Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...

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Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...
Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point
                       Financial Recovery Plan Implementation

                                   Business Sector Briefing
Date 19 January 2021      Lead Administrator: Gilberto Martins
Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...
▪       “It is extremely disheartening to realise that the lives of the people of the area are
        being affected negatively as a result of lack of both political will and
        administrative inclination to serve the people of the area. The situation requires a
        re-imagined approach to reverse the effects years of an ineffective
        municipality,” said Ms Faith Muthambi, the Chairperson of the committee.
    ▪    Ms Faith Muthambi, the Chairperson of the Committee (Cogta) - Parliament, Friday, 16 October 2020

Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...

    ●   Why are we here?
    ●   Operating Framework
    ●   Emfuleni - It’s Citizens
    ●   The Administrators Team Members
    ●   The Tipping Point - The 3 Laws
    ●   This Intervention - What it is NOT !
    ●   This Intervention - What it is !
    ●   The Tipping Point - Emfuleni Framework
    ●   The “tool” to fix the challenges
    ●   The target
    ●   Discussions
Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...

Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...
The playing field !

Understanding the Complexities -

● There are 45 functional Ward Committees in the
● Ward Committees have been established to encourage
  participation by the community and to inform Council
● These committees seek to foster effective communication
  between Council and the community.
● The Municipal Council comprises 90 councilors, 45 of
  which are Ward Councilors and 45 are Proportional
  Representatives (PR) Councilors.
● The Councilors at Emfuleni participate in decision making
  and represent the local constituencies in Council.        5
Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...
Why are we here ?
                  South Africa Constitution (1996)
(S139) Provincial intervention in local government :
(1) When a municipality cannot or does not fulfil an executive obligation in terms of the
Constitution or legislation , the relevant provincial executive may intervene by taking any
appropriate steps to ensure fulfilment of that obligation, including:
a)Issuing a directive to the Municipality Council , describing the extent of the failure to fulfil
its obligations and stating any steps required to meet its obligation
b)Assuming responsibility for the relevant obligation in that municipality to the
extent necessary to –
i.Maintain essential national standards or meet established minimum standards for
the rendering of a service;
ii.Prevent that Municipal Council from taking unreasonable action that is prejudicial
to the interests of another municipality or to the province as a whole; or
iii.Maintain economic unity
c)Dissolving the Municipal Council and appointing an administrator until a newly elected
Municipal Council has been declared elected, if exceptional circumstance warrant such
step.                                                                                        6
Emfuleni Municipality The Tipping Point Financial Recovery Plan Implementation Business Sector Briefing Meeting Lead Administrator: Gilberto ...
Operating Framework

    Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act & Regulations
    Key - Example
     ⚫ Section 142 to 146 (Financial Recovery Plan)
    Local Government Municipal Systems Act & Regulations
    Key- Example
     ⚫ Section 67 - Human Resource Development
     ⚫ Section 106 Non Performance and Maladministration
    Other operational legislation
     ⚫ BBBEE
     ⚫ SCM
     ⚫ Unsolicited Proposal Management

7                                                                     7
                                 - It’s Citizens
 61 % of the Population is made up of young persons under the age of 35 years.
 Less than 10 % of the residents have a post matric qualification and only 40 %
 are employed.

Source: Stats SA Community Survey 2016
Where are we

               Non delivery of
                 mandate -
               negative impact

9                                9
Expectations - A better life!

10                              10
The Administration Team

■ The Administrators Team : Section 139 (1) (b) Three Focus Areas
■ Lead Administrator
   ○ Mr Gilberto Martins

■ Financial Management
   ○ Mr Kgaugelo Mahlaba
   ○ Ms Rianda Kruger

■ Supply Chain Management
  ○ Ms Atirilo Hlongwane
  ○ Mr Lesedi Mere

■ Service Delivery
 11 ○ Mr Silas Zimu
Observing the past to prepare for the future!

 •     Malicious compliance
 •     No consequent management – internal and external service
 •     Limited Human capacity and skills
 •     Non functional Project Management Unit - Project current status
      ,Under expenditure
 •     Contract management not adequate (note not contactor
 •     No “Just in time information”, no integrated reporting
 •     IDP become irrelevant for service delivery
 •     No consequent for cancellation / removing projects or criteria
      for implement
 •     No report action? IDP feedback to communities, Monthly project
  •    No project progress integration to financial payment review
12•    Types of construction contract used ? Effective management  12
2020/21 Budget
                         Operational Budget

     Due to low collections during the COVID-19 period, the
     collection rate was adjusted downward to 71.82% from
     75.49% of the budget approved on 30 June 2020;

     A consumer qualifying for indigent support must receive
     the subsidies as determined annually during the
     preparation of the municipality's budget.

The Tipping Point
                  A three laws “point plan”
                        The Law of the Few
A focus on basic service delivery to citizens ,hinged on
        reputational management and effective

                The Law of the Stickiness Factor
  A focus on leveraging stakeholder management
  process / business continuity, to enhance service

                The Law of the Power of Context
  A strategy that addresses the immediate (FRP) to
        short term (sustainable management)
This Intervention - What it is not!

●    A quick fix solution;
●    Strategic turnaround theories
●    Shotgun intervention promise and programs;
●    A talk shop of impossibile delivery targets - Empty
●    The silver bullet to every problem;
●    A forever time frame for results;
●    A endless budget delivery framework;
●    An individual plan - Lead Administrators;
●    A government go it alone implementation FRP;

This Intervention - What it is!

● A prioritised key focus areas approach -
● Leading sectors that will result in a positive impact on the
  citizens of Emfuleni;
● Practical immediate implementation solution;
● A cash budget management system
● Reputational damage re dress
● Confidence builder to Emfuleni citizens
● A collective responsibility - Collective ownership
● A committed administrators team
● A performance management official approach

The Tipping Point - The Framework

● Dealing with an “epidemic”
● Fix the broken window pane “concept”

● IMPACT OBJECTIVE - Small enough to
     be done immediately, (within current
     constraints ) Small enough for change to
     be seen,(on the ground intervention ) Big
     enough for the Citizens to feel the change,
     (Impact - Better life) Reputational damage
     addressed (Mandate delivery in place)
The Tipping Point -
                                    Fix the broken Window Pane

   The Epidemic                              Three Key Focus Areas
  The Window Frame     (1)Financial Management          (2)Supply Chain          (3)Service Delivery

  The Window Panes    Creditors - Weekly           Procurement Plan -            Grant and
                      Payments (Cash Budget)       Forward projection / IDP      Subsidized 100%

                      Debtors collection           Committee effectiveness       Sewerage
                                                   (Specification, Evaluation,   Main outfall sewer
“ How little things                                Adjudication)                 Refuse Collection /
                                                                                 Illegal Dumping
can make a big        Cost Containment             Contract Management           Roads / Potholes
difference”                                                                      Water / Electricity

Malcom Gladwell       Revenue Generation           Unsolicited proposals         Capital Project
                      Enhancement                                                Management

                      Auditor General Findings                                   Ward operational

                      Call Centre Implementation                                 Catalytic
                                                                                 Investment Prj
2020/21 Budget
                                Operational Budget

     ★ WARD BASED - Interconnected intervention programs roll out for all
        required intervention both service delivery, revenue collection and other
        ELM functionalities;
     ★ Workstream operational methodology to include all stakeholder,
        monitoring and progress reporting through administrators (not by
        administrators), for Council reporting and feedback by councillor to
        respective Wards and part of ELM Communication Strategy;
     ★ Ongoing corrective action implemented in response to findings.

2020/21 Approved Budget

     A special adjustments budget was approved by Council on 14 October 2020.

2020/21 Budget
     Grants & Subsidies

2020/21 Budget
     Capital Budget


         1           2           3          4         5          6            7

     The Vaal    AB-Inbev     Premier   Agri-       Maritime Proposed     Integrate
     River       Investme     Foods:    Industriali          Industrial   d Skills
     City- The   nt Project   Snow      zation               Hubs in      Develop
     Vaal 21     Isanti       Flake     (Agri                Sebokeng     ment
     Game        and                    Parks)               &            Partners
     changer     Project                                     Vanderbijl   hip
                 Jordan                                      park         Project

Underspending = Failed Delivery
     Resulting from POOR Planning

Administrators Target


          70%                                                                   n Area
  %       50%





          Year   Low 2016/2017   2017/2018
                                        Impact on2018/2019
                                                 Communities      2019/2020   High 2020/2021

                                        Community Beneficiaries
 25                                                                                            25
Service Delivery is not a
         perfect science !

26                               26
27   27
Thank You

     “one machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men OR
     women. No machine can do the work of one
     Extraordinary man OR women.”
     Thomas Edison

     E MAIL: gilbertomartins928@gmail.com
     Cell:   082 902 9977
28                                                           28
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