Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7

Page created by Roland Cooper
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
Year 3 Home learning Packs
                                    Blue Pack

                         Spring 2 – Week 7

Monday 22nd February
First         Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV - YouTube
Second        Reading Fluency – Session 1
Third         English – Session 1
Fourth        Maths – Session 1
Fifth         Learning question – Session 1
Sixth         Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

  1. First – Joe Wicks

   Get active this morning with Joe Wicks. Find his session from today on his youtube

  2. Second – Reading Fluency

Monday 22nd February 2021.


Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
The sun is ____________________.

Can you find the girl?

Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
Dan and Ted are in ____________________.

                          pot   bed   tin

Get ____________ Ted!

Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
3. Third – English

Welcome back to English. We will continue our learning about the Rainforest.
We are now using Non-fiction texts to gain more information about the
Rainforest. We will recap our learning from before the half term before

               Learning Question: What are Non- Fiction books?

Monday 22nd February 2021

Micro Question: What are the characteristics of a Non- Fiction text?

Task: Match the characteristic with the image.

Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
Front cover


Page numbers


Contents page


Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
Look at the images of books. Are they fiction or non- fiction?

 Image                                                       Fiction or non fiction?
                                                             Real or not real?

Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
4. Fourth – Maths


L.O. I am learning to add length.

Go to to use Dienes for help adding.

   1. 1m 5cm + 2m 3cm

1m + 2m = _______m

5cm + 3cm = _________cm

So, 1m 5cm + 2m 3cm = _________m and _________cm

   2. 5cm 4mm + 2cm 5mm

5cm + 2cm = ________cm

4mm + 5mm = ________mm

So, 5cm 4mm + 2cm 5mm = _________cm and ________mm

   3. 6m 10cm + 2m 60cm

6m + 2m = _________

10cm + 60cm = ________

So, 6m 10cm + 2cm 60cm = _______m and ________cm

   4. 2cm 4mm + 5cm 1mm = ___________cm and _________mm

   5. 4m 3cm + 4m 2cm = _____________cm and __________mm

   6. 10m 20cm + 20m 10cm = _________m and __________cm

Year 3 Home learning Packs - Blue Pack Spring 2 - Week 7
5. Fifth – Learning Question

Monday 22nd February 2021.

Macro Question: How do forces work?

Micro Question 1: What forces do we know?

We looked at forces earlier this year, let’s recap our knowledge so far.

A force is something that can make an object slow down, speed up, change shape
                                  or change direction.

Watch the video:

What are the 3 different forces that we use to move an object?

Match the picture to the label.




Most forces require direct contact – for example, kicking a ball will make it
              speed up (accelerate). We call this a contact force.

  To make the ball travel further, you need to apply a larger force – kicking it

We represent forces as an arrow when we create scientific diagrams.

Label the images to show if the contact force is a push, pull or twist. I’ve
done the first one for you.


Tuesday 23rd February
First         Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube
Second        Reading Fluency – Session 2
Third         English – Session 2
Fourth        Writing fluency – Session 1
Fifth         Maths – Session 2
Sixth         Learning question – Session 2
Seventh       Maths fluency – Session 1
Eighth        Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

  1. First – Cosmic Yoga

   Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube

  2. Second – Reading Fluency

Tuesday 23rd February 2021.


The ______________ is up.

Get ___________________ of bed.

The girl __________________ in the sun.

                         hop     ran      skip

Her hat is _______________________.

                         pink   green      red

3. Third – English

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Micro question: What is Non- fiction?

We are learning about Rain Forests. Select the information that you would find
in this book.

Information                                            X     √

4. Fourth – Phonics pack

  5. Fifth – Maths


L.O. I am learning to subtract length.

Go to to use Dienes for help subtracting.

   1. 4m 8cm - 2m 1cm

4m - 2m = _______m

8cm - 1cm = _________cm

So, 4m 8cm - 2m 1cm = _________m and _________cm

   2. 5cm 4mm - 3cm 2mm

5cm - 3cm = ________cm

4mm - 2mm = ________mm

So, 5cm 4mm - 3cm 2mm = _________cm and ________mm

   3. 8m 50cm - 3m 10cm

8m - 3m = _________

50cm - 10cm = ________

So, 8m 50cm - 3cm 10cm = _______m and ________cm

   4. 7cm 3mm - 2cm 1mm = ___________cm and _________mm

   5. 10m 3cm - 4m 2cm = _____________cm and __________mm

   6. 20m 40cm + 10m 10cm = _________m and __________cm

   6. Sixth – Learning question

Tuesday 23rd February 2021.

Micro Question 2: What is gravity?

Watch the video:

Read the information.

                               Gravity is an invisible force that pulls everything
                                towards the centre of Earth. It feels like it is
                                pulling down. This is because wherever you are
                               on Earth, gravity is pulling you ‘down’ towards

                               Every object has gravity. The bigger the object,
                               the bigger the gravity.

Even        our Moon is affected the Earth’s gravity, keeping it in orbit around
                  our planet. The Moon has its own gravity, but it is 6 times
                  weaker than the Earth’s. This means that the same object
                  will weigh less on the Moon’s surface than it does on Earth.

                  When we jump, it is gravity that pulls us down to the ground.
If we were to jump on the surface of the Moon we would fall down much slower.
Gravity even affects our oceans! High and low tides in the ocean are caused by
the moon’s gravity.

 Using the information above, create a poster about gravity. You can use
the information you have just read to cut out and stick on your poster. Or
              you can write it out in your neatest handwriting.

 Try to include as much information as you can. There is a blank template
                      included in your pack for you to use.

           Don’t forget to email your work to

7. Seventh – Maths fluency


   1. 15 + 12 = ________

   2. 24 – 11 = ________

   3. 4 x 5 = ________

   4. 12 ÷ 3 = ________

   5. 41 – 3 = ________


   1. How many chocolate ice creams were sold? ___________

   2. How many more vanilla ice creams were sold than strawberry ice creams?


   3. How many symbols would represent 30 ice creams?

Wednesday 24th February
First          Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV - YouTube
Second        Reading Fluency – Session 3
Third         English – Session 3
Fourth        Writing fluency – Session 2
Fifth         Maths – Session 3
Sixth         Learning question – Session 3
Seventh       Maths fluency – Session 2
Eighth        Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

   1. First – Joe Wicks

   Get active this morning with Joe Wicks. Find his session from today on his youtube

  2. Second – Reading Fluency

Wednesday 24th February 2021.


Find the sun.

Find the bird.

The girl had ______________ in the sun.

The girl was __________________.

                          happy     sad   mad

3. Third – English

Wednesday 24th February 2021

L.Q. What is a caption?

A caption gives you some information about an image.

Can you match the image with the correct caption?
                                                  Enormous tarantulas
                                                  tiptoe across roots.
                                                  Poison dart frogs hop
                                                  like jumping jewels.

                                                  From lemon coloured
                                                  snakes to lime-coloured
                                                  lizards… from electric
                                                  blue butterflies to petal
                                                  pink bugs, rain forests
                                                  are full of amazing

High up in the canopy,
                                                          howler monkeys whoop
                                                          and roar. Macaws
                                                          screech and toucans

                                                          Shaggy bears shuffle
                                                          along, looking for fruit
                                                          and bugs to eat.

                                                          Billions of bugs creep,
                                                          crawl, flit and flutter.

   4. Fourth – Phonics pack
   5. Fifth – Maths


L.O. I am learning to measure the perimeter of a shape.

Add the sides together to find the perimeter.






6. Sixth – Learning question

Wednesday 24th February 2021.

Micro Question 3: What happens when more than one force is being applied
at the same time?

If there was a tug of war, and two people were pulling equally as hard, in
opposing (opposite) directions, what do you think would happen?

Choose which prediction you agree with.

   1. The rope would move to the left.

   2. The rope would move to the right.

   3. The rope would not move.

How would this change if more people joined on one side only, what might

happen then?

Choose which prediction you agree with.

   1. The rope would move to the left.

   2. The rope would move to the right.

   3. The rope would not move.

If the forces are equal, or balanced, on both sides then the rope
would not move.

If two balanced forces are
acting on an object, that
object will not change its

Watch the video:

Task: label the images as balanced or unbalanced forces. I’ve done one for



   7. Seventh – Maths fluency


1. 5 x 10 = _________

   2. 32 + 16 = _________

   3. 20 ÷ 10 = _________

   4. 300 - 100 = _________

   5. 54 - 31 = _________


Thursday 25th February
First         Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube
Second        Reading Fluency – Session 4
Third         English – Session 4
Fourth        Writing fluency – Session 3
Fifth         Maths – Session 4
Sixth         Learning question – Session 4
Seventh       Maths fluency – Session 3
Eighth        Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

  1. First – Cosmic Yoga

   Cosmic yoga - Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube

  2. Second – Reading Fluency

Thursday 25th February 2021.


I kick the _________________________.

The mud is ______________________________.

                     green    pink      brown

I ____________________ in the mud.

I _____________________ in the mud.

3. Third – English

Thursday 25th February 2021

Micro question: Why do we use headings and sub headings?

A sub heading matches the images and the writing.

 Sub heading – Slither

 The movement that snakes make

Match the sub heading to the image and writing.


 Split, splat,
 splatter, boom

 Drip, drop

Rain forest
 Layer cake

   4. Fourth – Phonics pack

   5. Fifth – Maths


L.O. I am learning to measure.

   1. Draw a line 7cm long.

   2. This line is _______cm long


   3. This line is ______mm long.


4. Draw a square with 2cm on each side.

5. What is the perimeter of your square? _________cm.
6. Draw a triangle with 3cm on each side.

7. What is the perimeter of your triangle? _______cm.

6. Sixth – Learning question

Thursday 25th February 2021.

Micro Question 4: What type of force is air resistance?

Watch the video: Year 3 Science – Paper Experiment on YouTube.

Air resistance is a type of
friction between air and
another material.

We are going to test the air resistance on a piece of paper. In this pack are 2
spare pieces of paper. You need to screw one up into a ball and leave the other
flat. If the paper has more air resistance it will fall slower.

To do the experiment you will need to drop the two pieces of paper from the
same height, at the same time. You can do this by standing and holding out
both of your arms at the same height.

Drop the pieces of paper 3 times and see which one hits the floor first. Record
your results in a table.

Which piece of paper will have the most air resistance? Tick one.

The flat piece of paper.

The ball of paper.

Neither, they will be the same.


Tick which piece of paper hits the floor first.

                            Ball of paper.        Sheet of paper.
 Test 1

 Test 2

 Test 3

What did your results show you? Which piece of paper had the most air
resistance (the slowest to fall)? Tick one.

The flat piece of paper.

The ball of paper.

Neither, they were both the same.

   7. Seventh – Maths fluency


   1. 6 x 2 = _________

   2. 122 + 341 = _________

   3. 86 - 23 = _________

   4. 10 ÷ 2 = _________

   5. 28 + 14 = _________


Friday 26th February
First           Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV - YouTube
Second         Reading Fluency – Session 5
Third          English – Session 5
Fourth         Writing fluency – Session 4
Fifth          Maths – Session 5
Sixth          Learning question – Session 5
Seventh        Maths fluency – Session 4
Eighth         Daily Read – MPJS Youtube channel

    1. First – Joe Wicks

    Get active this morning with Joe Wicks. Find his session from today on his youtube

2. Second – Reading Fluency

Friday 26th February 2021.


I sit _____________ the mud.

The girl is _________________.

                             happy   sad   mad

What is in the cat flap?


The cat is _______________________.

   3. Third – English

Friday 26th February 2021

Select the information that is appropriate for a Rainforest Non
Fiction text.

The red-eyed tree frog
jumps from twig to twig.

The dog can sit and stand.

The rain falls every day in
the rainforest.

Big fish swim in the river.

Rain drips into pink

Houses have doors and

Which ones will you use in your information book?

   4. Fourth – Phonics pack

   5. Fifth – Maths


l.O. I am learning to problem solve with length.

   1. Billy the snail walks around this shape.

    How far does he walk? ____________cm

   2. Bob walks 10m. Then, he turns around and walks back.

       How far does he walk in total? __________cm

   3. Sam has 10cm of string. She cuts 8cm of it off. How much is left?

4. Jill has 1m 20cm of wood. She cuts off 10cm.

      How much does she have left? __________

   5. Ann’s flower was 15cm tall. Last week, it grew 2cm.

      How tall is it now? _________cm

   6. Jill has 1m 20cm of wood. She cuts off 10cm.

      How much does she have left? __________

   6. Sixth – Learning question

Friday 26th February 2021.

Micro Question 5: How does shape affect the impact of water resistance?

Watch the video:

If you have ever walked through water, you will have felt the effects of water
resistance pushing against you. However, this
also helps you to swim, as when you push
against the water with your hands, the water
resistance pushes back and helps you to move
forward, like using oars to push against the
water to row a boat.

It is possible to reduce the effects of water and air resistance. Objects that
do not experience much water or air resistance are described as streamlined.

                                       A shark is streamlined. It has a pointed nose
                                       to cut through the water, and a smooth, low,
                                       curved back to allow the water to flow over
                                       and around it. This means it does not create
                                       a lot of water resistance and can move
                                       through the water quickly.

Cut out the animals and place them on the line from most streamlined to those
that are not streamlined.


                                              Not streamlined.

7. Seventh – Maths fluency


  1. 5 x 3 = _________

  2. 15 ÷ 3 = _________

  3. 74 – 21 = _________

4. 172 + 201 = _________

   5. 95 + 8 = _________


Mrs KD wants to see how many pupils from each year group forgets their Covid
tests each week.

Complete the table and the bar chart to present the data.

                        Remembered            Forgot their   Total
                        their test (%)          test (%)
             Year 3           75                  25         100
             Year 4           80                             100
             Year 5                               50         100
             Year 6                                          100

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