Eastern Washington University earns the 2018 Clean Air Award
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Winter 2017-18 A Newsletter about Clean Air. Provided by Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency. Eastern Washington Air pollution University earns the measuring 2018 Clean Air Award streetlights E Y astern Washington University for the Rozell Heating Plant. Propane ou likely don’t notice them (EWU) is the 2018 Clean Air is preferred over diesel because it’s – but attached to three street- Award recipient, recognized cleaner and no risk to contaminate lights in and around the Uni- for their innovation, leadership and soil or water due to spills. versity District are small air quality commitment to re- sensors. In the coming months, the The generators are number of air monitors will increase ducing air emissions. set to start automati- The annual award, to nine. The data collected from the cally when an inter- current locations is fed to a local in its 15th year, is ruption is detected to presented by Spokane collaboration called Urbanova and the buildings power a project called The Smart and Con- Clean Air to publicly and shut down auto- recognize outstanding nected Streetlights Pilot. matically when power efforts and to encour- is restored. All gen- Washington State University’s Labo- age others to follow erators are tracked by ratory for Atmospheric Research is suit. hour and fuel use to among this collaboration and pilot EWU is home to determine emissions. project. They use the data to look at more than 13,500 stu- pollution trends and variations. By EWU’s boilers are narrowing in on the 770 acres of the dents and 1,900 staff. kept running at a high The campus has 58 University District, researchers are efficiency. Year-round hoping to gain more understanding buildings and covers maintenance efforts approximately 155 about how pollution can vary on a reduces stack and heat smaller scale. acres. They have their loss, improves heat transfer and re- own heating plant and fueling facilities covers waste heat. For example, how can air quality for their service fleet. Most services differ from one street to the next? required by the University are handled In the past, EWU used solvent stills, Or why is there a small increase in by University shops. which generated volatile organic com- pollution levels at a certain time? pounds. With chemical substitution And, perhaps most importantly, what Most of the campus buildings have and thrifty management, their use of propane-powered back-up generators causes the variation and what does the stills was minimized and eventu- that mean to the city? supplying emergency power. There is ally eliminated. one diesel powered back-up generator continued on inside continued on inside
ON THE AIR Winter 2017-18 Streetlight air sensors Air Sensor ..continued from cover Monitoring, “The Smart and Connected Streetlights Pilot will help increase energy efficiency Urbanova is still in the beginning stages of collecting air quality data, however, Analysis tool and public safety while also assessing the ultimate goal is to create techno- A the role of air quality in healthy cities,” logical solutions to improve services dvances in air sensor according to Urbanova. and infrastructure for citizens and also technology are empow- Similarly, Spokane Clean Air also address urban challenges. Once refined, ering communities and uses a network of air quality monitors. these solutions can be replicated around individuals to learn more about The scope, however, is much greater. the world. local air quality where they Spokane Clean Air’s data is used to By fine tuning these small, inexpen- live, work and play. provide daily air quality forecasts, to sive air monitoring sensors, Urbanova New air sensor technology can notify the community when air quality has the potential to help cities create be used to identify and assess air is approaching unhealthful levels, and a more robust infrastructure and plan quality concerns from citizens to identify potential pollution problems for population growth. When planning and take action to reduce their and solutions in all of Spokane County. for growing cities, cost is often a large exposure. Many of these new sen- determining factor. sors are becoming available to the Data collected by Spokane Clean Air public so communities themselves is also used to ensure our area meets “The monitors used by Urbanova cost can be proactive and get involved national, ambient air quality standards only a small fraction of the amount that in community science activities. that are set by the U.S. EPA. Spokane Clean Air’s do and can there- fore be used in larger quantities,” said In general, the science on air pol- “While the air pollution sensors used in lution and health doesn’t tell us the Urbanova project are not as accurate Rowe. “That allows the Urbanova proj- ect to determine the spatial variability of what a few minutes of exposure as ours and cannot be used to measure to an elevated level of pollution compliance with federal air quality stan- air pollutants on a smaller scale than our monitoring network.” will mean for you. But thousands dards, they are much smaller and can of scientific studies do tell us be deployed at a wider variety of loca- The Urbanova partners include Avista, about the health effects of longer tions,” said Mark Rowe, Air Monitoring the City of Spokane, Itron, McKinstry, exposures – such as eight hours Section Manager at Spokane Clean Air. the University District and WSU. for ozone, or 24 hours for particle pollution. Spokane Waste Directory The lower-cost and portable technology is supporting the D o you know what items are safe The site allows you to select your type citizen science movement, which for the recycling bin and what of waste and directs you to the correct promotes public participation should go in the trash bin? Or method of disposal. For example, if you in research endeavors to better perhaps what items need an entirely dif- are looking to get rid of used books, a understand the potential impacts ferent means of disposal? The Spokane host of options are listed as available— of environmental pollutants to Waste Directory has got you covered. from second hand bookstores to county public health. Set up for residential and business use, libraries to thrift stores. EPA is conducting research to the directly helps you find out how to More specialized options, like fertilizer, meet the growing demand for properly dispose of 150 different waste gel batteries and helium tanks, are also local air quality data to better un- types. available. Simply find your specific derstand the relationship between “Our goal is to make it easy for residents waste on the list and the directory will air pollution, exposure and human and business owners to do the right think connect you to the best way to dispose health. For more information, with their waste,” said Tonilee Hanson of the item. visit www.epa.gov/air-sensor- with Spokane River Forum. “This helps To learn more, please visit: toolbox. protect our water, land and air quality.” www.spokanewastedirectory.org. From EPA’s air sensor website
Winter 2017-18 ON THE AIR No-Idle Zone...at schools near you! A ir pollution is harmful for ev- Elementary, Trentwood eryone. Children, however, Elementary and Spokane are even more susceptible to Public Montessori. its effects. That’s why Spokane Clean Spotlight on Trentwood Air works with local schools to coor- dinate the No-Idle Zone Program. When deciding whether or not the No-Idle Zone The No-Idle Zone Program asks driv- Program is right for your ers to turn off their engine when wait- school, consider having ing to pick-up or drop-off their student students take an active role at school. This helps keep car exhaust in the program. That’s ex- Trentwood ASB students, Bentley, Jadyn and Gavin, out of the air and out of students’ de- actly what Trentwood Elemen- help build excitement for the No-Idle Zone Program veloping lungs. tary did. while presenting to students, staff and parents. Spokane Clean Air assists in all as- The ASB took the lead and presented After the students listened to a pre- pects of the program. This includes: the program to teachers and to indi- sentation about the program, they ✔A personalized program outline and vidual classrooms. voted on whether or not to create a implementation suggestion No-Idle Zone at their school. Once the program was officially in ✔Two, street-grade signs to post at place, everyone in the school knew After a resounding “yes”, the pro- pick-up and drop-off areas what to expect and idling was drasti- gram was in the students’ hands. cally reduced. So far, approximately ✔A letter to families with a fact sheet “Trentwood’s ASB decided that cre- 160 student families and staff mem- and optional pledge form ating a No-Idle Zone was important bers have signed and returned the ✔No-Idle Zone branded litter bags because with the large number of pledge to be idle-free. families dropping-off and picking- In the fall 2017, we were happy to The No-Idle Zone Program is avail- up students, we were responsible for have three new schools take the chal- able throughout Spokane County. depositing toxic gas into the air,” lenge to become a No-Idle Zone. Contact Stephanie at SMay@spokan- Stephanie Koch, teacher at Trent- Please join us in welcoming our new- ecleanair.or or 509-477-4727, ext wood Elementary, explained.“They est No-Idle Zone schools: Adams 125 for additional information. wanted to do something about it.” EWU Earns 2018 Clean Air Award...continued from cover page EWU’s commitment to environmen- using more sustainable native plants EWU has a robust commute trip tal stewardship can be found through- in new or renovated buildings that are reduction program for employees out campus. more drought-tolerant, pest resistant and students. Their program consists Their Chemistry Department uses and require less maintenance. of preferred rideshare parking, available alternatives to toxic chemi- Eastern’s Roos Field sports an subsidized vanpool and transit, cals and the smallest quantities pos- artificial red turf, fondly known as secured bicycle parking, showers sible of chemicals. This has signifi- "The Inferno,” which eliminates the and lockers, Guaranteed Ride Home cantly reduced hazardous waste and need for fertilizers, herbicides or program and employee recognition off gassing of dangerous chemicals. pesticides. and incentives. In 2017, the program was responsible for saving over 1.2 Their Grounds Department mulch EWU’s Custodial Department shifted million vehicles from being driven on most of their grass clippings and from toxic volatile chemicals to our roadways. This is a reduction of leaves. The soil is tested to see what environmentally friendly products nearly six tons of carbon monoxide nutrients, if any are needed. They to avoid employee exposures to pollution. fertilize only when needed with fertil- dangerous chemicals and decrease izer made with no or very little phos- chemical disposal. Congratulations EWU! Your efforts phorus. The department has also been are making a difference. GO EAGS!
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency Pre-sort STD U.S. Postage 3104 E. Augusta Ave. PAID Spokane, WA 99207 Spokane, WA Permit No. 7 On the Air is a publication of the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency. Its purpose is to inform local residents on all aspects of outdoor air pollution. Contact Lisa Woodard, Editor, with comments or story ideas: Phone: 477-4727, ext. # 115 Email: lwoodard@spokanecleanair.org Contact Information: Office: (509) 477-4727 Burn Ban Status: (509) 477-4710 Address: 3104 E. Augusta Avenue Spokane, WA 99207 Web Address: www.SpokaneCleanAir.org 2018 Board of Directors: Al French, Chair, Spokane County Tom Brattebo, Member-at-Large Kevin Freeman, Small Cities and Towns Rod Higgins, City of Spokane Valley Ben Stuckart, City of Spokane Sign up our free email services: � Air Quality Forecast � Asbestos Updates � Burn Bans � On the Air Newsletter � Regulation Updates � News Releases � Business Compliance Assistance Sign up at www.spokanecleanair.org ON THE AIR Winter 2017-18
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