Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations

Page created by Victor Edwards
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations
Q1 2020/21
11 Feb 2021
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations
To the extent that statements in this presentation do not relate to historical or current facts, they constitute forward-looking statements.
All forward-looking statements herein are based on certain estimates, expectations and assumptions at the time of publication of this presentation
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include (without limitation) future market and economic conditions, the behavior of other market participants, invest in innovative sales formats, expand in
online and multichannel sales activities, integrate acquired businesses and achieve anticipated cost savings and productivity gains, and the actions of
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Not all figures included in this presentation have been audited and certain figures may also deviate substantially from information in the
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are stated in million euros (€ million) unless otherwise indicated. Amounts below €0.5 million are rounded and reported as 0. Rounding differences
may occur.

2   02/11/2021
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations

                   Christian Baier        Rafael Gasset
                         CFO                   COO
                 (ad interim) Co-CEO   (ad interim) Co-CEO

3   02/11/2021
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations
                                              Teams        Delivering best availability and relevant HoReCa
                                              solutions results in improved NPS

                                                                  Improved                     +6%pp
                                                                  Availability               NPS for HoReCa
                                                             Despite external challenges    and +4%pp overall

                                              Market        outperformance in key Western European markets

                                                                   Germany                     Italy
                                                                  Up to 7%pp                Up to 4%pp
                                                                   Outperformance            Outperformance

    “…I owe it to Sandra for the fact that
    she called me to ask how it was going     Progress          in:
    and how it makes sense to start
                                              •   Capturing and “seizing opportunities”
    preparing for the reopening...
                                              •   Embarking on value accretive acquisitions and focusing on
                        Customer from Italy       leaner wholesale cost structure in headquarter and countries

4    02/11/2021
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations
01               FINANCIAL UPDATE

5   02/11/2021
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations

    €m / %                                                     Q1 2019/20 Q1 2020/21                                                                Sales growth
Total sales                                                           7,548                        6,337                                           • Sales development driven by mix of governmental
                                                                                                                                                     restrictions and composition of customer sales
Like-for-like growth                                                  1.0%                       -11.3%
                                                                                                                                                   • Strong December; Germany benefited from SCOs in run up
Growth in local currency                                              1.0%                       -11.2%
                                                                                                                                                     to Christmas
Reported growth                                                       2.2%                       -16.0%                                            • Reported sales growth affected by negative currency
Delivery sales share                                                   16%                          13%                                              development mainly in Russia and Turkey

                                                                        526                          376                                            EBITDA and EBITDA margin
                                                                                                                                                   • EBITDA was impacted by volume reduction; improved
    thereof FX                                                                                        -36                                            performance vs. COVID-19 affected Q3 2019/20
Adj. EBITDA margin                                                    7.0%                         5.9%                                            • “Others” benefited from cost savings, license fee3 and
                                                                                                                                                     conclusion of the arbitration proceedings with Hudson’s Bay
Transformation costs                                                       0                           -2                                            Company (HBC)4
Real estate gains                                                          1                           25                                          • Real estate gains resulted mainly from the sale of the last
Reported EBITDA2                                                        527                          399                                             real hypermarket property

1Adj. EBITDA - EBITDA pre transformation costs and real estate gains 2 Reported EBITDA – Including transformation costs and real estate gains 3 Part of the transaction includes the license fee paid by Wumei for use of brand over the next

two years; reported in segment ‘Others’ 4 The finalization of litigation coupled with a change in risk provision from completed transaction made a positive contribution in sum of around €10 million

6    02/11/2021
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations

                         Customer split                                                                                         Q1 2020/21
    Simplified view

                       (rounded, in %,          FY19/20)1                 Total sales direction                                       Customer sales development

                             HoReCa        Trader       SCO

    Russia            14 %     31 %              55 %

                                                                                                                    HoReCa:                                Trader: stable                            SCO: hard
    Eastern             31 %            33 %           36 %
    Europe                                                                                                        development                               development in                         lockdowns with
                                                                                                              strongly impacted                            Eastern Europe,                       retail closures and

    Germany                  42 %       13 %        46 %                                                       by the lockdown                             while Russia and                           customers
                                                                                                             in Western Europe                            Romania grew by                           rediscovering
                                                                                                                 and Germany                            >20%3 and >15%3                           METRO benefited
    Asia                 34 %            36 %           29 %                                                                                                                                          SCO sales

                                                                                                             Sales to PY4                                Sales to PY4                            Sales to PY4
                               60 %             17 %       23 %                                                        -35%                                     +1%                                    +13%

                                                                        1 FY19/20 based on LFL stat. adj. sales 2 Full Trader sales   3   Total statistical sales Q1 2020/21 (excl. discounts,
7    02/11/2021                HoReCa            Trader2          SCO   vouchers etc.) 4 Total sales in local currency
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations

                                                                      FY19/20 – first wave of     FY20/21 – second wave of
                                                                      governmental restrictions   governmental restrictions

                                                                                     3                       1                Playbook from 1st lockdown:
                                                                                                                              •   High availability in stores
      LFL Sales                                                                        -18%                      -11%
      All customer groups                                                                                                     •   Reduced min. order size in FSD
                                                                                                                              •   Regular contact

                                                                                                                              HoReCa is less impacted
                                                                                                                              •   Small decline in Buying Customers
                                                                                       -47%                      -35%
      HoReCa Sales1                                                                                                           •   Frequency and Average basket are
                                                                                                                                  under pressure

1   Q1 HoReCa sales is Total Sales growth in local currency; other numbers are LFL sales growth

8       02/11/2021
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations

                       %                METRO Germany                                             %                 METRO France                                %                 METRO Italy
    CREST Panel

                                                                          Up to 7%p.p                                                        Up to 4%p.p                                            Up to 4%p.p

                  Q1 19/20      Q2 19/20       Q3 19/20       Q4 19/20       Q1 20/21                                                                       Q1 19/20   Q2 19/20    Q3 19/20   Q4 19/20   Q1 20/21
                                                                                            Q1 19/20       Q2 19/20        Q3 19/20   Q4 19/20   Q1 20/21

                               NPD           METRO HoReCa Food

                                                     During Lockdown                                                                                  During Recovery
  Drivers for

                             Kept regular customer contact and high product availability                                              High product availability as the recovery continued
                             Adjusted assortment to meet the new needs                                                                Dedicated re-start support programs (e.g. makroplus)
                             Engaged with government and associations                                                                 Digital tools enabling a cost efficient restaurant business
                                                                                                                                      (e.g. Dish Toolkit)

9         02/11/2021   Sources: The NPD Group Inc. / CREST© Consumer Panel for market development, Internal for sales development
                       Eurostat data is not yet released for the selective quarter
Q1 2020/21 RESULTS PRESENTATION - 11 Feb 2021 - Investor Relations
REGIONAL PERFORMANCE                                                                                                                                1

     HoReCa        Trader        SCO                                 1                                                                                                                              1
                                                              42%                                                                             42%
     Germany                                                13%                                                                          23%             Western Europe                     17%

 €m / %                                     Q1 2020/21                                                                                                  €m / %                     Q1 2020/21
 Sales                                           1,287                                             1,0%                                                 Sales                        2,237
 Growth in local currency                        -4.5%                                               Q1 2019/20                 Q1 2020/21              Growth in local currency     -23.7%
 Reported growth                                 -4.4%                                                                                                  Reported growth              -23.7%
 Adj. EBITDA                                       67                                                                                                                 2
                                                                                                                                                        Adj. EBITDA
 EBITDA margin                                   5.2%
                                                                                                                              -11,2%                    EBITDA margin                4.2%
 Constant FX to PY                                  -9                                                                                                  Constant FX to PY             -111
                                                                                                   Growth in local currency      thereof Food

                                                                     1                                                                          1                                                   1
                                                                                                                                             31%                                              34%

     Russia                                                     31%
                                                                                         Eastern Europe                                  33%             Asia                               36%

 €m / %                                     Q1 2020/21                               €m / %                              Q1 2020/21                     €m / %                     Q1 2020/21
 Sales                                            677                                Sales                                     1,728                    Sales                         404
 Growth in local currency                        6.3%                                Growth in local currency                  -3.5%                    Growth in local currency     -5.2%
 Reported growth                                -17.5%                               Reported growth                           -12.5%                   Reported growth              -13.4%
                     2                                                                                   2                                                            2
 Adj. EBITDA                                       69                                Adj. EBITDA                                103                     Adj. EBITDA                   10
 EBITDA margin                                   10.2%                               EBITDA margin                              6.0%                    EBITDA margin                2.4%
 Constant FX to PY                                  1                                Constant FX to PY                           -3                     Constant FX to PY              -1
 1 FY19/20 based on LFL stat. adj. sales 2Adj. EBITDA - EBITDA pre transformation costs and real estate gains

 Note: Transformation costs affect segment “Others”

10   02/11/2021

 €m                            Q1 2019/20 Q1 2020/21   EBIT
Reported EBITDA                   527        399       • Decrease in line with EBITDA decrease, stable depreciation

D&A                               -200       -199      Net financial result
                                                       • Improvement in the interest and investment result is mainly
EBIT                              327        200
                                                         due to lower interest from finance leases
     Interest and investment                           Tax
                                  -55        -42
                                                       • Tax expense is calculated based on expected tax expense for
     Other financial result        4          1          FY20/21

Net financial result              -51        -42       • Tax expense for FY20/21 is expected to be roughly on
                                                         FY19/20 level (€-108 m in FY19/20)
EBT                               276        159
Tax expense                       -152       -56       • EPS is driven by reduced sales volume and adverse FX
Net income                        121         99         development which was partially compensated by lower tax
                                                         expense and higher real estate gains
EPS in €                          0.33       0.27

11   02/11/2021
FCF IN Q1 2020/21

  €m / %                                                     Q1 2019/20 Q1 2020/21                                                             Leases
                                                                                                                                               • Improvement is due to lease income from Real, as well as
 Adj EBITDA1                                                               526                         376
                                                                                                                                                 lower lease payouts resulting from expired contracts
 Leases                                                                    -129                       -117
                                                                                                                                               Change in NWC
 Adj EBITDA1 after leases                                                  398                         258                                     • Decline is driven by negative effects from COVID-19,
 Change in NWC                                                              47                        -149                                       especially affecting Western Europe

 Cash Investments2                                                         -63                         -46                                     Cash Investments
 FCF                                                                       382                          63                                     • Savings due to reduced investment in light of COVID-19

 Net debt (31 Dec)                                                     5,012                         3,764                                     Net debt
                                                                                                                                               • €1.2 bn improvement in net debt as a result of disposal of
                                                                                                                                                 the majority stake in METRO China and the hypermarket
                                                                                                                                                 business in Q3 2019/20
                                                                                                                                               • Strong liquidity position at calendar year end
                                                                                                                                               • S&P confirmed 'BBB-/A-3’ despite “prolonged hospitality-
                                                                                                                                                 sector disruptions”

1Adj.EBITDA - EBITDA pre transformation costs and real estate gains.   2   Cash Investments = Capex (excl. M&A) - Right of Use Assets + Financial Assets + Down payments/Prepayments. Cash investments definition has been
changed due to IFRS 16 to reflect the cash view.

12      02/11/2021
02                STRATEGY UPDATE

13   02/11/2021
Expanding our role from high quality products supplier to a
                                              360° partner


                               Being lean and fast in adapting to the changes

                         while capturing opportunities and consolidating markets

                         and creating long-term value through our sustainability focus

14   02/11/2021
 Strengthening METRO’s IT capabilities and        Acquisition of an FSD player                    Acquisition of 25% of FilProMer
 gaining efficiencies via strategic partnership   Makro Spain                                     METRO France

                                                       €35 m               >4,000
                                                       sales 2019          Customers nationwide

     Building a high-performance IT                Strengthening METRO’s leading                   Acquiring ~25% in a fish
     organization designed to support              position in Spain and entering into             processing company in France
     Wholesale 360                                 a long-term supply agreement
                                                                                                   •   Enables to jointly develop
     • Parts of the IT organization will be        •    Strong presence in the Canary and              solutions for restaurants’ take-
       acquired by Wipro; the new                       Balearic Islands                               away and delivery operators
       founded METRO.digital will drive            •    Exclusive rights in Spain to Sysco         •   Successful cooperation over the
       key innovations under Wholesale                  France’s product assortment                    last 16 years
       360 approach                                     (elaborate or ready-to-eat frozen
     • Wipro will focus on the basic                    products)
       backbone systems and technical
       operations of the infrastructure
       (i.e. merchandise management)              [For more information, please refer to the
                                                  slide in appendix]

 Press Release Dec ‘20                            Press Release Dec ‘20                           METRO France Press Release Jan ‘21

15   02/11/2021

                           “PROTECT”                                    “PRESERVE”                       “ GROW”

                                                                                              “Seize OPPORTUNITIES”

                                                                                                Competitive environment
                                                                                          Redefined commercial activities to better
                                                                                            match to the new demand patterns

                                                                                                       Digital world
                                                                                          ~50% of all orders1 in METRO are already
1   Customer orders made through MSHOP for FY19/20 increase to ~50% from 20% in FY16/17

16    02/11/2021
                         #restartgastro                                #makroplus

                      METRO Germany                                 MAKRO Spain

                                                                  Makroplus: Customized
                  Gaining market share through
                                                                 proposal based on mutual
                    selected attack initiatives

                    Improved payment terms                       Developing long-term
                   Discount for initial restocking             relationships through high
                         Gastro hotline                             service standards

                    ~14,000                   +8%pp
                    New C&C                   Improvement in    >9,000          ~€20m
                    HoReCa                    HoReCa NPS        Customer        Incremental sales
                    Customers                                   using           since June
                    since June                                  MAKROPlus
                                 New FSD
                                 since June

17   02/11/2021

                                        METRO Romania                            METRO Russia
                               Trader Franchise                           Wholesale

                                    LaDoiPasi (LDP) - largest and           Reducing COGS, improving
                                    fastest growing Convenience            logistics and growing sales
                                          chain in Romania

                                                  1,382                         +22%                +3%
                                                  Franchise partners in         Trader              SCO
                                                  Dec’20 [+319 to PY]           Total Sales Q1      Total Sales Q1

                                        Our partner’s long-term           Digital traders
                                     revenue evolution continues
                                    to improve after joining LDP           Profitable partnerships with
                                                                          Sbermarket, iGoods and others

                                   3 years with 15% in sales to PY                          Online sales in Q1

Refer to the appendix for the pictures of LDP before and after                              Refer to the appendix for the pictures of the New Fasol 2.0

 18   02/11/2021
                             Strategic initiative which METRO started ~8 years ago

                                       FINANCIAL SERVICES TO SUPPORT OUR
                  Products                         CUSTOMERS
                                  Large hospitality base + historic shopping data
                                  results in the superior insights on credit scoring
                                  and limit calculations

                                  •    METRO Risk Check (MRC): a corporate tool for credit
                                       granting, credit check and limit calculation
                                  •    MRC limits authorization workflow, decreases
                                  •    Rolled out in 12 countries, with all other remaining
                                       countries to come
                    place    Opportunistic solution during COVID-19 to temporarily support customers

                                      “Seizing opportunities” in Italy in times of need

                                      10,000                           0%
                                      Customers approached             Interest rate for the
                                      in Italy                         customers

19   02/11/2021

                     Climate action               Driving change                 Community

                   The CDP A-list rating     Partnership in our value       Global partnership with
                  acknowledges METRO’s        chain is a key driver of       World Food Program
                  ambition in its science-   METRO’s engagement to        supporting with donations
                      based target to            transform critical        & employee volunteering
                   protecting the climate           industries.                sharing wholesale
                   and the environment.                                           knowledge

                                             Engaged 170 suppliers
                    METRO has already        on critical topics Climate       Launched dedicated
                  achieved 34.3% of the      Change, Water Security          donation platform to
                   target it set itself in     and Forests by CDP         allow METRO employees to
                          2011.                   Supply Chain.                   stop hunger

20   02/11/2021

          Good quarter as a result of extraordinary efforts of our teams. We have once again delivered high availability
          in stores and relevant solutions to support our customers

          Lean operations is a prerequisite for our business, while we increase our customer reach and relevance
          organically as well as through acquisition opportunities

          We are managing this crisis for a strong position long-term while navigating successfully for the short-term
          quarterly volatility and continuously gaining market share

          H1 will be impacted by the restrictions, while we expect H2 to benefit from the overall better environment

          We confirm the guidance and our positive long-term view on the sector is unchanged

21   02/11/2021

                    Christian Baier        Rafael Gasset
                          CFO                   COO
                  (ad interim) Co-CEO   (ad interim) Co-CEO

22   02/11/2021

                                  Upcoming                                                   Financial
                                   events                                                    calendar

                      30 Mar 2021 BofA Securities ESG                           19 Feb 2021 AGM1
                                  Consumer & Retail Con-
                                                                                4 May 2021     Q2 2020/21
                                                                                               (Report: 6.30 pm)
                      31 Mar 2021 Jefferies Pan-European
                                  Mid-Cap Virtual                               5 May 2021     Q2 2020/21
                                  Conference                                                   (Call: 8.45 am)

1Due to the spread of COVID-19 in Germany and the contact bans mandated by authorities, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of METRO AG
have decided to hold the Annual General Meeting on February 19, 2021 as a digital meeting only.

23   02/11/2021

24   02/11/2021

                           Long-standing operational experience
                           • More than 25 years of retail/wholesale experience, incl. CEO in Eastern Europe
                           • Successful Operating Partner in turnaround cases such as Poland, Romania and
                           • Strong commercial orientation and turnaround track record with constant
                            customer centricity focus

                           Tenacious and decisive thinker
                           • Successful transformation of METRO Russia, repositioning the company in a true
                            wholesaler with a focus on HoReCa and Trader customers and development of
                            the Franchise business, in a fast-changing economic backdrop
                           • Strong focus on execution, people and team development

                           Key focus areas
                           • Commercial and procurement backbone
                           • Omnichannel extension – Franchise, FSD and e-grocery
        Rafael Gasset
     (ad interim) Co-CEO

25   02/11/2021
OUTLOOK FY 2020/21
                                             Guidance1                                                                             Additional comments
                                                                                                                                   •     1 month of full lockdown in country portfolio: sales loss
                                                                                                                                         of ~ €400 m or ~ 1.5% pp. to PY
                                             FY 2019/20                             FY 2020/21
                                                                                                                                   •     High comparison basis for H1 FY20/21 with more
                                                                                                                                         favorable business environment from spring 2021
             Sales                                                                  slightly below
        growth in local                            -4.0%                           previous year (in                               •     Highest impact in HoReCa regions i.e. Western Europe
           currency                                                                 absolute sales)
                                                                                                                                   •     Russia and Asia are expected to perform better than the
                                                                                    slightly below
            LfL growth                             -3.9%                           previous year (in                               P&L
                                                                                    absolute sales)
                                                                                                                                   •     Real estate gains: mid-high double digit €m (€3 m in
                                                                                    decline by a mid-
                                                                                                                                   •     Transformation costs: low-double digit €m (€-47m in
                                                                                      double-digit                                       FY19/20)
          Adj.EBITDA2                            €1,158 m
                                                                                      million euro                                 •     D&A: c. €-850 m (€-856 m in FY19/20)
                                                                                                                                   •     Net financial result3: c. €-225 m (€-289 m in FY19/20)
                                                                                                                                   •     Tax expense: roughly on FY19/20 (€-108 m in FY19/20)

1 At constant FX and before transformation costs, portfolio measures. Furthermore, the outlook is based on the assumption that negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will partially last until the end of Q2 2020/21 in countries relevant for METRO
and a fast and substantial recovery of the HoReCa sector takes place primarily in the 2nd half of the business year
2 Adj. EBITDA - EBITDA pre transformation costs and real estate gains
3 Net financial result estimate based on fx-rates per end of November 2020 and therefore factoring in stable fx-rate compared to 2019/20 year-end closing

26   02/11/2021

                                       METRO Germany                                                                                                         METRO Western Europe

     €m / %                                                   Q1 2019/20                          Q1 2020/21                                      €m / %                     Q1 2019/20   Q1 2020/21
     Sales                                                           1,347                               1,287                                    Sales                        2,932        2,237
     Like-for-like growth                                            -0.3%                               -4.5%                                    Like-for-like growth         0.5%         -23.7%
     Growth in local currency                                        -0.4%                               -4.5%                                    Growth in local currency     0.4%         -23.7%
     Reported growth                                                 -0.4%                               -4.4%                                    Reported growth              0.4%         -23.7%
     Adj. EBITDA1                                                            76                             67                                    Adj. EBITDA1                  205           94
     EBITDA margin                                                       5.7%                             5.2%                                    EBITDA margin                7.0%          4.2%
     Real estate gains                                                         0                              0                                   Real estate gains              1            0
     Reported EBITDA                                                         76                             67
                                                                                                                                                  Reported EBITDA2              206           94

1Adj.   EBITDA - EBITDA pre transformation costs and real estate gains   2   Reported EBITDA – Including transformation costs and real estate gains

27      02/11/2021

                                          METRO Russia                                                                                                       METRO Eastern Europe

     €m / %                                                   Q1 2019/20                          Q1 2020/21                                      €m / %                     Q1 2019/20   Q1 2020/21
     Sales                                                               821                               677                                    Sales                        1,975        1,728
     Like-for-like growth                                            -5.3%                                6.6%                                    Like-for-like growth         5.0%         -3.5%

     Growth in local currency                                        -4.9%                                6.3%                                    Growth in local currency     5.1%         -3.5%
     Reported growth                                                     2.5%                           -17.5%                                    Reported growth              6.1%         -12.5%

     Adj. EBITDA1                                                            87                             69                                    Adj. EBITDA1                  117          103

                 thereof FX                                                                                 -20                                        thereof FX                            -11
     EBITDA margin                                                  10.6%                                10.2%                                    EBITDA margin                5.9%         6.0%
     Real estate gains                                                         0                              0                                   Real estate gains              0            0

     Reported EBITDA2                                                        87                             69                                    Reported EBITDA2              117          103

1Adj.   EBITDA - EBITDA pre transformation costs and real estate gains   2   Reported EBITDA – Including transformation costs and real estate gains

28      02/11/2021

                                                METRO Asia                                                                                                                     Others

     €m / %                                                   Q1 2019/20                         Q1 2020/21                                       €m                                Q1 2019/20        Q1 2020/21
     Sales                                                               466                               404                                    Sales                                    7                4
     Like-for-like growth                                            3.2%                               -6.4%
     Growth in local currency                                        3.4%                               -5.2%
     Reported growth                                                 5.2%                              -13.4%                                     Adj. EBITDA1                            27               33
     Adj. EBITDA1                                                            12                             10                                             thereof FX                                       -4
                 thereof FX                                                                                 -1                                    Transformation costs                                      -2
     EBITDA margin                                                   2.6%                                2.4%                                     Real estate gains                        0                25
     Real estate gains                                                        0                              0
                                                                                                                                                  Reported EBITDA2                        27               56
     Reported EBITDA                                                         12                             10
                                                                                                                                                      Finalization of the arbitration proceedings against Hudson’s
                                                                                                                                                      Bay Company (HBC) as well as the change in transaction-
                                                                                                                                                      related risk provisions resulted in additional ~€10 million
1Adj.   EBITDA - EBITDA pre transformation costs and real estate gains   2   Reported EBITDA – Including transformation costs and real estate gains

29      02/11/2021
€ million                                                                             Q1 19/20    Q1 20/21
EBIT                                                                                       327         200
Depreciation/amortisation/impairment losses/reversal of impairment losses of assets
excl. financial investments                                                               200          199
Change in provisions for post-employment benefits plans and other provisions               -15          -9
Change in net working capital                                                               47        -149
Income taxes paid                                                                          -59           9
Reclassification of gains (-) / losses (+) from the disposal of fixed assets                -2           0
Lease payments received                                                                      9          15
Other                                                                                      -52        -123
Cash flow from operating activities of continuing operations                              456          142
Cash flow from operating activities of discontinued operations                            197            0
Cash flow from operating activities                                                       653          142
Acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                  0           0
Investments in property. plant and equipment and in investment property
(excl.usufructuary rights from leases)                                                      -64        -49
Other investments                                                                           -35        -32
Investments in monetary assets                                                                0         -1
Disposals of subsidiaries                                                                     0         39
Divestments                                                                                  19          4
Disposal of financial investments                                                             0          7
Cash flow from investing activities of continuing operations                               -81         -32
Cash flow from investing activities of discontinued operations                               -3          0
Cash flow from investing activities                                                        -83         -32
Dividends paid                                                                               -7          0
Redemption of liabilities from put options of non-controlling interests                       0          0
Proceeds from new borrowings                                                             1,128         482
Redemption of borrowings                                                                -1,323           0
Lease Payments                                                                            -138        -132
Interest paid                                                                               -17        -16
Interest received                                                                             4          5
Other financial activities                                                                   -8          2
Cash flow from financing activities of continuing operations                              -363         341
Cash flow from financing activities of discontinued operations                            -108           0
Cash flow from financing activities                                                       -471         341
Total cash flows                                                                             98        451

30   02/11/2021

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    Davigel Spain is a well-established Food Service Distribution (FSD)                                           Active market presence since 1980
    company in Spain with a strong presence in the Canary and Balearic
    Islands                                                                                                       € 1,033m                 13% oS
    The company holds exclusive rights in Spain to certain products from                                          sales 2019/20            Delivery share
    Sysco France’s product assortment which predominantly consists of
    elaborate or ready-to-eat frozen products                                                                      stores: 37
                                                                                                                   # delivery locations: 32
    Operating in Spain since 1988
      € 35m                          >4,000                                 >650
                                                                                                                  With the acquisition of Davigel Spain and
      Sales FY20191                  Cu. Nationwide2                        SKUs in raw and
                                                                                                                  resulting access to complementary HoReCa
                                                                            elaborate assortment
                                                                                                                  customer groups while strengthening product
    The transaction3 includes the operational business, warehouses,                                               proposition, METRO reinforces its position in
    truck fleet and a long-term supply agreement which provides a                                                 FSD while creating an additional offer for local
    continued access to Davigel’s unique product catalogue                                                        customers

                                                                                                                                          Elaborated Categories

            METRO AG is actively participating in the consolidation in a highly
            fragmented wholesale market and aims to continue driving
            sustainable and profitable growth in the Spanish market

1FY 2019 - July 2018 to June 2019 2 70% are chained Hotels and 30% are independent HoReCa 3 Transaction is not subject to regulatory approval. The company
will be reported in cluster “Western Europe” as of Q2 2020/21
                  Investor Relations

                  METRO AG
                  Metro-Straße 1
                  40235 Düsseldorf

                  T +49 211 6886-1280
                  F +49 211 6886-73-3759
                  E investorrelations@metro.de


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