Employee Handbook 2022-2023 - SAU#88

Page created by Norman Moore
Employee Handbook 2022-2023 - SAU#88
Employee Handbook

Welcome to Lebanon School District

Congratulations and welcome to the Lebanon School District! We are pleased that you are part
of our team.

This Employee Handbook is designed to guide you as you begin your employment in SAU #88.
One of our goals is the improvement of the district’s personnel practices and this handbook is
an important part of the process. You may find a “hard copy” of the Employee Handbook in
your school’s main office.

You are an integral part of our school system. Please feel free to contact anyone at the Central
Office if you have questions regarding the contents of this handbook. We want to support you
in any way we can to make your time in the district positive and productive.

I look forward to working with each one of you as we strive to provide the highest quality edu-
cation to all of our students. Your contribution to that goal is essential.

Best wishes for a productive and successful school year.
Dr. Joanne Roberts, Superintendent of Schools

                                       Lebanon CARES

                                   Mission Statement
The Lebanon School District, in partnership with the community, is committed to providing a
             challenging, positive and safe learning environment that CARES:

    				                 Cultivates curiosity and collaboration
    				                 Achieves academic excellence
    				                 Respects and values diversity
    				                 Encourages responsible citizenship
    			                  Supports the needs of every learner

                                                                  Handbook Updated August
About Lebanon School District

In 1999 the Lebanon School District became a single district School Administrative Unit, SAU
#88. The District serves Lebanon and West Lebanon students from preschool through grade 12.
Students from Grantham attend Lebanon Middle School for grades 7 & 8 and Lebanon High
School. Students from Plainfield attend Lebanon High School under a special agreement. Total
enrollment is approximately 1725. The average class size district-wide is 20 or less.

The District includes two elementary schools, a middle school, a senior high school, and a cen-
tral administrative office located at 20 Seminary Hill in West Lebanon.
The School District employs approximately 200 full and part time professional staff, 15 school
and SAU administrators, and 150 support staff including secretaries, paraprofessionals, custo-
dians and maintenance workers, bus drivers, and SAU support staff. Food services are provided
under a contract with Café Services of Londonderry, NH.

The School District is governed by a nine-member board, a third of whom are elected each year
for three year terms. The Board also includes a non-voting high school student member. The
School Board meets twice monthly at 6:30 PM, usually the second Wednesday and the fourth
Wednesday, at Lebanon Middle School. Employees are welcome to attend these meetings.
The school district website maybe found at: www.sau88.net.

                                    Lebanon School Board

                  Richard Milius, Chair, rmilius@sau88.net Term Exp. 2023
          Martha DiDomenico, Vice Chair, mdidomenico@sau88.net, Term Exp. 2025
                      Stephen Kantor, skantor@sau.net, Term Exp. 2024
                   Lilian Maughan, lmaughan@sau88.net, Term Exp. 2024
                       Aaron Mills, amills@sau88.net, Term Exp. 2023
                   Kristin O’Rourke, korourke@sau88.net, Term Exp. 2023
             Lisa Vallejo Sorenson, lvallejosorenson@sau88.net, Term Exp. 2024
                        Mary Edes, medes@sau88.net, Term Exp. 2025
                        Wendy Hall, whall@sau88.net Term Exp. 2023

School Administrative Unit #88
           SAU #88 provides an array of educational and administrative services to the school district.
                              Positions, names and role descriptions are listed below.
               Regular office hours: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central phone number: (603) 790-8500
            Fingerprinting hours: Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Thursdays 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
        Administration & Central Office Staff             Jill Huckins		           Administrative Assistant to
Dr. Joanne Roberts Superintendent of Schools              			                      Director of Special Services
Administers all school programs within the district       Secretarial support to Director and nurses; special ed.
                                                          reports; SPEDIS information to Dept. of Ed.; tuition
Lisa Scolaro District Director of Equity, Curriculum, bills and invoices; home schooling; Cat.Aide, Chap.
		              Instruction and Assessment                402, 504, state & federal reports
Oversees PreK through Grade 12 Curriculum in all
content areas; local & State assessments; student         Julie Stockwell          Administrative Assistant to
achievement data; professional development; title         			                      Director of Facilities
grants; educator effectiveness; Adult Education, after    Correspondence, custodial and maintenance supplies,
school & summer programs                                  booking room reservations and rentals
Tim Ball 		            Business Administrator               Xavier Ramos		           Human Resources Coordinator
Budget development; purchasing; accounting; trans-          Hiring paperwork, benefits, retirement, insurance
portation,; food service; risk and facility management      (health, dental, life, disability, cafeteria plan)
Karen Woolsey         District Director of Student 		       Kelsey Moore		        Accounts Payable
			                   Service                               All accounting functions of accounts payable
Establishes and coordinates all special education,
home school, ELL, homeless liaison,504 programs;            Heidi Preston		      Payroll/Personnel Clerk
supervises SPED and all Special Services delivery in        Payrolls; payroll deduction; tax sheltered annuities;
the district                                                employee payroll & personnel files; contracts; database
                                                            of absence and sick time; state and federal reporting
TBD			                   Director of Facilities             for payroll
Supervises custodians & maintenance workers in main-
taining & repair of all facilities and properties; facilities Shaylee Briggs          Assistant Business
budgeting;capital upkeep; bidding & supervision of all 			                            Administrator
outside repairs to buildings and facilities                   Correspondence; state and federal statistical reports;
                                                              SAU supplies; tuition; accounts receivable; scholarship
Dianne Estes		           Director School & Community          fund records, accident reports; district insurances; fed-
			                      Relations 			                        eral funds reports, free and reduced lunch coordinator
Substitute Coordinator; District publications, commu-
nications, and Press Releases; monthly calendar; staff        Tyler Schena		          I.T. Systems Administrator
Wellness; staff recognition; volunteer oversight; Opera Primary Systems Management of District I. T. network;
House liaison; Title IX Coordinator                           and maintenance of computers
Paula Harthan		         Director of Transportation          Tammy Morse		          Applications Coordinator
Coordinates student transportation. Oversees mainte-        District-wide applications, Google Apps. for Ed., State
nance of district vehicles. Direct Line: 603-678-8137       Information and Communication Technology Standards
Peter B. Merritt       Director of Information              Matt Brady & Anthony Zaleski        I.T. Support
			                    Technology                           Management of Help Desk system, responds to indi-
District-wide technology leadership; data base man-         viduals needs for hardware and software.
agement; District State submissions coordinator;
District Test Administrator                                 Miranda Collins          Social Worker
                                                            Promote student success, provide preventive services, and
Lorie Morgan 		         Executive Assistant to 		           respond to identified student needs. Implement comprehen-
			                     Superintendent                      sive school social work services to students, parents, and
District registrar; Superintendent’s calendar/sched-        staff, addressing barriers that limit a student from access-
ule; meetings and elections postings; correspondence;       ing their full educational experience. Respond to referrals by
materials for Superintendent and Board; data base of        providing direct services and by assisting families in access-
track changes & educational records; policy manuals;        ing appropriate community resources.
job vacancy postings, materials for collective bargain-
ing, phones, mail                                                                                                4
Lebanon Elementary Schools - PreK - 4                                   Lebanon Middle School
              Mount Lebanon School                                                   Grades 5-8
          5 White Avenue, West Lebanon                                       3 Moulton Ave., Lebanon
                     298-8202                                                         448-3056
              Katie Roach, Principal                                        Colleen McIntyre, Principal
        Elisabeth Bailey, Assistant Principal                        Katherian Pagharian, Assistant Principal
                                                                    Erin Mills, Special Education Administrator
                Hanover Street School                                    Brett Franklin, Athletic Director &
             193 Hanover Street, Lebanon                                      Co-Curricular Activities
                       448-2945                                Lebanon Middle School’s mission is to challenge and sup-
                 Jack Fnley, Principal                         port all learners in a rigourous, stimulating, and develop-
            Kerri Reilly, Assistant Principal                  mentally appropriate environment. Their goal is to foster
Our elementary schools maintain a friendly, child-centered     curiosity, respect, and citizenship while encouraging stu-
atmosphere. The curriculum provides a solid foundation         dents to explore individual aptitudes, interest, and talents.
in academic skills and knowledge, supplemented by many         Students are organized into grade 5 and grade 6 teams, as
enriching experiences. Traditional and team-taught class-      well as three interdisciplinary teams for grades 7 and 8
rooms are options at various grade levels. Specialists pro-    which they will belong to for both years. In addition to ba-
vide weekly instruction in art, music, and physical edu-       sic academic subjects, students explore technology, family
cation. Librarians, counselors and nurses instruct groups      and consumer science, art, music, physical education and
and work with individuals. Special educators and para-         health. Advanced mathematics, world language and vari-
educators work with classroom teachers to meet individual      ous musical groups, intra-mural and interscholastic athlet-
learning needs. All students learn to use the computer. Par-   ics are additional options. Computer use is integrated into
ent and community volunteers are an integral part of the       the instructional program. Teams build social and citizen-
instructional program and life of the schools.                 ship skills through community service, field trips, unity
                                                               days, and special projects.

                                                                              Lebanon High School
                                                                                   Grades 9-12
                                                                          195 Hanover Street, Lebanon
                  Our Schools                                                  Ian Smith, Principal
                                                                         Kieth Matte, Assistant Principal
                                                                   Dr. Bonnie Robinson, Director of Curriculum,
                                                                            Instruction & Assessment
                                                                         Mike Stone, Director of Athletics
                                                                            & Co-Curricular Activities

                                                               Lebanon High School offers a comprehensive high school
                                                               program which prepares students for college or for em-
                                                               ployment. In addition to the traditional academic require-
                                                               ments, each graduate completes courses in physical educa-
                                                               tion and health, fine arts and computer science. Advance
                                                               placement and honors courses are available in all academic
                                                               areas. Students may enroll in a half-day program at the
                                                               Hartford Area Career and Technology Center during their
                                                               junior and senior years. Alternative programs and summer
                                                               school courses help to accommodate individual needs.
                                                               Students are encouraged to take advantage of co-curricular
                                                               opportunities in athletics, the arts, community service, aca-
                                                               demic competitions, and a variety of clubs.

Policies and Procedures                             student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools
Employees are responsible for being familiar with and             to disclose those records, without consent, to the following
complying with all District policies and procedures de-           parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
scribed in the Handbook. A complete version of District           •        School officials with legitimate educational interest;
policies adopted by the School Board are available on the         •        Other schools to which a student is transferring;
District web site @sau88.net.                                     •        Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
Updated handbooks are distributed at the start of each            •        Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid
school year. Employees are responsible for reviewing the                   to a student;
updated handbook each year so that they are familiar with         •        Organizations conducting certain studies for or on
the most current policies and procedures. Online policies                  behalf of the school;
supersede any policies printed in this handbook.                  •        Accrediting organizations;
                                                                  •        To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued
                    Bullying (Policy JICK)                                 subpoena;
Bullying is a form of student harassment which is prohibit-       •        Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety
ed. Bullying is a pattern of conduct which subjects a student              emergencies; and
to insults, taunts, or challenges, whether verbal or physical,    •        State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice
which are likely to intimidate or provoke a violent or dis-                system, pursuant to specific State law
orderly response from the student. Bullying has four char-
acteristics: Repetitive, negative actions aimed at a specific     Information about students, including student records, is
victim or series of victims, an imbalance of power between        confidential. Only authorized District personnel and the stu-
the bully and the victim, and injury that is inflicted on the     dents’ parents have access to student records. An employee
victim’s body, property, self-esteem, or group acceptance as      should keep information about students in strict confidence
a result of the actions.                                          and discuss a student ONLY with school employees serving
Any employee who has observed or has reliable information         that student, i.e. student’s teacher, special educator, nurse,
that a student has been bullied at school or at a school event    guidance counselor, or principal. Paraprofessionals should
should report the incident to the Principal or Superintendent     direct all parent questions to the teacher. Employees should
for investigation.                                                not discuss students outside of school.
All staff are required to complete Bully Awareness Training
once per year before school starts. This training is available,          Staff Ethics/Conduct (Policy GBEA, GBEB)
free of charge online at https://sau88-nh.safeschools.com/        All employees of the District are expected to maintain high
login. A bullying certificate will be provided once train-        standards in their conduct both on and off duty. District
ing is completed and should be returned to your building          employees are responsible for providing leadership in the
principal.                                                        school and community. This responsibility requires the em-
                                                                  ployee to maintain standards of exemplary conduct.
                  Child Abuse Reporting                           All employees have the responsibility to make themselves
If an employee suspects that a child is being abused or ne-       familiar with, and abide by, the laws of the State of New
glected, that information should be reported to the school        Hampshire as they affect their work, the policies and
principal or designee. A report may also be made directly to      decisions of the Board, and the administrative regulations
DCYF (Division for Children, Youth and Families) by phone         designed to implement them.
at 448-2918. If the report is made in good faith, the reporter
is immune from any civil or criminal liability. Staff are re-
quired to complete child abuse training. These trainings are              Photographs-Videotaping
available in SafeSchools.                                         The school or district often takes photos and videotapes of
                                                                  school and classroom activities. It is possible that as a staff
                      Confidentiality                             member you may appear in a photo used in a district publi-
                Students (Policy JRA/JRB)                         cation, website, newspaper, TV broadcast or classroom vid-
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)             eotape.
(20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that
protects the privacy of student education records.                       Drug-Free Workplace (Policy ADB/GBEC)
(Legal References: RSA 91-A:5,III, Exemptions, Pupil Re-          The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or
cords, RSA 189:1-e, Directory Information)                        use of illicit drugs and alcohol is prohibited in the work-
                                                                  place, including any official school functions no matter
Schools must have written permission from the parent or           where they take place. Violation of this policy could result in
eligible student in order to release any information from a                                                             6
suspension, termination of employment or required satisfac-        ary action that could include warning, suspension or imme-
tory participation in a drug abuse resistance or rehabilitation    diate discharge. If you are uncertain what sexual harassment
program.                                                           or sexual violence means, refer to the policy for complete
         Family and Medical Leave Act                              definitions.
The School District complies with the federal Family and           If an employee believes that he or she has been subjected to
Medical Leave Act that provides eligible employees who             sexual harassment, he or she should report the incident to a
have worked at least 1250 hours in a year with up to 12            supervisor. The matter will be thoroughly investigated while
weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in any 12 month pe-           keeping it as confidential as possible. Appropriate action
riod. Leave may be taken to care for a child after birth, adop-    will be taken, depending on the circumstances and severity
tion or foster placement; to care for a parent, spouse or child    of any confirmed incident.
with a serious health problem; or when the employee is un-
able to work because of a serious health condition. Leave is                  Smoking (Policy GBED/ADC/JICG)
also available for covered military entitlement.                   Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco products are pro-
                                                                   hibited in all school buildings, in school vehicles, and on all
           Nondiscrimination (Policy AC/ACE)                       school property at all times. This is a state law.
Lebanon School District does not discriminate in its educa-
tion programs, activities or employment practices on the ba-       Technology (Acceptable Use Policy– Appendix A of the
sis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, marital                       LSD Technology Plan)
status, sexual orientation or disability. Questions and com-       The purpose of technology access and support is to conduct
plaints may be made to the Superintendent of Schools.              school business. Staff members are advised that E-Mail and/
                                                                   or Internet correspondence is not privileged or confidential.
         Purchasing and Expenditures(Policy DJ)                    From time to time, communications may be monitored by
All expenditures are to be approved prior to commitment            the administration to assure that Internet use is in support of
of District funds. Employees should not purchase materials         school district goals.
assuming that they will automatically be reimbursed. Most          While exercising their privileges to use the Internet as a re-
goods and services are ordered with an official purchase or-       source, staff members shall also monitor and accept the re-
der, signed by an authorized administrator. If an employee         sponsibility for all material received. Staff members have
has an opportunity to save the District money or acquire           the responsibility of keeping all pornographic material, inap-
something available for a limited time only, he/she must get       propriate text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the
verbal permission from a principal or an SAU administrator.        network from entering the school via the Internet, and to re-
Requests for reimbursement of approved expenses should be          port all violations. Only curriculum-related materials are al-
made on a reimbursement or mileage form and supported by           lowed to be downloaded. Staff members are responsible for
itemized original receipts. Requests must be signed by the         maintaining the integrity of the electronic mail system, to be
employee and approved by his/her supervisor.                       responsible for all mail received, to not knowingly receive
                                                                   electronic mail containing pornographic material, inappro-
Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials/ Copyright and               priate information, or text-encoded files that are potentially
                Fair Use Law (Policy EGAD)                         dangerous to the integrity of the hardware on school prem-
Employees should not duplicate any copyrighted print or            ises, and to report all inappropriate materials (solicited or
non-print materials unless such reproduction meets “fair           unsolicited) to the technology department. Staff members
use” standards or unless written permission from the copy-         may create a personal web page. Material placed on this web
right holder has been received. Please review the Copyright        page must be related to the individual’s school, curriculum,
and Fair Use for Teachers information included at the end of       or career preparation activities; it is the responsibility of the
this document.                                                     staff member to keep this web page current. All files and
         Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence                     programs on the computer belong to someone. Users may
                  (Policy ACAB, ACAB-R)                            not erase, modify, rename, or make unusable anyone else’s
The School District prohibits any form of sexual harassment        files or programs, nor copy, change, or transfer any software
or sexual violence in the learning and working environment.        provided by the school, or other staff members without per-
It is a violation of the policy for any employee to harass         mission from the originator. Users may not copy copyright-
a student or employee through conduct or communication             ed software, as it is illegal to copy any software which has
of a sexual nature or to be sexually violent to a student or       a copyright without the express permission of the author of
employee of the School District. Any report of sexual ha-          the software. Users may not intentionally introduce a com-
rassment or violence will be investigated. If the complaint is     puter virus. Users may not deliberately use the computer to
found to be valid, the employee will be subject to disciplin-      annoy or harass others or intentionally damage the system,
 7                                                                 damage information not belonging to you, misuse system
sources, or allow others to misuse system sources. Hacking           sources of virus infections.) Regular and periodic storage
is not allowed. Users may not use the network for financial          of back-up data is the responsibility of the user. The district
or commercial gain.                                                  assumes the responsibility for the installation and mainte-
                                                                     nance of virus protection. Virus protection must not be re-
           Electronic Mail -E-mail (Policy GBEF)                     moved or disabled. Incidental and occasional personal use
All employees with a need for e-mail for school business             of computers, including laptops, is permitted. Such usage is
will be provided with an account upon employment. It is              limited ONLY to that of the faculty member responsible for
the district expectation that these employees will check their       the laptop. Family members or friends of employees are not
school e-mail daily. E-mail equipment and messages are               to use district computers. Any damage to a laptop that oc-
school district property. All emails are archived for 7 years        curs during non-business use is the employee’s liability. The
in accordance with NH Law. Messages that are created, sent,          District makes no guarantee that the functions or services
or received using the school district e-mail system are the          provided by or through the District system will be error-free
property of the school district. The school district reserves        or without defect. The District will not be responsible for
the right to access and disclose the contents of all messages        any damage any user may suffer, including but not limited
created, sent, or received using its e-mail system. All e-mail       to the loss of data or interruptions of service. The District
communication must be handled in the same manner as a                is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information
letter, fax, memo, or other written communication. E-mail            obtained through or stored on the system. The district will
messages must not contain content that may be considered             not be responsible for financial obligations arising through
offensive or disruptive. Offensive content includes but is           an unauthorized use of the system. A staff member may be
not limited to obscene or harassing language or images, ra-          financially responsible for any harm to the system as a result
cial, ethnic, sexual, or gender specific comments or images          of intentional misuse by the staff member. Violation of this
or other comments or images that would offend someone on             policy may expose an employee to discipline in accordance
the basis of their religious or political beliefs, sexual orienta-   with the master contract, up to and including immediate ter-
tion, national origin, or age. E-mail messages are consid-           mination.
ered public records and so must protect the privacy rights of        All employees must return district technology equipment
children and families. For protection from viruses, e-mail           promptly upon leaving the District. You may be held finan-
from an unknown sender should not be opened, nor should              cially responsible for replacement or repair if equipment is
chain letters or warnings of viruses be forwarded within the         not returned in proper working order on your final day of
district system. Photographs of students may be used only            employment.
with written parental/guardian permission. Students may              Technology equipment must be returned to the SAU
not be identified. Incidental and occasional personal use of         Technology department while all keys and fobs must be
e-mail is permitted. Such messages become the property of            returned to your school administrator on your final day
the school district and are subject to the same conditions as        of employment.
business e-mail.
                                                                     Employee Use of Social Networking Websites (Policy
Technology Equipment and Software                                    GBEBD)
All employees with a need for technology equipment for               The School Board does not allow school district staff to so-
school business will be provided with access to such equip-          cialize with students outside of school on social networking
ment upon employment. To be issued a district computer,              websites, including but not limited to Twitter and Facebook.
including laptops, is an employee privilege and not a right.         No school district data, documents, photographs may be
All technology equipment (including laptops) and software            posted. Use of Educational sites, solely for educational pur-
used on this equipment are school district property. Only            poses is permitted. Access of social networking web sites for
district owned programs are to be loaded onto any district           individual use during school hours is prohibited. The Super-
computer, including laptops. Any technology equipment or             intendent has authority to approve/disapprove use of social
software used in the schools that are NOT district property          networking sites.
may not have any connectivity to the district server and will
receive no district technology support. The school district          		              Tutoring
reserves the right to deny service to any technology equip-          No teacher may receive pay for tutoring one of his/her own
ment or software that is NOT district property. All software         pupils during the regular school year. This does not apply to
installed will have the prior approval of the school and/or          home bound instruction assigned by the school administra-
the district technology committees. The school district re-          tion.
serves the right to monitor any and all programs installed
on computers. Software is not to be downloaded from any
website. (Programs downloaded from the w.w.w. are prime                                                                    8
important step in preventing exposure to and transmission of
                  Use of Private Vehicles to                         any infection is anticipating potential contact with infectious
             Transport Students (Policy EEAG)                        materials. Thorough hand-washing, using soap and running
An employee may not transport students for school purposes           water, should be done often and is essential after physical
without permission of the Superintendent or designee. Any            contact with a person, equipment or substances which may
employee using his/her own or a rented vehicle to provide            carry infection. Disposable gloves should be worn to prevent
authorized student transportation must submit proof of auto          contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials.
liability insurance of not less than $500,000 Combined Sin-          Waste products and needles should be bagged separately and
gle Limit prior to any trip. The vehicle must be equipped            disposed of properly. Spill areas should be properly decon-
with a seat belt for each passenger and a current state inspec-      taminated by a custodian.
tion sticker. The driver must possess a valid driver’s license.
An employee providing unauthorized student transportation            Employees with “occupational exposure” are those who
does so at his/her own expense and liability.                        have a high likelihood of coming in contact with blood or
                                                                     other potentially infectious materials. Employees with “oc-
		               Snow or Emergency Days                              cupational exposure” should be vaccinated for hepatitis B.
Emergency school closing is communicated through the                 Your supervisor will discuss the possibility of “occupational
SchoolMessenger telephone system, posted on the district             exposure” with you and arrange vaccinations within 10 days
website at http://sau88.net, and announced on several radio          of employment if you are at risk. You have the right to refuse
stations and TV channels starting about 6:00 AM. Employ-             vaccination by signing a waiver.
ees contracted to work while school is in session (teachers,
paraprofessionals, administrators, secretaries, and bus driv-        If by accident blood or other potentially infectious material
ers) do not work on snow/emergency days. Custodians, SAU             does have contact with your broken skin or mucous mem-
employees, and any others who work the calendar year are             brane, you should immediately wash the area thoroughly,
expected to report for work or take a vacation or other type         report to the school nurse, complete an Incident Exposure
of leave day.                                                        Form, and seek medical advice.
                     Health and Safety
                                                                                 Location of Adopted School Board Set Policies
Pre-employment Physicals/Staff Health (Policy GBGA/                  All School Board adopted policies may be found online
                         GBGA-E)                                     at www.sau88.net>School Board> School Board Policies.
All new employees are required by law RSA:200:36 to have             Please see this area for the most current version of any
a physical examination prior to employment. The purpose is           School Board policy. Online policies supersede any policies
to make sure that you are physically capable of performing           printed in this handbook.
the duties included in your job description. The Office of
Occupational Health at Alice Peck Day Hospital provides                           Joint Loss Management Committee
this examination at no charge to you or you may have it done         The District has a committee of administrators, teachers, sec-
by your personal physician at your own expense.                      retaries, and support staff established in compliance with NH
                                                                     Dept of Labor Rule 600. The purpose of this committee is to
		                 Work-Related Injury or Illness                    carry out the purpose of RSA 281-A: 64, by bringing work-
If you are injured on the job or have a work-related ill-            ers and management together in a non-adversarial, coopera-
ness, you must report this immediately to your supervisor            tive effort to promote safety and health in each workplace. A
and complete the Employer’s First Report of Occupational             joint loss management committee assists the employer and
Injury or Disease form. Return the form to the SAU office            makes recommendations for change. Their responsibilities
within 48 hours of the incident. This is important, even if          include the review of workplace accident and injury data to
you don’t think your injury or illness is serious. Failure to        help establish the committee’s goals and objectives in cre-
file could result in fines to the school district and/or interfere   ating specific safety programs which will identify hazards,
with worker compensation benefits if your injury or illness          with recommended control measures, to the person(s) most
causes future lost time or medical expense.                          able to implement controls, and assist with safety and health
                                                                     training for employees.
           Universal Precautions for Handling Bodily
                                Fluids                                     Emergency Planning ( Policy EBCAEBCA-R)
The District has a plan to prevent your exposure to blood             The District’s EOP is being finalized. Each School will have
or other potentially infectious materials. All body fluids and       their own plan. Your building will also have a Safety Com-
wastes should be treated as if they are infectious. The most         mittee.
Presence of Asbestos Notice                                              Communication
In accordance of EPA regulation, each school has been in-          The District expects that employees will keep themselves
spected asbestos containing building materials (ACBM).             well-informed about what’s going on in our schools and par-
ACBM may cause health problems. ACBM may be present                ticipate in school events as time and interest allow. Visit the
in any facility within Lebanon School District.                    District website at www.sau88.net for a full listing of events.
                                                                   The District is also interested in the activities of employ-
A record of the inspection, a diagram of the location(s) of        ees including the accomplishments of their students, special
ACBMs, and a copy of relevant EPA regulations are avail-           projects with students or for the school, professional devel-
able in the main office of each school building as well as the     opment activities and service to the community. The Office
SAU 88 office at 20 Seminary Hill, in West Lebanon, New            of School and Community Relations welcomes your sub-
Hampshire.                                                         missions. Contact Dianne Estes at destes@sau88.net.

For additional information, contact the designated person(s),      Pony Express
Director of Facilities at @ 790-8500 x1122, or Tim Ball,           When school is in session a daily courier service brings mail
SAU #88 Business Administrator, @ 790-8500 x1120. 		               to and from each school and the SAU office. Employees may
						                                                             use the pony for work-related communication with anyone
                    Hazard Communication                           in the District.
Employees are considered to be the primary hazard identi-
fiers in their respective areas. You are required to take neces-   Email
sary action to prevent initial or further injuries whenever you    All Lebanon School District staff have District email ac-
identify a hazard. If correction is not immediately possible,      counts. You are expected to use email to conduct District
you should prepare a “maintenance work order” which is             business.
marked “SAFETY” to correct the problem. These work or-
ders are given priority to make sure that the hazard is elimi-     If you don’t know another employee’s email address, type:
nated as soon as possible.                                         First initial and last name as one word, followed by @sau88.
                                                                   net Example: destes@sau88.net
                        Wellness Team
The Lebanon School District strives to create a culture of         Newsletters
wellness for it’s staff and students. The District has a Well-     The SAU School and Community Relations office publish-
ness Team of representatives from each school, the SAU,and         es various newsletters, informational brochures and Valley
transportation. The team’s mission is to promote and support       News, Spotlight Pages throughout the year. Employees are
employee health and wellness through education, fitness ac-        encouraged to submit news items and photographs at any
tivities, and programs that increase awareness of the benefits     time.
of a healthy lifestyle. Wellness activities have included a flu
shot clinic, exercise and yoga classes, walking and nutrition      A District Annual Report which includes budget information
program, educational workshops, discussion groups, dis-            and Warrant Articles is produced and distributed in January.
semination of materials, and recreational bus trips. The team      This document is available at local libraries, city hall and on
meets monthly and membership is open to any interested             the web. Wellness News and other informational newsletters
employee. Contact Dianne Estes if you are interested.              are distributed through the schools on a regular basis.

              Corporate Fitness Membership                         An effort is made to send press releases to area newspapers
The District has a corporate membership at The Witherell           whenever a newsworthy school event takes place. Staff are
Center (CCBA) in Lebanon. An employee may be added to              requested to send news details of noteworthy projects or ac-
the membership list by calling School and Community Rela-          complishments to the Director of School and Community
tions (790-8500 x 1114) and paying a one-time-only fee of          Relations at destes@sau88.net. For press coverage the infor-
$10. Once on the list you and/or your family members will          mation should be offered well in advance.
receive 15% off CCBA membership and special programs.
Activities include swimming, conditioning, fitness classes,        Telephones
racquetball and tennis, spinning and more.                         The use of District phones for personal calls should be lim-
                                                                   ited to brief, essential calls. Employees should use a credit
Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of            card or prepaid phone card when making toll calls.
our students.
All vacancies are posted on the Employment page on the            cial educators.
District web site, and in each school as well as online in
SchoolSpring. Employees are welcome to apply for any              Lebanon Support Staff Association (LSS) represents custo-
opening for which they are qualified.                             dians, maintenance workers and paraprofessionals.

Web Site & District Calendar of Events - www.sau88.net            Lebanon Secretaries Association (LSA) represents all office
The SAU keeps a monthly calendar of school district events        support personnel in the schools.
available through the district website. Employees are asked
to consult this calendar and inform the Office of School          Lebanon Administrative Group (LAG) represents principals,
& Community Relations of events to be included. Efforts           assistant principals, director of guidance, director of co-cur-
should be made to avoid scheduling events in conflict with        ricular and athletic activities, and LHS director of curricu-
one another or on a planned School Board night.                   lum and instruction.

Information about the District, newsletters, calendar, and        Bus drivers, SAU support staff and SAU administrators are
sports can be found on the district website. Lebanon School       not unionized.
Board agendas and minutes are posted on the website. Use-
ful district forms such as reimbursement and direct deposit
are found on the Business office pages under Departments.         Payroll Schedule
Teacher and Paraprofessional forms are located under Staff        Employees are paid every two weeks. Teachers, paraprofes-
on the homepage. Facilities use instructions are found on the     sionals and secretaries hired before the school year starts
Facilities page under Departments.                                may choose 22 or 26 pays. Those choosing 26 pays receive
                                                                  the balance of their contracted pay in their last paycheck in
            District Facility Use (Policy KF-R)                   June. Any teacher, paraprofessional or secretary hired after
School Buildings and grounds are used heavily by outside          the school year starts will be on the 26 pay schedule.
groups after school, evenings, weekends and during vaca-          Administrators receive their salaries in 26 pay periods from
tions. As an employee of this district, you are responsible       July 1-June 30 of the contract year. Other employees receive
for requesting the space you need beyond school hours.            a payroll check every two weeks during their contracted
To insure that the district classroom, field, or gym space is     year—ten or 12 months.
available for your use, please follow these guidelines:
• Please access our “SchoolDude” School Calendar by go-           All employees except teachers and administrators fill out a
    ing to our District Website and using the link provided.      payroll Time Sheet every two weeks. Extra time worked be-
• Obtain a step by step “Requester Guide” which is avail-         yond your contracted hours must be submitted on a Time
    able at each school in the Main Office of every building      Sheet. The Time Sheet must be submitted to your supervisor
    in the district to help walk you through the requesting       by 9:00 am Monday following the end of a pay period.
• Call Julie Stockwell in the Facilities Department with          Absences must be requested in a timely manner as required
    any questions, (603)790-8500 x1127. Please allow 5            by union agreements using building-specific procedures.
    business days for processing each request.                    Time out of building requests are entered into AESOP, our
                                                                  online Absence Management System. If you encounter is-
                                                                  sues with AESOP please contact Dianne Estes, destes@
Facilities Repair and Maintenance                                 sau88.net or Deb Girdwood, Aesop Systems Coordinator at
All inquires or requests for maintenance must be directed to      dgirdwood@sau88.net.
the Maintenance department via the school secretary who
is responsible for creating the necessary Maintenance Work        Pay checks are delivered to the schools, held at the SAU of-
Order. This Work Order will then be forwarded to the Main-        fice, or mailed according to the employee’s direction. Direct
tenance Dept.                                                     deposit is encouraged.
                      Pay and Benefits
Unions                                                            Available sick time, personal time and vacation time are
Four unions have negotiated agreements with the Lebanon           printed on employee pay check stubs and are also available
School Board.                                                     on employee account on Websense.

Lebanon Education Association (LEA) represents teachers,          Any errors or questions about paychecks should be re-
counselors, librarians, tutors, nurses, psychologists, and spe-   ported to Heidi Preston, Payroll Clerk, hpreston@sau88.
 11                                                               net. Any change in status (address, phone number, de-
pendents, etc.) effecting insurance or benefits should be
reported to Xavier Ramos, xramos@sau88.net, Human                Resources Coordinator.
Resources Coordinator.
                                                                 Available sick time, personal time and vacation time are
                                                                 printed on employee pay check stubs and are also available
Employee Reimbursements                                          on employee account on Websense - Employee Portal.
All reimbursements to employees for expenses, professional
development, or other costs incurred by employee shall be        Summary of Salary and Benefits
made through direct deposit into the employee’s bank ac-         For detailed information, consult your master agreement or
count. Bank account information must be provided to the          contact Xavier Ramos, Human Resources Coordinator.
Business Office on the appropriate District form.
                                                                 Employees have the opportunity to take advantage of a 15%
Professional Development                                         discount on their personal cell service through Verizon if
The guidelines for reimbursement of Professional Develop-        they choose. Visit a Verizon Company Store with a recent
ment and tuition expenses follow the professional agree-         pay stub to learn more.
ments between the LEA and the LSB, the LSS and the LSB,
and the LSA and LSB. Reimbursement for all staff with a          If you have a benefit in which you are interested, please con-
Professional Development Plan in place requires submission       tact the HR office or School and Community Relations Of-
of the professional development request via MLP forms,           fice in order for possibilities to be explored.
along with proof of payment and activity completion. Re-
quests for either reimbursement or pre-pay must be made
30 days in advance of the workshop/conference or gradu-
ate class start date. Please note that all reimbursement re-
quests and required additional materials must be submitted
via Frontline Professional Growth within 30 days of the end
date of the event. This applies to workshops, conferences,
graduate courses, and other professional development op-         PLEASE NOTE:
                                                                 Online Lebanon School board policies
Reimbursement items to remember:                                 supersede any policies printed in this hand-
•         You must request pre-approval via Frontline Profes-    book.
sional Growth prior to the start of your workshop/conference
or graduate course.
•         This includes approval from your building adminis-
trator and the DDCIA.
•         Your work must align with your PDP (professional
development plan) and/or the goals of the district’s strategic
•         Original and itemized/detailed receipt clearly show-
ing all items paid for is required.
•         Coursework can be encumbered only for the upcom-
ing coursework term for up to 4 credits in a single term.
•         For complete PD and tuition reimbursement instruc-
tions see the Professional Development tab under Faculty on
the web site. www.sau88.net>Faculty>Professional Devel-
opment. It is the responsibility of all staff to review docu-
ments on the PD web page routinely as all changes to the
reimbursement process will be posted in this area.

Personnel Records (Policy GCO)
The payroll office maintains files on all current employees.
Files contain contracts, evaluations, information about ben-
efits and professional development, and related correspon-
dence. To review your file, contact Annette Hollatz, Human                                                            12
Copyright and Fair Use for Teachers
                        BE FOUND AT: http://www.sau88.net/curriculum

What is Copyright? What is Fair Use?

Copyright provides legal protection for original creative works, including, but not limited to,
poetry, movies, video games, videos, plays, paintings, sheet music, recorded music perfor-
mances, novels, software code, sculptures, photographs, choreography and architectural design.
Copyright holders, and those they authorize, have several rights afforded to them, including:

•        Public display or performance of work.
•        Reproduce the entire work or parts of it.
•        Distribute copies of the work.
•        Derive works, such as translations or dramatizations.

Copyright protection has limitations and exceptions. Fair Use allows copyrighted material to be
used under certain guidelines, without the copyright holder’s permission, for purposes such as
news reporting, teaching, research, criticism, and parody. Fair use consideration includes four

•        Purpose and character of use.
•        Amount of work to be used.
•        Nature of the work.
•        Effect of any use on the market for the work.

Keep in mind that education purposes do not guarantee permission to copy or distribute work.
Many cases may be permissible, but it is important to evaluate each use individually. There are
several resources that you can consider, including asking your media specialist.

Copyright and Fair Use Educator Resources…

•        OCPS Management Directive B-7: Guidelines for Use of Copyrighted Materials.
•        Interested in Teaching Copyright? Full curriculum resources, including quizzes.
•        Further information about PBS’ ext ended r ecor ding r ig ht s fo r K-12 schools.
•        The Center for Social Media’s Copyright and Fair Use teaching resources and videos.
•        http://www.copyright.gov/title17

Responsibilities of our Employees
At the Lebanon School District we work together to build an organization that honors its legacy, thrives today,
                                and remains strong for future generations.

Our passion for student learning is what makes us exceptional. Each employee of the Lebanon School District
                               is accountable to make our students successful.

Accountability means being responsible for our actions as well as our good intentions. We strive for clear per-
formance targets and effective lines of communication. Accountability is not a burden we place on others, it is
                                    a responsibility we all accept and share.

                            • Attitude: Do the best that you can everyday.
              •   Commitment to Co-workers: Treat your co-workers as you want to be treated.
                   • Team Work: Work together as a cohesive team to achieve greatness.
                                  • Appearance: Dress for success.
                         • Safety: Think safe, act safe, be safe, and stay safe.

               TO YOUR
 Bullying Awareness & Prevention,
 Youth Suicide: Awareness, Prevention & Post-
 vention, Child Abuse: Identification & Inter-
 vention, Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting.

 In addition: Only new staff will be required
 to submit these documents.
 Employee Handbook Acknowledgement
 Confidentiality and Ethics Statement
 Drug Free Workplace/Drug Free Schools
 Photographs/Videotaping Release


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