Page created by Shirley Rowe



Central challenge remains the
eradication of poverty and inequality
   he 51st National Conference, held from                       This 51st National Conference has affirmed that ANC
T16-20 December 2002 in Stellenbosch, saw the                policy should be dynamic and subject to ongoing
                                                             assessment, with the objective of advancing the
ANC emerge focused on the tasks facing the movement
to make sure that by the centenary celebrations of the       people’s cause, consistent with the strategic objectives
ANC in 2012, we will have made measurable progress           that the movement has set itself over the decades. We
in building a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist and         have adopted resolutions dealing with all areas of
prosperous South Africa. The 51st National Conference        transformation and with building the ANC, in keeping
completed the process of rebuilding the ANC as a             with the Strategy and Tactics of the movement. Our
united, mass legal movement, after 30 years of               Conference has confirmed the thrust of current policies.
illegality, with the capacity to respond to the immense      What is critically important is more effective and more
challenges it faces.                                         determined implementation of these policies.
   Conference was composed of delegates, representing           As a disciplined force of the left, the ANC’s policies
an unbroken thread of ninety years of struggle, elected      are rooted in the needs and aspirations of the
by the membership of the movement in general                 overwhelming majority of South Africans, many of
meetings, who were disciplined and mindful of the            whom are poor. Their interests are at the heart of the
responsibility resting on their shoulders to chart the way   ANC’s agenda.
forward for the movement as a whole. The preparatory            To this end Conference reaffirmed the perspective
processes leading up to Stellenbosch – the branch and        that the central challenge remains the eradication of
regional meetings, provincial and sectoral policy            poverty and inequality through economic growth and
workshops and the National Policy Conference – all           development, job creation and social equity. The legacy
contributed towards ensuring that the movement review        of the past still imposes a heavy burden on South
progress since Mafikeng in 1997, and attend to the           African society, especially on the poor, on women,
challenges and tasks facing us to speed up change.           youth, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
   These preparations were, in themselves, also a            We are also confronted with many new challenges,
process of building the ANC, affirming the central role      including the HIV/AIDS epidemic. More than ever, the
of branches and the right of ANC members to                  ANC must intensify the mobilisation of the whole of
determine policies. In all of these respects the 51st        South African society behind a programme of
National Conference was indeed within the traditions of      fundamental change.
a Congress of the People.

Consistent with our strategic goals, this 51st National   11. The accountability of the public sector institutions
Conference has reaffirmed the ANC’s position on the                and personnel and the accountability to the
necessity of the revolutionary alliance with the SACP,             movement of our cadres deployed in these
the party of the working class, and with COSATU, the               institutions.
progressive trade union movement, as well as the civic       12. The development of a broad front for
movement, SANCO. Particular attention was paid to                  reconstruction and development and the
developing appropriate mechanisms to ensure that we                consolidation of our relations with civil society
strengthen the alliance and work tirelessly to deal, in a          organisations. The strengthening of the Alliance,
constructive and comradely manner, with any problems               including SANCO and the proper exercise of ANC
that may arise from time to time. We are intensely                 leadership of the national democratic revolution.
aware that alliance partners can learn from each other.      13. Responding to the challenges of development,
Each has a unique contribution to make in the unfolding            peace and stability on our continent.
revolutionary process in our country.                        14. The strengthening of multilateralism and the
   For the ANC to live and lead, it must also strengthen           building of a just and equitable world order.
its links and collaboration with mass democratic             15. The reaffirmation of the internationalist character
organisations and ensure that we build a broad front for           of our movement and our specific responses to
faster change.                                                     global questions of the day.
   The ANC Conference spelled out policy and the way         The successful conclusion of the 51st National
forward with regard to all major areas of social activity,   Conference of the movement comes a little more than a
in particular, with regards to:-                             year before the end of the First Decade of Freedom. The
1. Consolidating democracy and ensuring that we              ANC will approach the forthcoming period as a strong,
      involve people in the transformation of their lives.   vibrant and united organisation, mobilising our people
2. Strengthening the system of local government and          to celebrate our hard-won victories, to draw critical
      the role and place of the traditional system of        lessons for the future, and to set out firm pointers for
      government.                                            the progress that we need to make in the Second
3. Economic growth and development, social equity            Decade. We shall approach the elections in 2004 in the
      and job creation;                                      context of uninterrupted struggle for the consolidation
4. The eradication of racism and sexism and the              of the democratic order and further practical realisation
      advancement of vulnerable groups such as people        of the ideal of a better life for all. This requires that the
      with disabilities, the youth, elderly and children.    ANC strengthen its role as the leading political force in
5. The resolution of the land question and integrated        the process of fundamental change.
      and sustainable rural development.                        The ANC will advance in unity to the Year 2012 as
6. The eradication of urban slums and ending the             our people and all patriots celebrate the Centenary of
      apartheid patterns of human settlement.                their movement, the African National Congress. We
7. A comprehensive social security system and                pledge to serve the people of South Africa for peace,
      human resource development.                            democracy, a shared sense of nationhood, and shared
8. The struggle against TB, AIDS, and other                  prosperity.
      threatening health conditions and creating the            This 51st National Conference rises with an ANC that
      socio-economic conditions necessary for us to          is united and more determined than ever to strengthen
      realise the goal of health for all.                    its role as the voice of the people of South Africa, an
9. The RDP of the soul and the fight for the safety          expression of the aspirations of all, and particularly of
      and security of all our people.                        the poor.
10. Responding to the challenge of an inclusive
      language policy and the development of a new

                 The army of reconstruction and development is unstoppable.

                                                Victory is certain.


The resolutions adopted at the 51st National Conference         to annually renew their membership by paying
in Stellenbosch will guide us over the next five years.         subscriptions without applying for a new card.
This document is intended to provide the membership of
                                                             b) Developing our cadres so that the culture and
the ANC with a user-friendly, easy to read version of
                                                             traditions of the ANC remain strong
these resolutions. It is in no way meant to substitute for
                                                             ! The movement needs a clear, coherent and
the actual resolutions, which have also been distributed
                                                                coordinated programme of political education across
in their original form throughout our structures.
                                                                all levels (i.e. National, Provincial, Regional and
                                                                Branch). The aim should be to educate and empower
                                                                the members of the ANC, especially at branch level.
                                                             ! The programme of induction of executive
As with all the Stellenbosch resolutions our decisions          committees should reach beyond the provincial and
on ‘Building the ANC’ build on the foundations that we          regional level: we should ensure the proper
laid at the 1997 Conference in Mafikeng, as well as the         induction of all newly elected BECs.
resolutions of the National General Council in Port          ! The NEC is tasked with developing training
Elizabeth in 2000. At Stellenbosch we reaffirmed both           materials and programmes that will take forward the
of these decisions.                                             implementation of this programme. These should
   Our mission is to transform South Africa into a non-         include materials on the history of the movement, as
racial, non-sexist, democratic, united and prosperous           well as guidelines for action and conduct of ANC
society. These tasks can only be taken forward if we            structures and cadres.
have a strong and effective ANC with clear                   c) Building internal democracy and discipline
programmes and organised structures.                         ! The document ‘Through the Eye of the Needle’,
The Stellenbosch resolution on Building the ANC                 should be borne in mind when electing our
emphasises that we face the following challenges:               leadership at all levels. The leaders we elect must be
a) Strengthening the mass character of the ANC and              accountable to the membership: their task is to
ensuring that we remain the largest mass political              uphold and advance the interests of the people of
formation in South Africa                                       South Africa and to build the ANC.
! Strong branches are the structures that must               ! All structures of the movement must therefore be
   implement our campaigns and programmes and                   democratic, accountable and transparent. Open
   ensure that we are rooted in our communities.                debate and discussion must be encouraged within
! The establishment of ward-based branches, as                  our structures and members of the ANC must
   unifying structures in every community, has been a           experience our democratic traditions through being
   sign of progress in strengthening the mass character         active participants in all deliberations, decisions and
   of the movement. However, in some places                     activities. Therefore, all members will recognize that
   (particularly rural areas) it has proven difficult to        the culture of democracy within the movement
   establish ward-based branches. Therefore the NEC             provides no room for members or leaders to engage
   has been given the task of drafting guidelines on            in criticism outside of ANC structures.
   how to overcome these problems. Nevertheless, the         ! Leaders and members that deviate from these norms,
   ward-based branch remains the principle ANC                  by encouraging populism, factionalism and division
   structure at local level.                                    within the ranks of the movement, should be dealt
! Our branches must have the resources they need to             with decisively and speedily and in an even-handed
   conduct mass mobilisation and implement our                  and consistent manner.
   programmes. The resolution therefore calls on the         d) Strengthening the ANC Women’s League and the
   movement to ensure that branches do indeed have           ANC Youth League, and working harder to draw
   the necessary resources and infrastructure.               the veterans of our movement into our day-to day
! We must urgently review the implementation of the
   membership system to ensure that branches are             ! The structures of the ANC at all levels should
   timeously provided with the one-third membership             provide support and encouragement to the
   fee that is their due. The membership system should          programmes of the Youth League and the Women’s
   allow for members to join the organisation once and

League. Our political education programmes should        ! Our exports of manufactured goods, especially cars,
    involve the leagues and educate the broader                have rising significantly.
    membership about questions of gender equality and        ! Our economy is more focussed on the Southern
    the importance of youth development.                       African region, as well as in Africa as a whole.
!   We should also take steps to better utilise the          ! We have created many empowerment opportunities
    veterans of our movement as a resource for building        for black people, women and the poor.
    a new generation of cadreship at all levels. In          ! Workers have benefited from our labour market
    particular, veterans can play an important role in our     reforms, and better labour relations have therefore
    political education programmes.                            resulted.
                                                             However, we still face many challenges. The most
e) Building the Tripartite Alliance plus SANCO, and
                                                             important of these are:
mobilising a broad movement for transformation
                                                             ! Mass poverty.
including NGO’s and civil society formations
                                                             ! Inequality based on class, race, gender and region.
! Close working relations between alliance partners at
                                                             ! High unemployment, with continuing job losses in
   all levels are required. Conference called on the
                                                               the formal economy, and rising joblessness,
   incoming NEC to take forward the implementation
                                                               especially among the youth.
   of the Ekurhuleni Declaration. At all levels we
                                                             ! Economic growth, the level of savings and of
   should develop a coordinated political programme
                                                               investment are all too low.
   with our alliance partners, which includes joint
                                                             ! Building consensus within the Alliance and society
   campaigns, joint political education programmes and
                                                               more generally on our economic policies.
   other activities that support the achievement of the
   objectives of non-racialism, non-sexism, democracy        Objectives and Strategies
   and transformation.                                       The ANC has set the following objectives for economic
! We must also develop a programme to establish              policy:
   relationships with progressive NGOs and civil             ! Faster economic growth, which creates employment
   society structures in order to mobilise them into a           for our people. This means, first and foremost, that
   broad movement for transformation. ANC cadres at              investment must improve both quantitatively and
   all levels should participate in civil society                qualitatively.
   structures.                                               ! Promoting equity in the ownership of productive
! Conference reaffirmed the important role of SANCO              assets, as well as access to skills and infrastructure
   in advancing the objectives of people-centred                 in order to empower Africans in particular, black
   development and called on ANC structures to                   people in general, and women, youth and the poor.
   strengthen our relationship with SANCO at all             ! A substantial increase in jobs for our people.
   levels.                                                   ! Programmes to meet basic needs and alleviate
                                                                 poverty in ways that increase domestic demand and
                                                                 provide long term jobs for our people.
ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION                                      ! Well-managed integration within regional (i.e.
                                                                 Africa) and world markets.
Our vision for economic transformation is a prosperous,
                                                             To achieve these objectives the ANC will prioritise the
equitable, stable and democratic society. This means
                                                             following strategies:
that there should be decent work and living standards
                                                             ! Maintain macro-economic stability (i.e. work to
for all, as well as improved equity in ownership,
                                                                 ensure that the exchange rate, the rate of inflation,
management skills and access to opportunities.
                                                                 the interest rate, the level of debt and other factors
   Our economy continues to be distorted by the legacy
                                                                 remain steady).
of apartheid and colonial dispossession. When we took
                                                             ! Reforms to the structure of key sectors of the
power in 1994 we faced a situation of massive
                                                                 economy (i.e micro-economic reform) with the aim
inequality and increasing poverty, rising unemployment
                                                                 of developing skills, increasing productivity,
and huge government debts.
                                                                 meeting basic needs and creating employment.
Achievements and Challenges                                  ! Support for small businesses, including through land
Despite the burden of this legacy, we have made                  reform and providing them with basic infrastructure.
significant progress over the last 8 years. This includes:   ! Support for the income-generating activities of our
! Creating an environment of confidence, certainty               people, including through improved income
   and stability.                                                transfers and services to alleviate poverty, in ways
! Government debt and inflation are both lower.                  that will improve family incomes and livelihoods.

!   Strong efforts to mobilise private-sector capital to    transformation of government, to ensure that its various
    invest in new projects and infrastructure.              departments and structures are able to effectively
!   Raising the quality and quantity of investment by the   implement our programmes, is a critical aspect of our
    public sector.                                          National Democratic Revolution.
!   Mobilising stakeholders (such as Labour and                In other words, we aim to build a developmental
    Business) behind the concept of sustainable             state, which is capable of addressing the legacy of
    development through initiatives like the Growth and     apartheid colonialism and patriarchy, which is able to
    Development Summit.                                     be the driving force behind the transformation of our
!   Implementing a comprehensive strategy for food          country and creating a better life for all.
    security.                                                  This means, amongst other things, that the state must
!   Using our water to ensure positive economic, social     develop the systems and structures to provide quality
    and environmental benefits for our people.              service delivery to our people, which is sustainable in
!   Monitor and assess our labour legislation to improve    the long run.
    the working conditions of our people, especially           But the people themselves must be involved in the
    vulnerable sectors.                                     decisions that affect their lives. If they are not involved,
!   Support the Proudly South African campaign.             then social policies and political interventions are less
                                                            likely to succeed. This means that participatory
Collective Responsibility for Sustainable Growth
                                                            democracy (i.e. where the people participate in
and Development
                                                            decisions) should complement and enhance
   We have managed the economy well since coming to
                                                            representative democracy (i.e. where the people elect
power. In particular the huge government debt has been
                                                            their representatives to make these decisions).
reduced and this provides us with the space to increase
                                                               Of particular importance to this is the new system of
government spending now in a way that does not
                                                            local government, which came into being in December
compromise us in the long run.
                                                            2000. Local government faces the challenge of
   However, our economic vision cannot be realised
                                                            mobilising the masses of our people to actively
through government acting alone. All South Africans
                                                            participate in matters of governance. At the same time it
must assume collective responsibility to strengthen the
                                                            directly faces the serious challenge of urbanisation.
pillars of sustainable development (i.e. economic
                                                               An important challenge that we all face is to root out
growth, social development and environmental
                                                            corruption, which is a social scourge affecting all of us.
protection) at every level – at local, national, regional
                                                            After considering these matters, our Stellenbosch
and global levels.
                                                            Conference resolved that:
   In other words our strategies can only succeed if we
                                                            ! The current electoral system should be kept because
mobilise our members, allies and the masses in general
                                                                it ensures the representation of a broad range of
around them. To do this we need a well-defined
                                                                voices. However, we must review the constituency
strategy of education and discussion within the ANC.
                                                                work of our public representatives to make sure that
We also need to discuss and engage our Alliance
                                                                they are accountable to ANC structures and our
partners and the broader civil society on matters of
                                                                people in general.
economic policy. The Ekurhuleni Declaration of the
                                                            ! On matters of corruption, our conference resolved
Alliance is important in this regard as is the NGC
                                                                that there should be a national anti-corruption
resolution on the inclusion of economic literacy in our
                                                                campaign. Also the ANC and its members must lead
political education programmes.
                                                                by example in the struggle against corruption. This
   We will measure progress of our economic policies
                                                                means that:
by looking at the following statistics:
                                                                o Any ANC member who is engaged in corruption
! The economic growth rate
                                                                    must be dealt with through disciplinary action.
! Reduction in unemployment
                                                                o ANC cadres should be at the forefront of
! Increase in real GDP per capita (i.e. average income)
                                                                    ‘whistle-blowing’ (i.e. exposing corruption and
! The Human Development Index
                                                                    unethical conduct amongst public officials)
! The Poverty Gap index
                                                                o The ANC should develop ethical guidelines,
! Indices of macro-economic stability
                                                                    which would say how our members should
                                                                    behave and empower them to avoid being
                                                                    compromised by corrupt people.
                                                            ! The ANC should review the work of ‘institutions
                                                                enhancing democracy’ (i.e. the Public Protector,
The government is the key to many of the programmes             Human Rights Commission, Commission for
of change that we seek to pursue. This means that the           Gender Equality, Independent Electoral Commission

and others) in order to make sure that they have the            ANC constitutional structures, especially branches,
    capacity to do their work. The ANC should also                  should complement the functioning of Ward
    create public awareness about these institutions so             Committees so that residents and sectors of society
    that our people are able to use them properly. The              are mobilised to actively participate in development.
    NEC should submit a report on these structures to               Women’s’ caucuses must be established in all
    the next National General Council of the ANC.                   spheres of government, including local government.
!   All ANC structures must take forward the Letsema             ! We must also accelerate the transformation of the
    and Masakhane campaigns wherever we find                        public service by creating a single, development
    ourselves – in schools, on farms and in the cities.             oriented and integrated system of public
    ANC structures and cadres must also play a leading              administration. This would enable public servants to
    role in local community forums, including ward                  transfer between various spheres and departments of
    committees, School Governing Bodies, Community                  government, but still remain within the same system.
    Policing Forums.                                                As we do so, we should also accelerate gender
!   We must all act to take bring Parliament, the                   representivity and the representation of people with
    legislatures and councils closer to the people. In              disabilities in all public sector organisations, at all
    particular we must pay attention to how we can                  levels, in particular middle and senior management
    encourage the participation of both men and women,              level. Clear programmes must be developed to
    of the literate and the illiterate, of the rural poor, the      capacitate women and cadres with disabilities; and
    working people, and people with disabilities and                furthermore to establish better co-ordination of the
    how we can encourage them to gather ad express                  ANCWL, OSW, and gender committees.
    themselves on matters relevant to their basic                ! The ANC should also act to galvanise the support of
    conditions. Also the NEC must develop ways of                   communities in an effort to improve service delivery
    strengthening the ability of ANC Branches, Alliance             and strengthen the actions of alliance partners that
    structures and other civil society structures to                contribute towards improving service delivery. The
    participate in policy processes and inform decisions            Letsema campaign should become a permanent
    on issues affecting the lives of our people.                    feature of the Batho Pele process. The ANC should
!   All the legislatures (i.e. parliament, provincial               also lead a political education campaign to help our
    legislatures and municipal councils) must improve               members to engage with public officials and demand
    their ability to monitor and assess the performance             services, and to help our structures play a political
    of government departments, and should be given the              leadership and oversight role in relation to service
    resources to carry this out. Also we need to build the          delivery. We should also develop a partnership with
    capacity of MPs, MPLs and Councillors to do this                all public sector unions in order to achieve the goals
    work. The incoming NEC will review the                          of Batho Pele in order to ensure the realization of
    effectiveness of legislatures and the size of the               improvement of service delivery in an endeavour to
    legislatures in the light of their roles and functions,         improve the quality of life of our people.
    the functions of members of the National Assembly,              There must a mechanism to review and evaluate the
    delegates of the National Council of Provinces and           performance of deployed ANC cadres. The NEC will
    Members of Provincial Legislatures.                          review the functioning of current structures to provide
!   The government must keep control of the                      political direction to cadres deployed in all spheres of
    infrastructure required for basic service delivery,          governance and to ensure accountability.
    such as water, sanitation and other community
    facilities. The government must also improve its
    ability to ensure that these services are delivered to       SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION
    our people, with a special focus on access for the
                                                                 Cadres of the ANC have an obligation to lead social
    poor and marginalised.
                                                                 transformation wherever they are deployed, guided by
!   The parastatals (i.e. state owned enterprises), which
                                                                 the slogans, vision and objectives to he ANC. Our
    are strategic public assets, must meet the
                                                                 agenda for social transformation is clearly stated in the
    developmental goals of the country, in particular
                                                                 Reconstruction and Development Programme, which is
    through improving access to basic services.
                                                                 based on the fundamental objective of building a more
!   The ANC must give support to our cadres deployed
                                                                 equal, more human and caring society.
    in local government and also strengthen our
                                                                    Our aim, therefore, is to build a better life for all
    guidelines on how they should be held accountable.
                                                                 through a people-centred and people-driven programme
    Particular attention must be given to municipalities
                                                                 of social transformation. This means that our attack on
    with weaker revenue bases, and these must be given
                                                                 poverty must seek to empower our people to take their
    the resources they need to function effectively. Also,

own lives into their own hands, to take themselves out    Furthermore, as a movement, we should:
of poverty, while at the same time creating social nets   !  Campaign to ensure that all children eligible for
to protect the most vulnerable. Social transformation        grants do access them.
requires a combination of policies aimed at engaging      ! Continue to engage with progressive forces
people in the reconstruction of our own communities.         campaigning around social security issues.
These policies include:                                   ! Work closely with civil society organisations to
! Improving the ‘social wage’ and social grants.             combat and eliminate corruption and abuse of the
! Providing the poor with access to quality education.       social security system.
! Integrating land and housing delivery so as to          ! Look into the issue of former MK members who did
    deracialise our human settlements.                       not qualify for special pensions due to age.
! Improving access to water and sanitation.
                                                          Health for All
! Providing affordable health care to all.
                                                          Conference resolved that government should:
! Confronting the challenge of HIV and AIDS as well
                                                          ! Strengthen Primary Health Care, especially in rural
    as other diseases, particularly TB and cholera.
                                                              areas, improve the availability of doctors and nurses
! Protecting the rights of the vulnerable (e.g. farm-
                                                              and ensure that national norms and standards are
    workers) and providing them with opportunities for
                                                              properly applied across the country.
    a better life.
                                                          ! Speed up the implementation of recommendations
! Providing our people with access to services,
                                                              on a National Health Insurance system. This would
    schools, work-places and amenities, especially in
                                                              aim to improve access by South Africans to public
    rural areas.
                                                              health care, and reduce inequalities between public
! Building a new South African identity through
                                                              and private health care providers. Also, we should
    sports and culture.
                                                              strengthen the ability of public health care providers
   There is much that we have done since 1994 to
                                                              to charge those who can afford to pay.
achieve these things, both as a government and as a
                                                          ! Speed up the implementation of the national AIDS
liberation movement. However, while we have
developed the right policies, we need to work much
                                                             Also, conference resolved that the ANC should be at
harder to implement them.
                                                          the forefront of community mobilisation and leadership
Attacking Poverty and Comprehensive Social                around HIV and AIDS. This includes taking the lead on
Security                                                  issues of awareness, prevention, voluntary testing and
Conference resolved that government should:               counselling, treatment and care. The ANC must
! Continue with its plans to implement a                  continue to fight against the discrimination of people
   comprehensive social security system.                  living with HIV and AIDS and root out any stigma that
! Expand our existing programmes of social assistance     people who are affected or infected face.
   such as pensions, the child support grant and the
                                                          Human Resource Development
   school nutrition programme.
                                                          Conference resolved that government should:
! Remove obstacles to the delivery of free basic
                                                          ! Review funding to ensure that schools serving the
   services to all in the shortest possible time,
                                                            poor are provided with proper resources. This would
   particularly areas where the rural poor live.
                                                            include a review of all the factors that lead to
! Implement a comprehensive public works
                                                            growing cost of education, especially for the poor.
   programme, linked to our urban renewal and rural
                                                          ! Introduce a system of incentives to attract and keep
   development strategies, to deal with the effects of
                                                            skilled professionals in underserved areas,
                                                            particularly rural areas. At the moment health
! Implement the National Youth Service Programme
                                                            professionals are required to do community service
   at all levels.
                                                            and we should also explore the possibility of
! Implement an integrated food security strategy.
                                                            introducing community service for professions that
! Prioritise the equitable distribution of National
                                                            are critical to our social transformation agenda as
   Lottery Funds, especially to women, children, youth
                                                            well as the possibility of extending community
   and the aged.
                                                            service to all higher education students. Government
! Build the capacity of government to deal with social
                                                            should also find ways of curbing the loss of
   development, which should be separated from the
                                                            professionals who migrate to the developed
   social security.
! Ensure that adequate funding is provided to meet the
                                                          ! Speed up the human resource development
   social development, poverty alleviation and social
                                                            programme in the public service, and especially to
   security challenges that we face as a country.
                                                            build the capacity of municipalities in service

delivery areas critical for social transformation.       Government should also:
   Included in this is the expansion of learnership (or     !   Be at the forefront of transforming sports, and
   internship) programmes.                                      should intervene where necessary to ensure that this
! Review the operation of School Governing Bodies to            process does take place.
   ensure that they are democratic and representative.      ! Ensure the development of sports infrastructure,
! Focus on developing Information and Technology                especially in the poorer areas.
   skills. In particular government should ensure that         The ANC should also lead in the promotion of our
   ICT touches all public schools in the country with       national symbols as part of the process of building a
   visible speed.                                           new South African identity. This includes using the
Conference also said that the ANC should:                   official version of the national anthem in all ANC
! Develop a human resources development strategy            gatherings.
   that would aim at developing ANC cadres to occupy           We must also protect our own cultural heritage as the
   strategic positions in the economy, in line with our     ANC, including our rich history, which is a major
   deployment strategy.                                     contribution to the new South African national identity.
! Mobilise our structures, and communities in general,      We must find ways of ensuring that this heritage is kept
   behind the proposed restructuring and                    alive and passed from generation to generation. This
   transformation of higher education.                      includes promoting our heritage and historical memory
All of us, both the ANC, our allies and government          at the local level.
have a responsibility to ensure that the money collected       Also, government must speed up programmes that
through the skills levies are effectively used for skills   promote all the languages of the country, particularly
development of our people.                                  those languages that were discriminated against in the
Housing, Basic Services and Human Settlements
Conference resolved that, amongst other things,
government should:
                                                            INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT
! Speed up the delivery of water and sanitation so that,
   by 2008, all our people should have clean water and      Before 1994 economic growth in South Africa was
   that by 2010 all sanitation problems are eliminated.     characterised by extremes of development and under-
! Expand the housing programme to include: social           development, resulting in the legacy of South Africa as
   housing, people’s housing and rental housing.            a country of two nations. The apartheid era left a legacy
! Root out corruption in the delivery of RDP houses,        of social and economic infrastructure that is not
   so that the houses go to those who are most in need.     integrated, environmentally unsustainable, of poor
! Promote the development and maintenance of roads,         quality and unequally distributed. The interests of white
   especially in rural areas.                               communities, business and security considerations
Land Reform                                                 influenced infrastructure programmes. There was little
Conference said that government should:                     or no consideration of the needs of the poor and rural
! Speed up land reform.
! Audit the land owned by the government, to ensure
                                                               Since 1994 we have made the following progress in
   that it is being used to achieve our social goals.       infrastructure development.
                                                            ! 2.8 million phones have been installed, most of
   The ANC was also mandated to work with other
formations to mobilise our people in rural areas and            which are in previously neglected areas.
                                                            ! Over 1.4 million housing subsidies have been
lead a popular campaign for rural development. In
particular, we should mobilise around the issue of farm-        allocated and over 1.3 million houses built.
                                                            ! Over 3 million homes have been electrified.
workers to ensure that they are able to benefit for the
                                                            ! We have spent over R18 billion on roads; rural roads
rights they already have.
                                                                have been built consistently through an array of
Heritage, Sports, Recreations, Arts and Culture                 interventions, including the Community Based
Stellenbosch resolved that the ANC should lead in the           Public Works Programme.
transformation of sport. This means we should set up an     ! We have also spent over R1.6 billion on rail
ANC Sports Desk, which would help set up sports                 infrastructure.
structures in the alliance at all levels and lead the       ! The Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure
adoption of a National Transformation Charter on                Programme has allocated about R3.4 billion for
Sports.                                                         sanitation, water, roads, and storm water projects
                                                                and nearly R5 billion has been spent on rural water
                                                                supply schemes to serve over 7 million people.

!   The infrastructure budgets for education and health       infrastructure plan and draw in other stakeholders and
    facilities have increased dramatically.                   develop an overall infrastructure investment
! A substantial number of jobs have been created              framework.
    through these investments.                                    The Expanded Public Works Programme must be a
   Although the basic infrastructure policy is sound, the     major priority and be designed to make a significant
mechanisms of delivery and the visible impact on              contribution to reducing unemployment and providing
poverty, on the lives of women, youth, rural                  livelihoods for the poor, women, youth and people with
communities and people living on farms must be                disabilities. The programme must focus on
accelerated through better integration and coordination       ! Creating jobs, through labour intensive construction
of infrastructure delivery.                                       and maintenance.
   Infrastructure development is a primary driver of          ! Creating sustainable assets for the poor.
economic growth and social development. Therefore             ! Creating income generating opportunities for
our programme of infrastructure development must aim,             communities.
amongst others, at the following objectives:                     Conference also resolved that, in the spirit of
! Job creation, poverty eradication and income                Letsema, ANC branches should initiate campaigns to
    generation through an expanded Public Works               support and participate in infrastructure development
    Programme approach, using labour intensive                programmes. ANC structures should also monitor these
    methods of construction, development and                  programmes.
    maintenance.                                              Our branches should also mobilise the community to
! Building a globally competitive economy.                    understand and support the rollout of free basic services
! To promote the sustainable use of all forms of              for the poor, whose success will be dependent on a
    energy including nuclear to facilitate economic           culture of payment.
    development and provide basic services. To allow
    for cross subsidies to ensure affordability of energy
    sources to the poor and to promote renewable              INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
                                                              !   The ANC's Strategy and Tactics document adopted
! Building democratic participation in development.
                                                                  at our 50th National Conference in 1997 remains
! Black Economic Empowerment, especially through
                                                                  valid and relevant to the current international
    building the capacity of and affirming the
                                                                  situation. Our international policy conforms to the
    participation of small contractors.
                                                                  principles of our national policies based on good
! A competitive, developmental and transformed
                                                                  governance, peace and stability, human rights and
    construction industry.
                                                                  creating a better life for all, by creating a better
! Integrated provision of infrastructure to drive rural,
    urban and human settlement development.
                                                              !   The ANC-led government has taken its rightful
! Facilities in rural areas that address social needs,
                                                                  place in international relations, playing a leading
    food security, isolation, safety and security and rural
                                                                  role within the UN and other international
    economic development including tourism and
                                                                  organisations. Our delegations are central in all
                                                                  major developments. Together with other leading
   To take this forward, conference resolved that
                                                                  players our delegation was in the vanguard at many
government must develop an Integrated Infrastructure
                                                                  international conferences, including the World
Plan, which incorporates and consolidates development
                                                                  Conference against Racism, the WTO Ministerial
plans across all spheres of government, especially
                                                                  Meeting in Doha, the UN Conference on Financing
ensuring alignment with Integrated Development Plans
                                                                  for Development in Monterey and the World
(IDPs) of local government, the Integrated Sustainable
                                                                  Summit for Sustainable Development in
Rural Development Programme (ISRDP) and the Urban
Renewal Programme (URP).
                                                              !   The world remains divided between the rich
   Government must establish a National Coordinating
                                                                  developed nations and the poor developing nations,
Forum for Infrastructure Development to facilitate
                                                                  and this gap is widening, as is the gap between rich
discussion and implementation of an integrated
                                                                  and poor within all societies. The South African
infrastructure plan, based an enhanced public works
                                                                  reality, of a divided society, one section being rich
programme. The National Forum would include
                                                                  and well resourced and the other poor and under-
national, provincial and locals spheres of governments,
                                                                  resourced, reflects this international dichotomy.
as well as relevant State Owned Enterprises. It would
                                                              !   Globalisation has become an established trend, with
Consider economic, social, planning and
                                                                  both negative and positive features. Rather than
implementation implications of adopting the integrated

adopting an attitude of blanket opposition towards it,         international instruments are being reversed as a
    globalisation should be understood dialectically,              result of the growing strength of right wing religious
    with destructive as well as constructive features that         and secular movements. However, anti-war
    can create new opportunities, which developing                 sentiment and the desire for peace still animates
    countries should seize.                                        many sections of society in the countries of the
!   The international balance of forces has been                   North. Networks built on the principle of human
    radically transformed by the posture adopted by the            solidarity, democratic government and peace have
    Republican administration of the USA which has                 also gathered limited momentum.
    embraced unilateralism and big power politics as its       !   There are a number of international flash points,
    principal thrust. It is employing official development         including the Middle East, South Asia and a number
    assistance to reinforce a USA centred Alliance                 of African countries. Among these the Middle East
    system, and as an instrument to pressurise countries           (Israeli/Palestine, US/Iraq) is probably the most
    into conformity and to punish governments it                   volatile. International conflicts are fuelled by the
    disapproves of.                                                proliferation of trade in small arms, and that, in the
!   The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 also                post-Cold War environment, humanity is still faced
    serve as a pretext and stimulant for US unilateralism.         with the threat of weapons of mass destruction.
    Overt interventionism has become an explicit feature
    of the US foreign policy, with the openly stated
    purpose of forcefully changing governments. Since          COMMUNICATIONS
    international terrorism is a global threat, this new
                                                               Communications play a major role in deepening our
    direction of the US policy has encountered very little
                                                               democracy, promoting a culture of human rights and as
    resistance from its allies and other nations. In
                                                               a key pillar in the transformation of our country. While
    pursuance of this policy direction, the Republican
                                                               valuable progress has been made in transforming the
    administration supplements unilateralism with the
                                                               media and challenging the legacy of the apartheid
    creation of "coalitions of the willing" which it then
                                                               media discourse, a lot still has to be done.
    employs for its foreign policy objectives. Pre-
                                                                  Media and communications are contested terrains
    emptive military strikes and gunboat diplomacy has
                                                               and therefore not neutral, but reflect the ideological
    once again become a key feature of some countries
                                                               battles and power relations based on race, class and
    in the west and there has been an upsurge of
                                                               gender in our society and that some sections of the
                                                               media continue to adopt an anti-transformation, anti-
!   There has also been a rightward shift in the electoral
                                                               ANC stance and are not accountable to the general
    politics of Western Europe leading to heightening
    xenophobia, racism and a "fortress Europe"
    mentality. In opposition to this the developing            Conference decided that the ANC should:
    countries have attempted to create solidarity among        ! Strengthen its own communication machinery at all
    themselves, to build their collective capacity to            levels of the organisation, including increasing the
    handle conflict within and amongst developing                number of people working in ANC communications.
    countries, and to create mechanisms for conflict           ! Increase the visibility of the ANC through various
    resolution.                                                  forms of media including regular mass meetings,
!   Though there has been a marked improvement in the            people's forums and imbizos and through the
    Human Rights situation internationally, the                  effective use of parliamentary constituency offices
    accession of the Republican Administration in the            (PCOs) as centres of information on government
    USA, is leading to the erosion of gains on the               programmes.
    multilateral plain, threatening the effectiveness of       ! Empower ANC cadres to be more vigilant, engage in
    the UN multilateral system.                                  the battle of ideas and be able to articulate and
!   In the developed countries we have witnessed the             defend the policies of the movement.
    retreat or virtual disintegration of progressive forces.   ! Invest in the training of its cadres deployed at
    The marginalisation of the poorest and most                  various levels on communication and media skills
    vulnerable members of society in both the North and          through the establishment of a media institute and
    the South has made rightwing fundamentalism an               the integration of media and communication issues
    attractive ideology. Because of these trends, we have        in political education.
    also witnessed a clawing back of many human                ! Develop induction programmes for leadership and
    rights, including the rights and the gains women             cadres on public speaking and communications in
    have made during the latter part of the 20th century.        general, as well as proper distribution and
    The Beijing Programme of Action and related

dissemination of information including ANC                  authority to alignment of messages, timing and
    publications at grassroots level.                           general communication of its policies and
!   Intensify the training of Ministers, MECs, MPs,             programmes.
    MPLs and Councillors in dealing with the media and      !   Continuously engage with international media and
    communications in general.                                  agencies in order to profile and promote the image
!   Strengthen and improve its communication with               of our country.
    alliance partners and increases its communication       !   Actively promote and assist local communities,
    with civil society organisations.                           especially in rural areas, to apply for community
!   Continue to engage the media so that it can play a          radio licences and the establishment of community
    constructive role in our democracy and participate          newspapers taking advantage of the opportunities
    meaningfully in the building of a national consensus.       offered through the Media Development and
!   Ensure that all ANC local, regional and provincial          Diversity Agency.
    offices must have functional Internet, telephone and    !   Increase its advertising spend on community media.
    fax lines that will allow a timeous dissemination and   !   Increase access of the Information and
    distribution of ANC information and publications.           Communication and Technology sector to
!   That our own communication should be clear and              previously disadvantaged communities and
    simple, in languages that people understand.                encourage coordination of existing ICT initiatives
!   Use radio as an important medium to communicate             such as tele-centres, Multi-Purpose Community
    with communities, including community radio                 Centres, as well as raise public awareness on ICT
    stations and community publications, to highlight           and its impact on human development.
    delivery and interact with the public.                  !   Promote diverse ownership and control of the
!   Establish a media and communication forum where             country's media in all its forms.
    cadres deployed in various sectors can interact and     !   Pursue the transformation of the public broadcaster
    provide regular reports on transformation issues.           to reflect the unity and diversity of our people and
!   Speed-up the process of encouraging the emergence           the needs of the democratic society and build a
    of media platforms that objectively inform the              strong public broadcaster that promotes and protects
    masses about the ANC's perspectives and positions.          all eleven official languages equally through local
!   Enforce discipline at all levels of our structures to       content programming
    prevent media leaks and the undermining of internal     !   Move towards establishing a public funded model of
    processes.                                                  the public broadcaster characterised by cross-
!   Give more active leadership to government                   subsidisation, including parastatal sponsorship of
    communications.                                             local content and investment from different
!   Pursue the transformation of the advertising and            departments.
    marketing industry including the training of            !   Increase its funding of the public broadcaster.
    previously disadvantaged individuals, and engage        !   Take forward the matter of the national youth radio
    the industry to support local content and media and         station.
    the production of advertisements that are not           !   Ensure that the public broadcaster reports and
    degrading to women and people with disabilities.            informs the public on the work of government,
!   Encourage that curricula for training journalists           including local and provincial government and that it
    contain progressive political and social content and        plays its role in promoting social development and
    also to encourage media houses to invest in training        economic participation.
    and improving research capacity of journalists.
                                                            The public broadcaster should:
!   Ensure that the newsrooms reflect the demography
                                                            ! Ensure that its television programmes have "Closed
    of our country, using such instruments as the
                                                              Captioning", sign language and other means to cater
    Employment Equity Act.
                                                              for deaf people.
!   Participate in the establishment of independent civil
                                                            ! Establish dedicated parliamentary radio and TV
    society forums to promote accountability and
                                                              channels to increase access to information by people
    objectivity of the media and ensure that public
                                                              and increase the participation of the masses in public
    interest issues are being adequately addressed.
Conference also resolved that government should:            ! Be encouraged to establish alliances with other
! Ensure that its reports are clear and simple and            broadcasters within the African continent in
  distributed in a language that people understand.           furtherance of the goals of the African Union and
! Ensure better integration and coordination of all           NEPAD.
  government communications, with the necessary

!   Should ensure its programming is sensitive to              o Coordinate the work of members of the ANC
    gender, culture and the well being of children.               who serve on Community Policing Forums
                                                               o Coordinate peace and stability projects, including
                                                                  moral regeneration activities,
PEACE AND STABILITY                                            o Mobilise our communities to generate
                                                                  intelligence to assist the law enforcement
Our vision is derived from the Freedom Charter, which
                                                                  agencies in the investigation of crime, and
proclaimed in 1955 that "There Shall, be Peace and
                                                               o Build and integrate MKMVA structures into
Friendship." The elimination of poverty and
                                                                  ANC programmes.
unemployment and an improvement in living standards
                                                           !   Parents who neglect their children, thus exposing
will ultimately minimise crime, especially among the
                                                               them to sexual and other abuses, should be
                                                               prosecuted in terms of the existing laws, while the
   While a lot of progress has been made in improving
                                                               law enforcement agencies investigate the crimes in
the conditions for peace and stability a number of
                                                               order to bring perpetrators to book.
challenges remain, including:
                                                           !   All Criminal Justice System structures of
! Social mobilisation against crime and how to make
                                                               government should be aligned to the existing
   the CPFs more effective.
                                                               municipal boundaries to facilitate delivery and
! Government measures to deal with rape, domestic
                                                               access in terms of the Integrated Justice System.
   violence, abuse of children, women and the elderly.
                                                           !   The next five years should be used to consolidate
! Speeding up transformation of the judiciary to
                                                               and strengthen municipal police at Metro level, with
   ensure representativity, access to justice for all,
                                                               an intention to assign them with additional tasks of
   especially in rural areas.
                                                               local public policing.
! Mobilise communities for intelligence support.
! Building the capacity of SANDF by providing it           On the SANDF
   with adequate resources in order for it to play a       ! Ensure that the transformation in the SANDF is
   larger role in peacekeeping and humanitarian              accelerated and that training programmes be
   assistance in Africa and the world.                       designed, especially targeting the youth, to achieve
Conference decided that the ANC and government
                                                           ! Make a full assessment of the demilitarisation and
                                                             re-integration programme of ex-combatants and
! Educate our structures and people on how the
                                                             ensure the implementation of the project in an
   integrated Justice System works to facilitate easy
                                                             effective and sustainable manner.
   access to services.
                                                           ! Ensure that urgent attention be paid to the re-
! Develop a plan and strategy to identify, deploy and
                                                             skilling, development and integration into society of
   re-deploy our cadres to strategic positions in the
                                                             ex-combatants of the liberation struggle, ex- SADF
   security cluster, ensuring that measures are put in
                                                             and ex- SANDF personnel and veterans and the
   place to monitor the performance and to hold these
                                                             youth on a multi-pronged basis, involving relevant
   cadres accountable.
                                                             departments and stakeholders in civil society.
! Strengthen civilian oversight over the security
                                                           ! Integrate former ex-combatants into the reserve
                                                             force, and ensure that reserve force is representative
! Provide a proper legal basis for the transformation of
                                                             of the demographics of our country and that enough
   the Safety and Security Cluster by passing new
                                                             resources are put in place for this programme.
   legislation in accordance with the 1996 Constitution.
                                                           ! Phase out the Commando Units as part of the force
! Ensure that the exercise of the right of association
                                                             design of the SANDF, without compromising the
   will not compromise national security and the
                                                             security of farming communities.
   integrity of the security forces and services.
                                                           ! The Service Corps as a national resource, supported
! Prepare exhaustive profiles of our communities, in
                                                             by different state departments, must be re-
   terms of the economic conditions and the social and
                                                             engineered into a vehicle for effective
   other crimes therein, for the deployment of members
                                                             demilitarisation and re-skilling of former soldiers for
   of law enforcements agencies and related
                                                             effective re-integration into full economic and social
   departments, in the context of Government's crime
                                                             life of our society.
   prevention programme.
! All ANC PEC's should establish peace and stability       On the South African Police Services (SAPS)
   sub-committees, responsible to the PEC, that among      ! Expand the role of the Community Police Fora and
   other things, will:                                       the Community Safety Fora, to empower them to
                                                             play a more meaningful part in the safety and

security of communities and, encourage ANC               Justice
    branches to become more actively involved in these       !  Pay special attention to speeding up legislation to
    structures and to pay attention to their adequate           create a grievance procedure to deal with complaints
    funding.                                                    against judicial officers.
!   Establish uniform constitutional regulations for the     ! Expedite the transformation of the Judiciary, to
    Community Police Forums.                                    create a more representative, competent, sensitive,
!   Legislate for the establishment of the Community            humane and responsive judiciary.
    Safety Forums.                                           ! Crimes against women and children, especially rape,
!   Ensure a more equitable distribution of police              should have priority in the criminal justice system
    resources between the townships and the suburbs             especially on the part of investigating and
    and between urban and rural areas, including                prosecution authorities, as well as the consolidation
    training and literacy programmes to upgrade skills of       and strengthening of our victim empowerment
    members of the SAPS to effectively perform their            system.
    duties.                                                  ! Early implementation of the Promotion of Equality
!   Strengthen and speed the process of the regulation of       and Prohibition of Unfair Discrimination Act (2000)
    private security and intelligence companies.                for the effective campaigns against racism in all
!   Intensify campaigns at all levels to reduce crime,          areas of life and the implementation of all other
    especially the proliferation of illegal weapons and         legislation which have a transformation element or
    drugs, corruption and fraudulent activities, the abuse      agenda.
    of women and children, the elderly and family
                                                             On Home Affairs
                                                             ! Ensure the transformation of the department, in line
!   Provide a proper legal basis for the transformation of
                                                               with our objectives to ensure efficient service, the
    the SAPS by putting in place a Safety and Security
                                                               security and the integrity of the Population Register.
    Act, in replacement of the current SAPS Act which
                                                             ! The ANC should develop a coherent immigration
    is still based on the Interim Constitution.
!   Government to speed up the establishment of a
                                                             ! A more effective national campaign be developed to
    Security and Protection Division within SAPS for all
                                                               eliminate corruption in all government departments,
    government strategic installations.
                                                               especially in Home Affairs, Correctional Services,
On Correctional Services                                       South African Police Service and the Department of
! ANC must develop, as a matter of urgency,                    Justice and Constitutional Development.
  appropriate policies in respect of every aspect of         ! Home Affairs services be brought closer to where
  Correctional Services with the central feature being         the people reside and made more user-friendly.
  the immediate rehabilitation of offenders to re-
  integrate them into society.
! Correctional Services Department must be
                                                             TARGETED GROUPS
  adequately resourced to deal with the challenges,
  serious problems and difficulties confronting the          Women, youth, children, the elderly and people
  department and ensure that the necessary steps are         with disabilities
  taken for the implementation of these matters.
                                                             Since its formation, the African National Congress and
! Accelerated attention be paid to the rehabilitation,
                                                             its allies have fought for the equality of all sections of
  development and education of the entire prison
                                                             South African society irrespective of race, sex, culture,
  community – this could be done through co-
                                                             religion or physical make up.
  ordinated departmental programmes, such as adult
                                                                Amongst the motive forces, there are sectors of our
  basic education and training programmes.
                                                             society who are marginalised, disadvantaged or
! Government renovates and refurbishes all its
                                                             vulnerable because of patriarchy, age or being
  buildings that are unused for occupation by inmates
                                                             differently-abled. These sectors include women, youth,
  serving time, as part of Governance programmes to
                                                             the elderly, children and people with disabilities. Policy
  reduce prison overcrowding.
                                                             development within the structures of the movement has
On Intelligence                                              taken into consideration the special needs of these
! Promote awareness of the role of intelligence so as        targeted groups.
  to elicit maximum cooperation and support from
                                                             Conference decided that ANC structures:
                                                             ! Must ensure the mobilisation of the different
! Commit to the building of well resourced
                                                               targeted groups within its ranks, and work with their
  intelligence capacity.

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