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Energy Futures - MIT Energy ...

                                                            AUTUMN 2021


Using nature’s structures
in wooden buildings p. 5

                 Two-way trade in green electricity:
                 Canadian hydro and U.S. decarbonization p. 10

                 MIT Energy Initiative launches Future Energy
                 Systems Center p.3

                 Study provides suggestions for keeping
                 classroom air fresh during Covid-19 pandemic p. 24
Energy Futures - MIT Energy ...
                                                                                                       Energy Futures is published twice yearly
                                                                                                       by the MIT Energy Initiative. It reports
                                                                                                       on research results and energy-related activities
                                                                                                       across the Institute. To subscribe, please visit

                                                                                                       Copyright © 2021
                                                                                                       Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
                                                                                                       For permission to reproduce material
                                                                                                       in this magazine, please contact the editor.

                                                                                                       Nancy W. Stauffer, editor

                                                                                                       Kelley Travers, assistant editor

                                                                                                       Tom Melville, MITEI communications director
MIT Energy Initiative podcast                                                                

In our two most recent podcast episodes, we explore the energy transition with two prominent           ISSN 1942-4671
leaders, one from the business world and one right here at MIT. Our podcast is currently on pause,     (Online ISSN 1942-468X)
but you can explore all episodes at

                                                                                                       MIT Energy Initiative
Episode #40: Carbon and the cloud                  Episode #39: Starting from space
                                                                                                       The MIT Energy Initiative is MIT’s hub for energy
Guest: Maud Texier, head of energy                 Guest: Maria Zuber, vice president for              research, education, and outreach. Our mission is
development at Google                              research and E.A. Griswold Professor of             to develop low- and no-carbon solutions that
Producer and host: Jenn Schlick, digital project   Geophysics at MIT                                   will efficiently meet global energy needs while
manager at MITEI                                   Producer and host: Jenn Schlick, digital project    minimizing environmental impacts and mitigating
                                                   manager at MITEI                                    climate change.
We don’t often think about the energy we
consume and the carbon we emit into the            Maria Zuber grew up in Pennsylvania coal
atmosphere when we are moving about the            country, where both of her grandfathers worked
Internet. Maud Texier does think about these       in the mines and suffered from black lung           MIT Energy Initiative
things. She has led the teams responsible for      disease. As a child she studied the stars and       Massachusetts Institute of Technology
developing and scaling 24/7 carbon-free energy     dreamed of outer space. Her career would take       77 Massachusetts Avenue, E19-307
for Google’s data centers around the world.        her to a prominent position at NASA and later       Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
We explore with her the carbon footprint of        to MIT, where, in her portfolio of duties as vice
the Internet, the role of data centers, and how    president for research, she leads the Institute’s   617-258-8891
Google and other organizations are working to      efforts to help the planet achieve net-zero
make the Internet carbon-free.                     carbon emissions. In this podcast episode we        For more information and the latest news
                                                                                                       from MITEI, go to
                                                   hear the story of her journey and of MIT’s
                                                   response to the climate crisis. You can read
                                                   excerpts of this episode on page 38.
                                                                                                       Design: Ink Design, inc.

                                                                                                       Copy editing: Kathryn M. O’Neill

                                                   On the cover                                        Printing: Signature Printing
                                                   The construction industry is moving to use
                                                   sustainable timber in place of concrete and         Printed on paper containing
                                                   steel. But when timber is harvested, irregular      30% post-consumer recycled content,
                                                   sections such as knots and forks are rejected.      with the balance coming from responsibly
                                                   MIT researchers have developed methods              managed sources.
                                                   that enable architects to quickly allocate a
                                                   pile of discarded forks among the Y-shaped
                                                   nodes in an architectural design and then
                                                   to cut and mark them to match up with
                                                   straight timbers, making assembly of the final
                                                   structure fast and easy. Read more on page 5.
                                                   Image: Wing Ngan, Ink Design, inc.
Energy Futures - MIT Energy ...
Autumn 2021

                                                                                         Massachusetts Institute
                                                                                         of Technology


     mitei updates                     22    Making the case for hydrogen         		perspectives
 2   A letter from the director              in a zero-carbon economy:            38     “Starting from space”: MITEI
                                             Hydrogen-generated electricity              podcast interviews MIT
 3   MIT Energy Initiative                   for backing up wind and solar               Vice President for Research
     launches the Future Energy        24    MIT study provides suggestions              Maria Zuber
     Systems Center                          for keeping classroom air fresh
                                             during Covid-19 pandemic
		 research reports
                                       26    Coupling power and hydrogen
 5   Using nature’s structures in            sector pathways to benefit
     wooden buildings: Tools for             decarbonization goals
     designing with forked tree
     branches                          		 focus on faculty
10   New England renewables +          28    MITEI appoints Professor                                               40
     Canadian hydropower: A                  Christopher Knittel as deputy
     pathway to clean electricity            director for policy
     in 2050                                                                      40     3 Questions: Daniel Cohn on
                                       29    Andy Sun announced as new                   the benefits of high-efficiency,
15   Chemical reactions for the
                                             Iberdrola-Avangrid Professor                flexible fuel engines for heavy-
     energy transition: New insights
                                             of Electric Power Systems at                duty trucking
     reveal pathways to improvement
                                             MIT Sloan
                                                                                  42     3 Questions: Massachusetts
		 research news                       		education                                       Secretary of Energy and
18   MIT Energy Initiative awards                                                        Environmental Affairs
                                        31   Francesco Benedetti: Building
     seven Seed Fund grants for                                                          Kathleen Theoharides on
                                             communities, founding a
     early-stage energy research                                                         climate and energy
                                             startup with people in mind
20   MIT-designed project              33    Latifah Hamzah ’12: Creating
     achieves major advance                                                       		members
                                             sustainable solutions in
     toward fusion energy                    Malaysia and beyond                  44     Listing of MITEI members
     	MITEI’s role facilitating                                                         and affiliates
         important research            35    Preparing global online learners
         collaborations                      for the clean energy transition
                                                                                  		 report from cop26
                                       36    Energy Studies Minor graduates,
                                             June 2021                            45     Robert Stoner: Home from
                                                                                         COP26—and optimistic
                                       37    Energy Fellows, 2021–2022

                                                                                       MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 | 1
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mitei updates

    A letter from the director

    Dear friends,

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres                                                          Laboratory for Information and Deci-
    struck us all when he called the Intergov-                                                     sions Systems, who has designed a new
    ernmental Panel on Climate Change                                                              edX course: Principles of Modeling,
    report “a code red for humanity.” Yet at                                                       Simulation, and Control for Electric
    the MIT Energy Initiative we also see                                                          Energy Systems (page 35). It’s one of an
    reason for hope. On our campus, there is                                                       expanding set of online courses MITEI
    great progress being made toward the                                                           has funded to provide global learners with
    energy transition. In Washington,                                                              a view of the shifting energy landscape.
    Congress passed an infrastructure bill                                                         On page 24, read about two undergradu-
    addressing climate change. And in                                                              ates funded by MITEI through the
    Scotland this fall, thousands of world                                                         Undergraduate Research Opportunities
    leaders—with some 20 MIT representa-                                                           Program who contributed to a timely
    tives among them—gathered to address                                                           MIT study showing how classroom
                                                  MITEI’s research, education, and
    climate change at COP26.                                                                       configurations may affect air quality and
                                                  outreach programs are spearheaded by Professor
                                                  Robert C. Armstrong, director.                   contribute to the spread of Covid-19.
     Earlier this year, the Institute published   Photo: Kelley Travers, MITEI
    “Fast Forward: MIT’s Climate Action                                                            We also share the stories of remarkable
     Plan for the Decade,” addressing climate     high-temperature superconducting                 MIT graduates. Latifah Hamzah ’12 has
     change on campus and around the globe.       electromagnet, breaking magnetic field           co-founded a nonprofit to find sustain-
     An element of the plan is MITEI’s Future     strength records for a fusion magnet             able and empowering solutions to help
     Energy Systems Center, a research            (page 20). You’ll read about the potential       disadvantaged populations in Malaysia
     consortium with industry launched this       role and economic value of hydropower in         (page 33). Former MIT visiting student
     fall to explore how best to navigate the     Quebec in a future low-carbon power              and postdoc Francesco Benedetti led a
     energy transition based on multi-sectorial   system in New England (page 10); how             team that won the 2021 MIT $100K
     analyses of emerging technologies,           architects are using discarded tree forks as     Entrepreneurship Competition for the
     changing policies, and evolving economics.   load-bearing joints in their structures          startup Osmoses, which has developed a
     Read more on page 3.                         (page 5); and how a new fundamental              novel way to separate molecules (page 31).
                                                  understanding developed by MIT
    We recently completed our three-day           chemists can help speed the conversion of        We welcome some new leadership to
    annual research conference with the           biomass into useful fuels and chemicals          MITEI. Christopher Knittel, the George
    theme “Getting to net-zero by 2050.”          (page 15). You can also read about two           P. Shultz Professor of Energy Economics
    We explored a number of opportunities         hydrogen projects. One shows that                at the MIT Sloan School of Management,
    and challenges in reaching net-zero—          hydrogen-fired power generation can be           has become MITEI’s deputy director for
    potential technology solutions; hydrogen      a more economical option than lithium-           policy (page 28). Also at Sloan, in January,
    in the energy transition; the power grid      ion batteries as a source of clean               we’ll welcome Andy Sun of Georgia Tech
    of the future; and thermal energy storage     electricity (page 22); the other shows           as the inaugural Iberdrola-Avangrid
    and conversion. Also this fall, with          hydrogen as a pathway for decarboniza-           Professor of Electric Power Systems
    partners at Stanford, Texas A&M, and          tion in hard-to-abate sectors such as            (page 29). At MITEI, Andy will serve as
    the U.S. Department of Energy, we             transportation, buildings, and industry          a faculty lead for the electric power
    sponsored our tenth annual U.S. C3E           (page 26). And MITEI awarded seven               system focus area at our new Future
    Women in Clean Energy Symposium,              Seed Fund grants to early-stage energy           Energy Systems Center.
    focusing on equity and justice in the clean   research by faculty and researchers (page
    energy transition (             18). Since it began in 2008, the MITEI           Hoping you enjoy Energy Futures and
                                                  Seed Fund Program has supported 193              wishing you restful holidays,
    As always, Energy Futures offers a            energy-focused seed projects through
    rich taste of research at MITEI and           grants totaling more than $26 million.
    MIT. In September, MIT’s Plasma
    Science and Fusion Center and MIT             As always, education is central to our           Professor Robert C. Armstrong
    spinoff and MITEI member Common-              mission. In this edition, we feature Marija      MITEI Director
    wealth Fusion Systems demonstrated a          Ilic, a senior research scientist in MIT’s       November 2021

2 | MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 |
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mitei updates

MIT Energy Initiative launches the Future
Energy Systems Center

The MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) has         announced earlier this year to address the   electric power systems, energy storage
launched a new research consortium—the        climate crisis.                              and low-carbon fuels, and carbon
Future Energy Systems Center—to                                                            management.
address the climate crisis and the role       The Future Energy Systems Center
energy systems can play in solving it. This   investigates the emerging technology,        “The Future Energy Systems Center
integrated effort engages researchers from    policy, demographics, and economics           marries MIT’s deep knowledge of energy
across all of MIT to help the global          reshaping the landscape of energy supply      science and technology with advanced
community reach its goal of net-zero          and demand. The Center conducts               tools for systems analysis to examine how
carbon emissions. The Center examines         integrative analysis of the entire energy     advances in technology and system
the accelerating energy transition and        system—a holistic approach essential to       economics may respond to various policy
collaborates with industrial leaders to       understanding the cross-sectorial impact      scenarios,” says MITEI Director Robert
reform the world’s energy systems. The        of the energy transition. The Center          C. Armstrong, the Chevron Professor of
Center is part of “Fast Forward: MIT’s        encompasses energy-consuming                  Chemical Engineering. “We must act
Climate Action Plan for the Decade”           sectors—transportation, industry, and         quickly to get to net-zero greenhouse gas
(               buildings—and key energy system areas         emissions. At the same time, we have a
fastforward), MIT’s multi-pronged effort      essential to decarbonization, including       billion people around the world with

  Future Energy Systems Center Focus Areas

Image courtesy of MITEI

                                                                                                MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 | 3
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inadequate access, or no access, to           energy’s consumer and supplier             Focus areas of the Future
     electricity—and we need to deliver it         sides—to gain insights to help
     to them.”                                     researchers anticipate challenges and      Energy Systems Center
                                                   opportunities of deploying technology
    The overarching focus of the Center is         at the scale needed to achieve decar-      Transportation. Within the transporta-
    integrative analysis of the entire             bonization. “The Future Energy             tion sector, the Center will examine how
    energy system, providing insights into         Systems Center gives us a powerful         electrification, low-carbon fuels,
    the complex multi-sectorial transforma-        way to engage with industry to             charging/fueling infrastructure, urban
    tions needed to alter the three major          accelerate the energy transition,” says    mobility systems, shared mobility trends,
    energy-consuming sectors of the                Armstrong. “Working together, we can       new technology, policy, and other
    economy—transportation, industry,              better understand how our current          solutions can contribute to the decar-
    and buildings—in conjunction with              technology toolbox can be more             bonization of ground, water, and air
    three major decarbonization-enabling           effectively put to use now to reduce       transportation.
    technologies—electricity, energy storage       emissions, and what new technologies
    and low-carbon fuels, and carbon               and policies will ultimately be needed     Industry. The industrial sector includes
    management. “These six areas overlap           to reach net-zero.”                        production of all materials needed for
    and interact with one another, making                                                     infrastructure, buildings, vehicles, energy
    a systems approach essential,” says            A steering committee, made up of 11        production, energy storage, agriculture,
    Martha Broad, MITEI’s executive                MIT professors and led by Armstrong,       etc. Although this sector of the economy
    director. “The Future Energy Systems           selects projects to create a research      is large and diverse, a dozen materials
    Center seeks to eliminate silos in research,   program with high impact on decar-         constitute more than half of the
    in technology, and in policy so that we        bonization, while leveraging MIT           greenhouse gas emissions from the
    can work quickly and collaboratively with      strengths and addressing interests of      industry sector.
    one another to address the existential         Center members in pragmatic and
    crisis of climate change.”                     scalable solutions. “MIT—through our       Buildings. Buildings currently account
                                                   recently released Climate Action           for about 30% of greenhouse gas
     Through techno-economic and                   Plan—is committed to moving with           emissions based on the embodied
     systems-oriented research, the Center         urgency and speed to transition away       carbon from building materials and
     analyzes important interactions among         from economy-wide emissions of             construction as well as emissions due to
     these areas. For example:                     greenhouse gases to help resolve the       operations including heating, cooling,
                                                   growing climate crisis,” says Armstrong.   humidity control, and lighting.
    •	Greater electrification of transportation, “We have no time to waste.”
        industry, and buildings will require                                                  Electric power. The electric power
        expansion of demand management             MITEI has historically engaged with        system is a vital part of any decarboniza-
        and other solutions for balancing of       industry, including through its group of   tion strategy. It is currently one of the
        electricity supply and demand across       Low-Carbon Energy Centers                  leading sectors for decarbonization and
        these areas.                               (LCECs). All existing LCEC projects        yet electric power supply must grow
                                                   and memberships continue, having           multifold to meet demand from greater
    •	Likewise, balancing of supply and           been integrated into the Future            electrification of transportation, industry,
        demand will also require deployment        Energy Systems Center. The Center          and buildings.
        of grid-scale energy storage and           members to date are: AECI, Chevron,
        conversion of the electricity to           ConocoPhillips, Copec, Dominion,           Energy storage and low-carbon fuels.
        low-carbon fuels (hydrogen and liquid      Duke Energy, Enerjisa, Eneva, Eni,         Balancing supply and demand also
        fuels), which can in turn play a vital     ENN, Equinor, Eversource, Exelon,          requires large-scale deployment of a
        role in the energy transition for          ExxonMobil, Ferrovial, Golden Spread,      range of energy storage solutions
        hard-to-decarbonize segments of            Iberdrola, IHI, National Grid, Rio         including electrochemical storage,
        transportation, industry, and buildings.   Tinto, Shell, Toyota Research Institute,   mechanical storage, thermal storage, and
                                                   and Washington Gas.                        chemical storage (low-carbon fuels).
    •	Carbon management will also play
        a critical role in decarbonizing           For more information about the Center,     Carbon management. Carbon manage-
        industry, electricity, and fuels both as   please visit               ment will also play a critical role in
        a carbon-mitigation solution and           futureenergysystemscenter.                 decarbonizing industry, electricity, and
        as a negative-carbon technology.                                                      fuels. The scope within this focus area is
                                                   MIT Energy Initiative                      extensive and includes power generation,
     As a member-supported research                                                           biomass conversion, production of
     consortium, the Center collaborates with                                                 low-carbon fuels, carbon capture from
     industrial experts and leaders—from both                                                 industry, utilization of carbon, carbon
                                                                                              storage, and carbon removal.

4 | MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 |
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research reports

Using nature’s structures in wooden buildings:
Tools for designing with forked tree branches
Nancy W. Stauffer, MITEI

                                            Concern about climate change has              are the most emissions-intensive parts of
                                            focused significant attention on the          buildings due to their large volume of
                                            buildings sector, in particular on the        high-strength materials. Using upcycled
                                            extraction and processing of construction     materials in place of those high-carbon
                                            materials. The concrete and steel indus-      systems is therefore especially impactful
                                            tries together are responsible for as much    in reducing emissions.
                                            as 15% of global carbon dioxide emissions.
                                            In contrast, wood provides a natural form     Mueller and her team focus on tree forks,
                                            of carbon sequestration, so there’s a move    that is, spots where the trunk or branch of
                                            to use timber instead. Indeed, some           a tree divides in two, forming a Y-shaped
                                            countries are calling for public buildings    piece. In architectural drawings, there are
        in brief                            to be made at least partly from timber,       many similar Y-shaped nodes where
                                            and large-scale timber buildings have         straight elements come together. In such
                                            been appearing around the world.              cases, those units must be strong enough
Forks in tree trunks and branches are
                                                                                          to support critical loads.
exceptionally strong, yet they are           Observing those trends, Caitlin Mueller
rejected in timber construction because     ’07, SM ’14, PhD ’14, an associate            “Tree forks are naturally engineered
they are not straight. MIT researchers       professor of architecture and civil and       structural connections that work as
                                             environmental engineering in the              cantilevers in trees, which means that
have developed an approach that
                                             Building Technology Program at MIT,           they have the potential to transfer force
enables architects to use discarded tree     sees an opportunity for further sustain-      very efficiently thanks to their internal
forks as load-bearing joints in their        ability gains. As the timber industry         fiber structure,” says Mueller. “If you take
                                             seeks to produce wooden replacements          a tree fork and slice it down the middle,
structures. Using digital and computa-
                                             for traditional concrete and steel            you see an unbelievable network of fibers
tional methods, the MIT process              elements, the focus is on harvesting the      that are intertwining to create these often
distributes a collection of discarded        straight sections of trees. Irregular         three-dimensional load transfer points in
tree forks among the Y-shaped nodes          sections such as knots and forks are          a tree. We’re starting to do the same thing
                                             turned into pellets and burned, or ground     using 3D printing, but we’re nowhere
in an architectural design, allocating
                                             up to make garden mulch, which will           near what nature does in terms of
them so as to maximize the use of the        decompose within a few years; both            complex fiber orientation and geometry.”
inherent strength in the wood fiber—         approaches release the carbon trapped in
                                             the wood to the atmosphere.                  She and her team have developed a
and reallocating them instantly if the
                                                                                          five-step “design-to-fabrication workflow”
architect changes the design geometry.      For the past four years, Mueller and her      that combines natural structures such as
Computer-driven robotic machining           Digital Structures research group have        tree forks with the digital and computa-
adjusts and marks the forks for easy        been developing a strategy for “upcycling”    tional tools now used in architectural
                                            those waste materials by using them in        design. While there’s long been a “craft”
assembly with straight wooden elements.                                                   movement to use natural wood in railings
                                            construction—not as cladding or finishes
Using recovered material from felled city   aimed at improving appearance but as          and decorative features, the use of
trees, the MIT team used this process to    structural components. “The greatest          computational tools makes it possible to
                                            value you can give to a material is to give   use wood in structural roles—without
create part of a wooden pavilion
                                            it a load-bearing role in a structure,” she   excessive cutting, which is costly and may
destined for installation at the site of    says. But when builders use virgin            compromise the natural geometry and
the felled trees.                           materials, those structural components        internal grain structure of the wood.

                                                                                               MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 | 5
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Above This photo shows some of the processed tree forks in the researchers’         an approach to sustainability that calls for “upcycling” such waste materials,
     inventory. Their goal is to support the so-called circular economy of materials,   in this case, by using them as structural joints in timber buildings.
                                                                                        Photo: Felix Amtsberg

    Given the wide use of digital tools by                   School. Among the heavy equipment on                   produce isolated tree forks, some of which
    today’s architects, Mueller believes that                site was a chipper, poised to turn all the             are shown in the photo above. They then
    her approach is “at least potentially                    waste wood into mulch. Instead, the                    created a 3D scan of each fork. Mueller
    scalable and potentially achievable                      workers obligingly put the waste wood                  notes that as a result of recent progress in
    within our industrialized materials                      into the researchers’ truck to be brought              photogrammetry (measuring objects
    processing systems.” In addition, by                     to MIT.                                                using photographs) and 3D scanning,
    combining tree forks with digital design                                                                        they could create high-resolution digital
    tools, the novel approach can also support               In their project, the MIT team sought                  representations of the individual tree
    the trend among architects to explore                    not only to upcycle that waste material                forks with relatively inexpensive equip-
    new forms. “Many iconic buildings built                  but also to use it to create a structure that          ment, even using apps that run on a
    in the past two decades have unexpected                  would be valued by the public. “Where I                typical smartphone.
    shapes,” says Mueller. “Tree branches                    live, the city has had to take down a lot of
    have a very specific geometry that                       trees due to damage from an invasive                  In the digital library, each fork is repre-
    sometimes lends itself to an irregular or                species of beetle,” Mueller explains.                 sented by a “skeletonized” version
    nonstandard architectural form—driven                   “People get really upset—understandably.               showing three straight bars coming
    not by some arbitrary algorithm but by                   Trees are an important part of the urban              together at a point. The relative geometry
    the material itself.”                                    fabric, providing shade and beauty.” She              and orientation of the branches are of
                                                             and her team hoped to reduce that                     particular interest because they determine
    Step 0: Find a source, set goals
                                                             animosity by “reinstalling the removed                the internal fiber orientation that gives
    Before starting their design-to-fabrication              trees in the form of a new functional                 the component its strength.
    process, the researchers needed to locate a              structure that would re-create the
    source of tree forks. Mueller found help                 atmosphere and spatial experience
                                                                                                                   Step 2: Find the best match between the
    in the Urban Forestry Division of the                    previously provided by the felled trees.”
                                                                                                                   initial design and the material library
    City of Somerville, Massachusetts, which
    maintains a digital inventory of more                    With their source and goals identified,               Like a tree, a typical architectural design
    than 2,000 street trees—including more                   the researchers were ready to demonstrate             is filled with Y-shaped nodes where three
    than 20 species—and records information                  the five steps in their design-to-                    straight elements meet up to support a
    about the location, approximate trunk                    fabrication workflow for making spatial               critical load. The goal was therefore to
    diameter, and condition of each tree.                    structures using an inventory of tree forks.          match the tree forks in the material
                                                                                                                   library with the nodes in a sample
                                                             Step 1: Create a digital material library
    With permission from the forestry                                                                              architectural design.
    division, the team was on hand in 2018                   The first task was to turn their collection
    when a large group of trees was cut down                 of tree forks into a digital library. They             First, the researchers developed a
    near the site of the new Somerville High                 began by cutting off excess material to               “mismatch metric” for quantifying how

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well the geometries of a particular tree      increased—up to a point. In general, the              each design includes a limited number
 fork aligned with a given design node.        researchers concluded that the mismatch               of critical parameters, such as bar length
“We’re trying to line up the straight          score was lowest, thus best, when there               and bending strain. Using those parame-
 elements in the structure with where the      were about three times as many forks in               ters, the designer can manually change
 branches originally were in the tree,”        the material library as there were nodes in           the overall shape, or geometry, of the
 explains Mueller. “That gives us the          the target design.                                    design or can use an algorithm that
 optimal orientation for load transfer and                                                           automatically changes, or “morphs,” the
                                               Step 3: Balance designer intention with
 maximizes use of the inherent strength of                                                           geometry. And every time the design
                                               structural performance
 the wood fiber.” The poorer the alignment,                                                          geometry changes, the Hungarian
 the higher the mismatch metric.               The next step in the process was to                   algorithm recalculates the optimal
                                               incorporate the intention or preference               fork-to-node matching.
The goal was to get the best overall           of the designer. To permit that flexibility,
distribution of all the tree forks
among the nodes in the target design.
Therefore, the researchers needed to try
different fork-to-node distributions
and, for each distribution, add up the
individual fork-to-node mismatch errors
to generate an overall, or global, matching
score. The distribution with the best
matching score would produce the most
structurally efficient use of the total tree
fork inventory.

Since performing that process manually
would take far too long to be practical,
they turned to the “Hungarian algorithm,”
a technique developed in 1955 for
solving such problems. “The brilliance
of the algorithm is solving that
[matching] problem very quickly,”
Mueller says. She notes that it’s a very
general-use algorithm. “It’s used for
things like marriage match-making. It
can be used any time you have two
collections of things that you’re trying to
find unique matches between. So, we
definitely didn’t invent the algorithm, but
we were the first to identify that it could
be used for this problem.”

The figure at the right presents a sample
structure design with three possible
distributions of the tree forks in the
researchers’ inventory. The forks colored
green are well matched with their nodes;
the strings in the design pass through the
centerline of the fork. The red forks are
less well matched. The top option
includes many red forks, so it has lots of
mismatches and a high global mismatch
score. The bottom option achieves the
most green forks and thus the lowest
mismatch score of the three options.

Repeated tests showed that the matching        This figure shows three possible distributions of the researchers’ tree fork inventory within a target
                                               architectural structure. The green-colored forks are well matched with their design node; the red forks
score improved as the number of forks          are poorly matched. The global matching score of the bottom option is lower than those of the top and
available in the material library              middle options. The bottom option thus makes better use of the available forks as load-bearing joints.

                                                                                                           MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 | 7
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At the Autodesk Boston Technology Center Build Space, a robotic arm              interface well with its neighboring straight timbers, with marks and drill holes
    automatically pushes a tree fork through a band saw in different orientations,   for the structural connections, making assembly straightforward.
    guided by computer-generated instructions. Ultimately, each tree fork will       Photo: Felix Amtsberg

    “Because the Hungarian algorithm is                    remaining bark to reduce susceptibility to            computer-generated instructions. The
     extremely fast, all the morphing and                  rot and fire.                                         robot also mills all the holes for the
     the design updating can be really fluid,”                                                                   structural connections. “That’s helpful
     notes Mueller. In addition, any change               To guide that process, they developed a                because it ensures that everything is
     to a new geometry is followed by a                   custom algorithm that automatically                    aligned the way you expect it to be,”
     structural analysis that checks the                  computes the cuts needed to make a given               says Mueller.
     deflections, strain energy, and other                tree fork fit into its assigned node and to
                                                                                                                Step 5: Assemble the available forks and
     performance measures of the structure.               strip off the bark. The goal is to remove as
                                                                                                                linear elements to build the structure
     On occasion, the automatically generated             little material as possible but also to avoid
     design that yields the best matching score           a complex, time-consuming machining                    The final step is to assemble the structure.
     may deviate far from the designer’s initial          process. “If we make too few cuts, we’ll               The tree-fork-based joints are all irregular,
     intention. In such cases, an alternative             cut off too much of the critical structural            and combining them with the precut
     solution can be found that satisfactorily            material. But we don’t want to make a                  straight wooden elements could be
     balances the design intention with a low             million tiny cuts because it will take                 difficult. However, they’re all labeled. “All
     matching score.                                      forever,” Mueller explains.                            the information for the geometry is
                                                                                                                 embedded in the joint, so the assembly
    Step 4: Automatically generate the
                                                          The photo above shows the setup they                   process is really low-tech,” says Mueller.
    machine code for fast cutting
                                                          use to prepare their tree forks. The team             “It’s like a child’s toy set. You just follow
    When the structural geometry and                      uses facilities at the Autodesk Boston                 the instructions on the joints to put all
    distribution of tree forks have been                  Technology Center Build Space, where                   the pieces together.”
    finalized, it’s time to think about actually          the robots are far larger than any at
    building the structure. To simplify                   MIT and the processing is all automated.              The top photograph on page 9 shows their
    assembly and maintenance, the research-               To prepare each tree fork, they mount                 final structure, which they installed
    ers prepare the tree forks by recutting               it on a robotic arm that pushes the                   temporarily on the MIT campus. Mueller
    their end faces to better match adjoining             joint through a traditional band saw                  notes that it was only a portion of the
    straight timbers and cutting off any                  in different orientations, guided by                  structure they plan to build. “It had

8 | MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 |
12 nodes that we designed and fabricated
using our process,” she says, adding that
the team’s work was “a little interrupted
by the pandemic.” As activity on campus
resumes, the researchers plan to finish
designing and building the complete
structure, which will include about 40
nodes and will be installed as an outdoor
pavilion on the site of the felled trees
in Somerville.

In addition, they will continue their
research. Plans include working with
larger material libraries, some with
multi-branch forks, and replacing
their 3D-scanning technique with
computerized tomography scanning
technologies that can automatically
generate a detailed geometric representa-
tion of a tree fork, including its precise
fiber orientation and density. And in a
parallel project, they’ve been exploring
using their process with other sources of
materials, with one case study focusing
on using material from a demolished                  The researchers produced and installed this structure on the MIT campus using waste tree forks as
                                                     structural elements. In the future, they plan to use their process to design and build a complete outdoor
wood-framed house to construct more                  pavilion, which will be located at the site of the felled trees from which the wood forks were recovered.
than a dozen geodesic domes.                         Photo: Felix Amtsberg

To Mueller, the work to date already
provides new guidance for the                        well am I using available resources?” she              n ot e s
architectural design process. With digital           says. “With the Hungarian algorithm, we
tools, it has become easy for architects to          can compute that metric basically in real              This research was supported by MIT’s School
analyze the embodied carbon or future                time, so we can work rapidly and                       of Architecture and Planning via the HASS
                                                                                                            Award. In summer 2021, MIT Facilities
energy use of a design option. “Now we               creatively with that as another input to
                                                                                                            removed some campus trees prior to
have a new metric of performance: How                the design process.”                                   construction and gave all the material to
                                                                                                            Mueller and her team to use in their research
                                                                                                            (see photo at left). Further information about
                                                                                                            the research can be found in:

                                                                                                            F. Amtsberg, Y. Huang, D.J.M. Marshall, K.M.
                                                                                                            Gata, and C. Mueller. “Structural upcycling:
                                                                                                            Matching digital and natural geometry.”
                                                                                                            Advances in Architectural Geometry 2020,
                                                                                                            April 2021. Online:

                                                                                                            Y. Huang, L. Alkhayat, C. De Wolf, and C.
                                                                                                            Mueller. “Algorithmic circular design with
                                                                                                            reused structural elements: method and tool.”
                                                                                                            Conceptual Design of Structures 2021, Interna-
                                                                                                            tional fib Symposium, September 2021.
                                                                                                            Online:, page 457.

In summer 2021, MIT Facilities took down a number of trees to make way for the new MIT Music
Building. Associate Professor Caitlin Mueller and her team received the material shown above to further
their research on the use of salvaged materials in architecture. Photo: Neil Patel of Lee Kennedy Co.

                                                                                                                 MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 | 9
research reports

    New England renewables + Canadian hydropower:
    A pathway to clean electricity in 2050
    Nancy W. Stauffer, MITEI

            in brief

                                                 In general, the options being discussed        low-carbon system in New England.
    In planning for a carbon-free electric       include nuclear power, natural gas with        Their goal was to help inform policy
    power system in 2050, U.S. states in         carbon capture and storage (CCS), and          makers, utility decision makers, and
    New England have looked to hydropower        energy storage technologies such as new        others about how best to incorporate
    imported from Quebec as one source of        and improved batteries and chemical            Canadian hydropower into their plans
    clean electricity alongside wind and solar   storage in the form of hydrogen. But in        and to determine how much time and
                                                 the northeastern United States, there is       money New England should spend to
    and others. But engaging Canadian
                                                 one more possibility being proposed:           integrate more hydropower into its
    hydropower strictly as an electricity        electricity imported from hydropower           system. What they found out was
    supplier may not be the best way to go.      plants in the neighboring Canadian             surprising, even to them.
    An MIT analysis shows that two-way           province of Quebec.
    exchanges between the regions could                                                         The analytical methods
                                                 The proposition makes sense. Those plants
    yield significant benefits. Under such an
                                                 can produce as much electricity as about       To explore possible roles for Canadian
    arrangement, Quebec sends electricity        40 large nuclear power plants, and some        hydropower to play in New England’s
    south to New England to meet demand          power generated in Quebec already              power system, the MIT researchers first
    when wind and solar aren’t producing         comes to the Northeast. So, there could        needed to predict how the regional power
    enough power. When they produce an           be abundant additional supply to fill any      system might look in 2050—both the
    excess, New England sends electricity        shortfall when New England’s intermit-         resources in place and how they would be
                                                 tent renewables underproduce. However,         operated, given any policy constraints. To
    north to cover demand in Quebec,
                                                 U.S. wind and solar investors view             perform that analysis, they used GenX, a
    allowing the hydro systems to pause and      Canadian hydropower as a competitor            modeling tool originally developed by
    reservoirs to refill with water. The hydro   and argue that reliance on foreign supply      Jesse Jenkins SM ’14, PhD ’18 and Nestor
    system thus provides energy storage—         discourages further U.S. investment.           Sepulveda SM ’16, PhD ’20 while they
    over hours or days or months—and both                                                       were researchers at the MIT Energy
                                                  Two years ago, three researchers affiliated   Initiative (MITEI).
    regions benefit: Two-way trading lowers
                                                  with the MIT Center for Energy and
    the cost of decarbonization and acceler-      Environmental Policy Research                 The GenX model is designed to support
    ates the process. Based on their findings,    (CEEPR)—Emil Dimanchev SM ’18,                decision-making related to power system
    the researchers suggest that such             now a PhD candidate at the Norwegian          investment and real-time operation
    interregional cooperation could prove         University of Science and Technology;         and to examine the impacts of possible
    beneficial wherever hydropower                Joshua Hodge, CEEPR’s executive               policy initiatives on those decisions.
                                                  director; and John Parsons, a senior          Given information on current and
    resources are available.
                                                  lecturer in the MIT Sloan School of           future technologies—different kinds of
                                                  Management—began wondering whether            power plants, energy storage technologies,
    The urgent need to cut carbon                 viewing Canadian hydro as another             and so on—GenX calculates the combi-
    emissions has prompted a growing              source of electricity might be too narrow.    nation of equipment and operating
    number of U.S. states to commit to           “Hydropower is a more-than-hundred-            conditions that can meet a defined future
    achieving 100% clean electricity by           year-old technology, and plants are           demand at the lowest cost. The GenX
    2040 or 2050. But figuring out how to         already built up north,” says Dimanchev.      modeling tool can also incorporate
    meet those commitments and still have        “We might not need to build something          specified policy constraints, such as limits
    a reliable and affordable power system        new. We might just need to use those          on carbon emissions.
    is a challenge. Wind and solar installa-      plants differently or to a greater extent.”
    tions will form the backbone of a                                                           For their study, Dimanchev, Hodge, and
    carbon-free power system, but what           So the researchers decided to examine the      Parsons set parameters in the GenX
    technologies can meet electricity demand     potential role and economic value of           model using data and assumptions
    when those intermittent renewable            Quebec’s hydropower resource in a future       derived from a variety of sources to build
    sources are not adequate?

10 | MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 |


                  (positive denotes north-to-south flow)
                            Transmission flows
                                                           2,000                                                                     Historical

                                                                                                                         90% decarbonization
                                                                                                                         and current
                                                                                                                         transmission capacity


                                                                                                                     90% decarbonization and
                                                                                                                     new transmission capacity
                                                                    0   1,752         3,504          5,256             7,008             8,760

                                                                                          Hours per year

Effects of transmission infrastructure change on flow of electricity                            New England and are capped by the transmission capacity limit of
between New England and Quebec                                                                  2,225 megawatts (MW). Model results for 2050 are shown in brown
This figure shows the level of electricity flow from north to south (positive                   and purple and assume current and expanded transmission capacity,
numbers) and from south to north (negative numbers) versus the number of                        respectively. In both cases, flow is at the maximum in both directions for
hours per year. The flows in 2018, shown in blue, are always from Quebec to                     many hours of the year.

a representation of the interconnected                                   requires adhering to certain operating            emissions between 80% and 100%
power systems in New England, New                                        constraints. For example, to prevent              relative to 1990 levels. The results of those
York, and Quebec. (They included New                                     flooding, reservoirs must not be allowed          runs show that, as emissions limits get
York to account for that state’s existing                                to overfill—especially prior to spring            more stringent, New England uses more
demand on the Canadian hydro                                             snowmelt. And generation can’t be                 wind and solar and extends the lifetime
resources.) For data on the available                                    increased too quickly because a sudden            of its existing nuclear plants. To balance
hydropower, they turned to Hydro-                                        flood of water could erode the river edges        the intermittency of the renewables, the
Québec, the public utility that owns and                                 or disrupt fishing or water quality.              region uses natural gas plants, demand-
operates most of the hydropower plants                                                                                     side management, battery storage
in Quebec.                                                               Based on projections from the National            (modeled as lithium-ion batteries),
                                                                         Renewable Energy Laboratory and                   and trading with Quebec’s hydropower-
It’s standard in such analyses to include                                elsewhere, the researchers specified              based system. Meanwhile, the optimal
real-world engineering constraints on                                    electricity demand for every hour of the          mix in Quebec is mostly composed of
equipment, such as how quickly certain                                   year 2050, and the model calculated the           existing hydro generation. Some solar is
power plants can be ramped up and down.                                  cost-optimal mix of technologies and              added, but new reservoirs are built only
With help from Hydro-Québec, the                                         system operating regime that would                if renewable costs are assumed to be
researchers also put hour-to-hour                                        satisfy that hourly demand, including the         very high.
operating constraints on the hydropower                                  dispatch of the Hydro-Québec hydro-
resource.                                                                power system. In addition, the model              The most significant—and perhaps
                                                                         determined how electricity would be               surprising—outcome is that in all the
 Most of Hydro-Québec’s plants are                                       traded among New England, New York,               scenarios, the hydropower-based system
“reservoir hydropower” systems. In them,                                 and Quebec.                                       of Quebec is not only an exporter but also
 when power isn’t needed, the flow on a                                                                                    an importer of electricity, with the
 river is restrained by a dam downstream                                                                                   direction of flow on the Quebec-New
                                                                         Effects of decarbonization limits on
 of a reservoir, and the reservoir fills up.                                                                               England transmission lines changing
                                                                         technology mix and electricity trading
 When power is needed, the dam is                                                                                          over time.
 opened, and the water in the reservoir                                  To examine the impact of the
 runs through downstream pipes, turning                                  emissions-reduction mandates in the               The figure on this page shows transmis-
 turbines and generating electricity.                                    New England states, the researchers ran           sion flows north and south. Historically,
 Proper management of such a system                                      the model assuming reductions in carbon           energy has always flowed from Quebec to

                                                                                                                                MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 | 11
New England, as shown by the blue curve,      The purple line in the figure on page 11       are roughly the same, but now there
    which represents 2018. That curve             shows the impact of expanding transmis-        are imports as well. Thus, two-way
    remains above the zero line, indicating       sion capacity from 2,225 MW to 6,225           trading reallocates renewables from
    that the flow is always north to south, and   MW: Flows in both directions are greater,      Quebec to New England, where it’s
    it’s capped by the current transmission       and in both cases the flow is at the new       more economical to install and operate
    capacity limit of 2,225 megawatts (MW).       maximum for more than 1,000 hours.             solar and wind systems.

    The brown curve shows the model results       Results of the analysis thus confirm           The right-hand bars in the two panels
    for 2050, assuming that New England           that the economic response to expanded         show the energy mix in New England
    decarbonizes 90% and the capacity of the      transmission capacity is more two-way          and Quebec assuming two-way trading
    transmission lines remains the same. Now      trading. To continue the battery analogy,      with expanded transmission capacity.
    the flows go both ways. Looking at the        more transmission capacity to and              Comparing the middle and right-hand
    right-hand side of the figure, there are      from Quebec effectively increases the          bars in the New England panel shows
    nearly 3,500 hours where the curve is         rate at which the battery can be charged       that expanded transmission allows
    below the zero line, so electricity is        and discharged.                                wind, solar, and nuclear to expand
    flowing from New England to Quebec.                                                          further; natural gas with CCS all but
    As the flat section shows, for more than                                                     disappears; and both imports and
                                                  Effects of two-way trading on the
    2,200 hours, the flow going north is at                                                      exports increase significantly. In the
                                                  energy mix
    the maximum the transmission lines                                                           Quebec panel, solar decreases still
    can carry.                                    What impact would the advent of                further, and both exports and imports
                                                  two-way trading have on the mix of             of electricity increase.
    The direction of flow is motivated by         energy-generating sources in New
    economics. When renewable generation          England and Quebec in 2050?                    Those results assume that the New
    is abundant in New England, prices are                                                       England power system decarbonizes by
    low, and it’s cheaper for Quebec to import    The figure on page 13 shows the energy         99% in 2050 relative to 1990 levels. But at
    electricity from New England and              mix in the two regions, with the panel on      90% and even 80% decarbonization levels,
    conserve water in its reservoirs. Con-        the left representing New England, and         the model concludes that natural gas
    versely, when New England’s renewables        the panel on the right, Quebec. Here, the      capacity decreases with the addition of
    are scarce and prices are high, New           researchers have included a second kind        new transmission relative to the current
    England imports hydro-generated               of hydro plant—“run of river” (ROR), in        transmission scenario. Existing plants are
    electricity from Quebec.                      which whatever water is available on a         retired, and new plants are not built as
                                                  river simply flows through a turbine and       they are no longer economically justified.
    So rather than delivering electricity,        generates electricity. In Quebec, ROR          Since natural gas plants are the only
    Canadian hydro provides a means of            plants are considered part of the overall      source of carbon emissions in the 2050
    storing the electricity generated by the      reservoir system because they are situated     energy system, the researchers conclude
    intermittent renewables in New England.       downstream of reservoirs, and their            that the greater access to hydro reservoirs
                                                  output is thus partly controlled by            made possible by expanded transmission
    “We see this in our modeling because          decisions at those reservoirs.                 would accelerate the decarbonization of
     when we tell the model to meet electricity                                                  the electricity system.
     demand using these resources, the model      In each panel, moving from the left to the
     decides that it is cost-optimal to use the   center bar shows the impact of moving
                                                                                                 Effects of transmission changes
     reservoirs to store energy rather than       from traditional one-way trading to
                                                                                                 on costs
     anything else,” says Dimanchev. “We          two-way trading. In New England, that
     should be sending the energy back and        change increases both wind (dark blue)         The researchers also explored how
     forth, so the reservoirs in Quebec are in    and solar (yellow) power generation and        two-way trading with expanded transmis-
     essence a battery that we use to store       to a lesser extent nuclear (orange); it also   sion capacity would affect costs in New
     some of the electricity produced by our      decreases the use of natural gas with CCS      England and Quebec. The figure on
     intermittent renewables and discharge it     (navy blue). The hydro reservoirs in           page 14 summarizes their findings
     when we need it.”                            Canada can provide long-duration               (assuming 99% decarbonization in New
                                                  storage—over weeks, months, and even           England). The blue bar shows cost savings
    Given that outcome, the researchers           seasons—so there is less need for natural      in the two regions, divided into fixed
    decided to explore the impact of expand-      gas with CCS to cover any gaps in supply.      costs (investments in new equipment)
    ing the transmission capacity between         The level of imports (green) is slightly       and variable costs (operating costs). New
    New England and Quebec. Building              lower, but now there are also exports          England’s savings on fixed costs are
    transmission lines is always contentious,     (purple). Meanwhile, in Quebec, two-way        largely due to a decreased need to invest
    but what would be the impact if it could      trading reduces solar power generation,        in more natural gas with CCS, and its
    be done?                                      and the use of wind disappears. Exports        savings on variable costs are due to

12 | MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 |
a reduced need to run those plants.                                  the decarbonization target tightens.                  Addressing misconceptions
Quebec’s savings on fixed costs come                                 At 99% decarbonization, the overall
                                                                                                                           These results shed light on several
from a reduced need to invest in solar                               New England-Quebec region pays about
                                                                                                                           misconceptions that policy makers,
generation. The increase in cost (orange                             $21 per megawatt-hour (MWh) of
                                                                                                                           supporters of renewable energy, and
bar)—borne by New England—reflects                                   electricity with today’s transmission
                                                                                                                           others tend to have.
the construction and operation of the                                capacity but only $18/MWh with
increased transmission capacity. The net                             expanded transmission. Assuming 100%
                                                                                                                           The first misconception is that the New
benefit for the region (green bar) is                                reduction in carbon emissions, the region
                                                                                                                           England renewables and Canadian
substantial.                                                         pays $29/MWh with current transmis-
                                                                                                                           hydropower are competitors. The
                                                                     sion capacity and only $22/MWh with
                                                                                                                           modeling results instead show that they’re
Thus, the analysis shows that everyone                               expanded transmission.
                                                                                                                           complementary. When the power systems
wins as transmission capacity
increases—and the benefit grows as

                                                              New England                                                    Quebec


                                100                                                             150
             Energy mix (TWh)




                                -50                                                             -50
                                         Current               Current             New                    Current             Current              New
                                      transmission,         transmission,      transmission,           transmission,       transmission,       transmission,
                                       import only         two-way trading    two-way trading           import only       two-way trading     two-way trading

                                                 Imports              Existing ROR hydro               Gas                       Existing reservoir hydro
                                                 Solar                Gas with CCS                     Existing nuclear          Exports

Energy mix in New England (left) and Quebec (right) under varied                                current capacity and two-way flows; and the right-hand bar assumes
assumptions about transmission capacity and operation                                           expanded capacity and two-way flows. In Quebec, run-of-river (ROR)
This figure shows the impact on the energy mix in 2050 of expanding                             plants typically occur downstream of reservoirs, so their output is not
transmission capacity and operating transmission in an economically                             reported separately. All cases assume that New England’s electricity is
optimal manner. In each panel, the left-hand bar shows results assuming                         99% decarbonized.
current transmission capacity and one-way flow; the center bar assumes

                                                                                                                                MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 | 13
in New England and Quebec work                      hydro can provide storage, specifically for
                                                                                                             n ot e s
    together as an integrated system, the               wind and solar. It’s a solution to the
    Canadian reservoirs are used part of the            intermittency problem that we foresee in             This research was funded by the MIT Center
    time to store the renewable electricity.            carbon-free power systems for 2050.”                 for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
    And with more access to hydropower                                                                       (, which is supported in part
    storage in Quebec, there’s generally more           While the MIT analysis focuses on                    by a consortium of industry and government
    renewable investment in New England.                New England and Quebec, the research-                associates. The GenX modeling tool is
                                                        ers believe that their results may have              now being maintained jointly by teams of
     The second misconception arises when               wider implications. As power systems in              contributors at the MIT Energy Initiative,
                                                                                                             led by research scientist Dharik Mallapragada,
     policy makers refer to Canadian hydro              many regions expand production of
                                                                                                             and the Princeton University ZERO Lab, led
     as a “baseload resource,” which implies            renewables, the value of storage grows.              by Assistant Professor Jesse Jenkins SM ’14,
     a dependable source of electricity—                Some hydropower systems have storage                 PhD ’18. More information about this research
     particularly one that supplies power all           capacity that has not yet been fully                 can be found in:
     the time. “Our study shows that by                 utilized and could be a good complement
     viewing Canadian hydropower as a                   to renewable generation. Taking advan-               E.G. Dimanchev, J.L. Hodge, and J.E. Parsons.
     baseload source of electricity—or indeed           tage of that capacity can lower the cost of         “The role of hydropower reservoirs in
     a source of electricity at all—you’re not          deep decarbonization and help move                   deep decarbonization policy.” Energy Policy,
                                                                                                             May 2021. Online:
     taking full advantage of what that                 some regions toward a decarbonized
     resource can provide,” says Dimanchev.             supply of electricity.
    “What we show is that Quebec’s reservoir                                                                 E.G. Dimanchev, J.L. Hodge, and J.E. Parsons.
                                                                                                             Two-Way Trade in Green Electrons: Deep
                                                                                                             Decarbonization of the Northeastern U.S. and the
                                                                                                             Role of Canadian Hydropower. CEEPR working
                                                                                                             paper WP-2020-003, February 2020. Online:




                                    Benefits                                    Costs                                    Net benefits

                                       Saving on fixed costs (New England)                           Transmission cost
                                       Saving on variable costs (New England)                        Net benefit of transmission
                                       Saving on fixed costs (Quebec)

    Effects of two-way trading and expanded transmission on the cost of            added transmission lines. The green bar at the right represents the net
    electricity in New England and Quebec                                          benefit of two-way trading and expanded transmission to the New
    The blue bar at the left shows savings in 2050 from implementing two-way       England-Quebec region. This analysis assumes 99% decarbonization in
    trading and expanding transmission capacity. The orange bar in the center      New England.
    shows the additional cost to New England of building and operating the

14 | MITEI Energy Futures | Autumn 2021 |
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