Page created by Heather Espinoza


Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny       Phone: 056 776 3837
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

                 Welcome to the eighth edition of Kilkenomics – Europe’s first economics festival – which
                  brings together some of the world’s leading economists, financial analysts and media
                commentators with some of our funniest, sharpest standup comedians. We’ve been called
                           “Davos with jokes” and we wouldn’t disagree with that assessment.

                   The standups put the economists under the spotlight to talk through vital issues such
                   as the case for a universal basic income, whether bankers can be tamed, the ongoing
                       housing crisis, modern education and of course America under Donald Trump.

                      We’re also talking Russia, post globalization, Bitcoin and Europe’s refugee crisis.

                     New to this year is Pitchenomics, Saturday morning shows for early birds and – by
                           popular demand – an added brunch on Sunday hosted by Adam Hills.

                                            HAVE         YOUR SAY:
                                            pitch into #kilkenomics for the latest festival shenanigans!


             “Davos with jokes”                    “Kilkenomics is just what economics          “Lenny Bruce meets John Maynard Keynes”
              THE AUSTRALIAN                     needs: an event bridging the gap between                     BLOOMBERG
                                                 academic analysis and the ordinary people
   “One of the oddest festivals anywhere,          whose lives are turned upside down by                    “Wildly successful”
      comedy with a pint and a point”                       economic mayhem.”                                 THE GUARDIAN
             UK SUNDAY TIMES                                  the economist
                                                                                                    “I’ve been to lots of festivals and
“An utterly bizzare idea but the public love it” “A little jewel where players manage to talk    conferences, but Kilkenomics may be the
         SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE                        human without being patronising”        best. More than that: it felt like democracy.”
                                                                 THE IRISH TIMES                 Simon Kuper, FINANCIAL TIMES columnist
                                                    “Having a laugh despite the gloom”
                                                           BBC WORLD SERVICE


INTERNATIONAL MEDIA PARTNER                                  National Media Partner                    FUNDING PARTNERS


 1 Cleere’s Theatre Bar

 2 The Hole in the Wall

 3 The Set Theatre, Langtons Ballroom

 4 The Ormonde Hotel (Kilbride Suite) (Kings Suite)

 5 Watergate Theatre

Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny
Tel: 056 776 3837
Online booking now at WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

Founder Directors: Richard Cook and David McWilliams                                  Public Relations: Conway Communications
Programme Director: Naoise Nunn                                                       Web and Print Design:
Production Manager: Michael Burke                                                     Box Office Team: Brian Butler, Garret Brennan, Niamh Moyles,
Box Office Manager: Lilian Burke                                                      Ralph Sheehan, Paula McDonald
Festival Manager: Miriam Dunne                                                        Video production: Adrian Brett -
Volunteers Manager: Tommie Ryan
Festival Administration: Margaret-Mary Murphy                                         Special thanks to Colm O’Regan for programme input.

Programme subject to change; correct at time of going to print.
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

  Peter Antonioni                           PRASENJIT BASU                            RAFAEL BEHR
  is a Kilkenomics regular and              is the founder and Chief Economist        is a political columnist for the
  co-author of Economics for                at, an                  Guardian. He has been political
  Dummies. He was educated at               independent economic research             editor of the New Statesman, chief
  Pembroke College, Oxford and              firm. He is also the author of “Asia      leader writer on the Observer and
  Birkbeck College, London. He is           Reborn: A continent rises from the        a foreign correspondent for the
  currently a lecturer in management        ravages of colonialism and war            Financial Times in Russia and
  at University College, London. Peter’s    to a new dynamism”.                       eastern Europe. He was named
  research interests are diverse                                                      Political Commentator of the Year
  and include the football transfer         FOLLOW PRASENJIT @PrasenjitKBasu          in the 2014 Editorial Intelligence
  market, the process of enterprise                                                   comment awards.
  in technology markets and the
  techniques and practice of the                                                      FOLLOW Rafael @rafaelbehr
  arcane field of long-range
  scenario planning.

  FOLLOW Peter @GuerillaEcon

  DANIEL BILAK                              BILL BLACK                                JUNE CARBONE
  is The Director of Ukraine Invest         is a Kilkenomics regular. He is           is the inaugural holder of the
  and Chief Investment Adviser to           an American lawyer, academic,             Robina Chair of Law, Science and
  the Prime Minister of Ukraine. A          best-selling author and former            Technology at the University of
  Canadian-qualified lawyer with            bank regulator. He is currently an        Minnesota. She is the author of From
  over 25 years of professional             associate professor of economics          Partners to Parents: The Second
  experience in Ukraine, he advised         and law at the University of Missouri,    Revolution in Family Law, the third
  major international and Ukrainian         Kansas City. Bill assisted Icelandic      and fourth editions of Family Law
  businesses in the energy,                 and French leaders responding to          with Leslie Harris and the late Lee
  agribusiness, infrastructure and          their fiscal crises and has testified     Teitelbaum, and Red Families v. Blue
  technology sectors.                       to US Congress about the financial        Families with Naomi Cahn. She is
                                            crisis, specifically on regulatory        also a member of the Yale
                                            failures and the role of control fraud    Cultural Cognition Project.
                                            in the bubble and crisis.
                                                                                      FOLLOW June @carbonej
                                            FOLLOW Bill @WilliamKBlack

NORAH CASEY                            JOHN CLEERE                            FRANK CROWLEY
is CEO (and owner) of Harmonia,        is director of Kilkenny based Red      is an economist and is lecturing
Ireland’s largest magazine company     Lemonade Creative; an experienced      at CUBS, University College Cork.
printing over four million magazines   digital, UX and branding design        Frank has a particular interest
annually for the Irish, British        agency. Two years ago John initiated   in cities, the creative economy,
and US market.                         #TechThursdayKK a well attended        innovation, regional policy and
                                       monthly meeting in Kilkenny for        economic geography matters. He has
FOLLOW Norah @NorahCasey               promoting and creating new tech        published in many of these areas in
                                       employment. He is also a regional      international peer reviewed journals
                                       advisor for TechIreland and an         and is currently researching the
                                       organiser of the first Google          importance of creative occupations,
                                       TechStars Startup Weekend in           regional resilience and the links
                                       Kilkenny this November.                between talent, tolerance, diversity,
                                                                              well-being and entrepreneurship in
                                       FOLLOW John @redlemonade               Ireland and Europe.
                                                                              FOLLOW Frank @frankgcrowley

PADDY CULLIVAN                         CAROLINE DANIEL                        LIAM DELANEY
of Callan’s Kicks and Kilkenomics      is a partner in the London office of   is SIRE Professor of Economics at
brings you an audiovisual              The Brunswick Group, an advisory       the Scottish Institute for Research
spectacular on the Rising Centenary.   firm specializing in business          in Economics and Stirling University
Using Satire, Imagery, Historical      critical issues.                       and Director of the Scottish
Insight and Song, Paddy reveals the                                           Graduate Programme in Economics
10 strangest things that happened      FOLLOW Caroline @carolinefdaniel       PhD programme. He lectured
during our Rising, Revolution and                                             econometrics, health economics and
Counter-Revolution. He parallels                                              behavioural economics in University
those events’ effects on modern                                               College Dublin and supervised
Ireland, drawing out fundamental                                              post-graduate students in
changes that need to happen,                                                  economics and public health.
no matter what Government
we end up with.                                                               FOLLOW Liam @LiamDelaneyEcon

FOLLOW Paddy @paddycullivan
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

  MIHIR DESAI                               MIKE DRIVER                               MARLA DUKHARAN
  was born in India and raised in           started, built and sold M2 before         is Chief Economist for Bitt Inc,
  Hong Kong and New Jersey. He is           cofounding Convex Capital. Convex         promoting the adaptation of
  a professor and award-winning             Capital helps entrepreneurs sell          technology in the Caribbean to
  teacher at Harvard Business School        their businesses. Mike has sold 29        boost financial and economic
  and Harvard Law School. His               entrepreneur owned businesses             inclusion and lower the cost of
  scholarship on corporate finance,         mainly in the tech sector in the last     financial services, enabling the
  international finance and tax policy      four years with a collective value        region to transcend the constraints
  has prompted several invitations to       over $1 billion. Mike is an advocate      of traditional business and banking
  testify before the U.S. Congress          for the role that real entrepreneurs      channels. Marla is recognized as a
  and serves as the basis of his            can play in rejuvenating economies.       top economist and thought-leader
  advisory role to leading global                                                     in the Caribbean, well-known for
  companies and organizations.              FOLLOW Mike @mdvex                        her monthly Caribbean Economic
                                                                                      Report, monitoring major economic
  FOLLOW Mihir @desaimihira                                                           developments in over 20 countries.

                                                                                      FOLLOW Marla @Marladukharan

  STEPHEN FLOOD                             JULIEN GARRAN                             KEVIN GILDEA
  is the CEO of international gold          After five years as a consultant with     is a comedian, award-winning
  broker, Stephen             CRU, the commodities research             playwright, performer, TV presence
  has been instrumental in growing          unit, Julien joined ABN AMRO as           and book reviewer. Kevin is a writer/
  GoldCore from humble beginnings in        their global commodities & mining         performer on RTE TV’s satirical
  2003 to a world-renowned provider         strategist. He then took on a role as     sketch show Irish Pictorial Weekly.
  of precious metal trading and             head of European equity strategy at       He was Ted Meaney in TV’s Bridget
  storage services, with $140 million       the same institution, following that      and Eamonn and Fr Cave in TV’s
  of bullion assets in storage and          with a global macro strategy role on      Father Ted. He performs his stand-
  sales in excess of $1 billion dollars.    the hedge fund desk. Julien moved         up all over the global shop.
  Stephen is passionate about gold,         to Legal & General in 2005 as Head        He is an award winning writer,
  fintech and the blockchain and is         of Asset Allocation, and he launched      winning awards for his writing. He
  an expert on precious metals and          and managed its global macro fund,        lives by the sea with his two cats –
  related finance and economics.            focussing on achieving absolute           Timmy and FiscalHole.
                                            returns, uncorrelated with the S&P.
                                                                                      FOLLOW Kevin @ComedyGildea

HENRY LEVESON-GOWER                     NICHOLAS GRUEN                          CONSTANTIN GURDGIEV
has been a practicing economist         is CEO of Lateral Economics and is      is Professor of Finance (Visiting) at
and policy analyst for almost 25        a widely published policy economist,    Middlebury Institute of International
years. He has worked on issues from     entrepreneur and commentator who        Studies at Monterey, California and
international trade and environment     has had regular columns in the          Adjunct Professor in Finance at
to economic and environmental           Australian Financial Review, the        Trinity College Dublin.
regulation design.                      Age and the Sydney Morning Herald.
                                        He has advised Cabinet Ministers,       FOLLOW Constantin @GTCost
FOLLOW Henry @GowerHenry                sat on Australia’s Productivity
                                        Commission and founded Peach
                                        Financial. He chairs The Australian
                                        Centre for Social Innovation; and The
                                        Open Knowledge Foundation.

                                        FOLLOW Nicholas @NGruen1

LIAM HALLIGAN                           ADAM HILLS                              PATRICK HONOHAN
is among the UK’s most influential      is a stand up comedian and TV           is an economist who was Governor
economics commentators. He writes       presenter. He has taken the UK          of the Central Bank of Ireland from
a weekly column in the Sunday           by storm with his own talk show         September 2009 to November 2015.
Telegraph, is a resident panellist on   on Channel Four – The Last Leg,
CNN-Talk and makes documentaries        originally a one-off series for the     FOLLOW Patrick @PatrickHonohan
for Channel 4. His latest book ‘Clean   2012 London Paralympics. Dubbed
Brexit – How to Make a success of       as the nicest guy in comedy, when
leaving the EU’ was published by        he is not conquering the small
Biteback in September 2017. Liam        screen he is treading the boards as
has previously worked for               one of Australia’s finest stand-up
The Economist, The Financial Times      comedians, selling out rooms around
and Channel 4 News.                     the country and around the world.

FOLLOW Liam @LiamHalligan               FOLLOW Adam @adamhillscomedy
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

    A brand new Kilkenny initiative in conjunction with
    Kilkenomics is offering Irish startups and existing
   small; large and medium companies an opportunity
   to fast-track their business through investment and
       will be offering this potentially-life-changing
      opportunity at this year’s Kilkenomics Festival.


                                     12th November 2017
                                      11:45am - 12:45pm
                                                 Harry’s Bar

JOHN KAY                              STEVE KEEN                            MEHREEN KHAN
is one of Britain’s leading           is an Australian-born, British-       is a Financial Times reporter with
economists. His interests focus on    based economist and author. He        fastFT in London. She writes about
the relationships between economics   considers himself a post-Keynesian,   finance and economics and was
and business. His career has          criticising neoclassical economics    previously a business reporter
spanned academic work and think       as inconsistent, unscientific and     at The Telegraph.
tanks, business schools, company      empirically unsupported.
directorships, consultancies and                                            FOLLOW Mehreen @mehreenkhn
investment companies.                 FOLLOW Steve @ProfSteveKeen

FOLLOW John @JohnKayFT

KONSTANTIN KISIN                      SIMON KUPER                           PINCHAS LANDAU
is an award-winning Russian           has been working with the Financial   Born and educated in London,
comedian. He has performed all        Times since 1994. He is the author    Pinchas Landau has been living
over the UK and Ireland, including    of several books including Football   in Israel since 1976 and is one of
Kilkenny Cat Laughs Comedy            Against the Enemy (winner of the      the country’s leading independent
Festival. With a background           William Hill prize for Sports Book    analysts and commentators on
in economics and political science,   of the Year); Ajax, The Dutch, The    Israeli economic and financial
he is the ideal presenter for         War: Football in Europe During the    affairs. Prior to establishing an
serious discussions.                  Second World War and Soccernomics,    independent consultancy in 1997,
                                      which he co-authored with Stefan      he was for many years one of Israel’s
FOLLOW Konstantin @KonstantinKisin    Szymanski. In 2008, Simon won the     most prominent financial journalists.
                                      Manuel Vazquez Montalban
                                      prize for sports writing.

                                      FOLLOW Simon @KuperSimon
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

  FIONA LOONEY                              MARTIN LOUSTEAU                           CORMAC LUCEY
  is a writer and broadcaster. She          is a former Minister of Economy and       is a chartered accountant based
  wrote Dandelions and October, both        Production of Argentina. At the age       in Dublin who teaches finance.
  enjoying very successful runs at the      of 37, he was the youngest person to      He served as a special adviser to
  Olympia Theatre, Dublin, and at The       occupy this office in more than five      Michael McDowell between 2002
  Opera House, Cork. Are you there          decades. Most recently he was             and 2007. He previously worked in
  Garth? It’s me, Margaret enjoyed an       the Argentine Ambassador to               industry and in corporate finance
  extended run at the Olympia in 2015.      the United States.                        both in Ireland in Germany.
  Prior to her debut as a playwright,
  she was a columnist for the               FOLLOW Martin @GugaLusto                  FOLLOW Cormac @CormacLucey
  Sunday Tribune and, for the past
  four years, the Irish Daily Mail and
  the Irish Mail on Sunday.
  FOLLOW Fiona @fionalooney

  JORIS LUYENDIJK                           HARALD MALMGREN                           PIPPA MALMGREN
  is a London-based journalist and          is a scholar, Ambassador,                 is an American policy analyst. She
  author. In 2011 Joris started a           international negotiator, senior          served as Special Assistant to the
  long-running investigation into the       aide to US Congress and four              President of the United States for
  City of London and the world of global    US Presidents, advisor to many            Economic Policy on the National
  finance on behalf of the Guardian         foreign leaders and CEOs of               Economic Council and is a former
  about how bankers can live with           financial institutions and corporate      member of the U.S. President’s
  themselves and whether the crash          businesses, and frequent author           Working Group on Financial Markets.
  of 2008 was a one-off or something        of articles and papers on global          She is the founder of the DRPM
  more sinister. His book Swimming          economic, political, and                  Group and co-founder of H Robotics.
  with Sharks is about the culture at       security affairs.
  major banks in the City of London.                                                  FOLLOW Pippa @DrPippaM
  Other books include ‘Hello Everybody’.    FOLLOW Harald @Halsrethink

  FOLLOW Joris @jorisluyendijk

KATIE MARTIN                            ANDREW MAXWELL                           DEARBHAIL MCDONALD
is the head of fastFT, the FT’s         is renowned for his cutting edge         is Group Business Editor of
breaking news service. She also         comedy and intrepid social               Independent News and Media.
writes for other parts of the FT,       commentary, double Edinburgh             Dearbhail has won a series of
mainly about markets. She was           Comedy Award nominee (2007 &             awards for her legal affairs coverage.
previously at the Wall St Journal       2011) and star of Sky’s John Bishop’s    Dearbhail is also a former Young
and Dow Jones.                          Only Joking and BBC’s Live at The        Irish Medical Journalist of the Year.
                                        Apollo, host of the BBC3 Edingurgh       She is a member of the Law Council
FOLLOW KATIE @katie_martin_fx           Comedy Marathon and series regular       of the National University of Ireland,
                                        on Sky’s Wall of Fame.                   Maynooth, and holds an LL.B (Law)
                                                                                 from Trinity College Dublin as well as
                                        FOLLOW Andrew @andrewismaxwell           a Masters Degree in Journalism from
                                                                                 Dublin City University.

                                                                                 FOLLOW Dearbhail @DearbhailDibs

IAIN MCGILCHRIST                        David McWilliams                         JULIEN MERCILLE
is a psychiatrist and writer who        is co-founder of Kilkenomics and         is a columnist for The Sunday
practised in London, but now            one of Ireland’s leading economic        Business Post, The and
lives on the Isle of Skye, where he     commentators. He was one of the He appears regularly
continues to write and make a living    very few to accurately predict that      on Irish television and radio as
by lecturing. He is committed to the    the boom was a bubble that would         an expert on current affairs. He
idea that the mind and brain can        all end in a monumental crash with       received his PhD in 2007 from
be understood only by seeing them       bank failures, negative equity, rising   UCLA in geography (geopolitics and
in the broadest possible context,       unemployment and emigration.             US foreign policy). Previously, he
that of the whole of our physical and   He is an economist, broadcaster          received an MA from the University
spiritual existence, and of the wider   and bestselling author and writes        of Kentucky in geography, and a BA
human culture in which they arise –     columns for the Sunday Business          from McGill University, Montreal,
the culture which helps to              Post and Irish Independent. David        Canada, from whence he hails.
mould, and in turn is moulded           also runs an daily economic bulletin
by, our minds and brains.               called 360 Macro.                        FOLLOW Julien @JulienMercille

FOLLOW Iain @divided_brain              FOLLOW David @davidmcw
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

  STEVE MOORE                               VIKAS NATH                                TOM NICHOLS
  is the Director of London based think     teaches at the Instituto de               the author of “The Death of
  tank VolteFace, curator of the Big        Empresas, a business school in            Expertise: The Campaign Against
  Tent Ideas Festival and author of         Madrid, Spain. He is also the CEO         Established Knowledge and Why it
  the upcoming of Brain Boxes – how         for UK and Europe, Adani Group,           Matters” and Professor of National
  think tanks changed world. He             an Indian infrastructure company.         Security Affairs at the US Naval War
  has spent a career working across         However, most of his professional         College, an adjunct professor at the
  media, politics, public affairs           career has been in financial services     Harvard Extension School, and a
  and campaigning. He was was               – as an emerging markets                  former aide in the U.S. Senate.
  Director of David Cameron’s Big           strategist at several investment
  Society Network, founder of Britain’s     banks in the City of London and           FOLLOW TOM @RadioFreeTom
  Personal Best and strategic counsel       New York. He also ran an emerging
  to Channel 4 Television.                  markets fund for 5 years.

  FOLLOW Steve @steve4good

  NAOISE NUNN                               ARDAL O’HANLON                            COLM O’REGAN
  is programme director of                  is an award-winning standup               Comedian, columnist and
  Kilkenomics. He is also artistic          comedian and actor. Best known for        broadcaster. He writes a weekly
  director of the Cat Laughs Comedy         the British television show Father        column for the Irish Examiner and
  Festival. He established the              Ted, he has also appeared in films,       has written for national publications
  Leviathan political cabaret, mainly       including The Butcher Boy.                in Ireland and UK as well as BBC
  hosted by David McWilliams and                                                      Online Colm is also a columnist with
  the MindField spoken word arena           FOLLOW Ardal @ardalsfolly                 RTE Radio 1’s Drivetime, BBC World
  at Electric Picnic which has now                                                    Service’s In The Balance and BBC
  been running for ten years. Naoise                                                  World News’ Talking Business. He has
  has worked on a number of political                                                 also written and presented the PPI
  campaigns and co-authored a book                                                    national radio award winning “Colm
  with Public Accounts Committee                                                      Oregan wants a word” for Radio 1.
  Chairman, John McGuinness.
                                                                                      FOLLOW COLM @colmoregan
  FOLLOW Naoise @naoisen
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

  GIDEON RACHMAN                            KATE RAWORTH                              AIDAN REGAN
  is chief foreign affairs commentator      (‘Ray-worth’ just FYI) is a renegade      is an Assistant Professor of Politics
  for the Financial Times. He joined        economist passionate about making         and International Relations at
  the FT in 2006, after fifteen years at    economics fit for the 21st century.       University College Dublin (UCD),
  The Economist, where he served as         Her best-selling book ‘Doughnut           and Director of the Dublin European
  a correspondent in Washington D.C.,       Economics: seven ways to think like       Institute (DEI). Prior to moving back
  Brussels, and Bangkok. In 2010            a 21st century economist’ has been        to Ireland, he was a postdoctoral
  Rachman published his first book,         translated into seven languages           fellow at the Max Planck Institute
  Zero Sum World, which predicted           and was long-listed for the 2017          for the Study of Societies in
  the rise in international political       Financial Times & McKinsey                Germany (MPIfG) and the European
  tensions and turmoil that followed        Business Book of the Year award.          University Institute (EUI) in Italy. His
  the global financial crisis. In 2016                                                research is focused on the study of
  he won the Orwell Prize, Britain’s        FOLLOW Kate @KateRaworth                  globalisation, European integration,
  leading award for political writing.                                                housing, industrial relations and the
                                                                                      welfare state.
  FOLLOW Gideon @gideonrachman
                                                                                      FOLLOW Aidan @aidan_regan

  SINEAD RYAN                               ANDREW SHEERIN                            ROBERT SHRIMSLEY
  is a consumer and personal finance        is a founding director of TerrorBull      is the Managing Editor of
  journalist for the Irish Independent      Games and a designer & theorist           Before this he has served as the FT’s
  and Herald newspapers and also            of satirical and political games,         chief political correspondent and
  on RTE’s “Today with Sean O’Rourke”       particularly interested in games and      news editor. He writes weekly for the
  and Newstalk’s “The Hard Shoulder”        play as forms of subversion or protest.   Notebook column, a satirical look
  programmes. She worked in                                                           at the week’s news and for the FT
  financial services for 15 years prior     FOLLOW Andrew @sheerinability             Weekend Magazine.
  to becomming a columnist and
  co-authored “Cents and Sensibility”,                                                FOLLOW Robert @robertshrimsley
  which teaches teenagers
  about money.

  FOLLOW Sinead @sinead_ryan

KARL SPAIN                               GERARD STEMBRIDGE                       RORY SUTHERLAND
is probably best known in Ireland        is an author, playwright,               is widely regarded as one of the
for his TV series Karl Spain Wants a     screenwriter, director, broadcaster     most creative and influential minds
Woman, which was a major success         and co-creator of, among many           in the advertising business, Rory
in that not only did he get huge         things, the legendary Scrap Saturday    Sutherland is executive creative
ratings but also found himself a         satirical radio series. His most        director of Ogilvy UK, part of one of
woman! He’s performed stand-up on        recent book, a satirical novel called   the biggest agencies in the world.
television and live all over the world   The Effect of Her, was published in     His sharp and witty TED talks on life
– the US, the Middle East, Australia     2014 and his hit series ‘Hiding Out’    and business have been viewed by
and the UK. He regularly does            was recently broadcast on Radio 4.      millions and his Wiki Man column in
corporate gigs and spends all his                                                The Spectator is essential reading
money on sweets and comics. He has       FOLLOW Gerard @mdvex                    for anyone with an interest on how
also performed at every Cat Laughs                                               technology affects us.
Comedy Festival since 2002.
                                                                                 FOLLOW Rory @rorysutherland
FOLLOW Karl @karlkingov

GILLIAN TETT                             YANIS VAROUFAKIS                        LINDA YUEH
serves as US managing editor,            is the former finance minister of       is an economist, broadcaster, and
leading the Financial Times’ editorial   Greece. He co-founded DiEM25            author. Linda is Fellow in Economics
operations in the region across          (Democracy in Europe Movement),         at St Edmund Hall, Oxford University,
all platforms. She writes weekly         a pan-European, cross-border            Adjunct Professor of Economics
columns for the Financial Times,         movement of democrats. We’re            at London Business School, and
covering a range of economic,            delighted to have him back at           Visiting Professor of Economics at
financial, political and social issues   Kilkenomics after his sell out          Peking University. She is a TV and
throughout the globe.                    appearance two years ago.               radio presenter, including for BBC
                                                                                 Radio 4 and BBC World Service,
FOLLOW Gillian @gilliantett              FOLLOW Yanis @yanisvaroufakis           as well as having fronted BBC TV
                                                                                 series The New Middle Class, Next
                                                                                 Billionaires, and Working Lives.

                                                                                 FOLLOW Linda @lindayueh
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Festival Planner

                                                        12pm                              1pm                           2pm                        3pm                            4pm                     5pm                                6pm                       7pm                                8pm                             9pm                           10pm                            11pm               11:45pm
     Thursday 9TH NOV                                    |                                 |                             |                          |                               |                       |                                 |                          |                                 |                               |                              |		                             |                    |
                                                                                   THE ECONOMICS OF                                                                                                                                                                                  BREXIT ONE YEAR ON:                                                                THE WORLD 10 YEARS AFTER
                                                                                        KILKENNY                                                                                                                                                                               A GRAVE MISTAKE OR ENLIGHTENED                                                        THE CRASH: IS IT TIME TO BREATHE
       THE SET THEATRE                                                              AS A SMART CITY                                                                                                                                                                                    OPPORTUNISM?                                                                           EASY IN 2018?
                                                                                   12:30pm FREE (75 mins)                                                                                                                                                                          7:00pm Sold Out (75 mins)                                                                9:45pm €20/€18 (75 mins)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           IS AMERICA WORKING? THE                              THE END OF WORK? DOES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EVERYONE HAVE TO BE AN
       HOLE IN THE WALL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    US ECONOMY UNDER TRUMP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              8:30pm Sold Out (60 mins)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ENTREPRENEUR NOW?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10:00pm €15/€13 (60 mins)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HOW TO REALLY FIX THE
       CLEERE’S THEATRE BAR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       HOUSING CRISIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9:30pm Sold Out (60 mins)

                                                        12pm                              1pm                           2pm                        3pm                            4pm                     5pm                                6pm                       7pm                                8pm                             9pm                           10pm                            11pm               11:45pm
     FRIDAY 10TH NOV                                     |                                 |                             |                          |                               |                       |                                 |                          |                                 |                               |                              |		                             |                    |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NORTH KOREA ON THE BRINK?                                       OLD ENGLAND IS DYING:                           IRELAND AND BREXIT:
       CLEERE’S THEATRE BAR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE COST OF GLOBAL INSTABILITY                                  THE ECONOMICS OF DECLINE                       AN OUTSIDER’S PERSPECTIVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            6:45pm €20/€18 (75 mins)                                      8:45pm €20/€18 (75 mins)                      10:15pm €15/€13 (60 mins)

                                                                                                           SHO   W                                                                                                                                                                    YANIS VAROUFAKIS                                                                                            THE GREAT GAME:
                                                                                                    KENNY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                INSATIABLE:
       Watergate Theatre                                                                     THE PAT -12:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   IN CONVERSATION WITH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE NEW RISE OF GREED                      ARE CHINA AND THE US
                                                                                             FRI 9:                                                                                                                                                                                  DAVID MCWILLIAMS                                                                                         ON A COLLISION COURSE?
                                                                                              FREE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9:00pm €20/€18 (75 mins)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7:00pm SOLD OUT (75 mins)                                                                                   10:30pm €15/€13 (60 mins)
                                                         The Set                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DOUGHNUT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BIG ECONOMIC IDEAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WHY IS IRELAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        FOR 2018: REAL PROBLEMS
       THE SET THEATRE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ECONOMICS                            AND FAKE PROBLEMS                                         SO BLOODY EXPENSIVE?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               7:00pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                                                                             10:00pm €20/€18 (75 mins)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          8:15pm €20/€18 (75 mins)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DOES SCHOOL
       HOLE IN THE WALL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MAKE US STUPID?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              8:30pm €15/€13 (60 mins)

                                                        12pm                              1pm                           2pm                        3pm                            4pm                     5pm                                6pm                       7pm                                8pm                             9pm                           10pm                            11pm               11:45pm
     Saturday 11TH NOV                                   |                                 |                             |                          |                               |                       |                                 |                          |                                 |                               |                              |		                             |                    |
                                                KNOWING ME, KNOWING EU,                    THE RAYMOND CROTTY INTERVIEW:                    WHEN WILL THE NEXT                                                                                                                                                                                      THE MCGREGOR EFFECT:
                                               MACRON!: THE FUTURE OF THE                      FROM JFK TO TRUMP, THE                    FINANCIAL CRISIS HAPPEN:                            PUTIN AND US -                                           THE WISDOM                                                                                      THE ECONOMICS OF
       THE SET THEATRE                             EUROPEAN PROJECT                        ECONOMICS OF THE WHITE HOUSE                      WHERE AND WHY?                                  RUSSIANOMICS                                             OF FINANCE                                                                                      WINNER TAKES ALL
                                                                                                                                                                                          4:15pm €20/€18 (60 mins)                               6:00pm €20/€18 (60 mins)
                                                  11:15am €20/€18 (75 mins)                  1:00pm €20/€18 (60 mins)                     2:30pm €20/€18 (60 mins)                                                                                                                                                                                   9:00pm €20/€18 (75 mins)

                                                             SOCIAL CAPITAL AND PUBLIC                                                         RISEOFTHEWHITECOLLARNARCOS:                                                                     UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME:                                                                                           26 + 6 = 1                              TED TALKS: THE
                                                           LIFE: WHY WE CANNOT PROSPER                                                           HOW MARIJUANA BECAME THE                 AFTER GLOBALISATION:                                 A SPONGERS’ CHARTER OR                                          THE ECONOMICS OF THE                      THE ECONOMICS OF A FUTURE                  ECONOMICS OF FATHER TED
       CLEERE’S THEATRE BAR                                  WITH BROKEN COMMUNITIES                                                              HOTTEST NEW COMMODITY                   WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?                                  THE LOGICAL WAY FORWARD?                                          MODERN NEWSROOM                                UNITED IRELAND                          WITH LIAM DELANEY
                                                                                                                                                                                          4:15pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                                                                                             8:00pm €15/€13 (60 mins)
                                                              12:00pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                                                           2:45pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                                                                       6:00pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                                                                                    9:20pm €16/€14 (60 mins)                  10:45pm SOLD OUT (60 mins)

                                                                                                       MOTHER EARTH:                                                                                                                                                                THE LUCKY COUNTRY: AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                  HOW DO WE PUT A PRICE ON                                                                                                                                                           AND ITS 20 YEAR BOOM: WHAT                                    THE ECONOMICS OF
       HOLE IN THE WALL                                                                              NATURAL CAPITAL?                                                                                                                                                                     ARE THE LESSONS?                                         THE MODERN FAMILY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9:00pm €15/€13 (60 mins)
                                                                                                     1:15pm Sold Out (60 mins)                                                                                                                                                         7:15pm €15/€13 (60 mins)

                                                                                                                                                    BREAKING                                        MILLIONS ON THE MOVE:
                                                                                                                                                     DOWN                                               EUROPE’S NEW                                                             THE                                      TRUMP:
       Watergate Theatre                                                                                                                             BREXIT                                            REFUGEE CRISIS                                                       DIVIDED BRAIN                               ONE YEAR ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                    4:30pm €20/€18 (75 mins)                                            6:45pm €20/€18 (60 mins)                   8:00pm €20/€18 (75 mins)
                                                                                                                                              2:30pm €20/€18 (75 mins)

                                                                                                                                                                                         UBER, AIRBNB, DELIVEROO:                                  BITCOIN OR BUST:
                                                  Taming Bankers
       ORMONDE KINGS                           11:30am €15/€13 (60 mins)                                                                                                                DISRUPTERS OR CORRUPTERS?                             IS THIS THE END OF MONEY?
                                                                                                                                                                                          4:15pm €20/€18 (60 mins)                               6:00pm €20/€18 (60 mins)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                THE DEATH OF EXPERTISE:                               UNITED IRELAND:                                                        MACRON ECONOMICS:
       ORMONDE KILBRIDE                                                                                                                                                                                                         WHY KNOWLEDGE MATTERS                                  AT WHAT COST?                                                     IS FRANCE THE NEW ENEMY?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5:30pm €20/€18 (60 mins)                         7:00pm €20/€18 (75 mins)                                                 9:15pm €20/€18 (75 mins)

                                                        12pm                              1pm                           2pm                        3pm                            4pm                     5pm                                6pm                       7pm                                8pm                             9pm                           10pm                            11pm               11:45pm
     Sunday 12TH NOV                                     |                                 |                             |                          |                               |                       |                                 |                          |                                 |                               |                              |		                             |                    |
                                                    THE KILKENOMICS BRUNCH
       ORMONDE KILBRIDE                               11:30am SOLD OUT (90 mins)

                                                       BRUNCH EXTRA!
       LANGTON’S BALLROOM                           11:30am U25 (75 mins)
                                                                                                            CATALONIA: THE ECONOMIC                         THE ECONOMICS                                           KILKENOMICS
       CLEERE’S THEATRE BAR                                                                                   CONSEQUENCES OF A                                 OF THE                                               GAME SHOW                                                                 ’s bar                      FREE
                                                                                                              SPLINTERING EUROPE                             MIDDLE EAST                                        WITH ANDREW SHEERIN                                                  Harry
                                                                                                              1:30pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                    3pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                                      5pm €15/€13 (60 mins)
                                                                                                            GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY:                             REASONS
                                                                                                              HOW TO SPEND YOUR                                  TO BE
       THE SET THEATRE                                                                                      CHILDREN’S INHERITANCE!                            CHEERFUL!
                                                                                                              1:30pm €15/€13 (60 mins)                    3pm €15/€13 (60 mins)
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

THE ECONOMICS OF KILKENNY                                           IS AMERICA WORKING? –
AS A SMART CITY                                                     THE US ECONOMY
THURSDAY 9TH NOVEMBER                                               UNDER TRUMP
Once again Kilkenomics is joining forces with ‘Tech Thursday,       THURSDAY 9TH NOVEMBER
Kilkenny’ for this special show. We make cities for communities     One year on from the political earthquake of Trump’s election,
to come together, create culture, commerce and conviviality.        has he fulfilled his economic promises to the millions of
We don’t develop smart cities in order to make buildings,           blue collar workers who elected him? He’s said he’s going to
infrastructure or tech, that’s the economic side effect. How do     take jobs back from overseas – including Ireland – and he’s
we take the first steps in a city like Kilkenny? Join us as we      withdrawn from the Paris Agreement and threatening to do
discuss smart ideas and new technological opportunities with        the same with NAFTA. Can the Donald claim credit for the fact
a specific focus on Kilkenny for better economic outcomes.          that the stock exchange is at an all-time high, employment
See #TechThursdayKK on Twitter.                                     numbers are improving and GDP is growing or would it have
                                                                    happened anyway? Get unique insights from a father and
Host: John Cleere                                                   daughter who’ve served seven US Presidents as economic
Contributors: Bill Black, Steve Moore                               advisers between.

      12:30pm-1:45pm (75 mins)
                                                                    Host: Konstantin Kisin
      The Set Theatre
                                                                    Contributors: Harald Malmgren, Pippa Malmgren,
      FREE (Booking Required)
                                                                    June Carbone, Gillian Tett

                                                                          8:30pm-9:30pm (60 mins)

                                                                          Hole in the Wall
                                                                          SOLD OUT
                                                                    HOW TO REALLY FIX THE
Britain’s exit from the EU, voted on by the British people last
year, is a game changer. Some in the UK regret the decision as      HOUSING CRISIS
it becomes clear how costly it could be, while others still see a   THURSDAY 9TH NOVEMBER
gleaming opportunity. With the Germans fighting extremism at        The price of 3-bed semi in Dublin is rising by €500 a month.
home, the young Macron government paralyzed, Catalonia on           By Christmas the average price of a 3-house in the capital
its way out of Spain and Italy flirting with bankruptcy, might      will be €450,000 – ten times the average wage. How the hell
the Brits have got out of the EU at the right time? Or are they     did this happen, again? Who is benefiting and how will it all
deluded? And what effect will the Brexit have on Ireland, our       end this time? If economics is the art of the possible, what are
Northern cousins and our relationship with them?                    the ten solutions to ensuring that everyone has a permanent,
                                                                    affordable roof over their head?

Host: Gerard Stembridge
Contributors: Peter Antonioni, David McWilliams,                    Host: David McWilliams
Patrick Honohan, Mehreen Khan, Prasenjit Basu                       Contributors: Frank Crowley, Aidan Regan, Karl Spain

      7:00pm-8:15 (75 mins)                                               9:30pm-10:30pm (60 mins)
      The Set Theatre                                                     Cleere’s Theatre Bar
      Sold Out                                                            Sold Out

THE WORLD 10 YEARS AFTER                                          NORTH KOREA ON THE
THE CRASH: IS IT TIME TO                                          BRINK? THE COST OF GLOBAL
BREATHE EASY IN 2018?                                             INSTABILITY
THURSDAY 9TH NOVEMBER                                             Friday 10TH November
Even in the best of times, economists generally remain staid      Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump have escalated their war of
and poker-faced. Inspired by the dismal science, they’re          words with veiled and not-so-veiled threats of nuclear war
there to burst any bubbles that emerge from the froth.            among the personal insults, but what effect does all this have
True to form, we’ve got a gathering of the festival’s most        on the global economy? Most observers believe the prospect of
eminent contributors who’ll take a critical look at what’s been   a nuclear conflict is remote but how does it affect trade with
happening in local and global economics this year and sound       China: a global economic powerhouse and North Korea’s only
the alarm at any danger signs.                                    ally? And is there a point at which it could all blow up?

Host: Gerard Stembridge                                           Host: Konstantin Kisin
Contributors: Bill Black, Patrick Honohan, Mehreen Khan,          Contributors: Linda Yueh, Gideon Rachman, Pippa Malmgren,
Julien Garran, Pinchas Landau                                     Simon Kuper, Rafael Behr

      9:45pm-11:00pm (75 mins)                                          6:45pm-8:00pm (75 mins)
      The Set Theatre                                                   Cleere’s Theatre Bar
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)                                      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

THE END OF WORK?                                                  YANIS VAROUFAKIS IN
DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO BE                                          CONVERSATION WITH
AN ENTREPRENEUR NOW?                                              DAVID MCWILLIAMS
THURSDAY 9TH NOVEMBER                                             Friday 10TH November
Technology is cutting out the middleman in Western economies,     The swashbuckling, motor-cycle riding Greek economist and
but much of those economies are based on the middle man           former finance minister is back in Kilkenny to talk Brexit,
taking a cut and, in a sense, we are all the middleman. As        Trump, the EU and the international world order as well as
computers and robots take over more and more of the jobs that     insights from his new book: Adults in the Room: My Battle With
human beings used to, corporations, committed to perpetual        Europe’s Deep Establishment. Not to be missed.
growth and cutting costs, are getting rid of people as fast as
they can. Is this the way forward for the world of work and
                                                                  Host: David McWilliams
is it sustainable? More to the point, should we embrace the
                                                                  Contributors: Yanis Varoufakis
liberation that the end of wage slavery affords?
                                                                        7:00pm-8:15pm (75 mins)
Host: Konstantin Kisin                                                  Watergate Theatre
Contributors: Mike Driver, Vikas Nath, Peter Antonioni,                 Sold Out
Prasenjit Basu

      10:00pm-11:00pm (60 mins)
      Hole in the Wall
      €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS                                                DOES SCHOOL MAKE US
Friday 10TH November                                              STUPID?
Economics has too often been about chasing the false goal of      Friday 10TH November
GDP growth even as societies become increasingly unequal          The Irish secondary school system rewards a certain type of
and we get ever closer to ecological collapse. Doughnut           thinking and punishes other types of thinking. The danger
economics is all about meeting the needs of everyone on the       is that it stifles creativity and contributes to groupthink at
planet within the means of the planet. The Doughnut of social     the very top, which makes big policy errors more likely. But
and environmental boundaries is a playfully serious approach      this system of reward and punishment begins very early. Can
to framing that challenge. Author of Doughnut Economics, Kate     Ireland ever be a creative country when our school system
Raworth joins a panel to discuss a new way of talking about       rewards learning by rote and punishes creativity?
economics and human progress.

                                                                  Host: Fiona Looney
Host: Andrew Maxwell                                              Contributors: Mike Driver, Cormac Lucey, Sinead Ryan,
Contributors: Kate Raworth, Henry Leveson-Gower,                  Caroline Daniel
Julien Mercille, Peter Antonioni
                                                                        8:30pm-9:30pm (60 mins)
      7:00pm-8:00pm (60 mins)                                           Hole in the Wall
      The Set Theatre                                                   €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)
      €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)

                                                                  OLD ENGLAND IS DYING: THE
                                                                  ECONOMICS OF DECLINE
2018: REAL PROBLEMS AND                                           Friday 10TH November
FAKE PROBLEMS                                                     Once the heart of an empire on which the sun never set, the
Friday 10TH November                                              United Kingdom now seems in danger of disintegration with
Don’t miss these brilliant minds, one of the best Kilkenomics     renewed calls for Scottish independence after Brexit and a
lineups, as they convene to gaze into their tea leaves, crystal   seemingly deeply divided and unequal society. How did this
balls and conjure up some predictions for how the economic        happen to a country that won the Second World War, together
world will unfold in 2018 and beyond. What are the problems       with the US and Russia, and helped define the world order? Is
they anticipate and what should we not worry about? Don’t         Old England dying or will the giant yet awake?
miss this block-buster opener to the weekend.

                                                                  Host: David McWilliams
Host: Andrew Maxwell                                              Contributors: Robert Shrimsley, Gillian Tett, Rafael Behr,
Contributors: Patrick Honohan, Joris Luyendijk, Linda Yueh,       Mehreen Khan
Martin Lousteau, Marla Dukharan
                                                                        8:45pm-10:00pm (75 mins)
      8:15pm-9:30pm (75 mins)                                           Cleere’s Theatre Bar
      The Set Theatre                                                   €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

                                                                       9:00am-12:00pm (120 mins)
                                                                       The Set Theatre
THE PAT KENNY SHOW                                                     FREE (Booking Required)
FRIDAY 10TH NOVEMBER                                                   Brought to you by Newstalk

INSATIABLE:                                                       IRELAND AND BREXIT:
THE NEW RISE OF GREED                                             AN OUTSIDER’S PERSPECTIVE
Friday 10TH November                                              Friday 10TH November
30 years ago, Gordon Gekko, the anti-hero of Wall Street          Our homegrown commentators and experts have worked
played by Michael Douglas, declared that “greed is good”.         themselves into a frenzy analysing the implications of Brexit on
Greed, it seems, has always been with us as humans but it         Ireland. Much doom and gloom is predicted with hard borders,
now pervades every aspect of human life and inequality is         export tariffs and disaster for Irish agriculture among the dire
off the scale. Is it because greed feeds on human nature or       consequences. But what do the experts on the outside looking
is it because the winner takes all has come to dominate all       in see? Are we missing some easy wins that are right under our
economics? Is it important to tackle greed and its effects or     noses or is it actually even worse than we think?
should we just give in to it?

                                                                  Host: Colm O’Regan
Host: Colm O’Regan                                                Contributors: Katie Martin, Vikas Nath, Nicholas Gruen,
Contributors: Yanis Varoufakis, Bill Black, Kate Raworth,         Liam Halligan
Rory Sutherland
                                                                        10:15pm-11:15pm (60 mins)
      9:00pm-10:15pm (75 mins)                                          Cleere’s Theatre Bar
      Watergate Theatre                                                 €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

                                                                  THE GREAT GAME: ARE CHINA
WHY IS IRELAND SO                                                 AND THE US ON A COLLISION
BLOODY EXPENSIVE?                                                 COURSE?
Friday 10TH November                                              Friday 10TH November
Did you know that a pint of milk is 38% more expensive in         For almost the last century, the US has been the dominant
Ireland than in Germany? Monthly Internet access in Ireland is    world power. China is now challenging that dominance
78% more expensive than in Germany, yet our wages are about       economically, politically and militarily. Both countries, with
the same. How can this be? A box of 32 tampons costs €4.64        vastly different political systems, histories and values,
here and €3.20 in Dusseldorf. You get the gist, why is Ireland    believe in their own exceptionalism. At the moment the public
so extortionate? Why are prices in Newry a fraction of those in   discussion is about tariffs, trade and money, but when does it
Dundalk and what impact is this having on the society, the        get serious and is an unthinkable conflict actually inevitable?
economy and where does all the money go?

                                                                  Host: Konstantin Kisin
Host: Naoise Nunn                                                 Contributors: Linda Yueh, Robert Shrimsley,
Contributors: Cormac Lucey, Sinead Ryan, Julien Mercille,         Harald Malmgren, Prasenjit Basu, Gillian Tett
David McWilliams
                                                                        10:30pm-11:30pm (60 mins)
      10:00pm-11:15pm (75 mins)                                         Watergate Theatre
      The Set Theatre                                                   €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

KNOWING ME, KNOWING EU,                                             SOCIAL CAPITAL AND PUBLIC
MACRON!: THE FUTURE OF THE                                          LIFE: WHY WE CANNOT
EUROPEAN PROJECT                                                    PROSPER WITH BROKEN
Saturday 11TH November                                              COMMUNITIES
Since its birth, the European project has seemed to be in           Saturday 11TH November
perpetual crisis. Now, at 60 years old; and as populist political   Although the idea has been around for as long as humans, the
leaders across the EU’s member states win support with              concept of social capital has re-emerged in recent years as
skeptical, anti-immigration, anti-Euro and pro-referendum           an antidote to the insatiable appetite for growth and wealth
platforms; what is the future of one of the world’s most            that has driven an unprecedented rise in global inequality.
ambitious economic and political experiments?                       Social capital is all about achieving public good through
Has the leadership of Europe now effectively passed from            communities, networks and cooperation – in Ireland, we
Angela Merkel to Emmanuel Macron and what does the                  know it as the meitheal. Can this new approach to economics
future hold for us all?                                             serve as a new more caring and sustainable form of human
                                                                    development or is it all wishful thinking?
Host: Colm O’Regan
Contributors: Yanis Varoufakis, Gideon Rachman,                     Host: Naoise Nunn
Rafael Behr, Prasenjit Basu, Mehreen Khan                           Contributors: Simon Kuper, Nicholas Gruen, Robert Shrimsley

      11:15am-12:45pm (90 mins)                                           12:00pm-1:00pm (60 mins)
      The Set Theatre                                                     Cleere’s Theatre Bar
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)                                        €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)

Taming Bankers!                                                     THE RAYMOND CROTTY
                                                                    INTERVIEW: FROM JFK TO
Saturday 11TH November
Can bankers ever be tamed? From tracker scandals and
collusion at home to yet another massive debt bubble abroad,        TRUMP, THE ECONOMICS OF
the financial industry is in the news again for all the wrong       THE WHITE HOUSE
reasons. Globally, debt levels are now 40 per cent higher           Saturday 11TH November
than they were in 2008 making the system more unstable              Between them, father and daughter, Harald and Pippa
but generating more short-term profits for the banks. Here in       Malmgren have served as advisers to no fewer than five
Ireland, we have seen a series of scandals where customers          US Presidents: John F Kennedy, Lyndon B Johnson, Richard
are hoodwinked and threatened by nationalised banks that the        Nixon, Gerald Ford and George W Bush. Join us for this rare
customers actually own in the first place!                          and special opportunity to hear fascinating economic and
                                                                    political insights from the heart of the most powerful office
Host: Andrew Maxwell                                                in the world. Learn what made Presidents tick, how economic
Contributors: Bill Black, John Kay, Joris Luyendijk,                realities shaped policy and how capitalism won the Cold War.
Patrick Honahan, Marla Dukharan
                                                                    Host: David McWilliams
      11:30am-12:30pm (60 mins)
                                                                    Contributors: Pippa Malmgren, Harald Malmgren
      Ormonde Kings
      €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)                                        1:00pm-2:00pm (60 mins)
                                                                          The Set Theatre
                                                                          €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

MOTHER EARTH:                                                      WHEN WILL THE NEXT
HOW DO WE PUT A PRICE ON                                           FINANCIAL CRISIS HAPPEN:
NATURAL CAPITAL?                                                   WHERE AND WHY?
Saturday 11TH November                                             Saturday 11TH November
Natural capital is essentially the world’s stocks of natural       It’s ten years since the start of the last banking crisis, so
assets which include geology, soil, air, water and all living      when’s the next one coming? There are signs of potential stress
things which make human life possible. As climate change           all around the world. There are the booms in property prices
continues to wreak havoc with extreme weather events               in several major markets, including the UK and Ireland and
and seriously impact the global economy, how can we get            there’s a surge in consumer debt everywhere. Geo-political
economists, business leaders and politicians to value and          affairs are volatile with China and Russia challenging the
protect our natural resources so that we can continue to           US and, sooner or later, global interest rates will have to rise.
sustain human life and growth as well as the environment?          Something’s got to give, but where and how?

Host: Konstantin Kisin                                             Host: Gerard Stembridge
Contributors: Vikas Nath, Kate Raworth, Nicholas Gruen,            Contributors: Mihir Desai, David McWilliams, Daniel Bilak,
Constantin Gurdgiev, Henry Leveson-Gower                           Katie Martin

      1:15pm-2:15pm (60 mins)                                            2:30pm-3:30pm (60 mins)
      Hole in the Wall                                                   The Set Theatre
      Sold Out                                                           €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

BREAKING DOWN BREXIT                                               RISE OF THE WHITE COLLAR
Saturday 11TH November                                             NARCOS: HOW MARIJUANA
                                                                   BECAME THE HOTTEST NEW
Brexit – Britain’s exit from the European Union – is the biggest
challenge faced by Britain since World War 2 and the end of
its empire. It is also one of the most serious cracks to develop   COMMODITY
in the EU since its foundation. Not to mind the effect on little   Saturday 11TH November
old Ireland. Those in favour, claim that Britain could be on the   As more and more states in the US legalise marijuana, weed
cusp of a new golden age of international trade while those        is becoming a boom industry with dozens of startups jostling
against fear marginalisation and slow decline into irrelevance.    to make the most out of legal highs. How did this happen
Our no nonsense panel cuts through the bluster and breaks          in a country that is notorious for its war on drugs? Will the
down the facts on what Brexit means and could mean.                legalisation of marijuana and, perhaps, other drugs, lead to
                                                                   better outcomes for society or will the new white collar narcos
                                                                   become the new big tobacco in their pursuit of profits
Host: Colm O’Regan
                                                                   whatever the consequences?
Contributors: Gideon Rachman, Cormac Lucey, Joris Luyendijk,
Rafael Behr, Norah Casey
                                                                   Host: Kevin Gildea
      2:30pm-3:45pm (75 mins)                                      Contributors: Steve Moore, Bill Black, Martin Lousteau,
      Watergate Theatre                                            Peter Antonioni, Marla Dukharan
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)
                                                                         2:45pm-3:45pm (60 mins)
                                                                         Cleere’s Theatre Bar
                                                                         €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

PUTIN AND US –                                                    UBER, AIRBNB, DELIVEROO:
RUSSIANOMICS                                                      DISRUPTERS OR
Saturday 11TH November                                            CORRUPTERS?
After two years of deep recession caused by depressed             Saturday 11TH November
oil prices and a currency crisis, Vladimir Putin’s Russian        Some of the biggest and most-hyped companies of modern
Federation is now making a slow and steady economic               times are taxi companies that own no vehicles, accommodation
recovery. Having traditionally cast the US as the enemy, Russia   providers that own no properties and food service companies
under Putin is making more conciliatory noises as Trump’s war     that don’t make food. We’re told it’s all about the technology
of words escalates with China and North Korea. What does          platform and about “disrupting” traditional ways of doing
Russia’s economic future look like and how will it                business. Is this a brave new world offering better customer
affect the new world order?                                       service and self-employment to self-starters or is it an excuse
                                                                  for wage slavery and a bubble that’s about to burst?
Host: Konstantin Kisin
Contributors: Liam Halligan, Constantin Gurdgiev, Tom Nichols,    Host: Colm O’Regan
Pinchas Landau, Pippa Malmgren                                    Contributors: Mike Driver, Katie Martin, Rory Sutherland,
                                                                  Caroline Daniel
      4:15pm-5:15pm (60 mins)
      The Set Theatre                                                   4:15pm-5:15pm (60 mins)
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)                                      Ormonde Kings
                                                                        €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

HAPPENS NEXT?                                                     MILLIONS ON THE MOVE:
Saturday 11TH November                                            EUROPE’S NEW
                                                                  REFUGEE CRISIS
Globalisation, which has been brought about by the
increasingly freer movement of people, money and ideas has
seen unprecedented resistance in recent times. The Occupy         Saturday 11TH November
movement and populist political parties all over the world        Recent elections in Europe have featured new and old political
have blamed globalisation for growing income inequality,          parties surfing a wave of a growing unease among citizens of
environmental chaos and a breakdown in society. Is this a fair    member states about the rise in immigration from the war-torn
assessment or has globalisation brought unparalleled wealth       Middle East and North Africa and the economic effects on
and opportunity? And if we are to move on from it,                them. What’s at the root of these historic and almost Biblical
what is the next step?                                            scale movements of people and how should Europe respond to
                                                                  the economic implications? Should our humanity and empathy
                                                                  conquer our fears and are there really net gains from
Host: Kevin Gildea                                                accepting immigrants and refugees?
Contributors: John Kay, Kate Raworth, Joris Luyendijk,
Steve Keen
                                                                  Host: Adam Hills
      4:15pm-5:15pm (60 mins)                                     Contributors: Vikas Nath, Daniel Bilak, Yanis Varoufakis,
      Cleere’s Theatre Bar                                        Dearbhail McDonald, Peter Antonioni
      €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)
                                                                        4:30pm-5:45pm (60 mins)
                                                                        Watergate Theatre
                                                                        €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

THE DEATH OF EXPERTISE: WHY                                        BITCOIN OR BUST: IS THIS THE
KNOWLEDGE MATTERS                                                  END OF MONEY?
Saturday 11TH November                                             Saturday 11TH November
The collapse of support in traditional institutions across the     Are blockchain-enabled currencies like Bitcoin the future of
world has happened at the same time as the explosion of the        finance or a disaster waiting to happen? And what impact
Internet and access to it. Everyone, it seems, is now an expert,   do these cryptocurrencies have on money and the ability to
or thinks they are. At the same time, real experts are derided,    trade? Supporters are evangelical about its possibilities and
fake news abounds and ‘mainstream media’ has become a              its surging share value, but detractors worry about security,
term of abuse. How did this all happen so quickly and what         regulation and volatility. The rapidly rising price of Bitcoin
effect does it have on our economies when everyone knows           is leading many to question if the digital currency’s
everything but actually no one knows anything at all?              boom is about to bust.

Host: David McWilliams                                             Host: Colm O’Regan
Contributors: Tom Nichols, Martin Lousteau, Rory Sutherland,       Contributors: Bill Black, Marla Dukharan, Stephen Flood
Katie Martin
                                                                         6:00pm-7:00pm (60 mins)
      5:30pm-6:30pm (60 mins)                                            Ormonde Kings
      Ormonde Kilbride                                                   €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)

                                                                   UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME:
THE WISDOM OF FINANCE                                              A SPONGERS’ CHARTER OR THE
                                                                   LOGICAL WAY FORWARD?
Saturday 11TH November
Many of us think of finance as an industry of greed and
stupidity but is there wisdom to be found there? Based around      Saturday 11TH November
Mihir Desai’s book of the same name, our panel takes a look        Debate continues to ratchet up on the concept of governments
at how and when we can discover humanity in a world of risk        providing their citizens with a fixed amount of money,
and return. Can bankers and financiers have any redeeming          regardless of their income; and cities in Finland and the
features and how can we better connect economics and the           Netherlands are already fully testing this concept. As
humanities so that we have a more empathetic world?                technology and artificial intelligence begin to replace human
                                                                   paid work, has this idea become increasingly urgent? Our
                                                                   panel examines the pros and cons of free money for everyone
Host: Gerard Stembridge                                            and whether it’s a noble and necessary next step for mankind
Contributors: Mihir Desai, John Kay, Henry Leveson-Gower,          or a bonanza for the bone-idle.
Robert Shrimsley

      6:00pm-7:00pm (60 mins)                                      Host: Fiona Looney
      The Set Theatre                                              Contributors: Constantin Gurdgiev, Pinchas Landau,
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)                                 Kate Raworth, Simon Kuper

                                                                         6:00pm-7:00pm (60 mins)
                                                                         Cleere’s Theatre Bar
                                                                         €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)
BOOKING INFORMATION: Box Office: 76 John Street, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 776 3837 WWW.KILKENOMICS.COM

THE DIVIDED BRAIN                                                  THE LUCKY COUNTRY –
Saturday 11TH November                                             AUSTRALIA AND ITS 20
                                                                   YEAR BOOM: WHAT ARE THE
In his book The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain
and the Making of the Western World, Iain McGilchrist presents
a groundbreaking exploration of the differences between the        LESSONS?
brain’s left and right hemispheres, and how those differences      Saturday 11TH November
have affected society, history, and culture. We’ve all hear the    Australia has not had a recession since June 1991 and is
folk wisdom notions about left and right brained people and        now just one quarter short of the Dutch record set between
what they excel at and fail at, but this is an inspirational and   1982 and 2008. The country’s natural resources including iron
thoughtful examination at the science behind it with a man         ore and coal enabled the Aussies to be one of the very few
who’s mastered the study with one of the world’s                   economies to grow through the 2008 global financial crisis. So,
leading advertising gurus: the right-brained                       what’s the secret? Is it just a vast wealth of nature’s bounty or
(or is it left?) Rory Sutherland.                                  is there something more at work?

Host: Naoise Nunn                                                  Host: Adam Hills
Contributors: Rory Sutherland, Iain McGilchrist                    Contributors: Nicholas Gruen, Steve Keen, Peter Antonioni

      6:45pm-7:45pm (60 mins)                                            7:15pm-8:15pm (60 mins)
      Watergate Theatre                                                  Hole in the Wall
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)                                       €15/€13 (Regular/Concession)

UNITED IRELAND:                                                    TRUMP: ONE YEAR ON
AT WHAT COST?                                                      Saturday 11TH November
Saturday 11 November
              TH                                                   One year on from his shock election as US President, how is
The UK’s exit from the EU in March 2019 has prompted some          Donald Trump actually doing? Leaving aside the millions of
politicians and commentators to suggest that a United Ireland      hours and pages of commentary, what has he managed to
is now a serious solution to the big problem that is Northern      achieve with the US economy and what can he claim credit for?
Ireland. Demographics are only going one way towards unity,        What should we be looking out for over the next three years of
maybe quicker than we expect. Crucially according to the Good      his Presidency and could he win again?
Friday Agreement, people in the Republic will have no say in
whether a United Ireland goes ahead. So who would pay the          Host: Gerard Stembridge
nearly £10 billion per annum bill? Could the Republic afford       Contributors: Harald Malmgren, Pippa Malmgren, Bill Black,
this and would the people – North and South – want it?             Mihir Desai, Gillian Tett, Vikas Nath

                                                                         8:00pm-9:15pm (75 mins)
Host: Andrew Maxwell
                                                                         Watergate Theatre
Contributors: Liam Halligan, Steve Moore, David McWilliams,
                                                                         €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)
Robert Shrimsley, Dearbhail McDonald

      7:00pm-8:15pm (75 mins)
      Ormonde Kilbride
      €20/€18 (Regular/Concession)
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