Page created by Albert Gomez
                                             Course Schedule | Spring 2022

 Informational, innovative, and inspiring courses to help early childhood educators
                  foster their love of learning and improve their instructional skills.

 Workforce Development and Continuing Education
                           montgomerycollege.edu/wdce | 240-567-5188
Spring 2022: Class Schedule at a Glance
   Course Name                                  Course #   CRN #   Day(s)      Date(s)             Time            Campus       Pg.

   Child Development
   Child Growth and Development                 ECH205     37360     S       1/15–3/12      9 a.m.–2:00 p.m.          R          4

   Child Growth and Development                 ECH205     37359    T,R       1/18–3/8     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         4
   Brain Buzz- Understanding Brain
                                                ECH089     37352     R          4/28       6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         4
   Child Care as a Community NEW                ECH362     37372     S          2/12          9 a.m.–1 p.m.           SR         4
   Creating a Community and Family Friendly
                                                ECH322     37369   M,W       3/21–3/23     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         4
   Planning Curricula for Child Care            ECH207     37361    T,R      3/22–5/10     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         5

   Planning Curricula for Child Care            ECH207     37362     S       3/26–5/21      9 a.m.–2:00 p.m.          R          5
   Infant and Toddler Development and
                                                ECH208     37363   M,W       1/31–3/28     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         5
   Curriuculum Planning
   Lesson Planning for ECE                      ECH354     37700   M,W       2/14–2/16     6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.        SR         5

   School Age Child Care   CoL                  ECH365     38576              3/28-5/15           Online              DL         4

   SEFEL Infants and Toddlers—Module I          ECH358     37699    T,R      1/25–1/27     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         4

   SEFEL Infants and Toddlers—Module II NEW     ECH361     37371    T,R      4/19–4/21     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         4

   Health, Safety, and Nutrition
   Medication Administration Training           ECH257     37364     S           2/5        9 a.m.–3:00 p.m.          R          5

   Health and Safety Training                   ECH305     37368     S           3/5        9 a.m.–2:00 p.m.          SR         5

   Emergency Preparedness Training              ECH172     37358     S          4/23         9 a.m.–3:00 pm           R          5

   Medication Administration Training           ECH257     37365     S          4/30        9 a.m.–3:30 p.m.          R          5

   Child Development Associate (CDA)
                                                ECH132     37355   M,W       2/21–3/30     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        R          6
   Credential Assessment Preparation
   Communication Skills for Child Care
                                                ECH170     37357    T,R       4/5–4/12     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         6
   Special Needs
   Including All Children and the ADA           ECH271     37366     M          2/21       6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         6

   Special Needs/Special People Module I        ECH119     37353   M,W        4/4–4/6      6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         6

   Special Needs/Special People Module II       ECH359     37370   M,W       4/25–4/27     6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.        SR         6

  Day Key:
  M=Monday       T=Tuesday       W=Wednesday    R=Thursday     F=Friday     S=Saturday    Structured Remote classes will meet
                                                                                          at a designated meeting date and time
  Campus Abbreviations:                                                                   with the possibility of transition to
  DL=Distance Learning R=Rockville Campus                                                 in-person classroom teaching.

  Early Childhood Education Contact Information
  Nelida Andres Program Director                                                          Classes marked with this code CoL
  nelida.andres@montgomerycollege.edu		                      240-567-3827                 are co-listed. They are offered so that
  Carolina Fernandez Program Coordinator                                                  students may register either for credit or
  carolina.fernandez@montgomerycollege.edu                   240-567-2550                 continuing education (noncredit) status.

2 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Educación Infantil
Nombre del curso                               # Curso   # CRN   Dias    Fechas           Horas           Campus   Pg.

Diversidad en el ambiente escolar              ECS059    37380    T        2/1      6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      6

Planificación de currículos para centros de
                                               ECS027    37377    S     3/26–5/21    9 a.m.–2:00 p.m.       R      7
cuidado infantil
Ambientes de alta calidad para aulas de
                                               ECS124    37390   T,R    3/22–3/24   6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      7
Inclusion de matemáticas y literatura en el
                                               ECS106    37388   M        4/11      6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      7
Desarollo infantil
Crecimiento y desarrollo infantil              ECS023    37376    S     1/15–3/12    9 a.m.–2:00 p.m.       R      8
Como estimular el desarrollo cerebral en los
                                               ECS081    37384   M         4/4      6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.    SR      7
Disciplina en el aula Montessori               ECS094    37387    S       3/26       9 a.m.–1:00 p.m.       R      7
Método Montessori de lengua y
                                               ECS089    37386    S       2/12       9 a.m.–1:00 p.m.       R      7
Necesidades especiales
Necesidades especiales/ Niños especiales
                                               ECS125    37391   T,R    2/18–2/20   6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      8
Módulo I
Necesidades especiales/ Niños especiales
                                               ECS015    37375   T,R    3/8–3/10    6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      8
Módulo II NEW
Integrando a niños con discapacidades en
                                               ECS082    37385   W         2/9      6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      8
el aula
Prepararación para la credencial de
                                               ECS028    37378    S     2/26–4/9     9 a.m.–2:00 p.m.       R      8
desarrollo infantil (CDA)
Técnicas de comunicación                       ECS042    37379   T,R    4/26–5/3    6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      8

Salud, seguridad, y nutrición
Salud y seguridad                              ECS110    37389   M,W    4/18–4/20   6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      9

Administración de medicamentos                 ECS069    37382    S        3/5       9 a.m.–3:00 p.m.       R      9

Administración de medicamentos                 ECS069    37383    S        4/9       9 a.m.–3:00 p.m.       R      9
Preparacion para emergencias                   ECS063    37381   M,W    4/25–4/27   6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m.    SR      9

CDA for Credit at Montgomery College
Montgomery College awards coursework to students with a Child Development Associate (CDA)
National Credentialing, administered through the Council for Professional Recognition. Please note,
WDCE provides training for students that are very close to completing their CDA1 This may be a
more e:ost-effective way of receiving credit for EDUC 115 and 119 especially for Child Care Providers
or Paras from MCPS.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to ·reach out to Chair Sonia Pruneda Hernandez, Early
Childhood Education Program at Sonia.pruneda-hernandez@montgomerycollege.edu.

                                                                                    www.montgomerycollege.edu/wdce | 3
Child Development                                              SEFEL Infants and Toddlers Module 2:
                                                                 Responsive Routines, Environments, and
  Brain Buzz—Understanding Brain Functioning                     Targeted Strategies NEW
  Identify several resources for learning about brain            Continue learning strategies to support and implement
  functioning, discuss brain activities involved in the          the SEFEL Pyramid Model (Social Emotional Foundations
  complex task of learning, and explore classroom                for Early Learning) for infants and toddlers in your
  practices and education strategies which will assist           program. (0.6 CEUs) TWA
  students in learning. (0.3 CEUs) TWA                           Course: ECH361                           6 Hours
  Course: ECH089                            3 Hours              $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50
  $21 + $34 fee = $55; NMR add $50                               Online: Structured Remote
  Online: Structured Remote                                      CRN#: 37371          2 Sessions          TR
  CRN#: 37352          1 Session             R                   4/19-4/21            6:30-9:30 p.m.
  4/28                 6:30-9:30 p.m.

  Child Growth and Development                                   Community
  Learn the principles of child growth and development
  necessary for working in programs that serve children
  from infancy through age eight. Social, emotional, physical,
                                                                 Child Care as a Community
  and intellectual development of young children and the         Learn the components of professionalism that promote
  implications of these areas of growth and development on       a successful work environment, federal, state and local
  group care are emphasized. This class provides the first       resources, regulatory requirements, and initiatives and
  45 of the 90 classroom hours needed to become a teacher        trends that support the ECE profession. (0.4 CEUs) TWA
  in programs licensed by the MSDE Office of Child Care          Course: ECH362                           4 Hours
  Licensing. For the second 45 hours, see Planning Curricula     $20 + $40 fee = $60; NMR add $50
  for Child Care. (4.5 CEUs) Textbook required at first class.
                                                                 Online: Structured Remote
  Beginnings and Beyond, 10th Edition. TWA
                                                                 CRN#: 37372          1 Session           S
  Course: ECH205                       45 Hours                  2/12                 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  $125 + $225 fee = $350; NMR add $160
  Rockville Campus
  CRN#: 37360           9 Sessions           S
                                                                 Creating a Community and Family Friendly
  1/15-3/12             9 a.m.-2 p.m.                            Classroom
                                                                 Learn the importance of community involvement and
  Online: Structured Remote
                                                                 its impact on early childhood . Techniques on how to
  CRN#: 37359          15 Sessions           TR
                                                                 engage families will be shared to enrich early childhood
  1/18-3/8             6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                 programs and increase parental involvement. Create
                                                                 a plan to support families and encourage community
  SEFEL Infants and Toddlers Mod. 1: Social                      engagement. (0.6 CEUs) TWA
  Emotional Development within the Context of
                                                                 Course: ECH322                           6 Hours
                                                                 $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50
  Gain strategies to support key elements of the SEFEL
  Pyramid Model (Social Emotional Foundations for                Online: Structured Remote
  Early Learning) such as building positive relationships,       CRN#: 37369          2 Sessions          MW
  implementing classroom preventative challenging                3/21-3/23            6:30-9:30 p.m.
  behavior practices, and teaching young children the
  appropriate skills to manage their emotions in social           Just added for Spring Semester!
  situations. (0.6 CEUs) TWA
                                                                  School Age Child Care         Co-L
  Course: ECH358                            6 Hours
                                                                  Course: ECH365
  $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50
                                                                  $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20; NMR add $871.20
  Online: Structured Remote
                                                                  Online: Distance Learning
  CRN#: 37699          2 Sessions            TR
                                                                  CRN#: 38576          3/28-5/15
  1/25-1/27            6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                  Visit us online for more course details.

4 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Curriculum                                                     Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Infant and Toddler Development and                             Emergency Preparedness Training
Curriculum Planning                                            Learn how to handle emergency situations beyond
Learn the theory and practice of caring for infants and        the everyday bumps and bruises that occur in child
toddlers in a group setting. Topics include significance       care settings. The class focuses on development of
of the early years; learning and development in infants        a comprehensive and specific written emergency
and toddlers; appropriate activities and interactions; and     plan to follow in the event of a local, state, or national
the health, safety, and nutritional needs of infants and       emergency. This plan may be developed for center-based
toddlers. (4.5 CEUs) TWA                                       care settings and family child care homes. (0.6 CEUs)
Course: ECH208                       45 Hours
$125 + $225 fee = $350; NMR add $160                           Course: ECH172                            6 Hours
                                                               $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50
Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 37363          15 Sessions             MW                Rockville Campus
1/31-3/28            6:30-9:30 p.m.                            CRN#: 37358          1 Session            S
No class 3/14, 3/16                                            4/23                 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

                                                               Health and Safety Training
Lesson Planning for ECE                                        This class meets the health and safety training required
Create lesson plans that allow students to reach mastery.      by MSDE. It will provide an overview of basic health and
Topics include context for learning, instructional delivery,   safety best practices and requirements in 13 topic areas.
and evaluation of the lesson plan. (0.4 CEUs) TWA              (0.5 CEUs) TWA

Course: ECH354                              4 Hours            Course: ECH305                            5 Hours
$20 + $40 fee = $60; NMR add $50                               $20 + $40 fee = $60; NMR add $50

Online: Structured Remote                                      Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 37700          2 Sessions              MW                CRN#: 37368          1 Session            S
2/14-2/16            6:30-8:30 p.m.                            3/5                  9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Planning Curricula for Child Care                              Medication Administration Training
This course provides you with principles of curriculum         Gain skills to administer medications safely to children
planning for programs serving children from infancy            in child care centers and family child care homes, and
through age five. Activities, methods, and materials           learn to provide special care arrangements for children
appropriate to the areas of curriculum in an early             with asthma and allergies. Topics include practices
childhood program are emphasized. Attention is given           and procedures for administering over-the-counter and
to staff and parent communication and community                prescription medications to children, including asthma
resources. This course provides the second 45 of the           and allergies medications. Instruction is provided by
90 classroom hours needed to become a teacher in               qualified health professionals. (0.6 CEUs) TWA
programs licensed by the MSDE Office of Child Care             Course: ECH257                            6 Hours
Licensing. Prerequisite: Students must complete Child          $41 + $54 fee = $95; NMR add $50
Growth and Development prior to registering for this
course. (4.5 CEUs) TWA                                         Rockville Campus
                                                               CRN#: 37364          1 Session            S
Course: ECH207                       45 Hours                  2/5                  9 a.m.-3 p.m.
$125 + $225 fee = $350; NMR add $160
                                                               CRN#: 37365          1 Session            S
Rockville Campus                                               4/30                 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
CRN#: 37362            9 Sessions         S
3/26-5/21              9 a.m.-2 p.m. p.m.
Online: Structured Remote                                       Structured Remote classes will meet at a designated
CRN#: 37361          15 Sessions             TR                 meeting date and time with the possibility of
3/22-5/10            6:30-9:30 p.m.                             transition to in-person classroom teaching.

                                                                                    www.montgomerycollege.edu/wdce | 5
Professionalism                                               Special Needs—Special People: Module I
                                                                Learn about the care needs of these children, legal
                                                                issues, communicating and collaborating with
  Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential                  families, environmental adaptations, preventing and
  Assessment Preparation                                        managing challenging behaviors, monitoring individual
  Prepare for the CDA Professional Portfolio following the      child progress, supporting language and emergent
  directives established by the Council for Professional        literacy, collaborating with a disability specialist and
  Recognition in DC as well as review the different CDA         paraprofessional, and child and family advocacy. (0.6
  subject areas. Pre-requisite: ECH205 and ECH207 or            CEUs) TWA
  ECH208.(3.0 CEUs) TWA                                         Course: ECH119                            6 Hours
  Course: ECH132                       30 Hours                 $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50
  $110 + $190 fee = $300; NMR add $160                          Online: Structured Remote
  Rockville Campus                                              CRN#: 37353          2 Sessions           MW
  CRN#: 37355           6 Sessions          MW                  4/4-4/6              6:30-9:30 p.m.
  2/21-3/30             6:30-9:30 p.m.

                                                                Special Needs/Special People: Module II
  Communication Skills for Child Care                           Learn some more about the care needs of special needs
  Professionals                                                 children, legal issues, communicating and collaborating
  Develop strong communication skills when working in           with families, environmental adaptations, preventing and
  a child care center. Topics include speaking, writing,        managing challenging behaviors, monitoring individual
  interpersonal communication strategies, and critical          child progress, supporting language and emergent
  techniques, with a focus on communication with parents        literacy, collaborating with disability specialist and
  and coworkers, and communication issues within a              paraprofessional’s and child and family advocacy. (0.6
  typical child care day. (0.9 CEUs) TWA                        CEUs) TWA

  Course: ECH170                            9 Hours             Course: ECH359                            6 Hours
  $50 + $77 fee = $127; NMR add $120                            $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50

  Online: Structured Remote                                     Online: Structured Remote
  CRN#: 37357          3 Sessions           MTR                 CRN#: 37370          2 Sessions           MW
  4/5-4/12             6:30-9:30 p.m.                           4/25-4/27            6:30-9:30 p.m.

  Special Needs
                                                                 Educación Infantil
  Including All Children and the ADA
  This course provides essential information that every
  child care and education professional needs to know           Comunidad
  about the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities
  Act (ADA). Go beyond the definition of ADA to learn
  inclusionary best practices, strategies and resources         Diversidad en el ambiente escolar
  for implementing an early childhood or school age             Obtenga las herramientas y estrategias necesarias para
  environment that is inclusive to all children and families.   poder acomodar los contenidos educativos desde un
  (0.3 CEUs) TWA                                                enfoque alternativo atendiendo a las necesidades de
                                                                aquellos individuos con características diferentes. (0.3
  Course: ECH271                            3 Hours
                                                                CEUs) TWA
  $21 + $34 fee = $55; NMR add $50
                                                                Course: ECS059                            3 Hours
  Online: Structured Remote
                                                                $21 + $34 fee = $55; NMR add $50
  CRN#: 37366          1 Session            M
  2/21                 6:30-9:30 p.m.                           Online: Structured Remote
                                                                CRN#: 37380          1 Session            T
                                                                2/1                  6:30-9:30 p.m.

6 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Currículo                                                   Método Montessori de lengua y lectoescritura
                                                            Conozca cómo es abordada la estimulación del área
                                                            de lenguaje, como se desarrolla la escritura y la lectura
Ambientes de alta calidad para aulas de bebés               bajo la perspectiva de Maria Montessori. Podrá conocer
Analice el concepto de aulas de alta calidad y establezca   la relación entre consciencia fonológica, escritura y
estrategias para crear ambientes para bebés que             lectura entendida como un proceso natural que los niños
promuevan el desarrollo social, emocional, físico, e        descubren a partir de un ambiente enriquecido. (0.4
intelectual. (0.6 CEUs) TWA                                 CEUs) TWA
Course: ECS124                           6 Hours            Course: ECS089                           4 Hours
$20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50                            $20 + $40 fee = $60; NMR add $50
Online: Structured Remote                                   Rockville Campus
CRN#: 37390          2 Sessions          TR                 CRN#: 37386          1 Session           S
3/22-3/24            6:30-9:30 p.m.                         2/12                 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

                                                            Planificación de currículos para centros de
Disciplina en el aula Montessori                            cuidado infantil
Amplíe sus conocimientos de como la disciplina es
                                                            Aprenda los principios para la planificación de currículos
abordada bajo la perspectiva del método Montessori.
                                                            para guarderías de niños de 0 a 5 años. Se hará énfasis
Conozca la relación entre el establecimiento de un
                                                            en los métodos, actividades y materiales apropiados para
ambiente seguro, positivo y respetuoso y los buenos
                                                            las diferentes áreas del currículo de cuidado infantil. Se
resultados de conducta. (0.4 CEUs) TWA
                                                            dará una especial atención al área de comunicación entre
Course: ECS099                           4 Hours            proveedores y padres, así como se enseñará a utilizar
$20 + $40 fee = $60; NMR add $50                            diferentes recursos comunitarios. Este curso provee las
                                                            segundas 45 de las 90 horas requeridas para trabajar como
Rockville Campus
                                                            profesora en centros de guarderías. (4.5 CEUs). TWA
CRN#: 37387          1 Session           S
3/26                 9 a.m.-1 p.m.                          Course: ECS027                       45 Hours
                                                            $125 + $225 fee = $350; NMR add $160

Inclusión de matemáticas y                                  Rockville Campus
                                                            CRN#: 37377          9 Sessions          S
literatura en el aula
                                                            3/26-5/21            9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Utilice recursos para su aula mediante los cuales
pueda presentar contenidos matemáticos y literarios
que favorezcan el aprendizaje y a su vez facilitan una
                                                            Desarollo infantil
enseñanza interdisciplinar. (0.3 CEUs) TWA
                                                            Como estimular el desarrollo cerebral en los
Course: ECS106                           3 Hours
$21 + $34 fee = $55; NMR add $50
                                                            Las conexiones neurológicas se desarrollan desde el
Online: Structured Remote                                   primer día de vida y se van multiplicando mediante
CRN#: 37388          1 Session           M                  la estimulación ambiental, sensorial, cognitiva y del
4/11                 6:30-9:30 p.m.                         movimiento. Que el niño viva en un medio adaptado
                                                            a sus necesidades es básico para el buen desarrollo
                                                            cerebral y para que el niño alcance su potencial y se
                                                            integre como parte productiva en una sociedad. En esta
 Registration Alert!                                        clase se aprenderán diferentes estrategias y actividades
 For on-campus classes, you will have to upload             para fomentar el desarrollo cerebral en los niños. (0.2
 proof of COVID vaccination record prior to class           CEUs) TWA
 start date. For information on how to upload proof
                                                            Course: ECS081                           2 Hours
 and information regarding COVID vaccination
                                                            $15 + $25 fee = $40; NMR add $30
 requirements for on-campus classes, please visit
 us online.                                                 Online: Structured Remote
                                                            CRN#: 37384          1 Session           M
                                                            4/4                  6:30-8:30 p.m.
                                                                                 www.montgomerycollege.edu/wdce | 7
Crecimiento y desarrollo infantil                                Necesidades especiales/ niños especiales:
                                                                   Módulo II
  Aprenda los principios de las diferentes teorías de desar-
                                                                   Profundice en el tema de las etapas típicas y atípicas
  rollo y crecimiento infantil. Se cubrirá el desarrollo social,
                                                                   del desarrollo. Identifique estrategias para apoyar el
  físico, emocional e intelectual de niños 0 a 8 niños en
                                                                   desarrollo del niño y como adaptar su entorno físico, así
  programas de cuidado infantil. Este curso provee 45
                                                                   como también técnicas de comunicación con los padres
  de las 90 horas requeridas para trabajar como profe-             y profesionales de salud. (0.6 CEUs) TWA
  sora en centros de guardería. Requiere el libro de texto
  Fundamentos segunda edición publicado por Council for            Course: ECS015                           6 Hours
                                                                   $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50
  Professional Recognition in Washington DC. (4.5 CEUs.)
  TWA                                                              Online: Structured Remote
  Course: ECS023                               45 Hours            CRN#: 37375          2 Sessions          TR
  $125 + $225 fee = $350; NMR add $160                             3/8-3/10             6:30-9:30 p.m.

  Rockville Campus
  CRN#: 37376            9 Sessions            S
  1/15-3/12              9 a.m.-2 p.m.

                                                                   Preparación para la credencial de desarrollo
  Necesidades especiales                                           infantil
                                                                   Este curso le ayudará a preparar la carpeta de recursos
  Integrando a niños con                                           profesionales así como repasar las áreas funcionales
                                                                   que comprenden la credencial de desarrollo infantil
  discapacidades en el aula
                                                                   otorgada por el Consejo Profesional de Washington, D.C.
  Aprenda estrategias y recursos a desarrollar e
                                                                   Requisitos previos: ECS023 and ECS027 o ECS049 (90
  implementar para promover la inclusión en el ambiente
                                                                   horas).(3.0 CEUs) TWA
  de aprendizaje. Se revisarán las normas establecidas por
  la legislación para americanos con discapacidades (ADA)          Course: ECS028                       30 Hours
  a nivel local, estatal y federal (0.3 CEUs) TWA                  $110 + $190 fee = $300; NMR add $160

  Course: ECS082                              3 Hours              Rockville Campus
  $21 + $34 fee = $55; NMR add $50                                 CRN#: 37378          6 Sessions          S
                                                                   2/26-4/9             9 a.m.-2 p.m.
  Online: Structured Remote
                                                                   No class 3/19
  CRN#: 37385          1 Session               W
  2/9                  6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                   Técnicas de comunicación
                                                                   Aprenda conceptos básicos de la comunicación. El tema
  Necesidades especiales: Módulo I
                                                                   a cubrir es la comunicación oral y escrita con padres y
  Identifique las etapas atípicas del desarrollo infantil.
                                                                   compañeros que toma lugar en el día a día de los centros
  Ponga en práctica estrategias y utilice instrumentos que
                                                                   de educación infantil. (0.9 CEUs) TWA
  ayuden a cerrar la brecha en el desarrollo de estos niños.
  (0.6 CEUs) TWA                                                   Course: ECS042                           9 Hours
                                                                   $50 + $77 fee = $127; NMR add $120
  Course: ECS125                              6 Hours
  $20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50                                 Online: Structured Remote
                                                                   CRN#: 37379          3 Sessions          TR
  Online: Structured Remote
                                                                   4/26-5/3             6:30-9:30 p.m.
  CRN#: 37391          2 Sessions              TR
  2/8-2/10             6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                    Structured Remote (SR) are scheduled on specific
                                                                    days and at specific times. Students meet as a class
                                                                    remotely through Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate;
                                                                    instructors will tell students which software to use.
                                                                    Students complete reading and assignments according
                                                                    to the course schedule. Class sessions take place in
                                                                    real time, and the instructor leads course sessions..

8 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Salud, seguridad, nutrición
                                                          Early Childhood Education Hub
Administración de medicamentos                            The Early Childhood Education Student
Aprenda las prácticas y procedimientos establecidos por   Success Hub
la Oficina del Cuidado al Menor del estado de Maryland
                                                          The purpose of the Early Childhood Education Hub is
para administrar medicamentos a niños en guarderías.
                                                          to help students reach their goals to be early childhood
Estudie métodos de observación, registro de datos y       educators by networking with one another, serving
técnicas apropiadas de manejo de medicamentos. (0.6       the early childhood community, and building hands on
CEUs) TWA                                                 experiences with young children. Earn PAUs.
Course: ECS069                          6 Hours           Meetings are on the first Friday of each month during
$41 + $54 fee = $95; NMR add $50                          the academic year on the Rockville Campus at 7:00 p.m.
Rockville Campus                                          Membership in the ECE Club is open to all MC
CRN#: 37382         1 Session           S                 students. For more information visit: https://www.
3/5                 9 a.m.-3 p.m.                         montgomerycollege.edu/academics/abeess/school-of-
CRN#: 37383         1 Session           S
4/9                 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Preparación para emergencias
Aprenda los pasos a seguir en situaciones de
emergencias y/o desastres naturales. Desarrolle un
plan de emergencia detallado a seguir en caso de ser
necesario. Este plan puede ser tanto para centros de       Let Us Train Your Work Force At
educación infantil como para guarderías en casa. (0.6
CEUs) TWA                                                            Your Place!
Course: ECS063                          6 Hours             The Early Childhood Education Department now
$20 + $50 fee = $70; NMR add $50                           offers more than 150 child development courses
Online: Structured Remote                                  in English and 60 courses in Spanish. All of these
CRN#: 37381          2 Sessions         MW                   classes meet the Maryland State Department
4/25-4/27            6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                               of Education training requirements. We can
                                                             individualize the content and training hours to
Salud y Seguridad                                               meet your staff’s specific learning needs.
(Health and Safety Training) Obtenga una visión
                                                                     For more information, e-mail
general de 13 áreas de salud y seguridad necesarias
para cumplir con los requisitos establecidos por el            nelida.andres@montgomerycollege.edu.
departamento de educación de estado de Maryland. (0.5
Course: ECS110                          5 Hours
$20 + $40 fee = $60; NMR add $50
Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 37389          2 Sessions         MW
4/18-4/20            6:30-9 p.m.

                                                                              www.montgomerycollege.edu/wdce | 9
Registration Options                                 Residential Policy                                   Tuition Waiver
   Regardless of which registration option you          The following are general guidelines taken           Only noncredit courses designated “tuition
   select, registrants will be enrolled in the order    from the College policy on residency for tuition     waiver applies” in each publication will be
   that registration and payments are received (to      purposes. A complete copy of the policy is           available for tuition waiver. This statement
   avoid disappointment, register early); payment is    available in the Montgomery College Catalog.         appears in each applicable course description.
   required at the time of registration. All students   A. Students attending Montgomery College             Only tuition is waived; required fees must
   must register prior to attending the first class.         will pay tuition according to their residency   be paid by the student. Documents must be
                                                             classification.                                 received at time of registration.
   Payments                                                  To qualify for in-state tuition, a student      Senior Tuition Waiver (TWA): Maryland
   Payment MUST be made IN FULL at the time                  must be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident      residents 60 years or older by the start date of
   of registration to avoid being deleted from the           or have a qualifying Visa status.               the class may have tuition waived.
   course. Complete information is required to          B.	To qualify, for tuition purposes, as a           Disability Tuition Waiver: Please go to
   process all registrations and payments.                  resident of the state of Maryland, legal         montgomerycollege.edu/wdce/register/
   Further instructions for WEB, FAX, or                    domicile must have been maintained for a         disabilitywaiver.html for information.
   MAIL-IN payments can be found at: www.                   period of not less than three months prior       National Guard Tuition Waiver: If you are
   montgomerycollege.edu/wdce/registerops.html.             to the first regularly scheduled class for the   currently a member of the Maryland National
   Registration will not be processed without               semester; unless you are a member of the         guard and are enlisted for at least a 24-month
   appropriate payment.                                     Military covered under HB935.                    period, you are eligible for a 50 percent tuition
                                                        C.   The domicile of a person registering            waiver. You must submit proof of such from the
   Option 1: In-Person Registration                          in a noncredit course at Montgomery             adjutant general’s office.
   A completed form with payment may
                                                             College shall be considered as a person’s       VA-Approved Course: Courses indicated
   be submitted in person at any of these
                                                             permanent place of abode, where physical
   Montgomery College Campus registration areas:                                                             with this VAA code are approved for VA
                                                             presence and possessions are maintained,
                                                                                                             educational benefits under Title 38, U.S.C.,
   Gaithersburg Business Training Center                     and where he/she intends to remain
                                                                                                             Section 3676. (Post 9/11 GI Bill). For more
   Room 400 (Reopening January 2022)                         indefinitely.
                                                                                                             information, visit www.montgomerycollege.edu/
   8:30 a.m.–9 p.m. (M–R)
   8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (F)
   8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. (S)                                 Refund Policy
   Germantown Campus                                    Refunds are paid at 100% for classes canceled,
   Humanities and Social Sciences Building              dropped online, or in person (using a Drop
   Room 241 and/or 243                                  Form), prior to the start date of the class.
   8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (M–R)                               Refunds are also paid at 100% if class is
   8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (F)                              dropped prior to the Refund Date printed on
   Rockville Campus                                     your registration confirmation. DO NOT drop
   220 Campus Center                                    classes online on or after the day the class
   8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (M–F)                               begins; you will not receive a refund. APPE
   8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. (S)                                students must call 240-567-7262 for refund/
                                                        withdrawal instructions. Refunds for open
   Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                        enrollment classes will go to the registered
   230 CF, Customer Service
                                                        student of record. For the Drop Form and more
   8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. (M–R)
                                                        information, visit www.montgomerycollege.edu/
   8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (F)
   ***Cash payments can only be made at the
   Cashier’s Offices at the Germantown, Rockville,
   or Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campuses.               Transfer Policy
   Option 2: Online (Web) Registration                  To transfer from one CRN to another CRN of
   A.		 Go to montgomerycollege.edu/wdce                the same course, a letter must be received
                                                        in the Admissions, Records, and Registration          Registration Alert!
   B.		 Click on “How to Register” in the left
                                                        Office, Montgomery College, 51 Mannakee
   		 navigation bar.
                                                        Street, Rockville, MD 20850 before the beginning
                                                                                                              For on-campus classes, you will
   C.		 Click on “Register by Web.”                     date of both CRNs of the course. If you have          have to upload proof of COVID
   D.		 Follow the appropriate directions 		            enrolled in a co-listed course you will have only
   		 depending on if you are a new or                  one day after the class has begun to transfer.
                                                                                                              vaccination record prior to
   		 returning student.                                After that, you are committed to your path for        class start date. For information
                                                        the remainder of the course. If the course has a
   Option 3: Mail Registration                          required assessment level to be a credit student,
                                                                                                              on how to upload proof and
   Send completed form with payment for total due       you must first complete the assessment testing        information regarding COVID
   to Montgomery College, WDCE,                         and meet the appropriate assessment level
   51 Mannakee St., Rockville, MD 20850.                before you can change to credit status.
                                                                                                              vaccination requirements for
                                                                                                              on-campus classes, please
   Option 4: Fax Registration
   Fax completed form with payment information                                                                visit us online at https://
   to WDCE at 240-683-6945.                              Classes marked with this code CoL
                                                         are co-listed. They are offered so
                                                         that students may register either                    edu/coronavirus/vaccines.
                                                         for credit or continuing education                   html#student.
                                                         (noncredit) status.

10 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
REGISTRATION FORM                                                                                       Please Print Clearly
   Workforce Development and Continuing Education
                 All information is required. Incomplete forms will be returned to the student unprocessed. For registration assistance call 240-567-5188.
                                                FAX completed registration form with credit card information to 240-683-6945.
                          Mail completed registration form with payment to WDCE Registration, 51 Mannakee Street, CC 220, Rockville, MD 20850.

College ID Number:              M 2                                                                 Birthdate                        -                   -                         Sex   □Female □Male
                                                                                                                        Month                Day                      Year

Last Name                                                                                       First Name                                                                                      Middle Initial

            House # and Street Name (Do NOT use P.O. Box or you will be charged Non-Md. resident fee.)                                                                                       Apt. #

City                                                                                                                      State                              Zip                         -

Home                                                                          Work
Phone                                                                         Phone

Cell                                                                          E-Mail

Have you attended MC before?            □Yes □No                   If you have ever taken a credit class at MC and the last class (credit or non-credit) you took at MC was more than 4 years ago, you must also
                                                                   complete and submit a Student Reactivation form found at: http://www.montgomerycollege.edu/studentforms.

How did you hear about us?          □Received brochure in mail □Website □Social media □Advertisement □On campus □Other_______________
MILITARY: If the military is paying                                       STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES
for your course(s), you must submit                                       If you need support services due to a disability, call Workforce Development & Continuing Education at 240-567-4118 at
the last 4 digits of your SSN.                                            least three weeks before class begins.

ETHNICITY: Choose one. (Disclosure not mandatory by Montgomery College, but is required by the U.S. Department of Education.)
□Not Hispanic or Latino □Hispanic or Latino
RACE: Choose all that apply, you may choose more than one. (Disclosure not mandatory by Montgomery College, but is required by the U.S. Department of Education.)
□American Indian or Alaskan Native □Asian □Black or African American □Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander □White
□U.S. Citizen □Permanent Resident (Circle one: Green Card / Working Card) □Other Immigration Status ______________ (Used for tuition-setting purposes only.)
□I have been a Maryland resident [as defined in the Montgomery College Catalog] for at least three months.
□I am 60 years of age or older. (Applicable to designated tuition waiver courses for Maryland residents only.)
□I am a Maryland National Guard member enlisted for at least a 24 month period and submitting proof of such from the adjutant general’s office.
       CRN #            Course #                                Course Title                                       Start Date                 Tuition              Course Fee   Non-Md. Fee           Course Total

   Code: CC                                                Refunds will go to the registered student of record.                                                                  Total Due        $

I certify that the information on this registration is correct and complete. I am aware of and will adhere to College policies as published in the Student Handbook.
I understand that non-attendance and/or failure to file all registration changes in writing with the Admissions and Records Office does not relieve me of responsibility for tuition and fee
charges incurred. I agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the College, including without limitation, the Student Code of Conduct and any payment liabilities. I hold the College
harmless for any errors I have made that may affect a request for a subsequent refund or academic appeal.

_________________________________________________________                                          ____________________________
Student Signature Required                         Date

Please indicate payment by:          □Check (payable to Montgomery College)                         Credit card:      □MasterCard □VISA □Discover
                                  Credit Card Information:            Credit Card Number
Please do not email registration form with
credit card information.                                           Expiration date on card                                                     3 or 4 digit Security code on your card
                                                                                                           Month /            Year
 Credit card information will
 be detached and disposed of            Name on Card
 promptly and properly after
 payment is approved.                   Card holder
                                        signature required _____________________________________________________________ Date___________________
6/13/2020                                                          Montgomery College is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Title IX institution.
Nonprofit Org.
                                                                                                    U.S. Postage
Workforce Development and Continuing Education                                                      Suburban, MD
51 Mannakee Street                                                                                  Permit No. 97
Rockville, MD 20850–1195

Early Childhood Education
Spring 2022 Course Schedule

Montgomery College, in partnership with Montgomery County and MCPS, is part of the
Early Care and Education Initiative.
As an institution of higher education in this partnership, Montgomery College has a set amount of scholarship
funds, specifically for students majoring in early childhood education, with priority given to AAS students
(CDA, 1 year, AAS). This applies to all credit courses required for mentioned degrees and non-credit courses
(ECH205, ECH207, ECH208, ECH132, ECS023, ECS027, ECS049, and ECS028) for the CDA.
You must work 20 or more hours per week in a center or family child care in Montgomery County and already
have or have applied for the Maryland Child Development Credential.
Please email: ece.pathway@montgomerycollege.edu with any questions you may have and/or if you need
any further assistance.
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