Page created by Byron Carlson
Outform is a Future Retail agency covering emerging
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LUXURY FASHION                                capsule pieces for the game and Valentino
                                              releasing an exclusive 20 pieces for the                                                            “We’ll see a world where
BRANDS ARE                                    game. Other crossovers between games and                                                            you don’t even have to own
                                              luxury fashion brands include The Sims and
                                                                                                                                                  the physical shoes. You
TAKING ON GAMING                              Moschino, Honor of Kings and Burberry, as
                                              well as League of Legends and Louis Vuitton,                                                        can just own a virtual
Luxury fashion brands have begun
experimenting with digital spaces and
                                              which featured in-game branded character
                                              skins as well as real life pieces inspired by
                                                                                                                                                  version of them and post on
are now entering a new territory: video       the game.                                                                                           social media with those
                                              Due to the interactive nature of gaming,
                                                                                                                                                  augmented reality shoes on
During the pandemic, video games surged       players are much more engaged with the                                                              your feet and get the same
in popularity across all demographics.
The 2020 Global Games Market Report
                                              content than they would be while consuming
                                              other types of media like TV or music, which
                                                                                                                                                  social credibility.”
claims that the gaming market attracted       are experienced in a more passive way.                                                              Jeff Staple
2.6 billion players globally, and increased   With customization being a large aspect of                                                          Founder, Staple Design
video game playing hours by 75%, which        gaming, players are always looking to make
brought the gaming market’s value to          their digital characters a unique as possible,
$74.2 billion US Dollars. As video games      which luxury fashion brands have noticed as
began to dominate the mainstream, luxury      a branding opportunity. And because gaming
                                                                                                Source: Washington Post
fashion brands took notice and began          allows players to go above and beyond
collaborating with popular video games        the parameters of real life, the creative and
and gaming platforms to capitalize on         aspirational possibilities are endless, making
the idea by creating clothes, skins, and
worlds for players to unlock and explore.
                                              luxury fashion and gaming a perfect match.
                                                                                               WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING
                                              Sources: Vogue Business / Roblox / Jing Daily    All the outfits I I own in Animal crossing I
In May, Gucci collaborated with Roblox,                                                        would wear in real life!
a gaming platform popular with Gen Z,                                                          Mandi Alerding, Facebook
to bring the Gucci Garden Archetypes,
a physical recreation of 15 of Gucci’s                                                         ...that’s how you connect with consumers and
iconic advertising campaign sets, into                                                         stay relevant in the market/industry.
the virtual world. Players could virtually                                                     @starvinmarvinjr, Tik Tok
explore the rooms and purchase Gucci                                                                                                               Learn more details about the
themed items for their avatars. Marc                                                           Amazing! Gucci put a handbag on Roblox              purchasing journey, behaviors,
Jacobs and Valentino have included                                                             for sale and it sold for more money then the        attitudes, and motivations of gamers.
their designs in Animal Crossing: New                                                          physical version. This will bring opportunities.    Click here to unlock our latest
Horizons, with Marc Jacobs designing            Source: EA                                     @sameconnerone, Twitter                             Insights Report on gaming.

                                                      Across all game platforms and
                                                      genres, players over the age of 50 are                                                      “There is no longer a ‘stereotype
ARE ON THE RISE                                       enjoying video games just as much                                                           game player,’ but instead a
                                                      as any other generation, proving
                                                      that gaming has become much more                                                            game player could be your
In the past year, gaming has become one
of the fastest growing forms of entertainment
                                                      inclusive than it has been historically.                                                    grandparent, your boss, or even
amongst consumers. Though people from all
                                                      Like most industries in the past year,
                                                      gaming is experiencing a shift                                                              your professor. I suspect that
walks of life have been learning the ins and outs     amongst their consumers’ interests                                                          the percentage of older adults
of the digital playing landscape, there is still a
lingering stereotype of the typical gamer being
                                                      and trends. To appeal to the rapidly
                                                      growing market, brands and retailers                                                        playing video games will rise
a social recluse who finds comfort in their private   will need to find creative ways to                                                          as baby boomers enter retirement,
online worlds. Today however, the landscape
has changed to include a more diverse array
                                                      appeal to the wider audiences and
                                                      newcomers in gaming.
                                                                                                                                                  increasing the focus on positive
of players, including Baby Boomers whose
presence in the market has increased by 32%
                                                                                                                                                  effects of playing games,”
                                                      Sources: CCN.com / BabyBoomers.com                                                          Jason Allaire
since 2018.                                                                                                                                       Associate Professor of Psychology,
                                                                                                                                                  North Carolina State University
During the pandemic, many Baby Boomers
discovered or rediscovered a need to play and
enter the digital world. With 56% of seniors                                                     WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING
using video games as a form of escape, many
                                                                                                 My mom she is 64 yrs old and she’s into
of them began playing to socialize with loved
                                                                                                 strategy games like civilization, albion, rune
ones safely, stimulate their brains by learning                                                  scape etc. . . She enjoys it so much sometimes
new skills, and compete in a healthy manner                                                      she forgot to cook us meals.
while living in a worldwide pandemic.                                                            Alex Algoso, YouTube

The older generation also has certain                                                            There’s actually a surprising number of
playing attributes that are different than other                                                 people aged 60+ in the Skyrim community,
generations. A recent survey conducted by                                                        a few are even very good modders. Games
Outform showed that 92% of Boomer gamers                                                         like that seem to appeal more to the older
prefer to play in solitude than with friends.                                                    crowd than things like Call of Duty
While gaming by themselves, 91% boomers use                                                      @GingerLeeBeer, Reddit                               Learn more details about the
their cell phones as their main device, 88% play                                                                                                      purchasing journey, behaviors,
primarily on their TV, followed by 66% who                                                       If your dad ends up liking the experience of         attitudes, and motivations of gamers.
play on their PC. Many of these players enjoy                                                    playing video games, his coolness will have          Click here to unlock our latest
puzzle and platform games that allow them to                                                     no bounds and will forever be the coolest            Insights Report on gaming.
stimulate their brains in a fun way.                                                             boomer ever!
                                                                                                 @jasmonoca, Twitter
LIVESTREAM                                                                                    “There is already a large
SHOPPING IS                                                                                   demographic very familiar with
                                                                                              online video and social media that
GOING STRONG                                                                                  can tap into live video shopping
POST PANDEMIC                                                                                 easily because there are no
Livestream shopping continues to
make big waves across retail and
                                                                                              technological and knowledge barriers.
re-define what it means to engage                                                             And depending on the selected
consumers. Even as physical retail
stores have re-opened their doors to
                                                                                              channel, you can target a certain
the public, big name brands continue                                                          audience or tap into a new one.”
to go live on social media to enable
                                                                                              Josep Nolla
real-time conversations with their                                                            Co-Founder and CEO, Tipser
                                                                                                                                            Source: Fashion Network
consumers. Many of these live events
are hosted by well-known influencers
and spokespeople who give personal
insight and un-edited content on the
                                                                                                                             WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING
products they buy. Viewers are able       Shoppers (especially the Gen Z audience) are                                       This is huge in the Chinese market & it’s done
“like” products, ask questions, give      drawn to transparency, which can translate                                         really well for both B2B & B2C. It’s so interesting
opinions, and make interpersonal          to long-term loyalty. By creating a marketing                                      how the shift in commerce behaviour was
connections with new brands.              approach that leverages the social media                                           accelerated by COVID!
                                          channels where consumers are often engaging                                        Calbieyum, Reddit
In recent studies, research from          to start authentic conversations through
livestream shopping has found that        livestream, brands can establish rapport                                           I do believe livestreaming will end up winning
80% of consumers would prefer             and loyalty with larger audiences globally.                                        the hearts and wallets of many US shoppers, but
watching a brand’s live video rather      Numerous opportunities for data capture,                                           it’s also interesting to me that this is basically the
than reading a blog post, while 82%       increase in popularity amongst shoppers, and                                       2020s version of infomercials...
of shoppers prefer live video to social   influx in online sales, all prove that livestream                                  @Melissa_Minkow, Twitter
media content. As a result of this new    shopping is going to be a new staple for all
marketing tactic, researchers predict     eCommerce online tactics.                                                          Done right, livestream shopping creates a
that livestream shopping is projected                                                                                        community of fans who look forward to your
to generate about $11 billion by the      Sources:                                                                           events, respect your expertise, and are invested
end of 2021 and $25 billion by 2023.      HubSpot / Entrepreneur / Retail Dive / CNBC                                        in your entrepreneurial journey.
                                                                                               Source: Facebook
                                                                                                                             @JOrtakales, Twitter
AUTONOMOUS                                             deliveries, which can be achieved
                                                       by way of flying drones or wheeled                                                              “Delivery bots, RDVs,
DELIVERIES CAN HELP                                    robots, reduce the need for large
                                                       trucks needed to transport goods to
                                                                                                                                                       and drones are set to
THE ENVIRONMENT                                        their final destination.                                                                        displace millions of
                                                       Since autonomous deliveries are                                                                 truck and van deliveries
                                                       fully electric, research shows that
                                                       the technology can reduce carbon
                                                                                                                                                       over the next decade, as
                                                       emissions by more than 90%.                                                                     they are far smaller,
                                                       As electric vehicles are gaining                                                                more flexible, lower in
                                                       popularity, battery technology is
                                                       improving at a rapid rate. These
                                                                                                  Source: The Verge
                                                                                                                                                       cost, and naturally
                                                       improvements are working in              closely monitored to ensure products arrive
                                                                                                on time and as expected. Although still at
                                                                                                                                                       suitable for automation
                                                       tandem with the exponential growth
                                                       of battery manufacturing to make         the beginning stages, it is exciting to see
                                                                                                this type of futuristic technology starting to
                                                                                                                                                       and electrification.”
 Source: Amazon                                        drones and robots cheaper to create                                                             Ryan Cintron
                                                       and operate.                             be implemented in real life with potential to          Senior Research Analyst, Navigant
Today, it takes a single click to order anything                                                grow into the standard for deliveries.                 Research
off of the internet, but it takes a lot of effort to   Amazon has been experimenting
bring it to the customer’s door. As packages           with autonomous delivery since 2016      Sources: ITS Deployment Evaluation / EcoBahn / Car &
leave the transportation hub and are sent to their     through drone deliveries via Amazon      Driver / Engadget
final destination, many companies are seeing           Prime Air and their latest 6-wheeled
the high cost of last-mile delivery as well as its     delivery robot, Amazon Scout.
environmental impact. According to the United          Domino’s has also implemented            WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING
States Environmental Protection Agency, the            autonomous pizza deliveries in           I’ve started seeing these autonomous delivery
transportation sector is the second largest source     Houston, Texas with the help of its      robots in my neighborhood and they are
of greenhouse gas emissions in the US and              Nuro’s R2 robot.                         adorable! They politely stop for my dog and
accounts for 29% of the harmful gases being                                                     wait a good moment after he moves away to
emitted into our atmosphere.                           This type of delivery system is still    resume their journey.
                                                       new and may take a while before          Same Goldberg, Facebook
Retail giants have now begun using autonomous          being legal to implement in cities
delivery services to cut the cost of delivery and      across the world. As experimentation     Many retailers and brands will come up with
transport the goods faster, which also creates an      continues, the robots’ capabilities to   their own autonomous delivery vehicles. This is
attractive solution in lessening the environmental     safely navigate their way through        going to be massive.
impact of the transportation sector. Autonomous        busy streets will also have to be        @WaldeckS, Twitter
CONSUMERS                                                                                                                                “I can’t tell you how many
ARE PRACTICING                                                                                                                           conversations I’ve had about
REVENGE SPENDING                                                                                                                         what restaurants people are
Since the start of the pandemic, consumer
                                                                                                                                         going to go to, or what fitness
savings have grown at an unprecedented                                                                                                   club they’re going to go back to,
rate. But as pandemic restrictions continue
to ease, revenge spending is on the rise.                                                                                                or what trips they’re going to
“Revenge spending is the money you drop
to make up for lost time...the big vacation
you book to make up for the trips you missed                                                                                             Connor Flynn
last year, or the new furniture you buy after                                                                                            CEO, Poshmark
putting up with your getting-on-in-years
sofa during the pandemic.” (RealSimple.

Throughout the lifespan of the pandemic,
opportunities to spend were scarce,
catapulting the stockpile of excess savings
to an astonishing $1.7 trillion globally.
Discretionary, expenses such as travel,
dining and shopping for non-essentials
                                                in sales, retailers are hurrying to open up
                                                more stores.                                    WHAT PEOPLE ARE
goods were all put on pause and the urge
to make up for a “lost year” is provoking       The National Retail Federation estimates
consumers to splurge with vengeance.            retail sales will increase between 6.5%         Revenge Spending = When you
                                                to 8.2% this year to a total of up to $4.4      haven’t shopped in a year, so you
To the Asian market, revenge spending isn’t     trillion, exceeding the 4.4% average during     splurge. Revenge Travel = When you
anything new. As of last April, China began     the previous year.                              haven’t vacationed in a year, so you
to see a high demand on luxury items. As        As the world begins to open up again            book big trips.
the country softened restrictions, Tiffany &    and vaccination numbers are on the rise,        @NickOfNewYork, Twitter
Co.’s China sales surged 90% as of May          consumers are running towards their
2020, while Hermes, the French luxury           favorite stores to the buy items that they’ve   I just want a few months of maskless,
label known for its pricey handbags, raked      so longed for.                                  carefree, hedonistic revenge spending.
in $2.7 million in one day from a store                                                         @RanchoDinero, Twitter
reopening in Guangzhou. Due to this surge       Sources: Real Simple / Bloomberg / NBC
TIK TOK CREATES A                              for her kitchen. A fashion designer is using
                                               dollar store supplies to create showstopping                                                          “So as this economy continues
SURGE IN DOLLAR                                garments. Sunglass display cases, t-shirt
                                               folding boards and renter-friendly kitchen
                                                                                                                                                     to chug along and creates more
STORE INTEREST                                 backsplashes - it seems that the dollar store                                                         of our core customer, I think
                                               aisles are filled with products that can be
                                               combined repurposed to create something                                                               there’s going to be more and
Periodic reports about the changing face
of consumers shopping in dollar stores
                                               amazing and Tik Tok is there to document it
                                               all. And with continuing growth in footprint
                                                                                                                                                     more opportunities for us to get
have revealed an interesting shift since
the emergence of a new Tik Tok trend. In
                                               and product assortment, it is no surprise
                                               that dollar stores are Gen Z’s new favorite
                                                                                                                                                     in and build more stores.”
recent months, stores like Dollar Tree and     retail playground.                                                                                    Todd Vasos
                                                                                                       Source: Gunnar Deatherage                     CEO, Dollar General
Dollar General have noticed an influx in
popularity. Last May, Dollar General sales     Sources: Yahoo / Fortune / Deloitte / Indigo Digital
in the first quarter increased 27.6% to $8.4
billion dollars. But why the sudden spike in                                                          WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING
                                                                                                      I get so many life hacks from Tik Tok. I love it.
                                                                                                      DaniMills1717, Tik Tok
As Tik Tok has grown in popularity, trends
are constantly popping up and dissipating
                                                                                                      Alright well Tik Tok dollar tree hauls bouta
more rapidly than ever, thanks to the on                                                              make me buy up the whole store tomorrow.
the app’s “For You” Page. The latest trend                                                            Juicyhayy, Twitter
to dominate Tik Toker’s feeds? Dollar store
hauls.                                                                                                All these store hauls on tik tok got me wanting
                                                                                                      to go to Dollar Tree
Dollar stores’ budget-friendly product                                                                sernaysv__, Twitter
selection is appealing, especially to
a younger generation who may be
watching their budgets, especially during
the pandemic. Many Tik Tokers are are
showing off their crafty side by upcycing
their dollar store finds into practical or
decorative pieces.

For example, one woman impressed
viewers by turning a couple of round cake
                                                Source: Do It On A Dime Official
pans and marbles into a “$3 lazy Susan”
LIFESTYLE CENTERS:                             significant differences between both.
                                               A mall is traditionally filled with staple
                                                                                                 These centers have been popping up,
                                                                                                 with almost 412 centers across the                  “A lot of these mixed-use
THE NEW ERA OF                                 department stores such as Macy’s,
                                               JCPenney, and Sears, while Lifestyle
                                                                                                 country—meanwhile, some mega malls
                                                                                                 across the country have taken the radical
                                                                                                                                                     centers now are trying to
U.S. MALLS                                     Centers are anchored by specialty stores          step of leaving these large spaces to rot           recapture that town hall
Mega malls that were once cohabitated
                                               such as Pottery Barn, Williams-Sonoma,
                                               and Crate & Barrel. A traditional mall
                                                                                                                                                     feel. That’s where people
by retail stores and consumers, are now
sitting abandoned as shoppers have
                                               averages around 800,000 square feet
                                               versus a Lifestyle Center is able to fit stores
                                                                                                 Lifestyle centers may be the solution to
                                                                                                 our million dollar abandoned eyesores;
                                                                                                                                                     want to go again, instead of
evolved to online shopping. Research           in a smaller space of 320,000 feet.               with their better structural design, warmer         just these rectangular indoor
shows that 25% of the country’s 1,000
malls will close within three to five years.   Many developers request for these
                                                                                                 ambiance, and attention to detail--
                                                                                                 perhaps this is this future of physical retail.     boxes, where everything is
As shoppers’ preferences have shifted,
                                               centers to respond to a certain period
                                               of architecture. Architecturally, Lifestyle       Sources: CNBC / Business Insider / Bloomberg /
                                                                                                                                                     the same.”
the rise of Lifestyle Centers has begun. As    Centers mix historical styles with warmer         Retail Wire                                         Ivan Friedman
defined by the International Council of        tones and flair. For example, in Annapolis,                                                           CEO, RCS Real Estate Advisors
Shopping Centers, a “Lifestyle Center,” is     Maryland a desolate and abandoned
categorized as an upscale national-chain       1960s era mall named the Parole Plaza has
specialty store with dining, entertainment
in an outdoor setting.
                                               evolved into the Annapolis Town Center.
                                               Several hundred apartments, stores, and
                                                                                                 WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING                               Proposed Mall of America Waterpark
                                                                                                                                                      Source: Street MN
                                               office spaces were designed to mimic the          Small lifestyle centers with the shops you need
Although this sounds like a gussied-up         city’s Federalist style and echoes the city’s     >> full blown shopping malls.
version of a traditional mall, there are       historical charm and architecture.                Cairo_Mathebula, Twitter

                                                                                                 It’s depressing but the mall is a dying scenario.
                                                                                                 Outdoor lifestyle centers bring more to the
                                                                                                 table for the shoppers. They will continue to
                                                                                                 see growth.
                                                                                                 Allthingscandy1, Twitter

                                                                                                 Only the biggest/best malls will survive, so
                                                                                                 like West Ed and Southgate. There will be
                                                                                                 more attractions that just shopping. Many
                                                                                                 malls will get converted to “lifestyle centers”,
                                                                                                 which have restaurants, limited shopping and
                                                                                                 other attractions.
 Santana Row in San Jose, California
                                                                                                 Dan_dd, Twitter
 Source: Mercury News
FASHION NFTS:                                                                                   “Selling virtual dresses and
HYPE OR HAUTE?                                                                                  assets will be a significant
Since the birth of blockchain, industries
                                                                                                revenue stream for brands. For
have been studying the cryptic world,                                                           my children, the way their avatar
                                                                                                looks in games is equally as
trying to discern true potential versus hype.
As creative aptitude reveals a promising
future for the immersive web, NFTs pose
an interesting opportunity for luxury                                                           important as how they look when
brands. NFTs, or non fungible tokens,
are cryptographic tokens that represent
                                                                                                they go to school.”
                                                 Source: The Fabricant
unique digital assets such as digital art or                                                    Cathy Hackl
audio files that are blockchain verified to                                                                                                       Source: Neuno
                                                box and certificate. Similarly, fashion         Futurist & CEO, Futures Intelligence Group
guarantee authenticity. When considering        collectibles platform Neuno is reportedly
the fashion industry, NFTs can be linked        working with five luxury fashion houses
to serial numbers that are assigned to          to create virtual twins of their most iconic    WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING
specific luxury goods.                          pieces. Gucci also claims to be on the                                                       Thinking of buying my first Digital
                                                brink of releasing their first NFT. As far as                                                fashion NFT! SICK SKINS!
Previously late to the e-commerce party,        utility goes, fashion as an NFT currently                                                    Hipurisud, Reddit
luxury brands are taking the plunge into the    stand to serve as more of an art piece that
rather ambiguous world of NFTs, though          can be admired rather than worn in the                                                       #NFT + Fashion is going to be a juicy
it remains uncertain how consumers will         real world. In the virtual world however,                                                    combo:
respond to this new wave of access to                                                                                                        1. Luxury brands will probably
                                                users who inhabit Decentraland can use
luxury goods and how it will affect the                                                                                                      capitalize by digitizing fashion pieces
                                                avatars to buy and wear NFT luxury
brands’ images. What does a fashion                                                                                                          that are sold with a unique physical
                                                fashion clothing.
NFT look like? How would consumers
                                                                                                                                             2. Digital storefronts for dressing up
use them? And could they possibly dilute        Though the current ambiguity and jarring                                                     your avatar or pseudonymous identity
brand names in the luxury market?               experience of NFTs in fashion strongly                                                       Supsramesh, Twitter
                                                contradict the pristine image of luxury, the
Brands on the leading edge of this new          discoveries being made about the future                                                      As soon as I realized that NFT’s made
market like Jacob & Co. have started to         potential of NFTs in fashion pose a real                                                     it possible for fortnite players to create
dip their toes into the murky waters. With      question for the future: how much of our                                                     their own fashion lines and sell them to
a starting bid of $1,000 USD, Jacob &           lives will be lived in virtual reality?                                                      other players in the game...it instantly
Co. has released its first-ever NFT watch                                                                                                    clicked for me.
which the buyer will receive as a digital       Sources: Vogue Business / Glossy /Medium                                                     TimStodz, Twitter
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