Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022

Page created by Marion Duran
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Ashbourne CNS

     Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Dear Parent/Guardian,

At Ashbourne Community National School (CNS) we will endeavor to make your child’s time here
a very special experience. The year ahead is an exciting opportunity to create a happy learning
environment for everyone at Ashbourne CNS. We look forward to getting to know you all over the
coming weeks and months. We will look to organise a parents information meeting in September.
This will depend on Covid-19 regulations at the time.

This booklet is designed to help you prepare your child for school by offering some helpful tips and
useful information. It is mostly for parents of children in the Infant Classes but there is useful
information for all parents who are new to Ashbourne CNS.

Jenny Byrne (Principal, Ashbourne CNS)
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Ashbourne Community National School is a multi-denominational school
                     under the patronage of the Louth and Meath Education and Training Board
                     (LMETB). We opened September 2019 to our first pupils. Community National
                     Schools (CNS) are child-centered publicly accountable schools which strive to
                     provide a high-quality education for every child.
   This Photo by
Everyone in the school community has the right to be happy and to be able to learn. To do this we
have a responsibility to work together to support and encourage each other. In order to build the
trusting respectful relationships which are the corner stones of our school, we listen to and accept
others for who they are. We negotiate our differences using Restorative Practices and learn to
become resilient using ‘7 Connecting Habits’ (Glasser) as our school rules.

At Ashbourne CNS we…

   1. Listen
   2. Support
   3. Encourage
   4. Negotiate
   5. Respect
   6. Accept
   7. Trust

This helps establish a structured framework and an explicit language to build positive relationships
for students, teachers and parents. By working together using these habits we cultivate the sense
of community which is vital to promoting wellbeing for all.
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Core Values and Ethos at Ashbourne Community National School

Community National Schools are state, co-educational, multi-denominational
schools underpinned by the core values of:

                                     In Community National Schools, all students are given equal
                                    opportunities for enrolment in line with the Education
                                    (Admissions to School) Act 2018. In all aspects of school life
                                    all members of our school communities are
                                    treated equitably regardless of their race, gender,
                                    religion/belief, age, family status, civil status, membership of
                                    the Traveller community, sexual orientation, ability or socio-
economic status.

At Ashbourne CNS we seek to provide a safe physical and social environment that reinforces a
sense of belonging to the school community and wider society. We strive to enable every
student to realise their full potential regardless of any aspect of their identity or background. We
promote a fully inclusive education that recognises the plurality of identities, beliefs and values
held by students, parents and staff. We prepare open-minded, culturally sensitive and
responsible citizens with a strong sense of shared values.

Students, staff and parents at Ashbourne CNS are currently working together to define and
refine our values and mission statement (please see the photographs below that tell the story of
this journey so far). We intend to continue to refine these and develop a crest for our school that
is made by us all and represents who we are and are trying to become. We are assisted in this
creative process by Aisling Byrne our Creative Assistant under the Creative Schools initiative
awarded to us by the Arts Council of Ireland.

The 4 values we have are:

Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Ashbourne CNS is a new school, started from scratch by a committed group of parents and
educational professionals.

Preparation for School

Starting school is a major milestone in the life of your child. Before your child starts Junior Infants
in September, it is important that they are as independent as possible. It would greatly help your
child’s progression this year if they were able to do the following things by themselves before
starting school:

•   Put on/take off coat, button/unbutton it and hang it up.
•   Fasten/tie their own shoes – Velcro fasteners are handy.
•   Use and flush the toilet independently. Open trousers etc.
•   Washing their hands with soap and drying their hands without
•   Use a tissue where necessary and understand cough etiquette.
•   Open food containers and fruit independently.
•   Recognise and look after their own belongings.
•   Share toys with others and take turns.
•   Tidy up and put toys and lunch away after them.
•   Please remember to have a name label on your child’s belongings, this helps us keep track.

Other examples of ways in which you could help your child prepare for their learning include
conversing with your child, reading to your child and repeating nursery rhymes in their mother
tongue. It is also very important to encourage your child to manipulate toys such as jigsaws, Lego,
play dough, and provide paper and crayons for colouring and scribbling.
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Pick Up and Drop Off
Teaching starts at 9.20am. The children will gather from 9.10am in the yard and be supervised by
staff until collected by their teacher and brought to class for 9.20am. Junior Infants will finish at
12 noon from Wednesday 1st September to Friday 10th September. From Monday 13th normal
school hours will apply with Junior Infants finishing school at 14.00.

On the first day of school, Junior Infants will be brought straight to their class line at 9.10am by
staff members. Unfortunately, due to Covid 19 Public Health Guidelines, parents / guardians will
not be allowed in the school building. We will confirm procedures closer to the time. To encourage
independence and enable teachers to start lessons promptly; parents are encouraged to drop
their child and then leave them in the care of a staff member in the yard.

When you arrive at school be as casual as you can. Your child will meet their teacher outside and
then be brought into class and given an activity to do. Assure your child that you will be back
shortly, say goodbye and leave without delay. The teacher will bring the children out to parents at
home time, specific guidelines will follow.
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
The School Day

At Ashbourne CNS all teachers are called Múinteoir (meaning Teacher in the Irish language)
followed by their first name. eg Múinteoir Jane etc.

                   Junior and Senior Infants: Our school day commences at 9.20am and all infants
                   go home at 2pm. First and Second Class: Commence at 09.10 and finish at
                   14.45. Third, fourth, five and sixth class commence at 09.20 and finish at 14.50.
                   Please note these times are in place due to Covid-19 procedures and may be
                   amended due to future guidelines.

It is very important that the children are collected from the school on time. If for any reason you
are delayed, please call the school to let the teacher know. If your child must leave the school
early, a signed written consent is required. All absences must be accompanied by a written note.
Children from 2nd class up may walk home with written permission and/or permission on Aladdin
Connect App. To KEEP ALL CHILDREN SAFE on a very busy campus, parking & traffic restrictions
will be in place. Please co-operate with signage and personnel. We appreciate your co-operation.

School Office

The school has a part Time Administrator Elenor. The Office is open from Monday to Friday 9:10
am to 12:10 am for any information or assistance you might require. We can also be contacted
via email: Or phone 0868522068. Due to the part time nature of Elenor’s
work please email rather than leave a voice message and we will get back to you as soon as

If you need to contact your child’s teacher, please email them directly. If you would like to meet
with them email them to arrange an appointment outside of school hours as during school time
they are devoted to teaching your child.

School Email Addresses :
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
School Uniform

There will be a temporary uniform policy in place for the moment. Students, parents and teachers
are working together to establish a uniform and crest which suits our needs and reflects the values
of our growing community.

For now, the uniform is a….

   •   navy skirt or pinafore, trouser
   •   red polo shirt
   •   navy V neck jumper or cardigan.
   •   Although there is no specific type of school shoe required, please adhere to the following

   1. Junior and Senior Infants must have shoes with Velcro or must be easy fix, no laces please!
   2. Shoes must be comfortable and suitable for play and physical education (PE).
   3. Shoes may not have wheels, lights or high heels.
   4. Wheeled school bags are not permitted.

For PE navy Track suit bottoms and a navy round neck sweat shirt with red polo shirt and runners
are required. Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly written on everything they own. These
are easily available form Dunnes, Tesco and Marks and Spencer etc.
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Your Child’s Learning and Development

The Primary School Curriculum sets out 7 curricular areas. Your child will be learning about…

   •   Languages: English and Irish (Gaeilge)
   •   Mathematics
   •   Social Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE):
       History, Geography and Science
   •   Arts Education: Drama, Music and Visual Arts
   •   Physical Education (PE)
   •   Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)
   •   Multi-Belief and Values Curriculum: Goodness Me Goodness You! (GMGY)

Aistear, the curriculum for infant classes, stresses the importance of play, communication and
engaging children in problem solving, inquiry-based approaches to develop their knowledge, skills
and curiosity. Playtime is an essential part of the school day. Structured play can assist your child
in developing the necessary skills to build relationships, be creative, think and plan, use language
and develop fine and gross motor skills. At ACNS we take a holistic approach to learning aiming to
develop a love of learning in children which drives them to maximise their potential academically
and socially.
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022
Parent School Partnership (PSP)

Research has shown that when parents are engaged with their child’s education there are
improved outcomes for children. At Ashbourne CNS we are working with parents in a variety of
ways to establish a positive happy learning culture which supports the holistic development of the
child and the professional role of the teacher. If you would like to be involved and become a
member of the PSP, please email Múinteoir Áine:

Please see below on how you can help your child reach their full potential and be an active
participant in their education.

   •   Try to have a regular story time with your child each day, i.e. read with your child at
   •   Encourage your child to value books by handling them with care and putting them away
       safely after use.
   •   Pay attention to the pictures in books, discuss these with your children and ask them
       questions on what they see.
   •   Read and recite poems and nursery rhymes with your child.
   •   Show enthusiasm and interest when reading with your child. This can lead to story time
       becoming a very special and enjoyable time for all.

Breaks and Healthy Eating Policy

All classes will have two breaks per day for a total duration of 40 mins in
accordance with curriculum guidelines. Please make sure that all food is
prepared for small hands. Manageable portions of fruit, cheese, bread and
crackers are advised. Our school has a healthy eating policy in place. Fizzy drinks and unhealthy
foods such as chocolate bars, biscuits, sweets, crisps and chocolate spread are not permitted.
Peanuts are not allowed due to allergies. Please ensure that your child’s lunch box and bottle can
be easily opened and is also labelled clearly with their name. Sharing is caring but your lunch is
your own. Children are not allowed to share lunches. If your child has a food allergy, please
inform the class teacher.
Ashbourne CNS Information for Parents 2021 / 2022

                       At Ashbourne CNS we are conscious of the need to preserve the environment
                       for our children. Staff, students and parents will work together to minimise
                       our waste. With this in mind, we ask parents not to send any packaging into
the school as part of your child’s lunch. A lunchbox and reusable products are advised. The use of
cling film, tin foil and other nonrecyclable plastic products are strongly discouraged (kitchen roll is
a good alternative).

Books and Equipment

At Ashbourne CNS we operate a book rental scheme. All books are classified as
school property and are on loan to students while they are enrolled in the school.
Textbooks, Workbooks and Copies will be provided by the school and the cost is
€105 per child for 2021/2022. This will be collected at the beginning of the school year
via the cashless payment solution Way2Pay.

     Student Direct Costs from Parents/Guardians for
              LMETB Schools for 2021/2022
 LMETB School/College
 Details                                            Estimated Cost €
 Book Rental (Per Year)                             55
 SeeSaw – Homework and ePortfolios                  5
 Insurance                                          8.50
 Printing and Photocopying                          15
 Aladdin Connect                                    6.50
 Art Materials                                      15
 Total Contribution to be Collected for             105

Is the system used by the LMETB to collect parent contributions. The administrator will help set
up your profile and you will easily be able to schedule payments via the website and app. The
school does not accept cash as we are a cashless school under the patronage of LMETB. For further
information please visit our website:

Parents are asked to provide the following stationery in a simple pencil case:

 Junior Inf., Senior 2nd Class               3rd Class           4th Class          5th/6th Class
 1st Class
 5 Triangular Grip 5 HB Pencils              2 red biros         2 blue or black 2 Handwriting Pens
 Pencils                                                         biros
 Sharpener           Sharpener & Eraser      Ruler 30cm          2 red biros         2 blue or black
 Eraser                Ruler 30cm            Sharpener         & 1 green biro        2 red biros
                                             Eraser                                  1 green biro
 Twistables            Twistables            Colouring Pencils Ruler 30cm            Colouring Pencils
                       2 red biros           5 HB Pencils        Colouring Pencils Ruler 30cm
 1 Pritt Stick (43g)   1 Pritt Stick (43g)   1 Pritt Stick (43g) 1 Pritt Stick (43g) 1 Pritt Stick (43g)
Please note:

    1. All stationery is to be marked.
    2. Markers are not permitted in textbooks.
    3. Only stationery, a pencil case and a bag need’s to be purchased, the school provides the

Aladdin Schools Connect: Our school uses the Aladdin Schools Software to give you secure access
to your child’s details and data regarding attendance, test results, report cards etc. This is all
provided via a secure login and enable parents to update phone numbers, addresses and other
contact details if there are changes. Please download the Aladdin Connect App, it is widely used
by primary schools and there is information for parents about how it works When your child is enrolled the administrator
will set up a student profile for you child and send you log in details.
Important Details

   •   Children need to be independently dressing and toileting for school.
   •   Supervision before school starts at 09.10 in the yard. Parents must stay with their child
       until the teacher arrives but are then encouraged to vacate the yard to facilitate clear
       supervision by teachers.
   •   Junior infants will finish at 12 noon from Wednesday 1 st September to Friday 10th
       September. From Monday 13th of September normal school hour will apply with Junior
       Infants finishing school at 14.00.
   •   For the first day of school Junior Infants can be brought straight to their line at 9.10am.
   •   Teaching starts at 9.20am. Infants go home at 2pm.
   •   To KEEP ALL CHILDREN SAFE on a very busy campus parking & traffic restrictions will be in
       place. Please co-operate with signage and personnel.
   •   A temporary uniform of a navy skirt, pinafore, trouser or tracksuit bottom with a red polo
       shirt and a navy jumper or cardigan is in place until further notice.
   •   Your child’s name should be clearly written on everything they own, the school is unable
       to take responsibility for lots items.
   •   Our school has a healthy eating policy. Please promote this when preparing lunch.
   •   Peanuts are not allowed due to allergies.
   •   We ask parents not to send any packaging into the school as part of your child’s lunch.
   •   Textbooks, work books and copies will be provided by the school and the cost is included
       in the contribution of €105. This cost covers the rental of the materials all resources remain
       the property of the school.
   •   A stationary list for each class is outlined in the above document.
   •   Please see below for a calendar for the academic year 2021/2022.
   •   Valuables such as computer games, smart phones and jewelry are not allowed at school as
       they could be lost or damaged. The school can not take responsibility for such items.
   •   Low tech mobile phones without cameras are permitted but must be switched of during
Ashbourne CNS - School Calendar 2021-2022

           August ‘21                          September ‘21                           October ‘21
Su   M      Tu   W    Th   F    S    Su   M     Tu     W    Th   F    S    Su     M    Tu     W    Th   F    S
1    2      3     4   5    6    7                      1    2    3    4                                 1    2
8    9     10    11   12   13   14   5    6      7     8    9    10   11   3      4    5      6    7    8    9
15   16    17    18   19   20   21   12   13    14     15   16   17   18   10     11   12     13   14   15   16
22   23    24    25   26   27   28   19   20    21     22   23   24   25   17     18   19     20   21   22   23
29   30    31                        26   27    28     29   30             24     25   26     27   28   29   30

          November ‘21                         December ‘21                            January ‘22
Su   M      Tu   W    Th   F    S    Su   M     Tu     W    Th   F    S    Su     M    Tu     W    Th   F    S
     1      2     3   4    5    6                      1    2    3    4                                      1
7    8      9    10   11   12   13   5    6      7     8    9    10   11      2   3     4     5    6    7    8
14   15    16    17   18   19   20   12   13    14     15   16   17   18      9   10   11     12   13   14   15
21   22    23    24   25   26   27   19   20    21     22   23   24   25   16     17   18     19   20   21   22
28   29    30                        26   27    28     29   30   31        23     24   25     26   27   28   29
                                                                           30     31

          February ‘22                           March ‘22                                 April ‘22
Su   M      Tu   W    Th   F    S    Su   M     Tu     W    Th   F    S    Su     M    Tu     W    Th   F    S
           1     2    3    4    5               1      2    3    4    5                                 1    2
6    7     8     9    10   11   12   6    7     8      9    10   11   12   3      4    5      6    7    8    9
13   14    15    16   17   18   19   13   14    15     16   17   18   19   10     11   12     13   14   15   16
20   21    22    23   24   25   26   20   21    22     23   24   25   26   17     18   19     20   21   22   23
27   28                              27   28    29     30   31             24     25   26     27   28   29   30

               May ‘22                              June ‘22                               July ‘22
Su   M      Tu   W    Th   F    S    Su   M     Tu     W    Th   F    S    Su     M    Tu     W    Th   F    S
1    2      3     4   5    6    7                      1    2    3    4                                 1    2
8    9     10    11   12   13   14   5    6      7     8    9    10   11   3      4    5      6    7    8    9
15   16    17    18   19   20   21   12   13    14     15   16   17   18   10     11   12     13   14   15   16
22   23    24    25   26   27   28   19   20    21     22   23   24   25   17     18   19     20   21   22   23
29   30    31                        26   27    28     29   30             24     25   26     27   28   29   30

          School Closed/ Holidays              Parent Teacher Meetings

          Half Day                             First and Last Day of School
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