Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021

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Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Energizer Holdings, Inc.
Environmental, Social and Governance
                    Summary – 2021
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
A Message From Our CEO
                                                   Long before we articulated integrity as one of our core values, Energizer has had a
                                                   long history of doing the right thing – it’s who we are. As a company, we strive to
                                                   deliver results while ensuring we do so in a responsible and appropriate manner.
                                                   By operating this way every day, we make a conscious choice to lessen our
                                                   impact on the planet; strive to create a safe, fair and inclusive environment for our
                                                   colleagues; and support the communities where we operate.

                                                   We have organized our commitment to environmental, social and corporate
governance (ESG) around five pillars: These are:
• Product sustainability
• Environmental responsibility
• Social responsibility
• Community impact
• Corporate governance

This document provides a summary of Energizer’s current state and highlights our progress within each of those pillars. It also shows
the commitment we have made, including at the highest levels of the organization.

To further our efforts, we established a team that is focused on our ESG efforts, which is accountable to me for advancing our goals
across the company.

With the assistance of an independent third party that assessed our greatest opportunities and risks, this team set benchmarks for
us. These standards will be an important guide as we develop our future plans related to our ESG focus areas.

In the meantime, I hope this overview of our ongoing efforts to have a positive impact for our consumers, colleagues, communities,
environment and shareholders demonstrates the breadth of our work in our ESG journey.

Mark LaVigne
President and Chief Executive Officer
Energizer Holdings
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Product                                                          From more responsible product
                                                                               development to sustainable packaging
                                                                                  and recycling efforts, Energizer
                                                                                continues to lessen the impact of its

                                                                                   products on the environment.

Timeline of Innovation That Supports Sustainability

          1896                        1959                        1991                        1992                    1997
      Invents first dry            Invents first             Invents world’s              Invents world’s        Introduces high-
        cell battery            viable cylindrical              first zero-               first AA lithium         energy NiMH
                                 alkaline battery            mercury alkaline                  battery             rechargeable
                                                                  battery                                             battery

          2001                       2009                         2016                        2021                    2022
      Introduces first              Launches                 World’s first AA                 Increased            Plastic-free
       zero-mercury                PowerSeal                and AAA batteries            recycled content          packaging in
        hearing aid                Technology                 made with 4%                in rechargeable            Europe*
          battery                                           recycled batteries               batteries**

                      First commercially viable alkaline battery enabled conversion from carbon zinc technology, which meant
  1959                consumers could use fewer batteries.

                      Invention of lithium batteries, which is now the “World’s Longest Lasting AA Battery” providing consumers
  1992                with a dramatically longer-lasting, more efficient battery solution.

  2016                First in the world to use recycled batteries and other recycled materials in batteries.

  2021                Increased use of recycled content to 15%** within our Energizer Recharge portfolio.

      Excluding hearing aid batteries
       AA 2300 mAh, 2000 mAh, AAA 800 mAh, 700 mAh
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Reducing Waste
Energizer has a history of sustainable innovation in batteries and has developed many long-lasting products that provide exceptional
performance, are made of high-efficiency materials and have unmatched reliability. When products are replaced less frequently, less
waste is generated.
• Energizer offers the longest lasting AA battery (Energizer Ultimate Lithium) and the longest lasting AAA battery in high tech
    devices (Energizer Ultimate Lithium).
• We also developed the first rechargeable battery made with recycled battery materials.
• Our PowerSeal and Smart Seal technologies guarantee no leaks, protecting devices from damage and resulting in fewer devices
    being discarded.
• Our portable lighting products use LED bulbs, and are designed and built to last between 10 to 20 years on average.

Managing Chemicals
•   In 2017, methanol was removed from all Armor All auto care products, resulting in a reduction of
    more than 17,000 pounds of methanol since that time. Additionally, more than 30 tons of methylene
    chloride were removed from our air conditioning refrigerant production in 2017.
•   We offer plant-based car wipes under our Armor All brand and Refresh Your Car odor absorption bags
    made with 100% non-toxic bamboo charcoal.
•   We created the world’s first mercury-free and cadmium-free alkaline household batteries in the
    1990s. In 2000, we created the first mercury-free hearing aid battery.

Packaging Our Products Sustainably
Energizer’s packaging choices help ensure the availability of natural resources now and in the future.
• All Energizer round cell batteries sold at retail stores in Europe will be enclosed in 100% recyclable cardboard packaging by
• Energizer uses polyethylene terephthalate materials for most battery labels and all lighting packaging, which consumers can
    recycle. Similarly, 100% of Energizer’s primary and secondary corrugated packaging and product displays are fully recyclable.

Recycling Batteries
Energizer’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond the lifetime of our products. Last year, we spent more than $10 million globally
on battery recycling initiatives, including campaigns to raise awareness about battery recycling, establishing collection points and
supporting safe recycling programs. Energizer has partnered with third-party organizations to educate consumers about battery
recycling. Additionally:
• Continuing our tradition of innovation, Energizer created the world’s first battery recycling machine in Europe – consumers put
    batteries in, vouchers for future sales come out.
• We earned Nordic Swan certification in Europe and the Call2Recycle Leader in Sustainability Award in Canada.

Using Less Water
Armor All wash wipes are extra-large, premoistened wipes that give consumers a water-free, easy-to-use option to clean their
vehicles and can help save 60 gallons of water per vehicle every year.
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Environmental                                                                                      Energizer takes a number of steps
                                                                                                       to conduct business in a way that
                                                                                                         ensures consumers enjoy our
                                                                                                       products today without sacrificing


In the 1970s, our wastewater effluent standards were exemplary enough to become the model for the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. Over the past 10 years, we have tracked our waste and water usage in our largest manufacturing facility and have created
positive trends year-over-year.

                  Through technology improvements designed to reduce water usage and recycle wash water at our Asheboro, North
                  Carolina plant, we have saved more than half a million liters of water per month.

              Energizer is working toward landfill-free manufacturing facilities. In the United States, our largest facilities – located
              in Fennimore, Wisconsin and Asheboro, North Carolina – recycle approximately 90% of all waste per year. Across all of
              our international manufacturing sites, approximately 42% of all waste generated is recycled. In our Washington, U.K.
              plant, we also removed all plastics from our waste material collection process, which saved more than 5.5 metric tons
of plastic and reduced emissions by 23.5 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

                  Greenhouse Gas
                  At Energizer, we recognize the importance of managing and monitoring energy use and associated emissions. We
                  collect information around our plants’ energy use, which is reported to our ESG team on at least an annual basis.

It is essential for us to identify opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment, and also determine have that might affect our
business and organization. Our ESG team monitors climate-related risks and opportunities and incorporates strategies to address
them through our business decisions as well as quarterly updates and recommendations to the Global Executive Team, which includes
the top executives and functional leaders at Energizer.

In recent years, we began monitoring our scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to better understand the impact of our
operations on the environment. Our GHG emission inventories for calendar years 2019 and 2020 were developed in accordance
with the WRI/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which is a corporate accounting and reporting standard. We used an inventory
management plan to document our approach. Energizer reduced its GHG emissions by .04% from 2019 to 2020 despite a 1.5%
increase in battery manufacturing.

                                            2019                                       2020
                                                                                                                                   Total direct energy consumption for
    Scope 11                                40,610                                     39,069                                      2020 was 351,000 kilowatt-hours.
                                                                                                                                   We continuously evaluate other ways
    Scope 22                                63,334                                     64,451                                      to reduce our electricity and fuel use
    Total4                                  103,9443                                   103,5203                                    across our operations.

  Our scope 1 value includes emissions from fuels used in stationary and mobile combustion as well as refrigerants up to a de minimis threshold.
² We calculated a scope 2 location-based emission value using emission factors from EPA eGrid and the International Energy Agency (IEA).
  Several facilities were excluded from the inventory because they are subleased by Energizer or they are facilities over which Energizer does not have operational control.
  GHG emissions data is subject to measurement uncertainties resulting from among other factors limitations inherent in the nature and the methods of determining such data.
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Education Efforts
               Energizer has performed life cycle assessments of its primary and rechargeable batteries, and invested significant
               time and energy to educate consumers on how to choose the right battery for the right device by weighing
               environmental and economic factors. For example, in low-drain devices, like wall clocks, both alkaline and lithium are
               good environmental options compared to carbon zinc ,which requires more batteries. In high-drain devices like digital
cameras, lithium, nickel metal hydride rechargeable, and lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries meet the performance requirements
while allowing consumers to reduce their environmental impact.

The life cycle assessment also demonstrated that battery consumption in a household is not associated with a significant
environmental footprint.

                          Flashlight                                                     Digital Camera
 Battery Type                     Same as X miles driven in car    Battery Type                     Same as X miles driven in car
 Alkaline                         3.5                              Alkaline                         7.9
 Carbon Zinc                      11.4                             Li-Ion                           3.9
 Lithium                          4.3                              Lithium                          1.4
 NiMH                             2.1                              NiMH                             1.9

                Working with Sustainable Suppliers
              Energizer seeks to work with suppliers that act in a socially, environmentally and economically responsible manner.
              We expect our suppliers to maintain the same high standard of business ethics to which we have committed, and we
              share this vision through our Supplier Code of Conduct. Our suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental
              laws and reporting obligations, maintain all required permits for operation, provide a fair and safe working
environment for colleagues and strive to responsibly manage the impacts of their operations on the environment.
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Energizer Holdings, Inc - Environmental, Social and Governance Summary 2021
Social                                                            From our recruitment processes to
                                                                                        pay practices and safety standards,
                                                                                        we strive to create an environment
                                                                                        where our colleagues feel a sense of

                                                                                        belonging and know they are valued
                                                                                              for their contributions.

Our Culture
Energizer colleagues are passionate about working together to win. As one team we
learn together, care about each other and do the right thing to deliver results. We are                          Energizer Colleagues
on a journey to build a culture that will drive our business forward and create a bright                            By the Numbers
future for our brands, products, customers, consumers and colleagues. From town
halls, to leadership forums, to engagement surveys, we actively seek out colleague
feedback and take action to improve our culture and the colleague experience.
                                                                                                                    6,012 colleagues
Additionally, our culture champion network, with members in all our major global                                             working in
markets and facility locations, leads local and global efforts to create inclusive and
diverse work environments and bring our values to life. Through virtual meetings                                        38 countries
and global events, we leverage technology to bring our colleagues together across                                    with an average tenure of
multiple time zones and geographies to help create a global sense of community and
belonging at Energizer.                                                                                                     10 years
                                                                                                              and an average engagement score of
Passion, integrity, respect, teamwork, initiative and challenge – these are more
than just words to us. They are the foundation of how we do business and serve as
a compass for how we work with each other. Learn more about each of them on our

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging                                                                Top priorities diversity,
We’re committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse culture where colleagues feel a sense of            equity, inclusion and
belonging, feel listened to, are included in discussions and are valued for their contributions. We treat belonging priorities for
colleagues as they would like to be treated. We believe that by embracing our colleagues’ diverse         the company include:
cultures, experiences, and ways of thinking we will deliver better business results and have a more       – A focus on driving
engaged workforce.                                                                                        colleague engagement
                                                                                                          – A comprehensive
To foster our culture of inclusion and belonging, we provide learning opportunities for our global        inclusion and diversity
colleagues to help build self-awareness and personal growth. We encourage open dialogue to share          learning and development
experiences and create an environment of belonging, and managers and teams can leverage our               plan to build awareness and
discussion tools for one-on-one and small group discussions.                                              drive inclusive behaviors
                                                                                                          – A commitment to
Our targeted recruitment strategies ensure we have a diverse pipeline of candidates to meet the           recruiting, developing
needs of our business today and tomorrow. We continually assess our talent decisions to ensure            and retaining diverse
we’re fair and objective in our hiring and evaluations.                                                   colleagues

Average engagement score of 78 is from 2020-21 engagement surveys as of July 2021; score is higher than global benchmarks from our third-party survey provider.
COVID-19 Response
Our strong culture has been particularly important through the global pandemic. During this challenging time, we continue to focus
on keeping our colleagues safe and supporting our communities impacted by the virus. In addition to regular communications from
the CEO to all global colleagues, each Energizer location developed pandemic protocols such as: increased sanitation procedures,
marking off safe distances, physical barriers between workstations, closing common areas, supplying personal protective equipment,
and staggering arrival and departure times to reduce contact.

We also created flexible policies for our workforce by expanding our sick leave for those who became ill or needed to care for family
members. Colleagues who were able to perform their jobs from home began working remotely, and we adjusted working hours of
many of our field sales force to ensure products could be merchandised at times that would minimize interaction with retail staff and

Early in the pandemic, when hand sanitizer and mask supplies were exhausted, our research and safety teams worked together to
produce our own and provide them to our U.S. sales and manufacturing associates. Through it all, our employee assistance program
provided mental health resources, including drop-in video chats, regular podcasts, and Q&A sessions, to offer practical help to our
colleagues across the globe.

Well-being and Mental Health
Well-being is more important now than ever, and our colleagues value holistic resources
to help them balance work and home demands. Energizer has several programs to
support four key areas of wellness – physical, mental, social and financial – and we
provide ongoing communications and tools to continue meeting our colleagues’ needs in
this regard.

We care about our colleagues and anyone who enters our workplace. We have a strong
environmental, health and safety program to ensure our colleagues go home safe every
day. Several of our U.S. manufacturing sites have taken extra steps to be recognized by
the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Voluntary Protection Program
(VPP) for their low injury rates, top management and colleague commitment to worker
safety, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and safety and health training. To put this achievement in context, out of 8
million work sites in the U.S., approximately 2,000 have earned VPP recognition. The same VPP standards implemented
by these sites are adopted by Energizer globally to maintain a high standard of performance.

Fair Pay
We are committed to fair pay and strive to be externally competitive while ensuring internal equity across our organization. We
conduct global pay equity assessments and compensation reviews, and actively work to reduce unconscious bias in our hiring
practices, performance reviews, succession planning and promotion opportunities.

Energizer’s benefit plans are designed to support colleagues’ overall well-being. They are market competitive, offer flexibility and
choice to meet the diverse needs of colleagues and their families, and promote shared responsibility and decision-making.

Our Code of Conduct serves to help us conduct our business with honesty, integrity and professionalism. We encourage colleagues
to share concerns through multiple avenues, including speaking with their direct supervisor, calling the 24/7 ethics and compliance
HelpLine staffed by an independent third party or contacting Human Resources. We investigate every report of alleged misconduct
and do not tolerate retaliation.
Community                                                           Energizer believes in supporting the
                                                                          communities where we live, work and

COVID-19 Response
The global pandemic has impacted all our lives, and the importance of Energizer products has never felt more pronounced than during
the COVID-19 crisis. We take pride in the fact that we supplied our products to consumers at a time when they needed them most.
From the households where many people spent the majority of their time, to the medical community, to the professional shipping and
transportation industries, Energizer’s products helped ensure critical infrastructure and operations could continue.

Further, to do our part to help local communities stay safe, we shifted production on two of our production lines in our Dayton, Ohio,
facility to help third parties manufacture disinfectant wipes when U.S. supply could not meet the demand for this essential product.
We also launched a disinfectant under our Armor All brand name, allowing people to keep not only their homes clean and disinfected,
but their vehicles as well.

Giving Back
Because many of our colleagues are highly active with
charities of their own choosing, the Energizer Giving
Foundation enables them to make a greater difference
by matching their contributions dollar-for-dollar. In
times of natural disaster or crisis, colleagues’ charitable
contributions made to qualifying relief agencies are
eligible for a 200% match.

Disaster Relief
Energizer supports disaster relief efforts through its
partnership with Feed the Children. Since 2016, Energizer
has donated more than 15 million batteries and portable
lighting products in North America alone.

Raising Awareness
The World Health Organization celebrates World Hearing
Day every March to encourage individuals to recognize
the signs of hearing loss in themselves or loved ones, and
advocate for audiology checkups. To support this effort,
we promote an online hub of information and articles for
consumers to raise awareness. You can learn more at https://rayovac.eu/WorldHearingDay
Consumer Safety
 At Energizer, the safety of our consumers is paramount. That is why we have dedicated significant time and effort to educate
 consumers about the importance of:
 • Changing and testing batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
 • Getting ready to weather any storm or power outage with emergency preparedness tips.
 • Keeping children safe from lithium coin battery ingestion through work with government and industry groups across the globe
     for more than 10 years. Specifically, Energizer has led the following efforts:

                 Using child-resistant packaging             Requiring the battery compartment for all
                  for all Energizer lithium coin              Energizer devices to include child safety
                     batteries, which require              features – regardless of whether the device is
                         scissors to open.                         intended for use by children.

Educating the medical community and the Participating in the development of      Conducting ongoing research and
  general public through initiatives such   international and local standards  development to improve coin lithium
as The Battery Controlled, which explains       bodies relating to battery      battery safety and making much of
  how to identify and treat children who      compartment design, battery        that research public in the hopes
 have ingested coin lithium batteries and packaging design and battery warning   that others can improve upon our
    educates parents through videos.         copy to reduce associated risks.        significant safety efforts.
Corporate                                                            Energizer believes that strong
                                                                             governance principles, policies and
                                                                            practices contribute to better results

                                                                                    for our shareholders.

We are proud to have a diverse and independent board of directors with
the skills, experience and perspectives to help chart the course of our
global company. To help the board effectively and efficiently fulfill its       Board of Directors
responsibilities, we have four committees dedicated to addressing the
following areas:                                                                By the Numbers
• Audit

                                                                                 10 11 Independent
• Finance and Oversight
• Human Capital
• Nominating and Governance

We also have adopted the best-practice governance policies that we
believe matter most to our shareholders. We have a declassified board of
directors led by an independent chairperson and an overboarding policy
                                                                                 3 Female
                                                                                 2 Black
to ensure our directors can effectively fulfill their commitments to the

                                                                                 1 Latinx
Our Political Involvement
Our commitment to doing the right thing guides everything we do,
including our work to help develop public policy and legislation that
supports priorities related to our business. Reporting up through the

                                                                                 4 last 3 years
chief legal officer and working with the business units, Energizer’s
global Government Affairs team leads our participation in the public               directors appointed within
policy-making process at the national, state and local levels, as well as
internationally. Oversight with respect to Energizer’s political involvement

                                                                                 3 tenure
and contributions is provided by the Nominating and Governance
Committee of our Board of Directors.                                               years average
Since 2015, Energizer has not made contributions from corporate funds to
political campaigns, super political action committees or political parties.
We comply with all applicable laws that require reporting on lobbying and related activities. In 2020, Energizer spent $297,000 in
lobbying expenditures globally. To gain valuable access and insight into specific industry best practices and lobbying activities on
issues most relevant to our business, Energizer contributes to a number of state and national trade associations. Energizer colleagues
frequently serve in a leadership capacity within many of these organizations as well, ensuring that our best interests are represented.

The state and federal associations we support focus on educating public officials on the importance of certain issues within our
industry and advocating on legislative and regulatory issues specific to our industry. As a result, these trade organizations use a
portion of contributions for non-deductible lobbying activities. Information on payments to trade associations in 2020, which may be
used for potential political purposes, appear here:
Trade Association Contributions in 2020
    Association                                    Dues                     Amount of dues which may be used for
                                                                            lobbying on behalf of the association
    Portable Rechargeable Battery Association      $23,100                  $6,930

    The Household Consumer Products Association $86,714                     $13,874

    Auto Care Association                          $13,900                  $6,950
    Alliance for Responsible Atmos. Policy         $7,000                   $5,600
    Retail Industry Leaders Association            $125,000                 $81,250
    Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce           $7,230                   $1,446

We do not make or coordinate any contributions to other tax-exempt organizations, such as 501(c)(4)s, that the recipient may
use for political purposes, and we maintain an internal policy to help ensure the company and its colleagues adhere to our political
involvement guidelines.

At the same time, Energizer does not attempt to control, direct, or influence any colleague’s political activities or affiliations.
Colleagues engaging in personal political activity must do so as private citizens, not during paid work hours, at their own expense and
without using any company resources.

Related Policies
•      Conflict Minerals Sourcing Policy
•      Supplier Code of Conduct
•      U.K. Modern Slavery Act
About Our Data
The data in this report represents our most recent efforts at collecting our environmental, social and governance data. As we evolve our sustainability program, we will
continue to improve our data collection practices.

This document contains both historical and forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but instead reflect our
expectations, estimates or projections concerning future results or events, including those related to ESG matters. These statements generally can be identified
by the use of forward-looking words or phrases such as “believe,” “expect,” “expectation,” “anticipate,” “may,” “could,” “intend,” “belief,” “estimate,” “plan,” “target,”
“predict,” “likely,” “should,” “forecast,” “outlook,” or other similar words or phrases. These statements are not guarantees of performance and are inherently subject
to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict and could cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated
by those statements. We cannot assure you that any of our expectations, estimates or projections will be achieved. The forward-looking statements included in this
document are only made as of the date of this document and we disclaim any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect subsequent events
or circumstances. Numerous factors could cause our actual results and events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. In
addition, other risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we consider immaterial could affect the accuracy of any such forward-looking statements. All
forward-looking statements should be evaluated with the understanding of their inherent uncertainty. Additional risks and uncertainties include those detailed from
time to time in our publicly filed documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those described under the heading “Risk Factors” in our Form
10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 17, 2020.

Data in this report covers information that was accurate as of July 2021. Financial information is given in U.S. dollars. Questions
related to this report can be directed to ESG@Energizer.com.
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