Early Permian sequence from Sungai Itau quarry, Langkawi: its age, depositional environment and palaeoclimatic implication

Page created by Sheila Knight
Geological Society of Malaysia Annual Geological Conference 2002
May 26 - 27, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia

Early Permian sequence from Sungai Itau quarry, Langkawi: its age,
      depositional environment and palaeoclimatic implication
                                     MOHD SHAFEEA LEMAN              & ASMANIZA Y OP
                          School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources
                                     Faculty of Science 'and Technology
                                       Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
                                     43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

      Abstract: A sequence of thickly bedded sandstone, massive mudstone, silty shale and massive sandstone exposed at
      a quarry in Kampung Sungai !tau, Langkawi is described herein. In the lower part, sandstone with calcareous horizons
      is rhythmically interbedded massive black pebbly mudstone or diamictite indicates sea level fluctuation influenced
      by glaciation and deglaciation of the Gondwana supercontinent. The deposition took place in the outer shelf. The silty
      shale yields an Early Permian (late Asselian-Sakmarian) brachiopod assemblage of strong Gondwanan affinity. The
      massive sandstone on the top part of the section represents a storm deposit.

      Abstrak: Makalah ini memperihalkan mengenai jujukan lapisan tebal batu pasir, batu lumpur masif, syal berlodak
      dan batu pasir masif yang tersingkap di kuari Kampung Sungai Itau, Langkawi. Di bahagian bawah jujukan, batu pasir
      dengan lapisan berkapur berselang berirama dengan batu lumpur masif hitam berpebel atau diamiktit menunjukkan
      perubahan aras laut yang dipengaruhi pengglasieran dan pencairan glasier di superbenua Gondwanaland. Pengenapan
      batu lumpur berpebel ini berlaku di pelantar luar. Syal berlodak mengandungi himpunan brakiopod berusia Perm
      Awal (akhir Asselian-awal Sakmarian) yang banyak kesamaan dengan fauna Gondwana. Batu pasir masif di bahagian
      atas jujukan Sungai Itau merupakan enapan ribut.

                   INTRODUCTION                                   assemblage has a very strong affinity with the Early Permian
                                                                  Gondwanan fauna. Mohd Shafeea Leman (1997), Mohd
     Although the Singa Formation is largely exposed on           Shafeea Leman & Shi (1998) and Shi et al. (1997) correlated
the Langkawi main island, very little is known about its          the Kilim Quarry section as part of the Selang Member,
geological section and the depositional environment in            based on the age and the presence of pebbly mudstone in
this area. This was mainly due to the lack of fresh rock          the sequence.
outcrops in the Langkawi main island in the past. Gobbett              An active e~rth quarry at Kampung Sungai Itau
(1973) and Jones (1981) described the Singa Formation             exp,?sed an excellent lithological section, comprised of
based mainly on the coastal exposures of small islands in         sandstone interbedded with mudstone, silty shale and
the southwestern part of Langkawi Islands. Ahmad Jantan           limestone. Several sedimentary facies are recognised within
(1973, unpublished) subdivided the Singa Formation based          this quarry section, the assemblage of which indicates an
on the natural outcrops at Pulau Rebak, Pulau Kentut,             offshore marine depositional environment greatly
Pulau Ular and Pulau Selang. Stauffer & Lee (1986) also           influenced by the fluctuation of sea level. This sea level
described the pebbly mudstone sequence of the Singa               fluctuation could be closely related with the changes in
Formation from these natural exposures. On Langkawi               palaeoclimatic condition of the Langkawi islands during
main island, valuable information on various aspects of           the deposition. The age of the Sungai Itau section is Early
the Singa Formation were only. recently exposed at several        Permian (late Asselian-early Sakmarian), based on the
road cuts, quarries and construction sites following recent       brachiopod assemblage found in the middle part of the
rapid infra-structural development of the island.                 section. This paper will describe the sedimentary facies
     The areas in the north and northeastern flank of             and discuss their depositional environment as well as their
Gunung Raya has been marked by Gobbett (1973) and                 bearing on the palaeoclimatic changes in Langkawi Islands
Jones (1981) as part of the Singa Formation, but no detail        during the Early Permian time.
information given. Later, Basir Jasin et al. (1992) described
the bryozoan limestone exposed at Kilim Quarry as part                          SUNGAI ITAU SECTION
of an undifferentiated Singa Formation, regarding them as
a transition bed from the Singa Formation to the overlying             The Kampung Sungai Itau earth quarry is located in
Chuping Limestone. Mohd Shafeea Leman (1996),                     the southwest of Kampung Sungai Itau,about 500 m from
however, discovered that the Kilim brachiopod fauna is            the Kampung Sungai Itau-Durian Perangin road junction
very closely related with pebbly mudstone of possible             (see the insert map in Fig. 1). The Sungai Itau quarry
marine glacial origin, and that the brachiopod faunal             operation cut almost the entire northwestern tip of the
164                                         MOHO SHAFEEA LEMAN   & ASMANIZA    YoP

                           -+-          62srl

                                                                          I~I     Contour

                                                                          I"';., 1Terrace
                                                                          c:t;J   Stream

                                                                          B       Mainroad            Figure I. Locality map showing
                                                                          B       Track               the position of Kampung Sungai
                                                                  o 'Om   6       Electricity Cable   Itau quarry and the measured

NW -SE trending ridge connecting this quarry and the Kilim      lithology, sedimentary structures and fossil contents this
quarry described earlier in Basir Jasin et al. (1992), Mohd     lithological section can be divided into four major
Shafeea Leman (1996, 1997) and Shi et al. (1997). The           sedimentary facies, namely the thin to moderately bedded
geology of the Kampung Sungai Itau quarry is dominantly         sandstone, massive mudstone, silty and sandy shale and
made of thick to massive sandstone and mudstone with            thickly bedded to massive sandstone facies. The first two
subordinate silty shale and limestone. The beds are generally   facies are found inter!:>edded with one another (Fig. 2) in
moderate to gently dipping to the east-northeast. In the        the lower half of the section, with total thickness exceeding
lower part of the section, several normal and lateral faults    35 m. The upper part of the section is made of silty and
repeatedly cut the rock sequence almost parallel to the         sandy shale facies, succeeded by the thickly bedded to
bedding strike. These faults are usually marked by intense      massive sandstone facies. The detail relationships between
shearing within the thick to massive mudstone, and rarely       all these facies are shown in Figure 3.
cut across the more competent sandstone. A major lateral             Thin to moderately bedded sandstone facies - This
fault with strike and dip of about 285°/80° can be seen at      facies comprises fine- to medium-grained gray sandstone.
the western foot of the quarry. The sheared black mudstone      The sandstone beds range in thickness from 2-30 cm but
in the south-southwestern fault block exhibits several drag     occasionally reach 1.2 m thick. The thinner sandstone is
folds indicating left lateral movement. The black mudstone      generally homogenous in texture. However, the thicker
is faulted against more resistent sandstone beds forming        one sometime shows grading at the base where coarse-
the west-northwestern boundary of the Sungai Itau ridge.        grained sandstone graded into medium-grained sandstone
Intense shearing of the faulted mudstone in places              (Fig. 4) or at the top of the bed where the fine-grained
transformed this fine-grained sediment into mylonite.           sandstone graded into siltstone or silty shale. Thin shale
     A sedimentological section has been logged roughly         laminae are found interbed~ed with the thinner sandstone.
across the strike along the line marked as A-B in Figure 1.     The interbedded thin shale-sandstone often contains
The exact geographic position of point A (the base of the       numerous trace fossils dominated by surface grazers. The
section) is at latitude 6°24.787'N; longitude 99°49.484'E       bedding plane is planar in most cases, but irregular erosion
and altitude 46 m above m.s.l., while point B (the top of the   base and broad lenticular sandstone bodies are occasionally
section) is at latitude 6°24.817'N; longitude 99°49.545'E       present (see Fig. 3). Cross-laminated sandstone (Fig. 5)
and altitude 64m above m.s.l. The data were obtained from       and laminated sandstone are also present. Other
a Magellan GPS Tracker instrument.                              sedimentary structures include small-scaled transverse
                                                                catenary ripples (Fig. 6) and transverse sinuous ripples
        SUNGAIITAU SEDIMENTARY                                  indicate palaeo-current directions towards N200E and
                                                                N65°E, respectively. Small assymetrical sandstone lenses
               SEQUENCE                                         found at the bottom of the Sungai Itau Section may
    More than 55 meters of sedimentary rocks were               represent climbing ripples formed by a stronger palaeo-
recorded from the Sungai Itau quarry section. Based on its      current at N45°E direction. The colour of the sandstone is

                                                           Geological Society of Malaysia Annual Geological Conference 2002
EARLY PERMIAN SEQUENCE FROM SUNGAI ITAU QUARRY, LANG KAWI                                                     165

    SANDSTONE               Brachiopod


                                                                                                              E2ill   Sandstone

                                                                                                              D       Mudstone

                                                                                                              ---     Sandstone Inte!bedded with
                                                                                                                      shale and silty shale

Figure 2. Sungai Itau qualTy section viewed from so uth showing                                               ~       Limestone

sandstone intebedded with massive mudstone.                                                                   g       Calcareous rocks

                                                                                                              EJ      Sandstone lenses

gray when fresh, but the weathered sandstone is brownish                                                      0       Porallellqmination

to whitish in color. Petrographically, the sandstone can be                                                   ~       Cross lamination

classified as quartz arenite with angular to sub-rounded                                            ~         0       Pclleocurrent direction

quartz grains and rare sub-angular fresh feldspar grains.                                           ~
                                                                                                              ~       Ripple marl<

     At particular horizons , the sa ndstone gradually                                                        []]

becomes calcareous, both vertically and laterally. The                                                        IT]     Bioturbation
weathered calcareous horizon is often marked by its coarser
textures (Fig. 7), resulting from the weathering or

                                                                                                    .         rn      Brachiopod

166                                             M OHD SHAFEEA L EMAN    & A SMANIZA YoP

Figure 4. Coarse-grai ned sa ndstone with erosive base grad ing into   Figure 5. Thinl y bedded sa ndstone showing paralle l and cross-
med ium-grained sa ndstone. Note white recta ngul ar feldspar grains   lamin at ion.
in the coarse-grained sa ndstone.

Figure 6. Transverse catenary ripples showing palaeo-curren!
directi on toward s N2ooE.                                             Figure 7. Calcareo us sa ndsto ne bed (where the hammer is placed)
                                                                       on top of a sequence of thin to moderately bedded sa ndsto ne.

sma ll le nses of light coloured sandstone (Fig. 9). In the             THE AGE OF SUNGAI ITAU SEQUENCE
middle part of the seq uence, the massive silty shale (Fig.
10) yields a hi g hl y fossiliferous horizon of ma inl y                     The Sungai Itau sequence is very rich in fossi ls. Body
brachiopod and bryozoan fauna. The foss il hori zon ranges             foss il s are fo und in severa l calcareous hori zons and the
in thi ckness from 10 cm to 30 cm, and ex tends latera ll y for        silty shale, whil e trace foss il s are found in the thinly
more than 80 m.                                                        interbedded sandstone - sha le as well a in the silty shal e.
     Thickly bedded to massive sandstone facies - a total              Body foss il s are do minantl y made up of bryozoans and
of more than 15 m thickly bedded to mass ive li ght gray               brachi opods with less common echinoderms. Bryozoa ns
med ium grained sandstone occur at the top of the sequence.            and echin oderms (c rinoid stems) do min ated the calcareous
T he sandstone is generall y tructureless, except for the              hori zons while brachi opods are more abundant in the s ilty
presence of parallel thin lamin ae of shale parting. The               sha le. The brachiopod fa un a co ns is ts of Spire/ytha
shale partings are more closely spaced and more continuous             pelalijormis Pavlova , Spire/yt/w buravasi (H amada),
in the lower part of the sandstone seq ue nce compared to              Sulciplica thailandica (Waterh ouse), ?Lamnipiica sapa
the top of the sequence. Thi s give an impress ion th at there         (Wa te rh o use), Sp iriferella sp., Rhy nchopora culta
is a general thickening upward in the success ion. In the              (Wa te rh o use), Bandoproductus cf. monticulus
lowermost part, however, several thinning and f ining                  (Wate rh o use), Arclitre ta percostata Waterhouse,
upward sequences prevail.                                              Taell.iolha erus sp. and Elasmata sp. Figure 11 shows

                                                                  Geological Society of Malaysia Allnual Geological Conference 2002
E ARLY P ERM IAN SEQUENCE FROM SUN GA I ITAU QUAR RY , L ANGKAWI                                  167

Figu re 8. Rare rounded sa ndstone pebbles set at random in the    Figure 9. Bioturbated sil ty shal e showing numerous lenses of
massive black pebb ly mudston e.                                   sandstone.

representative fossils found in the si lty shale horizon at
Sungai Itau quarry. The brachiopod assemblage is very
close to the Early Permian (late Asselian-earl y Sakmarian)
brachiopod assembl age of Ko Muk in Southern Thailand
described by Waterhouse (1982) and the Kili m fauna
described by Mohd Shafeea Leman (1996). Although Shi
ef al . (1997) generali sed the age of the Kilim brachiopod
fa una as of Sakmarian age, their close affi nity with the Ko
M uk fa una suggests a possib le late Asseli an - early
Sakmarian age to the Ki lim fauna too. Thus, the Sun gai
Itau brachiopod horizon may represent a northernmost
extension of the late Asselian - early Sakmarian Kilim -
Su ngai Itau brachiopod bed. Meanwhile, the bryozoan
dominated limestone fa una is stratigrap hically older than
the brachiopod domjnated silty shale discussed above.
                                                                   Figure 10 . Brach iopod fossi I horizon in the midd le of thi ck silty
Therefore, the bryozoa n limestone may represent the oldest
Permi an fauna ever recorded in Malaysia.

       DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT                                    Gondwanan derived terrane. Fossi l findin gs by Mohd
                                                                   Shafeea Leman (1996, 1997) and S hi ef ai. (1997) not just
      The presence of calcareous horizons in the Singa             strongly confirmed the earlier presumptio n o n cold climate
Formation has been a very interesting topic of discuss ion ,       of Langkawi islands, but also dated some of the dropstone
late ly. Basir Jasin ef ai. (1992) described this phenomenon       bearin g horizons.
as the evidence of climatic changes from cold polar to                      In this stud y, the pebble-bearing mass ive mud stone
wa rm e r clim a te as Sibumasu B lock drifted from                fac ies in the lower part of the Sungai Itau section is we ll
Gondwanaland. However, the presence of drops tones above           interbedded with the limestone-bearing sandstone facies
the Kilim bryozoa n limestone (S hi ef ai ., 1997) suggests        (see Fig. 2) . The massive bl ack pebbl y mudstone matches
that the clim ate was still rather cold durin g the deposition     tlle descripti on of marine glacial diamictite deposit described
of the li mestone, as dropstones normall y deposited during        by Stauffer & Mantajit (1981), Stauffe r & Lee (1986) and
the warmer deglaciation period (Mohd Shafeea Leman ,               Mohd Shafeea Leman (2000) from oilier parts of the Singa
1997,2000). The presence of marine glacial diamictite in           Formation. The rhythmic limestone - pebbly mud sto ne has
the Singa Format ion has been described and discussed by           been well documented in the Early Permi an of Tasmani a,
Stauffe r & Mantaj it (1981), Stauffer & Lee (19 86) and           which was positioned at a palaeo-latitude of 80 0 S by Rao
Mohd Shafeea Leman (2000) . These glacial di amictite              (1981) . According to him, the carbonates (calcareous
were used by Gatinsky & Hutchi son (1986), Hutchison               sandstone and argi Il aceous limestone, rich in bryozoan
(1987) and Metcalfe (1984, 1996) as the key ev ide nce for         skeleton) were accumul ated during the terrigenously-starved
connecting La ngkaw i Island toge the r with Wes te rn             glac ial phases of marine low-stand , and the dropstones
Sumatra, West Thai land and Shan State in Burma as                 were deposited from ice-bergs as warmer c li mate brought

May 26-27 2002, Kota Bharu, Kelanlan , Malaysia
168                                           M OHO SHAFEEA LEMAN      & A SMANIZA Y oP

excessive terrigenous material to dilute the carbonate.               floor during th e glac ial period. I nde n & Moore (1983)
Henrich (1991) also described an almost si mil ar record of           mentioned that the bryozoan - brachiopod - crino id lime
rhythmic diamicton - calcareous ooze fro m the present                packstone normall y represents an offshore open marine
Norwegian seabed, where dark diamicton (unconsolid ated               facies, wh ile the bryozoan - brachjopod lime wackestone
diamictite) is most common in the open shelf of around                may indicate a restri cted marine facies. The presence of
200 m depth. In their model , Hambrey & Harland (19 81)               small scale ripples, laminated and cross-laminated sandstone
also indicated that the marine glacial diami ctite normall y          and horizo ntal trace fo ssil s also suggests a qui et and
deposited on an open shelf.                                           re latively hall ow e nvironment. The mass ive pebbly
     The Sungai ltau alternate seq uence of calcareous                mudstone was deposited during the interglac ial period
sa nd ston e - pebbly mud stone close ly resembles the                fo ll ow ing rapid increase in the sea level with hi gh input of
rh ythmi c limestone - pebbly mudstone sequence described             terrigenou s material. T he percentage of pebb les is
by Rao (1981) and therefore can be interp reted as an open            remarkably low compared to those reported by Stauffer &
shelf deposit where the calcareous sandston e intelfingered           Lee (1986) and Mohd Shafeea Leman (2000) from the
with the bas i.nal massive mudstone. The bryozoans, crinoids          so uthwest of Langkaw i Islands and those reported by
and brachi opods flouris hed on the very quiet shall ow ocean         Tantiwanit et al. ( 1983) from southern T haj land. Th is may

                Figure 11 . Representative brachi opods fro m Sungai Itau, Langkawi. A - Arctitreta percostata
                Waterhouse (ventra l va lve); B - Spirelytha buravasi (Ha mada) (conjo in val ves); C , D - Sp irelytha
                petaliformis Pavlova (C - interna l mould; D - ex te rn al mould) ; E -Sulciplica thailandica Waterhouse
                (ventral in terna l mould); F - Taen iothaerus sp . (dorsa l internal mould ); bar scale is 10 mm.

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EARLY PERMIAN SEQUENCE FROM SUNGAI !TAU QUARRY, LANGKAWI                                        169

indicate that the depositional setting is very far away from                   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the source of glacier as is shown in models drawn by
Hambrey & Harland (1981) and Hendrich (1991).                       This research was funded by the Malaysian Ministry
     The succeeding fossiliferous and bioturbated silty shale   of Science, Technology and Environment's IRPA Research
represent another quiet environment. This is followed by        Grant no 02-02-02-0015.
thickening upward sequences of sandstone indicating a
continuous prograding of the submarine fan as a result of                              REFERENCES
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170                                           MOHO SHAFEEA LEMAN     &   ASMANIZA YoP

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                                                              Geological Society of Malaysia Annual Geological Conference 2002
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