Embracing the Power of Social Media for Broadcast Business Insight

Page created by Ben Walton
Embracing the Power of Social Media for Broadcast Business Insight
• Cognizant 20-20 Insights

Embracing the Power of Social Media
for Broadcast Business Insight
Media and entertainment companies can maximize their programming
content by integrating a broadcasting-focused, organization-wide
intelligence program with consistent use of social measurement and
analysis tools across functional silos.

      Executive Summary                                     social channels for the past several years to
                                                            market content, this is not to say that television
      Broadcasters are using social media to innova-
                                                            has perfected its social media use. In fact, the rise
      tively enhance consumer engagement, traditional
                                                            in social media’s popularity has given a substan-
      marketing campaigns and promotions. However,
                                                            tial boost to other players in the value chain, insti-
      their approaches to social media are often siloed
                                                            gating a flood of new issues for the broadcasting
      and narrowly focused, limiting the value that this
      new communication and engagement model can
      provide. By listening to, analyzing and integrating   Talent
      findings from social media on an enterprise-wide
                                                            The talent component of the broadcast industry
      level, broadcasters can ultimately improve their
                                                            seems to have benefited most from social media.
      reach and engagement levels with their content
                                                            As social media prominence has risen over the
                                                            past decade, actors, athletes and musicians
      This white paper highlights how broadcasters can      have been quick to establish social networking
      maximize the value of their social media programs.    accounts, realizing the potential benefits of
      In addition, it provides a high-level framework for   directly engaging with fans.
      establishing a social media analytics program
                                                            Having found early success using social media,
      to drive the value obtained from social data
                                                            celebrities continue to utilize it as a means of
      throughout the organization.
                                                            creating, building and dictating the direction of
      Trailblazers in Social Media                          their own careers. Social media has enabled them
                                                            to add value to their personal brands by building
      Of all the broadcast industry participants,
                                                            large networks of fans and followers, take control
      television is the most active in its use of social
                                                            of their image and reduce reliance on studios and
      applications such as Twitter.1 This comes as no
                                                            production companies for promotion. According
      surprise, given that the entertainment industry
                                                            to a recent Knowledge@Wharton article, “The
      lends itself to pop culture and social conversa-
                                                            rise of the Internet has accentuated the value of
      tions. But while many in the industry have used

      cognizant 20-20 insights | april 2013
Embracing the Power of Social Media for Broadcast Business Insight
Celebrities Tweeting Broadcasters to the Punch
Talent dwarfs entertainment companies in follower count

                       Music                          Sports                             TV
            Justin Bieber: 36.9           Cristiano Ronaldo: 17.2            Oprah: 17.7
            Lady Gaga: 35.6               LeBron James: 7.8                  Ashton Kutcher: 14.1
            MTV: 7.4                      ESPN: 6.2                          CBS: 0.11

                                        Twitter followers (in millions)

Source: socialbakers.com
Figure 1

celebrity endorsements. Celebrities — for better          Recent technological breakthroughs in broad-
or for worse — do get our attention.”2 Along with         band-delivered programming on personal
Twitter and Facebook, niche applications such as          computers and “smart” TVs are opening up a
Instagram and Whosay are growing in popularity            world of possibilities in screen-clickable social
for celebrity communication and engagement.               interactions and cross-promotions.

In fact, conventional metrics reveal that talent is       Broadcasters are also leveraging social networks
leading the media and entertainment brands with           to deliver new types of content and interact with
which they are connected in terms of followers and        viewers beyond the program. For example, fans of
fan counts. A sample of Twitter follower counts in        The Simpsons can go to Fox’s Facebook page to see
Figure 1 reveals a disparity of millions of followers     more photos and commentary and interact with
for Lady Gaga, Cristiano Ronaldo and Oprah                other fans. Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones can
Winfrey compared with the most popular enter-             visit the show’s Wikia page to contribute additional
tainment organizations on the social network.             details and insights about the show. In fact, many
                                                          of these communities are created and managed by
This disparity in social clout not only increases         “super fans,” which make rules, correct false infor-
celebrities’ endorsement power with brands,               mation and promote show events. The social media
but it also provides them with more negotiating           platform allows fans to directly help promote and
leverage when being hired by broadcasters.                encourage the growth of the audience base.
Social media has transformed traditional broad-           The New Social Reality
casting norms. New technology and increasingly            Reality TV shows rely heavily on social media to
powerful mobile devices have allowed networks             drive content and ratings.
to break down the so-called “fourth wall” and
connect audiences with programming like never
before. Broadcasters are using this technology
to create a “second screen,” extending program
content to screens alongside the primary
television view.

Reality competition shows such as American
Idol and Dancing with the Stars take advantage
of these new capabilities, integrating fan voting,
audience polling and show topic hashtags into             Source: fox.com3
programming (see Figure 2).                               Figure 2

                           cognizant 20-20 insights        2
Embracing the Power of Social Media for Broadcast Business Insight
Gaps and Challenges                                     criteria and traditional performance metrics (e.g.,
                                                        Nielsen ratings, subscriptions, ad revenue, etc.),
While marketers in media and entertainment have
                                                        rich insights can be gleaned that
improved by leaps and bounds in harnessing social
                                                        can inform powerful business
media to promote content, many are missing the
                                                                                            Many organizations
true benefit of the social Web. Marketers continue
to build social profiles, with a narrow focus on
                                                                                             don’t realize they can
                                                        Broadcasters are always looking
gaining likes and followers. Some are even finding      for a competitive edge when it
                                                                                             now filter through
success in driving traffic to online content, digital   comes to their programming           the ever-increasing
libraries and traditional broadcast programming.
The hurdles we often see is that they take a
                                                        and marketing. Actionable,           “noise” generated
                                                        insightful data is a great way to
siloed approach, use disparate tools and struggle       achieve this. Here is a sample
                                                                                             from expanding
with understanding which social data to sift and        list of relevant insights into the   numbers of users in
analyze to generate greater business insight.           TV business that can be gained       social media channels,
                                                        from social data:
In addition, marketers still rely on traditional                                             gather messages from
forms of measurement. Budgets continue to
                                                        •   Deep and ever timelier           fans and customers
be devoted to focus groups, pre-screenings and
workshops to test content and messages on indi-
                                                            insights into what people like   promoted through
                                                            or do not like about content.
viduals. This creates a disjointed approach to                                               social media, and
marketing. On the one hand, marketers are using         •   Viewership behavior and
                                                                                             take action on those
state-of-the-market tools such as Radian6 (now              sentiment, week-over-week
Salesforce Marketing Cloud) or Crimson Hexagon              or by season.                    messages.
and building marketing campaigns and publishing         •   Response to promotional
promotions in near-real-time using social media             campaign events.
promotion tools such as HootSuite. On the other
hand, they are still applying physical forms of         •   Social sentiment based on demographics,
                                                            segmented by demographic market area.
measurement and key performance indicators
(KPI). Many organizations don’t realize they can        •   Validation of sentiment for syndicated
now filter through the ever-increasing “noise”              products for use in sales and bundling.
generated from expanding numbers of users in
                                                        •   Precision viewership predictions driven by
social media channels, gather messages from                 the social buzz that precedes the airing of a
fans and customers promoted through social                  program.
media, and take action on those messages.
                                                        •   Greater confidence in predicting award winners.
Marketing departments continue to use social
                                                        •   Better understanding of key influencers and
tools for promotion, but this is not enough. They           buzz generators.
must create and then meet business-critical KPIs
for gathering and thoroughly applying meaningful        •   Faster awareness of trends, events and emer-
business insights and intelligence based on social
data. This takes an organizational commitment to        •   More precise targeting of promotional
social tools that are already being used inside the         messages.
organization. Additionally, they need to apply a
rigorous framework for applying data defined by
                                                        •   Targeting of sponsors and cross-promotion
these tools and do so with an eye toward effective
data governance, maintenance and storage.               All of these insights can be gleaned through social
                                                        data right now. But how do organizations begin to
The Potential of Social Media                           approach this opportunity and find the valuable
Data in Broadcasting                                    nuggets of data being touted? Fundamental
The true power of social media is in the infor-         to the discovery is an integrated framework of
mation it provides. Millions of users, generating       social strategy, tools and processes, along with
thousands of messages every minute, freely give         keen analysts who understand the business and
away valuable insights in public forums. They           the metrics that need to be defined. Further,
reveal to marketers all the relevant details of their   the framework is useless if organizations do not
media consumption habits and opinions. Once             heavily embed the mindset of mapping social
social data is combined with an internal strategy       metrics to specific business goals in their overall
                                                        social analytics strategy.

                       cognizant 20-20 insights         3
Embracing the Power of Social Media for Broadcast Business Insight
Harnessing Social Data to                               •   Sentiment analysis companies such as
                    Build Actionable Insight                                    Fizziology offer services to monitor the entire
                                                                                industry, using historical comparative and
              According to a recent study by McKinsey & Co.,
                                                                                non-social benchmarks to discover unknowns.
              social technologies can potentially unlock billions,
              if not trillions, of dollars in value to organizations        There are at least a dozen solutions attempting
              across industries.4 A large portion of that value is          to bring meaning to social data. While no one
                                   thought to be created through            solution dominates the market, ever-increasing
    The key is aligning deeper customer insights,                           competition is a sign of the value that organiza-
 the analysis tool with resulting             from better products
                                   and services achieved through
                                                                            tions place on the ability to effectively listen to
                                                                            customers via social media. In fact, even tradi-
    the organization’s better market intelligence.                          tional market research companies are jumping
 social data goals and Another area where social                            in, as evidenced by the recent Nielsen acquisition
     ensuring that the technologies                are projected to
                                   unlock value is in improved
                                                                            of SocialGuide.5 With this acquisition, the tradi-
                                                                            tional measurement giant can combine its propri-
reporting capabilities, communication and collabora-                        etary ratings system in television with the social
     data and analysis tion opportunities. What this                        capabilities of SocialGuide to gain an advantage
    can be seamlessly means                for media and entertain-
                                   ment companies is that they
                                                                            in linear television measurement. This will allow
                                                                            Nielsen to provide “listening” services on multiple
        integrated into can impact marketing and the                        fronts. More combinations of traditional media
          the workflow. production value chain through                      and social media pairings are sure to follow.
                                   the ability to listen, understand
              and act appropriately on social data. Broadcast-              Refining
              ers can use this data to improve content, engage              The refining of data is a critical function of a
              customers and optimize operational efficiencies.              social media analytics program. Here is where
              A social analytics program consisting of listening,           all of the data acquired from a social listening
              refining, workflow and strategic elements must be             program (Tweets, posts, etc.) is organized into a
              implemented to effectively realize this potential.            structured, usable and insightful format. Refining
                                                                            data for an entire social media listening program
                    The following describes, at a high level, how media
                                                                            requires the right people, processes and technol-
                    and entertainment organizations can implement
                                                                            ogies to manage the complexity of transforming
                    a social analytics program using these elements.
                                                                            the data into meaningful insights.
                                                                            The data deluge of today’s social media industry
                    The most fundamental and important step in              exceeds an organization’s abilities to handle it
                    analyzing social media data is listening. This is       manually. Take, for instance, the reality competi-
                    the component of the social media analytics             tion program The X-Factor. The season premiere
                    workflow where data feeds from various platforms        garnered 1.4 million comments, peaking at 13.374
                    (e.g., the Twitter firehose, Facebook’s Graph API,      comments per minute.6 That is simply too much
                    Pinterest Web Analytics) provide access to all of       data for the typical group of marketing analysts
                    the “chatter” available on the social Web. However,     using Twitter accounts to process. The refinement
                    data pulled from social media applications is either    exercise must be automated, process-driven and
                    unstructured or less structured than traditional        woven into a robust strategy, replete with appro-
                    data pulled from common marketing data sources,         priate tools. Otherwise, thousands, if not millions,
                    such as Nielsen, focus groups and other research        of comments and opportunities will be missed.
                    output stored commonly in relationship databases.
                    A large majority of the social “chatter” typically      The list of vendors providing social media analysis
                    does not come in usable formats; it needs to be         tools is expansive. In addition to Salesforce,
                    refined in order to be used effectively. Solutions      Crimson Hexagon, Bluefin Labs and Fizziology,
                    have emerged to address this issue. For example:        other vendors have successfully marketed their
                                                                            social listening products to large organizations,
                    •   Crimson Hexagon’s social listening tool comes       as well, such as Attensity, Lithium and Jive
                        with an algorithm that users can train over time    Software. There are also smaller vendors building
                        to structure social data into a more useful form.   targeted products for media and entertainment
                    •   Salesforce Marketing Cloud allows users to edit     companies, as well as companies building niche
                        searches to seek out (or omit) key phrases for      products for one component of the social media
                        more refined listening.                             analytics workflow. Almost all of these tech-

                                            cognizant 20-20 insights        4
nologies can provide some value, but the key is        social strategies to benefit particular business
aligning the analysis tool with the organization’s     units, including programming, research, ad sales,
social data goals and ensuring that the reporting      creative and sales, all over the organizational map.
capabilities, data and analysis can be seamlessly
integrated into the workflow.                          For example, a marketing department might
                                                       create its own Facebook page and Twitter account
Workflow and Integration                               to promote a show. Across the lot, the production
As important and technically challenging as            team creates its own hashtag to interact with
refining social data is, it can be equally challeng-   the show in real time.
                                                       Meanwhile, the research
ing to build a workflow. Different APIs, schemas
                                                       department is looking for
                                                                                    As important and
and formats cause integration challenges, and
the siloed structure of media companies can            its own tool to gauge the technically challenging
trap data within single departments, when this         social buzz about this as refining social data
                                                       season’s lineup. All of this
data could provide value to other areas of the
                                                       is happening in isolation,
                                                                                    is, it can be equally
organization. Here is where refined data is made
valuable:                                              when the activities could challenging to build a
                                                       be optimized with a bit of workflow.
•   If a tweet is analyzed about an actor’s per-       planning and coordination.
    formance, a process should be in place to relay
    the detail to the production team.                 To maximize the benefits of social media, a
                                                       standalone social strategy is not the answer. A
•   If a post mentions the difficulty of down-
                                                       sustainable framework will incorporate social
    loading a digital copy of an episode, it should
                                                       data in all elements of the business strategy
    be forwarded to a customer service rep in the
                                                       and plan, coordinated across the enterprise for
    appropriate department.
                                                       optimal sharing and integration, to create better
•   If a report is produced on volume and              informed business insights. This strategy must
    sentiment trends for a series, it needs to         be fully supported by an engaged executive
    be available and communicated to marketing         team and typically needs to be enforced by a
    teams, executives, production teams and all        group tasked with the specific goal of breaking
    relevant stakeholders within the organization.     down these silos in order to unlock the value of
                                                       social data across the organization. To achieve a
The value created through the increased efficien-      return on investment, goals must be connected to
cies of integrating social intelligence into the       specific metrics, and a process must be developed
current business process is potentially enormous.      to continually report on specific outcomes and
Given the examples above, a production team can        refine practices appropriately.
work with an actor to adjust his or her delivery.
This could potentially re-engage viewers and           Looking Ahead
prevent those eyeballs from moving to a new
                                                       The broadcast industry is becoming increas-
show. The difficulty in downloading the digital
                                                       ingly competitive, and the lines of demarcation
copy could immediately be resolved by the
                                                       are blurring. As the business model in the enter-
customer service team, saving a sale and even
                                                       tainment space continues to shift toward Web-
future sales by forwarding bugs/fixes to the
                                                       delivered content, televisions will get “smarter,”
technical team. Reports on trends could auto-
                                                       delivery channels will grow, and applications will
matically route to stakeholders, increasing trans-
                                                       continue to become more “social.” In fact, the
parency and allowing more time for respective
                                                       rise of “over-the-top” television (OTT) and “TV
groups to anticipate and adjust.
                                                       anywhere” delivery will surely promote even
An effective workflow can create value in almost       further integration with social networks and
every department of an organization. There             provide more granular data about consumption
is opportunity for all of the aforementioned           to be revealed via social media. This increased
examples to become a reality, but it will take hard    competition and complexity creates ever more
work and a concerted effort, from the top, down.       reason to capture intelligence and extract full
                                                       value from established programs.
                                                       Social measurement and analysis must become
The main problem with social media programs is
                                                       a block in the foundation of any intelligence
their lack of a comprehensive strategy. Individual
                                                       program. When performed correctly, social
departments within an organization are devising
                                                       media analytics can unlock the value content,

                       cognizant 20-20 insights        5
allowing the organization to better engage the                                     analytical programs around it will be rewarded.
fan base, optimize marketing and ultimately                                        The companies that continue with traditional
increase profits and ratings. The information is                                   business models for analysis and measurement
out there, it’s publicly available, and it’s ready to                              will be left behind.
be used. The companies that build comprehensive

    “Netprospex Social Businesss Report,” Netprospex, Summer 2011,
    “The Hazards of Celebrity Endorsements in the Age of Twitter,” Knowledge@Wharton, Feb. 27, 2013,
    Fox American Idol App, 2013, http://fox.com.
    Michael Chui, James Manyika, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Charles Roxburgh, Hugo Sarrazin, Geoffrey
    Sands and Magdalena Westergren, “The Social Economy: Unlocking Value and Productivity Through Social
    Technologies,” McKinsey & Co., July 2012.
    ”Nielsen, NM Incite Acquire SocialGuide,” press release, Nov. 12, 2012,
    “The Britney Effect on The X-Factor,” Bluefin Labs, Oct. 3, 2012,

About the Author
J.P. Benedict is a Consultant in Cognizant Business Consulting’s Media and Entertainment Practice. He
has worked in IT business process consulting since 2009 and specializes in social media analytics, digital
security and digital asset management. J.P. has an M.B.A. from the University of Arizona. He can be
reached at James.Benedict@cognizant.com.

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