Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities - THE GUANGDONG-HONG KONG-MACAO GREATER BAY AREA 2021 REPORT

Page created by Christian Gill
Green Infrastructure
Investment Opportunities

Prepared by Climate Bonds Initiative   Produced with the kind support of HSBC
Executive summary
In the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater
Bay Area (the GBA), which consists of nine
cities in Guangdong Province and two special
administrative regions, i.e., Hong Kong and
Macao, the effects of climate change and the                                                         Low carbon transport
risks associated with a greater than 2°C rise
                                                      Overall infrastructure
                                                                                                     • A total investment of USD135bn was
global temperatures by the end of the century         • The major infrastructure projects in the
                                                                                                       planned in rail transit during 14th FYP.
are significant due to its high exposure to natural     14th Five-Year-Plan (FYP) of Guangdong
hazards and vast coastlines.                            Province are expected to have a total        • A total mileage of about 775 km are
                                                        investment of RMB5tn (USD776.9bn), of          planned in the GBA, the total investment
Investment in low carbon solutions will be
                                                        which green infrastructure investment          is about USD72.7bn.
essential for mitigating climate risk and meeting
                                                        is not less than RMB1.9tn (USD299bn),
global emission reduction pathways under the                                                         • Hong Kong plans to spend around
                                                        including rail transit, wind power,
Paris Climate Change Agreement. The Outline                                                            USD3.23bn for four new infrastructure
                                                        modern water conservancy, ecological
Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong                                                                projects which include a railway line.
                                                        civilization construction and new
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (the GBA Outline
                                                        infrastructure construction.
Plan) issued by China’s State Council also
emphasises green development and ecological           • Hong Kong states that the government
conservation. Given climate volatility as a result      will spend USD12.9bn every year in
of global warming is already happening in               infrastructure for the next five years.
the GBA as well as the Chinese government’s
                                                      • Macao government has initiated over 410
reinforced commitment to achieving climate
                                                        public construction projects, each worth
                                                                                                     Sustainable waste
targets, all new infrastructure should support
                                                        USD125,313 or more in 2020, with a total
climate mitigation goals and be resilient.
                                                        value of USD1.7bn.                           • In the Pearl River Delta region, USD4.35bn
Green infrastructure: an opportunity                                                                   was invested in the construction of waste
for growth                                                                                             treatment facilities for urban and rural
                                                                                                       domestic waste during 13th FYP.
The GBA governments aims to develop billions
of dollars of new public works projects. There                                                       • Hong Kong set targets to reduce
are already green infrastructure projects and                                                          municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal rate
assets of many different sizes and technologies                                                        by 40% per capita by 2022, from 1.27kg to
undertaken across the GBA:                            Sustainable water                                0.8kg per day.
                                                      management                                     • Macao aims to reduce per capita MSW
                                                      • USD38.5bn investment was planned               disposal rate by 30% by 2026 (based on 2016
                                                        in flood control, water supply, rural          levels), from 2.11kg to 1.48kg per capita.
                                                        water conservancy and smart water
                                                        conservancy during the 14th FYP.

                                                      • The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
  Renewable energy                                      Greater Bay Area Water Safety Guarantee
  • Guangdong planned to build 5.54GW                   Plan was issued in Jan 2021.
    wind capacity and 5.15GW capacity, and
    allocated USD16.87bn investment in
                                                                                                     New infrastructure
    renewable energy during 13th FYP.                                                                • Guangdong plans to invest USD67.3bn
                                                                                                       in the construction of new infrastructure
  • About 30GW capacity of offshore wind
                                                                                                       projects during the 14th FYP.
    power with over USD69bn investment were
    planned by the end of 2030 in Guangdong.                                                         • Over 700 projects with a total investment
                                                      Green Buildings                                  of over USD153bn is set up in Guangdong,
  • Hong Kong aims to increase the non-
                                                      • Guangdong has added more than 500              and the government estimates that at
    fossil fuels electricity generation to 25%
                                                        million m2 of green building, the building     least USD101.23bn will be invested from
    for the medium term.
                                                        energy saving has accumulated 8.58             2020 to 2022.
  • China Southern Power Grid Corporation               million tons of standard coal energy
                                                                                                     • Guangdong aims to build 200 hydrogen
    has committed that the proportion of                saving capacity, and urban green
                                                                                                       fuelling stations by the end of 2022, and
    installed clean energy in the GBA will              buildings accounted for 62% of new
                                                                                                       about 250,000 charging piles and 4,500
    reach 80% by 2035.                                  buildings during 13th FYP.
                                                                                                       charging stations by the end of 2025.
                                                      • Hong Kong issued the Energy Saving Plan
                                                                                                     • The investment associated with new
                                                        for Hong Kong 2015–2025+.
                                                                                                       infrastructure projects is expected to total
                                                      • The Guangdong Province Green Building          around USD1.43tn to USD2.51tn for the
                                                        Regulations issued in November 2020 is the     next five-year period until 2025 in China.
                                                        first local regulation on green buildings.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                   2
Green finance comes into play                          Six recommendations for                               4. Harmonisation of green definitions for
in infrastructure financing                            growing green infrastructure                          various sectors: The GBA brings together two

In order to attract investors looking for
                                                       investment opportunities                              Special Administrative Regions: Hong Kong and
                                                                                                             Macao with nine cities in Guangdong, connecting
green, there needs to be a visible pipeline of         To unlock the immense green infrastructure
                                                                                                             onshore and offshore capital markets and having
infrastructure investment opportunities that           investment opportunities in the GBA, this report
                                                                                                             three legal systems present a great challenge
align with internationally accepted definitions        provides the following six recommendations:
                                                                                                             as well as excellent opportunity for the GBA in
of green. A large and visible GBA green
                                                       1. Promote green securitisation: Guangdong            developing a harmonised green definition and
infrastructure pipeline could also help investors
                                                       Province is the second largest Green ABS-             facilitate cross-border green investments into
to understand that there is a sufficiently large
                                                       issuing province in China and has experience on       the region, especially in green buildings sector
pool of financially attractive investments that
                                                       issuance of low-carbon transport ABS. To attract      where multiple standards and rating systems are
are also green. To this end, this report provides
                                                       investors to GBA’s green ABS market, the market       implemented.
a sample pipeline that includes a list of ‘green’
                                                       has to provide more reliable data on credit
and ‘potentially green’ projects (70 in total) taken                                                         5. Improve project visibility: Improving
                                                       quality, defaults, recoveries and etc., besides,
from various publicly available sources, using the                                                           visibility for green infrastructure pipeline in
                                                       the discrepancies between China’s local green
globally recognised Climate Bonds Taxonomy                                                                   the GBA will make it easier to attract investors
                                                       definitions and the international ones need to be
and Sector Criteria to determine the green                                                                   interested in looking for green. An opportunity
                                                       further bridged.
eligibility of projects.                                                                                     exists to develop an online database of green
                                                       2. Promote the issuance of local government           infrastructure projects, listed by sector and
Currently, much of the investment in
                                                       green bonds: Establishing green municipal             tagged as planned, under preparation or ready
infrastructure in the GBA is being carried out
                                                       finance for local governments to aggregate debt       to offer.
through public funding and Public Private
                                                       requirements and access lower cost of capital,
Partnerships (PPP) ventures. However, public                                                                 6. Pave the way to green recovery with green
                                                       which requires the collaborative efforts of
funding is not sufficient to meet the growing                                                                infrastructure: In the post-COVID era, while
                                                       finance, environmental and other departments of
demand for green infrastructure; new channels                                                                countries around the world implement measures
                                                       local governments in the Guangdong Province in
will be necessary to mobilise private capital.                                                               to reduce and recover from the economic
                                                       identifying green infrastructure project pipeline
                                                                                                             impacts of the global pandemic, they also need
That said, green debt instruments, such as green       and assessing associated funding needs.
                                                                                                             to address the existential threat posed by climate
bonds, green asset-backed securities, and green
                                                       Potential green municipal bonds in the                change. The GBA governments are playing an
loans, have been increasingly deployed to raise
                                                       Guangdong Province, will improve GBA’s                important role on these agendas. Integration of
funds for infrastructure projects in the GBA. As
                                                       strategies on climate change, including               sustainability and resilience into infrastructure
China works towards achieving carbon neutrality
                                                       decomposing China’s Nationally Determined             projects in the GBA will be conducive to raising
target, with a raft policy measures in growing
                                                       Contribution (NDC) to the local level,                funds via green debt instruments.
green finance market from governments on both
                                                       development of regional decarbonisation
national and local levels, the potential of green
                                                       strategies and promoting the GBA to peak carbon
debt instruments as an infrastructure refinancing
                                                       emissions early.
tool will be further unleashed.
                                                       3. Leverage Hong Kong’s capital market to
                                                       support infrastructure development in the
                                                       GBA: Encouraging green infrastructure project
                                                       owners to tap the capital market in Hong Kong
                                                       with green debt instruments would help meet the
                                                       growing demand of global institutional investors
                                                       for onshore green assets, and at the same
                                                       time improve the alignment of those issuance
                                                       with international definitions such as Green
                                                       Bond Principles and Climate Bonds Standard.
                                                       Government incentives and GBA-wide capacity
                                                       building for issuers are key to accelerate offshore
                                                       green debt issuance.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                             3
About this report                                                                                                                                                                     Contents
  This report highlights green infrastructure        The report is intended for a wide range                                                                                            Executive summary 2
  investment opportunities in the Guangdong-         of stakeholders, including domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                        Green infrastructure: an opportunity
  Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.                  investors, offshore pension funds and asset
                                                                                                                                                                                        for growth 5
                                                     managers, potential issuers, infrastructure
  This report has been prepared to help meet
                                                     owners and developers, as well as relevant                                                                                         • Snapshot: Macroeconomic outlook 6
  the growing demand for green investment
                                                     government ministries.                                                                                                             • Snapshot: Infrastructure spending 7
  opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Snapshot: Climate change risk and
  to support the transition to a low carbon          In developing this report, the Climate Bonds
                                                                                                                                                                                          mitigation measures in the GBA 8
  economy on both regional and national levels.      Initiative consulted with key Government
                                                     bodies, industry, the financial sector, peak                                                                                       Green finance trends and
  It aims to facilitate greater engagement on this
                                                     bodies, NGOs and think tanks. We would like                                                                                        opportunities 9
  topic between project owners, developers, and
                                                     to thank these partners along with the other
  institutional investors. Green infrastructure                                                                                                                                         •   Global demand for green is growing 9
                                                     organisations that contributed to the report.
  and corresponding green finance instruments                                                                                                                                           •   Green finance is growing in the China 9
  are explored in the report, with sector-by-                                                                                                                                           •   Green finance is growing in the GBA 10
  sector investment options presented.                                                                                                                                                  •   Financing low-carbon transitions
                                                                                                                                                                                            in the GBA 11

                                                                                                                                                                                        Green infrastructure investment
                                                                                                                                                                                        opportunities 12
Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO)Report Series
                                                                                                                                                                                        •   Low-carbon Transport 15
Green infrastructure presents a huge investment                                                                                                                                         •   Renewable Energy 17
opportunity globally, with an estimated               Green Infrastructure                                                                                                              •   Sustainable water management 19
                                                      Investment Opportunities
USD100tn worth of climate compatible                  AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND                                                                                                           •   Sustainable waste management 21
infrastructure required between now and 2030,                                                                                                                                           •   Green Buildings 23
in order to meet Paris Agreement emissions                                                                                                                                              •   New Infrastructure 25
reduction targets. However, there remains limited
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unlocking immense infrastructure
identifiable, investment-ready and bankable
                                                                                                                                                                                        investment opportunities in the GBA 27
projects, particularly in emerging markets. There
is also a lack of understanding of what types of      Sponsors
                                                                                                                                                                                        Annexes 28
assets and projects qualify for green financing.
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Annex I:Selected Green Finance Policies
In response to this challenge, CBI is                                                                                                                                                     in the GBA 28
                                                      Green Infrastructure
developing a series of reports that aim to            Investment Opportunities                                                                                                          • Annex II: Green Finance incentives
identify and demonstrate green infrastructure         2019 REPORT                                                                                                                         in the GBA 30
investment opportunities around the world.                                                                                                                                              • Annex III: Green debt instruments 32
By so doing, it aims to raise awareness of what                                                                                                                                         • Annex IV: Common green equity
is green and where to invest, as well as to                                                                                                                                               instruments in Asia 34
promote green bond issuance as a tool to                                                                                                                                                • Annex V: Green standards applicable
finance green infrastructure.                                                                                                                                                             in the GBA 35
                                                                                Supported by European Climate Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Annex VI: Sample Green Pipeline 38
The report series commenced with the GIIO
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Annex VII: Climate Bonds Taxonomy 45
Indonesia report, launched in May 2018 and
now includes Australia & New Zealand, Brazil,         Green Infrastructure                                                 Green Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                        Endnotes 43
                                                      Investment Opportunities                                             Investment Opportunities
Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam reports. The        AUSTRALIA 2019
                                                                                                                           UPDATE REPORT
pipeline of GIIO reports being developed includes
further exploration of opportunities in Asia-
Pacific as well as opportunities in Latin America.                                                                                                                                      Exchange Rate January 1, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                        1 USD = 6.52 RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                        1 USD = 7.75 HKD
                                                                    Sponsors                                                               Supported by European Climate Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                        1 USD = 7.98 MOP

  Climate Bonds Initiative
  The Climate Bonds Initiative is an international   is to help drive down the cost of capital for                                                                                    regulators; and administers a global green bond
  investor-focused not-for-profit organisation       large-scale climate and infrastructure projects                                                                                  standard and certification scheme. CBI screens
  working to mobilise the USD100tn bond              and to support governments seeking increased                                                                                     green finance instruments against its Climate
  market for climate change solutions.               access to capital markets to meet climate and                                                                                    Bonds Taxonomy to determine alignment and
                                                     greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals.                                                                                   uses sector specific criteria for certification.
  It promotes investment in projects and assets
  needed for a rapid transition to a low carbon      CBI carries out market analysis, policy research,                                                                                A simplified version of the Climate Bonds
  and climate resilient economy. The mission         market development; advises governments and                                                                                      Taxonomy is on the back cover.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                                                                                                      4
Green infrastructure: an opportunity for growth
In the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater              part of the regional response to the climate             pipeline could also help investors to understand
Bay Area (the GBA), the effects of climate change     emergency. Delayed action in transitioning to            that there is a sufficiently large pool of financially
and the risks associated with a greater than 2°C      a low carbon economy increases the cost of               attractive investments that are also green. In other
rise in global temperatures by the end of the         change as well as the volatility and structural          words, there are viable alternatives to non-green
century are significant due to its vast coastlines    risks to the finance sector and underlying asset         assets and projects, and investors can make their
and high exposure to natural disasters. Studies       values. In this environment, major stakeholders          preferences for green heard, which will in turn spur
also suggest the region faces the highest flood       in banking, finance and superannuation have a            the creation of a larger pool of green investments.
risks in the world.1                                  responsibility to act quickly.
                                                                                                               There is often limited awareness and appreciation
Investment in low carbon solutions will be            Globally, there is significant demand for green          of what qualifies as ‘green investment’ beyond
essential for mitigating climate risk and meeting     investments. Green debt instruments, including           solar and wind energy. This knowledge gap
global emission reduction pathways under the          green bonds and green loans — with proceeds              has been holding governments back from
Paris Climate Change Agreement. The Outline           used for climate-compatible and environmentally          developing pipelines of commercially viable,
Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong               sustainable projects—provide useful tools for            green infrastructure investment opportunities that
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (hereon referred to       private investors looking to invest in green assets      would otherwise play a vital role in supporting
as the GBA Outline Plan) issued by China’s State      and projects. The first ever green bond from a           the region’s transition to a low-carbon economy.
Council also emphasises green development and         GBA entity was issued in 2016 by Link REIT, a real
                                                                                                               Improving the general investment environment as
ecological conservation.                              estate investment trust in Hong Kong.
                                                                                                               well as promoting more green finance will help to
Currently, much of the investment in infrastructure   As of 31 December 2020, green bond issuance              fund the infrastructure necessary to meet climate
in the GBA is being carried out through public        from the GBA entities amounted to USD16.9bn              targets. This means continuing to open up to
funding and PPP. However, public funding is not       and the market is growing.                               investors looking for green and ensuring there is a
sufficient to meet the growing demand for green                                                                pipeline of bankable, investment ready projects.
                                                      In order to attract investors looking for green, there
infrastructure; new channels will be necessary to                                                              These measures will ensure that the GBA is on the
                                                      needs to be a visible pipeline of infrastructure
mobilise private capital.                                                                                      path to transitioning to a low-carbon economy
                                                      investment opportunities that align with
                                                                                                               and becoming more resilient to the impact of
Adaptive and resilient infrastructure provision       internationally accepted definitions of green.
                                                                                                               climate change and other global shocks.
is also important, and it should become a core        A large and visible GBA green infrastructure

Region Facts                                                          Zhaoqing
                                                                      Area: 14,891.23km2
                                                                                                                 What is the Greater Bay Area?

                                                                                                                 The Greater Bay Area is an ambitious national
                                                                      Population: 4.2m
Interest rate (cash rate):                                            GDP: USD32.6bn
                                                                                                                 plan aimed at integrating the two Special
3.85% (China) (as of June 2021),2                                                                                Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and
0.86% (Hong Kong) (as of April 2021),3                                                                           Macao, together with the nine cities across
0.5% (Macao) (as of April 2021)4                                                                                 the Pearl River Delta, namely Guangzhou,
                                                                                                                 Huizhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Jiangmen,
Inflation rate:                                                                                                  Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Foshan, and Zhaoqing.
1.3% (China) (as of May 2021),5                                      Area: 3,797.72km2
0.7% (Hong Kong) (as of April 2021),6                                                                   Guangzhou
                                                                     Population: 8.2m
-0.64% (Macao) (as of April 2021)7                                   GDP:USD155.8bn
                                                                                                        Area: 7,249.27km2
                                                                                                        Population: 15.3m
                                                                                                                                              Area: 11,347.39km2
Government 10Y, M:                                                                                      GDP: USD342.5bn
                                                                                                                                              Population: 4.9m
3.17% (China) (as of June 2021),8                                                                                                             GDP: USD60.6bn
1.146% (Hong Kong) (as of June 2021),9
N/A (Macao)
Balance of trade:                                                                                                                             Area: 2,460.08km2
USD203.76bn (Pearl River Delta) (2019),10                                                                                                     Population: 8.5m
USD-3.23bn (HKD -25.228bn)                                            Zhongshan                                                               GDP: USD137.5bn
(Hong Kong) (as of Jan 2021),11                                 Area: 1,783.67km2
USD-1.16bn (MOP -9.267bn) (Macao)
                                                                Population: 3.4m                                                              Shenzhen
(as of Jan 2021) 12                                                GDP: USD45bn                                                               Area: 1,997.47km2
                                                                                                                                              Population: 13.4m
Government debt to GDP:                                      Jiangmen
                                                                                                                                              GDP: USD390.3bn
52.63%(China) (2019),13                               Area: 9,506.92km2
0.27% (Hong Kong) (2019),14                           Population: 4.6m
                                                                                                                                              Hong Kong
N/A (Macao)                                            GDP: USD45.6bn                                          Macao
                                                                                                                                              Area: 1,106.8km2
                                                                                                               Area: 32.9km2
                                                                                                                                              Population: 7.5m
Moody’s rating:                                                                  Zhuhai                        Population: 0.67m
                                                                                                                                              GDP: USD366.1bn
A1(China) (as of 09/14/2020),15                                        Area: 1,736.46km2                       GDP: USD53.9bn
Aa3(Hong Kong) (as of 01/20/2020),16                                   Population: 2.0m
Aa3 (Macao) (stable)17                                                  GDP: USD49.8bn
                                                                                                                                 Source: Guangdong Statistical Yearbook 2020.
                                                                                                                                               Note: Statistics are as of 2019.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                                          5
Snapshot:                                                 GDP per capita in the GBA in 2019
Macroeconomic outlook
Green finance presents an opportunity in
improving macroeconomic conditions.                                     70

China staged an impressive recovery in 2020 –                           60
exhibiting a 2.3% GDP growth, despite prolonged
lockdowns and a nationwide economic lull in Q1.18
As an economic powerhouse, GDP of the Guangdong
Province surpassed RMB11tn (USD1.7tn) in 2020 for                       30

                                                         USD Thousand
the first time19 , ranking number 1 for 32 consecutive
years among all Chinese provinces in terms of
economic output. It reported a 6% increase in GDP                       10
in 2020, just slightly lower than the 6.3% recorded
in 2019, the provincial economy remained intact                         0
amid the COVID-19 pandemic.20

















Guangdong has implemented effective








measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                                                                                                         Source: Wind.
resulting in a strong economic recovery since
the second half of 2020.21                                The industrial structure of the GBA has reflected     petrochemicals, smart home appliances, and
                                                          the extent of decentralisation and diversification.   advanced materials.27
Hong Kong and Macao were less immune to
                                                          While the tertiary industry in Hong Kong,
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic with both                                                                   As the economy is put under pressure during
                                                          Guangzhou, Macao and Shenzhen has been
cities experiencing an economic downturn last                                                                   the COVID-19 pandemic, infrastructure is
                                                          the main driving force for their economic
year. The Hong Kong economy contracted by                                                                       necessary for a return to economic growth. And
                                                          development, the growth in the secondary
6.1% in 2020, the sharpest annual decline on                                                                    green infrastructure is critical to achieving this.
                                                          industry in other regions of the GBA makes a
record22 while Macao’s GDP shrunk by almost                                                                     Green infrastructure has positive environmental
                                                          greater contribution to the GDP.
50%,23 nearly destroying the economy.24                                                                         and economic benefits. It can create prosperity
                                                          The proportion of primary, secondary and              by increasing competitiveness, productivity
According to the government, Hong Kong’s
                                                          tertiary industries in Guangdong Province             and employment opportunities; extending the
economy is expected to grow by 3.5% to 5.5% in
                                                          stands at 4.3: 39.2: 56.5 in 2020. The added          reach, reliability and efficiency of the national
2021 but with the high uncertainty associated with
                                                          value of advanced manufacturing and high-tech         electricity grid, without creating air pollution;
the pandemic.25 Macao’s economy is expected
                                                          manufacturing accounted for 56.1% and 31.1%           broadening the economic base; creating
to continue to struggle in 2021, as the global
                                                          of the above-scale industries, respectively, and      new markets; and providing inclusion and
tourism and the local casino sector were hit hard
                                                          the added value of modern service industry            connectivity across the GBA.
by COVID-19. Macao’s economy is not expected to
                                                          accounted for 64.7% of the service industry. The
return to its pre-pandemic size before 2022.26                                                                  Therefore, ensuring infrastructure is green
                                                          pace of industrial transformation and upgrading
                                                                                                                would help to enhance the region’s resilience
Before the coronavirus outbreak, among the eleven         has accelerated. At present, Guangdong Province
                                                                                                                to future shocks and help to build a more
regions in the GBA, the GDP per capita of nine            has formed seven trillion-level industrial
                                                                                                                sustainable society.
regions exceeded the national average in 2019.            clusters, including electronic information, green

  The GBA Outline Plan                                    One of the six basic principles of the plan is        Hong Kong, as a leading global city for
                                                          ‘to pursue green development and ecological           finance, transportation and logistics, will
  The GBA is a key strategic component of
                                                          conservation’. It also outlines seven areas of        continue to strengthen its position as a global
  China’s national development blueprint. It
                                                          development which include ‘taking forward             offshore RMB business hub and international
  aims to promote in-depth cooperation among
                                                          ecological conservation’ and ‘developing an           asset management and risk management
  nine cities in Guangdong Province and the
                                                          international innovation and technology hub’.         centre. Other goals include promoting
  Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong
                                                                                                                the development of high-end industries,
  and Macao, with the aim of developing a                 As for the roles of the GBA cities, Guangzhou,
                                                                                                                strengthening innovation and technology,
  world-class city cluster by way of reforms,             Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao are named as
                                                                                                                nurturing emerging industries and increasing
  innovation and opening up.                              the four ‘core cities’, with specific development
                                                                                                                global competitiveness.
                                                          areas identified for each:
  On 18 February, 2019, China’s central
                                                                                                                Macao’s responsibilities as part of the GBA
  government authorities issued the Outline               Guangzhou will serve as an international business
                                                                                                                include promoting business cooperation with
  Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong                 and trade centre and integrated transportation
                                                                                                                Portuguese-speaking countries and promoting
  Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, marking the                hub, as well as an important centre to cultivate
                                                                                                                its example of a multicultural Chinese city.
  official start of the implementation of the GBA         science and technology education.
  national strategy. The GBA Outline Plan not only                                                              The four core cities will drive Zhuhai, Foshan,
                                                          Shenzhen, as a special economic zone, a national
  makes clear the role and position of each city, it                                                            Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen
                                                          economic core city and a national innovation city,
  also sets mid-term and long-term development                                                                  and Zhaoqing to best utilise the strengths
                                                          will accelerate its internationalisation and urban
  targets, guiding the current and future                                                                       of each city and foster coordination and
                                                          modernisation and continue its role as a major
  development and cooperation of the GBA.                                                                       development within the city group.
                                                          innovation hub for the region.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                                 6
Investment by sector in Guangdong Province during the 14th FYP

Comprehensive transportation                                                                                           New Infrastructure

 Rail transit 17.6%                      Road construction                  Major industrial fields 14.5%              Information       Inno-         Ecological                 Agriculture
                                         12.0%                                                                         infrastruc-       vation        civilization               rural field
                                                                                                                                                       construction               5.3%
                                                                                                                       ture 3.9%         infra-        5.7%

                                                                                                                       Converged infrastructure 1.6%
                                                                                                                                                       Water supply New urbanization
                                                                                                                                                       guarantee    and regional
                                                                                                                       People’s livelihood
                                                                                                                                                       1.9%         integration
                                                                                                                       security 8.4%                                development 4.5%
                                                                            Power          Wind          Power
                                                                                                                                                       Flood protection
                                                                            projects       power         grid                                          upgrading 1.8%
                                                                            3.9%           projects      projects
                                                                                                                                                                          Modern service
                                                                                           1.9%          1.8%
                                                                                                                                                                          industry 4.0%
                                    Port Channel                                                                                                       Rural water
 Airport 2.8%                       Network                                                                                                                                 Smart water
                                                                                           Oil and gas projects 1.4%                                   conservancy
                                    1.2%                                                                                                               1.1%                 conservancy 0.1%

                         Integrated transportation hub
                                                                      Modern energy                                                                    Water
                          and integrated facilities 1.2%                                                                                               conservancy

Snapshot: Infrastructure                                      Infrastructure investment in Guangdong Province
Infrastructure pipelines have been
growing, with more opportunities                                                           Infrastructure
emerging for outside investment.
                                                                             100           Production and supply of electric power, gas and water
Infrastructure planning and spending in the
                                                                                           Transport and postal services
GBA is ambitious. The GBA Outline Plan has a
strong emphasis on infrastructure, including                                               Information transmission, internet and related services
transportation, information technology and
water infrastructure. It calls for closer integration                                      Management of water conservancy, environment
in both physical infrastructure, such as bridges,                                          and public facilities
highways and railways, and institutional                                     60
infrastructure, such as information systems.

In July 2020, the National Development and
Reform Commission (NDRC) approved the
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Intercity Railway Construction Plan. 13 intercity
                                                             RMB Billions

railways and five hub projects are planned, with
a total mileage of about 775 kilometres. The total
investment in recent construction projects is
about RMB474.1bn (USD72.7bn).                                                0

The major infrastructure projects in the 14th FYP





of Guangdong Province are expected to have
a total investment of RMB5tn (USD776.9bn), of                                                                                                               Source: Guangdong Statistical Yearbook 2020.

which green infrastructure investment is not
less than RMB1.9tn (USD299bn), including rail                 New infrastructure has recently become a top                              Guangdong Province’s government estimates
transit, wind power, modern water conservancy,                development priority for the GBA, and refers                              that at least RMB660bn (USD101.23bn) will be
ecological civilization construction and new                  to infrastructure that is ‘digital, smart, and                            invested during 2020–2022.31
infrastructure construction.                                  innovative’. In October 2020, Guangdong Provincial
                                                                                                                                        China Development Bank (CDB) formulated the
                                                              Government issued the ‘Three-Year Implementation
In Hong Kong, the Chief Executive’s 2020 Policy                                                                                         ‘Action Plan for China Development Bank to Support
                                                              Plan for Promoting the Construction of New
Address states that the government will spend                                                                                           the Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-
                                                              Infrastructure in Guangdong Province (2020–2022)’,
HKD100bn (USD12.9bn) a year on infrastructure                                                                                           Macao Greater Bay Area (2019–2022)’, asserting
                                                              proposing to build high-quality 5G networks,
for the next five years.28 The Macao government                                                                                         that from 2019–2022, CDB will provide a total of
                                                              artificial intelligence, blockchain and other new
has initiated over 410 public construction                                                                                              RMB1tn (USD153bn) in financing to the GBA.32
                                                              technology infrastructure clusters, and promote
projects, each worth MOP100,000 (USD125,313)
                                                              ten smart projects such as smart energy, smart                            Before COVID-19, the infrastructure investment
or more in 2020, with a total value of MOP14.2bn
                                                              transportation, and smart cities.30 A preliminary                         in Guangdong Province had already seen a rapid
(USD1.7bn).29 The Macao Urban Development
                                                              pipeline of more than 700 projects with a total                           growth. The overall infrastructure investment
Master Plan (2020–2040) is under public
                                                              investment of over RMB1tn (USD153bn) is set up.                           growth rate in 2019 was 22.3%33 higher than in 2018.
consultation and will be issued in 2021.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                                                                   7
Snapshot:                                            According to climate-related studies, there are six    of about RMB430m (USD65.95m), and the
Climate change risks and                             climate change trends in the GBA35:                    death of 16 people.36
mitigation measures in the GBA
                                                     • Summer high temperatures and heat waves              Climate change and environmental degradation
Climate change has already had significant             will intensify;                                      are also sources of structural change that affect
adverse impacts on the GBA, including rising                                                                economic activities and, in turn, the financial
                                                     • Fewer rainy days but average rainfall intensity
temperatures and sea levels, increased rainfall                                                             system. There are two types of risks that climate
                                                       will increase;
and floods, and other extreme weather events.                                                               change poses to the economic and financial
                                                     • More extreme rainfall events;                        systems, namely physical risk and transition risk.
The GBA, surrounded by mountains on three
                                                                                                            These risks may lead to economic consequences
sides and facing the sea to the south, has a         • More extremely wet years but the risk of
                                                                                                            including business disruptions, costs of improving
subtropical monsoon climate. The eleven GBA            extremely dry years will remain;
                                                                                                            resilience and adaptation, lower productivity and
cities are located at the confluence of three
                                                     • Global sea level rise will lead to coastal changes   the shift to an economy with low-carbon emissions,
major rivers, Dongjiang, Xijiang and Beijiang
                                                       all over the world, including Hong Kong;             which then in turn may cause financial fallout,
and the numerous canals that transverse them.
                                                                                                            such as potential financial market and credit
They also sit in a floodplain that is only about     • Threat of storm surges associated with tropical
                                                                                                            losses, equity and bond price declines, carbon
2 meters above sea level which renders the             cyclones will rise, and the intensity of landfall
                                                                                                            asset write-downs and falling property values.37
GBA susceptible to regular diurnal tides as            typhoons will increase.
the average peak tidal level is about 2.02                                                                  For the GBA, sectors including aviation,
                                                     Climate change has already brought serious
meters. Thus, the potential of fluvial, pluvial                                                             domestic transportation, real estate, agriculture
                                                     loss in the GBA. In 2019, various meteorological
and coastal flooding and landslides also render                                                             and finance are vulnerable to climate and
                                                     disasters caused a total direct economic loss
the GBA vulnerable.34                                                                                       environmental-related risks.

  China’s 2060 carbon                                ‘have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve       In March 2021, the Chinese government
  neutrality target and                              carbon neutrality before 2060.’ 38 This statement is   released the 14th Five-Year Plan (FYP)
  decarbonization pathway                            expected to provide additional impetus for Chinese     (2021–2025), which sets a 18% reduction
                                                     government agencies, municipalities, and industry      target for CO2 intensity and 13.5% reduction
  Global climate change caused by the emission of
                                                     sectors to set up decarbonisation targets.             target for energy intensity. As for climate
  carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has
                                                                                                            change, the 14th FYP outline reaffirms the
  become one of the greatest challenges facing       Shortly after making the Carbon Neutrality
                                                                                                            implementation of the NDC for 2030 (without
  mankind in this century. Under the framework of    2060 pledge, China’s President announced the
                                                                                                            listing specific new targets). It also demands
  the Paris Agreement, achieving carbon neutrality   country’s further commitment at the Climate
                                                                                                            that the nation to formulate an action plan
  by the middle of this century is the fundamental   Ambition Summit on 12 December 2020 that by
                                                                                                            towards peaking CO2 emission before 2030 as
  measure for the global response to climate         2030 China will:
                                                                                                            soon as possible.40
  change. In the Paris Agreement, China has
                                                     • lower its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of
  committed to reducing its carbon intensity of                                                             To achieve Carbon Neutrality, the principal
                                                       GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level,
  GDP by 60% - 65% from 2005 levels by 2030                                                                 emitting sectors will need to reduce their
  and peak CO2 emissions by 2030 at the latest.      • increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary    emissions by between 65% and 105% by
                                                       energy consumption to around 25%,                    2050.41 And there are various studies about the
  In a ground-breaking speech at the UN General
                                                                                                            decarbonisation pathway based on different
  Assembly in September 2020, Chinese President      • increase the forest stock volume by 6bn m3
                                                                                                            scenario and models. The general measures
  Xi Jinping stated that the country will scale        from the 2005 level, and
                                                                                                            and investment needs for each sector are
  up its Nationally Determined Contributions
                                                     • bring its total installed capacity of wind and
  (NDCs) by adopting more vigorous policies                                                                 According to Chinese Academy of
                                                       solar power to over 1.2bn kilowatts. 39
  and measures, and the government aims to                                                                  Environmental Planning’s estimate, there
                                                                                                            will be RMB9.3tn (USD1.4tn) and RMB 11.5tn
     Sector                         Key development areas                                                   (USD1.76tn) investment needed respectively
                                                                                                            during the 14th FYP and 15th FYP periods
     Power generation               • Renewable energy
                                                                                                            for 2030 carbon emission peak.42 China
                                    • Energy storage
                                                                                                            International Capital Corporation Limited
                                    • Carbon capture and storage
                                                                                                            (CICC) has estimated that China requires
     Transportation                 • Electrification and hydrogen run rail and metro                       approximately RMB139tn (USD21.32tn) in
                                    • Electricity vehicles for Individuals                                  green investment by 2060 of which about
                                    • Sustainable fuel for aviation and shipping                            RMB22tn (USD3.37tn) is needed up to 2030.
                                                                                                            China’s every year green investment demand
     Industry                       • Power generation/heat generation decarbonisation
                                                                                                            accounts for about 2% of its total GDP.43
                                    • Energy efficiency
                                    • Technology innovation                                                 The massive investment demand for carbon
                                                                                                            neutrality cannot solely rely on government
     Buildings                      • Energy efficiency
                                                                                                            funding. Therefore, the green financial system
                                    • Heating decarbonisation
                                                                                                            that aims to mobilise private capital to carry
     Agriculture                    • Biogas project                                                        out green investments will play a key role in
                                    • Waste management                                                      the process of achieving carbon neutrality.
                                    • Afforestation and reforestation

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                             8
Green finance trends and opportunities in the GBA
Global demand for green                                 China’s quarterly green bond issuance (2016-2020)
is growing
                                                                                     Only aligned with Chinese definitions
There is a strong green finance momentum                               25
globally and significant further growth potential.
                                                                                     Aligned with both Chinese and CBI green definitions
Green-labelled products have become globally
recognised as an effective means of directing                          15
investment capital towards climate change
mitigation and climate change resilience and                           10

                                                       USD Billions
adaptation projects, including green infrastructure.
The growing level of interest from investors in                        5
green projects has resulted in the development
and growth of innovative financial products                            0
including green, social, ESG and sustainability
                                                                            Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
bonds and loans; and green index products.
                                                                                2016               2017               2018                   2019                   2020
Green bonds are currently the most developed                                                                                                           Source: Climate Bonds Initiative
segment of thematic instruments, carrying greater
recognition from the investor base. Globally, the       Green finance trend and policy                                 Green bond policy is a key driver of this growth. In
volume of green bond and loan issuance has risen        in China                                                       December 2015, the Green Bond Endorsed Project
sharply from USD171bn in 2018 to USD269.5bn in                                                                         Catalogue was issued by the People’s Bank of China
                                                        Following the growth of green credit lending
2020, buoyed by strong interest from both investors                                                                    (PBoC),44 which clarified the eligibility criteria for
                                                        fostered by the ground-breaking Green Credit
and issuers. Cumulative issuance of green bonds                                                                        green projects, management of proceeds, and
                                                        Guidelines issued by the former China Banking
to date has now reached USD1tn, but there is                                                                           reporting requirements. Green bonds issued by
                                                        Regulatory Commission (CBRC) in 2012, China’s
still a long way to go. To finance the goals of the                                                                    financial entities are subject to this catalogue,
                                                        green bond market has seen the greatest amount
Paris Agreement, it is estimated that green bond                                                                       and the green projects were classified into six
                                                        of policy and activities since ‘green finance’
issuance needs to reach USD1tn per annum by the                                                                        themes: energy saving; pollution prevention and
                                                        took off in China in 2015. Supported by various
early 2020s. For emerging markets in particular,                                                                       control; resource conservation and recycling;
                                                        directives, China’s green bond market grew from
there is a large gap between green infrastructure                                                                      clean transportation; clean energy; and ecological
                                                        almost zero to the second largest in the world in
requirements and the size of green bond markets.                                                                       protection and climate change adaption.
                                                        just a few years.

  Timeline of China’s key green bond policies

     2015                                                             2017                                                   2020
     NDRC                                                             CSRC                                                   PBoC, NDRC, CSRC
     Guidelines on Issuing Green Bonds                                Guiding Opinions of the China Securities               Green Bond Endorsed Project
     Kickstarted green bond market in China                           Regulatory Commission on Supporting                    Catalogue (2020 Edition)
                                                                      the Development of Green Bonds                         (Consultation Version)
                                                                      Encouraged the issuance of corporate bonds             Harmonized different standards of green
     Notice of the People’s Bank of China
                                                                                                                             bonds, and promoted the integration of
     on Green Financial Bonds (PBoC                                   National Association of Financial Market
                                                                                                                             the domestic green bond market
     Document No.39 [2015])                                           Institutional Investors
     Kickstarted green bond market in China                           Guidelines on Green Note of Non-
                                                                      Financial Enterprises
                                                                      Green bond policy guidelines are available
     2016                                                             for all bond markets in China
                                                                      PBoC and CSRC
     Seven Ministries including the                                                                                          Notice on Clarifying Relevant
                                                                      Guidelines on the Evaluation and
     Central Bank                                                                                                            Mechanisms of Carbon Neutrality Bond
                                                                      Certification of Green Bonds (Interim)47
     Guidelines for Establishing                                                                                             Ensure that the funds raised by carbon
                                                                      Regulated evaluation and Certification of
     the Green Financial System                                                                                              neutrality bonds should only be used for
                                                                      green bonds
     Indicated the direction of further                                                                                      green projects
     development of the green bond market
                                                                                                                             PBoC, NDRC, CSRC
     Shanghai Stock Exchange                                                                                                 Green Bond Endorsed Project
     Notice on Launching the Pilot                      Shenzhen Stock Exchange                                              Catalogue (2021 Edition)
     Program of Green Corporate Bonds                   Notice on Launching the Pilot Program                                Excludes coal and other fossil fuels
     Accelerated the development of the                 of Green Corporate Bonds Accelerated the                             from the list of eligible projects, and
     corporate bonds45                                  development of the corporate bonds46                                 incorporates DNSH principle

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                                                  9
On 21 April 2021, PBoC, NDRC, and China                 Timeline of key green finance policies in the GBA
Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
jointly released the official version of the
Green Bond Endorsed Project Catalogue (2021
                                                           June, 2017                                            May, 2020
Edition). The joint release unifies the green              Overall Plan for Building a Green                     Opinions on Financial Support for
bond guidelines in China which will become                 Finance Reform and Innovation                         the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
the main rulebook to follow in the future. It also         Pilot Zone in Guangzhou City,                         Greater Bay Area
excludes controversial categories such as ‘Clean           Guangdong Province                                    26 measures were introduced to
Utilisation of Coal’ and ‘Clean Fuel’, narrowing           The pilot zone will be the first to carry out         further promote financial opening up,
the gap between China onshore green bonds-                 green finance reform and innovation pilot             innovation, and deepen cooperation
related guidelines and the expectations from               projects in Huadu District, Guangzhou
international investors. Compared with the 2020
Edition, it incorporates language around the
Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) principle and                                                                      July, 2020
indicates the future possibilities of rolling out a
                                                           September, 2018
                                                                                                                 Implementation Plan for Providing
‘transition finance’ standard.                             Hong Kong Strategic Framework for
                                                                                                                 Effective Financial Support for the
                                                           Green Finance
                                                                                                                 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao
Green finance is growing                                   Enhance ESG considerations
                                                                                                                 Greater Bay Area
in the GBA                                                 and promoting Hong Kong as an
                                                                                                                 Contains 80 detailed, supplementary
                                                           international green finance centre
The GBA Outline plan defines the goal of building                                                                measures that implement the financial
a green finance centre in the Greater Bay Area                                                                   support to the GBA
and makes different plans for Hong Kong,
Guangzhou, Macao and Shenzhen.
                                                           January, 2019
                                                           Guiding Opinions on Building a Green                  November, 2020
  Hong Kong                                                Financial System in Shenzhen
                                                                                                                 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
  Green finance centre, and to set up an                   Measures to promote green finance
                                                                                                                 Green Finance Regulations
  internationally recognised green bond                    in Shenzhen
                                                                                                                 China’s first law and regulation in the
  certification institution.
                                                                                                                 field of green finance
  Pilot zone for green finance reform and                  July, 2019
  innovation, and to study the establishment
                                                           Implementation Opinions on
  of an innovative futures exchange
                                                           Promoting the Reform, Innovation
  that takes carbon emission as its first
                                                           and Development of Green Finance
  trading commodity.
                                                           in Guangzhou
  Macao                                                    Specific plans and measures to promote
  To develop special financial products                    the reform, innovation and development
  and services such as leasing, explore                    of green finance in Guangzhou
  Macao’s development taking account of
  complementarity with nearby regions, and
  study the feasibility of establishing in Macao
  a securities market denominated and
  cleared in RMB, a green finance platform            There are multiple green finance policies issued           bond issuers, grant up to HKD2.5m or
  and a Sino-Lusophone countries financial            in the GBA, to support the development of green            HKD1.25m; and covering transaction-related
  services platform.                                  finance at the different levels, covering policy           external review fees, capped at HKD800,000
                                                      framework design, regulatory policies, incentives          per bond issuance/loan.
                                                      and restraint mechanisms, etc. The detailed
  Pilot zone for development in insurance                                                                      • Shenzhen, a subsidy of up to RMB500,000 at
                                                      policies are listed in Annex I.
  innovation, to further enhance the level                                                                       2% of the issuance scale
  of connectivity between Hong Kong                   Local governments, including Hong Kong,
                                                                                                               • Guangzhou, a subsidy of up to RMB1m at 10%
  and Shenzhen markets and promote                    Shenzhen city, Guangzhou city, Guangzhou
                                                                                                                 of the issuance cost (on the exchange market
  cooperation between Macao and Shenzhen              Development District and Huadu District of
                                                                                                                 and the inter-bank market); a subsidy of up
  with respect to special financial products,         Guangzhou also issued their detailed rules and
                                                                                                                 to RMB1m at 20% of the issuance cost (on the
  launch FinTech pilot projects, and boost the        incentives for promoting green finance regarding
                                                                                                                 regional equity market);
  development of FinTech carriers.                    green credit, green loan, green bonds and green
                                                      insurance (see Annex II). For instance, as for the       • Huadou District: a subsidy of up to RMB1m at
  Other Municipalities (e.g., Zhuhai)
                                                      issuance of green bonds,                                   1% of the bond issuance
  To leverage their own strengths,
  and develop financial products with                 • Hong Kong: covering bond issuance expenses             • Guangzhou Development District:
  distinct characteristics.                             (e.g. arrangement, legal, audit, listing fees, etc.)     a 10% discount rate of the accumulated
                                                        for eligible first time green and sustainable            interest payment

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                           10
Growing appetite for green                             Internationally-aligned green bonds were on the rise before COVID-19
label in the GBA before the
COVID-19 pandemic
Internationally aligned green bonds from the                          6        Macao
GBA-domiciled issuers between 2016 and 2020
amounted to USD16.9bn. Prior to the COVID-19                          5        Hong Kong
pandemic, the GBA green bond market grew at
a CAGR of 69%, mainly driven by Hong Kong and                         4        Guangdong
Guangdong-domiciled issuers. In 2019, PBoC
placed through its Macao Branch a green bond                          3
worth USD963m, which marked the inaugural
issuance in Macao.                                                    2

                                                      USD Billions
In response to the growing emphasis of the                            1
GBA development plan from both state and
local levels, issuers such as Zhuhai Da Heng Qin                      0
Investment, Agricultural Development Bank of
China (ADBC) and the Industrial and Commercial                                 2016             2017           2018              2019                  2020
                                                                                                                                           Source: Climate Bonds Initiative
Bank of China issued GBA-themed green bonds
in 2019, with proceeds dedicated to the green
development in the region.                             a low-carbon, climate-adapted, sustainable              Buildings remain GBA’s dominant
Buildings was the dominant theme of GBA
                                                       model, but rather how to urgently finance and           theme in 2020
                                                       operationalise the required transition.
green bonds in 2020, accounting for 41% of the
total volume, driven by the green buildings-           As one of China’s economic powerhouses and a             Unallocated 1%            Land Use 1%
related issuance in Hong Kong. Transport (21%)         leading manufacture hub, the GBA is an integral
and Energy (15%) were the next largest use of          part of the country’s overarching national
                                                                                                                              Waste          Energy
proceeds categories of GBA green bonds.                strategy to reach its nationally determined
                                                                                                                               11%            14%
                                                       contribution (NDC) and has an instrumental role
Green asset backed securities (ABS) remains                                                                           Water
                                                       to play in decarbonising its economy by pushing
a common issuer type for green bonds in                                                                                9%
                                                       ahead the low-carbon transition of hard-to-abate
Guangdong. Cumulative issuance has reached
                                                       sectors, i.e. the brown sectors.
USD2.4bn (or accounted for 38%) since 2016.
Securitisation – the process through which             In the Financing Credible Transitions White
an issuer creates ABS backed by financial              Paper published in September 2020 by Climate
                                                                                                                   20%                                Buildings
assets such as mortgages or lease receivables          Bonds Initiative, we put forward a robust, flexible
– enables companies and lenders to sell off            and inclusive framework, which helps promote
existing financial assets to free up capacity for      an economy-wide transition. The White Paper
more business. ABS are sold to investors who           emphasises five key principles underpinning an
receive a return drawn from the cash flows of the      ambitious transition:
underlying assets.                                                                                                                         Source: Climate Bonds Initiative

Over the last five years, the majority of the green
ABS in the GBA have been transport-related,
brought to the market by repeat issuers such as
                                                                     5 principles for an ambitious transition
Guangzhou Metro and Shenzhen BYD Company
                                                                               1. In line with 1.5 degree                     4. Technological viability
Limited. Other green ABS deals were issued by
                                                                                  trajectory                                     trumps economic
China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Energy
                                                                                  All goals and pathways                         competitiveness
Environmental Engineering Co. Ltd., China
                                                                                  need to align with zero                        Pathways must include an
Resources Leasing Co. Ltd., and Guangzhou
                                                                                  carbon by 2050 and nearly                      assessment of current and
Transportation Group.
                                                                                  halving emissions by 2030.                     expected technologies. Where
                                                                                                                                 a viable technology exists,
Financing low-carbon                                                                                                             even if relatively expensive, it
transitions in the GBA                                                         2. Established by science
                                                                                                                                 should be used to determine
                                                                                  All goals and pathways
Addressing climate change requires fundamental                                                                                   the decarbonisation pathway
                                                                                  must be led by scientific
and rapid transformations across all sectors                                                                                     for that economic activity.
                                                                                  experts and be harmonised
of the economy, including those with the
                                                                                  across countries.                           5. Action not pledges
largest and hardest-to-abate emissions. Such
                                                                                                                                 A credible transition is backed
transformations cannot be achieved through
                                                                               3. Offsets don’t count                            by operating metrics rather
incremental improvements to established modes
                                                                                  Credible transition goals                      than a commitment/pledge
and systems alone. Climate action to date has
                                                                                  and pathways don’t                             to follow a transition pathway
been neither broad nor deep enough to be
                                                                                  count offsets, but should                      at some point in the future.
responsive to the scale of the challenge faced.
                                                                                  count upstream scope 3                         In other words, this is NOT a
The question is no longer why or whether the
                                                                                  emissions.                                     transition to a transition.
global economy needs to move swiftly towards

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                                    11
Green infrastructure investment opportunities
The GBA governments aim to develop billions of          Methodology48                                         Climate Bonds Taxonomy and
dollars of new public works projects. Most major
                                                        The following section explores green
                                                                                                              the Climate Bonds Standard
infrastructure projects in the GBA are listed on
                                                        infrastructure investment opportunities
                                                                                                              and Certification Scheme
the central government’s official web portals or
                                                        across the GBA in six key sectors: low carbon         The Climate Bonds Taxonomy features eight
are published by local governments.
                                                        transport, renewable energy, sustainable water        climate-aligned sectors (see back cover).
There are already green infrastructure projects         management, sustainable waste management,             The purpose of the Taxonomy is to encourage
and assets of many different sizes and                  green buildings and new infrastructure.               common broad ‘green’ definitions across global
technologies undertaken across the GBA These                                                                  markets in a way that supports the growth of
                                                        There are various ways for an investor to gain
range from the USD12.8bn railway project                                                                      a cohesive green bond market. The Climate
                                                        exposure to a specific project, asset or portfolio.
through to a USD2.8m distributed photovoltaic                                                                 Bonds Standard & Certification Scheme is used
                                                        The possible investment pathways will vary
power generation project. A list of 70 projects                                                               to provide a labelling scheme for bonds and
                                                        depending on the asset ownership structure,
has been compiled into a sample pipeline                                                                      other debt instruments. The Sector Criteria for
                                                        the stage in the asset’s financing lifecycle, and
(see Annex VI).                                                                                               the Climate Bonds Standard & Certification
                                                        the investor’s mandate. This can vary between
                                                                                                              Scheme provide eligibility conditions or
This report uses the globally recognised                projects with public and private funding.
                                                                                                              thresholds which must be met for assets to be in
Climate Bonds Taxonomy and Sector Criteria to
                                                        Accordingly, we use the following metrics to          line with a rapid trajectory toward a 2050 zero-
determine which projects and assets are green.
                                                        classify the green infrastructure investment          carbon future. The criteria are developed based
There are also other existing green standards and
                                                        opportunities by project status:                      on climate science by technical expert groups
schemes adopted in China and internationally.
                                                                                                              with input from industry.
Most of these apply to either the development           • Completed projects: high profile, recently
and retrofitting of buildings, or a broad set of          completed projects
infrastructure projects and assets (see Annex V
                                                        • Projects under construction: major projects
for more details).
                                                          that are under construction
Investors currently have insufficient tools to
                                                        • Planned projects: major projects that
ensure that their investments are making a
                                                          have not yet begun construction but have
positive impact. Having common definitions of
                                                          been announced and/or have undergone
‘green’ across global markets allows investors,
                                                          business case planning and/or have been
potential issuers and policy makers to identify
                                                          allocated budget.
green assets and attract investment more
conveniently and effectively.                           Case studies and a sample pipeline have been
                                                        developed for this report to show the different
Ideally, the GBA’s governments could adopt a
                                                        types of opportunities available in the short
best practice standard to identify green projects
                                                        and medium-term future in the GBA. The case
during infrastructure planning and collate these in
                                                        studies include both greenfield and brownfield
a single list. The GBA could then prioritise projects
                                                        projects and assets that could have been or
that are in line with international definitions of
                                                        could potentially be financed or refinanced via
‘green’ and provide clear ‘green’ labelling when
                                                        green bonds.
preparing future infrastructure pipelines.

Providing this level of visibility for green
infrastructure investment opportunities could
facilitate increased access to private sector
capital for the GBA’s economic development,
the acceleration of the GBA’s transition to a
low carbon economy and help to meet global
institutional investor demand for green assets.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                        12
What’s green?

                                                                                                                               + –

                                                                           + –

                                                                                                                           + –

  Geothermal:                                   Solar:                                          Hydropower:
  According to the                              The world installed a record                    Hydropower is the largest
  Geothermal Energy                             number of new solar power                       source of renewable
  Association, 39 countries could               projects in 2017, more than                     electricity in the world,
  supply 100% of their electricity needs from   net additions of coal, gas and nuclear plants   producing around 17% of the world’s
  geothermal energy, yet only 6% to 7% of       put together.51                                 electricity from over 1,200 GW of installed
  the world’s potential geothermal power has                                                    capacity, and is expected to remain the
  been tapped.49                                                                                world’s largest source of renewable
                                                                                                electricity generation by 2022.50
  Drawdown Agenda
                                                                                                International Energy Agency

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                           13
© Climate Bonds initiative

  Transport (rail):                              Water:                                    Buildings:
  75% of the world’s countries                   The UN says the planet is                 Building-related emissions
  have established strategies                    facing a 40% shortfall in                 account for about one-third
  and targets to improve the                     water supply by 2030, unless              of global GHG emissions and
  environmental performance of their transport   the world dramatically improves the       could double by 2050, making building
  sector within their Intended Nationally        management of this precious resource.53   efficiency a critical part of the COP21
  Determined Contributions (INDCs). One-fifth                                              agenda.54
  of the transport-related (I)NDCs include
  measures in the railway sector.52


The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GIIO Report Climate Bonds Initiative                                                  14
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