East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org

Page created by Darren Conner
East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
February 2, 2021

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study
      Virtual Community Open House #2

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
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    o Project overview
    o Community input received
    o Focus areas and alternatives
    o Evaluation criteria and results
    o Short term connectivity improvements
    o Next steps

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
Karen Good, AICP                          Andy Mountain                Leah Langerman
City and County of Denver Department of   GBSM                         David Evans and Associates
Transportation and Infrastructure         Meeting Facilitator          Community Engagement
Project Manager

                                                                       Cesco Linguistic Services

                                                                       Michelle Betancourt
                                                                       Interpretation Services

Matt Buster                               Kara Swanson
David Evans and Associates                David Evans and Associates                                3
Consultant Project Manager                Environmental Planner
East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
East   52 nd   Avenue Feasibility Study
                Project Overview

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
52nd Ave Feasibility Study
o Study Boundaries
o Study Objectives
    •   Confirm public and stakeholder
        goals and priorities
    •   Identify feasibility of connecting
        52nd Avenue
    •   Identify short-term and long-
        term implementation projects
o Goals
    •   Analyze existing conditions
    •   Gather public input
    •   Develop alternatives
    •   Review high-level engineering

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
Focus Areas
1. 52nd Avenue                           Area 2
2. Brighton/York
   Underpass                                        Focus Area 1
3. National
   Western Center   N Line Station
   N Line Station

                                Area 3        Existing Pedestrian Bridge

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
East   52 nd   Avenue Feasibility Study
           Community Input Received

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
Community Engagement

     o Community Working Group Round #1
        •   Business & Community Services Group (8/25/20)
        •   Neighborhood Group (9/2/20)

     o Desired Improvements Survey (late October 2020)
     o Community Working Group Meeting #2 (11/10/20)
     o Virtual Community Meeting #1 (11/18/20)
     o Community Working Group Meeting #3 (1/21/21)
     o Virtual Community Meeting #2 (2/2/21)
East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
Neighborhood Survey Results

What transportation improvements are most important to you?
¿Qué mejoras de transporte son más importantes para usted?

        48%                 48%                      45%                42%
      Vehicular            Bicycle            Bicycle & Pedestrian   Pedestrian
      Vehicular           Bicicleta           Bicicleta y Peatonal   Peatonal

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study - Virtual Community Open House #2 February 2, 2021 - Denvergov.org
Neighborhood Survey Results

Which gaps are the most important to fill?
¿Qué huecos son los más importantes para llenar?

         46%                  46%                     43%
                                              Connectivity north         Direct connection
 Connectivity east of    Connectivity to      along Brighton Blvd
                          bike facilities                                from 52nd Ave to
 Colorado Boulevard                            under the freight           Brighton Blvd
                                               railroad to York St

 Conectividad al este   Conectividad a las   Conectividad al norte a     Conexión directa
    de Colorado          instalaciones de     lo largo de Brighton       desde 52nd Ave a
     Boulevard               bicicletas      Blvd. bajo el ferrocarril    Brighton Blvd.
                                               de carga a York St.
What We’ve Heard
  o Confirmed the need for connectivity in all directions
  o Agreement with the need for improvements on 52nd
    and at the Brighton/York underpass
  o Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations important
       • If bike lanes are added they should be two-way and continue through corridor
       • Better access to transit

  o Concern regarding impacts to long-standing businesses and affordable housing
  o Improve safety for all modes of travel (considering freight traffic)
  o Mitigation of existing drainage issues with improvements
East   52 nd   Avenue Feasibility Study
          Focus Areas and Alternatives

Focus Area 1

N Line Station

                 Existing Pedestrian Bridge

Focus Area 1 -
Alignment Alternatives              3
 Alternative 1:
 Neighborhood bike/pedestrian
 improvements with bike/        2
 pedestrian bridge                                           1
 Alternative 2:
 New vehicular, bike & ped          4
 Crossing, 52nd Alignment
 Alternative 3:
 New vehicular, bike & ped                Potential
 Crossing, northern alignment           Cross-section
 Alternative 4 (New):
 Neighborhood bike/pedestrian
 No connection across rail

      CDOT Coordination
Focus Area 1 - Overpass or Underpass of Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR)

Poll Results from
November 2020
Community Meeting:
• 56% prefer overpass
• 31% prefer underpass
                         Underpass   Option
                                   Option                  Overpass Option

Focus Area 2 - Brighton/York Underpass
                            Area 2

         N Line Station

                                 Existing Pedestrian Bridge

Focus Area 2 - Brighton/York Underpass

Poll Results from November 2020
Community Meeting:
• 78% of respondents feel that
  improvements beneath the
  underpass are “somewhat” or
  “extremely” important

Brighton/York Underpass Improvements

o Base design would                       o Potential enhancements:
  include:                                  • Median barrier
  • Accommodation of                        • Wider multiuse
      bicycles and                             sidewalk/path
      pedestrians                           • Physical separation of
  • Lighting                                   bicycles and pedestrians
  • High clearance                             from each other
  • Wide vehicle lanes                      • Aesthetic design
  • Enhanced drainage                       • Community art features

Focus Area 3 – Improved Connections to National Western Center N Line Station

            N Line Station

                             Area 3
                                      Existing Pedestrian Bridge

Focus Area 3 – Improved Connections to National Western Center N Line Station

Poll Results from November 2020
Community Meeting:
• 42% want better pedestrian
• 8% want better bike facilities
• 0% want better
  crossings/drop-off facilities
• 50% want all of the above

East   52 nd   Avenue Feasibility Study
          Evaluation Criteria and Results

What was evaluated?
o 52nd alignments
o 52nd design by railroad (overpass or underpass)

What were the considerations?
o Community input
o Technical expertise
o Engineering constraints

Evaluation Criteria
o Development of evaluation criteria using public input
o Criteria divided into three categories
     •   Multimodal Travel - Pedestrian and bicycle safety, connections to local
         and regional trails and roads, transit connections
     •   Community and Environment - community support; property and park
         impacts; noise, visual, and hazardous materials impacts; freight
         connectivity; drainage challenges
     •   Other - cost, maintenance, coordination with other agencies

Focus Area 1 -
Alignment Alternatives              3
 Alternative 1:
 Neighborhood bike/pedestrian
 improvements with bike/        2
 pedestrian bridge                           1
 Alternative 2:
 New vehicular, bike & ped          4
 Crossing, 52nd Alignment
 Alternative 3:
 New vehicular, bike & ped
 Crossing, northern alignment
 Alternative 4 (New):
 Neighborhood bike/pedestrian
 No connection across rail

Evaluation Results
                                 Alt 1: Bike/Ped Crossing   Alt 2: New Road Connection; Alt 3: New Road Connection; Alt 4: No Connection
                                                                    52nd Alignment           Northern Alignment           Across RR
General Criteria
o   Community support

o   Bike/Ped comfort and

o   Multimodal connectivity
    (local and regional)

o   Freight travel patterns

o   Property/park impacts

o   Environmental impacts
    (visual, hazmat, drainage)

o   Noise impacts

o   Cost and maintenance
Benefits and Impacts
to Residents
Alt 1: Bike/Ped Crossing
Pros:                                  1
• Provides bike/ped
  connectivity across RR
• More bike/ped comfort than
  other alternatives
• Less residential property
  impacts than Alt 2
• Less noise impacts than Alt 2
• No vehicular connectivity
   across RR
Benefits and Impacts
to Residents
Alt 2: New Road Connection;
52nd Alignment                      2
• Provides vehicular connectivity
  across RR
• Less bike/ped comfort than
  Alt 1
• More residential property
  impacts than Alts 1 or 3
• More noise impacts than
  Alts 1 or 3
• More traffic through
  neighborhood                          27
Benefits and Impacts
to Residents                        3

Alt 3: New Road Connection;
Northern Alignment
• Provides vehicular connectivity
  across RR
• Less noise impacts than Alt 2
• Less bike/ped comfort than
   Alt 1
• Less residential property
  impacts than Alt 2
• More noise impacts than Alts 1
  or 4                                  28
Benefits and Impacts
to Residents

Alt 4: Improved Sidewalks,
No New Connection Across
Pros:                          4
• Least residential property
• Least noise impacts
• No bike/ped/vehicular
   connectivity across RR

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study

              Questions and Discussion

   What do you see as the benefits and impacts
     to the community for each alternative?
Do benefits to the community outweigh the impacts?
Poll: Which improvement would you like to see first in the long term?
Encuesta: ¿Qué mejora le gustaría ver primero a largo plazo?
   o New bridge for bicycle and pedestrians only on 52nd Avenue over UP railroad
     Puente nuevo solo para bicicletas y peatones localizado en el ferrocarril de UP
     en la Avenida 52
   o New bridge for vehicles/bicycles/pedestrians on 52nd Avenue over UP railroad
     Puente nuevo para vehículos, bicicletas y peatones localizado en el ferrocarril
     de UP en la Avenida 52
   o Underpass of BNSF railroad at Brighton/York
     Paso a desnivel del ferrocarril BNSF en Brighton/York

East   52 nd   Avenue Feasibility Study
       Short Term Connectivity Improvements

Short-Term Connectivity Improvements
o Sidewalk Improvement Bond Program
o Swansea Neighborhood Park Connectivity

                                             Input opportunity:
                                               Which sidewalk
                                           improvements are most
                                             important to you?     33
Sidewalk Improvement Bond Program
o Program funds can be used for early action
  sidewalk improvements from this study
o Overview of sidewalk bond program
        • Funding can be used for installing new sidewalks,
          including curb, gutter & drainage improvements
        • Other funding sources available for street trees

                                                      Present draft
 Identify desired             Feasibility
                                                         plan for     Construct in
  areas for new            assessment by
                                                       community      near future
    sidewalks              City Bond Team

Sidewalks and
    Bus Stops
    Sidewalk Gaps
   2021 Sidewalk Construction
   • National Western Center
   • 47th Ave Pedestrian Bridge
   • Parks
   • Schools
   • Community Services
   • Platte River Trail
   • Recreational Uses
   • North Line Commuter Rail
   • Bus Stops
   • Downtown / RINO

Poll: Which area of missing sidewalks should be constructed first?
Encuesta: ¿Qué área de aceras faltantes se debe construir primero?

 1.   West of Union Pacific Railroad
      Al oeste de Union Pacific Railroad

 2.   East of Union Pacific Railroad
      Al este de Union Pacific Railroad

 3.   Between Vasquez and Colorado         1              2          3
      Entre Vásquez y Colorado

Swansea Neighborhood Park
o Install curb & gutter where missing
o Install bus shelter and lighting at bus
  stop on north side of park
o Install landscape areas around
  existing power poles & transformer
o Pave parking areas - head in parking
  or angled parking

East   52 nd   Avenue Feasibility Study
                  Next Steps

Lower Costs/Lower Impacts     o Neighborhood sidewalk improvements within the
                                community have lower costs and impacts. Elevate Denver
                                bond funds may be available for short term implementation.
                              o Additional pedestrian and bicycle accommodations (such as
                                a bicycle/pedestrian bridge) and connectivity, drainage
                                improvements. Have lower costs and impacts. Funding not
                                currently available.
                              o UPRR overpass or underpass, Brighton/York BNSF rail
Higher Costs/Higher Impacts     underpass, and Colorado interchange projects require
                                substantial funding and have larger impacts. Need to be
                                phased over a longer period of time.

Poll: Which improvement would you like to see first in the short term?
Encuesta: ¿Qué mejora le gustaría ver primero en el corto plazo?
   o Additional neighborhood sidewalks (including curb, gutter, and drainage)
     Aceras de barrio adicionales (incluyendo bordillo, cuneta y drenaje)
   o Neighborhood bicycle accommodations
     Alojamientos para bicicletas en el barrio
   o Curb, gutter and drainage improvements only
     Mejoras solamente del bordillo, cuneta y el drenaje

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study


Remaining Tasks in this Study
o Refine and identify priorities and alternatives:
      • List of desired improvements prioritized based on your input
         • Identify potential phasing of improvements
         • Develop high level cost estimates to allow city to pursue funding
             according to phasing
o Listen to feedback prior to conclusion of Study
o Finalize Feasibility Study Report
o Stay engaged! Sign up for updates: www.bit.ly/52ndAveStudy

• For More Info or to Submit a Comment:

     o Visit project web page: www.bit.ly/52ndAveStudy

     o Call Karen Good, Project Manager: 720-865-3162

     o Email Karen: karen.good@denvergov.org

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