Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education

Page created by Duane Kelly
Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Education Finance Support
Training Programme 2019/20
Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Education Finance Support                                                                    Training Schedule 2019/20
                                                                                                    Course                                                Date        Time           Location
We offer a wide selection of high quality courses designed to address current issues and
                                                                                                    Accounting for Schools                                21-Jan-20   09:30-16:00 Notley Discovery centre
developments in the changing world of schools’ finance for local authority (LA) maintained
                                                                                                    Cashflow Management                                   14-May-19   09:30-12:30    Hamptons, Chelmsford
schools and academies.
                                                                                                    Trading Accounts                                      07-Mar-19   09:30-12:30    Wickford CLC
                                                                                                    Budget Planning for Academies                         10-Mar-20   09:30-16:00 Hamptons, Chelmsford
The information given is in accordance with current regulations, legislation and recommended        Forward Financial Planning for Schools                24-Apr-19   09:30-16:00 Cressing Temple
best practice. Each course is delivered by experienced Finance Consultants from Education           Forward Financial Planning for Academies              21-May-19   09:30-16:00 Wickford CLC
Finance Support at venues around the county, using current finance tools developed for schools      Effective Finance reporting                           11-Jun-19   09:30-12:30    Jobserve Community Stadium, Colchester
and academies.                                                                                      Benefits of Benchmarking                              02-Jul-19   09:30-12:30    Essex Outdoor Centre, Danbury
                                                                                                    Accounting for Academies and year end procedures      09-Jul-19   09:30-16:00 Essex Outdoor Centre, Danbury
Full descriptions of all the courses are detailed on the following pages. Additional courses may    Finance Administration                                17-Sep-19   09:30-16:00 Hamptons, Chelmsford
become available during the year, please look out for notification under the EES for Schools’       Internal Controls                                     24-Sep-19   09:30-12:30    Wickford CLC
                                                                                                    Budget Planning for Schools                           03-Dec-19   09:30-16:00 Hamptons, Chelmsford
section of the Education Essex Newsletter, on the training page of our website and course flyers.
                                                                                                                                                Headteacher/Senior Leader Training
                                                                                                    Module 1: Financial Regulations                       08-Oct-19   09:00 -12:30
We also run our regular Financial Information Networking Sessions (“FINS”).
                                                                                                    Module 2: Roles & Responsibilities                    12-Nov-19   09:00 -12:30
                                                                                                    Module 3: Funding & Income                            10-Dec-19   09:00 -12:30 All held at
If you cannot find exactly what you are looking for, we can provide a bespoke on-site training                                                                                     Hamptons Sports & Leisure, Chelmsford
                                                                                                    Module 4: Budget Planning & Monitoring                04-Feb-20   09:00 -12:30
session to suit your specific requirements.                                                         Module 5: Forward Financial Planning                  12-May-20   09:00 -12:30
                                                                                                    Module 6: Benchmarking & Internal Controls            16-Jun-20   09:00 -12:30
Please book all courses & FINS sessions through

Please note: delegates may arrive up to 30 minutes before the scheduled start times for tea/                                      Wickford CLC – Grange Avenue, Wickford, SS12 0LZ
coffee. Full day sessions will include lunch.                                                                                     Jobserve Community Stadium – United Way, Colchester CO4 5UP
                                                                                                      Training                    Notley Discovery Centre – Notley Country Park, Braintree CM77 7FS
                                                                                                                                  Essex Outdoors Centre – Well Lane, Danbury, Essex, CM3 4AB
                                                                                                      Venues                      Cressing Temple Barns – Cressing Temple, Witham Road, Braintree, CM77 8PD
                                                                                                                                  Zinc Arts Centre – High Street, Chipping Ongar, Essex, CM5 0AD
                                                                                                                                  Hamptons, Tydemans, Behhive Lane, Chelmsford, CM2 9FH

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Academy Successful Budget Planning                                                                   Forward Financial Planning for Academies
 and Monitoring
 Course Description                                                                                   Course Description

 This computer based course is designed for Academy Finance Staff and aims to give an overview of     This computer based course is designed for Academy Finance Staff who prepare, or assist with
 the processes involved in budget planning and budget monitoring as well as raising awareness of      preparing, multi-year budgets.
 the reporting responsibilities both internally and externally.
                                                                                                      The aim is to introduce delegates to the theory behind forward planning as well as providing the
 The course covers different funding sources and explains how to understand the General Annual        practical skills to produce and maintain a forward financial plan, using the most up to date tools
 Grant Statement, as well as focusing on methods of budgeting, the budget & financial cycle and       available. You will also be advised on how the forward financial plan should link to the School
 effective ways of monitoring the budget during the year, including reporting to governors.           Development Plan and discuss reporting requirements.

Date                     Venue                          Time                    Code                  This is a largely practical course. Each delegate will work on their own academy’s forward financial
Tuesday 10 March 2020    Hamptons, Chelmsford           09:30 - 16:00           PEF 19/015            plan with assistance from the experts on hand.

                        On successful completion of this course delegates would be advised to         Information relating to your own academy will be required; full details on what to bring will be
 What next?             futher their training by attending the Cashflow, Catering Trading Accounts    provided before the course.
                        and the Forward Financial Planning for Academies courses.
                                                                                                     Date                            Venue                 Time                    Code
                                                                                                     Tuesday 21 May 2019             Wickford CLC          09:30 - 16:00           PEF 19/005

                                                                                                                              On successful completion of this course delegates would be advised to
                                                                                                      What next?              futher their training by attending the Cashflow, Catering Trading Accounts
                                                                                                                              and Budget Planning.

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Cashflow Management                                                                                     Finance Administration

 Course Description                                                                                      Course Description

 This half-day course will look at cashflow forecasting and reporting for your school or academy, as     Finance Officers within a school or academy need a diverse range of financial knowledge, including
 well as helping you to understand the benefits behind completing and regularly updating a cashflow.     financial regulations, internal controls, financial administration, funding and reporting requirements.
 The session will include hands on activities and the opportunity to interact with our expert tutors.
                                                                                                         This one day course will provide the information needed to help them understand the background of
 At the end of this course you will be able to complete a cashflow and understand the reasons behind     school or academy finance and administration, and to understand their roles and responsibilities.
 cashflow reporting.
                                                                                                         The day will include hands on activities, to enable a better understanding, and there will be
Date                         Venue                         Time               Code                       opportunities throughout the day for delegates to ask questions.
Tuesday 14 May 2019          Hamptons, Chelmsford          09:30 - 12:30      PEF 19/003
                                                                                                        Date                             Venue                             Time                Code
                                                                                                        Tuesday 17 September 2019        Hamptons, Chelmsford              09:30 - 16:00       PEF 19/006
                        On completion of this course, delegates would be advised to further their
 What next?             training by attending the Effective Finance Reporting course.
                                                                                                                                 On completion of this course, new finance officers are advised to attend
                                                                                                         What next?              the Successful Budget Planning and Monitoring course and the Forward
                                                                                                                                 Financial Planning course, and Cashflow and Trading.

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Effective Finance Reporting                                                                           Budget Planning for Schools

 Course Description                                                                                    Course Description

 The course is designed for finance staff in both local authority maintained schools and               This computer based course is designed for school finance staff and aims to give an overview of the
 academies. The aim is to demonstrate what information should be used when reporting to                processes involved in budget planning and monitoring as well as raising awareness of the reporting
 headteachers, governors and budget holders in order to clearly explain the school’s/academy’s         responsibilities both internally and externally.
 current financial position.
                                                                                                       The course covers different funding sources and explains how to understand the S251 budget
 Course content includes:                                                                              statement, as well as focusing on methods of budgeting, the budget & financial cycle and effective
                                                                                                       ways of monitoring the budget during the year, including reporting to governors and the local
  •   What to report to headteachers and governors        • How best to present the information        authority reporting requirements.
  •   System generated reports                            • Budget holder reporting
  •   Estimating the carry forward                        • Control accounts                          Date                           Venue                         Time                Code
  •   Relevance to Internal Control regulations                                                       Tuesday 3 December 2019        Hamptons, Chelmsford          09:30 - 16:00       PEF 19/002

Date                        Venue                          Time                   Code                                        On successful completion of this course delegates would be advised to
Tuesday 11 June 2019        Jobserve Community Stadium,    09:30 - 12:30          PEF 19/004           What next?             further their training by attending the Cashflow, Catering Trading Accounts
                                                                                                                              and the Forward Financial Planning for Schools courses.

                        You will leave this course with the ability to produce reports that clearly
 What next?             explain the school’s/academy’s financial position and the confidence to
                        present these to your headteacher, governors/trustees and budget holders.

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Forward Financial Planning for                                                                              Accounting for Academies and Year-end
 LA Maintained Schools                                                                                       Procedures
 Course Description                                                                                          Course Description

 This computer based course is designed for school finance staff or headteachers who prepare or              This course is designed as an invaluable introduction for finance staff from academies, and schools
 assist with preparing multi-year budgets.                                                                   that may be converting to academy status, to better understand their year-end accounts and
                                                                                                             financial statements. The aim is to enable delegates to understand key finance terminology and
 The aim is to introduce delegates to the theory behind forward planning as well as providing the            double entry accounting.
 practical skills to produce and maintain a forward financial plan, using the most up to date tools
 available.                                                                                                  This full day course will be very much hands-on, with structured examples and explanations,
                                                                                                             followed by practical questions to work through to help embed the knowledge. The course is not
 You will also be advised on how the forward financial plan should link to the School Development            intended to be fast-paced and candidates do not have to have any prior accounting knowledge.
 Plan and discuss reporting requirements for the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS).
                                                                                                             Course content includes: T Accounts, Control Accounts, Trial Balance, Accounting for Assets,
 This is a largely practical course. Each delegate will work on their own school’s forward financial plan    Depreciation, Income Statements (Profit and Loss) and Balance Sheets.
 with assistance from the experts on hand. Information relating to your own school will be required;
 full details on what to bring will be provided before the course.                                          Date                   Venue                          Time                   Code
                                                                                                            Tuesday 9 July 2019    Essex Outdoors, Danbury        09:30 - 16:00          PEF 19/014
Date                          Venue                           Time               Code
Tuesday 24 April 2019         Cressing Temple, Braintree      09:30 - 16:00      PEF 19/017                  There will be lots of opportunities throughout the day for delegates to ask questions.

                         On successful completion of this course delegates would be advised to
 What next?              further their training by attending the Benchmarking course in order to
                         produce comparators for your historic spending patterns.

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Internal Controls for Schools and Academies                                                              Benefits of Benchmarking

 Course Description                                                                                       Course Description

 Internal control is a critical element of a school’s/academy’s approach to financial accountability.     This computer based course is designed for school/academy finance staff and aims to give an
                                                                                                          overview of the processes involved in benchmarking and how to report to governors/trustees.
 Good systems of internal control have a framework of checks which help to ensure that the preparation
 and presentation of accounting information is accurate and relevant. A robust framework of internal      Course content includes:
 control will help to reduce the risk of fraud occurring and ensure that assets are safeguarded.
                                                                                                          • reasons behind benchmarking and why it is important
 This half-day course is designed for finance staff, senior leadership and governors in both local        • how to interpret the data
 authority maintained schools and academies. It is intended to be thought provoking and will help         • guidance on presenting the data to governors/trustees.
 delegates assess whether suitable and adequate controls exist in their own school/academy.
                                                                                                          Delegates will be able to access their own school’s/academy’s data via the benchmarking website
 Course content includes:                                                                                 and begin the process of collating the data needed for their reports.

  • Principles of Segregation of Duties                    • Delegation, Authorisation and Approval       Benchmarking is a key element within the Schools Financial Value Standard and is recommended
  • Adequate Process Audit Trails                          • Physical Controls                            best practice for establishing financial efficiency.
  • Connected Party Relationships
                                                                                                         Date                           Venue                        Time              Code
                                                                                                         Tuesday 2 July 2019            Essex Outdoors, Danbury      09:30 - 12:30     PEF 19/016
Date                               Venue                         Time                 Code
Tuesday 24 September 2019          Wickford CLC                  09:30 - 12:30        PEF 19/007

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Accounting for LA Maintained Schools

 Course Description

 This course is designed as an invaluable introduction for finance staff from LA maintained schools,
 to better understand their Summary Trial balance, Control Account reconciliations and year-end
 returns. The aim is to enable delegates to understand key finance terminology and double entry

 This full day course will be very much hands-on, with structured examples and explanations,
 followed by practical questions to work through to help embed the knowledge. The course is not
 intended to be fast-paced and candidates do not have to have any prior accounting knowledge.

 Course content includes: T Accounts, Control Accounts and the Trial Balance.

Date                         Venue                          Time                Code
Tuesday 21 January 2020      Notley Discovery Centre,       09:30 - 16:00       PEF 19/018

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Finance Modular Training for Headteachers &
                                                                                                   Module 1 | Financial Regulations
Senior Leaders
This series of modules is aimed at headteachers, deputy and assistant headteachers, from         This module aims to help delegates understand how their individual Financial Regulations define the
schools or academies. The content of each module is updated to reflect current legislation and   internal control environment in their school or academy. The module will include practical examples of
recommended best practice and is designed to follow the financial cycle throughout the           management checks that a headteacher or senior leader would need to complete.
academic year. All modules include practical examples to help delegates understand financial
information presented to them.                                                                   Course content includes:

Delegates may choose to attend the whole series, which is recommended for newly appointed        • Financial Regulations
headteachers/senior leaders, or select relevant modules. Experienced headteachers may find       • Scheme of Delegation
individual modules useful as a refresher course.                                                 • Management Checks

                                                                                                 You will leave this course with a level of understanding of financial regulations that enables you to
Module 1   Financial Regulations                                                                 mitigate financial risk arising from mistakes, poor financial decision making and fraud. These are key
Module 2   Roles & Responsibilities                                                              elements of the SFVS / FMGS.
Module 3   Funding & Income
Module 4   Budget Planning & Monitoring                                                          Date                           Venue                          Time               Code
Module 5   Forward Financial Planning                                                            Tuesday 8 October 2019         Hamptons, Chelmsford           09:00 - 12:30      PEF 19/008
Module 6   Benchmarking & Internal Controls

All courses are held at Hamptons, Chelmsford.

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Education Finance Support - Training Programme 2019/20 - Juniper Education
Module 2 | Roles & Responsibilities                                                                    Module 3 | Funding & Income

 This module looks at the roles of the Finance Officer, Senior Leadership team and Governors/           This module aims to help delegates to understand the complexities of school and academy funding.
 Trustees in the running of your school/academy, as well as covering the financial cycle and key
 financial returns.                                                                                     Course content includes:

 Course content includes:                                                                               •   Explanation of the S251 /ESFA Budget Statement
                                                                                                        •   Review of delegates own funding statement
 • Annual Financial Cycle                                                                               •   Calculations of other pupil led funding
 • Statutory Returns Timetable                                                                          •   Income Generation
 • Role of the Finance Officer
                                                                                                        You will leave this course with the confidence to assess the school’s delegated income, an under-
 You will leave this course understanding the roles and responsibilities within your organisation as    standing of how the delegated income is calculated, and ideas for income generation.
 well as with the confidence to monitor the submission of key financial returns.
                                                                                                       Date                         Venue                          Time              Code
Date                         Venue                           Time               Code                   Tuesday 10 December 2019     Hamptons, Chelmsford           09:00 - 12:30     PEF 19/010
Tuesday 12 November 2019     Hamptons, Chelmsford            09:00 - 12:30      PEF 19/009

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Module 4 | Budget Planning & Monitoring                                                                   Module 5 | Forward Financial Planning

 This computer-based module aims to guide delegates through the budget-setting process and intro-          This module aims to assist delegates with their understanding of preparing multi-year budgets to
 duces relevant financial tools that are available to assist them in confidently setting a budget. This    ensure that current levels of expenditure are sustainable and that longer term resource decisions
 module will also help delegates effectively monitor their school/academy budget and interpret the         can be made with confidence.
 system generated reports.
                                                                                                           Course content includes:
 Course content includes:
                                                                                                           •   Theory of Forward Planning
 •   Budget Setting and Finance Tools                                                                      •   Sustainability of Expenditure
 •   Interpreting System Generated Reports                                                                 •   Long Term Resource Management
 •   Reporting to Governors: What to Present and Frequency                                                 •   Relevance to SFVS / FMGS
 •   Reporting to Local Authority/ESFA                                                                     •   Practical Skills

 You will leave this course with an in-depth knowledge of why financial budgeting is important within      You will leave this course with the practical skills and confidence, interpret and maintain a three
 a school and how it can be achieved in a realistic manner, as well as having the necessary skills to      year financial plan.
 monitor budgets and confidently report on the school’s financial position.

Date                         Venue                           Time               Code                      Date                         Venue                          Time               Code
Tuesday 4 February 2020      Hamptons, Chelmsford            09:00 - 12:30      PEF 19/011                Tuesday 12 May 2020          Hamptons, Chelmsford           09.00 - 12:30      PEF 19/012

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Module 6 | Benchmarking & Internal Controls                                                              Finance Information Networking Sessions (FINS)

 This final module introduces the concept of financial benchmarking and also aims to provide            Finance Information Networking Sessions (FINS) are usually held twice a year, spring & autumn, at a
 delegates with information relating to internal financial controls and procedures which are vital      range of convenient and accessible venues around the county. Where there is sufficient information to
 for fraud prevention.                                                                                  impart, a summer FINS will be arranged.

 Course content includes:                                                                               These lively and interactive sessions are intended for school / academy finance staff at all levels,
                                                                                                        finance officer to business manager, and provide a wealth of useful and topical information in the
 •   Financial Benchmarking Process                                                                     school finance arena.
 •   Benefits of Comparing Individual Financial Information with National and Local Comparators
 •   Internal Financial Control Procedures                                                              Alongside the information gathering aspects of these sessions, there is also an opportunity for finance
 •   Risk Management                                                                                    staff to informally network with colleagues before the presentation, enabling individuals to share ideas
                                                                                                        and seek solutions to problems over a coffee.
 You will leave the course with the confidence to complete benchmarking activities, and interpret the
 findings, as well as understanding your responsibilities in relation to internal controls and how to   Dates and venues are advertised in the Education Essex Newsletter and on the FINS page of our
 monitor them.                                                                                          website,

Date                         Venue                          Time               Code
Tuesday 16 June 2020         Hamptons, Chelmsford           09:00 - 12:30      PEF 19/013

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Bespoke Governor Training                                                                          Terms and Conditions

We can deliver tailor-made finance trainings sessions for your governing body, whether school or   Cancellations may be made via the booking website. For bespoke courses or FINS, cancellation
academy, to be delivered on your premises at times to suit you, including evenings.*               must be made in writing or by email.

Examples of previous sessions are:                                                                 Cancellations received at least four weeks prior to the event will be fully refunded, any received
                                                                                                   after this deadline will be charged the full course fee. Schools are free to send an alternative
•   Introduction to Finance                                                                        delegate.
•   Report Interpretation and Budget Monitoring
•   Roles and Responsibilities                                                                     We may have to cancel courses at short notice as a result of unforeseen circumstances. We
•   Benchmarking                                                                                   reserve the right to cancel or re-schedule an event at any time. We will always try to inform
•   Changes in structure when converting to academy or joining a MAT                               delegates of any changes as soon as we are aware of them.

Please email for further details or phone 0333 013 9832 to discuss        EES for Schools reserves the right to cancel the session without liability; if this happens, the fee
requirements.                                                                                      will be refunded in full.

*Subject to additional charges.                                                                    Information provided/discussed during the course/session, including notes provided, will be
                                                                                                   to the best of the organiser’s knowledge but delegates must check before taking any action as a
                                                                                                   result. We will not accept any legal liability.

                                                                                                   Any notes provided to delegates are copyrighted to EES for Schools and must not be reproduced.

                                                                                                   Neither Education Finance Support, EES for Schools, Essex County Council, their employees nor
                                                                                                   consultants can accept responsibility for delegates’ actions, or those of other people reading the
                                                                                                   notes or interpreting the notes in litigation; or responsibility for any loss incurred as a result of
                                                                                                   relying on the training or the notes.

                                                                                                   Book online at

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This information is issued by EES for Schools.

We provide a range of world-class school support services in the following areas:

  •   China Educational Links
  •   Education Advisers
  •   Education Finance Support
  •   Education HR
  •   Education Visits
  •   Governance and Clerking
  •   SE+
  •   School Library Service
  •   Target Tracker
  •   Training and Development

EES for Schools
Seax House, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford, CM1 1QH
T: 0345 200 8600
t: @EESforSchools


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                                                          AWARDS 2019
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