Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

Page created by Russell Andrews
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
ISSUE 3                                                                                   QUART ERL Y UP D AT E 0 8/20 21

& North West


1. Outlook August 2021

1.1 MACROECONOMIC                          Rising inflation driven by recovering      with NSW recording in excess of
OUTLOOK                                    economies and supply chain                 200 new cases per day at the time
                                           bottlenecks also poses a threat to         of publication. Our relatively low
Entering the 2022 financial year the       global activity and to stock prices.       vaccination rates leave Australia
global economic outlook continues
to be dominated by the COVID-19                                                       vulnerable to significant disruption
                                           Inflation is currently running
pandemic. Outbreaks of the highly                                                     and economic pain now that the
                                           at approximately                           extensive jobkeeper and jobseeker
infectious delta strain have set
the timeframes for recovery back           5% per annum                               wage subsidies have concluded.
significantly, with control of the virus
in most countries now focused on           in the US,                                 Against the increasing COVID risk,
broad vaccination.                                                                    generally higher commodity prices
                                           the highest since before the Global
                                                                                      have continued to drive economic
Countries with high vaccination            Financial Crisis (GFC)
                                                                                      activity in agricultural and mining
rates, including the US and the UK
have continued to recover strongly.        It remains to be seen if inflationary      resource rich states. Over the 12
However, the risk remains that the         impacts are mostly temporary due to        months, the RBA commodity price
delta variant will spread more rapidly     the pandemic or likely to persist into a   index has increased by 40% in
around the world and further disrupt       longer-term trend.                         Australian dollar terms, led by our
global supply chains that have                                                        largest export commodity iron ore.
already been heavily strained by           Despite the rising inflation risk,
the pandemic.                              the prolonged impacts of the               With navigating the COVID pandemic
                                           pandemic should see emergency              increasingly looking more like a
Equity markets remain at very high         global monetary policy continue for
                                                                                      marathon than a sprint, a set of
levels thus far, and it remains to         some time.
be seen if the spread of the delta                                                    longer-term initiatives to support
strain will lead to a significant          The domestic economy has been              sustainability and growth across the
market correction.                         hit by a series of COVID lockdowns,        country will need to be considered.

   D NNS O
                                     T SQLUAENE D
                                                NSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                      1
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

                                      The return to population growth has been a strong positive for the region.
The Townsville and North West         However, whether recent regional migration patterns become a longer-term
Queensland economy has                growth trend for the region, remains to be seen.
benefitted from rising commodity
                                      Key to supporting growth will be a resolution to the final form of the Federal
prices and increasing investment
                                      Government’s $10 billion reinsurance pool. The region requires a system which:
interest over the past quarter.
                                      •   Supports competitive coverage costs for households and businesses.
The region continues to
experience minimal direct COVID       •   Improves lending conditions for the development of new dwellings.
cases. However, the constant              Specifically, medium and high-density (strata titled) properties which can
threat of border closures and             facilitate population growth and rental affordability.
restrictions on businesses
continues to constrain a broader      The next few months will be critical for the region as we face the potential for
recovery and a return to longer       significant lockdowns and disruption. This time the impacts may need to be
term growth.                          endured without the extensive subsidy programs which supported activity and
                                      confidence throughout the first phase of the pandemic.
The cancellation of major events
(including the Australian Concerto
and Vocal Competition and the
                                      TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST
Julia Creek Dirt n Dust triathlon
                                      QUEENSLAND REGIONS
festival) and the deferral of major
tourism projects such as the
Townville Marine Tourism Precinct     Total 2019-20 GRP for Townsville & North West Queensland
and Townsville Airport Terminal       -2.1% annual decline
upgrade highlights the strain
                                      Total population growth +0.6%
being felt within some sectors of
the regional economy.

Despite these impacts, the
regional property market has
continued its resurgence. Rental
vacancy rates in some areas are                          Mornington

as low as 1%, as regional areas                       Doomadgee

continue to draw COVID migration
from Australia’s major cities.                Burke

Additional attraction of labour                                                                                              Palm Island
and skills will be required across                                                                                              Townsville

Townsville and North Queensland,
with many industries reporting            Mount Isa
                                                                                                           Charters Towers
ongoing skills shortages as                                                          Richmond
operations recover.                                        Cloncurry

  North Queensland

  Mid-West Queensland
  Western Queensland

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                                              2
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
2. Key Indicators and Regional Development News


Indicator                          Townsville      Hinchinbrook     Burdekin          Palm Island         Charters Towers

Gross Regional Product             $10.6 B         $420 M           $969 M            $43 M               $ 685 M
                                     1.0%            -5.0%            -5.1%             8.0%                -4.6%
(GRP) (2019-20)
                                   annual          annual           annual            annual              annual
Annual Growth Rate                 growth          decline          decline                               decline

                                   6.2%                             5.5%              36.5%               6.6%
                 Unemployment                      6.1%
                                      0.1%         no                  0.1              -1.7%                -0.1
                 (Mar Qtr. 2021)   quarterly                        ppt quarterly     ppt quarterly       ppt quarterly
                                                   change           decline           decline             decline

                 Median            $347,000        $215,000         $187,500                              $200,000
                 House Price         6.0%            2.4%              13.6%          N/A                   3.9%
                                   annual          annual           annual                                annual
                 (YE March 2021)   growth          growth           growth                                growth

                                   196,800         10,645           16,953            2,684               11,731
                 Population          0.9%             -0.4%            -0.1%             0.5%                 -0.1%
                 (June 2020)       annual          annual           annual            annual              annual
                                   growth          decline          decline           growth              decline

Table 2.1: Headline Economic Statistics North Queensland                                          Source: NIEIR (2021), QGSO (2021)

                                                              REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
                                                              The Federal Government has committed $40 million
The North Queensland economy showed some                      towards the Reef HQ Aquarium development in the
signs of slowing over the past three months. The              Townsville CBD.
region was significantly impacted by a snap COVID
                                                              The funding provided through the Townsville City Deal
lockdown over the key school holiday trading period.
                                                              is in addition to the $40.1 million already provided. The
Unemployment edged higher in most areas after
                                                              upgrades will provide a range of immersive experiences
several quarters of improvement.
                                                              and revitalised exhibits, including educational activities,
However, the property market continued its strong
                                                              hands-on experiences, on-site diving programs, scientific
performance. Extremely low rental vacancy rates
                                                              demonstrations, and the use of interactive technology.
have been recorded in some areas and construction
                                                              The development is expected to be completed by 2023.
activity continues to rebound.
The tourism and hospitality sector remains an area            Development of the Australia-Singapore Military
of significant uncertainty, with major projects such as       Training Initiative (ASMTI) at Greenvale is set to
the $78 million Townsville Marine Tourism Precinct and        commence in mid-2022. A lease agreement has been
$40 million Townsville Airport Terminal redevelopment         made through the Queensland Government to secure
shelved. However, other recent proposed                       land for training of Australian and Singaporean military
developments, including the new Ville and Hilton hotel        personnel at Greenvale near Charters Towers alongside
projects in Townsville show underlying confidence in          facilities at Shoalwater Bay in Central Queensland.
the long-term outlook.                                        The 302,000-hectare Greenvale site will be developed
Strong sugar prices of around $500/tonne projected            into an advanced Military Training Area. Overall, the
for the next 12 months should help to underpin                project is estimated to deliver approximately 590 new
confidence across the key agricultural centres of             jobs during development and up to 150 permanent jobs
Burdekin and Hinchinbrook.                                    across Queensland when the facilities are operational.
                                                              The ASMTI proposes to bring up to 14,000 Singapore
                                                              Armed Forces personnel to North and Central
                                                              Queensland every year for 25 years, training for 18 weeks
                                                              each rotation.

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                              3
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

                                           Indicator                       Flinders          Richmond        McKinlay

                                                                           $128 M            $100 M          $523 M
                                           GRP (2019-20)                     -31.4%            -10.3%          -2.1%
                                           Annual Growth Rate              annual            annual          annual
                                                                           decline           decline         decline

                                                                           3.9%              4%              4%
                                                        Unemployment          0.3              0.3             0.3
                                                        (Mar Qtr. 2021)    ppt quarterly     ppt quarterly   ppt quarterly
                                                                           increase          increase        increase

                                                        Median             $140,000          $110,000
                                                        House Price          118.8%             -12.8%       N/A
                                                                           annual            annual
                                                        (YE March 2021)    growth            decline

                                                                           1,512             813             823
                                                        Population            0.6%             0.4%            0.6%
                                                        (June 2020)        annual            annual          annual
                                                                           growth            growth          growth
                                       Table 2.2: Headline Economic Statistics Mid-West Queensland
Economic indicators in Mid-West
                                       Source: NIEIR (2021), QGSO (2021)
Queensland continued to show
mixed results.                         REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS                           •   The Federal Government has
Each of the Local Government           The development of a significant                    approved Multicom’s St Elmo
Areas continued to see steadily        vanadium mining industry in                         vanadium project, which has
rising unemployment. However,          the Mid-West has continued to                       the potential to employ 200
local unemployment remains well        gather momentum. Major recent                       people directly during peak
below the Queensland average at        milestones include:                                 construction and more than 150
approximately 4% across Flinders,                                                          people once operational.
                                       •      QEM had advanced feasibility
Richmond, and McKinlay.                                                                •   Vecco Group’s Debella project
                                              works for its proposed vanadium
Economic activity and housing                 and oil shale project near                   is expected to begin production
market indicators remain highly               Julia Creek.                                 at the end of this year, with an
volatile, which is typical of rural-                                                       expected 50 year mine life.
                                       •      Horizon Minerals’ pre-feasibility
remote areas. Recent COVID                                                             Vanadium is a key resource in
                                              study for its Julia Creek
lockdowns in Sydney, Melbourne,                                                        renewable battery storage which
                                              vanadium Joint Venture
and South East Queensland have                                                         has seen exponential growth in
                                              (JV) project with Richmond
impacted visitation during the key                                                     recent years.
                                              Vanadium Technology has
winter tourism season.
                                              confirmed a supply of over               The iconic Julia Creek Dirt n Dust
However, a return to positive                 100 years at a production rate           festival has been cancelled for
population growth, a revitalised              of 790,000 tpa of vanadium               the second straight year due to
mining sector, and strong beef                concentrate. To progress                 uncertainty and disruption created
cattle prices should underpin a               the project to production,               by the coronavirus pandemic.
solid economic outlook for the                the JV partners plan to                  The three-day event, which usually
Mid-West over the medium term.                construct a concentrator,                includes a triathlon, bull riding and
                                              power station, railway siding,           a range of events has been a major
                                              bores, administration and                drawcard in the outback events
                                              accommodation facilities, and            calendar for 26 years. The festival
                                              an offshore refining plant.              now faces an uncertain future.

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                          4
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...

Indicator                       Cloncurry       Mount Isa   Boulia       Burke       Doomadgee      Mornington       Carpentaria

                                $938 M          $2.1 B      $34 M        $31 M       $34 M          $33 M            $132 M
GRP (2019-20)                     -8.9%           -8.8%       -6.1%        -12.6%      -26.8%         -22.1%           -12.7%
Annual Growth Rate              annual          annual      annual       annual      annual         annual           annual
                                decline         decline     decline      decline     decline        decline          decline

                                6.9%            8.3%        3.4%         27.9%       27.8%          28.8%            27.8%
              Unemployment         0.7             0.5         0.4         2.0%        1.9            2.1              2.1
                                ppt             ppt         ppt          ppt         ppt            ppt              ppt
              (Mar Qtr. 2021)   quarterly       quarterly   quarterly    quarterly   quarterly      quarterly        quarterly
                                increase        increase    increase     increase    increase       increase         increase

              Median            $165,000        $270,000                                                             $250,000
              House Price         -23.8%          8.2%      N/A          N/A         N/A            N/A                38.9%
                                annual          annual                                                               annual
              (YE March 2021)   decline         growth                                                               growth

                                3,004           18,578      416          354         1,534          1,231            1,970
              Population           -1.4%           -1.0%      -1.7%      0.0%           0.5%           0.1%             -0.3%
              (June 2020)       annual          annual      annual       annual      annual         annual           annual
                                decline         decline     decline      growth      growth         growth           decline

Table 2.3: Headline Economic Statistics Western Queensland                                            Source: NIEIR (2021), QGSO (2021)

                                            REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
                                            The recently released Repowering the Townsville & North West Minerals
The outlook for Western
                                            Province Industrial Economy report highlighted the long-term economic
Queensland has continued recent
                                            potential of the North West Minerals Province (NWMP).
trends, with unemployment
                                            The report highlights how prospective the NWMP remains, with an estimated
rising across the region. The
unemployment rate rose as much              $680 billion known in-ground resources and the potential to provide a $154
as 2.1 ppt across the remote                billion cumulative increase in the gross value of mine production over the
communities of Mornington and               next 25 years.
Carpentaria, with Burke and                 The $1.5 billion CopperString 2.0 project which aims to connect the NWMP
Doomadgee also recording                    to the National Electricity Grid will be ready to commence construction by
notable increases.                          October this year.
However, a turnaround in base               The remaining steps to realising the project include:
metal prices and renewed                    •      Finalising the remaining items under the Implementation Agreement with
investment interest in the region                  the Queensland Government.
should see economic indicators
                                            •      Finalising environmental approvals and engagement with traditional
improve over the coming months.
                                                   owners and landholders.
Copper prices have seen a
strong recent price growth driven           •      Finalising negotiations with the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility
by growing global demand for                       on its financing offer.
electric cars.                              •      Completing the Federal Government-funded study into the potential
The impending development                          of CopperString 2.0 to support the development of a ‘clean industrial
of the CopperString 2.0 project                    ecosystem’ across the Townsville to Mount Isa corridor and the NWMP.
has the potential to underpin               CopperString 2.0 is scheduled for completion in 2024 with the potential to
confidence and drive a new wave             support 750 construction jobs and 3,560 long-term indirect jobs, primarily by
of investment in the region.                enabling new resource development.

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                                  5
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
3. Business Confidence

Business confidence in           QUEENSLAND BUSINESSES
Queensland’s 12-month            REPORTED IMPROVEMENTS
outlook continued to             ACROSS ALL INDICATORS,
significantly improve in the
                                 WITH THE LARGEST GAINS
March quarter (+12.2 ppt) to
                                 IN THE 12-MONTH OUTLOOK.
a current index of 54.7. These
                                 •   General business conditions
results were recorded prior
                                     (+10.3 ppt) and sales and
to the impact of recent delta
                                     revenues (+7.8 ppt) also
stain COVID lockdowns.
                                     recorded strong increases.
Businesses are now
                                 •   Labour costs (+7.2 ppt) also
generally positive across
                                     recorded a notable increase,
most indicators (index >50),
                                     with restrictions on international
while profitability levels
                                     labour and intermittent domestic
continue to lag at 45.2.
                                     lockdowns combining to create
Generally, the last 12 months        significant labour shortages.
have represented a period        The recovery in business confidence
where the significant negative   levels has been very positive. However, the
business expectations            impact of renewed COVID restrictions and
were not realised, with          the recent withdrawal of the jobkeeper and
many sectors performing          jobseeker wage subsidies are likely to test
better than expected.            confidence levels over the coming months.

 Indicator                                               Quarterly Change
                                     Dec 2020

 12 Month Outlook Queensland           54.7                     +12.2

 General Business Conditions           58.3                     +10.3

 Sales and Revenue                     57.4                     +7.8

 Labour Costs                          65.8                     +7.2

 Profitability                         45.2                     +4.5

 Employment                            51.3                     +5.0

 Capital Expenditure                   51.9                     +6.0

Table 3.1: Queensland Business Confidence March 2021          Source: CCIQ (2021)

Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
4.       Industry Profile: Manufacturing

Each quarter the Townsville and
North West Queensland Economic
Outlook profiles a key regional
industry sector. This quarter reviews
the Manufacturing industry.


Townsville and North West
Queensland is a significant
manufacturer, with the sector
contributing $1.1 billion (6.6%) to
GRP in 2019-20 and employing
approximately 6,000 people
(ABS, 2017).                                However, the sector has since returned to modest growth averaging 1.4%
                                            per annum to 2019-20. A recent $455 million expansion of the Sun Metals
The manufacturing sector
                                            Zinc Refinery in Townsville has been a major driver of renewed confidence in
specialises in value adding to the
                                            the sector.
region’s abundant agricultural
                                            The manufacturing sectors across the Mid-West (-2.2% annual decline) and
and mineral resources production.
                                            Western regions (-4.1% annual decline) have continued to experience difficult
Major manufacturers located
                                            trading conditions. The decline highlights the challenges associated with the
within Townsville and North West
                                            often labour and energy intensive operations in geographically remote areas.
Queensland include:
•    Mineral resources processing:
                                            Region               IVA (2019-20, $M)          Average Annual Growth
     The Sun Metals Zinc and
     Glencore Copper refineries,            Northern                   $958.0                          1.4%

     Incitec Pivot Fertiliser production.   Mid-West                    $9.2                          -2.2%
•    Agricultural Value Adding: Six         Western                    $136.4                         -4.1%
     sugar mills (Invicta, Pioneer,         Total Region               $1,103.6                       0.6%
     Kalamia, and Inkerman Mills
     in the Burdekin and Victoria           Table 4.1: Townsville North West Queensland                       Source: NIEIR (2021)

     and Macknade Mills in the              Manufacturing Industry Value Added (IVA)
     Hinchinbrook), processing of 900
                                            The broad manufacturing sector across Australia has also experienced highly
     head cattle per day at JB Swift
                                            challenging conditions over the past decade, including the closure of the
     Meatworks in Townsville.
                                            national car manufacturing industry in 2017.
Over 85% of regional manufacturing
activity occurs in the Northern             Increased automation alongside the globalisation and consolidation of
region. The Northern region suffered        manufacturing supply chains seeking economics of scale - particularly into
                                            low wage cost countries - has had a profound impact on local production.
a major loss in 2016 with the closure
of the region’s largest manufacturer,       Since peaking in the 1970s, Australia has lost approximately half a million
the Queensland Nickel Incorporated          manufacturing jobs. However, the sector’s output has continued to grow,
(QNI) Yabulu Refinery, with the loss of     as local manufacturing technologies and businesses have become
over 800 direct jobs.                       progressively more advanced and capital-intensive (Ai Group, 2020).

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                             7
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
4. Industry Profile: Manufacturing continued

                                                                              The regional manufacturing sector is
                                                                              currently at a crossroads. The recent
                                                                              renewed interest in local manufacturing
                                                                              driven by global trends and strong
                                                                              underlying demand for regional
                                                                              commodities has brought on several
                                                                              proposed major projects.
                                                                              Opportunities are across agricultural
                                                                              and minerals value adding alongside
                                                                              Imperium 3’s proposed $3 billion lithium
Despite the challenging history, the past few years have seen a
                                                                              ion battery plant in Townville.
renewed strategic interest in local production. Global supply chains
have been heavily disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting            Increasing interest and advocacy has
a greater need for production self-sufficiency to ensure the security         also been generated in developing
of supply.                                                                    the region’s defence manufacturing
                                                                              capabilities. The supply chain
New technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing,
                                                                              opportunities aim to leverage Townsville
and increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in production have
                                                                              and North West Queensland’s extensive
also shifted the needs of industry from minimising wage costs
                                                                              Army and Royal Australian Air Force
towards higher skill levels, political and sovereign stability, and
                                                                              (RAAF) presence, and the $2.25 billion
access to raw inputs and end markets.
                                                                              under development Australia Singapore
Each of these key drivers supports production within Australia and            Military Training Initiative.
the Townsville and North West Queensland region specifically.
                                                                              The recent announcement of a Northern
In spite of these significant positive trends, the Australian                 Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF)
manufacturing sector is still projected to shed another 6,000 jobs            funding commitment for the Agripower
over the next five years (see Figure 4.1).                                    Australia fertiliser plant near Charters
                                                                              Towers has also shown the potential
                                                                              for the development of significant
                                                                              manufacturing operations in the more
                                                                              rural and remote parts of the region.
                                                                              These proposed initiatives present
                                                                              significant economic development
                                                                              opportunities. However, the timing and
                                                                              ultimate commitment for a number
                                                                              of the region’s major manufacturing
                                                                              projects remains subject to
                                                                              significant uncertainty.
                                                                              Previously proposed large scale
                                                                              manufacturing projects focused around
                                                                              agricultural value adding and bio-fuel

Figure 4.1: Australian Manufacturing                     Source: RBA (2021)   Outlook continues over page...

Sector Employment

TOWNSVILLE & NORTH WEST QUEENSLAND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK                                                                      8
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
production - including the Australian Manufacturing                                       significant long-term economic development
Employment and referenced to the ABS (2021) -                                             opportunities for Townsville and North West Queensland.
ultimately were unable to clear the significant economic
                                                                                          Maximising the value adding of the region’s rich resource
and technical hurdles required to reach development
                                                                                          and agricultural production - where the region has a
after several years.
The flexibility investors have in locating new                                            natural competitive and locational advantage - is a

manufacturing plants means that Townsville and North                                      key pillar to driving economic growth and supporting
West Queensland continues to face fierce competition                                      efficient and competitive regional supply chains.
for new investment.
                                                                                          Further leveraging the region’s significant educational
Competition comes from within Australia and
                                                                                          and research presence will also be required if Townsville
internationally from Asia, North and South America,
and Europe among other established and emerging                                           and North West Queensland is to move against the
manufacturing centres.                                                                    long-term national trend of declining manufacturing
Despite the challenges, manufacturing presents                                            employment and drive significant regional growth.

                 Project                              Location (LGA)                                     Status                                  Capex ($M)

     Imperium 3 Lithium Ion                                                                      Feasibility Works
                                                          Townsville                                                                               $3.0 billion
         Battery Plant                                                                             Completed
       CNVM Investment
                                                         Hughenden                        Development Deed Signed                                      $100
     Hughenden Meatworks

                                                                                                Northern Australia
       Agripower Australia
                                                     Charters Towers                          Infrastructure Facility                                  $663
         Fertiliser Plant
                                                                                               Funding Committed

 Pure Minerals (nickel, cobalt
                                                          Townsville                          Under Consideration                                      $441
   and alumina) Refinery
    Sun Metals Zinc Refinery
                                                          Townsville                         Completed During 2021                                     $445

Table 4.2: Major Proposed Manufacturing Developments                                                                                                               Source: REA

Note: Capital estimates based on publicly available information at the time of writing and may not reflect the most recent project estimates.

For Further Information
                               The Regional Development Australia                                                         Regional Economic Advisory (REA)
                               Townsville and North West Queensland                                                       provides specialised economic
                               (RDA) Committee is pleased to partner                                                      consultancy services to the
                               with Regional Economic Advisory on this                                                    communities of Central, Northern, North
                               initiative to provide a quarterly update                                                   West, and Far North Queensland.
                               on the region’s Economic Outlook.                                                          REA is passionate about unearthing
                               For more information on investment and                                                     new, evidence-based opportunities that
Cr Frank Beveridge             growth opportunities within our region,                    Mr Matthew Kelly                help regional centres prosper long into
Chairman                       please don’t hesitate to contact RDA                       Principal Economist
                                                                                                                          the future.
                               CEO Mr Wayde Chiesa.

                               Regional Development Australia                                                             Regional Economic Advisory
                               Townsville and North West
                                                                                                                          07 4767 7234 / 0417 790 016
                               Queensland Inc.
                               07 4410 3655                                                                     
                                                                                                                          Level 1, 33 Palmer Street
                                                                                                                          South Townsville QLD 4810
                               Level 1, Enterprise House
                               6 The Strand, Townsville QLD 4810

                                                                                          All care and diligence has been exercised in the preparation of this report. Forecasts
                                                                                          or projections developed as part of the analysis are based on adopted assumptions
                   To review previous editions and subscribe                              and can be affected by unforeseen variables. Consequently, Regional Economic

                   to future editions, please visit here.                                 Advisory gives no warranty that a particular outcome will result and the authors
                                                                                          accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may be suffered as a result of
                                                                                          reliance on this information.
Economic Outlook Townsville & North West Queensland - Regional Development Australia ...
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