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EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE PROVINCIAL TREASURY PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN PTB No.25 17 SEPTEMBER 2021 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22 FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 1
INDEX PAGE DEPARTMENT/ INSTITUTION BID NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO. 4-5 NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS ERRATUM 6-7 Department of Health Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Numbers 8-9 Department of Public works and Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Infrastructure Numbers Department of Social Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Development Numbers Provincial Treasury SCMU12-21/22- Appointment of a Panel of Competent 10 0006 External Service Providers to Conduct Supply Chain Management Related Training Courses to Eastern Cape Government Institutions for a Period of Three (3) Years BID NOTICES 11 King Hintsa Tvet College KHC BID 06/2021 Provision of E learning System Including Implementation, Training of Lecturers and Students and Post Implementation Support For a Period of Three (3) Years 12-14 East London Industrial Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Development Zone Numbers 15-16 Department of Public Works & SCMU5-21/22- Request for Expressions of Interest for Infrastructure 0123 Leasing of Closed and Unutilized School Buildings in the Eastern Cape Province 17 Department of Transport SCMU10-21/22- Professional Consulting Engineering 0025 Services for Managing Maintenance Activities on Provincial Paved and Gravel Roads in the Six Districts of the Eastern Cape Period of 3 Years (6 Projects) 18 Eastern Cape Rural Development SCMU 03 – Short-term insurance and director’s Agency (ECRDA 2021/22 liability cover for 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2023 18-19 Department of Higher Education INGWE/05/2021 Provision of Short Term Insurance and Training Services for a Period of Two (2) Years. 20 Department of Rural HO-21/22-0099 Appointment of an Independent Land Development and Agrarian Experts for Amajingqi Community Reform Land Dispute Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22 FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 2
21-23 Department of Health Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Numbers 27 Eastern Cape Parks & Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Tourism Agency Numbers 28-29 Mayibuye Transport Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Corporation Numbers AWARDS 30 Department of Transport Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Numbers 31-32 Department of Rural Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Development and Agrarian Numbers Reform (DRDAR) 33 Eastern Cape Department of Numerous Bid Numerous Bid Descriptions Public Works & Infrastructure Numbers CANCELLATION 34 Provincial Treasury SCMU12-21/22- Provision of Fixed Line Voice Services 0002 and Maintenance of Unified Communication Solution (UCS) Infrastructure for a Period of Twenty- four (24) Months ENQUIRY PAGE 35 EASTERN CAPE PROVINCIAL ENQUIRY PAGE TREASURY 36-37 EASTERN CAPE PROVINCIAL CSD- QUICK REFERENCE USER GUIDE TREASURY Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 3
NOTICE TO ALL SUPPLIERS! Suppliers need to be aware of the phishing scams! “National Treasury will NEVER ask you to click on a link to provide your CSD username and password. Please be vigilant when online.” SUPPLIERS MUST ALSO NOTE: More details of the bid notices and conditions are available on E-portal on this website: www.e-tenders.gov.za / ADVERTISED Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22 FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 4
ATTENTION TO ALL SUPPLIERS It has come to our attention that there are small businesses and co-operatives in the Province who are manufacturing and supplying cloth masks but are not registered with the Department of Small Business as per the requirement of Paragraph 4.6 (d) of the National Treasury Instruction Note No. 05 of 2020/2021 and as such do not appear on the list accessible from the link. You are kindly requested to take note of the attached REQUEST FOR INFORMATION and small businesses and co-operatives are encouraged to register as advertised. In addition, you can email Mr Kgolane Thulare from the Department of Small Business with requests on behalf of small businesses and co-operatives for inclusion in the list. Please note that the closing date for registration has been moved to the end as per the email from Mr Fani from the Office of the Chief Procurement Office within National Treasury. Mr Thulare’s email address is: KThulare@dsbd.gov.za. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 5
ERRATUM DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON INSTITUTION DEPT OF SCMU3- SCMU3-21/22-0209-HO – Supply and Delivery of Domestic furniture and domestic SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: HEALTH 21/22-0209- appliances in ECDoH facilities for a period of 36 months HO Mr M Magula BRIEFING SESSION Tel: 060 5579601 The briefing session will not be held due to COVID –19 L3 lockdown. Bidders to Email: submit written queries to the following email address: Mzuhleli.magula@echealth.gov.za Mzuhleli.magula@echealth.gov.za TECHNICAL/PROJECT AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT SPECIFICICATIONS Tender document available on: Mr A Cengimbo www.echealth.gov.za on the 13th September 2021 Tel: 0634073451 Email Address: REASONS FOR ERRATUM Aviwe.cengimbo@echealth.gov.za Complete specification not fully attached Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 6
DEPARTMENT PTB NO PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON / INSITUTION SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES DEPT OF PTB NO. 24 EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE HEALTH Mr P. Mtheleli SCMU3-21/22-0221-NMA Appointment of Service Provider for the Supply, Delivery, Commissioning and Maintenance of a PET Scanner Machine (Radiotherapy Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 Services) At Nelson Mandela Central Academic Hospital (ECDoH) (36 Months) Email: Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.go REASONS FOR ERRATUM v.za Correction of Closing Date TECHNICAL/PROJECT Please note that briefing closing date reflected on SBD1 is incorrect, the correct SPECIFIC closing date is 15th October 2021 Mr P. Mtheleli AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 Email: Documents are available from the departmental website: www.echealth.gov.za Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.go v.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 7
DEPT OF PTB NO. SCMU5-21/22-0085 SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES PUBLIC 21/22-21 Leasing of Office Accommodation for Department of Transport in King Williams WORKS & Town/Bhisho Enquires: Mr Zamuxolo Billie INFRASTRU Tel No: 040 602 4563 CTURE POSTPONEMENT OF CLOSING DATE Cell No: 082 885 3425 during office hours o The closing date of this bid is hereby postponed from 23 September 2021 to: Email Address: o Tuesday 28 September 2021 at 11H00 Zamuxolo.Billie@ecdpw.gov.za . TECHNICAL ENQUIRES ERRATUM 1. Enquires: Ms N.Mpeta or Ms P. PAGE Stated on the Document Erratum Jacobs 1&2 The total Useable area is The total Useable area required by Email Address: 5231m². the department is 6263m². noyiseprincess.mpeta@ecdpw.gov. za or pamela.kingrooi@ecdpw.gov.za 2. The Spatial template previously submitted was incorrect, the corrected spatial template is uploaded on the departmental website. Contact details 066 489 6116 or 082 https://www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders/ 4999 660 SCMU5-21/22-0086 Leasing of Office Accommodation for Department of Health in East London (Within the CBD or 2 Kilometres from the City Hall) ERRATUM PAGE Stated on the Document Erratum 1&2 ONSITE parking bays – 35 ONSITE parking bays should be 65 uncovered, 35 covered 35 uncovered, parking bays and 05 parking 25 covered bays for people living with 05 parking bays for people living disabilities. with disabilities (covered) Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 8
SCMU5-21/22-0141 Leasing of Office Accommodation for Department of Safety and Liaison in Port Elizabeth ERRATUM 1. The required square metres: 720m² (as stated on page 51 of 74 of the bid document) 2. These are divided as follows (in terms of spatial templates) i) 360 m² for Nelson Mandela Bay ii) 360 m² Sarah Baartman 3. The offer should be for 3 and 5 years only. DEPT OF SCMU3- SCMU5-21/22-0147: Appointment of Services Provider for Upgrade of SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: PUBLIC 21/22-0209- Sewerage System at Ex-Butterworth College Offices, Butterworth WORKS HO Mr. Z. Billie Tel: 040-602 4563 / 4000 REASONS FOR ERRATUM Cell : 082 885 3425 during office hours Email Address: 1. There are no drawings attached on the bid document zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za 2. The document was uploaded in pieces on the departmental Website TECHNICAL/PROJECT ERRATUM SPECIFICICATIONS 1. Drawings are attached Mr Hlumelo Ntabeni 2. The document is now combined in one document Tel: 043 711 5869 Email Address: Hlumelo.Ntabeni@ecdpw.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 9
DEPARTMEN PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON T/ INSITUTION DEPT OF PTB NO. 24 SCMU4-21/22-0004, SCMU4-21/22-0005, SCMU4-21/22-0006, SCMU4-21/22- SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: SOCIAL 0007, SCMU4-21/22-0008, SCMU4-21/22-0009 & SCMU4-21/22-0010 DEVELOPME Ms V. Matha / Mrs. N. James NT REASONS FOR ERRATUM Tel: 043 642 2800 / 0646082853 The correct number of sanitary pads per pack is 12 and not 16 as reflected in Mr M. Vukubi the pricing schedule. Therefore, bidders must quote for packs of 12 pads. Tel:043 605 5277 / 082 779 9347 Incorrect specification erroneously attached on SCMU4-21/22-0008 and SCMU4-21/22-0009. TECHNICAL SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: The corrected bid documents can be downloaded from the department’s Mr V. Makhalane website, www.ecdsd.gov.za, or collected at Room G5, Albertina Sisulu House, Tel: 082 413 3978 Beatrice Street, King William’s Town. DEPARTMEN PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON T/ INSITUTION PROVINCIAL PTB NO. 24 SCMU 12-21/22-0006 - Appointment of a panel of competent external service SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: TREASURY providers to conduct supply chain management related training courses to Eastern Cape Government Institutions for a period of three (3) years Miss V. Lupoko Tel: 083 946 2562 REASONS FOR ERRATUM Email: The erratum serves to correct the Unit Standard Code for Demand Management Vuyiseka.hilita@ectreasury.gov.za that was stated in the Terms of Reference advertised on Friday, 27 August 2021 in the Provincial Tender bulletin, National Treasury E-Tender Publication Portal and TECHNICAL SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: Provincial Treasury Website. Miss V. Hilita Tel: 083 741 3846 Email: Vuyiseka.hilita@ectreasury.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 10
SCOPE OF WORK The appointed service provider/s is expected to provide the following accredited South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) SCM Course: Demand Management – NQF level five (5) (SAQA Unit Standard ID- 377901) The correct bid document is available to be downloaded from the Provincial Treasury website www.ectreasury.gov.za from Friday, 17 September 2021 BID NOTICES DEPARTMENT/ BID PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION NUMBER / AND VENUE CRITERIA & ACCREDIT ATION KING HINTSA KHC BID Provision of E learning System Including SCM ENQUIRIES 05 October 2021 @ 11H00 TVET 06/2021 Implementation, Training of Lecturers and Students COLLEGE and Post Implementation Support For a Period of Ms B Cwayi BID BOX: Three (3) Years Tel: 047 401 6400/36 P/BEE: Administration Centre, 218 80/20 COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Mthatha Road, Ibika TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES Butterwoth 27 September 2021 @11h00 Virtual meeting - link to Ms N Phakathi be provided on request from Tel: 071 413 2253 bcwayi@kinghintsacollege.edu.za Mr A Wakeni Tel: 078 339 4348 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 11
AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT 27 September 2021 up to 11 October 2021 from 08:00 to 16:30 (Monday to Thursdays) and 08.00- 14.00 on Fridays. A non-refundable bid fee of R250.00 for each set is payable by means of electronic transfers to Account Name: King Hintsa TVET College, Account No: 62387644125, Branch Code: 250655 Ref: 00062021BIDKHC, Bank Name: First National Bank), Administration Centre, 218 Mthatha Road, Ibika Butterworth DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION 2021-EOI–FIN-002 EOI for Registration on Investment Services Database SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 12H00 on the 11 ELIDZ of the ELIDZ SOC October 2021 BRIEFING SESSION MR Lulama Giba BID BOX: Tel: 043 702 8206 P/BEE: 80/20 No briefing session will be held, questions relating to the Fax: 086 268 1077 East London IDZ Head EOI will be accepted until 24 September 2021 at 16h00. Email: lulama@elidz.co.za Offices Building, All questions must be submitted to Lulama Giba via e- Reception Entrance, TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Lower Chester Road, mail to lulama@elidz.co.za. Sunnyridge, East Tel: 043 702 8206 London. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Fax: 086 268 1077 Documents will be available for download on 17 Email: lulama@elidz.co.za September 2021 at www.elidz.co.za under opportunities. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 12
2021-EOI–FIN-003 ELIDZ Financial and Socio-Economic Model SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES BRIEFING SESSION 12H00 on the 11 MR Lulama Giba October 2021 No briefing session will be held, questions relating to the Tel: 043 702 8206 BID BOX: P/BEE: 80/20 EOI will be accepted until 24 September 2021 at 16h00. Fax: 086 268 1077 All questions must be submitted to Lulama Giba via e- Email: lulama@elidz.co.za East London IDZ Head mail to lulama@elidz.co.za. Offices Building, TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Reception Entrance, AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Lower Chester Road, Tel: 043 702 8206 Sunnyridge, East Documents will be available for download on 17 Fax: 086 268 1077 London. September 2021 at www.elidz.co.za under Email: lulama@elidz.co.za opportunities. EB/AUT/10/19/Z1A Provision of Professional Consulting Services for ELIDZ Preparation of Precinct and Building Environmental SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 12H00 on 08 October Response Plan for the East London Industrial 2021 Development Zone MR Anathi Mzantsi COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel: 043 702 8200 BID BOX Fax: 086 268 1077 A virtual Tender Clarification Meeting with the registered East London IDZ Admin Email: anathi@elidz.co.za 1 Reception Entrance potential tenderers on the Teams platform. (Through the boom TECHNICAL ENQUIRES gates), Lower Chester It is compulsory for interested contractors to register Road, Sunnyridge, East with the ELIDZ as a potential tenderer. London. MR Anathi Mzantsi Such registration as a potential tenderer must be Tel: 043 702 8200 P/BEE: 80/20 effected by sending an email to Anathi Mzantsi at the Fax: 086 268 1077 ELIDZ (anathi@elidz.co.za), confirming your interest in CIDB: 7GB Email: anathi@elidz.co.za tendering, to be received by no later than 28 September 2021 at 09h00 Interested contractors who have not registered by the due date and time will not be entitled to submit a tender. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 13
A Teams meeting request (with link) will be emailed to all registered potential tenderers by no later than 28 September 2021 at 09h30. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Documents will be available for download on 17 September 2021 at www.elidz.co.za under opportunities. ELIDZ Provision of Professional Consulting Services for SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EB/ERP/06/21/Z1A Preparation of Precinct and Building Environmental 12H00 on 11 October P/BEE: 80/20 Response Plan for the East London Industrial MR Anathi Mzantsi 2021 Development Zone Tel: 043 702 8200 BID BOX COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Fax: 086 268 1077 Email: anathi@elidz.co.za East London IDZ Head A virtual Tender Clarification Meeting with the registered Offices Building, potential tenderers on the Teams platform. TECHNICAL ENQUIRES Reception Entrance, Lower Chester Road, MR Anathi Mzantsi Sunnyridge, East It is compulsory for interested contractors to register London. with the ELIDZ as a potential tenderer. Tel: 043 702 8200 Such registration as a potential tenderer must be Fax: 086 268 1077 effected by sending an email to Anathi Mzantsi at the Email: anathi@elidz.co.za ELIDZ (anathi@elidz.co.za), confirming your interest in tendering, to be received by no later than 29 September 2021 at 10h00 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 14
Interested contractors who have not registered by the due date and time will not be entitled to submit a tender. A Teams meeting request (with link) will be emailed to all registered potential tenderers by no later than 29 September 2021 at 10h30. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Documents will be available for download on 17 September 2021 at www.elidz.co.za under opportunities. DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSTITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF PUBLIC SCMU5-21/22- Request for Expressions of Interest for Leasing of SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 11H00 on the 04 WORKS & 0123 Closed and Unutilized School Buildings in the Eastern November 2021 INFRASTRUCTU Cape Province Mr Z. Billie RE Tel: 040 602 4563/4000 BID BOXES, AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT during office hours Email address Department of Public Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge zamuxolo.billie@ecdpw.gov.za Works Regional offices at from National Treasury’s eTender Portal: the addresses below: http://www.etenders.gov.za/content/advertised-tenders TECHNICAL /PROJECT Public Works and or from the Department of Public Works website: SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES Infrastructure, Qhasana www.ecdpw.gov.za/tenders from 17 September 2021. Building, Ground Floor, BISHO Due to Covid19 Tender documents will not be available Ms B. Mrawu at the office. Email Address: Department of Public busisiwe.mrawu@ecdpw.gov.z Works (Amathole) a Corner of Scholl and Tel: 040 602 4123 Amalinda Main Road Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 15
COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Amalinda Regional SCM contacts: Block B Building- N/A Alfred Nzo: Reception Area Enquires: S. Sithole East London SPECIAL BID CONDITIONS Tel No: 066 483 4680/ 082 828 2493 Department Of Public 1. Service providers must have a functional/ during office hours Works And Infrastructure (Alfred Nzo) operational office/residential address within the Email address Block A, Corner Nkosi Eastern Cape Province. siphamandla.sithole@ecdpw.go Senyukele Jojo and v.za 2. The expression of interest documents will be valid Ngqubusini Street, off for a period of 120 days after the closing date. Ntsizwa Street, Mount Amathole and Buffalo City Ayliff 3. The minimum specifications and other conditions Regions: and rules are detailed in the document Enquires: M. Kweba Department Of Public Tel No: 071 686 7591 Works And during office hours Infrastructure(Joe Email address Gqabi) mzuvukile.kweba@ecdpw.gov. Block F za Bensonvale Collage Sterkspruit Chris Hani Region: Enquires: M. Lunika (Dunywa) Department Of Public Tel No: 071 687 2368 Works And during office hours Infrastructure(Chris Email address Hani) mandisa.lunika@ecdpw.gov.za Ground Floor, Reception Area, Old CPA Building, Queenstown Joe Gqabi Regions: Enquires: Z. Mduli Department Of Public Tel No: 072 312 7749 Works And during office hours Infrastructure(O.R. Email address Tambo) zukisa.mduli@ecdpw.gov.zaKD Matanzima Building, Ground Floor Foyer, Nelson Mandela and Sarah Mthatha, 5099 Baartman: Enquires: S. Mcoseli Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 16
Tel No: 079 872 6295 Department Of Public during office hours Works And Email address Infrastructure(Sarah sisanda.mcoseli@ecdpw.gov.z Baartman) a Ground floor, Old Ford House Building O.R. Tambo Region: 55 Albany and Enquires: M. Nyali Westbourne Road Tel No: 066 488 7722 Port Elizabeth during office hours Email address mathews.nyali@ecdpw.gov.za DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF SCMU10-21/22- Professional Consulting Engineering Services for SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 11 H00 on Wednesday TRANSPORT 0025 Managing Maintenance Activities on Provincial Paved Mr. Nqikashe 20 October 2021 and Gravel Roads in the Six Districts of the Eastern Cape Tel: 067 419 8001 P/BBBEE: 80/20 Period of 3 Years (6 Projects) BID BOX Email Address: philasande.nqikashe@ectranspor Tender Box at the BRIEFING SESSION t.gov.za offices of the Department of No briefing session however tenderers may seek Mr. M Cwili Transport, C Block clarification from the Employer in terms of this Tel: 067 414 2504 Foyer, old building, 32 tender from the date of the advert until 13 Email: Cowan Close, October 2021(seven days before closing) mandiphiwe.cwili@ectransport.go Stellenbosch Park v.za Building, King William’s AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT TECHNICAL/PROJECT Town, 5601 Bid documents will be available as from 12h00 SPECIFIC on Friday 17 September 2021.Documents Mrs.Z. Zuzile must be downloaded on Tel: 082576 3984 www.ectransport.gov.za and/or Email: www.etenderportal.gov.za Zezethu.zuzile@ectransport.go v.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 17
DEPARTMEN BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME T/ CRITERIA & AND VENUE INSITUTION ACCREDITATION SCMU 03 – Short-term insurance and director’s liability cover for 1 SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: Eastern Cape 2021/22 January 2022 – 31 December 2023 08 October 2021 @ Rural Mrs M Esben 11h00 Development Tel: 043 703 6300 Agency P/B-BBEE: 80/20 COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION BID BOX: (ECRDA) Email: esbenm@ecrda.co.za None All bids must be submitted TECHNICAL/PROJECT electronically to: SPECIFIC tenders@ecrda.co.za AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Dr M van Biljon 17 September 2021 on ECRDA website: www.ecrda.co.za Tel: 043 703 6300/072 401 8068 Email: vanbiljonm@ecrda.co.za DEPARTME BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME NT/ CRITERIA & AND VENUE INSITUTION ACCREDITATION DEPT OF INGWE/05/2021 PROVISION OF SHORT TERM INSURANCE SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES: 10 November 2021 @ HIGHER SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS. 11H00 EDUCATIO N Futshane N AND Campuses/Sites Bid Numbers 039 940 2142 TRAINING Ingwe TVET College Ingwe/05/2021 BID BOX: COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Reception Area at Ingwe Administration VENUE DATE TIME Bidding process: Centre, Badibanise A/A Mount Frere Admin Centre 23/09/2021 10H00 Ms. M. Vunguvungu Mount Frere 5090 not Offices Tel: 039 940 2142 later than 11H00 on Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 18
Friday, 11 October AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT 2021. Bids will be opened in public. The bid documents will be available from the SCM unit Technical queries: upon payment of a non-refundable fee of R150.00 (One NOTE ALL BIDDERS hundred and fifty rand only) and also be available on Ms B Ntshaba WILL BE REQUIRED TO College website, Provincial Tender Bulletin and eTender Tel: 039 940 2142 COMPLY WITH ALL Portal for free. The deposit is to be paid into the College’s COVID-19 bank account, namely First National Bank, Branch REGULATIONS WHEN Code: 210821, Account No.: 6203 339 0353, with proof VISTING OUR SITES of deposit prior to collection of the bid document from the (e.g. masks and 2m SCM office, bid document will be available from Friday social distancing). the 17th of September 2021. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 19
DEPARTMENT BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME / INSITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF HO-21/22-0099 Appointment of an Independent Land Experts SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 11H00 on the 04 RURAL for Amajingqi Community Land Dispute October 2021 DEVELOPME Ms N Mfunda NT AND P/BEE: 80/20 BRIEFING SESSION BID BOX Tel: 040 602 AGRARIAN REFORM None 5205/06/08/09/10 or 5256 Office D04, UIF Building Email: (Opposite renal clinic) AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT nomapha.mfunda@drdar.gov Bhisho .za 5605 Friday, 15 September 2021 request electronically from TECHNICAL/PROJECT khutala.mbuqwa@drdar.gov.za SPECIFIC Ms N Bongco Tel: 082 868 1364 Email: Nyameka.bongco@drdar.gov .za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 20
DEPARTMENT BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING, TIME AND / INSITUTIONCRITERIA & VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF SCMU3-21/22-0220- Appointment of Service Provider for the Supply, SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 15th October 2021 HEALTH NMA Delivery & Commissioning of a Brachytherapy @11H00 Machine (Radiotherapy Services) At Nelson Mr P. Mtheleli Mandela Central Academic Hospital (ECDoH) (36 Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 P/BEE: 80/20 Months) BID BOX, Email: Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.go Level 2, Nelson Mandela v.za Central Academic Hospital, BRIEFING SESSION Sissons Street, Mthatha TECHNICAL/PROJECT Mthatha Health Resource Centre Auditorium, SPECIFIC Nelson Mandela Central Academic Hospital, Sissons Street on 04 October 2021 at 10h00 Mr P. Mtheleli Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Email: Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.go Supply Chain Management Unit, Department of v.za Health, Level 2, Nelson Mandela Central Academic hospital, Sissons Street, Mthatha, from 14h00 on the 10th September 2021 @ a non- refundable deposit of R100.00 per document or download bid document for free at: www.echealth.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 21
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING, TIME AND INSITUTION CRITERIA & VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF SCMU3-21/22- Appointment of Service Provider for the Supply, SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES @11H00 on the HEALTH 0221-NMA delivery, commissioning and maintenance of a Mr P. Mtheleli PET Scanner Machine (Radiotherapy Services) Email Address: 15th October 2021 80/20 At Nelson Mandela Central Academic Hospital Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.gov.za (ECDoH) (36 Months) Bid Box Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 Bid Box, Level 2, Nelson BRIEFING SESSION Mandela Central Academic TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC Hospital, Sissons Street, Mthatha Health Resource Centre Auditorium, Mthatha Nelson Mandela Central Academic Hospital, Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.gov.za Sissons Street on 04 October 2021 at 11h00 Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Supply Chain Management Unit, Department of Health, Level 2, Nelson Mandela Central Academic hospital, Sissons Street, Mthatha, from 14h00 on the 10th September 2021 @ a non-refundable deposit of R100.00 per document or download bid document for free at: www.echealth.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 22
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF SCMU3-21/22- Appointment of Service Provider for Planning, SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES @11H00 on the HEALTH 0222-NMA Design, Construction, Supply & Installation of an Oncology Unit Linear Particle Accelerator and Mr P. Mtheleli 90/10 Bunker Unit (Radiotherapy Department) At Email th Address: 15 October 2021 Nelson Mandela Central Academic Hospital Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.gov.za (ECDoH) (36 Months) Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 Bid Box BRIEFING SESSION TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC Level 2, Nelson Mandela Mthatha Health Resource Centre Auditorium, Nelson Mandela Central Academic Hospital, Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.gov.za Central Academic Sissons Street on 04 October 2021 at 12h00 Hospital, Sissons Street, Tel: 040 608 9501 / 083 303 3728 Mthatha AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Supply Chain Management Unit, Department of Health, Level 2, Nelson Mandela Central Academic hospital, Sissons Street, Mthatha, from 14h00 on the 10th September 2021 @ a non-refundable deposit of R100.00 per document or download bid document for free at: www.echealth.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 23
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF SCMU3-21/22- Appointment of service provider for the provision SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES @11H00 on the HEALTH 0217-WB of catering services for patients at Winterberg TB Mr M. Bushula 12th October 2021 80/20 Hospital, in The Eastern Cape Province, for a period of 36 months. Email Address: Ground Floor, Old Medical mlungisi.bushula@echealth.gov.za Centre Building, No. 19 St BRIEFING SESSION James Road, Tel: 043 707 6714 Southernwood, East Due to Disaster Management Act and COVID- London TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC 19 regulations a different approach to bid briefing bears’ reference. Bidders will be Mr M. Bushula required to send their queries/ clarity questions via designated email or telephone number Email Address: appended on SBD 1/ Cover page mlungisi.bushula@echealth.gov.za AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Tel: 043 707 6714 Ground Floor, Old Medical Centre Building, No. 19 St James Road, Southernwood, East London from 14h00 on the 10th September 2021 @ a non-refundable deposit of R100.00 per document or download bid document for free at: www.echealth.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 24
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION DEPT OF SCMU3-21/22- Supply and delivery of Cochlear Implants and SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES @11H00 on the 04th HEALTH 0216-NMA Speech Processors for the Eastern Cape October 2021 Department of Health for a period of 36 Months. Ms N. Mfenguza 80/20 SCM Unit, Level 2, Email Address: Nelson Mandela Central Nobuntu.mfenguza@echealth.gov.za Academic Hospital, BRIEFING SESSION Sissons Street Mthatha Due to Disaster Management Act and COVID-19 Tel: 047 502 4518 regulations a different approach to bid briefing TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC bears’ reference. Bidders will be required to send their queries/ clarity questions via designated Ms N. Mfenguza email or telephone number appended on SBD 1/ Email Address: Cover page Nobuntu.mfenguza@echealth.gov.za AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Tel: 047 502 4518 SCM Unit, Level 2, Nelson Mandela Central Academic Hospital, Sissons Street Mthatha from 14h00 on the 10th September 2021 @ a non- refundable deposit of R100.00 per document or download bid document for free at: www.echealth.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 25
DEPARTMENT/ BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME INSITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION SCMU3-21/22-0239- Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Community DEPT OF HO Health Care Workers uniform (identification SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 11H00 on the 18 HEALTH clothing) to the Eastern Cape Department of October 2021 Health for a period of 36 months Mr Philasande Mtheleli Contact No: 083 303 3728 Bid Box, COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Eastern Cape Email: Department of Health Due to Covid 19 regulation no briefing will take Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.gov.za 1st Floor Supply Chain place, all enquiries should be directed to the / Management (Tender listed contact details. Box) Global Life CSC Phalo Avenue AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Bhisho TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC 5605 Bid Document will be available on Mr Philasande Mtheleli www.echealth.gov.za at no cost as from the 17 Contact No: 083 303 3728 September 2021 Email: Philasande.mtheleli@echealth.gov.za / Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 26
DEPARTMENT BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME / INSITUTION CRITERIA & AND VENUE ACCREDITATION BID NO.: 19/FY/22 The Appointment of a Suitable Service Provider to SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EASTERN Develop, Review and Update Heritage 12 October 2021 @ 11H00 CAPE PARKS Management Plans for 3 Ecpta Nature Reserves Mr Mcebisi Sandi & TOURISM (Mkambati, Great Fish River and Mpofu-Fort Email: BID BOX: AGENCY Fordyce Nature Reserve). Mcebisi.sandi@ecpta.co.za 17- 25 Oxford Street ,East Tel: 043 492 0685 London COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION CRITERIA TECHNICAL/PROJECT N/A SPECIFIC Stage 1: Functionality Stage 2: Price and B- AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Mr Siyabulela Lazarus BBEE 80/20 Email: Bid documents outlining detailed specifications will Siyabulela.Lazarus@ecpta.co.za be made available on the 17 September 2021. The Tel: 043 492 0881 documents can be downloadable from the ECPTA website: https://www.visiteasterncape.co.za/corporate/proc urements/request-for-tender/ or visit the Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury website: www.ectreasury.gov.za BID NO.: 13/FY/22 The Provision of Office Space Accomodation in SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES EASTERN Lusikisiki for the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism 12 October 2021 @ 11H00 CAPE PARKS Agency for a Period of Three (3) Years with an Mr Mcebisi Sandi & TOURISM Option to Extend for a Period of Two (2) Years. Email: BID BOX: AGENCY Mcebisi.Sandi@ecpta.co.za 17- 25 Oxford Street ,East COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Tel: 043 492 0685 London N/A TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC Mr Sakhiwo Nombembe Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 27
AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT Email: Sakhiwo.Nombembe@ecpta.co.z Bid documents outlining detailed specifications will a be made available on the 17 September 2021. The Tel: 043 492 0881 documents can be downloadable from the ECPTA website: https://www.visiteasterncape.co.za/corporate/proc urements/request-for-tender/ or visit the Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury website: www.ectreasury.gov.za DEPARTMEN BID NUMBER / CRITERIA PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON CLOSING DATE, TIME T/ & ACCREDITATION AND VENUE INSTITUTION MTC 2021/22/05 SCM & TECHNICAL SPECIFIC 22 October 2021 @ MAYIBUYE The Mayibuye Transport Corporation hereby ENQUIRIES 11H00 am TRANSPORT P/BEE: 80/20 invites reputable and expert service providers CORPORATI registered on the Central Supplier Database (CSD) Mr L Nkunjana BID BOX, ON to Provide the services of Marketing and Tel: 081 289 5008 Communication Services for a period of 60 months Reception Area, Email: nkunjanal@mtcec.co.za Mayibuye Transport COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Corporation, Shop 15 Beacon Bay Crossing, Due to COVID-19 regulations, there will be no Beacon Bay, East briefing session. London Questions may be sent to the email provided in this advert. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT The document will be available for download at no cost from 20 September 2021 from the MTC website: www.mtcec.co.za under tenders. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 28
MTC 2021/22/02 The Mayibuye Transport Corporation hereby SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES 22 October 2021 @ MAYIBUYE invites reputable and expert service providers 11H00 am TRANSPORT P/BEE: 80/20 registered on the Central Supplier Database (CSD) Ms K. Goci CORPORATI to provide Hygiene services for a period of 36 Tel: 081 289 5008 BID BOX ON months Email: gocik@mtcec.co.za Reception Area, TECHNICAL SPECIFIC COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION Mayibuye Transport ENQUIRIES Corporation, Shop 15 Due to COVID-19 regulations, there will be no Beacon Bay Crossing, briefing session. Ms K. Goci Beacon Bay, East Tel: 081 289 5008 London Questions may be sent to the email provided in this Email: gocik@mtcec.co.za advert. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT The document will be available for download at no cost from 20 September 2021 from the MTC website: www.mtcec.co.za under tenders. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 29
AWARDS NAME OF INSTITUTION: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT TENDER BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT POINTS NAME OF BIDDER CONTACT PERSON BULLETIN NO 08 (21/22 FY) SCMU10-21/22 Supply and Delivery of Network R3, 377, 205.05 100 Datacentrix – EL Ms. N.P. Mqwebedu 0006 Switches for the six (6) district offices Division and Traffic Stations for the period of two (2) months. SCMU10-21/22- Supply, Install and Configuration of R3, 461, 148.87 100 Datacentrix – EL Ms. N.P. Mqwebedu 0007 Storage Area Network (SAN) at Division Business Continuity SITA Bhisho 33 (20/21 FY) SCMU10-2021- Reseal of DR0800 from Magusheni to R165, 962, 007.25 100 Magnacorp 485CC Ms. N.P. Mqwebedu 0042 Flagstaff – 30.28KM for a period of T/A K2S sixteen (16) months. Construction 31 (20/21 FY) SCMU10-20/21- Appointment of a Professional Security R10, 191, 503.52 100 Likunga Protection Ms. N.P. Mqwebedu 0046 Service to Secure and Ensure Safety of and Security Departmental Resources (Plant, Services Material, Personnel etc.) for Cofimvaba to Askeaton Construction Projects for a period of twenty four (24) months. 31 (20/21 FY) SCMU10-20/21- Appointment of a Professional Security R12, 558, 447.00 100 Rise Security Ms. N.P. Mqwebedu 0047 Service to Secure and Ensure Safety of Services (Pty) Ltd Departmental Resources (Plant, Material, Personnel etc.) for R72 to Hamburg Road Construction Projects for a period of thirty six (36) months Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 30
NAME OF INSTITUTION: DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND AGRARIAN REFORM (DRDAR) TENDER BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT POINTS NAME OF BIDDER CONTACT PERSON BULLETIN NO PTB No.17 Supply and Delivery of small stock(Goats R5 913 645.00 100 Vatap Services Pty Ms N Mfunda dated 23 July SCMU8-21/22- and Sheep) for livestock production Ltd 040 602 5206 2021 0126 improvement scheme PTB No.17 Supply and delivery of sewing material for R711 189.00 100 Bantsundu Trading Ms N Mfunda dated 23 July SCMU8-21/22- clothing and textile co-operatives 040 602 5206 2021 0128 PTB No.15 of SCMU8-21/22- Procurement of the latest veeam server R1 463 916.91 100.00 Datacentrix – EL Ms N Mfunda 09 July 2021 0114 backup licences for head office for a period division 040 602 5206 of three(03) years PTB No.15 of SCMU8-21/22- Supply , deliver and install Ethernet R1 841 914.95 98.00 Dimension Data Ms N Mfunda 09 July 2021 0115 switches across the province 040 602 5206 PTB No.15 of SCMU8-21/22- Extension of hardware warranties for a R1 267 661.27 98.00 Business Ms N Mfunda 09 July 2021 0116 period of 03 years Connection 040 602 5206 06 SCMU8-21/22- Supply, Delivery and Construction of a R581 032.20 100.00 KHANYISA CIVILS Z Mooi – 066 476 4195 0049 Storage Shed at Brooklyn Farm in Rr BUILDING Beyers Naude Local Municipality-Sarah &ELECTRICAL Baartman District PROJECTS PTY (LTD) 07 SCMU8-21/22- Construction of Storage with Ablution and R747 860.29 100.00 Magamad Noer Z Mooi – 066 476 4195 0052: Waste Management Facility for Dollie or MN Grahamstown Poultry Development Under electrical and Makana Local Municipality Building 07 SCMU8-21/22- supply and installation of clear view fence R624 519.00 100.00 Hyman Z Mooi – 066 476 4195 0053 around the site for grahamstown poultry Masterfence development project under makana local municipality in sarah baartman district 13 SCMU8-21/22- The Supply, Delivery and Construction of 2 R1 078 648.88 100.00 MN ELECTRICAL Z Mooi – 066 476 4195 0054 Piggery Rearing Structures With Waste AND BUILDING Management Facility for Usta Rangers Hill Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 31
Piggery Project in Uitenhage Under Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality 13 SCMU8-21/22- De-silting and Upgrading of Five (5) Earth R670 659.00 98.79 MAGWA FAMILY Z Mooi – 066 476 4195 0087 Dams in the Dr Beyers Naude Local HOLDINGS Municipality-Sarah Baartman 07 SCMU8-21/22- Supply, Delivery and Installation of two R636 996.04 100.00 AMATHUNZI Z Mooi – 066 476 4195 0089 Stockwater Systems for Karkotskraal A and GENERAL B in Blue Crane Route Local Municipality TRADING TB 38 of BID NUMBER / PROJECT DESCRIPTION NAME OF THE BIDDER FUNCTIONALITY CONTACT PERSON 2020/2021 POINTS Financial Year The Don Investment 82.00 Database establishment for supply, PTB No.16 of Expression of Ezobhadela Construction 100.00 delivery and textile machines and 16 July 2021 Interest Ms N Mfunda equipment and provision of basic Praveena’s Boutique 90.00 040 602 5206 training on use Oyama and tshepiso 100.00 Dreamwaiver Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 32
NAME OF INSTITUTION: EASTERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE TENDER BID NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT POINTS NAME OF BIDDER CONTACT PERSON BULLETIN NO TB 38 of SCMU5-20/21- Botha Sigcau Building - Completion of R 16 346 615.75 83.38 KEILAKE L. Goba 2020/2021 0174 Renovations at 2nd Floor INVESTMENTS 040 602 4084 Financial Year TB 38 of SCMU5-20/21- Construction of Medium Voltage (11kv) and R 3 275 081.11 100 BILTMOX 49 CC L. Goba 2020/2021 0168 Low Voltage (400v Abc- Reticulation T/A WANDA 040 602 4084 Financial Inclusion of Cables and Equipment) for ENTERPRISE Year Dohne Agricultural Development Institution at Stutterheim Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 33
CANCELLATION DEPARTMENT/ PTB NO BID NUMBER & PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTACT PERSON INSITUTION SCMU12-21/22-0002 : Provision of Fixed Line Voice Services and SCM SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES PROVINCIAL PTB No.11 21/22 Maintenance of Unified Communication Solution (UCS) TREASURY FY Infrastructure for a Period of Twenty- four (24) Months Ms P. Ndaleni Tel: 040 1010 122 REASONS FOR CANCELLATION The department has budget constraints and exploring alternative TECHNICAL/PROJECT SPECIFIC cost effective solutions. Ms. N. September Tel: 040 1010 040/38 Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 34
PROVINCIAL TREASURY The Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury urges all suppliers, who have not yet registered on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) to do so as a matter of urgency. The CSD is a self-registration process, which can be completed online at www.csd.gov.za. Contracted suppliers will not be able to receive orders or payments unless registered on the CSD. Suppliers are encouraged to check their banking details verification after registering on the CSD and ensure that the banking details are appearing on the CSD report as validated. Suppliers are similarly encouraged to register and/or update their information on CSD. Suppliers are welcome to visit the Provincial Treasury Helpdesk for assistance with registration, especially those that do not have access to a computer and/or internet. Enquiries must be directed to: Sintu Dumezweni at 040 1010 436; sintu.dumezweni@ectreasury.gov.za Zimkhitha Qina at 040 1010 359; zimkhitha.qina@ectreasury.gov.za Xoliswa Mzimkulu at 040 1010 421; xoliswa.mzimkulu@ectreasury.gov.za; Khanyiso Nqinileyo at 040 1010 407; khanyiso.nqinileyo@ectreasury.gov.za Oswald Free at 040 1010 635; oswald.free@ectreasury.gov.za Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No.24 21/22FY 10 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 35
QUICK REFERENCE USER GUIDE CENTRALISED SUPPLIERS DATABASE (CSD) INTRODUCTION This guide serves to assist users of the new Centralized Suppliers Database (CSD). By following the steps in this quick reference guide access to the CSD and registration of suppliers will be possible. STEP 1 Prospective users will have register as users on the CSD website and follow the following actions; 1. Enter www.csd.gov.za in web browser The user is navigated to the CSD Home Page 2. Click on Register on the menu bar on the CSD Home Page 3. Enter your: E-mail address Name Surname Cellphone number 4. Select an identification type in the identification type dropdown 5. Enter identification number If a foreign passport number or foreign ID number is entered then a work permit number must also be entered 6. Enter a password A password must contain a minimum of 8 characters and include a capital letter, a lower case letter, a number and a special character 7. Confirm password 8. Select and complete 3 security questions 9. Check the I am not a robot Captcha 10. Check the I accept the terms and conditions 11. Click on the Register button The following message will be displayed: ‘Thank you for registering. An account activation e-mail has been Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 36
Sent to you’. In order for you to use your account, you will have to click the link in the e-mail to activate your account. The account then needs to be activated. Please follow the following steps; 1. Open the CSD activation e-mail and click on the Activate Account link A One Time Pin (OTP) is sent as an SMS to the cellphone number provided on the registration screen 2. Enter the OTP in the Account Activation screen 3. Click on the Submit button The following message will be displayed: Account activated. The message will have a Log In link STEP 2 Once the account has been activated then suppliers can start to be captured onto the CSD. By going to add supplier and clicking on each tab, supplier information is captured onto the CSD by category. Information entered is verified automatically through National Treasury, via the CSD linkages to various organizations. The last tab, Overview, gives detail on the progress of the application. Use it to reference if any information has been omitted. Once no outstanding tasks are flagged in the Overview, the application can be submitted by clicking SUBMIT. The supplier number and security code will then be generated for the supplier. Both are extremely important and need to be recorded for safekeeping. The supplier is now registered on the CSD. STEP 3 CONTINUED USE OF THE CSD Should you at any time require any assistance with the CSD, please contact (012) 406 9222 or csd@treasury.gov.za or oswald.free@ectreasury.gov.za or by 040 1010 365. Eastern Cape Provincial Tender Bulletin No. 25 21/22FY 17 September 2021 This publication is available on www.ectreasury.gov.za 37
You can also read