recognition), how injustices can
     be overcome (procedural) and what we can do to ameliorate past injustices and mitigate against
     future injustices (restorative) (adapted from Jenkins et al., 2016).

     In addressing these questions it’s important to account for embedded systematic cultural
     and historical bias that dominates the prevailing view of the world. Therefore, it is important
     to account for the perspectives from a range of stakeholders, especially those from under-
     represented and marginalised groups. In examining the energy justice impacts of policies and
     strategies these stakeholders may introduce perspectives that could otherwise remain unseen
     and lead to unintentional replication of injustices despite the good will of those seeking to drive
     positive change.

     We therefore recommend that these questions are not answered by one person or individual
     stakeholder group alone, but are reviewed by a collective inclusive of diverse perspectives and

     Justice beyond the four tenets
     In addition to these four tenets of energy justice, it is worth considering how they manifest
     in energy system transitions. An examination of how energy justice is discussed in the
     literature helps explore the tensions, synergies and trade-offs between different perspectives
     and disciplinary approaches to examining justice (Jenkins et al., 2020b). This has led to the
     identification of four further dimensions of energy justice which are outlined in detail in the
     following sections:

1.   At different geographic scales
       2.   Across power structures and hierarchies
       3.   Along energy supply chains
       4.   Over time

     Bringing these four dimensions together with the four tenets of energy justice provides a
     framework for exploring how energy justice can be embedded into policies and practices for
     delivering net-zero.

     At different geographic scales
     As noted in the introduction, the energy transition to net-zero will play out differently in different
     parts of the world. There is no single transition pathway for countries and regions to take;
     energy justice considerations and outcomes will look different in different parts of the world. For
     example, some countries will be moving away from a dependence on fossil fuel extraction which
     underpins their economy, while others will be seeking to develop clean energy infrastructure.
     Furthermore, political processes, governance and participatory structures will also vary from
     country to country, and within countries. In this context it is important to recognise that there is
     no ‘one size fits all’ approach to energy justice.

     Within countries there will also be variation in where, how and by whom energy transition is
     felt, with the frontline communities more immediately affected by change experiencing impacts
     more strongly (Graff et al., 2018).

     This could be through a shift away from traditional industries such as coal mining leading to
     job losses in the region or through the emergence of new renewable energy and low-carbon
     technologies or infrastructure established within their communities and landscapes (e.g., wind
     farms, nuclear power plants). This variation has resulted in diversification of the energy sector,
     with a range of stakeholders at different scales, including households, communities, regions,
     as well as new – often smaller – businesses, joining the larger incumbent industry in different
     aspects of energy provision.

     Scale is also an important factor in considering how climate action and energy system transition
     is being delivered in planning for local areas. In the UK, Local Governments are emerging as
     key stakeholders: declaring climate emergencies, setting net-zero targets for their regions,
     and developing place-based strategies through which net-zero can be delivered (Howarth et
     al., 2021). However, a national framework to co-ordinate this action is lacking, leaving local
     authorities to making decisions independently, which could be at tension with wider national
     ambition. This has been exemplified in the proposed coal mine in Cumbria (Willis, 2020), with
     local priorities around jobs in tension with national targets for carbon emission reductions
     that have not been devolved to localities or regions. Further challenges exist due to regional
     differences in capacity and resource to deliver change. Following a decade of budget cuts, and
     with climate and energy remaining non-statutory responsibilities, different local authorities are
     limited in how well they are able to deliver climate action. This raises risks that those areas with
     fewer resources that are focused on attending to other challenges such as housing, poverty
     and education are left behind in the net-zero transition. As a result we need to go beyond
     considering justice at a single scale – at the national level – or how it is distributed across whole
     populations -between individual households or workers – and instead we need to explore how
     justice can be embedded across different scales.

Questions to ask when considering the geographic scales across which energy justice can be
     embedded, include:

       • What are the opportunities for reducing regional disparities (Levelling Up)?

       • Could the policies / practices have adverse affects on those outside of the community
         of interest? What can be done to mitigate against this?

       • What are the opportunities for reducing socioeconomic disparities within

       • Is place-based decision making taking into account all available evidence?

     Across power structure and hierarchies
     A just energy transition is not simply a technological or a sociotechnical matter; it can be
     described as a deeply political struggle since it is characterized by issues of power; distribution
     of, and access to, resources; political economy, and so on (Healy & Barry, 2017). Operationalising
     energy justice means positioning energy justice within the wider ambitions, values and decision
     making frameworks of those with the power to implement it, making sure to consider not only
     those groups who would benefit directly from embedding justice in energy transitions, but also
     those who are responsible, capable and accountable for delivering it (Jenkins et al., 2017, 2020a).

     Powerful ‘elites’ have a pivotal role to play in energy transition, particularly in modern energy
     systems where resources have traditionally tended towards centralised control by states, and
     national and multinational energy companies (Sovacool and Brisbois, 2019). Indeed, elite power
     can operate at multiple scales – from local actors to transnational powers – in order to dispute
     and oppose climate change narratives and transitions (Sovacool et al., 2019a).

     This means that energy transition processes and pathways can become intertwined with
     processes of inequality, exclusion, and injustice if due attention isn’t awarded to the power
     of elites to resist, slow or shape low carbon transitions (Sovacool and Brisbois, 2019). This is
     exemplified by a study of Queensland (Australia), which illustrated how incumbent utility
     providers presented key threats for embedding justice in the region’s energy transition through
     communicating a strong “environment versus jobs” narrative in order to maintain their position
     (Goddard and Farrelly, 2018). Goddard & Farrelly suggest that a long-term vision combined with
     a managed approach to energy transition has the potential to overcome incumbent influences
     and potential lock-in to existing hierarchical structures. In addition, building strong actor
     networks within affected communities can encourage bipartisan support and mitigate possible
     distributional impacts.

     There is also the potential to engage with powerful elites in driving positive and pervasive
     change, for example, by embedding or aligning energy justice approaches with pre-existing
     political and economic systems (Jenkins et al., 2020b). For example, by quantifying energy
     justice to assess how different countries perform (Heffron et al., 2018), developing energy justice
     checklists for key decision makers (Sidortsov and Sovacool, 2015), or economising energy justice
     through the introduction of equitable tariffs to help enact regulations that promote higher levels
     of energy justice (Alvial-Palavicino and Ureta, 2017).

Powerful elites do have a role to play in energy transitions, given their inherent self-interest. It is
     therefore important to drive consensus building across a wide range of stakeholders, including
     governments, donors, public and transnational actors, to ensure consistent long-term vision
     and policies that embed energy justice in decision-making frameworks. It’s equally important to
     create space for new actors and business models aligned with energy justice principles, as well as
     provide opportunities for wide scale public buy-in for driving forward a momentum for change
     that can counteract elite voices and leverage their interests to align with energy justice processes
     and outcomes (Ford and Hardy, 2020; Goddard and Farrelly, 2018).

     Implementing a more democratic approach to decision making can help build trust, increase
     perceptions of fairness, and improve levels of “buy in” from different stakeholder groups to a
     degree that can overcome the presence of negative impacts (Becker et al., 2019; Haggett, 2009;
     Wolsink, 2007).

     Local, community and civic stakeholders are becoming increasingly important and engaged with
     energy transitions. This is due in part to the scale and distributed nature of renewable generation
     technologies, many of which can be incorporated into households such as solar PV, heat pumps,
     battery storage, EVs etc. This brings the new energy system much closer to people and the
     communities in which they live, thus enabling individuals, cooperatives and small companies to
     invest in owning and operating energy infrastructure themselves.

     Additionally, with the increase in privately or community owned ‘behind the meter’3
     technologies, located in people’s homes and businesses, these are not subject to traditional
     energy utility regulation (Tagliapietra et al., 2019) enabling people to take autonomy. Therefore,
     as many new processes are being operated and delivered by individuals and cooperatives
     themselves (rather than being delivered by hierarchical traditional energy industries and
     financing regimes) these point to the need for a new energy democracy in which people can

     A study of 46 community energy organisations across Europe (including cooperatives, social
     enterprises, energy communities and not-for-profit organisations) found that their identities
     were deeply rooted in human-centric values and goals (Campos and Marín-González, 2020).
     These organisations had an inherent conviction that rather than having large foreign company
     “oligarchies” service local communities, renewables opened the door to a new energy paradigm,
     where energy is safer and fairer. Campos and Marin-Gonzalez therefore argue that the current
     energy transition should result in a reconfiguration of what energy is, from a commodity
     excluding some people and reifying prevalent hierarchies, to an essential and vital good.

     It is of course excellent news that more participatory processes are being developed and
     communities are being afforded opportunities to embed energy justice principles into both
     local and national decision-making. However, some processes are still hampering community
     participation. One example is the loss of the feed in tariff in the UK as of April 2019. It was
     predicted that this would severely undermine the financial viability of new community projects
     going forward (Regen, 2018) but was cut by the Government despite the fact that 90% of
     respondents to the Government’s consultation of this said they were opposed to its loss (BEIS,

     3 Domestic onsite generation technologies are commonly known as ‘behind the meter’ technologies as they are
       situated on the energy user’s side of the meter and can affect the amount of imported (metered) electricity

14     used by the customer.
In addition, some communities may be less well equipped to engage in, or resource, community-
     led projects. We therefore need to connect local ‘bottom up’ approaches with national level
     action to ensure energy justice is appropriately embedded in decision-making processes across
     the political spectrum.

     Questions to ask when considering how energy justice interplays with politics, power, and
     decision making hierarchies include:

       • How are stakeholders from citizens and communities to large organisations and elites
         influencing policy, research, and data? What strategies are in place to ensure that no
         one voice has undue influence?

       • How might the proposed policy/strategy impact this diversity of stakeholders? Might
         there be negative impacts to incumbents that needs to be managed?

       • What are the opportunities for greater inclusivity in decision-making / ownership
         / local trading & business models? How will the policy/strategy diversify power

       • How are different values held by different actors accounted for and how are trade-
         offs made? And how are decisions being held to account by and for these stakeholder
         groups? And how are these processes being legitimised?

     Justice along supply chains
     It is too simple to view the energy system only through the lens of the end-users who could reap
     multiple benefits from renewable and low carbon technologies in their household, workplace or
     local community, such as lower energy bills, energy efficiency, warmth etc., or through the lens
     of local environmental benefits such as improved air quality. We must also take into account the
     range of impacts caused across the whole lifecycle, many of which can take place hundreds, if
     not thousands, of miles away from the end-user.

     The technology life cycle consists of extraction; production; operation and supply; consumption
     and waste management (Heffron and McCauley, 2017). Global justice considers energy justice
     across the whole technology lifecycle, including the supply chains that are embedded within
     that lifecycle. Global justice therefore considers how the costs of extraction, consumption and
     eventual disposal of fossil fuel wastes are unevenly distributed across different populations
     around the world (Healy and Barry, 2017).

     Sovacool identifies many global issues of injustice within these lifecycles, including:

       • the manual extraction of cobalt to be used in EV batteries in the Democratic Republic of the
         Congo by women and children working in unsafe and unsanitary conditions;

       • contaminated water supplies in France from nuclear incidents that have destroyed
         indigenous vineyards;

       • the loss of approximately 64,000 jobs in solar PV manufacture in Germany due to
         subsidised Chinese manufacturing; and

       • the export of nearly half of the UK’s e-waste to a single scrapyard in Ghana (the equivalent
         of 250 shipping containers of e-waste arriving every month (Sovacool et al., 2019a).

Therefore if a Just Transition entails “creating environmentally sustainable economies and
     societies for all” (ILO, 2015) countries should not be able to offset their carbon emissions and
     technological waste overseas without accounting for it within their own carbon budgets.

     Questions to ask when considering energy justice across global supply chains include:

       • What are the whole lifecycle implications and impacts?

       • What impacts might be felt by businesses or communities along the supply chain?
         Might there be negative unintended conseqences?

       • How are businesses and communities along the supply chain being engaged? Are
         they being exploited or is there a way to give them voice?

       • How can social inequities along the supply chain be mitigated, for example,
         by altering procurement frameworks to account for fair trade / environmental
         degredation, and embed this within existing frameworks?

     Energy transitions and justice over time
     Energy transitions don’t happen overnight; they can take decades or generations, even for
     relatively wealthy, small, and committed countries (Gambhir et al., 2018; Sovacool, 2017).
     Given the need to deliver net-zero by 2050 at the latest, this means action is required now. This
     is especially pertinent when we consider that it can take up to several decades for different
     technologies to move through from research and development to production, to market and
     end-user take-up (Gross et al., 2018). The cost curves associated with new technologies may
     change over time with costs decreasing as production and performance increases. There may be
     changes in benefits associated with diminishing returns on investment as deployment increases.
     In addition, investments made today may take time to deliver returns, or may be dependent on
     changes to other parts of the energy system. Therefore, the links between the cost of transition
     and the benefits that will accrue is not straightforward.

     There is also a time dimension involved in when to commence the closedown of existing fossil-
     fuel based industries and start to transition these towards future opportunities. For instance,
     it is better to engage and act early while those industries are still viable, rather than reacting
     later once they may have gone into liquidation or do not have the finances available to invest
     in a smooth transition which also supports their existing workforce, for example, through skills

     Gambhir et al., state that this means implementing ‘proactive’ rather than reactive policies:

          “Reactive policies are aimed at helping workers in sectors negatively impacted by a
          low-carbon transition and include income support, retraining and career support, job
          transfers which help displaced workers into new jobs, pension bridging and workforce
          transition plans. Proactive policies are aimed at maximising the long-term benefits of the
          transition and include labour market modelling to identify sectors where skills are needed,
          targeted skills training, industrial transition support to help firms shift from high to low
          carbon activities, and geographically targeted public spending to help vulnerable regions.”
          (Gambhir et al., 2018)

Implementing proactive policies can also reduce the likelihood of future harm, for example,
     through implementing transition frameworks for workers in polluting industries (Abram et al.,
     2020) or through deliberately considering the effects of current decisions on future generations.
     As Muttitt notes:

          “leaving things until carbon budgets are mostly exhausted would result in disruptive
          change that would be sudden, costly, and painful. By starting now, the transition can be
          managed efficiently and fairly, to the maximum benefit of everyone involved.”
          (Muttitt, 2016)

     Sovacool et al (Sovacool et al., 2019b) drawing from earlier research (Sovacool et al., 2017; Delina
     and Sovacool, 2018), discuss 10 energy justice principles for decision-makers. Two of these
     principles relate to intragenerational equity (all people have energy rights) and intergenerational
     equity (future generations also have a right to enjoy life undisturbed by the damage caused

     The latter is reminiscent of the First Nation’s 7th Generation principle, which, based on an ancient
     Haudenosaunee philosophy, highlights that whenever a new policy or proposal is considered,
     decision-makers should carefully appraise its impact seven generations into the future, with
     regard to the health and social welfare of these future generations.

     While in the UK our planning frameworks rarely reach as far as considering seven generations
     into the future, there are examples of long-term thinking in the Government’s 2050 net-zero
     target, Local Authority Climate Energy Plans and Local Development Frameworks (which
     normally include at least a 20-year vision of what a local area wishes to achieve) etc. However,
     long-term planning should not mean ‘kicking the difficult decisions further down the road’.
     Action should be taken today to secure benefits for future generations.

     Questions to ask when considering the temporal elements of energy justice include:

       • Is the policy / practice proactive in seeking long-term benefits?

       • Who / what could be adversely impacted by the policy / practice over time and how?

       • Will the policies / practices adversely impact future generations? For instance through
         cost burdens; erosion of landscape or lock-in to a particular trajectory (e.g. hydrogen

       • What measures could be put in place to mitigate against future generations being
         unfairly burdened by polices and decisions taken today?

Using the Energy Justice POINTs framework
     Bringing the four tenets of energy justice together with the four dimensions of energy justice
     emerging from the literature provides a framework for considering how different components of
     energy justice might be embedded into net-zero energy transitions. This focus on social equity
     can help put people into the heart of policy making and decision-making frameworks, alongside
     the more traditional focus on economic, climate, and environmental impact.

     The Energy Justice POINTs framework and associated questions can help decision makers explore
     the wide-reaching energy justice implications of their net-zero visions, strategies, and policies.
     This is just as important for reactive policies that look to address past and present injustices,
     as it is for proactive ones trying to get ahead of the curve and deliver a just transition into
     the future. This could have benefits for a wide range of stakeholders, for instance by reducing
     regional economic disparities through targeted provision of jobs and training initiatives. It’s
     therefore important to design policies not just for the current system, but proactively for the
     future system that reflect on the questions of who wins/loses, how, why, and when, across time,
     geography, supply chains, and decision-making hierarchies. We have provided a guide for using
     the framework through a worked example of a specific project which took place in Cornwall, the
     Cornwall Local Energy Market (LEM) project. Background context on the Cornwall LEM project is
     provided in Box 2 below to aid understanding.

     Box 2: The Cornwall Local Energy Market

       The Cornwall Local Energy Market was a four year trial (2016-2020) jointly funded by the
       European Regional Development Fund and Centrica. The aim of the trial was to unlock
       network capacity through intelligent management of supply and demand in constrained
       areas of the distribution network in Cornwall. This was achieved by installing a range of
       renewable and storage devices in homes and businesses and setting up an online trading
       platform to allow Western Power Distribution (WPD) who are the Distribution Network
       Operator (DNO) for Cornwall, along with National Grid, to purchase flexibility services from
       project participants.

       The Cornwall LEM recruited participants from across Cornwall to take part in the trial; these
       included industrial & commercial customers, SMEs, and one hundred households. The
       households received solar panels, smart batteries and monitoring equipment through the
       project; enabling them to act as a ‘Virtual Power Plant’, the largest of its kind at the time in
       the UK. The energy they produced was aggregated and controlled remotely to provide a
       single block of power in trading events. In addition, the project installed a range of devices
       to 87 businesses; including solar, wind, storage and CHP technologies, as well as energy
       monitoring devices and training opportunities to enable these participants to also trade on
       the platform.

       All text taken from Future Prospects for Local Energy Markets: Lessons from the Cornwall
       LEM (Bray et al., 2020)

POINTs Framework – worked example

      1    What are the primary benefits? Are        Design and rollout of an online trading platform
           there any second order benefits?          in conjunction with the installation of renewable
           For example, policies supporting          and low carbon technologies at 100 households
           greenhouse gas emissions reductions       and approx. 100 business premises.
           in cities could have health benefits
                                                     This leads to:
           due to reduced air pollution;
           economic benefits due to reduced          Reduction in carbon, lowering of energy bills for
           hospitalisation; and wider social         participants, ability to trade (earn revenue) for
           and environmental benefits due to         participants, unlocking of network congestion
           reductions in carbon emissions in line    through market mechanisms.
           with targets for climate action.

      2    Who are the intended beneficiaries?       LEM participants (had to be resident in
           This could focus on particular groups     Cornwall).
           defined by geography (e.g., those
                                                     WPD (through enabling better management
           in a particular region), or socio-
                                                     of distribution network / unlocking network
           demographics (e.g., those living in
           social housing, those who travel on
           public transport, those in fuel poverty   WPD and National Grid through trialling
           etc.).                                    procurement of different market mechanisms.
                                                     Ofgem & BEIS through better understanding of
                                                     policy mechanisms.
                                                     General population through lowering of
                                                     greenhouse gas emissions.

      3    Are there structural reasons why          Project specifically targeted at Cornwall;
           certain groups may be unintentionally     therefore only available to Cornish residents &
           excluded or marginalised? For example,    businesses.
           gender-neutral policies could have
                                                     Householders had to be home owners, therefore
           gendered impacts due to unaccounted
                                                     excluded other forms of housing tenure.
           for differences in working or travel
           patterns by men and women.

      4    What are the costs (economic and          Financial costs were covered by EU funding
           beyond), who is bearing them, and         (European Regional Development Fund) and
           how are these costs distributed?          Centrica plc.
           Explore potential unintended
                                                     The project financially benefitted the LEM
           consequences that may result in
                                                     participants, but it also put them at an
           additional unforeseen impacts,
                                                     advantage to other Cornish residents and
           including financial consequences for
                                                     businesses who were unable to join the LEM trial
           future generations.
                                                     and therefore also benefit from any potential
                                                     returns from market trading, reduced electricity
                                                     costs and the installation of free equipment.

     5   Who does this policy serve? Is it based     Cornish home owners and business owners.
         on the dominant cultural groups (often
                                                     Centrica plc through learning by doing.
         aligned with white male identity) or are
         different groups explicitly considered?     WPD and National Grid through learning by

     6   Are there any groups of people              This was a specific time bound trial, therefore it
         who are either not recognised or            worked with a narrow category of participants.
         misrepresented in the future scenario/      However within the parameters of the
         society this policy aims to deliver?        project there was attempt made to include
         This could be unintentional due to          a representative percentage of the Cornish
         replication of historical bias in how       population by age, income, household size and
         different groups of people with             location for the householder trial.
         different identities are accounted for.
                                                     Some businesses weren’t able to proceed with
                                                     the trial due to their location on the distribution
                                                     network (e.g. weren’t able to obtain an export

     7   Does the policy value all members of        As Q6
         society in an explicit rather than an
         assumed way? Implicit recognition can
         suffer from hidden forms of bias, so it’s
         important to articulate how the policy
         ensures that all members of society are
         valued and treated fairly.

     8   How does the policy level the playing       Can be argued that it only served those who
         field in terms of access to energy          already had economic means (e.g. home owners
         services or benefits for those people       / business owners).
         who may suffer injustice in the current

     9   What channels have been employed            This was a limited trial and it had more initial
         to provide stakeholders with input          applicants than the trial could cater for, so
         to decision-making processes? Are           participant recruitment of the project wasn’t an
         these channels appropriate for all          issue.
         stakeholders? Have a range of channels
                                                     However, if the project were to be rolled out to a
         been implemented to increase
                                                     wider audience then more consideration should
         participation? For instance online
                                                     be given to methods of recruitment to ensure
         consultations may be inappropriate
         for older people, while ‘roundtables’
         may be inaccessible to those who
         work during the day or have caring

     10   Which stakeholders have been                The project included a householder stream
          actively engaged? Are there biases          and a business stream. Business participants
          toward particular groups due to the         had ongoing engagement through a series of
          engagement channels used?                   seminars aimed at increasing their knowledge of
                                                      energy trading. Householder participants were
                                                      engaged through a one-off seminar towards the
                                                      end of the project. Participants were also able to
                                                      provide feedback via surveys and interviews and
                                                      all participants had a dedicated contact person
                                                      on the project for any queries / concerns.

     11   Are there any groups who have been          All participants were engaged throughout the
          systematically (if unintentionally)         project. Any Cornish businesses could attend
          shut out due to the processes               the seminar series whether they were project
          implemented?                                participants or not. However, only householders
                                                      participating in the project could attend the
                                                      householder seminar. In addition, the end of
                                                      project dissemination event was open to anyone
                                                      to attend.

     12   How has stakeholder input been              The UoE were independent project partners
          accounted for in the decision-making        who conducted surveys with all the householder
          processes and resultant policies?           and business participants and held interviews
          Are some voices given priority for          with a cross sample of these. These findings
          deliberate or unintentional reasons?        were included in the overall project findings.
          Is this bias (if deliberate) transparent?   However as this was a time-bound project, the
          If unintentional, what action can be        findings were aimed more at informing future
          taken to remove the bias?                   policies and procedures rather than the project

     13   Which stakeholders or parts of society      Due to the LEM being a time-bound trial
          experience injustice in current policy or   with specific participant requirements for
          practice arrangements? Why is this the      recruitment, this effectively excluded anyone
          case? Are there underlying issues (e.g.,    who didn’t meet these requirements.
          social, political, economic etc.) that
          have created this past injustice?

     14   How might these groups be affected by       If the LEM were to be rolled out as an ongoing
          new policies in process and outcomes?       project then mechanisms should be used
          Through what mechanisms is past             to engage with, and recruit from, a wider
          injustice being addressed?                  participant pool.

     15   Have these groups been engaged in           Not known.
          this restorative process?

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