Smoke Master JMHT HATCH - Installation, operation and maintenance 10/2010

Page created by Gilbert Mann
Smoke Master JMHT HATCH - Installation, operation and maintenance 10/2010
Smoke Master JMHT HATCH
Installation, operation and maintenance
Smoke Master JMHT HATCH - Installation, operation and maintenance 10/2010


Table of contents.....................................................................................................................................................2
Safety aspects..........................................................................................................................................................3
System overview....................................................................................................................................................3
Electrical connections............................................................................................................................................5
Testing and inspections.........................................................................................................................................6
Maintenance of the fan .........................................................................................................................................7

Fläkt Woods                       FIFLO EN 2010.10                                        2                                                                      All rights reserved.
Smoke Master JMHT HATCH - Installation, operation and maintenance 10/2010
Smoke Master JMHT HATCH                                                      INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE

Safety aspects

• Electrical installations should only be carried out by a suitably qualified electrician.
• The hatch should start opening 30s before the fan starts running. This should be enabled by a time delay in
  the control system.
• Before any maintenance work is carried out on the fan unit, the fan and the hatch opening motors should
  be de-energized using the safety switch.
• If the fan unit is installed in a place where it may cause danger, access to the unit should be prevented.
• The installer and the operator are jointly responsible for ensuring that the installation complies with all lo-
  rules and regulations.
• To allow service and maintenance work, there must be enough space around the device for the use of stairs,
  ladders and walkways that meet the requirements for roof safety products.
• Fläkt Woods does not accept liability for any other components connected to the system, such as smoke
  detectors, etc.

System overview

JMHT Hatch from the SMOKE MASTER range of fire safety products is a roof-mounted unit for mechani-
cal smoke exhaust. It combines a smoke hatch and a smoke extract fan and is delivered ready for roof
mounting, provided with electrical components and wiring as ordered. JMHT Hatch is designed for smoke
exhaust only and has a temperature designation of 400°C /2 hours. The product is not suitable for continu-
ous air extraction.

The smoke hatch is opened by two linear motors (230V/single phase or 24V DC) that are designed to ex-
ceed the sum of hatch, snow and wind loads. The recommended starting method for the fan is direct-on-
line starting 30s after the start of the linear motors.
This is to ensure that the hatch is open enough to allow smoke exhaust at the specified flow rate when the
fan reaches full speed.

Fläkt Woods          FIFLO EN 2010.10                     3                                           All rights reserved.


Roof mounting

                                                      Method 1                            Method 2

1.   JMHT HATCH smoke hatch
2.   JMHT fan
3.   Safety mesh or jointing collar (as ordered)
4.   Motorised opener (2 x linear motor 230V AC or 24V DC)
5.   Flashing (optional)
6.   Compliant waterproof protection of the penetration
7.   Attachment to the roof structure with angle brackets (method 1) or directly by the unit’s flanged base (method 2)
8.   Roof
9.   Penetration, at least the size of the fan in diameter

Angle brackets should be fixed to the unit’s base with a minimum of four 5x40 screws and to the roof structure
with a minimum of four screws as follows:
- 4 to 6 HILTI HPS-1 screws 6/5x30 for concrete
- 4 to 6 wood screws 6x50 for wood
- 4 to 6 self-drilling screws 6.3x25 for steel sheet

Fläkt Woods            FIFLO EN 2010.10                    4                                           All rights reserved.
Smoke Master JMHT HATCH                                                                     INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE

Electrical connections

The product is delivered with the wiring for the linear motors on the outside. This is to make it possible to
open the hatch with any suitable power supply during installation. Note! Check the label on the product for
the supply voltage required by the linear motors.

Wiring diagram
                                                  This cable is factory-installed.
                                                  This cable shall be installed on site.

                                      LINEAR MOTOR                                                 LINEAR MOTOR

                                                                SMOKE EXTRACT FAN

              LIMIT SWITCH

                                                  SAFETY SWITCH

                                                                3x400 VAC, 50 Hz                   1x230 VAC, 50 Hz
                                                                                                   or 24 VDC

Technical data
Fan motor                                                             Linear motors
       Code         Power        Voltage      Current   Speed                Code            Power    Voltage   Current     Speed     Force
                     kW                         A                     SMHA-aa-bbb-c-1-e-f 2x28VA 1x230VAC,         -       10 m/s    2x1000N
 SMHA-05-017         1,7     3x400VAC, 50Hz    3,7      2910                                     50Hz
 SMHA-05-048         4,8     3x400VAC, 50Hz    9,1      2910          SMHA-aa-bbb-c-2-e-f      -     24VDC      2x1,2A    8-17 m/s 2x1000N
 SMHA-08-036         3,6     3x400VAC, 50Hz    7,0      1440
 SMHA-08-048         4,8     3x400VAC, 50Hz    9,2      1440
 SMHA-08-066         6,6     3x400VAC, 50Hz    12,6     1440
 SMHA-08-090         9,0     3x400VAC, 50Hz    17,0     1440
                                                                      Limit switch (optional)
 SMHA-10-066         6,6     3x400VAC, 50Hz    12,6     1440
 SMHA-10-090         9,0     3x400VAC, 50Hz    17,0     1440
                                                                      Volt-free contact NO/NC 230VAC 16A
 SMHA-10-110        11,0     3x400VAC, 50Hz    21,0     1440
 SMHA-10-180        18,0     3x400VAC, 50Hz    35,0     1440

Fläkt Woods                FIFLO EN 2010.10                       5                                                       All rights reserved.

Testing and inspections

Initial inspection
• Make sure the linear motors can travel without           Maintenance of the fan
  trouble.                                                 • Before fan maintenance, the fan and the motors
• Check that the starting delay for the fan is about         must be de-energized and secured against acci-
  30s.                                                       dental start up.
• Make sure the fan turns in the right direction           • *Fan maintenance is detailed in the attached in-
  (blowing out).                                             structions for HT series Aerofoil fans.

Half-yearly inspections
• Carry out the measures described under Initial
• Check that status indicators, such as indicator
  lights, are working properly.
• Check that labels, signs and trigger diagrams are
• Check by eye that all hatches and devices seem
  to be in working order.
• Check the measures to be carried out on the

Annual inspections
• Carry out the measures described under Initial
• Check that status indicators, such as indicator
    lights, are working properly.
• Check that labels, signs and trigger diagrams are
• Check the appropriateness of the service book
    and other documentation, and make a record of
    the inspection.
• Check that the hatches of the fan unit open with-
    out trouble. Remove any obstructions. Check for
    wear and corrosion, and repair any such dam-
• On the hatch opening motors, the following
    should be checked:
     - Security of motor mountings
     - Protection against moisture
    - Operation (testing) and electrical connections
of 			 the motors
• Also check that the hinges of the hatches are
    properly secured, the device is clean and the
    seals are tight. Replace seals as necessary.

Fläkt Woods          FIFLO EN 2010.10                  6                                         All rights reserved.
Smoke Master JMHT HATCH                                                      INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE

Maintenance of the fan

                                                        1       2     3




1.     Motorised opener (linear motor, 2 pcs)
2.     Safety mesh
3.     JMHT fan
3.1   Impeller
3.2   Motor
4.     Safety mesh or jointing collar

Removing the fan from JMHT Hatch for maintenance.
Fan maintenance is to be carried out in accordance with specific instructions for the operation and maintenance
of the JMHT fan.

SMHA-05, SMHA-08, SMHA-10-066...SMHA-10-110
On-roof maintenance through the hatch:
1. Ensure that the fan (2) and the linear motors (1) are de-energized (and secured if possible).
2. Remove the safety mesh (3).
3. Release the impeller from the shaft by undoing the retaining bolt at the end of the shaft.
4. Remove the impeller from the shaft. Take care not to drop the key.
5. Lift up the rotor of the motor, and perform bearing maintenance.

In this type of motor, two bolts secure the rotor to the end plate at the free end of the motor. To be able to carry
out the maintenance as described above, the bolts should be undone from below the motor, which is usually dif-
ficult. It is therefore best to unbolt and lift out the entire fan for maintenance.

Fläkt Woods           FIFLO EN 2010.10                      7                                         All rights reserved.
We Bring Air to Life

                               Solutions for all your air climate and air movement needs
Fläkt Woods is a global
                               Fläkt Woods is providing solutions for ventilation and air climate for buildings as
leader in air management.      well as fan solutions for industry and infrastructure.
We specialise in the design
                                 Air Handling Units (AHUs)                    Fans
and manufacture of a wide
                                 Modular, compact and small                   Advanced axial, centrifugal and
rande of air climate and air     AHU units. Designed to ensure                boxed fans for general and specialist
movement solutions. And          optimisation of indoor air quality,          applications. Comprehensive range
our collective experience        operational performance and                  including high temperature and ATEX
                                 service life.                                compliant options. Engineered for
is unrivalled.                                                                energy efficiency and minimised life
                                 Air Terminal Devices and Ducts               cycle cost.
Our constant aim is to
                                 Supply and exhaust diffusers and
provide systems that             valves for installation on walls, ceiling
precisely deliver required       or floor are all included in our large       Air-cooled and water-cooled chillers
functions and performance,       range and fit all types of applications.     with cooling capacity up to 1800 kW.
                                                                              Designed to minimise annual energy
as well as maximise              Chilled Beams                                consumption in all types of buildings.
energy efficiency.               Active induction beams for
                                 ventilation, cooling and heating,
                                                                              Controls and drives

                                                                                                                       Smoke Master JMHT HATCH / EN / FIFLO 10.2010 / All rights reserved. / Brandstairs #15366
                                 and passive convection beams                 Variable speed drives and control
                                 for cooling. For suspended or                systems, all tested to ensure total
                                 flush-mounted ceiling installation -         compatibility with our products.
                                 and multi-service configuration.             Specialist team can advise on energy
                                 With unique Comfort Control and              saving and overall system integration.
                                 Flow Pattern Control features.

                                 Residential ventilation
                                 A complete range of products for
                                 residential ventilation. Consists of
                                 ventilation units, exhaust air fans and
                                 cooker hoods designed to optimise
                                 indoor comfort and save energy.

Fläkt Woods Oy
Kalevantie 39,
FI-20520 Turku, FINLAND
Tel. +358 20 442 3000
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