Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''

Page created by Harvey Thomas
Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps
Ranges AM, AV

                   Discharge Size
                   3‘‘ – 6‘‘

Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
The source for high efficiency

                                          High Performance
                                          in Waste Water Pumping

                                          Flexible system-components                   The reliability of fully automatic
                                          for problem-free installation                operation
HOMA submersible waste water and          HOMA combines efficiency, safety,             HOMA waste water pumping stations
sewage pumps operate worldwide            high quality and robust design with          feature fully automatic control and
in numerous kinds of domestic,            a flexibility that allows the individual      monitoring. Reliable liquid level control
municipal and industrial applications.    optimization of every project realization:   systems of various types (float switch,
Decades of experience in the design       Pumps for various types of application       pneumatic, ultrasound or electronic
and manufacturing of submersible          and installation, a complete program of      systems) are available to secure reliable
pumps plus uncompromising attention       installation equipment including pipes,      pump operation at minimum energy
to quality in every detail and strict     valves, pump pits from concrete or           consumption. All possible fault factors
monitoring ofproduction quality ensure    composite materials, electric control        like shaft seal condition, temperatures,
the utmost reliability and long service   and monitoring systems. With this            moisture or power supply can be
life of all HOMA products.                range HOMA can provide a tailor -made        automatically monitored and transferred
                                          solution for every waste water pumping       to various alarm systems.

Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
The source for extraoptions and applications

                                        Higher Performance
                                        to meet every Challenge
                                        Various challenges – individual solutions:
                                        HOMA submersible wastewater
                                        pumps are designed for pumping
                                        sewage, sludge, effluents or surface
                                        water, including liquids containing a
                                        large proportion of solid or fibrous
                                        matter. They are installed in domestic,
                                        municipal, industrial and agricultural
                                        pumping applications.
                                        For chemically aggressive liquids,
                                        specific components like impellers,
                                        volutes or complete units are also
                                        available from high-resistant materials
                                        like stainless steel, duplex or bronze.

The right installation for every pump station

Wet well installation with              Wet well installation with base stand        Operating conditions
auto-coupling system
Submerged autocoupling guide tube       Submerged pump mounted                         The motors are designed for
system for automatic connection and     on a ring base stand for                       continuous operating duty (S1) at
disconnection of the pump from the      temporary, service or                          maximum 15 starts per hour. In
pipework from outside the sump.         emergency operation.                           addition to a fully submerged motor
All maintenance or repair work can      Discharge connection with                      housing in wet well installation, a
be done outside the sump. Back in       pipe or hose.                                  jacket cooled motor-variant is available
operating position, the weight of the                                                  for S1 operating with a non-fully
pump ensures leak-proof discharge                                                      submerged motor or for dry well
                                        Permanent dry well installation,             installation.
                                        vertical or horizontal
                                                                                     Pumps with enclosed two-channel
                                        Flood-proof                                  impellers are designed for intermittent
                                        installation for                             operation, normally in automatic
                                        pump stations                                levelcontrolled wet or dry well sump
                                        with separate                                installations. They are also suitable
                                        collection sump.                             for limited continuous operation, as
                                        Fixed flanged                                 in storm water retention tanks, or for
                                        connection of                                unlimited continuous operation, such as
                                        suction and                                  industrial water supply.
                                        discharge pipe.

Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
The source for increased safety and reliability

                                             Design - Proven Quality
                                             in Detail
More quality in design and materials         Materials
– less maintenance and failures
                                                 Motor housing                                 ASTM A 48; CI.40 B 1)
Quality can be measured – HOMA                   Pump housing                                  ASTM A 48; CI.40 B 1)
submersible waste water pumps are
                                                                                               ASTM A 395
characterized by the robust design,
generous dimensioning and high quality           Impeller                                      ASTM A 48; CI.40 B 1)
materials of all components.                                                                   ASTM A 395
                                                 Wear rings                                    Bronze / Stainless Steel
                                                 Motor shaft                                   Stainless steel
                                                 Mechanical seals                              Silicon-carbide / Silicon-carbide
                                                 Motor cooling jacket (model U)                Stainless steel
                                                 Seals and O-rings                             NBR (Perbonane) 3)
                                                 Cable                                         H07RN-F (PLUS) 4)
                                                 1)   also available in stainless steel        3)   also available from FPM (vitone)
                                                 2)   also available in bronze                 4)   screened cable on request
 Discharge                                   Motor cooling                                    Thermal sensor (bi-metal)
    With DIN/ANSI flange 3‘‘ up to 6‘‘                 Motors for submerged operation                 Embedded in the motor winding.
                                                      are cooled by the surrounding liquid.          PTC sensors available on request.
 Non-clogging,                                       For dry well or non-submerged
    high efficiency impellers                          operation, motors are available with      Moisture monitoring
    With large spherical clearance.                                                                  in stator housing
                                                      a cooling jacket, arround the motor.
    Available:                                        3 Systems are alternatively available:         Available on request.
    • Enclosed single channel impeller
                                             •        The standard system provides a            Shaft bearing
      with replaceable wear ring.
                                                      cooling circulation of water from the          Maintenance-free,
    • Vortex impeller.
                                                      pump volute (pump model code: U)               prelubricated ball bearings.
 Shaft seals                                •        Option 1 provides a cooling
    Two independently working                         circulation by an external cooling        Temperature monitoring
    siliconcarbide mechanical seals in                liquid system (fresh water or                  of the shaft bearings
    tandemarrangement.                                radiator) trough inlet and outlet              Available on request.
                                                      connections at the motor jacket
 Oil chamber                                                                                   Cable junction chamber
                                                      (pump model code: UE)
    Separate large oil chamber,                                                                      Separate junction chamber standard
    lubricating and cooling the              •        Option 2 is a closed circuit cooling           from 13 HP-4 pole, below on
    mechanical seals, forming an extra                system with a cooling liquid                   request.
    safety and inspection element.                    internally circulating, providing the
    Additional electronic seal condition              heat exchange through a contact           Electronic moisture sensor in
    monitoring probe on request.                      surface between heat exchange                  junction chamber
                                                      chamber and pump chamber.                      Available on request.
 Motor
    Three-phase electric motors, with                                                           Pressure sealed,
    2-, 4- or 6-pole motor speed.                                                                    strain relief cable entry
    Insulation class F (155 °C), degree of
    protection IP 68
    Explosion protection
    All models available with Factory
    Mutual (FM) label for Class I, Div 1
    Ex construction.

Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
                             Option 1
        �                External cooling system
             inlet and outlet for external cooling liquid supply


        �                    Option 2
                      Closed circuit cooling system
        �   backflow of hot                inflow of cold cooling
�           cooling liquid into               liquid into motor
            heat-exchange                       jacket chamber

�       �
�       �
            small impeller for               heat exchange of
�       �   pumping the cooling        cooling liquid with cold
            liquid                     pumped liquid through
                                    pump flange, spiral-shaped
                                        for maximum surface


Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
Ranges and Models

                                           Motor selection
Motor speed:                               Type of starting:                            Motor monitoring:
For the standard hydraulic ranges, the     The motors are supplied as standard          All motors are supplied with
motors are designed with the following     suitable for Direct- or Star-Delta-Start.    temperature sensors in the winding,
speeds:                                    All motors are also suitable for operating   bi-metalic sensors (standard) or PTC
•  3450 rpm = 2-pole                       with frequency converter or soft starter     sensors (on request).
•  1750 rpm = 4-pole                       device.
                                                                                        • Motors for wet well installation
•  1160 rpm = 6-pole
                                           Explosion protection:                           (without cooling jacket):
Voltages:                                                                                  As C-version (see pump type code)
                                           In addition to the standard version, all
                                                                                           with oil chamber seal condition
All specified data relate to an operating   motors are available explosion proof
                                                                                           monitoring probe and moisture
voltage of 230 V / 460 V, 3 Ph, 60 Hz.     according to Factory Mutual (FM) label
                                                                                           sensor in junction chamber)
Different voltages are available on        for Class I, Div 1.
request.                                                                                • Motors with cooling jacket:
                                           Dry well variant:                               Supplied as standard with oil
                                           Besides the version for submerged               chamber seal condition monitoring
                                           operation, all pumps are also available         probe. S-version additionally with
                                           for dry well or non-submerged                   moisture monitoring in the stator
                                           operation.                                      housing.
                                                                                           Additional monitoring devices (e. g.
                                                                                           bearing temperature) on request.

                                           Hydraulic selection
Discharge and suction flange:                                                            Enclosed single channel impeller

• 3‘‘                                                                                   For liquids containing impurities and
• 4‘‘                                                                                   sludge with solid particles or long fibres.
• 6‘‘
Reducing adapters for different
autocoupling system and valve
dimensions are available.

Impeller spherical clearance:
The pumps are available with impeller                                                   Vortex impeller
spherical clearances from 3‘‘ to 4‘‘
according to pump range.                                                                For liquids containing a high level of
                                                                                        impurities or fibrous matter and contain-
                                                                                        ing gas.

Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
The source for worldwide

                                                       Customer Service

Worldwide Presence                                     Network of Sales and                        HOMA product range
                                                       Service Partners
HOMA pumps are installed in more                                             HOMA provides a       · Submersible waste water pumps with
than 60 countries around the world –                                         worldwide network       channel- and vortex-hydraulic
in countless projects of various kinds.                                      of agents and dis-    · Submersible propeller pumps
They comply to all international safety                                      tributors support-    · Submersible grinder pumps
and quality standards and are certified                                       ing our customers     · Submersible, surface and venturi
by many institutions and organisations                                       with excellent          aerators
responsible for national waste water                   sales and service assistance in planning,   · Packaged pump stations
treatment standards. To maintain and                   specification and selection, including a     · Waste water lifting stations
further develop this high quality level                computer software program available on      · Submersible drainage pumps
is our main target.                                    CD-ROM or from the WorldWideWeb.            · Contractor pumps
                                                                                                   · Submersible mixers and flow
                                                                                                   · Electric and electronic pump controls

                                                                                                   HOMA Pumpenfabrik GmbH
                                                                                                   P.O.Box 22 63, D-53814 Neunk.-Seelscheid
                                                                                                   Tel. +49 (0) 22 47 /702-0, Fax +49 (0) 22 47 /702 -44
                                                                                                   e-mail: info@homa-pumpen.de
We reserve the right to alter our specifications without notice!
Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6'' Electric Submersible Sewage Pumps Ranges AM, AV - Discharge Size 3'' - 6''
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