Effects of Topical Hydrogen Purification on Skin Parameters and Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women

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Effects of Topical Hydrogen Purification on Skin Parameters and Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women

Effects of Topical Hydrogen Purification on Skin Parameters
and Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women
Karolina Chilicka 1,*, Aleksandra M. Rogowska 2 and Renata Szyguła 1

                                         1 Department of Health Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Opole, 45-060 Opole, Poland;
                                         2 Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology, University of Opole, 45-052 Opole, Poland;

                                         * Correspondence: karolina.chilicka@poczta.onet.pl

                                         Abstract: Background: Acne vulgaris is a prevalent dermatological disease characterized by skin
                                         eruptions, which may decrease the sufferer’s quality of life. Hydrogen purification treatment is a
                                         new procedure used in cosmetology to improve the skin parameters of the face. This study exam-
                                         ined the effectiveness of hydrogen purification treatment to improve women’s skin conditions with
                                         regard to acne vulgaris. Methods: In this study, 30 women participated who suffered from a high
                                         level of sebum and acne. The control group was comprised of 30 healthy women with a low level of
                                         sebum. The Hellgren–Vincent Scale and Derma Unit SSC 3 device were used to assess acne vulgaris
                                         severity and skin properties, respectively. Four hydrogen purification sessions were carried out at
                                         7-day intervals, using the Hebe Hydrogenium+ generating alkaline water. Results: At baseline and
                                         7 and 14 days after finishing the series of treatments, the levels of oiliness, moisture, and skin pH
                                         were tested. The main effects of treatment were significant in the following parameters: pH around
                                         the bottom lip, moisture between the eyebrows and around the nose, and oily skin in all three face
                                         sites. Conclusions: The level of sebum decreased and moisture levels increased during hydrogen
Citation: Chilicka, K.; Rogowska,        purification. Topical hydrogen purification is an effective and safe treatment for acne vulgaris.
A.M.; Szyguła, R. Effects of Topical
Hydrogen Purification on Skin            Keywords: hydrogen purification; acne vulgaris; alkaline water
Parameters and Acne Vulgaris in
Adult Women. Healthcare 2021, 9,
144. https://doi.org/10.3390/
                                         1. Introduction
Received: 14 December 2020                     The global prevalence of acne is 9.38% but varies widely due to the severity grading
Accepted: 29 January 2021                system, country, gender, and age, with rates being highest among adolescents in puberty
Published: 1 February 2021               (ranging from 35% to nearly 100%) [1]. Acne can persist in adulthood and can affect up
                                         to40% of all women [2]. A recent study showed that acne’s family history is a risk factor,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays             but the severity of acne vulgaris (AV) is independent of premenstrual flares, diet, and
neutral with regard to jurisdictional    body mass index (BMI) [3]. Problems with skin eruptions can negatively affect quality of
claims in published maps and             life and lead to heightened stress, depression, or even suicidal ideations [4,5]. The effects
institutional affiliations.              of severe forms of acne are seen in deep acne scars, which can also decrease self-esteem
                                         and quality of life [4–9]. Thus, an interdisciplinary approach to treatment should be pri-
                                               Among factors determining acne, the abnormal keratinization of the pilosebaceous
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
                                         canal, bacterial colonization (i.e., Cutibacterium acne, Staphylococcus ureus, andStaphylo-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
                                         coccus epidermidis), increased production of sebum, skin inflammatory, genotypic factors,
This article is an open access article
                                         and hormonal disorders can be distinguished. Treatment is often long and tedious, af-
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
                                         fecting the patients’ sense of hopelessness and social isolation. In recent years, consid-
Attribution (CC BY) license
                                         erable attention has been paid to drug use as the best treatment for acne. Psychological
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses     support is currently also recommended to improve acne [10–14]. However, new cos-
/by/4.0/).                               metology acne treatments, such as acid peels, microdermabrasion, cavitation peeling,
                                         sonophoresis, and hydrogen purification treatment, are continually being sought.

Healthcare 2021, 9, 144. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9020144                                                  www.mdpi.com/journal/healthcare
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Effects of Topical Hydrogen Purification on Skin Parameters and Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women
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                                 Hydrogen has been known in the world of science for decades. It is the simplest
                           molecule in nature, created by two hydrogen atoms. Ohsawa et al. [15] showed that mo-
                           lecular hydrogen could selectively reduce reactive oxygen forms in vitro and exert anti-
                           oxidant activity. Thanks to this discovery, hydrogen gas has been used in 300 diseases
                           and have come to the forefront of therapeutic medical gas research. Clinical research has
                           shown that hydrogen is an essential physiological regulator factor with an-
                           ti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on cells and organs [15–19].
                                 Hydrogen purification treatment uses alkaline water (electrochemically reduced
                           water, ERP), which is rare in nature. However, with the chemical process of electrolysis,
                           ERP can be produced immediately with a pH range between 8–10. It has both high alka-
                           line and negative oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). The electrolysis process consists
                           of passing a direct current between two electrodes (anode and cathode) separated by a
                           semi-permeable membrane. During this process, the elements contained in the water
                           break down into hydrogen ions H+, focusing on the cathode, and hydroxy ions OH-,
                           which focus on the anode. Ionized alkaline water consists of H+ ions; it also contains al-
                           kaline elements, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, hydrogen, and alkaline hy-
                           droxyl ions. Negative OH-ions form acid water, containing chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus,
                           positive acid ions, and oxygen.
                                 The main factor responsible for the ORP of alkaline water is the active molecular
                           hydrogen in alkaline water. Its concentration, depending on the concentration of alkaline
                           water, ranges from 0.3 to 0.6 mg/L. Only the electrolysis processes (water ionizers) and
                           hydrogenation (hydrogen generators) allow water production with active hydrogen ions,
                           which is a natural and potent antioxidant. Currently, hydrogen cleansing is commonly
                           used in cosmeceutical treatments to reduce free radicals and achieve anti-aging proper-
                           ties. Reactive oxygen species bind to hydrogen ions, forming water and pure oxygen.
                           Through chemical processes, hydrogen purification neutralizes free radicals, and hy-
                           drogen water significantly reduces lubrication on the skin’s surface.
                                 In recent years, research has been conducted into the internal effects of alkaline wa-
                           ter on patients affected by such problems as pyrosis, dysphoria, abdominal distension,
                           and chronic diarrhea [20–24]. The research confirmed that the drinking of alkaline water
                           for two weeks resulted in a significant health status improvement. However, little is
                           known about alkaline water’s superficial effect on selected skin parameters in people
                           suffering from acne vulgaris. To the best of our knowledge, the present study explores,
                           for the first time, the effectiveness of alkaline water in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

                           2. Materials and Methods
                           2.1. Participants in the Study
                                This prospective case-control clinical study with follow-up analysis was conducted
                           between January 2020 and February 2020 at Opole Medical School in Poland. It was ap-
                           proved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Opole Medical School
                           (KB/54/NOZ/2019), according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The study
                           was registered at the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number
                           (ISRCTN) registry database (No. ISRCTN 13842359). All participants signed written
                           consent before the beginning of the study regarding participation in the study and the
                           use of photographic images for publication. A photo was taken before treatment and 14
                           days after finishing all four treatment sessions (front view, left oblique, and right
                           oblique). The subjects were informed that they could withdraw from the study at any
                           time without giving a reason. Initially, 123 people participated in the study, but 35 indi-
                           viduals met the exclusion criteria, and another eight persons did not meet the inclusion
                           criteria. After excluding 43 people from the study, the final study sample consisted of 80
                           women aged between 20 and 23 (M= 21.23; SD= 0.56).
                                Group 1 included 40 young adult women with a higher sebum level and acne vul-
                           garis (AV group). Participants were diagnosed with mild facial acne vulgaris using the

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Effects of Topical Hydrogen Purification on Skin Parameters and Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women
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                           Hellgren–Vincent Scale (HVS) to determine acne lesions’ severity. The HVS can accu-
                           rately determine the number of skin lesions in the form of lumps, pustules, and black-
                           heads. The AV group’s inclusion criteria were a young age, ranging between 18–25 years
                           old, and severe acne, with a second degree in the HVS (n= 23, 76.67%) and a third-degree
                           in the HVS (n= 7, 23.33%). The exclusion criteria for the AV group were severe acne, an-
                           tibiotics, and retinoids use for acne treatment within the previous four weeks, medication
                           use that could aggravate or suppress acne (vitamin B, halogens, antiepileptics, antide-
                           pressants, ciclosporin), oral contraceptive pill, oral antibiotics use within the previous
                           three months, pregnancy, breastfeeding, active inflammation of the skin, bacterial, viral,
                           allergic and fungal relapsing skin diseases, disturbed skin condition, recent surgical
                           procedures in the treating areas, active reduced immunity, epilepsy, claustrophobia, ac-
                           tive rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, numerous telangiectasias, numerous melanocytic nevi,
                           tanned skin, skin cancers, and recently having surgery (up to 2 months). Table 1 demon-
                           strates the prevalence of acne severity in AV group.

                           Table 1. Characteristics of acne vulgaris severity in terms of the Hellgren–Vincent Scale (HVS)
                           among participants of the acne vulgaris (AV) group (n = 30).

                                                             Baseline                 Days 14 After Finishing Treatment
                                 HVS                 n                    %                   n                %
                                   I                  0                  0.00                16              53.33
                                  II                 23                 76.67                14              46.67
                                  III                 7                 23.33                 0               0.00

                                 Group 2—the control sample (CS)—consisted of 40 healthy young adult women
                           without any previously diagnosed dermatological problems or dermatological disease.
                           Individual interviews assessed these issues. The inclusion criteria for the CS were a
                           young age, ranging between 18–25 years old, good overall health condition, and lack of
                           dermatological problems. The exclusion criteria for the CS group included pregnancy,
                           breastfeeding, active inflammation of the skin, bacterial, viral, allergic, and fungal re-
                           lapsing skin diseases, disturbed skin condition, new surgical procedures in the treating
                           areas, active reduced immunity, epilepsy, claustrophobia, active rosacea, eczema, psori-
                           asis, numerous telangiectasias, numerous melanocytic nevi, tanned skin, skin cancers,
                           and recently having surgery (up to 2 months).
                                 No other treatments were allowed during the study for both groups. During the
                           treatment series, 10people dropped out of both the AV and CS groups. Some of the peo-
                           ple did not appear at subsequent treatments. Some participants from the CS reported
                           excessive dryness of the skin after performing hydrogen cleansing. Finally, 30 women
                           from the AV group and 30 individuals from CS completed the study. The consort flow
                           chart of the clinical study is presented in Figure 1.

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Effects of Topical Hydrogen Purification on Skin Parameters and Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women
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                           Figure 1. Consort flow chart of clinical study group 1 (acne vulgaris, AV) and group 2 (control
                           sample, CS).

                           2.2. Apparatus for Hydrogen Purification Treatment
                                Hebe Hydrogenium+ was used for a series of hydrogen purification treatments
                           (Figure 2). The Hydrogenium+ is an innovative device for non-invasive and comprehen-
                           sive skincare. Patients from both AV and CS groups underwent four sessions of hydro-
                           gen purification treatment using the Hydrogenium+ device. The device has two cups:
                           Chalice 1 is used for the production of alkaline water and contains a generator with in-
                           take pipes, which allows the relentless determination of the part the alkaline water is in
                           (with the addition of calcium, magnesium, and potassium ions); Chalice 2 is intended for
                           used water.

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Effects of Topical Hydrogen Purification on Skin Parameters and Acne Vulgaris in Adult Women
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                           Figure 2. Hebe Hydrogenium+.

                                 Chalice 1 is equipped with a water-insoluble membrane that stabilizes the system
                           (nanosilver) and two electrodes made of titanium, covered with a 25-micron layer of
                           platinum (thanks to which the electrolysis process takes place). When low-mineral water
                           (below 500 mg/L) is poured into Chalice 1, the device is switched on with the start button.
                           It is ready when it shows 100% preparation on the panel. In Chalice 1, on one side of a
                           membrane, alkaline water is located, which is used for the treatment, while on the second
                           side of the membrane, acidic water is placed (with chlorine and sulfur ions). The device
                           draws water in an alkaline environment. The parameters of the electric current used
                           during the treatment are 1 ampere and 150 volts. The water temperature is 25 °C when
                           heated by the device.

                           2.3. Treatment Procedure
                                A cosmetic makeup removal (micellar fluid) was performed at the first step of the
                           procedure. Next, hydrogen cleansing was conducted using the H2 peel head, sucked the
                           skin fold under a vacuum (supplying clean water with one cable), and flushed it with
                           hydrogenated water. Used water was sucked in the second wire connected to the head,
                           which drained it to the wastewater tank. The device’s power was set for each of the four
                           treatments at about a 10% vacuum; a higher dose could cause the appearance of ecchy-
                           mosis on the skin. This stage of the procedure was performed for 10 min.
                                The next stage of the procedure was applying an H2 jet head, using the potential of
                           active hydrogen (hydrogenated water injection), which had a nozzle “ejecting” the hy-
                           drogenated water under pressure. Power of 2 bars (intended for the face area) was used
                           here for each series of treatments. This head was guided at a distance of 2–3 cm from the
                           client’s skin for 5 min. Participants were treated at a 1-week interval for four sessions.
                                After the sessions, only moisturizing cream was applied to the facial skin of the
                           subjects. Home care was recommended, which consisted of washing the face with mi-
                           cellar fluid and applying only a moisturizing cream. During the study, the participants
                           were instructed that it was forbidden to perform any other cosmeceutical, exfoliating, or
                           apparatus procedures.

                           2.4. Skin Parameter Assessment
                                The Hellgren–Vincent Scale (HVS) was used for the clinical evaluations of acne
                           vulgaris severity. The HVS is a five-point scale in which a higher degree means a higher
                           level of acne, as follows: (1) erythema, blackheads, 1–5 papules or pustules; (2) erythema,
                           blackheads, 6–10 papules or pustules; (3) erythema, blackheads, 11–20 papules or pus-

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                           tules; (4) erythema, blackheads, 21–30 papules or pustules; (5) erythema, blackheads,
                           more than 30 papules or pustules [25]. The HVS was assessed before the treatment and
                           after 14 days from finishing four sessions of hydrogen purification. An example of a par-
                           ticipant from AV and SC samples is shown in Figure 3.

                           Figure 3. Example of participant’s forehead: (A) from AV group before hydrogen purification (HP);
                           (B) from CS group before HP; (C) from AV group 14 days after HP; (D) from CS group after HP.

                                The skin parameters’ functional measurements were performed twice (before
                           treatment, and 7 and 14 days after the complete session of four treatments), using a
                           Derma Unit SSC 3 device (Courage + Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany).
                           The following skin parameters were measured: sebum (using Sebumeter, Courage +
                           Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany), skin surface pH (using a Skin-pH-Meter,
                           Courage + Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany), and skin moisture (using the
                           Corneometer, Courage + Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany). Three meas-
                           urements were taken in the face of each participant: (1) between the eyebrows; (2) about 1
                           cm from the lobe of the nose (left and right); and (3) about 1 cm from the lower lip (on the
                           chin)—see the Supplementary Materials. Photos were also used to assess acne lesions
                           with the hydrogen purification treatment. The clinical photographs were taken at base-
                           line and 14 days after finishing four sessions of hydrogen purification.

                           2.5. Statistical Analysis
                                Firstly, acne vulgaris severity changes were assessed by comparing the HVS at
                           baseline and 14 days after finishing four sessions of hydrogen purification in the AV
                           group. The non-parametric Wilcoxon matched-pairs test was used for this purpose.
                           Secondly, descriptive statistics were calculated separately in AV and control groups for
                           each skin parameter, including the number of observations, mean, standard deviation,
                           minimum, and maximum. The normality of the distribution of the data sets was exam-
                           ined using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov d test.
                                Because all data showed normal distribution in both groups (p >0.05), the ANOVA
                           with repeated measures (at baseline and on weeks 1 and 2 after finishing treatment of
                           hydrogen purification) was performed to compare skin parameters (such as pH, sebum,
                           and moisture) in selected places of the face (between the eyebrows, around the nose and
                           around the bottom lip) in both groups (AV and control). Fisher’s least significant differ-
                           ence (LSD) post-hoc test was conducted to find significant differences between groups, as
                           well as between treatment conditions: test (at baseline) and retest (7 and 14 days after
                           finishing treatment). Also, the effect size for ANOVA tests was calculated using a partial

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                           eta-square coefficient. All statistics were calculated using Statistica 13.1. Software (Round
                           Rock, TX, U.S.).

                           3. Results
                                The number and percentage of women with a particular degree of acne vulgaris on
                           the Hellgren–Vincent Scale are presented in Table 1. At baseline, most participants in the
                           AV group were diagnosed with a second degree (76.67% of the sample) and several
                           people with a third-degree (23.33%) of AV. Two weeks after finishing hydrogen purifi-
                           cation treatment, around half of the participants were diagnosed with the first (53.33%)
                           and second (46%) AV degree. This shows that the level of AV decreases under the in-
                           fluence of hydrogen purification treatment in most individuals, which was confirmed by
                           the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test, n = 21, T = 0.00, Z = 4.02, p < 0.0001. Changes in the HVS
                           due to hydrogen purification treatment are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
                                Comparison of skin parameters between AV and control groups is shown in Table 2.
                           Statistically significant group differences were found for sebum and moisture at all three
                           measuring sites of the face (between the eyebrows, around the nose, and the bottom lip).
                           The AV groups demonstrated higher scores for oiliness and lower scores for moisture
                           than the control group.


                           Figure 4. Differences in the HVS between two measurements: at baseline and 14 days after finish-
                           ing the 4-week treatment of hydrogen purification.

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                           Table 2. Means, standard deviations, and two-way ANOVA with repeated measure statistics for
                           study variables.

                                                      AV (n = 30) CS (n = 30)           ANOVA
                                  Variable              M     SD    M    SD Effect F ratio      df                    η p2
                                        PH between the eyebrows
                                  Baseline             5.19 0.45 5.19 0.52    G       0.05    1, 58                  0.00
                            Week 1 after treatment     5.27 0.40 5.24 0.42    T       1.45    2, 116                 0.02
                            Week 2after treatment      5.28 0.26 5.26 0.18 G × T      0.04    2, 116                 0.00
                                           PH around the nose
                                  Baseline             5.26 0.47 5.26 0.47    G       0.61    1, 58                  0.01
                            Week 1 after treatment     5.23 0.29 5.35 0.35    T       0.68    2, 116                 0.01
                            Week 2 after treatment     5.28 0.25 5.34 0.28 G × T      0.98    2, 116                 0.02
                                        PH around the bottom lip
                                  Baseline             5.25 0.40 5.27 0.47    G       0.52    1, 58                  0.00
                            Week 1 after treatment     5.20 0.29 5.10 0.31    T      4.19 *   2, 116                 0.07
                            Week 2 after treatment     5.27 0.22 5.19 0.27 G × T      1.18    2, 116                 0.02
                                     Oiliness between the eyebrows
                                  Baseline           205.87 33.23 92.73 29.85 G    147.99 *** 1, 58                  0.72
                            Week 1 after treatment 146.60 30.05 91.07 30.45   T     50.93 *** 2, 116                 0.47
                            Week 2 after treatment 141.90 31.02 86.53 17.79 G × T 38.86*** 2, 116                    0.40
                                         Oiliness around the nose
                                  Baseline           193.77 42.12 80.97 37.90 G     68.29 *** 1, 58                  0.54
                            Week 1 after treatment 139.67 45.87 81.30 41.65   T     28.57 *** 2, 116                 0.33
                            Week 2 after treatment 136.63 43.27 82.77 24.06 G × T 30.97 *** 2, 116                   0.35
                                     Oiliness around the bottom lip
                                  Baseline           179.87 43.22 76.63 28.73 G     83.17 *** 1, 58                  0.59
                            Week 1 after treatment 140.40 42.18 86.40 37.28   T     11.07 *** 2, 116                 0.16
                            Week 2 after treatment 135.87 38.38 80.63 20.67 G × T 20.25 *** 2, 116                   0.26
                                    Moisture between the eyebrows
                                  Baseline            56.37 17.30 62.37 15.07 G      4.20 *   1, 58                  0.07
                            Week 1 after treatment 58.21 16.90 65.59 16.31    T      4.78 ** 2, 116                  0.08
                            Week 2 after treatment 59.71 19.08 70.06 16.78 G x T      0.78    2, 116                 0.01
                                        Moisture around the nose
                                  Baseline            35.40 17.76 46.75 23.34 G     10.92 ** 1, 58                   0.16
                            Week 1 after treatment 46.49 20.85 61.92 17.87    T     24.74 *** 2, 116                 0.30
                            Week 2 after treatment 49.28 19.91 64.89 18.45 G × T      0.50    2, 116                 0.00
                                    Moisture around the bottom lip
                                  Baseline            63.33 13.71 71.00 18.83 G      5.15 *   1, 58                  0.08
                            Week 1 after treatment 61.77 16.15 71.19 18.88    T       1.79    2, 116                 0.03
                            Week2 after treatment 63.36 16.33 75.02 21.09 G × T       0.91    2, 116                 0.02
                           Note: N = 60. ANOVA = analysis of variance; AV = group with acne vulgaris (n = 30); CS = control
                           group without acne vulgaris; G = group; T = treatment of hydrogen purification. Oily skin param-
                           eter is expressed in units μg/cm2; moisture in g/m2/h.* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.

                                 The treatment was significant in the following parameters: pH around the bottom
                           lip, moisture between the eyebrows and around the nose, and oily skin in all three face
                           sites. According to expectations, the sebum level decreased and moisture levels increased
                           under the influence of hydrogen purification treatment. Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test
                           showed significant differences between the baseline test and retest after the first session
                           (p < 0.0001). The differences between the first measurement at baseline and two weeks
                           after the end of all four treatment sessions persisted (p < 0.0001). However, the second
                           and third measurements (7 and 14 days after the last sessions) did not differ significantly

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                           from each other (p > 0.05). An interaction effect between groups and treatments was also
                           found for oily skin in all three sites on the face. The Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test indicated
                           that treatment was effective in the AV group (p < 0.0001), but the oily skin among CS
                           participants did not change under the hydrogen purification treatment (p > 0.05). More
                           details are presented in Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7.

                           4. Discussion
                                This 4-week study demonstrated that the hydrogen purification treatment designed
                           specifically for women with mild to moderate acne led to a significant improvement in
                           the severity of acne and the overall appearance and condition of the skin. To the best of
                           our knowledge, a hydrogen purification treatment was examined regarding the topical
                           cosmeceutical treatment of acne vulgaris for the first time in this study. The current
                           treatment is based on active hydrogen. As one of the most powerful antioxidants, active
                           hydrogen counteracts the aging process and alleviates inflammation and oxidative stress.
                           The high-quality Hydrogenium+ generator removes oxygen and unfavorable ions of
                           chlorine, sulfur, and phosphorus from the water, saturating it with active hydrogen and
                           beneficial calcium, magnesium and potassium ions. Hydrogen can easily penetrate deep
                           into the skin structures, bound with the most harmful free oxygen radicals, which effec-
                           tively neutralizes them and deprives the skin of harmful properties.


                           Figure 5. Comparison of mean values of skin acidity at baseline, one week, and two weeks after
                           finishing the treatment with hydrogen purification in both AV and CS groups. Error bars are
                           standard deviations.

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                           Figure 6. Comparison of mean values of oily skin at baseline, one week, and two weeks after fin-
                           ishing the treatment with hydrogen purification in both AV and CS groups. Error bars are standard

                           Figure 7. Comparison of mean values of moisture skin at baseline, one week, and two weeks after
                           finishing the treatment with hydrogen purification in both AV and CS groups. Error bars are
                           standard deviations.

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                                 Then, as water, it is excreted from the body. Hydrogen purification can improve the
                           skin’s efficient functioning, slowing down the aging process, and reducing the effects of
                           stress and environmental pollution.
                                 This study demonstrated that hydrogen’s antioxidant activity mightalso affect
                           common skin pathogens (e.g., Cutibacterium acne, Staphylococcus ureus, Staphylococcus epi-
                           dermidis). It seems possible that the hydrogen may alleviate acne due to its antimicrobial
                           properties and by reducing the sebum level. Sebum plays a key role in the pathogenesis
                           of acne [26–28]. In turn, the reduced sebum levels can improve skin properties and re-
                           duce acne.The inflammation’s progress in the pathogenesis of acne may be related to
                           sebum changes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) releasing from the impacted damaged
                           follicular walls. Some of the common drugs in acne treatments, such as hydrogen per-
                           oxide, function by reducing ROS [29]. A previous study showed that adding hydrogen
                           peroxide to the preoperative skin preparation may be a low-risk method to reduce deep
                           tissue contamination with C. acnes [30–32]. Moreover, acne patients are recommended
                           alkaline soaps (pH 9–10) with various surfactants [33,34]. Hydrogen sulfide concentra-
                           tions in thermal spring waters showed inhibition properties on human origin’s bacterial
                           proliferation [35].
                                 This study indicated that hydrogen purification treatment might positively reduce
                           skin eruptions and increase moisture, as well as decrease the skin’s oiliness in people
                           suffering from acne vulgaris. In particular, the sebum level was significantly decreased
                           only in the AV group, while skin moisture between the eyebrows and around the nose
                           was significantly increased in both the AV and CS groups. The appropriate level of skin
                           hydration plays a protective role in the skin barrier. Alkaline water may moisturize the
                           skin and improve the skin’s protective barrier. However, optimal times and methods of
                           daily cleansing and moisturizing facial skin may have an equally beneficial effect on
                           healthy skin [36]. Many cleansers also moisturize, prevent, and soothe skin irritation by
                           slowing down the evaporation of water.
                                 The positive effect of the hydrogen purification treatment on the reduction of sebum
                           is probably due to alkaline water’s beneficial effects. Alkaline water has a high level of
                           pH, which can reduce excess sebum from the epidermis. Alkaline water seems to play a
                           vital role as a regulatory factor with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on cells
                           and organs [15]. Some skin cleansers, such as soap (pH 9–10), have a similar pH to alka-
                           line water. However, washing a face with such a daily preparation would irritate the
                           skin. The hydrogen purification treatment was performed on our patients once a week,
                           thanks to which it brought excellent results in terms of reducing sebum without any side
                           effects [37].
                                 The hydrogen purification treatment did not significantly change the pH of the par-
                           ticipant’s facial skin in both AV and CS samples. This result is consistent with previous
                           studies, which indicated that none of the five facial areas (i.e., forehead, nose, chin, and
                           right/left cheeks) differed significantly in pH between healthy participants and acne in-
                           dividuals [38]. The pH of the skin surface has an impact on the barrier function [34]. The
                           current results showed that the acidification of the examined people’s skin was in the
                           range of 4.1–5.8 pH, which is the norm for the general population [39]. Schürer [40] found
                           that a low pH level has skin protective properties, slowing down bacteria’s growth. On
                           the other hand, a large increase in pH may damage the skin surface, causing irritation,
                           which may adversely affect the skin microbiome. Various external and internal factors
                           can affect skin pH[34]. Skin moisture, sweat, sebum, anatomy, genetic predisposition,
                           age, and diet are among the many endogenous factors influencing skin pH. Exogenous
                           factors include detergents, application of cosmetic products, occlusive dressings, topical
                           antibiotics, humidity, season, and individual differences in behavioral habits. The current
                           study found that hydrogen purification did not affect facial skin pH in young women.
                           Perhaps this treatment was too short to change the pH significantly. Further research is
                           necessary to explain this question.

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                                 Previous studies only examined the healing properties of alkaline water for internal
                           use by drinking it. For instance, Gadek et al. [41] found that the daily drinking of 2 L of
                           alkaline water (Nordenau and Hita Tenryosui water) decreased glucose HbA1c levels in
                           people with type 2 diabetes. Significant changes were observed after just six days, and
                           prolonged use of alkaline water caused a decrease in blood cholesterol and creatinine, as
                           well as an increase in density lipoprotein levels [41,42]. Furthermore, Osada et al. [43]
                           showed that drinking 2 L alkaline water (Hita Tenryosui water) per day for two months
                           significantly decreased blood sugar levels in 89% of diabetes patients. Similarly, blood
                           triglyceride and total cholesterol levels significantly decreased in 92% of patients with
                           hyperlipidemia. The study conducted by Higashikawa et al. [44] showed that drinking
                           alkaline water has an anti-metabolic effect, demonstrated by decreased starved blood
                           sugar levels, blood pressure, and total cholesterol LDL cholesterol, GOT, g-GTP, triglyc-
                           eride levels, arteriosclerosis index, and uric acid levels.
                                 In contrast, an increase was noted in leptin levels, as well as the improvement of
                           constipation. Alkaline water has also been used to support cancer treatment [45–48]. Al-
                           kaline water suppresses tumor angiogenesis, inhibits scavenging intracellular ROS,
                           suppresses gene expression and vascular endothelial growth factor secretion, inhibits
                           cancer cells and microorganisms’ growth, and induces apoptosis along with glutathione
                           in HL60 human leukemia cells. The ease of formation of alkaline water and its univer-
                           sality can bring about many health-related effects in the treatment of many disorders,
                           including dermatological diseases and the maintenance of health. Thus, the promising
                           results of this study should be continued and confirmed in the future.
                                 Previous research has shown the effectiveness of cosmeceutical treatment for im-
                           proving skin parameters and reducing the scars of people with acne vulgaris, using acid
                           peels, radiofrequency, and fractional microneedle radiofrequency, microdermabrasion,
                           sonophoresis, and intense pulsed light (IPL) [25,49,50]. Compared to other topical cos-
                           meceutical treatments, such as cosmetic acids [9,50], the hydrogen purification treatment
                           is not associated with the risk of irritation, reddening of the skin, or side effects as burn-
                           ing and itching of the epidermis surface. People with sensitive skin, prone to irritation
                           and with certain undesirable symptoms related to the type of skin (e.g., dryness, tight-
                           ness, coarseness, washout of makeup, quick production of sebum, feeling differences in
                           oiliness, frequencies of acne lesions, and oiliness) [51], should pay special attention to
                           treatments with the use of cosmetic acids or other topical therapies [52]. However, hy-
                           drogen purification appears safe and effective in improving this type of skin [53].
                                 It should be added that hydrogen purification is not a treatment and cannot displace
                           dermatological methods [52,54]. However, it can support the other dermatological drug
                           and topical therapies [27]in moisturizing and reduce the level of sebum and skin lesions
                           among people with mild and moderate acne. For people with fistulas or cysts, the pro-
                           cedure is prohibited, and solely dermatological treatment is possible. It should be em-
                           phasized that the growing resistance to antibiotics in Cutibacterium acnes and other bac-
                           teria is becoming extremely alarming. Hydrogen purification can be used as an auxiliary
                           in people who have developed drug resistance due to excessive long-time use of prepa-
                           rations medicinally, and also in those individuals who cannot use topical agents in the
                           form of creams or ointments due to numerous side effects, such as severe irritation or
                           peeling of the skin [55,56].

                           Study Limitation
                                The present study used the HVS to assess the severity of acne vulgaris and the
                           Derma Unit SSC 3 device to measure selected skin parameters, such as the skin’s pH,
                           oiling, and moisture. In the future, we would like to use more measuring tools; for ex-
                           ample, a specialist camera could improve the test quality of the study. The Visiopor® PP
                           34 (Courage + Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany) camera uses a specific
                           UV-light to visualize the fluorescing acne lesions of an area of at minimum 8 × 6.4 mm.
                           The orange-red fluorescence indicates Propionibacterium acne bacteria’s presence within

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Healthcare 2021, 9, 144                                                                                                           13 of 15

                                  clinically non-evident (follicular impactions and micro comedones) and clinically evident
                                  (comedones, papules, and pustules) lesions.
                                        The study’s other limitation is the research sample, i.e., the study focused on a ho-
                                  mogeneous group of young women. Moreover, the sample size in this study was not
                                  large. In the future, a larger sample size should participate in the study, including both
                                  women and men with acne in a broader range of age and people without any skin prob-
                                  lems or disease (for comparison). Further, it would be valuable to compare the effec-
                                  tiveness of the hydrogen purification treatment using alkaline water with other cosmetic
                                  treatments using cosmetic acidic pH substances and other topical cosmetics treatments.

                                  5. Conclusions
                                        Hydrogen purification is an effective and safe treatment for acne vulgaris. In this
                                  work, researchers conducted a study on people struggling with acne vulgaris and
                                  showed that hydrogen purification could help treat this disease for the first time. Treat-
                                  ment with hydrogen purification is safe and effective in reducing acne skin eruptions and
                                  can improve the skin’s condition and an appearance by decreasing sebum and increasing
                                  the moisture level in young women. In combination with oral drugs and other topical
                                  therapies, hydrogen purification may be considered to optimize acne treatment outcomes
                                  and overcome the problems encountered with some conventional methods. However, it
                                  is essential to note that hydrogen purification cannot replace drug treatments but may be
                                  used as a supportive topical cure for acne vulgaris, combined with other forms of ther-
                                  apy, according to clinicians’ recommendations [57].

                                  Supplementary    Materials:      The              following       are      available      online       at
                                  Author Contributions: conceptualization, K.C.; methodology, K.C.; software, K.C. and R.S.; vali-
                                  dation, K.C., A.M.R., and R.S.; formal analysis, A.M.R.; investigation, K.C.; resources, K.C. and R.S.;
                                  data curation, K.C. and A.M.R.; writing—original draft preparation, K.C., A.M.R., and R.S.; writ-
                                  ing—review and editing, K.C., A.M.R., and R.S.; visualization, A.M.R.; supervision, R.S.; project
                                  administration, K.C. and R.S.; funding acquisition, R.S. All authors have read and agreed to the
                                  published version of the manuscript.
                                  Funding: An article processing charge was financially supported by University of Opole, Poland.
                                  Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of
                                  the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Opole
                                  Medical School (KB/54/NOZ/2019).
                                  Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
                                  Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available in the Supplementary
                                  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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