Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10

Page created by Jack Daniels
Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
Years 9 and 10
Elective Subject
     Guide 2022
Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
Learning at
Mount Carmel College
Dear Students,
This subject guide is produced to provide you with information about the
curriculum at Mount Carmel College in Years 9 and 10.
The values of our College are Courage, Compassion and Justice and these values
are developed through the interactions and the curriculum you are offered.
As young women of the future, you are guided towards becoming independent
learners; self-directed, emotionally intelligent and spiritually centred.
Contemporary education is about producing just, caring and responsible citizens.
It is important that you choose subjects that develop to your natural gifts, as
well as aiming for improvements in areas of challenge. During this stage of your
schooling, you are encouraged to try a range of subjects and to discover where
your strengths and interest lie.
Explore, discover and enjoy.

Fiona Nolan

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Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
4    Curriculum in Years 9 and 10
5    Subject Selection Process
6    Inclusion, Differentiation and Student Support
7    Elective Subjects 2022

9    The Arts
10   Dance
11   Drama
12   Music
13   Visual Arts

14 English and Languages
14   English Pathways
15   Japanese

16 Health and Physical                                29 Technologies
   Education                                          29    Design and Technologies: Food
17   Athlete Development                              30    Design and Technologies: Textiles
18   Outdoor and Environmental Studies                31    Digital Technologies
19   Sport Science
                                                      32 Theology and
20 Humanities and                                        Spirituality
   Social Sciences                                    32    Service Learning
21   Child Studies
22   Global Worlds                                    33 Vocational Education
23   Introduction to Sociology and Psychology            and Training (VET)
24   Legal Studies and Business                       34    Introduction to Community Services
                                                            (Child Care)
25 Science and                                        35    Introduction to Construction
   Mathematics                                        36    Introduction to Hospitality
26   Mathematics Methods
27   STEM

                                                      Guilford Young College (GYC) is the Registered Training
                                                      Provider (RTO) – Provider No: 1129

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Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
Curriculum in
Years 9 and 10
The Years 9 and 10 curriculum offers a                         Electives
breadth of opportunity for all students in                     In addition to the above compulsory subjects, you are
                                                               asked to select three elective subjects each year. You
a wide range of learning areas including                       are encouraged to participate in a wide range of offerings,
Theology and Spirituality, English,                            making an informed and balanced selection from across the
                                                               Learning Areas. A number of electives are offered that you
Mathematics, Science, Humanities and                           can choose in both Years 9 and 10, and many of these run as
Social Sciences, Health and Physical                           two-year alternating programs. You may choose to complete
                                                               one or two years of the program as each year covers different
Education, Languages (Japanese),                               content. You are, however, encouraged to participate in a
Technologies and The Arts.                                     diverse set of electives as this will enable you to gain an
                                                               appreciation of the variety of learning opportunities available
Following the rich foundational experience provided in Years   to you and may assist in establishing preferred pathways into
7 and 8, learning is deepened in Years 9 and 10 where you      Senior Secondary education and beyond.
have the opportunity to focus on areas of interest, take on
                                                               Core subjects in Years 9 and 10 provide a firm foundation
new challenges, explore strengths and develop a deeper
                                                               for Senior Secondary subjects. In most cases not studying
understanding of yourselves as learners, before moving onto
                                                               a particular Year 9 or Year 10 elective will not preclude the
Senior Secondary Courses.
                                                               study of that subject or related subjects at Senior Secondary
                                                               level. In a few cases, continuing subjects through Years 9 and
Compulsory Subjects                                            10 is advisable if you wish to choose them in Years 11 and 12.
                                                               Please read the subject information in this Guide and seek
In Years 9 and 10 you will study six compulsory subjects:
                                                               advice from Heads of Department or subject teachers in
• Theology and Spirituality                                    relation to particular pathways.
• English
• Health and Physical Education                                Vocational Education and Training (VET)
• History                                                      Mount Carmel College is part of the Southern Tasmanian
• Mathematics                                                  Catholic College Trade Training Centre. Guilford Young
• Science                                                      College (GYC) is the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) –
                                                               Provider No: 1129, and issues all statements and certificates
                                                               for students enrolled in VET courses.
                                                               Guilford Young College has a strong Vocational Education and
                                                               Training (VET) program. The popularity of VET continues to
                                                               grow and many students have made the transition from VET
                                                               programs to further training or employment following their
                                                               VET experience. VET courses are open to students in Year 10.
                                                               Please note that Introduction to Hospitality and Introduction
                                                               to Community Services (Child Care) are taught at Mount
                                                               Carmel College. Introduction to Construction will be taught
                                                               at Guilford Young College.
                                                               Students enrolling in courses delivered at Guilford Young
                                                               College will be required to pay a supplementary levy of
                                                               approximately $400 to subsidise the associated additional
                                                               transport costs.

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Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
Subject Selection Process

While you will be offered the full range of subjects in the initial
stages of the subject selection process, some subjects may not
attract sufficient student interest to make them viable in 2022.
When making elective subject selections, please nominate five subjects, in preferential
order. You should give careful consideration to the order of all five preferences as these
determine subject lines. The fourth or fifth options may be used to finalise your subject
allocations if the first three preferences cannot be accommodated.

Ms Valery Kullrich
and Ms Julia O’Rourke
Co-Director of Teaching and Learning

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Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
Inclusion, Differentiation
and Student Support
Mount Carmel College is an inclusive College                      Gifted and talented students are identified using a range
                                                                  of testing and observation methods. These students are
offering a range of support programs to meet                      supported and extended in specific areas to match their
the needs of all our students.                                    learning profiles, interests and needs.
We are committed to upholding the Inclusion and Extended          Some opportunities for acceleration and extension include
Learning Policies of the College. The Student Support             the Mathematics Methods course, Science and Engineering
and Enrichment team provides support for teachers and             Challenge, National History Challenge, Debating, UTAS
students to allow all to engage with the curriculum at an         Mathematics and STEM extension courses, workshops with
optimal level and fully participate in school life. The College   visiting authors and a variety of competitions and events
offers assistance for students who may require extra support      for enrichment.
to develop their literacy, numeracy or general learning skills.
The College prides itself on catering for all its students,
including students with additional learning needs. Life
skills, social skills and transition programs are provided for
students who require individualised support.

Tools For Transition
The course, Tools for Transition, is an elective offered to
selected students. It is designed to meet the needs of these
students and includes the following content:
• Organisation skills
• General living skills
• Everyday activities using literacy and numeracy
• Social and emotional skills
• Independent travel and organisation
• Transition to College skills
• A
   dditional time and support for subject specific
  tasks and homework
The course is practical and hands on, involving both
classroom learning and out of class experiences. Students
can participate in this course in both Year 9 and Year 10 if
they so wish.

Extended Learning
Mount Carmel College values and nurtures the individual
needs of gifted and talented students by providing optimal
academic challenge within the classroom and a variety
of extra-curricular opportunities. High quality curriculum
differentiation is combined with teacher support and
enrichment opportunities to allow students to meet
their potential.

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Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
Elective Subjects 2022
  Subject                       Page      Additional Information
                                          This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a
                                          two-year alternating program. Students must be competing in a recognised
                                          sporting competition in the year/s they undertake this elective.
  Athlete                         17      Students selecting this course will be required to complete an additional
                                          written application.
                                          Students enrolling in this course will be required to pay a supplementary levy
                                          of $100 to subsidise activities.

                                          This course is a one -year course which students may choose only once in Year
  Child Studies                  21       9 or 10. It is a prerequisite for Introduction to Community Service - Child Care
                                          (VET) in Year 10.

                                          This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Dance                          10       year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                          of the program.

                                          This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Design and                     29       year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
  Technologies - Foods
                                          of the program.

                                          This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Design and                     30       year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
  Technologies - Textiles
                                          of the program.

                                          This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Digital                        31       year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                          of the program.

                                          This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Drama                          11       year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                          of the program.

                                          This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  English Pathways               14       year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                          of the program.

                                          This elective is a one-year course which students may choose only once in Year
  Global Worlds                  22       9 or 10.

                                          VET courses are open to students in Year 10.
  Introduction to                         Students selecting this course must have completed Child Studies in Year 9 as
  Community Service -            34       a prerequisite.
  Child Care (VET)*                       There is a supplementary levy of $90 for this course, to subsidise the cost of the
                                          First Aid training provider.

                                          VET courses are open to students in Year 10.
                                          A component of this course will be delivered on site at GYC College. Students
                                          enrolling in this course will be required to pay a supplementary levy to
  Introduction to                35       subsidise the associated additional transport costs.
  Construction (VET)*
                                          Students selecting this course will be required to discuss this with one of the
                                          Co-Directors of Teaching and Learning at Mount Carmel prior to confirming

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                               7
Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
VET courses are open to students in Year 10.
  Introduction to                    36        Students enrolling in this course will be required to pay a supplementary levy
  Hospitality (VET)*
                                               of $50 to subsidise the activities.

  Introduction to
  Sociology and                      23        This elective is a one-year course offered to students in Year 10 only.

                                               This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10. Students may choose
  Japanese                           15        to complete one or two years of the program.

  Legal Studies                                This course is a one-year course which students may choose only once in Year
  and Business                                 9 or 10.

  Mathematics                                  This course is an extension Mathematics course offered to any Year 10 student
  Methods                                      who has achieved a high standard of assessment in Year 9 Mathematics.

                                               This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Music                              12        year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                               of the program.

                                               This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
                                               year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                               of the program.
  Outdoor and                                  Students selecting this course will be required to complete an additional
  Environmental                      18        written application and may be required to attend a suitability interview.
  Studies                                      There is a supplementary levy of $400 for this course, to subsidise the activities
                                               and training.
                                               Student’s participation in this course will be reviewed after four weeks, to
                                               ensure full commitment to the program.

  Project Based Learning                       Not offered in 2022

                                               This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Service                            32        year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                               of the program.

                                               This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  Sport Science                      19        year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                               of the program.

                                               This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10 and runs as a two-
  STEM                               27        year alternating program. Students may choose to complete one or two years
                                               of the program.

  Tools for Transition                         This elective is offered to selected students in Years 9 and 10.

                                               This elective is offered to students in both Years 9 and 10. Students may choose
  Visual Art                         13        to complete one or two years of the program.

*Guilford Young College (GYC) is the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) – Provider No: 1129

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Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
The Arts

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Elective Subject Guide 2022 - Years 9 and 10
The Arts
Who could choose this subject?                                Assessment in this course could include:
This course is designed to cater for any student              • Live Performance
who wishes to dance; no matter the level of                   • Video Performance
experience. All students who have completed                   • Written reflection
Year 8 Dance can access this course and                       • Written submission
they can expect to build on the skills they                   • Technical execution
have learnt previously. This course is highly
differentiated and caters for students who wish               This course could lead to:
to pursue a career in dance as well as those                  • Dance Choreography and Performance 3
who just want to move and be creative.                        • Dance 2
                                                              • Dance The Basic Moves 1
This course will include:
Year A (2022)                                                 Transferable skills:
• Ongoing development of technique and skills
                                                              • Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Participation in the bi-annual school musical
                                                              • Relationship building, teamwork and collaboration
• Exploration of rhythm and body percussion
                                                              • Focus, memory and rapid recall
• Free-From choreography
                                                              • Creative and lateral thinking
• E
   xploration of the cultural and historical role of dance
                                                              • Problem solving
  around the world
                                                              • Greater self-awareness and self expression
• Viewing live performances
                                                              • Physical fitness, mental wellbeing and resilience
• Solo/Duo Performances
                                                              • Pattern Recognition
• Written Reviews
                                                              • Musical Understanding
Year B (2023)
• Ongoing development of technique and skills
• Improvisation skills
• Choreography for film (Making a dance music video)
• Free-From choreography
• Increase Body Awareness
• E
   xploration of the cultural and historical role of dance
  around the world
• Viewing live performances
• Solo/Duo Performances
• Written Reviews

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                    10
The Arts
Who could choose this subject?                            Assessment in this course could include:
This course is for students who enjoy Drama               • P
                                                             erformances in a range of styles and groupings
and want to improve their Drama skills. All                 (solo/small and large group)
students who have completed Year 8 Drama                  • Script writing
can access this course. With an openness                  • Analysis of live theatre
to experiencing all aspects of theatre and                • Written reflections and journaling
performance, students will develop at their
own pace and experience success at their                  This course could lead to:
own level.                                                • Technical Theatre Production 2
                                                          • Drama Foundations 2
This course will include:                                 • Drama 3
                                                          • Theatre Performance 3
Year A (2022)
• Whole class production - play
• Small screen acting - creating a scene for television
                                                          Transferable skills:
                                                          • Verbal and non verbal communication
• Script writing and performance
                                                          • Relationship building, teamwork and collaboration
• Duologue performance - from given scripts
                                                          • Focus and time management
• C
   hildren’s Theatre - performance for Primary
  School classes                                          • Self confidence
• Ongoing theatre experience and review                   • Literacy skills and public speaking skills
                                                          • Creative thinking and problem solving
Year B (2023)
                                                          • Greater self awareness and empathy for others
• Whole class production - musical
                                                          • Risk taking, adaptability and resilience
• Character development and portrayal - original script
                                                          • Appreciation of Theatre and The Arts
• One act play
• Monologue performance - from given scripts
• Ongoing theatre experience and review

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                11
The Arts
Who could choose this subject?                              Assessment in this course could include:
This course is for students who would like to               • Music performances and/or recordings
make music! All students who have completed                 • Music compositions
Year 8 Music can access this course. With a                 • Guided music research and analysis
willingness to practise and an openness to                  • Musicianship quizzes
learning about a wide range of styles and ways
of making music, students will experience                   This course could lead to:
success at their own level.                                 • Music Foundation Practical Study (UTAS)
                                                            • Music 3
This course will include:                                   • Music Studies 2
Year A (2022)                                               • Contemporary Music 2
• Practical Study 1 - negotiated choice of piece            • Music Technology Projects (UTAS) 1
• Like a Version - making arrangement choices in songs      • Music Technology Projects Foundations 2
• Practical Study 2 - student choice of piece
• Practical Study 3 - learning a ‘set’ of songs or pieces   Transferable skills:
• I mprovisation in music - small research project         • Critical and creative thinking
   and class activities                                     • Research and lateral thinking
• Minimalism - composition project                          • Planning and time management
• Six Degrees of Separation - music analysis project        • Communication and performance
• Musicianship - learning about the theory of music         • Memorisation and concentration
Year B (2023)                                               • Fine-motor skills
• Practical Study 1 - negotiated choice of piece            • Understanding and appreciating diversity
• Like a Version - making arrangement choices in songs      • Collaboration
• Practical Study 2 - student choice of piece               • Thinking in and understanding patterns
• Practical Study 3 - learning a ‘set’ of songs or pieces   • Self-expression and resilience
• Musical Theatre - music analysis project                  • Marketing and ICT skills
• Film Music - composition project
• B
   alinese Gamelan - small research project and class
• Musicianship - learning about the theory of music

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                         12
The Arts
Visual Arts
Who could choose this subject?                                This course could lead to:
This course is designed for those who have a                  • Art Theory and Criticism
passion for art and would like to learn a broad               • Art Production 3
range of technical skills which they can apply                • Art Studio Practice 3
to their own ideas for creating dynamic and                   • Visual Art 2
individual art works. This course is aimed at                 • Other design based subjects
encouraging students to develop their own
style and practice in preparation for pre-tertiary            Transferable skills:
studio-based Art subjects.                                    • Creative and critical thinking
                                                              • Practical and technical knowledge of tools and materials

This course will include:                                     • Increased visual-spatial awareness
Drawing (all students)                                        • Strength in problem solving
                                                              • Greater self-awareness and empathy for others
Then either:                                                  • Developing a rigorous process based on a reflective practice
Independent Studio Practice (Year 10 students who completed   • Valuing diversit
Year 9 Art)
                                                              • Confidence in self-expression
Or, for all other students:                                   • Experience in exhibiting finished works
• Painting
• Sculpture/Ceramics
• Mixed Media

Assessment in this course could include:
• M
   aking and appreciating artworks through
  an ongoing journal practice
• P
   roducing a body of work each term focussing
  on a theme and material
• R
   esearching artists and finding connections
  to your own work
• Self reflection
• Documentation of your work
• Ongoing class exercises in skills development

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                        13
English and Languages
English Pathways
Who could choose this subject?                                 Assessment in this course could include:
This course is aimed at students who have a                    • Essay writing
passion for studies in English and those who                   • Creative responses
wish to further develop key skills in preparation              • Reflective writing
for the rigorous and challenging nature of                     • Multimodal, oral and visual presentations
English at a senior secondary level.
                                                               This course could lead to:
This course will include:                                      • English Applied
Year A (2022)                                                  • English Foundations
• Flash Fiction- Creative Writing                              • English Literature
• Novel Study- Contemporary                                    • English Writing or English 3
• Comparative film study- classic vs contemporary              • Various Level 3 Humanities subjects
• Journalism- print and multimedia

Year B (2023)
                                                               Transferable skills:
                                                               • Critical and creative thinking
• Writers and their Craft- author study and creative writing
                                                               • Planning and time management
• Single text study- Shakespearean play
                                                               • Creative writing
• Adaptation study- novel to film
                                                               • Reading comprehension
• Independent Study
                                                               • Proof-reading and editing skills
                                                               • Formal essay writing
Class activities include:
• C
   reative writing in a range of genres, both fiction
  and non-fiction texts
• Undertake an independent study
• Write a formal essay
• Explore elements of print and media Journalism
• Reflective writing
• Multimodal, visual and oral presentations

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                             14
English and Languages
Who could choose this subject?                                    This course could lead to:
Any student, currently in Years 8 or 9, with an                   •	Japanese Foundation TQA 2
interest or passion for the Japanese language                        This course is designed for beginners or those with some
and culture is invited to study this subject. It                     previous experience in Japanese.
provides an opportunity for continued language                    •	Japanese TQA 3
learning, and can also act as a platform for                         Students interested in this course will require strong
                                                                     results in Japanese from Years 7-10. They are encouraged
further study in Year 11 or 12.                                      to study Japanese in Year 9 and 10 if they would like to
                                                                     directly enter this course. Alternatively students can
This course will include:                                            complete the Japanese Foundation unit first.
Students will use both adapted and authentic spoken and
written texts to obtain and share information in the areas        Transferable skills:
of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Themes such as       • Understanding of global perspectives
self and family, directions and travel, daily life and future
                                                                  • Intercultural communication skills
aspirations are explored, as platforms to develop these skills.
                                                                  • Analytical and critical literacy skills
Students undertake a range of hands-on learning activities
                                                                  • Self-directed learning skills
using the target language. This may include, but is not limited
to, scavenger hunts, card or board games, creating picture        • Responsibility as a global citizen
books or manga comics, designing travel itineraries, engaging     • Verbal and written communication skills
in cultural practices, sampling Japanese food, or film-making.    • Culturally aware and inclusive
There is also opportunity for cultural exchanges in Hobart
                                                                  • Access to opportunities in a globalised economy
or Japan.

Assessment in this course could include:
• Picture book or manga comic design
• Film-making
• Conversational tests
• Writing and speaking tasks
• Writing and listening tests

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Health and Physical Education

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022   16
Health and Physical Education
Athlete Development
Who could choose this subject?                      Assessment in this course could include:
This course is aimed at students who want           • Maintaining a training diary
to develop their own personal athletic              • Practical lesson participation and reflection
potential. You will need to be competing in a       • Research and presentation
sporting competition, possess a high level of       • I ndependent training program development and
motivation to improve/maintain elements of
                                                    • Fitness testing
your current fitness level, be willing to develop
                                                    • Theory tests
and implement (under guidance) an individual
training program and keep a training diary.
                                                    This course could lead to:
                                                    • Athlete Development 2
This course will include:
                                                    • Sport Science 2
Year A (2022)
• Theory
                                                    Transferable skills:
• Goal setting
                                                    • Goal setting
• Recovery Methods
                                                    • Planning and time management
• Training Diary
                                                    • Higher order thinking
• Practical
                                                    • Organisational skills
• Fitness testing
                                                    • Physical fitness
• Technical training
• Coaching/Umpiring

Year B (2023)
• Theory
• Basic Physiology
• Injury Prevention
• Training Diary
• Practical
• Strength and Conditioning
• Measuring performance
• Competition preparation

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                       17
Health and Physical Education
Outdoor and Environmental Studies
Who could choose this subject?                     Class activities include:
Students choosing this course will be required     Theoretical study to assist planning, outdoor pursuits,
                                                   environmental awareness, problem solving and team
to possess a reasonable level of fitness, be       building exercises.
highly motivated and an independent learner.
                                                   Note: Practical assessment a heavier weighting
They must enjoy physically demanding
challenges, be comfortable in water
environments and confidently engage in             Assessment in this course could include:
                                                   • P
                                                      articipation, application and competency in outdoor
outside activities in all seasons and weather.       activities
Students also need to be prepared to attend        • Following safety procedures
weekly excursions and are required to attend       • Written reflections on learning and experience
two multi day camps during the year.               • D
                                                      emonstrating environmental awareness in action
                                                     and written reflection
This course will include:
Year A (2022)                                      This course could lead to:
• Sea Kayak Journey                                • Outdoor Experiences
• Walking Journey                                  • Outdoor Education 2
• Coasteering                                      • Outdoor Leadership 3
• Snorkelling
• Bushwalking and Navigation                       Transferable skills:
• Climbing                                         • Teamwork and collaboration
• Cycling                                          • Self reliance and resilience
• Sailing                                          • Leadership
• Stand Up Paddle Boarding                         • Organisational skills
• Surfing                                          • Planning and time management
                                                   • Managing risks
Year B (2023)
                                                   • Oral and written communication
• Rafting Journey
• Walking Journey
• Coasteering
• Snorkelling
• Bushwalking and Navigation
• Climbing
• Cycling
• Stand Up Paddle Boarding
• Sailing
• Surfing

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                             18
Health and Physical Education
Sport Science
Who could choose this subject?                                  Assessment in this course could include:
This course is aimed at students who have                       • Tests
an interest in understanding the science                        • Lab reports
behind human movement and sporting                              • Presentations
performance. You will need to have an                           • Coaching
interest in sport, be able to engage in                         • Research scenarios
practical lessons and be willing to further                     • Investigative study
develop your science and numeracy skills.
                                                                This course could lead to:
                                                                • Sport Science 2 and 3
This course will include:
                                                                • Biology
Year A (2022)                                                   • Human Movement (UTAS)
• Skill Acquisition
• Sports Psychology
                                                                Transferable skills:
• Coaching Children
                                                                • Teamwork and collaboration
• Sports Analysis (Biomechanics)
                                                                • Written and oral communication
• Investigative study - Issues in Sport
                                                                • Data collection and analysis
Year B (2023)                                                   • Analytical and interpretive skills
• Body Systems                                                  • Problem solving
• Exercise Physiology                                           • Planning and time management
• Fitness Assessment and Development
• Sports Injuries and Assessment
• Sports Nutrition

Class activities include:
Theoretical learning mixed with limited practical activities.

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Humanities and Social Sciences

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022   20
Humanities and Social Sciences
Child Studies
Who could choose this subject?                       This course could lead to:
The aim of Child Studies is for students to          • I ntroduction to Community Services
                                                        (Child Care) at Mount Carmel College
become knowledgeable in child development
                                                     • Focus on Children 1
from preconception through to and including
                                                     • Working with Children 2
the early years. Students will develop the skills
                                                     • You, Your Family and Community 2
needed to positively influence the development
                                                     • Certificate II in Community Services Children’s Services
and wellbeing of children. Students have the
opportunity to work and develop relationships        Transferable skills:
with students in the Early Years.                    • Oral and written communication
                                                     • Teamwork and collaboration
This course will include:                            • Problem solving
• Families and preparing for parenthood              • Adaptability
• Pregnancy, labour and birth                        • Active listening skills
• Caring for the newborn
• Child development and play
• Children and culture
• Child health and safety
• Practical work in Kinder – Year 2 classes
• Caring for the ‘Real Care Baby infant simulator’
• Guest speakers

Assessment in this course could include:
• Practical work in the Early Years
• Reflective journal
• Designing a picture book
• Case studies
• Planning and designing a playground
• Comparing and contrasting cultural practices

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                  21
Humanities and Social Sciences
Global Worlds
Who could choose this subject?                            This course could lead to:
This subject is designed to provide students              • Modern History 3
with an understanding of past and current                 • Geography 3
global events and issues. It will explore how             • AAP 3
global events have and will continue to shape             • History and the Environment 2
the ever-changing world in which we live.
                                                          Transferable skills:
This course will include:                                 • Understanding of global perspectives
• Political ideologies and Superpowers                    • Generating conclusions and alternative solutions
• Cold War including the Space Race and Arms Race         • Skills in critically evaluating information
• North Korea                                             • Ethical decision making
• Conflict in the Middle East                             • Research and analysis skills
• Migration                                               • W
                                                             riting accurately, clearly and concisely in a variety
                                                            of styles
• Global food production
• G
   lobalisation and impact of information technology
  on place and space
• T
   ourism, current situation and effects on the future
  of places

Assessment in this course could include:
• Case studies
• Debates
• Infographic
• Research projects
• Essay
• End of unit tests

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                      22
Humanities and Social Sciences
Introduction to Sociology and Psychology
Who could choose this subject?                     Assessment in this course could include:
This subject is for those who want to gain a       • Observations
better understanding of human behaviour.           • Written Reports
The aim of this course is to give students         • Debates
an understanding of the different theories,        • Class presentations
methods and language used in both sociology        • Comparison and contrast exercises
and psychology. This subject provides a            • End of unit tests and quizzes
pathway for those wishing to study the
behavioural sciences at college.                   This course could lead to:
                                                   • Sociology 3

This course will include:                          • Psychology 3
                                                   • Introduction to Sociology and Psychology 2
Semester One - Sociology
• Become familiar with three key theories
                                                   Transferable skills:
• Research ethics
                                                   • Research and analysis skills
• Culture and protest culture
                                                   • Skills in critically evaluating information
• Socialisation
                                                   • Ethical decision making
• Social class in Australia
                                                   • W
                                                      riting accurately, clearly and concisely in a variety
• Institutions: School and Family                    of styles
• Crime and Deviance                               • Planning and time management
Semester Two - Psychology
• Become familiar with branches of psychology
• Research methods and ethics
• How the brain works
• Sleeping and Dreaming
• Emotions
• Memory
• Personality

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                               23
Humanities and Social Sciences
Legal Studies and Business
Who could choose this subject?                                    This course could lead to:
This subject gives students the opportunity to explore and        • Legal Studies Foundation
develop an understanding of Australia’s legal and political       • Legal Studies 3
system. They will examine Australia’s legal system and
                                                                  • Business Studies Foundation
different political parties. Students will also learn about the
Australian economy and the nature of small businesses.            • Business Studies 3

This course will include:                                         Transferable skills:
• Learning how Australia’s legal system works                     • Critical thinking
• Describing the role of the courts and police                    • C
                                                                     ollating information and drawing conclusions from
                                                                    a variety of sources
• Investigating the different political parties
                                                                  • E
                                                                     ffective decision making, considering alternative
• D
   eveloping an awareness of local, national and global
  legal issues
                                                                  • Developing and refining research skills
• U
   nderstanding how businesses organise and manage
  themselves                                                      • W
                                                                     rite accurately, clearly and concisely in a variety
                                                                    of styles
• Appreciating the nature of business marketing
• Group investigations and presentations
• Guest speakers

Assessment in this course could include:
• Research assignments
• Case studies
• Essays
• Debates
• Developing a business plan

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                            24
Science and Mathematics

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022   25
Science and Mathematics
Mathematics Methods
Who should choose this subject?                    Assessment in this course could include:
This course is aimed at students who enjoy         • Assignments
the challenge of mathematics and seek to           • Tests
study this at a high level in Years 11 and 12.     • Investigations
Maths Methods is the pathway to Mathematics
Methods 4 in Year 11 and Mathematics               This course could lead to:
Specialised in Year 12.                            • Mathematics Methods 3
                                                   • General Mathematics 3
This course will include:                          • Mathematics Methods 4
• Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Functions            • Mathematics Specialised
• Exponential and Logarithmic Functions            • Physical Science 3
• Trigonometric Functions                          • Physics
• Differential Calculus                            • University High Achievers Program
• Probability and Combinatorics
                                                   Transferable skills:
Class activities include:                          • Mathematical communication
• Mathematics theory and proofs                    • Problem solving
• Numerical, algebraic and worded problems         • Time Management
• Use of Technology to solve complex problems      • Appropriate use of technology

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                              26
Science and Mathematics
Who could choose this subject?                        Assessment in this course could include:
This course is aimed at students who enjoy            • Design and creation of objects and artefacts
the “why?” and “how?” of the natural and              • Scientific investigations
constructed world and hands-on learning.              • Multimodal presentations
Students who enjoy Science, Mathematics,
the range of technology options and                   This course could lead to:
                                                      • Environmental Science
engineering challenges will use the design
                                                      • Biology
cycle and the full scientific method to pose
                                                      • Chemistry and Physical Sciences
questions and experience different ways of
                                                      • Data Science
finding solutions to problems in our world.
                                                      • General Mathematics
                                                      • Housing and Design
This course will include:
                                                      • Introduction to Construction
Year A (2022)                                         • Object Design
S – Forensics and Scientific Investigations
T – Technologies – Housing and Design                 Transferable skills:
E – Bridge Design and Renewable Energies              • Critical and creative thinking
                                                      • Project management
M – History of Numbers and Beauty in Maths
                                                      • Group work
Year B (2023)                                         • Scientific investigation and communication
S – Marine Science and Microbes
T – Technologies – Design with Wood (laser cutting)
E – Theme Park Design and Robotics
M – Puzzlemania and Escape Rooms

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                       27

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022   28
Design and Technologies: Food
Who could choose this subject?                                     Assessment in this course could include:
The Technologies program at Mount Carmel                           • Understanding of nutrition, food safety and hygiene
College has been designed to build student                         • Costing recipes and preparing food for service
capacity in a range of fundamental 21st-Century                    • Catering for a number of school events
skills (including problem-solving, creativity                      • Project-based learning, combined with theory assessments.
and innovation, and design thinking) in a                          • C
                                                                      reation of designed solutions for products, services and
                                                                     environments within the foods context
project-based learning environment. The Food
                                                                   • I ndividual and collaborative work to manage design
Studies strand of this program will appeal to                         projects while considering the sustainability, economic and
students who are interested in applying their                         ethical impacts of decisions
creativity and work ethic in the food industry,
who can work effectively both individually and                     This course could lead to:
collaboratively, who are problem-solvers and                       • Food and Cooking Essentials
detail-oriented, and who love bringing people                      • Food and Hospitality Enterprise
together through food.                                             • Food and Nutrition

This course will include:                                          Transferable skills:
                                                                   • Project management
Year A (2022)
                                                                   • Innovative and creative thinking
• Nutrition
                                                                   • Problem-solving/solution-seeking
• Food equity
                                                                   • People-focused design
• Food product development
                                                                   • Evaluation and ethical decision-making
• Food in Australia

Year B (2023)
• Food service
• Food for specific needs
• Food for special occasions
• Food trends

Class activities include:
A range of real world topics are explored, including food equity
and food waste which are issues that affect the population on
a global and local scale. Students will gain an understanding
of the relationship between nutrition and health as they plan
meals and adhere to national food selection tools such as the
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and the Australia Dietary
Guidelines. Students will investigate the latest food trends and
advancements in food technology as applied to food product
development, production and preparation.

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                              29
Design and Technologies: Textiles
Who could choose this subject?                                Class activities include:
The Technologies program at Mount Carmel                      Students will develop their creative and critical thinking
                                                              skills through a range of practical projects and focus study
College has been designed to build student                    areas such as; design, fashion illustration, Australian and
capacity in a range of fundamental 21st-                      international designers, textile art, e-textiles, computer aided
Century skills (including problem-solving,                    design (CAD), sustainability and properties and performance
creativity and innovation, and design thinking)               of textiles and materials. A range of current issues within the
                                                              Textile Industry will be investigated, including the impact of
in a project-based learning environment. The                  fast-fashion on the environment and ethical and unethical
Textiles strand of this program will appeal                   production practices.
to students who are interested in applying
their creativity and work ethic in the fashion                Assessment in this course could include:
industry, who can work effectively both                       • Project-based learning
individually and collaboratively, who are                     • Theory assessments
problem-solvers and detail-oriented, and who                  • C
                                                                 onstruct items such as clothing, accessories and textile
love creating confidence through designing                      art in response to design briefs
the perfect look. It builds upon the practical                • U
                                                                 nderstanding of the elements and principles of design
                                                                and learning how to apply these to projects
skills and knowledge gained in Design and
                                                              • S
                                                                 tudents will be given the opportunity to enter
Technology in Year 7 and 8.
                                                                Wool4School, an annual nationwide design competition
                                                                run by The Woolmark Company
This course will include:
• Design                                                      This course could lead to:
• Fashion illustration                                        • Design and Production (Level 2)
• Australian and international designers
• Textile art                                                 Transferable skills:
• E-textiles and computer aided design (CAD)                  • Project management
• Properties and performance of textiles and materials       • Innovative and creative thinking
• A
   range of current issues within the Textile Industry,      • Problem-solving/solution-seeking
  including the impact of fast- fashion on the environment,
                                                              • People-focused design
  sustainability and ethical and unethical production
  practices                                                   • Product evaluation
                                                              • Ethical decision-making

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                           30
Digital Technologies
Who could choose this subject?                              Assessment in this course could include:
This course is for students who like                        • M
                                                               aking a range of artistic and functional items (eg.
                                                              games, movies, or 3D objects)
learning new skills and using technology
                                                            • A
                                                               nalysing a societal problem and coming up with
to make and create. We teach some core                        a technological solution
technical skills that everyone needs, but                   • Researching and reviewing technology
there is also plenty of room for individual                 • Practice and skill assessments
projects. To be successful in this course
you will use technology not only to solve                   This course could lead to:
existing problems but also make something                   • Housing Design
completely new and exciting.                                • Computer Graphics
                                                            • Music Technology
This course will include:                                   • Theatre Production
Topics change each year depending on student preferences,   • Computing or Media Production
but usually include:
• Making movies                                             Transferable skills:
• Creating and printing 3D objects                          • Present information in a variety of ways
• Programming games                                         • Solve problems using “out of the box” thinking
• Entering technology competitions                          • Make for a purpose
• Using a laser cutter                                      • Work within the limits of our tools
• Using computers to solve real world problems              • Collaboration and teamwork

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                      31
Theology and Spirituality
Service Learning
Who could choose this subject?                                   Assessment in this course could include:
This course is aimed at students who have                        Compiling a folio documenting service learning, including:
a passion to make a difference in our world;                     • Research and planning prior to service action
students who will ‘welcome in’ and ‘reach out’                   • Written case studies
to others. Students who choose this course                       • Recorded interviews
should enjoy building relationships with others                  • An awareness campaign
and planning and participating in outreach                       Keeping a reflective journal which includes:
activities. The term ‘service’ means that                        • W
                                                                    ritten reflections that connect classroom learning
students are actively involved in outreach in the                  with the service action
community and intrinsic to Christian service                     • M
                                                                    aking connections between personal virtues and
learning is the opportunity to grow by reflecting                  community
on experiences of service.                                       • Reflections on personal growth from service experience

This course will include:                                        This course could lead to:
                                                                 • Community Service Learning 2
Year A (2022)
                                                                 • Community Access 1,
• Education: breaking down the barriers
                                                                 • You, Your Family and the Community 1
• Hunger and Homelessness: Feeding 5000
• Creation: Animal and/or Environmental Ethics
                                                                 Transferable skills:
Year B (2023)
                                                                 • Project management
• I ntergenerational Service: Personal histories of residents
                                                                 • Problem solving through collaboration and negotiation
   in aged care
                                                                 • Effective communication
• H
   elping in an Emergency: Disaster Relief and
  Humanitarian Aid                                               • Relationship building, and teamwork
• Activism: Social Justice Art                                   • Greater self-awareness and empathy for others
                                                                 • Adaptability
Class activities include:                                        • Valuing diversity
• P
   lanning and participating in visits to community
• Researching social issues and responses
• Awareness campaigns and fundraising
• Class discussions
• Reflective Journaling

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                              32
Vocational Education
and Training (VET)

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022   33
Vocational Education
and Training (VET)
Introduction to Community Services (Child Care)
Who could choose this subject:                                  Assessment in this course could include:
Students choosing this course should have                       Theory assessments and tasks based upon your ability to
                                                                demonstrate the skills and knowledge that are needed to
a desire to work with children, have good                       work in the and industry.
communication skills, be willing to put theory
                                                                Students will receive a Statement of Attainment listing the
into practice, have a friendly, accepting and                   units satisfactorily completed.
welcoming personality, and be co-operative
and willing to work as part of a team.                          This course could lead to:
                                                                The four units in this course could contribute to Certificate
Students at Mount Carmel can enrol in                           II in Community Services choose to enrol in the full
the following four units of competency:                         qualification either at Guilford Young College or any other
• HLTFSE001 Follow basic food safety practices                  Registered Training Organisation in the future.
• HLTWHS001 Participate in Workplace Health and Safety          Certificate III in Early Childhood Education or Working with
• SITXCOM001 Source and Present Information                     Children Level 2 (TASC)
• HLTAID003 Provide first aid (provision by outside provider)
                                                                Transferable skills:
This course will include:                                       • Written and verbal communication skills
• Gaining an induction into the and industry                    • First Aid
• W
   orking towards completing four units from the CHC           • Research skills
  Community Services Training Package                           • Team work
• Learning how to interact with children                        • Planning and time management
• D
   eveloping an understanding of children’s needs,
  development and abilities
• Participating in an industry work placement
• Completing a first aid course

Class activities include:
• Assessment and research tasks
• Presentations
• On the job scenarios
• Group work.

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                                34
Vocational Education
and Training (VET)
Introduction to Construction
Who could choose this subject?                                  Assessment in this course could include:
This course is designed for students wishing                    Practical and theory tasks that provide opportunity to
                                                                demonstrate the skills and knowledge that are needed to
to train for or gain employment in one of the                   work in the construction industry.
building trades. Industry employers are seeking
                                                                Students will receive a Statement of Attainment listing the
motivated students with sound literacy,                         units satisfactorily completed.
numeracy and technical skills. The units
included in this course provide an excellent                    This course could lead to:
introduction to vocational training for the                     These units can contribute to CPC20220 Certificate II in
construction industry.                                          Construction Pathways if students choose to enrol in the full
                                                                qualification either at Guilford Young College or any other
                                                                Registered Training Organisation in the future.
This course will include:
Mount Carmel College students can enrol in the following
units of competency.                                            Transferable skills:
• C
   PCCWHS2001 – Apply WHS requirements, policies               • Literacy and numeracy skills
  and procedures in the construction industry                   • Communication skills
• C
   PCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the                  • Team work
  construction industry                                         • S
                                                                   afe work practices according to WHS principles
• MEM16006 – Organise and communicate information                and procedures

Class activities will include:
Using a variety of tools for the job and reading, calculating
and measuring for construction plans or projects.

Students will develop the following skills:
• Communication skills
• Safe use of hand and power tools
• How to read plans
• Measuring skills
• How to work in a team environment

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                              35
Vocational Education
and Training (VET)
Introduction to Hospitality
Who could choose this subject?                               Assessment in this course could include:
This course is designed to provide students                  Practical and theory tasks that provide opportunity to
                                                             demonstrate the skills and knowledge that are needed to
with an understanding of what the hospitality                work in the hospitality industry.
industry is about and the many career
                                                             Students will receive a Statement of Attainment listing the
pathways it offers. This course provides an                  units satisfactorily completed.
excellent introduction to vocational training for
the hospitality industry.                                    This course could lead to:
                                                             Units completed in this course will contribute to SIT10216
This course will include:                                    Certificate I in Hospitality if students choose to enrol in the
Mount Carmel College students can enrol in the following     full qualification either at Guilford Young College or any other
units of competency:                                         Registered Training Organisation in the future.

• SITXFSA001 – Use hygienic practices for food safety        Certificate II Kitchen Operations/Certificate II Hospitality,
• SITXWHS001 – Participate in safe work practices            Certificate III Commercial Cookery/Certificate IV Commercial
• SITHCCC003– Prepare and present sandwiches
• SITHCCC002 – Prepare and present simple dishes
                                                             Transferable skills:
                                                             • Basic hygiene procedures
Class activities include:
                                                             • Planning and time management
A mixture of theory and practical classes covering:
                                                             • Team work
• Safe work practices                                        • Logical and time efficient workflow
• Teamwork                                                   • Literacy and numeracy skills
• Food preparation                                           • S
                                                                afe work practices according to WHS principles and
• Food hygiene                                                 procedures
• Attractive arrangement of food
• Cleaning, kitchen and storage areas
• Students will utilise the commercial kitchen bay
• S
   tudents will also visit industry kitchen premises such
  as restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, canteens and other
  catering operations

Mount Carmel College Elective Subject Guide 2022                                                                           36
A Catholic, Kinder to Year 10 school for girls.
361 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay, Tasmania • P (03) 6216 7900

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