Page created by Diana Stephens

                                BIM - Digitising Construction Beyond 2020
                                            How BIM is Shaping the Malaysian
                                                        Construction Industry

                                                 A Worthwhile Endeavour
                                      A Lifelong Passion in Quantity Surveying

                                                               Covid-19 Bill
                                       Implications for the Construction Sector

                                              Dealing with Non-Certified
                                                        Steel Wire Mesh
                                                             Why this is Illegal

                                                                 ISSN 2637-0816
  E ditorial M essage

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Excellence in 2021                                                                heights-majalah-cidb

Close to a year has passed since the Covid-19 pandemic shook and changed
the world as we know it. Whether we like it or not, we have been forced to
adjust to the "new normal" in the way we conduct our business and lives.
This issue addresses the one question that remains: What can the construction     EDITORIAL BOARD
industry do to thrive during and after the pandemic?
The answer is to embrace and adopt technology as soon as possible so that         CIDB Malaysia
the industry can immunise itself against unprecedented events in the future       Corporate Communication Division
as it becomes more adaptable and agile. Technology, especially the ones           Level 25, Menara Dato’ Onn,
that promote remote collaboration, will help us sail through the new              Putra World Trade Centre
                                                                                  No. 45, Jalan Tun Ismail,
construction processes that have emerged from this outbreak.
                                                                                  50490 Kuala Lumpur

Through the advent of technology, CIDB Malaysia was able to host the very         Produced and Printed for CIDB
first CR 4.0 conference held in conjunction with the International Construction   by:
Week (ICW) 2020 and ASEAN Super 8 Virtual Connect, which forms our Cover
Story. The pages within also talk about the latest updates on myBIM Centre        MPH Group Printing (M) Sdn
and Parcel F, one of the BIM success stories in the nation. We also featured      Bhd (142270-H)
the highly esteemed Dato’ Sr. Sri Kandan, whose long and illustrious career       No. 31, Jalan 2/148A,
in Quantity Surveying has been an inspiration to many. I hope that these          Taman Sungai Besi Industrial Park,
write-ups will ignite the “can-do” spark within us to learn, grow and drive       57100 Kuala Lumpur
towards construction excellence in 2021 and beyond.

Happy new year from all of us at CIDB Malaysia!

Datuk Ir. Ahmad 'Asri Abdul Hamid
Chief Executive, CIDB Malaysia
     14   4 Global News
            Global Headlines
            Interesting updates on the
            construction industry worldwide

          8 Cover Story
            This year’s ICW 2020 and CR 4.0
            mark the first landmark event
            participants will remember for a
            long time

          14 Special Feature

     19      BIM - Digitising
             Beyond 2020
            How BIM is Shaping the
            Malaysian Construction Industry

          19 BIMming with Triumph
            Parcel F is a testament of a BIM
            success story

          24 Benefits of BIM
             Software in the
             Architecture and
             Construction Industry
            Collaboration is the Name of
            the Game

          29 Career
             A Worthwhile
            A Lifelong Passion in Quantity
24                                                                          47 Noise Hazards
                                                                              How you can protect yourself

                                                                            50 Infographics
                                                                               CIDB Enforcement in
                                                                              Enforcement activities & actions
                                                                              taken (Jan – September 2020)

                                                                            51 Community
                                                                               Avenue South
                                                                              World’s Tallest Prefab Towers to
                                                                              Stand in Singapore but
                                                                              Constructed in Malaysia

                                                                            53 MyMudah
                                                                              No More Delays with Speedier
                                                                              Approval of CCC

                                                                            55 PenjanaKerjaya
                                                                              Enhances Career Prospects
                                                                              – For Free

34 Showcase                             42 Taiwan Industries
   HSL Tower                               Propose Anti-Dumping
   Sarawak’s First Private GBI Office      Duties on Tiles
                                           Imported from
38 Opinion                                 Malaysia
   Covid-19 Bill                          Pre-emptive Action is Required,
   Implications for the                   says MATRADE
   Construction Sector

                                        44 Dealing with Non-
                                           Certified Steel
                                           Wire Mesh
                                          Why this is Illegal
GLOBAL NEWS                                                                                                        4

      Resorts World Sentosa

Genting Singapore Confirms Delays to Resorts
World Sentosa 2.0
Genting Singapore reported slowdowns in the US$ 4.5          RWS 2.0 would increase the gross floor area of Resorts
billion expansion of Resorts World Sentosa (RWS 2.0)         World Sentosa’s leisure and entertainment space by
and disclosed that the project was disrupted due to          50 percent with an additional 164,000 square metres.
construction delays caused by COVID-19.
                                                             The Maritime Experiential Museum would be taken over
The group is working closely with the government on          by the S.E.A. Aquarium expansion and rebranded as the
the mega-expansion plan, but the timing of RWS 2.0           Singapore Oceanarium, where the public can enjoy
will be affected by the disruption of the construction       displays of marine life and learn from exhibits of
industry and the global supply chain triggered by            prehistoric sea creatures.
                                                             The enhanced waterfront promenade will boast of two
It was also delayed due to the design changes needed         hotels, and more dining and lifestyle experiences
to adapt to the health and safety requirements of the        including a multi-purpose zone for festivals and events.
post-coronavirus environment.
                                                             Resorts World Sentosa current attractions include
The affected construction contracts include an               Universal Studios Singapore, Adventure Cove Waterpark
attraction called ‘Once a Pirate’ as well as the extension   and Dolphin Island.
of Universal Studios Singapore’s two new attractions
- Minion Park and Super Nintendo World.                      Genting Malaysia Bhd also recently confirmed the delay
                                                             of Genting SkyWorlds’ opening, from Q4 2020 to Q2
Genting Singapore did not disclose how long the              2021. The outdoor theme park in Malaysia, which will
construction delays would be, although RWS 2.0 was           feature 20th Century Fox attractions, is a year behind
originally slated to be open in phases between 2022          schedule due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
and 2025.
                                                             Source: www.blooloop.com
GLOBAL NEWS                                                                                                                         5

SpaceX Plans Luxury Spaceport-cum-Tourist
Resort in Texas
Elon Musk’s SpaceX company plans to add a hi-tech                  The development of “Super Heavy", a 31-engine reusable
tourist resort to its rocket-making plant in Brownsville,          rocket, is also in the pipeline as it will be used to lift
Texas. The location of the resort will be in the village of        Starship out of the Earth’s gravity well.
Boca Chica, some 19km northeast of Brownsville along
the Gulf of Mexico.                                                The massive development plans will involve demolishing
                                                                   about 30 structures within Boca Chica Village. Owners
The news was revealed in the company’s job listing for             of these structures were offered three times the market
a resort manager that underlines SpaceX’s commitment               value of their properties to sweeten the deal and
to develop the town into a 21st-century spaceport. “We             encourage them to move.
are looking for a talented resort development manager
to oversee the development of SpaceX's first resort from           The main attraction of the resort would be Super Heavy
inception to completion,” the listing stated.                      and Starship, which would be 120cm tall together on the
                                                                   launch pad, approximately as tall as a 28-storey building.
Currently, Boca Chica Village is the site where the Starship
prototype is being developed. The heavy-lift rocket will           Source: www.globalconstructionreview.com
be used to ferry up to 100 passengers on sightseeing
trips around the moon. Passengers can bask in the
luxurious resort before and after the trip.

                                                    SpaceX’s Starship prototype next to a Falcon 1 rocket in Brownsville (SpaceX)
GLOBAL NEWS                                                                                                                         6

      The LafargeHolcim-IBM Services digital platform is aimed at optimising road design

LafargeHolcim and IBM Create Digital Platform
to Reduce Road Building Costs
Swiss-based cement maker LafargeHolcim is working                         Marcel Cobuz, LafargeHolcim’s head of Europe, said the
with IBM Services to create a digital platform aimed at                   company had already entered into pilot projects with
optimising road design.                                                   road authorities, international financing institutions and
                                                                          engineering firms around the world.
The ORIS tool is expected to reduce project costs by up
to one-third, and carbon emissions by half, as well as                    Hervé Rolland, IBM’s vice president of industrial solutions,
tripling the service life of the road. With an average of                 said, “Data-driven solutions and digital technologies
700,000 kilometres (435,000 miles) of new roads being                     have the potential to transform road construction towards
built globally every year, the impact of this tool is                     more sustainable, circular, low-carbon, low-resource
potentially significant.                                                  and cost-efficient techniques".

It can be a complex challenge to pinpoint the most                        “ORIS is instrumental in recommending appropriate
sustainable and cost-effective mix of building materials                  and tailored approaches to road-building, thus
and technologies early in the design phase as roads                       minimising costs, environmental impacts and project
vary depending on location, climate, vehicle types and                    delays,” said Rolland.
traffic volumes. ORIS assesses the most efficient
construction and maintenance patterns, given the                          Source: www.lafargeholcim.com
availability and capability of local materials.
GLOBAL NEWS                                                                                                                         7

China Plans US$68bn Transport Spend to Boost
Growth in Pearl River Delta
China is planning to spend US$68bn on improvements                      Guo Wanda, executive vice-president of Shenzhen think
to its rail network in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong,               tank the China Development Institute, said, “There are
Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau.                                          still too few railway lines between cities; it’s inconvenient
                                                                        to switch from railways to subways, and other services,
The Intercity Railway Construction Plan was recently                    such as ticketing and road signs, are not integrated.”
a p p rove d by C h i n a’s N a t i o n a l D eve l o p m e n t a n d
Reform Commission. The plan will encapsulate the                        Currently, the Pearl Delta cities have a combined GDP
construction of 13 rail lines between five hubs, linking                of around US$1.5 trillion, approximately equal to South
the special administrative regions with nine cities in                  Korea. The government aims to reach a GDP of US$4.6
Guangdong to form a more integrated economic unit.                      trillion by 2030.

New lines to be launched before 2022 include the                        The plan also aims to balance out economic development
Shenzhen Airport to Daya Bay Intercity line, a link                     across the region. Presently, the eastern part of the delta
between Shenzhen Airport and Pingshan, the Guangqing                    is thriving economically. The improved transportation
Intercity North Extension line and the Guangzhou East                   is hoped to increase economic growth in the less
Railway Station renovation project.                                     developed western areas across the delta, specifically
                                                                        the Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Jiangmen clusters.
The new lines will bring the total rail network of the
region, both existing and under construction, to 4,700km                The nine cities of Guangdong are, in order of population
by 2025. The plan aims to reduce hub-to-hub travel                      size, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Dongguan,
times between any two major cities in the network to                    Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Huizhou and Zhaoqing.
less than an hour.
                                                                        The plan also benefits the government politically in
Compared to the city-to-city model, the hub-based                       terms of closely integrating Hong Kong and Macau into
transport design is better since it makes it easier for                 the Guangdong region.
passengers to switch between intercity rail systems,
airports and city-region transport networks.                            Source: www.globalconstructionreview.com

                                                                                              The Pearl River in Guangzhou, China
COVER STORY                                                                                                       8

      Construction Week 2020
             (ICW 2020)

This year’s ICW 2020 is a landmark occasion that construction industry players will
remember for a long time.

The Covid-19 pandemic may have           events are aimed to provide a forum     ASEAN Super 8 Virtual Connect,
wreaked havoc in every aspect of         to encourage discussions among          which was held simultaneously
life as we know it. But thanks to the    digital construction leaders in order   with ICW 2020. CIDB Malaysia
marvels of technology and digital        to revolutionise the industry.          with its subsidiaries, namely, CIDB
innovation, and resilience of the                                                Holdings, CIDB Technologies Sdn
organisers and participants, the         Aptly themed ‘Embracing                 Bhd, ABM, CIDB E-Construction
show can still go on.                    Construction Revolution’, ICW           Services Sdn Bhd, CREAM,
                                         2020 will equip the construction        Construction Labour Exchange
The International Construction           sector with the right technologies      Centre Berhad and CIDB IBS Sdn
Week 2020 (ICW 2020) and ASEAN           and reduce reliance on low-skilled      Bhd, occupied a dedicated CIDB
Super 8 Virtual Connect, which           labour with low productivity, as        Pavilion there.
were initially scheduled to take         emphasised by Senior Minister of
place earlier this year, were held       Works Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Haji      Touted as Southeast-Asia’s most
on 17 to 19 November 2020 on a           Yusof in his opening speech when        exciting and extensive virtual
totally virtual platform for the first   officiating the event.                  exhibition for the built environment,
time in 22 years. Organised by CIDB                                              ASEAN Super 8 Virtual Connect
Malaysia in collaboration with the       Thirty exhibitors showcased their       aspired to digitally connect global
Ministry of Works Malaysia (KKR),        products, technologies and shared       built environment industry players
ICW2020 and ASEAN Super8, the            their industry best practices in        with real-time trade opportunities.
COVER STORY                                                                                          9

CR4.0 Conference 2020 —                 event aimed to introduce new
Maximizing Value Through                digital technologies, experts who
Innovation                              shared best practices in improving
A significant component of              productivity and sustainability,         Technology has
the annual ICW, Construction            and in redefining the skills and
                                                                                  now taken its
Revolution 4.0 Conference 2020          competencies needed to thrive
(CR4.0 Conference 2020) offers a        in the construction industry. A            place at the
platform where all construction         variety of speakers from across           forefront and
                                        the industry, ranging from
players can gather and network —                                               centre of our lives,
albeit virtually this year.             industry players, regulators, and
                                        government agencies logged onto           becoming the
“This is the new normal. Something      Zoom to share their experiences          critical enabler.
none of us expected to see              on Industrialised Building Systems          Embracing
and experience in our lifetime.         (IBS), the game-changing National
                                        Building Information Modeling (BIM)
                                                                                technology is no
Technology has now taken its place
at the forefront and centre of our      e-Submission, and building and          longer an option.
lives, becoming the critical enabler.   infrastructure technologies.             We are to either
Embracing technology is no longer
                                        Datuk ‘Asri stressed that
                                                                                embrace it, or be
an option. We are to either embrace
it, or be swept away by the rising      Construction 4.0 represents a new        swept away by
tide,” Datuk Ir. Ahmad ‘Asri Abdul      era of embracing digital technology       the rising tide
Hamid, Chief Executive, CIDB            in construction, including the
Malaysia said in his keynote address.   Internet of Things (IoT), laser
                                        scanning, drones, artificial
With the theme ‘Maximizing Value        intelligence (AI), augmented reality
Through Innovation’, the virtual        (AR) and 3D printing.
COVER STORY                                                                                              10

“As part of our efforts to reduce   The total labour productivity of      under Perbadanan Putrajaya,
dependency on low-skilled foreign   Malaysia in 2019 was RM 93,973        Majlis Perbandaran Kangar
labour, the construction industry   per worker per year, up from          (MPK) and Majlis Bandaraya
must beef up on their practices     RM 92,018 in 2018. Compared to        Melaka Bersejarah (MBMB),
by using more mechanisation         RM44,000 in 2018, the productivity    and two under Majlis Petaling
and digital technology in line      of the construction industry was      Perbandaran Jaya (MBPJ).
with Construction 4.0. Only then    RM45,300 per worker per year,
can they attract the long-term      which is a dismal number. While       Prior to NBeS, it takes at least two
employment of locals,” he added.    the construction industry grew        weeks for a standard building plan
                                    year by year, it is still lagging     to be checked. But with a 3D BIM
                                    behind other major economic           model, the review process may
                                    sectors in the country.               take from one hour and a half to
                                                                          two-and-a-half days, depending on
      The construction              “Under the Construction Industry      the model’s complexity. Thus, the
                                    Transformation Programme (CITP)       NBeS initiative clearly illustrates
        industry must
                                    2016-2020, we set an ambitious        how technology can contribute
      beef up on their              goal to double the productivity       greatly to making business simpler.
     practices by using             rate in the construction industry
             more                   in 2020 compared to the 2011          Embracing the New Normal
                                    productivity of RM24,800. Even        in Construction
       mechanisation                if we still have some ways to go      The onset of the global Covid-19
          and digital               to achieve that aim, we can see       pandemic threw a curveball
     technology in line             that attempts have been made to       on every industry, and the
                                    improve efficiency as a result of     construction industry was not
     with Construction              our continuous efforts to promote     spared. Since April, the country’s
     4.0. Only then can             the use of the Industrialized         borders have been closed and
       they attract the             Building System (IBS) and             many illegal immigrants were
                                    Building Knowledge Modeling           deported to their home countries.
                                    (BIM),” Datuk ‘Asri reported.         As such, the supply of cheap
         employment                                                       unskilled foreign labour is a thing
           of locals                To date, IBS adoption has             of the past, and the old working
                                    increased dramatically from           method of having a huge number
                                    69% in 2016 to 86% in 2019, in all    of workers on construction sites
                                    government projects worth RM10        is no longer feasible.
                                    million or more. The IBS adoption
                                    rate rose from 14% in 2016 to 40%     In addition, physical distancing
Boosting Productivity Levels        in 2019 for private projects worth    needs to be maintained in
with BIM and IBS                    RM50 million or more. “In the         construction sites, offices and
In the past, there has been a lot   meantime, our studies revealed        dormitories as required by the
of resistance from construction     that BIM's adoption rate has          Covid-19 Standard Operating
industry players when it comes      increased from 17% in 2016 to 49%     Procedures (SOPs). This requires
to embracing technology. As a       in 2019,” he divulged.                scheduling and constant
result, the construction industry                                         monitoring to limit the number of
experienced a much lower            In 2017, CIDB launched the            people working at any one time.
productivity when compared          National BIM e-submission (NBeS)      Also, all foreign workers in the
to other economic sectors.          as part of the CITP initiative. The   Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
According to the Malaysia           NBeS Project seeks to digitise        and Putrajaya must undergo
Productivity Corporation (MPC),     the specifications of the Uniform     Covid-19 swab tests before they
National Productivity Report        Building by-Law (UBBL) for            can be allowed to work at the
2020, construction productivity     a more reliable and efficient         construction site. If a positive
has also fallen below the           mechanism for the online building     case is detected, all other workers
country’s overall results.          plan submission, review and           within the same vicinity must also
                                    approval. The NBES pilot project      be tested for Covid-19 and the
                                    included five residential projects    construction site will be closed.
                                    under four local authorities, each
COVER STORY                                                                                               11

“This alone is costing a tremendous   the construction industry moving      necessary to have frequent face-
amount of time and money to the       forward,” he observed.                to-face meetings.” “I hope that
contractors and project owners,”                                            these changes brought about
Datuk ‘Asri surmised.                 Case in point is the use of digital   by the pandemic can open up
                                      project management tools, which       opportunities for local skilled
“On the other side of the coin,       has become critical in these          workers to gain employment in the
the pandemic has become the           times. “The digital platform allows   construction industry,” he shared.
catalyst to speed up digital          project monitoring and status
adoption in all Malaysian sectors,    tracking, and scheduling of tasks     A vast number of people were laid
including construction. Some of       to be done online. In addition, it    off from work since the Movement
the measures taken out of dire        can monitor and track resource        Control Order (MCO). Therefore,
necessity during the lockdown         allocation and budget as well         there is no better time than now
have proven to bear long-lasting      as proper documentation and           to implement a long-term plan for
process improvements. Thus, it is     filing for easy reference,” said      the construction industry to train
likely that many of the changes       Datuk ‘Asri. “With information        and provide job opportunities for
implemented during the lockdown       available on a digital platform       local workers.
will become the new normal in         at your fingertips, it is no longer
COVER STORY                                                                                                        12

      Behind the scenes of CR 4.0 Conference 2020                                     career opportunities for the
                                                                                      local workforce and reduce
                                                                                      dependency on unskilled foreign
                                                                                      labour. As such, a programme
                                                                                      must be put in place to ensure
                                                                                      that the local workforce in
                                                                                      construction industry are
                                                                                      trained in the utilization of
                                                                                      new technologies. Second,
                                                                                      technologies can no longer be
                                                                                      applied in a silo as the digital
                                                                                      solutions applied must be
                                                                                      able to talk to each other and
                                                                                      converge for optimisation and to
                                                                                      support project implementation
“CIDB, through its subsidiary the               • Smart integrated technologies,    • Governance - Strong
Construction Labour Exchange                      innovation and infrastructure       government support is key in
(CLAB) is actively looking for                  • Enhanced business environment       ensuring the success of the
placements of workers and youths                                                      construction 4.0 strategic plan.
who have been trained under                                                           New policies and regulations
various skills trade and have been                                                    needs to be put in place and
accredited by CIDB. We welcome                                                        reviewed regularly.
industry players to contact CLAB                                                    • Economy - The adoption of
if they have vacancies to be filled,”                                                 digital technology is essential in
Datuk ‘Asri said.                                                                     improving business climates and
                                                                                      ultimately, attract investments
Construction 4.0 Strategic                                                            that will drive the country's
Plan 2021-2025                                                                        economy to greater heights.
One highlight of the event was
when Dato’ Sri Fadillah launched                                                    Construction industry players
Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan                                                     will do well to take advantage
2021-2025. The five-year strategic                                                  of the available programmes to
CR4.0 plan promotes the use                                                         enhance adoption of the digital
of emerging technologies to                                                         technologies in the work places.
boost efficiency and the ease
of doing business. The plan is a               Dato’ Sri Fadillah explained         “ICW 2020, ASEAN Super 8
guide for government agencies,                 that the four strategic thrusts      Virtual Connect and the CR 4.0
industry players and academia to               are supported by nine strategic      conference are definitely good
respond to the rapid technological             objectives that comprise specific    launchpads for the industry
developments and identify the                  areas of focus to drive digital      players to share knowledge
best approaches to using them                  transformation in the industry.      on lessons learned and meet
for the betterment of the industry                                                  thinkers of the construction
and nation. This will then propel              That said, the initiatives and       industry, which will shape
Malaysia as one of Southeast Asia’s            programs outlined in the strategic   the landscape and the way
leading countries in implementing              plan can only be successful          we operate in the future. I am
construction 4.0 technologies.                 through the four enablers, namely:   optimistic that the discovery of
                                                • People - Having the right         the latest products and services
The four strategic thrusts of                     people with the right skill       network, and potential strategic
CR4.0 are:                                        sets is critical to achieve       collaboration forged in this
• Capacity development                            transformation                    historic occasion will lead to
• Excellence in research,                       • Integrated technology             countless opportunities towards
  innovation, commercialisation                   - The adoption of new             business enhancements,” Dato’
  and entrepreneurship                            technology will enhance the       Sri Fadillah concluded.

S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                        14

The construction sector is one
of the least digitised industries
in the country. It is still catching
up on digitalising existing
processes that include data                    BIM - Digitising
collection, communication and
collaboration. The digitalisation of
these fundamental processes will

                                                Beyond 2020
not only pave the way to future
implementation of more advanced
technologies, but also enable
construction companies to be more
efficient and remain competitive.              A look at how BIM is shaping the digital future of the
The adoption of building
                                                             construction industry in Malaysia.
information modelling (BIM) is
one of the most effective ways for
companies to make the digital leap.

The Construction Industry
Transformation Programme
2016-2020 (CITP)'s ultimate goal
is to enhance the productivity
of the industry through three
key drivers: the workforce,
technology and processes. CITP
recognises BIM, which was first
introduced to the country in 2015,
as the key technology which, if
widely adopted, will multiply the
productivity of the construction
industry many times over.

"Using BIM in construction is
like building a digital twin of the
physical structure which enables
us to track and manage all facets              Datuk ‘Asri believes the sooner the construction industry players adopt BIM, the faster
                                               they will reap its manifold benefits.
of the project from construction
until operations and maintenance
                                         formulating training syllabuses,                "myBIM Centre is the brainchild
and demolition. This way, a lot
                                         roadshows, mandating industry                   of the National BIM Steering
of construction issues can be
                                         requirements for BIM adoption and               Committee comprising the Ministry
identified virtually and resolved at
                                         the provision of BIM facilities and             of Works, Public Works Department,
no cost," said Datuk Ir. Ahmad ‘Asri
                                         platforms, which include myBIM                  CIDB and industry stakeholders,"
Abdul Hamid, Chief Executive, CIDB
                                         Centre and BIM satellites.                      said Rofizlan Ahmad, CEO of CIDB
Malaysia. "The use of BIM does not
                                                                                         E-Construct Services Sdn. Bhd. the
only transform the productivity
level of a project, it also has a huge
                                         O n e - Sto p B I M Re s o u rce                operator of myBIM Centre.
potential in increasing the ease of
                                         Launched in November 2017, myBIM                "They felt the need to have a
doing business."
                                         Centre located at Sunway Putra                  comprehensive reference centre
                                         is tasked with the mantle of BIM                for BIM where industry players can
Hence, CIDB, through its subsidiary
                                         training and development. The                   obtain pertinent information, software,
CIDB E-Construct Services Sdn
                                         facilities at the country's first one-          training, consultation and data,"
Bhd, has been tirelessly promoting
                                         stop BIM resource centre is said to             Rofizlan added. "My role is to ensure
BIM since 2016. These activities
                                         be the best in the nation and even in           that the centre is operating at its most
include initiatives in education and
                                         the Southeast Asian region to date.             optimum capacity at all times."
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                        15

He is also responsible for pushing
forward myBIM Centre's primary
goal, which is to promote and
encourage construction industry
players to take on BIM.

There are six BIM satellites under
CIDB's purview across the nation
and six other BIM satellites
managed by CIDB's partners. All
of them are equipped to conduct
training, awareness programmes                Rofizlan takes his role in running myBIM Centre and encouraging
                                              construction industry players to take on BIM very seriously
as well as offer BIM adoption
consultancy and advisory services.

"Together with myBIM Centre,
the 12 BIM satellites offer a
platform for industry players to
come together and collaborate
on BIM projects right down to the
organisational level," said Rofizlan.

His team organises round table
discussions with BIM practitioners
in the industry at least twice a
year to discuss issues related
to BIM and what can be done to
expedite the rate of BIM adoption.
This spirit of openness and
collaboration amongst industry
                                              myBIM lab can seat 21 participants in their 5 islands. The setup is compliant with the
players is essential for the                  current SOP for physical distancing
betterment and growth of BIM
adoption rates in the industry.
                                        support to ease the initial financial           of BIM practitioners, such as
Rofizlan admits that the road           outlay of construction companies."              managers, coordinators, modellers
ahead is still long. "It took                                                           for architecture, structure,
AutoCAD (a simple drafting tool in      “However, construction companies                infrastructure and mechanical,
comparison to BIM) a decade to          can take advantage of the quality               electrical and plumbing (MEP).
be adopted by the industry. BIM         training and certification offered by
adoption will take a great deal         myBIM Centre at a fraction of the               "We have recently introduced
longer because it encompasses a         market rate,” he smiled.                        a new course in BIM Facilities
whole ecosystem and culture."                                                           Management, which will elevate
                                        To date, myBIM Centre has trained               the industry to a whole new level.
"We are on the right track but          and certified more than 7,000                   Ultimately, this programme should
more can be done," said Rofizlan.       participants. The Centre aims                   help leverage the stakeholders
"Given that BIM adoption is a costly    to train 1,000 people annually                  in upskilling and developing
endeavour, the government can           through its 12 modules. These                   competencies for the nation-
offer incentives and financial          modules cover all levels                        building industry," said Rofizlan.
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                             16

Revolutionising Digital Design                 already been included in the          submission and approval process
and Marketing                                  final designs. It is a great way to   takes 21 days for normal buildings
myBIM Centre also offers the                   market their products for sure,"      and over 300 days for a complex
National BIM Library (NBL)                     explained Rofizlan.                   skyscraper. NBeS will cut this time
service which helps BIM                                                              to two to 48 hours, depending
practitioners right from drawing               "Essentially, this is the future of   on the file size and complexity
the BIM model to downloading it                construction and manufacturing        of the models, provided that it is
from the NBL platforms.                        design, and we are here to            submitted in the correct native
                                               facilitate the industry's next big    BIM format," he explained.
The Library is structured and                  step into a revolutionary world of
interactive to allow architects,               digital design and marketing."        "The pilot projects among the
consultants, engineers and                                                           selected local authorities have
designers familiar with the layout             Potential Massive                     been successful thus far. Our
of the object library and online               Improvements in                       goal is that by 2021, all city status
portals to quickly find, download              Turnaround Times                      local authorities will require BIM
and use the objects for their 3D               As a provider of fully-integrated     e-submissions through the NBeS
construction design.                           ICT solutions, CIDB E-Construct       platform by its principal submitting
                                               Sdn. Bhd. is in the midst of          person (PSP)," said Rofizlan.
NBL currently holds more than                  developing the National BIM
10,000 objects ranging from IBS                eSubmission (NBeS) for the local
precast and connectors to kitchen              authorities including Petaling Jaya
sinks and medical surgery trays                City Council (MBPJ), Putrajaya                 Construction
from manufacturers that include                Corporation (PjC), Penang City
                                               Council (MBPP) and Kangar
                                                                                            companies can
Hong Leong Manufacturing Group,
Hume Concrete and Sanieuro.                    Municipal Council (MPK).                   take advantage of
Interested users can visit www.                                                           the quality training
mybimlibrary.my for more                       The objective of NBeS is to
                                               facilitate electronic building
                                                                                           and certification
information about this free tool.
                                               plans submission, as well as the            offered by myBIM
Manufacturers are charged a                    checking and approval processes.                Centre at a
minimal fee to upload their                                                                  fraction of the
proprietary objects onto the                   NBeS promises to offer immense
Library. "They will gain the                   benefits to the industry by                    market rate.
advantage of having contractors                massively improving industry
order their materials and products             turnaround time, productivity
because these components have                  and quality. "The traditional

      Endocrine Centre at Putrajaya stands as one of BIM's success stories.
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                17

Moving Forward with BIM
Since 2019, public projects
worth RM100 million and above
are required to use BIM, which
helped in giving it a kickstart.
Rofizlan believes that CIDB's
recommendation for the mandatory
use of BIM in certain private sector
projects by this year will pave the
way to a greater adoption rate.

This will undoubtedly be in line
with the recently announced Public
Works Department (JKR) Strategic
Plan 2021-2025, which has set the
adoption of BIM to reach 50% next
year and 80% by 2025.

Rofizlan lauded the initiatives of
companies like UEM Sunrise that
has adopted BIM since 2017 and
has made BIM mandatory for all of
its high-rise projects.

While BIM can be applied for all
types of projects, Rofizlan states
that highly complexed building
constructions, such as hospitals
and multi-billion projects would
benefit most from BIM as it will
help minimise the variation orders
(VO). The National Cancer Institute,
Endocrine Centre and Parcel F at
Putrajaya, as well as several MRT
stations, proudly stand as BIM
success stories.

"I'm happy to say that myBIM
Centre is on its way to being ISO
9001 certified. Currently, the British
Standards Institution (BSI) has
endorsed 3 out of our 12 modules,
and upon completion, all of our
modules will be internationally
recognised," Rofizlan divulged.
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                               18

                                                                               At present, myBIM Centre is able
                                                                               to hold a maximum of two classes
                                                                               with 40 students at a time. Space
                                                                               expansion is in the pipeline to
                                                                               increase its capacity. The well-
                                                                               appointed facilities include a
                                                                               modern, well-equipped and
                                                                               spacious pantry where students
                                                                               can take breaks in comfort in-
                                                                               between classes.

                                                                               "In addition to local students, we
                                                                               have also received quite a number
                                                                               of students from our neighbours in
                                                                               Southeast Asia including Singapore
                                                                               and Vietnam, who raved about our
                                                                               high quality of training offered at
                                                                               affordable prices at state-of-the-
            Parcel F, which was developed using BIM, was completed in 2019.    art facilities. With our expansion,
                                                                               more students can be trained
                                                                               and equipped as competent BIM
                                                                               professionals to bring our industry
                                                                               to greater heights," he said.

                                                                               "I truly believe that BIM can
                                                                               exponentially grow and will
                                                                               become the new industry culture
                                                                               as soon as the younger generation,
                                                                               who are very comfortable with
                                                                               technology, enters the industry to
                                                                               replace the current players and
                                                                               stakeholders," Rofizlan concluded.

                                                                              The National Cancer Institute (IKN) was
                                                                                                     built using BIM
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                            19

      Parcel F, Putrajaya

   BIM ming with Triumph
   Parcel F, Putrajaya
Parcel F is a testament that the commitment and perseverance of a cohesive project management
                                     team can result in a remarkable outcome.

Parcel F is the first Malaysian             to achieve stringent standards such         “This decision augured and resonated
government project to implement             as the Green Building Index (GBI) Gold      well with KLCC Projeks as we are no
Building Information Modelling (BIM)        rating, CIDB Quality Assessment             stranger in embracing innovation,
from the design stage to facilities         System in Construction (QLASSIC)            technology and digitalisation in
management. Construction works              with a minimum score of 78% and             large-scale project management.
began in 2016 at a time when BIM            Industrialised Building System (IBS)        However, implementing BIM up to
adoption was very low and deemed            with a minimum score of 70%.                LOD 500 presented a new challenge
as not favourable by the construction                                                   for us, and one that we were eager
industry players. This presented            BIM was always in the picture because       to take on.”
several formidable challenges for           since 2011, there was an official
KLCC Projeks Sdn Bhd, the Project           directive from the Government to            A s t h e P M C o f P a rc e l F, K LC C
Management Consultant (PMC). Still,         implement BIM up to Level of                Projeks Sdn. Bhd. was in charge of
in spite of the project’s complexities,     Development (LOD) 300, which is the         the project’s Design Management,
Parcel F was completed on time with         Design & Development phase, for             Va l u e M a n a g e m e n t , C o s t a n d
outstanding outcomes.                       major projects.                             Contract                 Management,
                                                                                        C o n s t r u c t i o n Ma n a g e m e nt , H S E
“Parcel F is truly an ambitious project,”   “The Client, Putrajaya Bina Sdn Bhd         Management, BIM Management
recalls Zaidatul Ahmad Zubel, General       made a bold decision to go a step further   and Quality Management.
Manager for the Business & Technical        by implementing BIM up to LOD 500-
Services Division, KLCC Projeks. From       Facilities Management,” said Zaidatul.
the get-go, it was designed and built
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                 20

Where Traditional Meets BIM
P a rc e l F ’s ove r a l l a rc h i te c t u r a l
concept is based on the analogy of
t h e t r a d i t i o n a l s o n g ke t w h e re
different threads are intricately
wove n t o g e t h e r t o p ro d u c e a
beautiful and cohesive piece. Parcel
F is designed as a series of layers,
building forms and employs the use
of a variety materials, colours and
textures to create a true
                                                            One of the BIM models of Parcel F
Sprawled over 34 acres of land in
Precinct 1 Putrajaya with a Gross Floor
Area (GFA) of 223,293 square meters,
t h e 1 0 - b l o c k o f f i c e c o m p l ex
comprises 9 office towers (ranging
from 8 to 13 storeys), a shared 4-storey
facilities building, a 3-storey podium
and over 2,800 car park bays.

“BIM made perfect sense for this
project due to the complexity of the
d e s i g n , t h e i nte r l i n k i n g of t h e
utilities services between one block
to another and to ease the
coordination works between all
trades during the design and                                The BIM model of Parcel F’s pump room
construction stage as well as the
management of the maintenance                         produce the BIM as-built model
works and building assets after                       together with the in-house and
completion,” Zaidatul explained.                      checker consultants.                          BIM made perfect
BIMming It                                            At the same time, a series of Need
                                                                                                       sense for this
The BIM system was adopted in the                     Analysis and User Requirement                 project due to the
development and management of the
building design system through the
                                                      Studies were conducted with the               complexity of the
                                                      client’s Facility Management (FM)
use of three dimensional (3D) images                  team to collate all required FM and
                                                                                                        design, the
and smart design information.                         a s s et i nfo r m at i o n fo r t h e F M    interlinking of the
                                                      operations. All consultants, be they           utilities services
As Parcel F was under a Design &                      in-House or checker consultants,
Build contract, the contractor,                                                                        between one
                                                      were required to be involved in all the
Sunway Construction Sdn. Bhd., was                    BIM processes and works.                       block to another
required to convert all Contract
                                                                                                     and to ease the
Drawings to 3D models and to                          “The KLCC Projeks’ Management Team
upgrade the models with the detailed                                                                   coordination
                                                      (PMT) was fully involved in all the BIM
design based on their in-house                        implementation stages and processes.            works between
consultants’ design.                                  They also monitored, reviewed, advised             all trades
                                                      and managed the BIM implementation
Subsequently, they were expected to                   throughout the project cycle until BIM
conduct Coordination and Clash                        works are completed and handed over
Analysis Workshops, BIM Field                         to the Client’s Property Management
Verification (BFV) sessions and                       Team,” Zaidatul said.
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                             21

The Journey

         1                         2                          3                              4                              5
                                                       composition                                                   Incorporation
    Visualisation                Clash                                                 Deriving
                                                      of appropriate                                                  with Facility
      of project               detection,                                              accurate
                                                       data and/or                                                   Management
     prior to the             analysis and                                              as-built
                                                       information                                                         for
        actual                  project                                                  model
                                                       with respect                                                   operational
    construction              coordination                                           progressively
                                                         to Asset                                                      purposes

                                                Parcel F received the GBI - Provisional DA Gold certification as a testament to its
Benefits of BIM                                 efficiency of resource use.
Construction works began on 24 May
2016 and Parcel F received the
Certificate of Acceptance on 25
November 2019. The migration of over
5,800 staff to the new building
commenced on 6 January 2020.

“Thanks to BIM, we successfully
completed this large project on-time.
This is quite a feat as large projects
are prone to delays and cost overrun,”
said Zaidatul. The BIM system was
adopted in the development and
management of the building design
system through the use of three
dimensional (3D) images and smart
design information.

“About 90% of the design discrepancies
and disputes were resolved and
finalised before construction. This has
greatly minimised the rectification and
double handling works and expedited
the progress.”

In short, the advantages of BIM the
team experienced include:
• Structured and better design insight
• Early detection of any possibilities
   of site issues
• Increased time efficiency by            • 3D models can automatically be                 All 10 blocks of Parcel F was also GBI
   avoiding misunderstandings               used for the FM information system             - Provisional DA Gold certified
• Production of better quality designs    • Promotes a green environment by                simultaneously, and will receive the
• Efficient exchange of important           minimising paper usage                         Completion & Verification Assessment
   information between the numerous                                                        (CVA) when it has 50% occupancy or
   stakeholders                                                                            a year after migration, whichever
                                                                                           comes later.
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                                            22

      Parcel F’s overall architectural concept is inspired by the traditional songket where different threads are intricately woven together to
      form a beautiful and cohesive piece.

Challenges Faced & Overcome                       fill in the gaps as best as they could.             improved coordination and clash
KLCC Projeks began their foray into               They attended numerous BIM training                 detection, reduced cost and mitigated
BIM in 2013. “Before Parcel F, we have            sessions, conferences and workshops                 risk,” she said.
implemented BIM in one of our                     locally and abroad to learn from and
projects but did not see much                     share their experiences with other                  "I would like to extend my greatest
success,” Zaidatul recalled. “What                BIM practitioners. With the knowledge               appreciation to our client Putrajaya
made Parcel F so successful was the               and experience gained, KLCC Projeks                 Bina Sdn Bhd, my superiors in KLCC
commitment of all involved to see it              was able to craft the required BIM                  Projeks, the Project Management
through to completion,” Indeed, BIM               Scope of Works and Specifications                   Te a m , t h e co nt ra c to r S u nway
is not a model, but rather a process.             for the Parcel F Project.                           C o n s t r u c t i o n , co n s u l t a nt s a n d
As such, the people in the project are                                                                everyone who has contributed in
the determining factor in making the              “Another challenge encountered was                  making a virtual Parcel F into a reality,"
process run smoothly and efficiently.             having no project reference. As such,               said Zaidatul. "It would not have been
                                                  there were many trial exercises to                  possible without all of them."
According to Zaidatul, most of the                ascertain the correct processes.
challenges were encountered in the                Finally, after three months of trial and
earlier stages of implementation, as              errors, the correct work processes
there was a lot of confusion and                  were developed,” she explained.                                What made
misconceptions about BIM. There was                                                                              Parcel F so
                                                  It was only after the sixth month that
also resistance in adopting BIM as it                                                                        successful was the
required changing the normal ways                 the BIM implementation managed to
of working. “People, by nature, are               take off to a flying start. “After much                    commitment of all
typically resistant to change,” Zaidatul          perseverance and dedication, we                             involved to see it
commented ruefully.                               f i n a l l y s aw p o s i t i ve t a n g i b l e              through to
                                                  outcomes,          such         as    better
                                                  collaboration and communication
Nevertheless, the KLCC Projeks
project management team were                      a m o n g s t t e a m p l a ye r s , p re -
committed to see this through and                 construction project visualisation,
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                                      23

Invaluable Lessons Learned                           Significantly, KLCC Projeks has                     “The construction industry needs to
The lessons learned from Parcel F                    developed its own BIM Standard                      be fast in embracing technology and
have since been used as a reference                  Operating Procedures (SOP), which is                digitalisation as new construction
fo r f u t u re K LC C P ro j e k s ’ B I M          an important guideline for them to                  projects have continually pushed the
projects. KLCC Projeks is currently                  p ro j e c t - m a n a g e B I M p ro j e c t s     boundaries of design to meet
managing six high-rise projects                      effectively and efficiently.                        increasingly ambitious demands. BIM
u s i n g B I M . T h e s e p ro j e c t s a re                                                          is the obvious solution to remain
located in the KLCC Precinct areas                   “With the limited availability of                   relevant,” she emphasised.
and Putrajaya.                                       g u i d e l i n e s c u s to m i s e d fo r t h e
                                                     Malaysian landscape, KLCC Projeks                   She is pleased to note that most of
“I’m tasked to head the Business &                   h a s b e e n re fe r re d t o by t h e             the big and complex projects today
Technical Services, which includes                   construction industry players for                   have already adopted BIM. In fact,
strategising and implementing various                k n ow l e d g e s h a r i n g o n p ro j e c t     many consultants and contractors are
initiatives, monitoring performances                 management experience in BIM,”                      in the process of enhancing and
and taking remedial actions to                       Zaidatul said. To that end, several                 upgrading their company’s BIM
enhance         KLCC        Projeks’                 higher learning institutions have                   knowledge and capability.
competitiveness, speed, accuracy                     recently approached KLCC Projeks
and agility in delivering quality                    for collaboration in the area of BIM                “Universities are also currently focusing
projects,” said Zaidatul.                            research and development.                           on BIM and how it can be applied
                                                                                                         effectively in the construction industry.
“ To d a te , we h ave t r a i n e d 174             BIM - The Obvious Solution                          BIM is one of the subjects in the course
employees, which is about 57% of                     Zaidatul heartily recommends BIM for                modules,” she said approvingly.
o u r tot a l wo r k fo rc e , o n c r i t i c a l   all types of projects. She believes that
training programs, such as BIM                       the higher the BIM adoption rate, the               “BIM plays a vital role in driving
Revit for Architecture, C&S and                      more accessible it becomes to all                   Malaysia’s construction industry, and
M&E, BIM Naviswork for 3D Clash                      construction players, which in turn                 will continue to shape the built world.
A n a lys i s , B I M Nav i swo r k fo r 4 D         will benefit them greatly.                          Therefore, industry players should be
Project Planning and BIM Cubicost                                                                        ready to embrace Construction 4.0
5D Cost (for Quantity Surveyors).”                                                                       which is expected to be widely used
                                                                                                         in Malaysia by 2025.”

                        A collage of Parcel F
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                     24

     A peek at BIMcloud, the AEC industry’s first and most advanced cloud-based team collaboration solution

     The Benefits of BIM
      Software in the
     Architecture and
   Construction Industry
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                             25

                            By Edmund Lau, Managing Director,
                            GRAPHISOFT, Singapore and Malaysia.

                            The construction industry plays a
                            crucial role in Malaysia's economy,
                            contributing 4 to 6 percent of the
                            country's Gross Domestic Product
                            (G D P ) a n n u a l ly. T h e a l l o c at i o n s
                            made in the recent 2020 Budget                          S t re a m l i n i n g h o w t h e
                            show that the Malaysian government                      Architecture and Construction
                            prioritises the construction industry                   Industry Gets Work Done
                            as one of the critical drivers of the                   When it comes to BIM, everything
                            nation's economic development. In                       begi ns wi t h a 3 D di gi t a l m od el of
                            line with this, it is worth noting that                 the building – a model that is more
                            t h e l o c a l a rc h i te c t u r a l s e r v i c e   than pure geometry and nice
                            sector also serves as one of the                        textures cast over it for
                            i n d u s t r y 's key p l aye r s a n d h a s          visualisation. An accurate BIM
                            contributed to the country's                            model includes the virtual
                            economic development.                                   equivalents of the actual building’s
                                                                                    p a r t s a n d p i e c e s u s e d fo r t h e
                            A l t h o u g h B u i l d i n g I n fo r m a t i o n    construction. These virtual
                            Modelling (BIM) is not a new                            e l e m e nt s h ave a l l t h e a t t r i b u te s
                            buzzword within Malaysia's                              — bot h phys i c a l a nd l o gical — of
                            c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d a rc h i t e c t u re     t h e i r re a l c o u n te r p a r t s . L i ke t h e
                            industry, it is now steadily gaining                    d i g i t a l p rotot y p e of t h e p hys i c a l
                            momentum. The Malaysian                                 bui l di ng, s uc h a s wa l l s , colum n s,
                            construction industry has taken very                    wi ndows , door s , s t a i r s , th at allow
                            notable steps at the national level                     u s to v i s u a l i s e t h e b u i l d i n g a n d
                            to      elevate          the      industry’s            understand its behavior in a
                            performance by advocating the                           computer environment, way before
                            adoption of BIM.                                        t he a c t ua l cons t r uc t i on begin s.

     When it comes to
                            H oweve r, t h e re a re s t i l l m a n y              BIM applications allow us to
   Building Information
                            factors            hindering            BIM             virtually simulate the construction
      Modelling (BIM),
                            implementation, including the lack                      process. Instead of just creating
    collaboration is the
                            o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g a ro u n d t h e          drawings from 2D line-work,
    name of the game.
                            process of onboarding BIM                               buildings are virtually modeled
                            technologies, a shortage of skilled                     from real construction elements
                            practitioners,              unsupportive                a n d w h i c h a l l ows a rc h i te c t s to
  integrated workflows
                            stakeholders, resistance to                             d e s i g n b u i l d i n g s a s c l o s e ly a s
    between architects
                            changing current ways of work, an                       possible as to how they would be
     and engineers in a
                            absence of collaboration and                            built physically. Since all data is
     shared experience
                            coordination among various                              saved in the central virtual building
     with cloud-based
                            disciplines, and limited availability                   model, any design changes are
  teamwork and mobile
                            of usage guidelines. As such, the                       a u t o m a t i c a l l y fo l l o w e d - u p o n
  BIM workflows result
                            use of BIM within the industry is still                 individual drawings generated from
    in a more effective
                            at low levels.                                          the model.
    building design and
       engineering —
       reducing risk,
   increasing trust, and
     improving quality.
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                            26

With this integrated model approach, BIM                     Fu r t h e r m o re , B I M s o f t w a re , s u c h a s ,
not only offers a significant increase in                    GRAPHISOFT Archicad 24 unites architects
productivity, but also serves as the basis                   a n d e n g i n e e r s , w h o c a n n ow wo r k o n a
fo r b e t te r- c o o rd i n a te d d e s i g n s a n d a   shared model. This promotes collaboration
computer model-based building process.                       by creating consistent information models
Ad o p t i o n o f B I M w i l l e n s u re f i r m s o f    throughout the design and construction
productivity gains and other cost efficiencies               process, along with greater standardisation,
made possible through BIM adoption, hence                    resulting in less waste and fewer costly
leading to a higher level of competitiveness                 revisions on projects.
                                                             By allowing members of various teams to
Design and Analysis:                                         check in with each other, regardless of their
Human error is inevitable, and this is an area               location, at routine intervals and ensure
where BIM can help dramatically. With built-                 that designs, systems, and structures are
in physical and analytical model checking, it                organised, BIM also reduces errors, which
increases the reliability and accuracy of the                makes the process run much more smoothly
model designed. Those details include                        and protects the initial concept.
information on the exact make, model,
specifications, quantities, and materials of
everything used in the construction.

          With this integrated model approach, BIM not only
         offers a significant increase in productivity, but also
       serves as the basis for better-coordinated designs and a
               computer model-based building process

        Projects of any size are now easily experienced on a mobile device with the brand-new BIMx 3D engine utilised by Archicad.
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                                        27

        Thanks to over 500 revamped materials in GRAPHISOFT Archicad 24, architects can create even richer, more compelling renderings.

Collaboration:                                    Documentation:                                          understanding of the design and
T h a n k s to t h e a b i l i t y to t r a c k   Another critical feature of BIM                         helps make sure clients are reassured
changes, architects and structural                software like GRAPHISOFT Archicad                       about what they are signing off on.
engineers can now co-design the                   24 is the complete documentation
building's loadbearing structure.                 sets and the powerful publishing                        Adopting a BIM Workflow
T h e y c a n e a s i l y c o m p a re t wo       workflow that follows local BIM                         The move towards a complete BIM
d i f fe re n t ve r s i o n s of t h e s a m e   requirements. This means that                           workflow requires a high degree of
d e s i g n to v i ew va r i o u s d e s i g n    architects can focus on their designs,                  commitment and can sound
options and compare content from                  l e av i n g t h e p a p e r wo r k to t h e            daunting. After deciding to move to
consultants. Leveraging the cloud,                software, thus enhancing efficiency.                    BIM, the next consideration for
it is possible to suggest design                                                                          architectural and construction firms
variations, organise the results of               Visualisation:                                          is acting on it.
comparing models into smart issue                 Additionally, BIM offers better ways
lists with assignment names,                      of communicating the design. It can                     BIM involves change. The
prioritise tasks and even create an               c re a te h i g h - e n d v i s u a l i s a t i o n s   reorganisation of processes and
issue log. This allows for built-in               quickly and easily with material                        workflows, as well as the learning
transparency and enhanced                         surfaces, which result in stunning                      c u r ve , c a n b e te d i o u s i n t h e
reliability so that team members                  photo-realistic renderings. With the                    beginning. Still, with training and
can collaborate effortlessly.                     built-in palette of visualisation tools                 consultation from a good software
                                                  and workflows, rendering, and VR                        provider, the benefits far exceed the
                                                  solutions, it speeds up all                             investment of the software.
                                                  stakeholders'            and         clients'
S P EC I A L F E AT U R E                                                                                                                       28

T h a n k f u l l y, t h e M a l a y s i a n
government has already
embraced many measures to
hasten t h e a d opt io n of B I M ,
including establishing the
myBIM Centre as a one-stop
reference, support, services,
and capacity building centre.
The         centre            conducts
techni ca l t rain in g , i n c l u di n g
c o l l a b o r a t i n g w i t h s e ve r a l
u nivers it ie s to t rain t h e n ex t
generation of construction
per s o n n e l .

When using BIM during the
planning and designing stage,
any problem that arises can
be resolved at once. However,
when     the    issues    are
encountered           during
construction, it could be
costly and potentially delay
construction. Therefore, the
adoption of such innovations
is fundamental for companies
to remain competitive and
deliver projects in a timely
and cost-effective manner.

Furthermore, it is only
through technology adoption
that firms will be able to                       Merdeka 118, the world's second-tallest building was designed by Fender Katsalidis, Australia, and
                                                 long-time user of Archicad. (Photo credit: MERDEKA 118, FENDER KATSALIDIS, fkaustralia.com)
potentially realise game-
c h a n g i n g i n n ova t i o n s s u c h
as the recently much
discussed concept of “digital
twins” (a d ig it al rep l i c a o r a
rep res e nt at ion of a p hysi c a l
object or an intangible
system that can be tested or
changed w it h out ne gati ve ly
impacting it in the real world).

T h ro u g h B I M a d o p t i o n , t h e
changes            realised           are
sig nifica nt , wit h t h e rewa rd s
f a r o u t we i g h i n g t h e i n i t i a l
investment and are only
further compounded as your
o rganis at ion b ecome s m o re
profici ent .

                                                 Merdeka 118 office reception. (Photo credit: MERDEKA 118, FENDER KATSALIDIS, fkaustralia.com)
CAREER                                                                                                                                      29

                                                          A Worthwhile
                                                       Dato' Sri Kandan revealed his take on success and his
                                                         accidental-turned-lifelong passion in quantity surveying.

Affable, articulate and incredibly                  “I grew up in Petaling Jaya but was                  Both Sri Kandan and his father had
perceptive, Dato’ Sr. Sri Kandan was                b o r n i n S r i L a n k a i n 1 9 5 0 ,” h e       great aspirations on his career path.
a pleasure to talk to and willing to                disclosed with a smile. “My Sri                      “My father wanted me to be a doctor
share his insights gleaned from his                 L a n k a n Ta m i l f a t h e r we n t to S r i     while I was keen on being a lawyer,”
l o n g a n d i l l u s t r i o u s c a re e r. A   L a n k a to b e m a r r i e d a s wa s t h e        he divulged. In the end, cognizant
quantity surveyor (QS) by training,                 c u s to m t h e n . U n fo r t u n a te ly, t h e   of his family’s economic constraints,
he worked as a QS Consultant at                     c o m m u n i s t i n s u rg e n c y t h a t h a d   h e d e c i d e d t o t a ke u p a n y
Konsultant Perkhidmatan Kontrek                     j u st sp a r ked mea nt t hat he coul d             scholarship programme that would
which later became KPK Quantity                     o n ly re t u r n to M a l ays i a w i t h h i s     accept him.
S u r veyo r s fo r m o re t h a n t h re e         n ew fa mi ly after i t ended. I wa s a
decades before he became the                        ye a r o l d by t hen.”                              He was granted a Federal Government
Chairman (and currently Honorary                                                                         scholarship in Quantity Surveying, a
Chairman) for AECOM Malaysia.                                                                            field he did not even know existed,
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