Page created by Earl Marshall
Roseville Area Schools
         Quality Teaching & Learning for All...Equity in All We Do
         Early Childhood 651.487.4378

        EARLY CHILDHOOD  Your Guide to Fall 2021 In-Person ECFE Classes
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p. 4    Toy Lending Library
p. 10   Special Topics
p. 14   Registration
        Starts August 11!
p. 17   Drop in and Play
p. 18   Parent Focus
EARLY CHILDHOOD                          All families are welcome!

Roseville Area Schools Early Childhood Program:
•    Provides support for a child’s optimal physical, intellectual,                         Cultural Liaisons
     social, and emotional development during the important
     first years of life
•    Promotes informed, realistic attitudes and expectations          African American...........Anthony Anderson............651.239.3506
     about raising children
•    Offers child development information and a variety of            American Indian............Deonta El-Shabazz.............651.332.6513
     parenting techniques                                             Hmong ..............................Maider Lee............................651.210.7821
•    Provides support to parents in their efforts in raising
     children                                                         Karen ................................Mya Phyu.................................651.307.4475
•    Helps create effective communication in families                 Latino..................................Marlene Stillman..................651.233.9126
•    Provides information on resources available in the
     community                                                        Nepali.................................Gemi Rai.................................651.307.7471
•    Offers day classes, evening and Saturday classes, drop           Somali.................................Kowthar Ismail.....................651.322.0468
     in and play classes, early childhood screening, Pre-K
     classes for 3-5 year olds, parenting classes, home visits,
     and more!

                                        Giving your family a great start!
           We provide support and educational opportunities for all children birth – kindergarten entry.

                                             Ku bilow qoyskaaga ambaqaad wanaagsan!
      Waxaan bixinaa fursado taageero iyo waxbarasho loogu talagalay dhammaan carruurta laga bilaabo dhalashada –
                                 galitaanka dugsiga xanaanada carruurta (kindergarten).

                                               ¡Dándole a su familia una gran ventaja!
      Brindamos apoyo y oportunidades educativas a todos los niños de recién nacidos-ingreso al jardín de infantes.

    2 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                                                                       www.isd623.org/ECFE
Early Childhood Screening
 Roseville Area Schools Early Childhood Program recommends that children be screened at age 3.
 Screening is free and helps you:
  • Find out how your child is growing and developing
  • Connect with early learning programs and services
  • Find resources for your parenting questions
 Call to make an appointment. 651.487.4378, ext. 2


                                                                                  , ext. 2

                                     Baarintaanka Hore ee Carruurnimada
 Barnaamijka Hore Carruurnimada ee Degaanka Roseville ayaa ku talinaya in carruurta lagu baaro da’da 3 jirka.
 Baaritaanku waa lacag la’aan oo wuxuu kaa caawinayaa:
  • Inaad ogaato siduu ilmahaagu u korayo oo u kobcayo.
  • Inaad ku xiranto barnaamijyada iyo adeegyada waxbarashada hore.
  • Inaad hesho ilo loogu talagalay su’aalaha waalidnimadaada
 Wac si aad ballan uga qabsato 651.487.4378, ext. 2

                                         Evaluación de Niñez Temprana
 El Programa de Niñez Temprana de las Escuelas del Area de Roseville recomienda que se evalúe a los niños a los 3
 años. La Evaluación es gratis y lo ayuda a:
 •       Averiguar cómo está creciendo y desarrollándose su hijo
 •        Conectarse con programas y servicios de aprendizaje temprano
 •        Hallar recursos para sus preguntas de crianza de niños
 Llame para sacar una cita 651.487.4378, ext. 2

Class Information: 651.487.4378                                              Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 3
Toy Lending Library                                  Maktabadda ama Laybareeriga
                                                                     Boombalayaasha Carruurta
 It’s like having new toys every week! Open
 September-May to all individuals, families and child        Waa sidii adigoo boombale cusub helay todobaad
 care providers. Membership is free. You can check           walba!     Waa maktabaddaas shakhsiyaadka,
 out slides and ring toys, puzzles, toys and games,          qoysaska iyo dadka carruurta xanaaneeyaba
 and children’s books & parenting magazines/books.           oo dhan u furan tahay inta u dhexaysa bilaha
 Call 651.487.4378 to register or visit the Library at       September iyo May. Waxaad ka amaahan kartaa:
 Parkview Early Childhood Center.                              • Qalabka carruurtu ku sibiibaxato “slides” iyo
                                                              		 kuwa giraangiraha ah “ring toys”
                                                               • Hal-xiraayelaal “puzzles,” boombaleyaal iyo
                                                              		 ciyaaraha lagu madaadaasho “games”
                                                               • Buugaagta carruurta iyo joornaalada iyo
              Biblioteca de Juguetes                         		 buugaagta laga barto waalidnimada
 ¡Es como tener juguetes nuevos todas las semanas!           Wac 651.487.4378 si aad isaga diiwaan geliso ama
 Abierta de Septiembre a Mayo para todas las                 booqo maktabadda ama laybareeriga ku yaal
 personas, familias y proveedores de cuidado infantil.       Parkview Early Childhood Center.
 La membresía es gratuita. Puede pedir prestado
 toboganes y juguetes para bebes, rompecabezas,
 juguetes y juegos, libros para niños y revistas/libros de
 crianza. Llame al 651-487-4378 para inscribirse o visite
 las bibliotecas ubicadas en Parkview Early Childhood

4 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                                        www.isd623.org/ECFE
CONTENTS                                                           FIND US
       p. 2        Welcome & Cultural Liaisons                   Early Childhood Main Office
       p. 3        Early Childhood Screenings                    651.487.4378
       p. 4        Toy Lending Library
       p. 5        Locations & Schedule                          Tamy Reese, Early Childhood Supervisor
       p. 6        Resources                                     651.604.3517 • Tamy.Reese@isd623.org
                   One-to-One Visits
                   Refer a Child to Help Me Grow                 Janina Haug, Pre-K Manager
                   Are You in Our Database?                      651.604.3771 • Janina.Haug@isd623.org
                   Early Childhood Screenings
                   Advisory Council                              Rachel Lavana, Outreach Manager
                                                                 651.604.3578 • Rachel.Lavana@isd623.org
       p. 7        About ECFE
       p. 8        Infant & Parents
                                                                 Early Childhood Center at Harambee
                   Toddler & Parents
                                                                 30 County Road B East, Maplewood, MN 55117
       p. 9        Twos & Parents
                   3-5 Years & Parents                           Early Childhood Center at Aŋpétu Téča
       p. 10        Mixed Ages		                                 1910 County Road B West, Roseville, MN 55113
       p. 10       Saturday & Evening Classes
       p. 11       Baby Shower                                   Early Childhood Center at Parkview
       p. 12       Music Classes                                 701 County Road B West, Roseville, MN 55113
       p. 13       Parenting Only, Child Only Classes, and
                   Park and Play                                 Prince of Peace Church
       p. 14       ECFE Registration                             2561 Victoria St, Roseville, MN 55113
       p. 15       Fees
       p. 16       ECFE Registration Form
       p. 17       Family Drop In & Play
       p. 18       Parent Focus
       p. 19       Pre-K Classes

Fall daytime and evening classes will run September 20 through
December 17 unless otherwise noted.
There will be NO classes on these days:
Monday, October 4
Thursday-Saturday, October 21-23
Tuesday, November 2
Thursday-Saturday, November 25-27
Friday, December 3
When Roseville Area Schools are closed or delayed, ECFE
classes may not meet. Listen to your local news station for
school closings or call 651.487.4378.

 Class Information: 651.487.4378                                                Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 5
Resources for You and Your Family
Individual Parent Education
One-to-One Visits provide education and support to parents with children from birth to age 5. A licensed parent educator can
work with you by phone, e-mail, a home visit, Skype, or by appointment at Parkview Center School or Fairview Community
Center. Visits can include:
• Current information on parenting and child development issues.
• Activities for young children.
• Information about resources through the district and in the community.
• A New Baby packet and much more!
This helpful service is free to parents with infants, toddlers and preschoolers living in the Roseville School District.
For more information or to arrange a visit, please call the ECFE office at 651.487.4378.

Toy Lending Library
It’s like having new toys every week!
Open to all individuals, families and childcare providers.
Free membership! You can check out:
• Slides, riding toys, infant, toddler and preschool toys
• Puzzles, games
• Children’s books & parenting magazines/books
• You can register online at isd623.org/ECFE

                                                             Refer a Child to Help Me Grow
                                                             If you have concerns about your child’s development, talk
                                                             to your health care provider, or call Help Me Grow at
                                                             651.604.3700. Someone will assist you to arrange for a
                                                             free screening or evaluation to determine if your child is
                                                             eligible for Help Me Grow: Early Intervention Service.
                                                             Early childhood specialists will work with eligible children and
                                                             families to plan the services and support they need.

Are You on the Roseville Area Schools District Database?
Do you have a new baby? Did you get this brochure from a friend? If so, your child’s name is not on the Roseville Area
Schools’ database. By registering your child’s name now you will be notified of early childhood screening, when to register
your child for kindergarten, and receive district publications including this brochure. Call now: 651.635.1600.

Early Childhood Screening
Roseville Area Schools Early Childhood Program recommends that
children be screened at age 3.
Screening is free and helps you:
 • Find out how your child is growing and developing
 • Connect with early learning programs and services
 • Find resources for your parenting questions
Call to make an appointment: 651.487.4378, ext. 2

Early Childhood Advisory Council
Get more involved by joining the Early Childhood Advisory Council! This
Council provides opportunities to advise program development and
evaluation. Call Tamy Reese, Early Childhood Manager, at 651.604.3517
for more information.

   6 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                                                www.isd623.org/ECFE
                                  Early Childhood Family Education

                 You are your child’s first and most important teacher.
We want to support your family during these first years of your child’s life! Our high-quality
early childhood classes are for you and your young children — birth to pre-kindergarten age.
A typical class includes:
   •   Parent-Child Activity: Time when you and your child enjoy a classroom together that’s filled with developmentally
       appropriate play and learning activities.
   •   Parent Discussion: You’ll meet with other parents and a licensed parent educator to share experiences and information
       about child development and parenting techniques.
   •   Children’s Activity Time: While you are in Parent Discussion (in separating classes), children learn and play with
       licensed early childhood teachers. Children practice social skills and will enjoy music, art, stories, and large/small muscle
                                            Choosing an ECFE class
Separating Classes
   •   Parents and children interact and explore activities together for the first part of class. This provides an opportunity to
       spend uninterrupted time with your child exploring games, creative activities, books, science, dramatic play and more!
   •   Following parent/child interaction time, parents meet in a separate classroom with a licensed parent educator for
       discussion of topics related to child development and parenting.
   •   While parents meet for parent discussion, children participate in age-appropriate activities with a licensed early
       childhood teacher and a teaching assistant. Children are provided experiences which encourage social, emotional,
       physical and cognitive development.

Non-Separating Classes:
   •   Parents and children stay together in the classroom for the entire class.
   •   Parents remain in the same room with children and interact with them in varied learning and play activities.
   •   A licensed parent educator leads discussion on topics such as child growth and development, the transition to
       parenthood, and how children learn and play.
   •   Discussion, sharing, and support take place within sight and sound of playing children.

Parenting-Only Classes
   •   Parents will meet the entire class discussing parenting topics.
   •   Register for child care. Children will experience educational activities in an early childhood environment.

Sibling Care:
   •   Child care is offered to siblings of class participants. Sibling care is available on a sliding-fee scale.
   •   Sign up for sibling care on your registration form, page 16.
   •   Children will be cared for by Early Childhood staff.

                                                       Our Promise
                    Fees for ECFE classes are on a sliding fee scale according to family income.
                     No one will be turned away because of inability to pay for an ECFE class.

 Class Information: 651.487.4378                                                           Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 7
INFANT & PARENTS                                                                                             birth
                                                      Fall 2021                                            -12
These classes support children and parents during the first year of life. Through the use of music, sensory activities,
movement and language development, you and your child will experience activities that enhance brain development. For
separating classes, parents will meet to discuss topics of interest after parent and child activity time. Topics may include:
sleep, brain development, how babies learn and play and more! For non-separating classes a parent educator will be
available to answer your parenting questions and there will also be time to learn and share ideas with other parents.

 Class         Age              Date              Format                 Time             Location      Sibling Care    Fee
  001     6-15 months     M, 10/11-11/15     Non-separating      1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.     Parkview           N/A          D
  002     0-12 months     T, 11/9-12/14      Non-separating      5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.     Parkview           N/A          D
  003     0-16 months     W, 11/3-12/8       Non-separating      1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.     Zoom               N/A          D
  606     0-5 years       F, 9/24-12/17      Play and Learn      11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.   Parkview           N/A          C

                                                      Fall 2021

                                                                                  Explore the classroom, sing songs, read
                                                                                  books, enjoy creative and messy projects
                                                                                  and more during this class just for toddlers
                                                                                  and parents. Connect with other parents
                                                                                  on topics such as language acquisition,
                                                                                  routines, nutrition, the importance of
                                                                                  play, dealing with tantrums and child

 Class         Age              Date            Format                 Time               Location       Sibling Care   Fee
  101    9-24 months       M, 9/20-12/13    Separating         8:45-10:15 a.m.           Parkview            101a        A
  201    12-36 months      M, 9/20-12/13    Separating         11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.     Parkview            201a        A
  002    0-12 months       T, 11/9-12/14    Non-Separating     5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.       Parkview            N/A         D
  102    12-24 months      T, 9/21-12/14    Non-Separating     10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.     Parkview            N/A         A
  003    0-16 months       W, 11/3-12/8     Non-separating     1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.       Zoom                N/A         D
  103    18-30 months      W, 9/22-12/15    Non-Separating     11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.     Parkview            103a        C
  606    0-5 years         F, 9/24-12/17    Learn and Play     11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.     Parkview            N/A         C

  8 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                                                   www.isd623.org/ECFE
TWOS & PARENTS                                                                                              24-36
                                                        Fall 2021
You and your two-year-old will share time together enjoying painting, doing sensory activities, singing, playing with new toys and
building creations! After circle time music and movement, the parent educator will lead discussions on topics such as sharing,
independence, potty training, effective discipline techniques, and self esteem.

 Class          Age               Date              Format                  Time             Location    Sibling Care      Fee
   202      24-36 months      M, 9/20-12/13     Separating         9:30-11:30 a.m.          Parkview          202a            B
   201      12-36 months      M, 9/20-12/13     Separating         11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.    Parkview          201a            A
   401      24-48 months      T, 9/21-12/14     Separating         3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.      Parkview          N/A             A
   204      24-36 months      W, 9/22-12/15     Separating         9:00-11:00 a.m.          Parkview          204a            B
   602      0-5 years         Th, 9/23-12/16    Separating         10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.    Parkview          N/A             A
   205      24-36 months      Th, 9/23-12/16    Separating         11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.    Parkview          N/A             A
   206      24-36 months      F, 9/24-12/17     Separating         9:00a.m.-11:00 a.m.      Parkview          N/A             B
   606      0-5 years         F, 9/24-12/17     Play and Learn     11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.    Parkview          N/A             C

                                                        Fall 2021

                                                               Join us for these classes in addition to PreK or as a standalone
                                                               class. These classes include parent discussion.
                                                               #403: This class will focus on the social and emotional
                                                               development of children 3-5 years, including naming feelings and
                                                               making friends. Activities and parent discussion will focus on
                                                               topics unique to this Pre-K stage of development.
                                                               #404: Enjoy activities with your child followed by a discussion
                                                               on parenting your preschooler.
                                                               #402: Come and join us for parent/child Pre-K class time with
                                                               your preschooler and a discussion on parenting a 3-5 year old.

     Class           Age            Date            Format                Time              Location     Sibling Care     Fee
      401         2-4 years    T, 9/21-12/14      Separating      3:00-4:30 p.m.           Parkview         N/A           A
      403         3-5 years    W, 10/13-11/10     Separating      6:00-7:30 p.m.           Harambee         403           D
      404         3-5 years    W, 11/17-12/15     Separating      6:00-7:30 p.m.           Aŋpétu Téča      404           D

 Class Information: 651.487.4378                     Fee assistance available*         Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 9
                                                      Fall 2021

#601 Dad and Me!
Dads and kids play together and discuss some issues unique
to fatherhood. During the beginning of class, enjoy crafts,
group games, and literacy activities with your child. The
second half of class will be a dad-only discussion about
fatherhood, discipline, and parenting goals.
#502 Parent Focus — see page 18
#607 Grandparents
Enjoy special time with your grandchild followed by a
discussion on grandparenting in today’s world.
#604 Parent Book Discussion on “Playful Parenting”
by Lawrence J. Cohen (Book is available to borrow).

        Class              Age             Date           Format             Time             Location      Sibling     Fee
502 Parent Focus       0-Grade 3      See page 18       Parent Only   5:45-7:15 p.m.          Variety       available   Free
601 Dad & Me!          0-5 years      T, 9/21-12/14     Separating    6:00-7:30 p.m.          Parkview        N/A        A
607 Grandparents       0-5 years      W, 9/22-12/15     Separating    10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.   Parkview        N/A        A
603 Book Discussion    0-5 years      Th, 10/28-12/16   Zoom          7:30-8:30 p.m.          Zoom            N/A        D

SATURDAY & EVENING                                                                                           ages
                                          Fall 2021
                                                              We want to accommodate your busy schedule! That’s why
                                                              we also offer evening and Saturday classes, which follow
                                                              the same format and provide the same experiences as our
                                                              daytime classes, but at times that are convenient for the
                                                              modern family.

        Class               Age            Date           Format            Time         Location   Sibling Fee
Drop In and Play       0-5 years      S, 10/3/-12/18    Non-separating 10:00-11:30 a.m. Aŋpétu Téča N/A Free
002                    0-12 months    T, 11/19-12/14    Non-separating   5:00 - 6:00 p.m.     Parkview        N/A       D
601 Dad & Me!          0-5 years      T, 9/21-12/14     Separating       6:00-7:30 p.m.       Parkview        N/A       A
404                    3-4 years      W, 11/17-12/15    Separating       6:00-7:30 p.m.       Aŋpétu Téča     404       D
403                    3-4 years      W, 10/13-11/10    Separating       6:00-7:30 p.m.       Harambee        403       D
603 Book Discussion    0-5 years      Th, 10/28-12/16   Zoom             7:30-8:30 p.m.       Zoom            N/A       D

10 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                                                www.isd623.org/ECFE
EARLY CHILDHOOD              Serving Students Birth-Grade 3 and Their Families

      EVENT!                                   Roseville Area Schools invites families with
                                                new infants (ages birth to 9 months) to:
   Meet other
 parents and our
  ECFE teachers
                                                      A Baby Shower
         www                                         to Celebrate You
   Learn about
                                                      and Your Baby!
 stages of infant
                                          EE G IFTS
  development                           FR
                                            AND TS!
         www                               E SH MEN
 Enjoy activities
 with your baby:
 music, sensory,
 books & more!
                                         Saturday, October 16                  Tuesday, October 26
                                        11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                  5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

                                        Parkview Center School     OR         Parkview Center School
                                         Door 19, Lower Level                  Door 19, Lower Level
                                        701 County Road B West                701 County Road B West
       Roseville                           Roseville, MN 55113                   Roseville, MN 55113
      Area Schools
Quality Teaching & Learning for All
       ...Equity in All We Do

                            For more information, call ECFE and Outreach Manager
                         Rachel Lavana at 651-604-3578 or rachel.lavana@isd623.org

Class Information: 651.487.4378                                          Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 11
MUSIC CLASSES                                                                                                 ages
                                                       Fall 2021                                             below
                                                                Age-appropriate music classes are available for multiple ages
                                                                (birth to 5 years). Local music school Wee Bop (operating
                                                                since 2005) will offer high-quality music classes through the
                                                                ECFE program.

                                                                The fee for each class is $165. Payment is due in full at the
                                                                time of registration.All classes will be held at Parkview Center
                                                                School in the Early Childhood Center. Siblings can attend for
                                                                $110 per child. The siblings will remain in the same room.
                                                                Cancellations only through the first week of classes will be
                                                                prorated minus a $10 cancellation fee.There will be no music
                                                                classes on 10/19 and 11/2. Age as of September 1, 2021.

#M01 My First Music Class (0-12 months)
This music class is for the youngest musicians—lap babies, crawlers and first walkers.You and your little one will explore the
world of music through children’s folk songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, age-appropriate instruments and movement. Connect
with other families and expand your home musical repertoire
while you begin to nurture a musical bond with your baby.

#M02 Tots & Tunes (13-24 months)
Just the thing for these busy learners who want to move and
explore! Engage them through singing, hand instruments, action
songs, parachute play, rhythmic patterns, dancing and movement
while developing their cognitive, physical and social skills.

#M03 Instrument Adventures (25-36 months)
Excite the natural curiosity of these growing kids through
the exploration of drums, horns, and hand instruments. Each
week there is a new featured instrument the kids can touch
and “play.” The pace of this class is upbeat as we move, sing
and dance to the latest children’s music, appealing to both
children and adults.

 Class          Age              Date            Format                 Time           Location      Sibling Care      Fee
  M01     0-12 months       T, 9/21-12/7    Non-Separating       11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Parkview         M01a           $165
  M02     13-24 months      T, 9/21-12/7    Non-Separating         9:30-10:15 a.m. Parkview             M02a           $165
  M03     25-36 months      T, 9/21-12/7    Non-Separating        10:30-11:15 a.m. Parkview             M03a           $165

 12 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                                                  www.isd623.org/ECFE
                                                      Fall 2021
Parent Focus
One-time, FREE parent classes on a variety of topics for parents with children birth to grade 3.
Classes Fall 2021:
• Managing Big Feelings                                                                                    18
• 10 Easy Discipline Tools
• Unplug and Play!

EXPLORE S’MORE                                                                                            ages
                                                      Fall 2021
These are child-only classes for ages 3-5 years old. Children must be toilet trained.                      yrs
#405 Blast Off to Outer Space!
Join us to learn about rockets, planets, and stars.
#406 Science Fun!
Lots of hands-on experiments will help us learn about science.

          Class             Age            Date          Format             Time             Location Sibling Care Fee
    405 Blast Off        3-5 years    W, 10/13-11/10 Child Only 1:30-3:30 p.m.              Parkview      N/A      C
    406 Science Fun      3-5 years    W, 11/17-12/15 Child Only 1:30-3:30 p.m.              Parkview      N/A      C

                                                      Fall 2021

                                  Park and Play, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
                                  September 20 - December 16
                                     (No fee or registration)
Mondays: Central Park Playground (Victoria West Entrance)
Thursdays: Unity Park (1716 Marion Street, Marion and Larpenteur)

•     Outdoor activities and story time for ages birth - 5 and older siblings
•     Discuss parenting questions
•     Weather cancellations will be posted on the Roseville Earli Childhood Program Facebook page at

Class Information: 651.487.4378                                                         Roseville Area Schools ECFE 13
ECFE Registration & Fees
General Registration Information
   •   Your child must be the age listed on the class chart by September 1, 2021.
   •   Register online at www.isd623.org/ECFE, by phone, mail, or in person at the Early Childhood office at
       Parkview Center School starting August 11, 2021.
   •   Registration continues until classes are full.
   •   Payment can be made by cash, check, VISA, DISCOVER, MASTERCARD, or American Express at the time of
       registration. Checks payable to: Roseville Area Schools.
   •   If sibling care is offered for the class for which you want to register, please complete the information on the
       registration form.
   •   Enrollment limits: Families are limited to one 10-16 week class per child. There is no limit on special topics
       classes, special events, Family Drop In & Play, or classes that run less than 10 weeks.
   •   Sibling Care Costs: Sibling care cost is noted on the sliding fee scale on page 15 (note registration
       number for sibling care on form).

Cancellations & Refunds
  •    No refunds are given for emergency or weather
		     closings or for days missed due to illness or
       vacation. We will attempt to make up individual
       canceled classes if the schedule allows.
   •   We reserve the right to cancel a class due to
       low enrollment.
   •   If a class, sibling care, or special event is
       canceled due to low enrollment, a full refund will
       be given.

Cancellation Policy:
   • 10-16 week classes: If you decide to cancel
     within 3 weeks of your start date, a pro-rated
     refund will be given, minus a $10 cancellation
   		fee. All registrations will be considered final
     after the third week of class, and no refunds will
     be given after that time.
   • Classes less than 10 weeks:
     If you cancel within 2 weeks of your start
     date, a pro-rated refund will be given, minus a
     $10 cancellation fee. All registrations will be
     considered final after the second week of class,
     and no refunds will be given after that time.
   • Weather Closing Information: Hazardous
     weather conditions may at times prevent us
     from holding classes. When Roseville Schools
     are closed or delayed, ECFE classes may not
     meet. Listen to your local news station for
     school closings or call 651.487.4378.

14 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                                        www.isd623.org/ECFE
ECFE Registration & Fees
Affordable Classes
ECFE classes operate on a sliding fee scale, so you pay what you can
afford – no one is turned away for inability to pay. There is no better
investment than your child!
Fees are determined according to a sliding fee scale. Locate your
gross yearly family income on the scale. The fee listed is your fee for
the class. Please enter that fee on the registration form. The sibling
care fee must be paid at registration.
No family will be turned away because of inability to pay. Please call
651.487.4378 to request a fee waiver.

   at www.ISD623.org/ECFE and Click on
   Online Registration for ECFE Classes
   Parkview Center School Early Childhood Center
   701 County Road B West
   Roseville, MN 55113

Sliding Fee Scale Fall 2021

       Income                 A             B              C              D
   $150-200,000             $163          $220            $97             $62
   $100-150,000             $140          $189            $83             $60
    $75-100,000             $117          $158            $69             $44
    $50-75,000              $93           $125            $55             $35
    $30-50,000              $68           $92             $40             $26
    $20-30,000              $54           $72             $32             $20
   Below $20,000            $29           $40             $17             $11

Sibling Care Sliding Fee Scale Fall 2021
       Income                A              B              C              D
   $150-200,000             $82           $110            $49             $31
   $100-150,000             $70           $95             $42             $30
    $75-100,000             $59           $79             $35             $22
    $50-75,000              $47           $63             $28             $18
    $30-50,000              $34           $46             $20             $13
    $20-30,000              $27           $36             $16             $10
   Below $20,000            $15           $20             $9              $6

 Class Information: 651.487.4378                                                Roseville Area Schools ECFE 15
Roseville Area Schools                                                 ECFE PROGRAM REGISTRATION
             Quality Teaching & Learning for All...Equity in All We Do
                                                                                           FOR FALL 2021
Register online at ISD623.org/ECFE - Click on Online Registration for ECFE Classes
 Child’s Full Name (First, Middle, Last):______________________________________________________________________________
 o Male        o Female Date of Birth:____________________ Phone:____________________________________________________
 Street Address:_________________________________ Apt #:_________ City:_____________________________ Zip _____________
 Special Health Concerns (accommodations, disability, allergy, dietary restrictions, or special needs we should be aware of): o No o Yes, explain: ___________

Name of Parent(s) or caregiver attending class:_____________________________________________________________________

 Sibling’s Full Name (First, Middle, Last):____________________________________________________________________________
 o Male        o Female         Date of Birth:____________________________________________________________________________
 Special Health Concerns (accommodations, disability, allergy, dietary restrictions, or special needs we should be aware of): o No o Yes, explain: ___________

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name_____________________________________________________________________________________
Number of family members in your home:_______ Primary language spoken at home:_________________________________________
Street Address:_________________________________ Apt #:_________ City:_____________________________ Zip _____________
Email Address(es):_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact:________________________________ Relationship:_________________ Phone:__________________________

          Class Number                         Class Fee             Sibling Care Class Number                Sibling Care Fee                TOTAL
  Choice 1                                                                                                                              $
  Choice 2
  Choice 1                                                                                                                              $
  Choice 2
  Toy Lending Library Card                  o YES, I would like a membership for 2021-2022
  Total Fees =                                                                                                                          $

o Full payment by cash, check or credit/debit card
o Payment Plan by auto pay by credit/debit card (First payment with registration, second payment processed on October 1)
o Cash         o Check (Make Checks Payable to Roseville Area Schools) o Credit/Debit Card (please fill out info below)
Card Type (circle one): o Mastercard        o Visa         o Discover          o American Express

Name on Card:________________________________________________________________________________________________
Credit Card Number:__________________________________________________________ Exp:____________ CVC:_____________
Authorized Signature:_____________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________

By registering your child for ECFE classes, you are acknowledging that photos of you and your child may be used for educational and publicity
purposes for Roseville Area Schools or Roseville Community Education. To read the District’s full policy on Directory Information, please contact
ECFE at 651.487.4378.

Immunization record or a notarized conscientious objector letter is required in order to participate in ECFE and PreK classes. Please submit to your parent educator,
teacher, or the office.
FAMILY DROP IN & PLAY        Great FREE activity for your young family!

Aŋpétu Téča Education Center (1910 County Road B West in Roseville)
S     10/2-12/18   10:00-11:30 a.m.   No Class October 23 & November 27

Prince of Peace Church (2561 Victoria St. in Roseville)
T&W 9/21-12/15      8:45-10:00 a.m.        No Class November 2

                                                 Family Drop In & Play
The entire class is devoted to parent and child activities including dramatic play, sensory experiences, gym play, science,
art projects, and more. Each week will be filled with many creative and engaging learning activities for the whole family!
No fee or registration necessary! Just come and join the fun!

                                               ������ल ड्रप इन ��� पले
 नाटिकय खेलह�, �ि��क अनभु वह�, िजम खेल, िवज्ञान, कला प्रोजेक्ट, र अ�य धेरै कुरा लगायत स�पूणर् कक्षा पिरवार र बालबािलका
 सम्ब�धी ि�याकलापह�मा समिपर् त छ। हरेक ह�ा स�पूणर् पिरवारको लािग िविभन्न सज            ृ ना�मक र सहभागीमूलक ि�याकलापह�
 हुनेछन्! कुनै शु�क ितनर्ु वा दतार् गनर्पु नेर् आव��क छै न! आउनुहोस् अिन रमाइलोमा सहभागी हुनुहोस!्

              Waa Goob u Furan Qoyska, ayna ku Ciyaari Karaan “Family Drop In & Play”
Galaaskaan waxaa loogu talagalay in waalidiinta iyo carruurtu ay ku helaan fursad ay ku ciyaaraan, riwaayado ku
sameeyaan, dareemayaashooda ku isticmaalaan, “sensory experiences,” ku jimicsadaan, cilmiga sayniska, farshaxanka iyo
waxyaabo kalena ay bartaan. Todobaad kasta waxaa la qabandoonaa barnaamijyo kobciya hal-abuurka, qoyska oo dhanna
uu ku madadaasho! Lacag lagu soo galo iyo mid is-diiwaan gelin lagaagama baahna! Imow oo ka geybgalka madaaadalada!

                                              Visitas y Juegos de Familia
¡Esta clase se encuentra comprometida con actividades entre padres e hijos que incluyen juegos teatrales, experiencias
sensoriales, tiempo de gimnasia, ciencias, proyectos de arte, y más! ¡Cada semana estara llena de actividades de
aprendizaje creativas e interesantes para toda la familia! ¡No hacen falta ni pago ni matrícula! ¡Simplemente venga y
participe de la diversión!

 Class Information: 651.487.4378                                                     Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 17
EARLY CHILDHOOD                       Parent Topics

                                                                       5:30-6:00 p.m.
                                                     Family Activities & a Light Meal

                                                                       6:00-7:15 p.m.
                                                           Parenting Topic Discussion
                                                                 & Activities for Kids


                                                 For all parents with children from birth to 3rd grade.
                                                       Come to as many classes as you would like!
                                                                 No registration. No fee.

                                                    Join us for these great
                                                       discussion topics!

Managing Big feelinGs (presented by ECFE parent educators)
 Class      Day               Date                     Time                  Location        Fee
 502-1    Monday           October 18              5:30-7:15 p.m.            Parkview        Free

10 EASY DISCIPLINE TOOLS (presented by ECFE parent educators)
  Class       Day              Date                     Time                Location         Fee
  502-4     Monday          November 8              5:30-7:15 p.m.        Aŋpétu Téča        Free

unplug and play: Why play is so important (presented by ECFE parent educators)
  Class     Day             Date                Time               Location                  Fee
 502-2   Wednesday       December 1         5:30-7:15 p.m.        Harambee                   Free

18 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE                                            www.isd623.org/ECFE
Pre-K Classes 2021-2022

The building blocks for lifelong success!
In our preschool classes, your child will discover endless possibilities.
Our stimulating learning environments foster growth socially,
emotionally, physically and intellectually. Each day’s activities include
music and movement, sensory exploration, story time, creative arts,
dramatic play, math activities, outdoor play, circle time, and literacy.
Roseville Area Schools Pre-K is a four star Parent Aware-rated program.
Our early childhood teachers use innovative, theme-based curriculum
that includes individualized activities to help all children reach goals that
lead to school success.
Financial assistance and scholarships may be available to qualifying families. To
receive more information, call us at 651.604.3578.
There is still room in Pre-K classes for 2021-2022! Call 651.604.3578 or visit
www.isd623.org/PreK for more information.
Classes start September 13, 2021.
Age by September 1, 2021. Children must be toilet-trained and independent in using the bathroom.

          Roseville Area Schools

   Vote November 2, 2021

                       Vote on School Funding Requests This Fall
       Residents will decide whether to increase local funding for our schools on November 2. If approved by
       voters, funds would support and enhance students’ classroom experiences and provide more financial
       stability for our school district.
       On the ballot will be two questions: Q1 requests a renewal of the existing operating levy.              of               93%
       Q2 requests an increase in the operating levy. If both are approved, funds would help:        Roseville Area
                                                                                                     Schools parents
         ✓ Lower class sizes
                                                                                                     rate the quality
         ✓ Invest in student mental health and social-emotional needs
                                                                                                     of education as
         ✓ Maintain academic programs                                                                excellent or good.
         ✓ Expand career pathways to better prepare students for careers after graduation

               Learn more about the requests - including how to vote early - at www.isd623.org/levy2021.
           Prepared and paid for by the Roseville Area Schools. This publication is not circulated on behalf of any candidate or ballot question.

 Class Information: 651.487.4378                                                                           Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 19
Roseville Area Schools                                                                     Non-Profit Org
EARLY CHILDHOOD                                                                           U.S. POSTAGE
1251 County Road B2 W                                                                          PAID
Roseville, MN 55113
                                                                                          Twin Cities, MN
                                                                                          Permit No. 3248

  EARLY CHILDHOOD                               Fall 2021
We provide support and educational opportunities                                       Cla erson
for all children from birth to kindergarten entry!                                   act ses an
                                                                                        ivit        d
                                     Toy Lending Library                           you ies fo
                                                                                        r yo       r
                                     It’s like having new toys every week!
                                     Open to all individuals, families, and         fam       u ng
                                     childcare providers. Free membership!               ily!
                                          • Slides, riding toys, infant, toddler and
                                               preschool toys
                                          • Puzzles, games
                                          • Children’s books and the best parenting books and tapes
                                     SEE PAGE 6 FOR MORE GREAT RESOURCES!

Family Drop In and Play
Each week will be filled with many creative and
engaging learning activities for the whole family. No fee
or registration necessary.

Parent Focus
Parenting topics for today’s families

          Register online starting
             August 11, 2021
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