Employment Law Commentary

Page created by Jeffery Thompson
Employment Law
                                                            Volume 22, No. 1 January 2010

Social Media and the Workplace
By John R. Lanham

Social media has undergone exponential       an employee could inadvertently share
growth over the past few years, with         confidential business information, such
profound consequences for employers.         as a pending acquisition, that harms the
Social media – characterized by              employer or raises securities law issues.
accessibility, interactivity, and            Management increasingly recognizes
technology – includes blogs, wikis           these risks. One recent survey revealed
(interlinked collaborative web sites),       that sixty percent of executives say
photo-sharing sites, and Internet forums     they have “‘a right to know’ how their
and extends to social networking utilities   employees portray themselves and their
like MySpace and Facebook. The public        organizations online.”3 Only seventeen
has turned to these information outlets      percent of the executives, however,
with surprising speed. For example,          said their company has a program for
Facebook had approximately 5.5 million       “monitoring and mitigating risks related
active members in December 2005.1 In         to social networks.”4 Such an approach
December 2009, it reached in excess          to employees’ online conduct, combined
of 350 million active members. In            with the ever-increasing presence of
addition to access via computers, many       social media, creates a significant liability
social media sites are accessible using      risk for employers.
mobile phone–based applications or,
like Twitter, through mobile phone SMS       This alert provides a sampling of U.S.
messaging. This allows for immediate,        state and federal laws that may affect a
and often public, broadcasting of users’     company’s monitoring of its employees’
opinions or conduct.                         involvement in social media. These
                                             laws can vary significantly between
Social media technology has a significant    jurisdictions, so it is important that
impact on the workplace. Employees           an employer discuss this subject
may upload personal information that an      with counsel. 5 Employees’ online
organization believes is inconsistent with   communications may gain legal
its image or mission. Social media also      protection based on either the privacy or
provides a venue for groups of employees     the substance of the communications. In
to discuss work-related issues outside       order to avoid exposure to considerable
of management oversight. Moreover,           liability, employers should develop an
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approach to personal online conduct        content they post to a public site. For    the issue of whether the manager’s
and apply that approach in both            example, a California court of appeal      informal promises created a
policy and practice.                       held that a MySpace user had no            reasonable expectation of privacy.
                                           reasonable expectation of privacy for a
I. Privacy Issues                          post she made on her page, despite the     Employers should check with
Social media and electronic                fact that her MySpace page identified      counsel to determine the parameters
communications raise unique issues         her by first name only and that she        of protection of the common law
for workplace privacy. Employees in        deleted the post after six days.6 Some     and state constitutions where they
the U.S. may derive privacy rights         social media sites, however, allow         do business. In addition, some
from an array of federal and state         users to restrict access to information    states require employers to provide
laws. This section provides examples       to a select group of individuals or use    notice to employees who are under
of these laws, which include common-       password protection. Under these           electronic monitoring.10 Employers
law privacy rights, state constitutional   circumstances, at least one court has      should therefore have a clear policy
rights, and statutory restrictions.        suggested that an employee may have a      about electronic monitoring.
                                           reasonable expectation of the privacy of
A. Common Law and State                                                               B. Statutory Privacy Protections
                                           the communications or information.7
Constitutional Privacy Protections
                                                                                      Employees’ electronic
Most states permit common-law              Second, a court is likely to give
                                                                                      communications may also trigger
claims for invasion of privacy, and        employee handbooks and company
                                                                                      statutory privacy protections.
some states, such as California, also      policies weight in determining
                                                                                      Electronic and wire communications
provide constitutional privacy rights      whether an employee had a
                                                                                      are subject to a variety of laws,
that may apply to private-sector           reasonable expectation of privacy.
                                           This is particularly the case when         including the Federal Wiretap Act,
employers. These legal theories
                                           a handbook clearly states that             the Stored Communications Act
consider whether the individual
had a reasonable expectation of            company property is not for private        (“SCA”),11 and state surveillance
privacy and whether there was a            use, and that the company may              and wiretap statutes. The most
serious or offensive invasion of that      monitor employee e-mail and                common cause of action for social
expectation of privacy. From an            computer usage. 8 These decisions          media–related claims has been the
employer’s perspective in monitoring       underscore the importance of               Stored Communications Act (SCA).
social media use, a key factor is          adopting a social media and                The SCA prohibits the knowing or
whether employees have a reasonable        electronic communications                  intentional unauthorized access to “a
expectation of privacy in their social     policy. Employers should note,             facility through which an electronic
media communications. Employees’           however, that a court may consider
                                                                                      communication service is provided.”12
reasonable expectations of privacy         management’s practices as well
                                                                                      Practically speaking, this includes
may be affected by both the nature         as company policy. In Quon v.
                                                                                      unauthorized access to a password-
of the social media communication          City of Ontario, the Ninth Circuit
                                                                                      protected e-mail account or social
                                           found that a manager’s informal
and the employer’s electronic                                                         networking group. State statutes
                                           promise about privacy created a
communications policy.
                                           reasonable expectation of privacy,         covering electronic communications
First, many social media sites make        notwithstanding a written policy           and wiretaps also exist, so employers
user content available to the public.      that reserved the employer’s rights        should consult with counsel
Typically, employees do not have a         to monitor.9 The U.S. Supreme              concerning all of the surveillance laws
reasonable expectation of privacy for      Court recently granted certiorari on       to which they may be subject.

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The SCA permits a person to                access to a website because, while he     so employers should consult with
authorize a third party’s access to        was on a list of people allowed access,   counsel if they operate in a state
stored electronic communications if        there was no evidence that he had         with an off-duty conduct statute.
(i) the person is the provider of the      actually logged in to the website.16      Generally, however, these statutes
service, or (ii) the person is a user of   Moreover, the consequences of a           restrict an employer’s ability to
the service and the communication          SCA violation can be serious. The         discipline employees for engaging
is from or intended for that user.  13     statute creates criminal liability for    in legal activities while not at work.
Accordingly, the SCA usually               intentional unauthorized access and       In the social media context, these
allows an employer to access stored        courts may allow recovery of punitive     statutes may, for example, limit an
communications located on its              damages and attorney fees without         employer’s ability to terminate an
own systems. In comparison, the            a showing of actual damages.17            employee who posts photographs
SCA limits an employer’s ability to        State statutes may contain similar        of himself drinking alcohol and
access stored communications that          restrictions and penalties.               smoking tobacco.
are maintained by a third-party
                                           II. Protections Based                     New York’s off-duty conduct
service provider, without the user’s       on the Substance of the                   restricts employers’ ability to
authorization.14 In theory, therefore,     Communication
                                                                                     take adverse employment action
an employee could authorize a              In addition to privacy                    (including hiring, pay, workplace
supervisor to access a password-           considerations, employers setting         conditions, and termination) against
protected third-party social media         a social media policy should also         employees engaged in recreational
site, such as by providing his or          consider laws that protect the            activities.19 The statute contains
her login information. In practice,        substance of employees’ online            exceptions, such as restrictions based
however, employers must exercise           conduct. It will surprise some            on conflicts with the employer’s
caution with this exception. A jury        employers to learn that, even in a        business interests. In application,
recently found that an employer            state with at-will employment, there      courts have taken a fairly limited
violated the SCA by accessing a            may be restrictions on disciplining       view of what constitutes a
restricted-access employee chat group      employees for their comments and          “recreational activity.” For example,
on MySpace, using an employee’s            actions. For example, in some             courts have found romantic
login information. The jury                states employers are restricted in        relationships 20 and picketing 21 not
rejected the employer’s argument           disciplining employees for their legal    entitled to protection.
that the employee had authorized           conduct outside the workplace. In
her managers to access the chat            addition, employers need to carefully     Colorado’s off-duty conduct statute
group, following the employee’s            approach statements regarding             is slightly narrower than New
testimony that she felt she “had” to       workplace conditions or the terms of      York’s version, as the Colorado
give management her password to a          employment, even if they are critical     statute only protects employees from
private MySpace group and that she         of the company.                           termination. The Colorado statute
thought she “probably would have                                                     also provides three exceptions for:
gotten in trouble” if she did not turn     A. Off-Duty Conduct Statutes              (i) restrictions relating to a bona
over the password.  15
                         Additionally,     Some states, including Colorado and       fide occupational qualification; (ii)
courts have interpreted this exception     New York, have enacted legislation        restrictions relating to employment
narrowly. For example, the Ninth           to protect employees’ conduct             activities of a particular employee
Circuit concluded that an employee         outside the workplace.18 These            or group of employees rather than
was not a “user” who could authorize       statutes vary in scope and effect,        all employees; and (iii) restrictions

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necessary to avoid a conflict of         B. National Labor Relations Act          report wrongdoing within their
interest or the appearance of a          In addition to legal off-site conduct,   employer company. For example,
conflict of interest with employees’     employees’ communications                both the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and
responsibilities. 22 In Marsh v. Delta   regarding the terms and conditions       OSHA protect whistleblowing
Air Lines, a Colorado U.S. District      of employment may enjoy legal            employees.29 Many states have
Court found that an implied duty         protection. The National Labor           also enacted protections for
of loyalty with regard to public         Relations Act (“NLR A”) protects         whistleblowers. Courts have not
communications was a bona fide           employees involved in unions and         clearly established that whistleblower
occupational qualification under         collective bargaining. In addition,      protections apply to social media,
the statute. 23 The court then           the NLR A gives employees the            and it is not certain that a social
concluded that an employee’s letter                                               media communication satisfies some
                                         right to “engage in other concerted
in a local newspaper, criticizing                                                 statutes’ requirements to assist in an
                                         activities for the purpose of
Delta’s customer service, breached                                                investigation. Nonetheless, employers
                                         collective bargaining or other
his duty of loyalty and that the                                                  should take whistleblower protections
                                         mutual aid or protection.”25 This
off-duty conduct statute did not                                                  into account when creating a social
                                         does not mean, however, that
protect him from termination. But                                                 media policy. This will also provide
                                         employees have carte blanche to
it is insufficient to assume that an                                              a good opportunity for assessing
                                         criticize an employer under the
employee may be terminated for                                                    internal reporting systems and
                                         NLR A. Generally, the independent
off-site comments that relate to his                                              reminding employees about the
                                         actions of a single employee are
or her employment. A Colorado                                                     proper ways to raise their concerns.
                                         not considered concerted activity,
appellate court recently questioned
                                         unless he or she is attempting to        Additionally, federal and state anti-
Marsh’s precedential value and
                                         enlist other employees, or is acting     discrimination laws may restrict
read the off-duty conduct statute
                                         based on prior concerted activity. 26    an employer’s ability to discipline
to protect an employee complaint
                                         The employee’s actions must also         employees for communications
about workplace safety made to
                                         relate to the terms and conditions       that could be viewed as complaints
OSHA on the employee’s personal
                                         of employment. 27 Additionally,          of discrimination. For instance,
time. 24 Colorado employers could
                                         egregious or profane statements not      Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
try to avoid this uncertainty by
                                         made “in the heat of discussion” may     of 1964 makes it “an unlawful
establishing a handbook policy that
                                         not be protected, even if the conduct    employment practice for an employer
employees owe the company a duty
                                         occurred in the course of otherwise      to discriminate against any of his
of loyalty.
                                         protected activity. 28 Even with these   employees . . . (1) because he has
If an employer does business in          qualifications, it is conceivable that   opposed any practice made an
a state with an off-duty conduct         an employee’s communications about       unlawful employment practice by
statute, it should work with             working conditions or a difficult        this subchapter, or (2) because he
counsel to ensure its approach           manager could become concerted           has made a charge, testified, assisted,
to social media and electronic           activity, particularly if the employee   or participated in any manner in
communications does not conflict         directs these communications at          an investigation, proceeding, or
with applicable law. It should           other employees.                         hearing under this subchapter.”30
also discuss any specific concerns                                                The Supreme Court recently
about off-site conduct in order to       C. Whistleblowing and Retaliation        construed “oppose” broadly to
determine if statutory exceptions        A patchwork of federal and state         include actions beyond active or
could apply.                             statutes protects employees who          consistent behavior.31 Under this

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broad definition, it is possible that      policy.34 The court found that the        employers should clearly delineate
making a complaint through social          attorney-client privilege outweighed      what type of conduct is permitted.
media could constitute opposition. It      the company’s stated policy that          An effective social media program
is therefore important that employers      e-mail is not private. The court then     will take a two-pronged approach
take seriously any comments related        concluded the law firm’s review of        that covers both written policy and
to the treatment of a protected            the e-mail was “inconsistent with”        management training.
class, regardless of the form of the       state ethical rules and remanded
                                                                                      First, employers should adopt
communication.                             for consideration of sanctions and
                                                                                      written policies governing electronic
                                           disqualification. Stengart is in
D. Wrongful Termination                                                               communications and ensure that
                                           the process of appeal to the New
                                                                                      employees and management observe
Similar to Fourth Amendment                Jersey Supreme Court, and has been
                                                                                      the policies in practice. Having a
unreasonable search concerns, private      distinguished by the employee’s use
                                                                                      written policy is important not only
employers typically do not confront        of a personal, rather than corporate,      because it can help shape employee
First Amendment freedom of speech          e-mail service.35 It serves, however, as conduct, but also because courts
issues. Some courts, however,              an important reminder that attorneys       afford employer policies weight in
have considered whether the First          should be familiar with applicable         a common-law privacy analysis.
Amendment, or similar rights in            ethical rules, particularly for new        The substance of an electronic
state constitutions, might create a        issues like electronic communications. communications or social media
clear mandate of public policy for
                                                                                      policy should take the employer’s
wrongful termination torts against         III. Employer Policies
                                                                                      organization needs into account. For
private employers. 32 In addition, state   In order to mitigate the risk of liability employers that value confidentiality,
statutes may specifically create a cause   under the laws discussed above, it is      adopting a bright-line prohibition
of action against private employers        important that an employer adopt           of social media communications
for disciplining employees’ exercise of    a cohesive approach to social media        related to the employer’s business may
First Amendment rights.33                  communications. This approach will         sound appealing. This approach,
                                           need to be tailored to the applicable      however, could run afoul of the
E. Attorney-Client Privilege               laws and the nature of the employer’s      National Labor Relations Act, state
If a dispute over an employee’s online     organization, as well as the employer’s off-duty conduct statutes, and
activities ends in litigation, counsel     specific concerns about social media.      whistleblower or anti-retaliation
should exercise caution in reviewing       For example, some organizations may        protections. The better approach is
employee electronic communications.        be concerned about their public image, to urge employees to separate their
An employee’s communications with          while others will want to prevent the      personal and professional digital
a personal attorney may be privileged      inadvertent disclosure of confidential     lives. For example, an employer
even if they were made using company       information. Additionally, social          could consider restricting the use of
property. In Stengart v. Loving Care       media may be an asset to sales and         personally-owned technology at work
Agency, Inc., a New Jersey appellate       client-oriented businesses, as it          and prohibiting the use of company-
court recently held that an employee’s     allows employees to keep in contact        owned equipment for social media.
e-mails with her attorney, made            with potential customers. For such         Employers should also clearly explain
using a web-based e-mail account           employees, companies can encourage         that employees are prohibited from
on a company computer, remained            the use of social networking sites with sharing any confidential information,
privileged even in the presence of a       a professional, rather than social,        whether through social media or
company electronic communications          emphasis. Even in these situations,        otherwise. Additionally, an electronic

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communications and social media            communications, companies that                       Local%20Assets/Documents/us_2009_
policy should explain that the             involve themselves or their employees
                                                                                                Id. at 5.
employer reserves and exercises the        in social media face additional                 5
                                                                                                Laws regulating this area also vary
right to monitor all communications        considerations. Notably, the Federal                 significantly in foreign jurisdictions, such as
made using company property. The           Trade Commission recently updated                    European Union Member States.

policy should also remind employees
                                                                                                See, e.g., Moreno v. Hartford Sentinel, Inc.,
                                           its Guides Concerning the Use of
                                                                                                172 Cal. App. 4th 1125 (Cal. Ct. App.
that they are subject to discipline        Endorsements and Testimonials.                       2009).
for inappropriate electronic               The updated standards provide                   7
                                                                                                See Pietrylo v. Hillstone Rest. Group, 2008
communications. Importantly,                                                                    U.S. Dist. LEXIS 108834, at *17-20
                                           that material connections between                    (D.N.J. Jul. 24, 2008).
employers should offer training to         endorsers and advertisers must be               8
                                                                                                The Seventh Circuit held that when an
employees on the appropriate use of        disclosed, and specifically apply this               employer “announced that it could inspect
                                                                                                the laptops that it furnished for the use of
social media under this policy.            rule to social media.36 This rule may                its employees,” an employee could have no
                                           affect employees’ personal social                    reasonable expectation of privacy under the
Second, employers should train                                                                  Fourth Amendment for files on the laptop.
                                           media use, such as blogs. Among                      Muick v. Glenayre Elecs., 280 F.3d 741,
supervisors and managers on how
                                           other safeguards, employers should                   743 (7th Cir. 2002). Some district courts
to handle social media issues. To                                                               reached a similar conclusion for common-
                                           be clear that employees must identify                law invasion of privacy claims. See, e.g.,
date, the bulk of litigation over
                                           themselves as such if they comment                   Thygeson v. U.S. Bancorp, 2004 U.S. Dist.
employee social media use has                                                                   LEXIS 18863, at *68-70 (D. Or. Sept. 15,
                                           on a company-related issue and state                 2004).
focused on management’s conduct,
                                           that they are expressing only their             9
                                                                                                See Quon v. City of Ontario, 529 F.3d 892,
rather than the substance of the                                                                897 (9th Cir. 2008), cert. granted, 2009
                                           own views. Employers involved in
employees’ communications. This                                                                 U.S. LEXIS 9058 (U.S. Dec. 14, 2009).
                                           social media should also consider
training should include instruction                                                        10
                                                                                                For example, some states like Delaware
on handling privacy issues related to      compliance with securities laws,                     and Connecticut require employers to give
                                                                                                notice to employees who will be subject to
employee use of technology. While          including Regulation Fair Disclosure,                electronic monitoring. See Conn. Gen. Stat.

a written social media and electronic      which governs disclosure of material                 § 31-48d; 19 Del. C. § 705.

                                           nonpublic information, and the
                                                                                                The Wiretap Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2510 et seq.,
communications policy may change                                                                is more formally referred to as the Electronic
employees’ reasonable expectations of      applicability of safe harbor protections             Communications Privacy Act (“ECPA”).
                                           for forward-looking information.                     The Stored Communications Act is codified
privacy, it may not affect less flexible                                                        at 18 U.S.C. § 2701 et seq. A violation
laws like the Stored Communications                                                             of the ECPA, unlike an SCA violation,
                                           Though the law in this area may be                   requires “interception” of the contents of a
Act. Employers should therefore                                                                 communication contemporaneous with the
                                           unsettled, there are no signs that the
instruct managers to contact human                                                              communication. See Konop v. Hawaiian
                                           growth of social media is waning.                    Airlines, Inc., 302 F.3d 868, 878-79 (9th
resources or legal counsel before                                                               Cir. 2002). The ECPA is therefore a
                                           By adopting a plan for handling
attempting to gain access to non-                                                               less likely cause of action for employer
                                           social media, employers will be able                 monitoring of social media, which typically
public employee communications.                                                                 involves accessing stored information.
                                           to handle emerging personnel issues
Employers should also consider                                                                  However, if the employer is engaged in
                                           efficiently, consistently, and legally.              “real-time” interception or monitoring of
training management to treat                                                                    an employee’s postings or other electronic
employees’ work-related social media                                                            communications, employers must consider
                                                                                                limitations under the ECPA as well.
comments with the same seriousness         1
                                               Facebook, Facebook: Timeline, http://www.   12
                                                                                                18 U.S.C. §§ 2701, 2707.
as workplace complaints.
                                               press/info.php?timeline.                    13
                                                                                                18 U.S.C. § 2701(c)(2).

Finally, while this alert addresses
                                               Id.                                         14
                                                                                                This issue arose in Quon v. Arch Wireless,
                                                                                                in which the Ninth Circuit determined
                                               Deloitte LLP, 2009 Ethics & Workplace
employer monitoring of                                                                          that the SCA did not allow an employer to
                                               Survey Results at 2 (2009), http://www.
employees’ personal social media                                                                receive the content of text messages sent by

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                                                                    its employees through a third-party pager service—even though the employer paid for that service. See
                                                                    592 F.3d 892.
This newsletter addresses recent employment law devel-         15
                                                                    See Pietrylo v. Hillstone Rest. Group, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 108834, at *8-10 (D.N.J. Jul. 24, 2008).
opments. Because of its generality, the information
provided herein may not be applicable in all situations
                                                                    Konop, 302 F.3d at 880.
and should not be acted upon without specific legal
advice based on particular situations.
                                                                    Van Alstyne v. Elec. Scriptorium, Ltd., 560 F.3d 199, 209 (4th Cir. 2009).
                                                                    California has also enacted an off-duty conduct statute. The statute is broadly worded and authorizes
Editor: Lloyd W. Aubry, Jr., (415) 268-6558
                                                                    the Labor Commissioner to assert “[c]laims for loss of wages as the result of demotion, suspension, or
San Francisco                                                       discharge from employment for lawful conduct occurring during nonworking hours away from the
Lloyd W. Aubry, Jr.                       (415) 268-6558            employer’s premises.” Cal. Lab. Code § 96(k). California courts, however, have limited this provision
                                       laubry@mofo.com              to “recognized constitutional rights,” in essence concluding that it does not contain substantive
James E. Boddy, Jr.                      (415) 268-7081             protection beyond existing law. Barbee v. Household Auto. Fin. Corp., 113 Cal. App. 4th 525, 534 (Cal.
                                      jboddy@mofo.com               Ct. App. 2003).
Karen Kubin                              (415) 268-6168
                                      kkubin@mofo.com          19
                                                                    N.Y. Lab. Law § 201-d.
Linda E. Shostak                         (415) 268-7202
                                                                    State v. Wal-Mart Stores, 207 A.D.2d 150 (N.Y. App. Div. 3d Dep’t 1995).
Eric A. Tate                              (415) 268-6915       21
                                                                    Kolb v. Camilleri, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 59549 (W.D.N.Y. Aug. 1, 2008) (decision of magistrate
Palo Alto
-----------------------------------------------------------    22
                                                                    C.R.S. 24-34-402.5(1).
Christine E. Lyon                         (650) 813-5770
                                        clyon@mofo.com         23
                                                                    Marsh v. Delta Airlines, 952 F. Supp. 1458, 1462-63 (D. Colo. 1997); but see Watson v. Pub. Serv. Co.,
Joshua Gordon                             (650) 813-5671            207 P.3d 860, 864 (Colo. Ct. App. 2008) (noting no Colorado court of appeals has adopted Marsh),
                                      jgordon@mofo.com              cert. denied, 2009 Colo. LEXIS 436 (Colo. 2009).
David J. Murphy                         (650) 813-5945
                                    dmurphy@mofo.com           24
                                                                    Watson, 207 P.3d at 864.
Raymond L. Wheeler                       (650) 813-5656
                                                                    29 U.S.C. § 157.
Tom E. Wilson                            (650) 813-5604        26
                                                                    See generally NLRB v. Mike Yurosek & Son, 53 F.3d 261, 264-66 (9th Cir. 1995).
                                                                    Id. at 266-67.
Los Angeles
Timothy F. Ryan                           (213) 892-5388
                                                                    See Media Gen. Operations, Inc. v. NLRB, 560 F.3d 181, 186 (4th Cir. 2009); see also Timpte, Inc. v.
                                        tryan@mofo.com              NLRB, 590 F.2d 871 (10th Cir. 1979).
Janie F. Schulman                        (213) 892-5393
                                                                    18 U.S.C. § 1514A; 29 U.S.C. § 660.
New York                                                       30
                                                                    42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a).
Miriam H. Wugmeister                  (212) 506-7213           31
                                                                    Crawford v. Metro. Gov’t of Nashville & Davidson County, 129 S. Ct. 846, 851 (U.S. 2009).

Washington, D.C./Northern Virginia
                                                                    Courts in California and some other states have rejected private-sector wrongful discharge claims based
------------------------------------------------------------        on public policy of the First Amendment. See, e.g., Grinzi v. San Diego Hospice Corp., 120 Cal. App.
Daniel P. Westman                       (703) 760-7795
                                   dwestman@mofo.com                4th 72, 83 (Cal. Ct. App. 2004). The Third Circuit, however, recognized a tort for wrongful discharge
                                                                    in violation of public policy set by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Pennsylvania
San Diego                                                           Constitution. Novosel v. Nationwide Ins. Co., 721 F.2d 894, 900 (3d Cir. 1983). Other courts have
Craig A. Schloss                          (858) 720-5134            questioned whether Novosel remains good law. See, e.g., Tiernan v. Charleston Area Med. Ctr., Inc., 506
                                                                    S.E.2d 578, 588-90 (W. Va. 1998); Grinzi, 120 Cal. App. 4th at 83.
------------------------------------------------------------   33
                                                                    See Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 31-51q.
Steven M. Kaufmann                      (303) 592-2236
                                  skaufmann@mofo.com           34
                                                                    Stengart v. Loving Care Agency, 408 N.J. Super. 54, 61 (App. Div. 2009).
London                                                         35
                                                                    Alamar Ranch, LLC v. County of Boise, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 101866 (D. Idaho Nov. 2,
Ann Bevitt                              44-20-7896-5841             2009) (finding attorney-client communications made using company e-mail, with an electronic
                                                                    communications policy in place, not privileged).
                                                                    For more information on the updated Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials,
                                                                    see our legal update at http://www.mofo.com/news/updates/files/16050.html.


 If you wish to change an address, add a subscriber, or
      comment on this newsletter, please write to:
                   Wende Arrollado
               Morrison & Foerster LLP
          12531 High Bluff Drive, Suite 100                                                                                   John R. Lanham is an associate in our
             San Diego, California 92130
                 warrollado@mofo.com                                                                                          Denver office and can be reached at
                   www.mofo.com                                                                                               (303) 592-2278 and jlanham@mofo.com.
    ©2010 Morrison & Foerster LLP. All Rights Reserved.

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