Page created by Philip Howell
Summer 2019


Educational institutions and private
providers are embracing the benefits
that technology can bring, both to the
learning environment and to the
efficiencies of their organisations.

 Market developments
 How technology is transforming
   sub-sectors including:
         Schools
         Corporate training
         Higher education

Increasing efficiencies

 Market developments                                        million pupils in state funded schools,
                                                            a number which is forecast to rise to
                                                                                                       M&A activity in this market has been
                                                                                                       strong with a number of trade and
 Although the current adoption of                           nearly 8 million in the next five years.   private equity deals in recent years. In
 technology across the education                            Meanwhile school spending per pupil        January 2019 Firefly Learning, the
 sector falls far short of its full potential,              has declined by approximately £500         school learning platform, completed its
 the rate of growth is accelerating as                      per pupil since a peak in 2010-11 for      latest investment round and has now
 educational institutions and private                       both primary and secondary.                secured more than €11.1m (£10m) of
 providers embrace the benefits that                        Compounding this is that teacher           capital from Downing Ventures, BGF,
 technology can bring, both to the                          numbers are currently at their lowest      and Beringea.
 learning environment and to the                            level since 2013.                          Horizon Capital also recently
 efficiency of their organisation.
                                                            Therefore, technologies that enable        completed the acquisition of EES for
 As a consequence, the fragmented                           teachers and schools to operate more       Schools for an undisclosed sum. The
 EdTech market is growing at pace,                          efficiently are particularly well          transaction included Target Tracker,
 with some bullish analysts forecasting                     positioned. However, the perennial         the software solution used by over
 global growth to 2022 of over 18%                          challenge with the market is often long    4,000 primary schools to track pupil
 CAGR1. Successful smaller operators                        sales lead times within the schools        progress. Clearwater International
 within the sector are transitioning from                   themselves, meaning the rate of            advised Horizon Capital on raising
 early stage ventures to profitable                         change is slow.                            debt to support the acquisition.
 businesses of scale which, in turn, is
                                                            One company managing to scale at an
 attracting interest from private equity
                                                            impressive rate is Twinkl, the
 who are looking to back teams to
                                                            educational resources business
 deliver the next phase of growth.
                                                            boasting more than half a million
 Certain mega trends within sub-                            pieces of content for primary and
 sectors are inviting technological                         secondary school teachers and other
 solutions to structural issues.                            learning professionals.                               raised debt finance from

 Schools                                                    Its subscription based service for
                                                            either individuals or schools is now
 The considerable challenges faced by                                                                                  to support the
                                                            supporting more than 4 million                              acquisition of
 UK primary and secondary schools in                        educators around the globe. Twinkl’s
 recent years are set to continue for the                   resources improve teacher efficiency
 foreseeable future. Pupil numbers are                      and ensure high quality learning,                       Acquisition finance
 rising, funding pressures remain, and                      providing an effective solution to                         Undisclosed
 teacher shortages continue. As it                          challenges faced by the sector.
 stands today there are currently 7.6

  Number of pupils in UK state funded schools                                                              This is an exciting
                                9.0                                                                        time in UK education
                                8.0                                                                        with a clear
                                                                                                           opportunity to
   Number of pupils (million)


                                6.0                                                                        consolidate software
                                5.0                                                                        and services to reduce
                                4.0                                                                        workloads and simply
                                3.0                                                                        let teachers teach.
                                                                                                           Gavin Freed, Executive
                                                                                                           Chairman, Juniper Education
                                0.0                                                                        Holdings Ltd

                                      Nursery and primary       Secondary

  Source: www.gov.uk

Clearwater International EdTech
Blended approach

 Corporate training                                         Given these positive drivers, private
                                                            equity and strategic buyers have
                                                                                                                             These Generation Z learners are very
                                                                                                                             demanding in terms of a technology
 Demand for e-learning within the                           shown strong interest in the sector. A                           supported approach to education and
 workplace is being driven by a                             recent example of such interest is                               acquiring the skills needed for a
 fundamental shift in attitudes to                          Mindtools, the provider of online                                successful career.
 continued education from employees,                        content for leadership and personal                              A recent survey showed while over
 and a recognition by employers that                        effectiveness to both B2C and B2B                                81% of university students felt digital
 there are more effective learning                          customers, that was acquired by                                  skills will be important for their future
 routes than the out-of-date classroom-                     Emerald Publishing in April 2019. This                           roles, only half believe that their
 based approach.                                            transaction is also an interesting                               courses adequately prepare them2.
 Innovative technologies, the increased                     example of publishers looking to gain
                                                            a technology platform to deliver                                 Institutions are responding through
 take-up of bring your own devices
                                                            content through an online subscription                           increased investment in the
 (BYOD), alongside the more flexible
                                                            model.                                                           infrastructure and systems to deliver
 nature of employment, drives demand
                                                                                                                             an active learning environment to
 for a more effective way of continued
                                                            Higher education                                                 attract students to their universities, as
                                                                                                                             well as investment in distance learning
 While traditional classroom-based                          Increasing tuition fees in 2012 to
                                                                                                                             capabilities and full online provision.
 learning methods will always have a                        £9,000 had a short term impact on
                                                            undergraduate applications for                                   FutureLearn, the digital learning and
 place in the world of employment,
                                                            universities, however the decline                                online degree platform established by
 these are often not flexible enough to
                                                            proved a temporary bump in the road                              The Open University, successfully
 meet the needs of busy professionals.
                                                            and overall first time undergraduate                             raised £50m in April 2019 from
 Often led by the ever-increasing
                                                            degree student numbers have                                      Australia based SEEK group in the
 number of millennials in the
                                                            remained buoyant since that time. In                             latest transaction in the sector.
 workplace, employees are now
 demanding learning ‘on the go’ to be                       2017/18 there were 1.62 million
                                                                                                                             1: Research and Markets: Growth
 consumed as, and when, they want                           undergraduates undertaking their first                           Opportunities in the Education Technology
 across a full range of media, and on a                     degree in the UK.                                                Market - Forecast to 2022
                                                                                                                             2: Jisc - Student digital experience
 device to suit. As such, there is a                        Unsurprisingly however, this has led to                          tracker 2017: the voice of
 continuing shift to a blended approach,                    an increase in expectations from                                 22,000 UK learners
 combining e-learning and classroom                         students in terms of the quality of the
 teaching, where employees are taking                       education they receive, the skills
 ownership of their personal and                            developed, and the way in which they
 professional development.                                  are taught.
 It has been demonstrated in recent
 surveys that investment in                UK Higher Education student numbers
 technologies that support learning
 within the workplace has a positive
 impact on talent acquisition and                                          1.6
 retention. In today’s tight labour
 market, with employees taking                                             1.4
 ownership of career development,
                                           Number of students (millions)

 businesses are increasingly seeing a                                      1.2
 technology enabled learning
 environment delivering technical and                                      1.0
 soft skills as an essential offering.
 Generally speaking, a holistic e-
 learning system can be significantly                                      0.6
 more cost effective compared to
 traditional methods too. Therefore,                                       0.4
 given these compelling drivers more
 and more companies are deploying                                          0.2
 technology as part of their human
 capital and learning & development                                              06/07   07/08   08/09   09/10   10/11   11/12   12/13   13/14   14/15   15/16   16/17   17/18
                                                                             Undergraduate first degree population           UCAS Acceptances               UCAS Applicants

                                           Source: HESA

Clearwater International EdTech
Sector outlook
 There are a plethora of growing businesses with exciting technology that are capitalising on the market opportunity with Virtual
 Reality, Augmented Reality, adaptive learning and Artificial Intelligence likely to play an ever more important role in the coming
 In addition to the sectors above, there are many more segments of the education market where technology will have a seismic
 impact such as tutoring, language tuition and within vocational delivery. The direction of travel is one way, and as such we expect
 M&A activity in the EdTech market to remain strong for the foreseeable future with interest coming from both private equity and
 strategic trade.

Recent transactions

      raised debt finance from

                                                      sold to                           sold to                     secured investment from
           to support the
            acquisition of

        Acquisition finance                          Sell-side                         Sell-side                          Fundraising

UK Team

                             Marcus Archer                                                         Carl Houghton
                             Partner and International Head of                                     Partner and International Head of
                             Business Services                                                     TMT
                             Tel: +44 845 052 0379                                                 Tel: +44 845 052 0344
                             Email: marcus.archer@cwicf.com                                        Email: carl.houghton@cwicf.com

                             Rob Burden                                                            Mark Maunsell
                             Partner, Business Services                                            Director, Business Services
                             Tel: +44 845 052 0389                                                 Tel: +44 845 052 0352
                             Email: rob.burden@cwicf.com                                           Email: mark.maunsell@cwicf.com

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