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  MARCH/APRIL 2019                                     NEWS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ELDER AFFAIRS                                                         VOL. 30, NO. 2

                   CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER
                   Richard Prudom                                      munities are livable, accessible, and supportive of               is a very real and serious issue. Burnout is a prob-
                   Secretary                                           our caregivers.                                                   lem we want to prevent.
                   Florida Department
                   of Elder Affairs                                    There are many factors affecting Florida caregivers,              In 2016, AARP conducted a study on caregiving
                                                                       but one of the most significant ones is the increas-              and reported that:
                    Florida is home to more than                       ing incidence of dementia. The Alzheimer’s Asso-
5.5 million older residents and boasts the largest                     ciation projects there are 540,000 Floridians liv-                 • 68 percent of respondents who were current or
65+ population in the nation. In the next 10 years,                    ing with Alzheimer’s disease – a number that is                      past caregivers reported feeling emotionally
our senior population will increase to more than                       expected to increase to more than 720,000 in the                     stressed.
7.6 million. There are challenges in promoting the                     coming years. Sadly, these figures do not include
health and well-being of this growing and increas-                     those living with other forms of dementia, like                    • 34 percent felt financially stressed.
ingly diverse older adult population. Aging, espe-                     Lewy Body dementia or vascular dementia, nor
cially as baby boomers reach ages 85 and older,                        does it include the millions of caregivers affected.               • 57 percent found it very difficult to get rest.
signals a likely surge in the use of long-term care
services. Disability rates evolve over time, so Flor-                  There are more than 1.1 million caregivers pro-                    • 45 percent had no time to exercise regularly or
ida’s Aging Network has been given a significant                       viding care and support for family members with                      keep a healthy diet.
challenge – to ensure that the needs of the frailest                   Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. And, as
elders continue to be met.                                             we know, there are still more caregivers provid-                 Our caregivers are not able to take care of them-
                                                                       ing other support outside of the dementia spectrum.              selves because of all the demands they face pro-
Additionally, the caregiver crisis is real and grow-                   When a loved one is diagnosed with an illness,                   viding care. And while the study noted that typi-
ing. One of the most important things we are work-                     we know it is not just the individual who suffers.               cal family caregivers in Florida are women over
ing on is how to make Florida more age-friendly,                       Whole family structures and dynamics must be                     age 55, we know we also have people who fit in
and a significant part of this is ensuring our com-                    adjusted accordingly. There becomes a “new nor-                  as the “sandwich generation,” where they are tak-
                                                                       mal.” And the stress family caregivers experience                ing care of their children AND other loved ones

                                                                                                                                                              CONTINUED ON PAGE 15

  March/April 2019                        A LOOK INSIDE
                                          News from Our Local PSAs                                                                                     Join Us at Florida Senior Day...................................... 13
                                          PSA 5: Pasco-Pinellas.................................................. 3                                    Department of Veterans' Affairs
                                          SHINE                                                                                                        Danny Burgess, Executive Director of FDVA.............. 14
                                          New Medicare Card Distribution Is Completed........... 4                                                     Homeowners
                                          Dear Judy..................................................................... 5                             Reverse Mortgage Relief Available............................15
                                          SHINE Volunteer Retires.............................................. 6                                      Transportation
                                          Guardianship                                                                                                 Slow Your Roll: Low Speed Vehicle Guide...................17
                                          Lee Eakin: Professional Guardian................................ 7                                           Office of Financial Regulation
                                          Health and Wellness                                                                                          Financial Planning for Memory Loss......................... 18
                                          Vaccines for a Healthier Life........................................8                                       Financial Word Scramble.......................................... 19
                                          Department of Elder Affairs                                                                                  Long-Term Care Ombudsman
                                          Our Mission, Programs, and Services.......................... 9                                              Volunteer Spotlight...................................................20
                                          Volunteering                                                                                                 Local Council Success Stories......................................21
                                          The Importance of Volunteer Recognition................ 10                                                   Alzheimer's Disease Awareness
                                          April Is Florida Volunteer Month................................11
                                          News from the Capitol                                                               Alzheimer's              Painting the Capitol Purple....................................... 24

                                          Governor Ron DeSantis: First 30 Days........................ 12                     Awareness
                                                                                                                             MORE ON PAGE 24
2                                                   LETTER FROM THE EDITOR                                                                   MARCH/APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                                   Elder Update

(USPS 403-710/ISSN 1060-4545)
                                          LETTER FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
                                          Allison Burtoft                            ed to share this progress with you,      nings. We feel that this issue of Elder
Elder Update is a bimonthly
publication mailed in state to            Editor-in-Chief                            excited to continue moving forward,      Update is a great opportunity to
Florida residents at no cost to                                                      and we thank you for allowing us to      share different ways to stay engaged
recipients. Out of state, Elder           As winter comes to a close, we say         serve your communities. As always,       with your community.
Update may be accessed at                 hello to a new season with warmer          we will have information from our
elderaffairs.org.                         weather and longer days. It always         SHINE Program and updates from           We hope you enjoy this issue, and we
Ron DeSantis                              seems like spring is a whirlwind –         our partners through the Long-Term       always appreciate hearing from you.
Governor                                  from the change of Daylight Savings        Care Ombudsman Program. You'll           If you have suggestions, please write
Richard Prudom                            Time to the change of weather, it is       also see highlights of some of our       to us at the address in the left column
Secretary                                 certainly one of the busiest times of      wonderful volunteers and profession-     or visit elderaffairs.org for more
Ashley Chambers                           the year. If you’re planning on travel-    al guardians.                            information.
Communications Director                   ing during this time and will change
                                          your address temporarily, please let       If you’re staying in the state in the
Allison Burtoft
Editor-in-Chief                           us know if you would like for us
                                          to temporarily suspend your sub-
                                                                                     coming months, this spring is the
                                                                                     perfect time to experience new activ-
                                                                                                                                 SPECIAL THANKS
Liz Jameson                                                                                                                      Elder Update staff is deeply
                                          scription until your return. We have       ities. This March and April, there are
Editor                                                                                                                           gratified by the many generous
                                          received many changes of addresses         many opportunities to try something
Haven Capone                                                                                                                     donations given recently by our
                                          out of state, and we want to ensure        different from your normal routine or
Layout Editor & Graphic Design                                                                                                   readers. Your generosity and
                                          all of our Florida subscribers contin-     learn something new.
Elder Update welcomes                                                                                                            kindness are truly appreciated,
                                          ue to receive the paper.
submissions from readers.                                                                                                        and your donations will be used
                                                                                     Whether you choose to come out to
However, due to the volume of                                                                                                    to ensure the continued produc-
                                          Inside this issue of Elder Update,         the Historic Capitol for Senior Day
submissions, acknowledgements                                                                                                    tion of Elder Update.
cannot be mailed. Articles                you'll learn about happenings across       on March 27, or join a new organi-
selected for publication must             the state from the Department of           zation in your hometown for Florida           • Adelaide M Wagstaff
provide accurate information              Elder Affairs and from our new Gov-        Volunteer Month, spring is a great
to Florida’s elders about                 ernor, Ron DeSantis. We are excit-         time to start fresh with new begin-
aging-related programs and
services and complement the
Department’s mission. The

                                            SUDOKU                                                    1 5                                     6 4
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submitted material.
Department of Elder Affairs
4040 Esplanade Way
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Phone: 850-414-2000
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Elder Update                          PLANNING AND SERVICE AREAS                                                                                 3

                                            Bonnie Hough                                           medical care. The local WellMed medical clinic is
                                            Director of Outreach, AAAPP                            working with AAAPP to ensure the holistic needs
                                                                                                   of their older adult patients are being met, either
                                            Two New Exciting Programs                              through services provided by either organization,
                                            AAAPP is proud to announce the launch of two           or by providing funds for crisis-relieving services
                                            new pilot projects, aimed at addressing the needs      where appropriate.

News From Our
                                            of caregivers. These projects include the following:
                                                                                                   A First-of-Its-Kind Needs Assessment
                                             Training on and Implementation of Savvy               AAAPP has worked to build a coalition of munici-

Local Planning                               Caregiver, an evidence-based program to help
                                             caregivers of adults with Alzheimer’s disease
                                             or related disorders better manage their stress
                                                                                                   pal and foundation partners to fund an evidence-
                                                                                                   based Community Assessment Survey of Older
                                                                                                   Adults. This survey will be mailed to 18,000

and Service Areas                            and learn healthy coping skills. Four to six
                                             agency representatives will be trained to pro-
                                             vide the program, and a pilot course will be
                                                                                                   homes where at least one adult over the age of 60
                                                                                                   lives and will collect a wide range of information
                                                                                                   on the needs of our community’s elders to live
                                             held in both Pinellas and Pasco counties.             safely and independently. The survey is expected
Florida is divided into 11 Planning and                                                            to be mailed in March of 2019, with data available
Service Areas (PSAs). Each PSA is made       Development of Caregiver Connect, a Face-             late summer 2019.
up of several counties that receive ser-     book-live educational series and informal
                                             peer support group for family caregivers who          Free, Anonymous Incontinence Supply Bank
vices through an Area Agency on Aging        cannot leave their homes but are in need of           Over the past year, AAAPP has received two
(AAA) centrally located in the PSA.          information, support, and resources to assist         grants to build out a free and anonymous incon-
AAAs contract with the Department of         in caring for their loved ones. The series is         tinence supply bank throughout our PSA. Older
Elder Affairs to provide services locally    expected to launch late spring 2019 via the           adults who call the helpline in need of inconti-
that best meet the needs of elders.          AAAPP Facebook page.                                  nence supplies are directed to a variety of commu-
                                                                                                   nity sites where they can pick up several packs of
PSA 5 includes Pasco and Pinellas coun-     Partnerships to Address                                supplies at a time. In the first year of the program,
ties and is served by the Area Agency       the Needs of Older Adults                              AAAPP and its distribution network provided more
                                            AAAPP has partnered with the WellMed Founda-           than 22,000 individual pull ups and 7,000 individu-
on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas (AAAPP).         tion to ensure medical providers are also address-     al pads to older adults in need.
                                            ing the social needs of older adults as they provide
4                                                                       SHINE                                                           MARCH/APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                               Elder Update

New Medicare Card Distribution Is Completed
Portions of CMS News Release                            • Call 1-800-MEDICARE for assistance. They            • Start using your new Medicare card right away.
(January 16, 2019)                                        will verify your identity, check your address on      Carry it when you need healthcare. Medicare
                                                          record, and help you get your new card.               coverage and benefits are the same. The new
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services                                                                    card does not impact or change your healthcare
(CMS) recently completed a large-scale effort to        • Log into your mymedicare.gov account to get           benefits.
provide new Medicare cards without Social Secu-           your new Medicare number or print your official
rity numbers to people with Medicare. The new             card. The new Medicare number is now avail-         • Keep your other plan cards. If you’re in a Medi-
cards support the agency’s work to protect personal       able in your account, even if you didn’t receive      care Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO) or
identity and reduce fraud and abuse. Over the past        your card in the mail. Accounts are password-         a Medicare Drug Plan, keep using that plan ID
nine months, CMS sent new cards to more than 61           protected and secure. To access or create an          card whenever you need care or prescriptions.
million people with Medicare across all U.S. states       account, visit MyMedicare.gov.                        However, please carry and protect your new
and territories, completing the mailing ahead of                                                                Medicare card — you may be asked to show it.
schedule.                                               • Ask your healthcare provider. Providers may be
                                                          able to look up your Medicare number through        • Protect your Medicare number just like a credit
 “Safeguarding our beneficiaries’ personal infor-         a secure portal when you come in for healthcare       card. Only give the new Medicare number to
mation continues to be one of our top priorities,”        services.                                             doctors, pharmacists, other healthcare providers,
said CMS Administrator Seema Verma. “The                                                                        insurers, or people you trust to work with Medi-
Trump Administration is committed to modern-           Prioritizing Security                                    care on your behalf. Medicare will never call
izing Medicare and has expedited this process to       Although the new Medicare cards are designed to          uninvited for your Medicare number or other
ensure the protection of Medicare beneficiaries and    protect against identity theft, people with Medicare     personal information.
taxpayer dollars from the potential for fraud and      should continue to look out for scams. CMS offers
abuse due to personal information that existed on      these tips:                                                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
the old cards. All beneficiaries should continue to
use these new cards as a valuable resource when         • Destroy your old Medicare card so no one can
seeking care. These new cards will not only be eas-       get your personal information.
ier for beneficiaries, but also provide the Medicare
program with essential protections due to the new
unique identifier on the cards.”

In April 2018, CMS began mailing the new Medi-
care cards, each of which features a unique, ran-
domly assigned Medicare number known as a
Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI). The MBI
is a combination of letters and numbers that helps
protect against personal identity theft and fraud.
CMS mailed the new cards on a rolling schedule
to all people with Medicare, completing the task
three months before the April 2019 deadline for
replacing old Medicare cards set by Congress as
part of the legislation passed under the Medicare
Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)
of 2015. Medicare patients are successfully using
their new cards in doctor’s offices and other
healthcare facilities.

Assistance Available
For anyone with Medicare who has not received a
new card by now, CMS offers these tips:
Elder Update                                                               SHINE                                                                                            5

DEAR Your Questions Answered
JUDY: by a SHINE Counselor
Explaining the Maximum Out-of-Pocket Limit
and the Choice to Defer Medicare Part B Coverage
Dear Judy,                            The Maximum Out-of-Pocket Limit                cover 100 percent of covered health
I signed up for a Medicare Advan-     is the highest yearly amount you will          care costs for the remainder of the
tage plan last fall during the Open   have to pay out-of-pocket for covered          calendar year.
Enrollment Period. In reviewing my    health care services. This spending
plan’s documents, I notice that my    maximum is one important differ-               Dear Judy,
plan has a “maximum out-of-pocket     ence between Medicare Advantage
limit” for the year. Can you please   plans and the original fee-for-service         I am turning 65 in August 2019.
explain what this means?              Medicare program; Original Medi-               Should I defer my Part B coverage?                 JUDY ARCHEY
                                      care doesn’t have a yearly cap on
Thanks,                               your health care costs. This yearly            Thanks,                                            Judy Archey is the Area Coordi-
Ms. M.A.                              cap does not include monthly pre-              Mr. Bass                                           nator for Putnam, Alachua, Brad-
                                      miums, but it does include annu-                                                                  ford, and Union counties. She
Dear Ms. M.A.,                        al deductibles, co-insurance, and              Dear Mr. Bass,                                     also serves as a statewide train-
Thank you for taking advantage of     copayments. They may all count                 Welcome to Medicare! You are not                   er for the Department of Elder
Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period.    toward this maximum limit.                     required to sign up for Medicare Part              Affairs’ SHINE Program.
It is wise to check your coverage                                                    B when you are first eligible if you
every year.                           The Maximum Out-of-Pocket may be               still have insurance coverage through              If you have a question you would
                                             different for each individual           a current employer, be it through                  like answered in our new Dear
Maximum Out-of-Pocket                            Medicare Advantage                  yours or your spouse’s.                            Judy column, please send an
Limit is one important                            plan and can change                                                                   email to information@elderaf-
difference between                                from year to year.                “Current” is the operative word here.               fairs.org. You may also send a
Medicare Advantage                                Once you have reached              Retiree, COBRA, Veterans’ benefits,                question by regular mail to:
and the traditional                               the plan’s limit for that          or individual insurance purchased
fee-for-service                                    year, then your Medi-             from the Marketplace does not count
                                                          care Advantage             as coverage from a current employer.                 Elder Update: Dear Judy
Medicare plan.                                                                                                                            Florida Department
                                                              Plan will              If you miss your deadline to sign up
                                                                                     for Part B for this or any other rea-                of Elder Affairs
                                                                                     son, you may be required to pay a                    4040 Esplanade Way
                                                                                     late enrollment penalty for the rest of              Tallahassee, FL 32399-7000
                                                                                    your time on Medicare.

                                                                                     You can enroll in Part B without a               care ends. If you miss this win-
                                                                                     penalty at any time during the eight             dow, you may be subject to a pen-
                                                                                     months after you or your spouse stop             alty for as long as you are covered
                                                                                     working or your employee health                  by Medicare.

                                       provides free, unbiased health insurance counseling and information to elders and their caregivers. Through a statewide network of
                                       trained SHINE counselors, individuals with Medicare-related questions and issues can receive personal and confidential assistance.
                                       Through the SHINE/SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) Program, SHINE counselors support the SMP mission to empower and assist
                                       Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach,
                                       counseling, and education. For more information, you may visit our website at FLORIDASHINE.ORG.
6                                                                     SHINE                                                            MARCH/APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                              Elder Update

                                       Volunteer Retires From SHINE
                                       Program After 21 Years of
                                       Service to Southwest Floridians
                                       and the Area Agency on Aging for          Marshall filed hundreds, if not thou-     ABOUT THE AREA
                                       Southwest Florida (AAASWFL).              sands, of appeals during her two-plus
                                                                                 decades with SHINE, winning nearly
                                                                                                                           AGENCY ON AGING FOR
                                       In October, SHINE volunteers past         all of them. She once won an appeal       SOUTHWEST FLORIDA
                                       and present, along with current and       on behalf of a client for more than
                                                                                                                           The Area Agency on Aging for
                                       former employees of AAASWFL               $500,000.
                                                                                                                           Southwest Florida is a nonprofit
                                       and Cape Coral Hospital gathered to
                                                                                                                           organization serving Charlotte,
                                       wish Marshall the best at a retirement    The SHINE Program has grown sig-
 The secret to Jo                      reception at AAASWFL’s North Fort         nificantly since Marshall joined the
                                                                                                                           Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hen-
                                                                                                                           dry, Lee, and Sarasota coun-
                                       Myers headquarters.                       team. She recalls that in 1997, there
 Marshall's over                                                                 were only about three or four SHINE
                                                                                                                           ties. AAASWFL is the state’s
                                                                                                                           designated Aging and Disability
 two decades                           SHINE is a DOEA program and is
                                       operated locally through AAASWFL.
                                                                                 volunteers serving AAASWFL’s
                                                                                 seven counties. Marshall would
                                                                                                                           Resource Center for Southwest
                                                                                                                           Florida. The organization is com-
 as a successful                       SHINE counselors like Marshall pro-
                                       vide free and unbiased information
                                                                                 sometimes need to travel as far away
                                                                                 as Sarasota and Clewiston to provide
                                                                                                                           mitted to connecting older adults
 counselor?                            to help clients understand their Medi-    counseling and information to Medi-
                                                                                                                           and adults with disabilities to
                                                                                                                           resources and assistance for liv-
                                       care health care options so they can      care beneficiaries. Today, 60 volun-
                                                                                                                           ing safely with independence
“I’ll do anything                      make the best decisions for their indi-
                                       vidual needs. SHINE counselors also
                                                                                 teers provide Medicare counseling
                                                                                 services for the agency.
                                                                                                                           and dignity. More information is
                                                                                                                           available at www.aaaswfl.org or
 I can for you,                        help beneficiaries understand benefits
                                       available through Medicare, such as       Marshall provided one-on-one coun-
                                                                                                                           by calling the toll-free Helpline at
 but I don’t take                      preventative health care services.        seling to 450 clients last year. Avail-
                                                                                                                           866-413-5337 (866-41-ELDER).

 any nonsense                          Volunteering from her counseling site
                                                                                 able reporting data shows that Mar-
                                                                                 shall has counseled 3,541 clients
                                                                                                                           SHINE counseling is avail-
                                                                                                                           able year-round across Florida.
 from anyone.”                         at the SHARE Club in Cape Coral
                                       Hospital, Marshall assisted thousands
                                                                                 since 2010 and has spent an incred-
                                                                                 ible 2,229 hours assisting those
                                                                                                                           To receive help from SHINE,
                                                                                                                           individuals may call to sched-
                                       of clients over the past two decades.     clients.
                                                                                                                           ule appointments at designated
                                       Marshall’s SHINE duties included
                                                                                                                           SHINE counseling sites, attend
Kirsten O’Donnell, MBA                 helping seniors evaluate insurance        Marshall will tell you that she loves
                                                                                                                           enrollment events in their local
Area Agency on Aging for SWFL          plans and apply for financial assis-      helping people, but that passion isn’t
                                                                                                                           communities, or arrange to speak
                                       tance. However, her true passion          the secret to her success. Ask her to
                                                                                                                           with a trained SHINE counselor
For 21 years, Southwest Florida’s      came from filing appeals on behalf of     reveal why she was such an effective
                                                                                                                           at 1-800-963-5337 (1-800-96-
seniors have counted on Jo Marshall    clients who were seeking assistance       counselor for more than two decades,
                                                                                                                           ELDER). SHINE is also actively
to help them with their Medicare and   with denied claims by insurance           and Marshall will answer with a
                                                                                                                           seeking volunteer counselors. For
health insurance issues. Marshall      companies or health care providers.       laugh.
                                                                                                                           more information about counsel-
served two-plus decades as a volun-
                                                                                                                           ing or volunteer opportunities,
teer with the SHINE (Serving Health    “My very first client was an appeal,” “I’ll do anything I can for you,” she’ll
                                                                                                                           please visit floridashine.org.
Insurance Needs of Elders) Program      Marshall smiles. “It was for $20, reply. “But I don’t take any nonsense
through both the State of Florida’s     which was a lot more money 21 years   from anyone.”
Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA)      ago. And I won it.”
 Elder Update                                                   GUARDIANSHIP                                                                                  7

Lee Eakin:
Lee Eakin is a professional guard-
                                          course, the incapacity with which the
ian in private practice in North Palm     person deals may impact the practi-
Beach, Florida. Lee was the first         cality of these goals. Those persons
recipient of the Guardian Excellence      with developmental limitations may
Award presented by the National           have more opportunity to “increase”
Guardianship Association (NGA)            or “improve” their functional levels
and is highly regarded in the field.      than those suffering from late-life
Through his work, he helps many           cognitive loss. But that doesn’t nec-
people in need of guardianship and        essarily change the goal.
shines a light on the positive work of
professional guardians.                    Are there requirements to
                                           becoming a professional
 What interested you in                    guardian in Florida?
 professional guardianship?
                                          To become a guardian in Florida, one
Finding guardianship was a stroke of      completes a 40-hour course, takes
good luck for me. I was working for       an exam, and submits background
a large social services agency, coor-     research (including law enforce-         and, ultimately, decided she wanted      “extraordinary” or those involving
dinating Alzheimer’s respite care,        ment and credit reports) to the Office   to go for “restoration.” But when she     finances, are under the supervision
when I was asked to move over to the      of Public & Professional Guardians       realized that restoration meant she       of the courts. Palm Beach County’s
new guardianship program. It was          (OPPG), which is the registering         would not have her guardian, she          courts and the office of the Palm
ideal: I found guardianship fit well      agency in Florida. I belong to the       balked, saying she “kinda liked” hav-     Beach County Clerk of Courts have
with my background and interests,         National Guardianship Association        ing someone like her guardian in her      been very active in helping to make
and I’ve been a guardian for the 15       (NGA) and am certified by the CGC.       life. Often, the guardian can identify    guardianship better for those we
years since. I have a masters in social   Belonging to the NGA and FSGA            alternatives to the less-than-safe or     serve.
work and a masters in health admin-       (and their local chapters) helps keep    less-than-optimal life their client is
istration, and I’m a nursing home         a guardian’s skills and knowledge        leading and, working with them, is        Are there benefits of
administrator. I’m also certificated in   honed, as well as offering great net-    able to improve their life. Sometimes     planning ahead and
gerontology, so guardianship and I fit    working. Continuing education is         this is medical care, sometimes sup-      avoiding guardianship?
nicely together. I’m on the board of      required and necessary to maintain       port services, sometimes placement
trustees of the Center for Guardian                                                in a more appropriate setting, or         When is this practicable?
                                          one’s status and professional pro-
Certification (CGC) and served as         ficiency. Our practice is guided by      other intervention. Occasionally, it’s
                                                                                                                            When I speak with others, I stress the
president of the Florida State Guard-     state law, through the courts, and by    stepping in to stop exploitation and
                                                                                                                            need for planning prior to any form
ianship Association (FSGA) for two        standards of practice promulgated by     financial or physical risk. I helped
                                                                                                                            of incapacity. I encourage everyone
terms, having been on its board for       our profession.                          one woman transition to a residential
                                                                                   program, fully expecting her to hate     to meet with an attorney to formalize
10 years.
                                                                                                                            structures to assure they will main-
                                           Is there a specific case                it. On my first visit, she grabbed me
                                                                                                                            tain control of their life for as long as
 What is the role of the                                                           and said, “If I’d known it would be
                                           that you would like to                                                           possible, and then have that control
 professional guardian?                                                            this wonderful, I’d have moved 10
                                           share where the individual              years ago!”                              move to a trusted “other” who will
                                           was under guardianship                                                           assure that their quality and direc-
Guardianship is a valuable tool for                                                                                         tion of life reflects their wishes. My
protecting those who lack the abil-        and benefited?                           Discuss the role of                     documents (will, living will, durable
ity to act for their own protection.                                                oversight by the courts.                power of attorney for health care,
                                          While I won’t identify any specific
While it varies from locale to locale,                                                                                      and others) are all in place. I’ve dis-
                                          person under guardianship with           All professional guardianship prac-
it focuses on helping maintain the                                                                                          cussed them with the people who’ll
                                          whom I’ve worked, I can say there        tice is under the oversight of the
person’s standard of living; protect-                                                                                       carry them out, and copies have been
                                          are those for whom I’ve worked who       courts. We work closely with the
ing them from abuse, exploitation, or                                                                                       given to those who need them. I can’t
                                          stand out in my mind. Among them         auditors, investigators, and ultimate-
neglect; and when possible, helping                                                                                         imagine not taking this step to assure
                                          are a bright, socially-adept woman       ly, the judges themselves. Many of
them learn the skills or gain the sup-                                                                                      my end of life is lived the way I’d
                                          who found the guidance guardian-         the actions of a guardian, especially
ports needed to maximize their levels                                                                                       want it to be.
                                          ship provided to be a match for her      those actions which may be seen as
of autonomy and independence. Of
8                                                     HEALTH AND WELLNESS                                                                     MARCH/APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                                      Elder Update

                                                                                                                  ogy states that one in three persons will develop
                                                                                                                  the virus, during which time it may be transferred
                                                                                                                  to others. This may even cause chickenpox in sus-
                                                                                                                  ceptible individuals. The CDC recommends adults
                                                                                                                  age 50 years or older be administered two doses of
                                                                                                                  Shingrix vaccine, separated by two to six months.
                                                                                                                  This is a relatively new vaccine and replaces the
                                                                                                                  formerly recommended Zostavax®. The Shingrix
                                                                                                                  vaccine is recommended even in those individu-
                                                                                                                  als who previously received Zostavax. Keeping
                                                                                                                  an updated list of all previous vaccinations and
                                                                                                                  administration dates can prove very beneficial for
                                                                                                                  both yourself and your providers, and can take
                                                                                                                  much of the guess work out of the equation.

                                                                                                                  This brings us to Tdap and Td. The acronyms
                                                                                                                  alone are enough to make us want to run in the
                                                                                                                  opposite direction. However, this immunization
                                                                                                                  protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis;
                                                                                                                  three bacterial diseases that can prove to be life-
                                                                                                                  threatening if contracted. The CDC recommends
                                                                                                                  that all adults age 65 and older with no record of
                                                                                                                  having previously received Tdap should receive a
                                                                                                                  single dose of this immunization followed by the
                                                                                                                  Td booster every 10 years. This is of special impor-
                                                                                                                  tance to those who plan to have close contact with
                                                                                                                  children under the age of 12 months. One caveat to
                                                                                                                  the timing of the Td booster is the event of certain

Vaccines for a Healthier Life
                                                                                                                  skin injuries. In these cases, an early booster may
                                                                                                                  be recommended.

Joy Barbee, BSN                                          to be a member of the aging population, live in an       Last, but definitely not least, is the influenza vac-
Clinical Coordinator                                     assisted living facility or nursing home, or just plan   cine, a vaccine that is updated yearly and tailored
West Florida Memory Disorder Clinic                      to spend some quality time with the grandchildren,       to fight the strains of the flu that are predicted to be
                                                         then this article was written for you. We’ll review      the most prevalent of the season. Studies on vac-
D. Garrett Smith
                                                         immunizations specific to your needs.                    cines show as we age we become more vulnerable
PharmD Candidate 2019
                                                                                                                  to complications, severity of symptoms, and poten-
University of Florida
                                                         First up: the Pneumococcal vaccine, which may            tial hospitalization resulting from the flu. Therefore,
                                                         provide added protection from, and decreased             it is important that we adhere to the current recom-
As another winter season comes to an end, we say
                                                         severity of, Pneumococcal diseases such as pneu-         mendation proposed by the CDC, that all individu-
“goodbye” to the cool weather, and “hello” to new
                                                         monia. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention        als above the age of 6 months receive a yearly flu
 beginnings and lifestyle modifications. While stay-
                                                         (CDC) Guidelines recommend that all individuals          vaccine, with those age 65 and older receiving a
 ing organized usually tops the list of goals for the
                                                         age 65 and above receive vaccination with Prevnar        higher dose to prompt a stronger immune response.
 new season, there is one rather unique resolution
                                                         13 (PCV13), followed 12 months later with Pneu-
 that could lead to a healthier way of living not only
                                                         movax 23 (PPSV23). Be sure to speak with your            My hope is that this article has invoked empower-
 for ourselves, but for our friends, neighbors, and
                                                         health care provider to ensure proper administra-        ment and enthusiasm for immunizations. May it
 loved ones as well: Get needed immunizations.
                                                         tion of this series, as the scheduling of this vac-      spark a conversation between you and a provider,
                                                         cination may vary slightly depending on patient-         a stranger, a neighbor, or a family member, and
“What do they protect against?” “Do I need any
                                                         specific factors.                                        from that conversation, inspire the decision to take
 of them?” “Am I up to date?” are all very relevant
                                                                                                                  action. A healthier generation begins with our
 questions that we are curious about, but we don’t
                                                         Additionally, there is the herpes zoster, or shingles    elderly population.
 necessarily take the time to seek the answers.
                                                         vaccination. This painful condition results from
Therefore, we couldn’t think of a better time than
                                                         re-activated varicella zoster—the virus that causes      Sources available upon request.
 now to brush up on this topic. So, if you happen
                                                         chickenpox. The American Journal of Epidemiol-
 Elder Update                                   DEPARTMENT OF ELDER AFFAIRS                                                                                     9

The Florida Department
of Elder Affairs: Our Mission,
Programs, and Services
Office of Strategic Initiatives             those who need help due to frailty
Florida Department of Elder Affairs         and/or disability.

With more than 5.5 million people           Programs Administered by DOEA
age 60+, Florida has the highest per-       DOEA administers many programs
centage of older adults in the coun-        including the federally-funded Older
try, and, like the rest of the nation, is   Americans Act (OAA) programs,
aging rapidly. Many people of retire-       which provide many services that
ment age are still working and will         help support elders living at home
stay active for many years to come.         and in the community, helping to
While most of our older residents           prevent or delay entry into a nursing
are active and healthy, we know that        home. These services include home-
everyone ages differently and that          maker services, companionship, help
some may need help with their daily         for caregivers, home health assis-
activities. The Florida Department of       tance, home repair, transportation,
Elder Affairs (DOEA) helps elders           meals and nutrition, employment,          all stay healthy and vital as we grow     notice, and can happen in any season.
meet their needs with many types of         information and referrals, legal sup-     older. Programs that help regain or       The program provides one benefit per
programs and services, using funds          port, and health and wellness activi-     retain good balance, help manage          household per season and can help
provided by the federal government,         ties, among others.                       chronic diseases like arthritis and       with repairs to existing heating and
the State of Florida, and government                                                  diabetes, and those that teach us         cooling systems, along with vouch-
grants. Our mission is to help Flori-       The ADRCs also use OAA funds to           how to make healthy food choices          ers for portable heaters, blankets, and
da’s elders remain healthy, safe, and       support the statewide Elder Helpline      are becoming more and more popu-          fans.
independent.                                that connects elders and families         lar and available at local senior cen-
                                            with the local programs and infor-        ters and other venues. DOEA is also       State-funded programs include the
 Compared to many of the other state        mation they are seeking. Nutri-           working to find ways to continually       Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative (ADI),
 agencies, DOEA is relatively young         tion services provide healthy meals       improve the current long-term care        Community Care for the Elderly
 and not very large, having been cre-       and snacks to local elders through        system better and to give more com-       (CCE), and Home Care for the Elder-
 ated in 1991 and currently with a          home-delivered meals, also known          munity choices and options to all         ly (HCE). The ADI program provides
 staff of fewer than 500 full-time          as “Meals on Wheels,” or at congre-       older Floridians in need of care.         supportive services such as respite,
 workers state-wide. We are the pri-        gate meal sites such as senior centers,                                             caregiver training, and counseling
 mary state agency that administers         along with nutrition education to         The Senior Community Service              for clients and families affected by
 social and human services programs         help elders learn how and why eating      Employment Program (SCSEP) helps          Alzheimer’s disease or related disor-
 for older adults and adults with dis-      healthy meals and snacks is impor-        unemployed and under-employed             ders. ADI also funds Memory Disor-
 abilities. DOEA leads Florida’s            tant at any age.                          low-income Floridians who are at          der Clinics, which offer services to
"Aging Network," which also includes                                                  least age 55 by placing them in part-     those diagnosed with or suspected
 11 regional Area Agencies on Aging         Caregiver assistance programs offer       time jobs where they develop skills       of having a memory loss, and the
 (AAAs), 51 lead agencies, and direct       support services including much-          and gain work experience before           Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Bank, an
 care service providers who in turn         needed respite to caregivers, giving      moving on to full-time employment.        active research database.
 employ the many direct care work-          those who care for seniors a break
 ers who provide hands-on care. The         from the difficult job of taking care     The Emergency Home Energy Assis-          The CCE program helps frail elders
 state’s AAAs are non-profit organi-        of others; they also include education,   tance Program (EHEAP) assists low-        remain at home by providing adult
 zations that contract with local pro-      training, support groups, and other       income households, with at least one      day care, case management, con-
 viders to provide the various services     assistance for caregivers.                person age 60 or older when they are      sumable medical supplies, home-
 offered in each region. They operate                                                 experiencing a home energy emer-          delivered meals, emergency alert
 as Aging and Disability Resource           Under the OAA, DOEA has been              gency. Home energy emergencies            response, personal care, respite, and
 Centers (ADRCs) to provide “no             using more preventive services and        may be delinquent utility bills, a lack   other community-based services.
 wrong door” access to services for         evidence-based programs to help us        of fuel or wood, or getting a shut-off
                                                                                                                                    CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
10                                                          VOLUNTEERING                                                                MARCH/APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                                Elder Update

  The Importance of Volunteer Recognition
Janice Harvey                            list and decide who will coordinate       • Send a write-up to your local          Try some of the following questions:
Office of Volunteer and                  a recognition event (not a volunteer).      community newspaper.
Community Services                       Consider holding the event at a vol-                                                • Who is your favorite author?
Florida Department of Elder Affairs      unteer meeting, a volunteer training     Once you start a recognition program
                                         session, or at a planned formal event.   in your organization, make sure to         • What is your favorite restaurant?
April is Florida Volunteer Month.        The following are ideas to make the      continue it. Not only will your vol-
This special month provides an           recognition successful:                  unteers look forward to it, but staff      • Do you enjoy going
opportunity for organizations to rec-                                             members in your organization will            to the movies?
ognize their volunteers for being an      • Inventory items that you or an        expect it. It will become an antici-
integral part of their team. Florida’s      associate presently have that         pated event to recognize the value         • What do you enjoy doing
volunteers are providing an invalu-         could be used for the occasion.       and importance of your volunteers.           in your spare time?
able service in their communities                                                 Plan your next recognition event well
and are doing a tremendous amount         • Write thank you cards or letters      in advance so that you can relax and       • What are some of your
of work across our state. It is impor-      for each volunteer to be presented    enjoy it with your volunteers.               favorite snacks?
tant to take time to let your volun-        at the event.
teers know that they are appreci-                                                 If you are unable to hold an event, or    Let us acknowledge that volun-
ated. Although April is set aside to      • Recruit family, friends, and co-      are between events, there are simple      teers are essential at all levels, even
recognize volunteers, you can choose        workers for donations of food         ways to recognize volunteers. Take        including the highest level of govern-
to recognize your volunteers at             items, decorations, music, and        time to recognize special achieve-        ment. I encourage all organizations
anytime.                                    other items needed for the            ments or a milestone that has been        to recognize and thank their volun-
                                            celebration.                          reached. Show interest in your volun-     teers within their local communities.
Recognizing a volunteer can be as                                                 teer and what they are doing for your
simple as saying thank you, which         • Seek in-kind donations from           organization. Talk with your volun-       The Department of Elder Affairs
doesn’t cost anything but speaks vol-       local businesses for items you are    teer. Send a birthday card or invite      Office of Volunteer and Communi-
umes. Volunteering is giving back           missing.                              the volunteer to a one-on-one meet-       ty Services (OVCS) is charged with
from the heart without the expecta-                                               ing or lunch to say thank you. Cre-       recognizing elder volunteers who
tion of compensation in return, but       • Consider personalizing the tokens     ate a list of questions for the meet-     provide a service to other elders. For
it is no secret that recognizing vol-       of appreciation that you will give    ing or lunch that can be used to keep     more information on how to recog-
unteers is considered one of the most       to your volunteers.                   a conversation going and that will        nize your volunteers, contact OVCS
effective retention strategies.                                                   allow you to get to know your volun-      at (850) 414-2000.
                                          • Utilize your organization’s social    teers better – these questions are also
If you don’t have a recognition pro-        media site to post recognitions.      good for the initial orientation of new
gram for your volunteers, consider                                                volunteers.
starting one. First, review what’s        • Place an article in your organiza-
most important by starting a priority       tion’s newsletters.
Elder Update                                                   VOLUNTEERING                                                                              11

                                                                                  Pictured Left: Volunteer
                                                                                  Charlie Pope receives an
                                                                                  enthusiastic hug from
                                                                                  a group of children

                                                                                  Pictured Above and Right:
                                                                                  Distributing meals at the
                                                                                  Naples Senior Center during
                                                                                  the "Lunch and More" event

                                                                                 nonprofits and volunteers, making         tion, like Habitat for Humanity, or
                                                                                 the process easier and more efficient     serve a certain population – chil-
                                                                                 for everyone involved.”                   dren, the homeless, cancer patients,

VOLUNTEER MONTH                                                                  For organizations, the portal will pri-
                                                                                 marily assist with volunteer recruit-
                                                                                                                           etc. Virtual volunteering will be an
                                                                                                                           option as well, engaging those who
                                                                                                                           can’t leave their homes, are unable
Aly Coleman                              There are seemingly endless ways to     ment and management, including            to arrange transportation, or have
Volunteer Florida                        participate in community service, but   registration, attendance, and approval    restricted schedules.
                                         many Floridians still find themselves   of service hours. They will also be
Every April, Florida Volunteer           wondering: How do I get started?        able to send targeted emails to vol-      In the coming months, the portal will
Month is celebrated throughout the       In the coming months, Volunteer         unteers regarding specific projects       launch to participating organizations,
state. It’s a time for Floridians to     Florida, the state’s lead agency for    and events and search for individual      followed by the general public. Vol-
engage in volunteerism, while raising    national service and volunteerism,      volunteers based on skillset, certifi-    unteer Florida is very excited about
awareness of the countless benefits of   will offer a simple answer to that      cations, and more.                        its potential to increase volunteerism
community service.                       resounding question.                                                              in Florida.
                                                                                 Volunteers can filter their searches by
Though it’s often overlooked, human      Through an online portal, Florida-      location, availability, and interests.    “It’s going to be a game changer,”
capital is an easily accessible, cost-   based organizations will be able to     For instance, a volunteer who is visit-   said Woodrich.
effective solution to community-wide     post volunteer needs. Then, interest-   ing her friend in Pensacola, only free
problems. Volunteers can tutor at-risk   ed individuals, families, and groups    one afternoon during her trip, and        For more information about the por-
students and help them overcome          can search through a list of opportu-   passionate about animal welfare can       tal or to be involved in the upcom-
barriers to success. They can protect    nities in their communities.            incorporate those parameters in her       ing launch, please email Jovita
public land and conserve precious                                                search. As a result, she might sign       Woodrich, Director of Volunteer Ser-
natural resources. They can even         “Fostering volunteerism is a top pri-   up for a one-hour shift at the humane     vices at Volunteer Florida, at volun-
respond to disasters, like hurricanes,   ority and a critical component of our   society that’s less than two miles        teer@volunteerflorida.org.
by performing damage assessments,        mission at Volunteer Florida,” said     away from her friend’s house.
distributing supplies, or removing       Jovita Woodrich, Director of Volun-                                               More information about Volunteer
debris.                                  teer Services. “Through the portal,     If desired, volunteers can also choose    Florida can be found at volunteer-
                                         we can serve as the conduit between     to connect with a specific organiza-      florida.org.
12                                              NEWS FROM THE CAPITOL                                                                   MARCH/APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                               Elder Update

                                        Governor Ron DeSantis Leading
                                        With Purpose and Conviction
                                        an equally high number of press            recovery efforts. Since then, he has     ration, allowing Florida to complete
                                        briefings across the state, Governor       made multiple additional visits to the   the C-44 Reservoir and storm water
                                        DeSantis recognizes that there is still    Panhandle, announced $2.8 million        treatment area, the C-43 Reservoir
                                        more work to be done for the people        in state matching funds and has met      and an additional 20 projects over
                                        of Florida. Below are highlights of        one-on-one with President Trump to       the next five years. He also signed
                                        the Governor’s time in office thus far.    secure 45 days of 100% reimburse-        an Executive Order calling for the
                                                                                   ment for hurricane recovery efforts.     formation of a Blue-Green Algae
                                        “Being Governor is a better job than                                                Task force, the appointment of a
                                         I could have ever imagined,” said         HISTORIC INVESTMENTS                     Chief Science Officer and the cre-
                                         Governor DeSantis. “While we have         IN OUR ENVIRONMENT                       ation of the Office of Environmental
                                         accomplished a lot in these first 30      The environment is a major part of       Transparency.
                                         days, I would like the people of Flor-    what makes Florida, Florida. That is
                                         ida to know there is no intention of      why Governor DeSantis has made           HISTORIC SUPREME
                                         slowing down as I will continue to        the environment an early priority. In    COURT APPOINTMENTS
                                         fight for the issues that are important   his recently released proposed bud-      As promised during his inaugural
                                         to our great state.”                      get, Governor DeSantis recommends        address, Governor DeSantis made
February 6, 2019                                                                   investing $625 million for Ever-         historic appointments to put an end
in News Releases by Staff               HURRICANE RECOVERY                         glades Restoration and protection of     to judicial activism on the Florida
Highlights of First 30 Days in Office   Following the devastation left behind      water resources. By investing this       Supreme Court. These appointments
                                        by Hurricane Michael, Governor             amount each year, $2.5 billion will      included Justices Barbara Lagoa, the
Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, Governor     DeSantis has made recovery a top           be invested by the end of his first      first Cuban-American female Justice,
Ron DeSantis marks his 30th day         priority of his administration. His        term, which is $1 billion more than      Carlos Muñiz, the first Nicaraguan-
in office that is exemplified by a      first full official day in office was      what was invested the previous four      American Justice and Robert Luck,
fast-paced but purposeful schedule.     spent in Mexico Beach to empha-            years. $360 million would be specifi-    the first Orthodox Jewish Justice.
Holding more than 30 events and         size that he is committed to aiding        cally dedicated to Everglades resto-

                                                                                       GOVERNOR DESANTIS ADDRESSES
                                                                                       EVERGLADES RESTORATION


Elder Update                                       NEWS FROM THE CAPITOL                                                                                13

                                                                                                                               MARCH 27,

                                                                                                       Join Us at the
    GOVERNOR DESANTIS                                                                                        STATE CAPITOL

Governor DeSantis recently issued        GROVELAND FOUR                            Florida Senior Day 2019 is just        and resources filled with informa-
Executive Order 19-32, outlining a       In his second week in office, Gover-      around the corner. Join us to cel-     tion available for guests.
path for Florida to improve its educa-   nor DeSantis issued a full pardon of      ebrate and advocate for Florida
tion system by eliminating Common        the members of the Groveland Four,        seniors! Groups travel from all over   The event will begin at 10 a.m. at
Core and paving the way for Flori-       which was unanimously approved by         the state to join and be a part of     the back steps of the old Florida
da students to receive a world-class     the Executive Clemency Board. For         Florida Senior Day each year. This     State Capitol building with a com-
education. Fulfilling a promise made     seventy years, the histories of Ernest    event is in place to support their     plimentary breakfast provided on a
during his campaign for governor,        Thomas, Samuel Shepherd, Walter           needs and celebrate their contribu-    first come, first served basis. The
the Executive Order directs Florida      Irvin and Charles Greenlee have           tions. The annual celebration will     luncheon, including food from
Department of Education Commis-          been wrongly written for crimes they      be held on March 27, 2019, and is      Chick-Fil-A, will follow in the late
sioner Richard Corcoran to compre-       did not commit. Governor DeSantis         expected to bring more than 1,500      morning and early afternoon, but
hensively review and recommend           believes it is never too late to do the   elders and advocates from across       the fun doesn’t stop there. Live
revisions to the academic standards      right thing.                              the state. There will be entertain-    entertainment, featuring musical
for Florida’s kindergarten through                                                 ment, free health screenings, a        and dance performances, is ongo-
grade twelve students.                   STANDING WITH ISRAEL                      complimentary lunch, and much          ing throughout the event from the
                                         Governor DeSantis condemns all dis-       more.                                  beginning until 2:30 p.m. Resourc-
INVESTING IN                             crimination. Airbnb has a policy that                                            es will be available with informa-
OUR CHILDREN                             commercially discriminates against        For the fifth year, the Department     tion on housing, health care, and
Included in Governor DeSantis’ pro-      the Jewish people and the State of        of Elder Affairs will partner with     more.
posed budget is a nearly $19 mil-        Israel. Governor DeSantis accepted        United Way of Florida to offer a
lion investment to fund the waitlist     the State Board of Administration’s       day to celebrate seniors and to        For more information about the
for Gardiner Scholarships in Florida.    recommendation to place Airbnb on         share a deep appreciation for their    event, visit floridaseniorday.org.
Each student has their own unique        the Scrutinized Companies List.           contribution to our great state.       Register online at floridaseniorday.
needs, and the Gardiner Scholarship      Further, the Governor announced           There will be booths from sponsors     org/our-events/register-now.
Program provides eligible students a     his support for $2 million in recur-
scholarship that can be used to pur-     ring security funding for Jewish Day
chase approved services or products      Schools. He also announced that his           hosted by:

to design a customized education         first international trip as Governor
program for the student. Funding the     will be a trade mission to the State
Gardiner Scholarship waitlist would      of Israel.
cover nearly 2,000 students with spe-
cial needs.                                                                                                                Register for free at
                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 14                    850-222-3868INFO@FLORIDASENIORDAY.ORG
14                                                     VETERANS' AFFAIRS                                                                 MARCH/APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                                Elder Update

Florida Cabinet Approves Danny Burgess
as Executive Director of the Florida
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Steve Murray                           our nation and support for our veter-    Representatives, Burgess served on
Florida Department                     ans during his time in the Legislature   the Zephyrhills City Council and as
of Veterans’ Affairs                   make him the right man for the job,      mayor of Zephyrhills. He earned his
                                       and I could not be more excited to       undergraduate degree from the Uni-
Recently the Florida Cabinet unani-    see what all he accomplishes for our     versity of South Florida and his Juris
mously approved Governor DeSan-        veteran community in this new role       Doctorate from the Barry University
tis’s appointment of State Represen-   going forward.”                          School of Law.
tative Danny Burgess to serve as the
Executive Director of the Florida      Danny Burgess is a Captain and           “I am honored to have the opportuni-
Department of Veterans’ Affairs.       Judge Advocate in the United States      ty to serve those who served us,” said
                                       Army Reserve. He was elected to          Burgess. “Together, we will work to
“I thank my fellow members of the      represent eastern Pasco County in        ensure Florida continues to lead the
Florida Cabinet for approving Danny    the Florida House of Representa-         charge as the most veteran-friendly
to lead the Department of Veterans’    tives in 2014, and he was subse-         state in the nation.”                         PICTURED ABOVE:
Affairs,” said Governor Ron DeSan-     quently re-elected in 2016 and 2018.                                                   DANNY BURGESS
tis. “His unwavering commitment to     Prior to joining the Florida House of


 HOLDING GOVERNMENT                     ELIMINATING                             provide a solution to People United        STANDING FOR FREEDOM
 OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE                  HARMFUL REGULATIONS                     for Medical Marijuana v. Depart-           IN VENEZUELA
 Governor DeSantis has made it         To ensure a brighter future for Flor-    ment of Health within the first two        Standing alongside Vice President
 a priority to suspend officials       ida’s economy, Governor DeSantis         weeks of the upcoming legislative          Mike Pence, Governor DeSantis
 who are negligent and incompe-        recently kicked off a one-day event      session. If a solution is not reached,     declared his support for democracy
 tent. Since taking office, he has     called “Florida Deregathon” to find      the Governor will drop the state’s         in Venezuela, issuing a proclama-
 ordered the suspensions of Oka-       solutions to harmful regulations fac-    appeal and the lower court ruling,         tion recognizing Interim President
 loosa County Superintendent of        ing Floridians. Hosted by Lieuten-       stating a ban on smoking medical           Juan Guaidó as the only legitimate
 Schools Mary Beth Jackson, Bro-       ant Governor Jeanette Nuñez and          marijuana is unconstitutional, would       leader in Venezuela and standing
 ward County Sheriff Scott Israel      Florida Department of Business and       stand.                                     against Nicolás Maduro’s oppressive
 and Palm Beach County Supervi-        Professional Regulation Secretary                                                   regime. The proclamation affirms
 sor of Elections Susan Bucher and     Halsey Beshears, along with Flori-       SAVING TAXPAYER                            Florida’s deep affection for the
 has appointed successors who will     da’s Professional Licensing Boards,      DOLLARS                                    Venezuelan people and decries the
 bring competency and dignity back     Florida Deregathon was a success as      Governor DeSantis’ Bold Vision for         individual liberties that have been
 to the respective offices. In addi-   numerous burdensome regulations          a Brighter Future budget amounts           stripped from them. The Governor
 tion, he requested the resignations   were identified.                         to a total of $91.3 billion, including     also called on the Florida Legisla-
 of all South Florida Water Man-                                                $335 million in tax cuts for Florida       ture to act swiftly during the 2019
 agement District board members,        PROPOSED MEDICAL                        families. The proposal also includes       legislative session to follow suit in
 all of whom have either adhered to     MARIJUANA REFORM                        the continuation of the highly suc-        recognizing Juan Guaidó as the
 the Governor’s request to resign or   Governor DeSantis feels that the         cessful 3-day back-to-school sales         Interim President of Venezuela.
 plan to. The Governor has appoint-    current medical marijuana legisla-       tax holiday, as well as the weeklong
 ed Chauncey Goss and intends to       tion is not in line with the will of     disaster preparedness sales tax holi-      Governor DeSantis has accom-
 appoint “Alligator Ron” Bergeron to   the more than 70% of Florida voters      day, for a total tax cut of $45.3 mil-     plished much in his first 30 days in
 the board.                            who supported it in 2016 via a con-      lion. It also sets aside $5.2 billion in   office. Stay tuned.
                                       stitutional amendment. Because of        reserves, including $1.6 billion in
                                       this, he has called on legislators to    the Budget Stabilization Fund.
 Elder Update                                                 HOME OWNERSHIP                                                                              15

  Reverse Mortgage Relief Available for Florida Seniors
Taylore Maxey
Florida Housing
Finance Corporation

Do you owe your reverse mortgage
lender/servicer money for taxes,
insurance and/or association dues?
Are you facing the threat of foreclo-
sure? There is a program that could
help you! The Elderly Mortgage
Assistance Program (ELMORE) is
designed to provide up to $50,000
to eligible seniors with reverse mort-
gages to bring property taxes, insur-
ance policies, and association dues
(property charges) current. If you
qualify for assistance, you could
additionally receive up to 12 months
of future property charges to be paid
on your behalf.

The ELMORE program is still open
and accepting applications, but it
will not be around forever. Now is
the time to apply. To assist seniors in
applying for the ELMORE Program,
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
(Florida Housing) has established a       ments. Make sure to ask when we
partnership with the Florida Depart-      will be having an event in your area       CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER…CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
ment of Elder Affairs (DOEA) and          for a face-to-face meeting!
National Foundation of Debt Man-                                                     like a parent. It is no surprise most   Legislature for their support and
agement (NFDM), a certified reverse       Please call 1 (800) 601-3534 to talk       caregivers who participated in the      funding for essential care programs
mortgage counselor.                       with an ELMORE counselor who               study reported they felt extremely      like respite and adult day care that
                                          can answer any questions and let you       stressed about trying to balance        provide relief for care partners in
The NFDM counselors are avail-            know the steps that need to be taken       their work and family duties and        order for them to stay well, and
able to assist seniors in completing      to get you qualified.                      taking care of their household.         we hope funding continues as
the Florida ELMORE application.                                                                                              demands rise.
They will be happy to talk to you         For a complete description, terms of       We cannot leave our caregivers
about the program and explain the         assistance, and eligibility criteria for   behind. In a nutshell: support, care,   Our vision is for Florida commu-
requirements. This service is FREE        the ELMORE program, visit www.             and understanding are often falling     nities to be places where residents
OF CHARGE, and seniors will not           floridaelmore.org.                         short of caregivers’ needs, and that    feel comfortable to live through
be asked to pay for any services. The                                                is why we are committed to helping      all stages of life. We are proud of
toll-free number is 1 (800) 601-3534.     Florida Housing Finance Corporation        through programs like the National      our efforts but recognize we still
The line is open Monday-Friday, 9:00      was created by the Legislature more        Family Caregiver Support Program,       have a long way to go. Until every
a.m. - 7:00 p.m.                          than 35 years ago. We are the state’s      our Home Care for the Elderly Pro-      family caregiver can say they feel
                                          housing finance agency (HFA) that          gram, the Alzheimer’s Disease Ini-      supported and they have access to
There will be ELMORE events               administers state and federal resourc-     tiative, and the Dementia Care and      the help or services they need, our
throughout the state until June 2019,     es to help provide affordable home-        Cure Initiative, to name a few.         work is not done.
where you can go to meet one-on-          ownership and rental housing options
one with a counselor to assist you        for our hardworking and vulnerable         I thank Governor DeSantis, Lieu-
with the application and any docu-        Floridians across the state.               tenant Governor Nunez, and the
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