E-commerce Revs Its Engine in the Automotive Aftermarket

Page created by Corey Flores
E-commerce Revs Its Engine in the Automotive Aftermarket
E-commerce Revs Its Engine in the
                           Automotive Aftermarket
                           As consumers become increasingly comfortable
                           buying automotive parts online, companies across the
                           aftermarket – from manufacturers to pure-play e-tailers –
                           are positioning themselves to benefit from the growing
                           importance of e-commerce.

                           Against a backdrop of plateauing new           supplies sold on the aftermarket are
Industry Commentary        vehicle sales, aftermarket parts is one        critical to the vehicle owner’s career
                           of the most attractive areas of growth         and personal life.
Michael Doyle              in the automotive industry. Around the
                           world, more vehicle owners are                 This backdrop has created a
+1 312 364 5258
                           investing in replacement parts that            tremendous opportunity for
mdoyle@williamblair.com                                                   manufacturers and retailers in the
                           keep their vehicles on the road longer
                           and accessories that add touches of            automotive aftermarket to build and
Derek Beres                                                               deploy a more robust e-commerce
                           personalization, performance,
+1 704 969 1761            or functionality.                              presence. Relative to other consumer
dberes@williamblair.com                                                   products, e-commerce penetration for
                           The aftermarket is particularly                automotive parts is still low. But the
                           attractive as we enter what is likely the      aftermarket landscape is evolving
Adam Filkin
                           later stages of the current economic           rapidly, and e-commerce is the fastest-
+1 312 364 8077            expansion. During a downturn, vehicle          growing channel. Global e-commerce
afilkin@williamblair.com   owners are even more likely to invest          sales for the automotive aftermarket
                           in repairs rather than purchase a new          are projected to grow at a compound
                           car. While some accessories and other          annual rate of 18.9% from 2017 to
                           aftermarket products are discretionary         2022, reaching $49.5 billion in 2022,
                           purchases, many of the parts and               according to Technavio.

                             Accelerating E-commerce Growth for Auto Parts
                             The growth rate of e-commerce sales for the global automotive aftermarket is
                             expected to accelerate each year between 2018 and 2022, with total sales
                             reaching $49.5 billion by 2022.
                             Automotive Aftermarket E-commerce Sales Growth

                                                                                      19.6%           20.0%

                                   2018             2019               2020           2021             2022
                             Source: Technavio.
In this first article of a two-part series,   more price-sensitive and often their       Amazon is rapidly expanding
we examine the e-commerce growth              purchases are less time-sensitive;
opportunities and the challenges              these factors make Amazon an
                                                                                         its automotive capabilities so
facing automotive manufacturers,              extremely appealing option as DIY          that it can compete at the
traditional retailers, and pure-play e-       shoppers migrate online.                   same levels of service and
tailers as they navigate this rapidly         Furthermore, Amazon is rapidly
                                                                                         convenience as the major
expanding landscape. We also look at          expanding its automotive capabilities
how these trends are shaping                  so that it can compete at the same         traditional retail chains.
dealmaking activity in the                    levels of service and convenience as
automotive aftermarket.                       the major traditional retail chains.
                                              The ease of shopping online for
E-commerce Acceleration Puts                  automotive parts will only improve as
Traditional Retailers on Notice               companies create cleaner, more
Today, automotive customers                   helpful online experiences for
increasingly prefer to shop for parts         consumers. For example, e-tailer Tire
online. In addition to the lower cost         Rack offers the intuitive Tire Decision
compared with traditional retail and          Guide that generates personalized tire
the general convenience of buying             recommendations based on vehicle
online, factors driving the growing           specifications. EBay Motors, a leading
popularity of e-commerce for the              option for unbranded automotive
automotive aftermarket include the            parts, allows shoppers to view
ease of finding the right part, the           diagrams of specific automotive parts
ability to research independent               for individual vehicle models.
reviews, broader product portfolios,
and price transparency. Amazon and a          Streamlined supply chains and the
host of other pure-play e-commerce            ability to sell parts at a lower price
players are capitalizing on these             than traditional retailers have resulted
advantages—increasing e-commerce              in robust growth for several pure-play
penetration in the automotive                 e-tailers that focus just on automotive
aftermarket and putting pressure on           parts, such as RockAuto and Tire Rack.
traditional retailers and                     RockAuto, the largest e-tailer of
manufacturers to adapt.                       automotive parts, operates a drop ship
                                              model, shipping parts from a network
Over the last several years, Amazon           of over 300 manufacturers. The
has made massive investments to               privately held e-tailer is one of the
expand its automotive aftermarket             industry's most exciting names to
capabilities, and these efforts led to        watch, with over 15 years of double-
growth in excess of 30% for                   digit sales growth.
automotive parts sales in 2018,
according to S&P Capital IQ. In
addition to its customer base of more         Governors That Have Historically
than 300 million users that generates         Limited E-commerce Penetration
real-time customer insights, Amazon           To understand the e-commerce
now has same-day automotive                   growth opportunities for the
aftermarket delivery in growing               automotive aftermarket, it is
number of major U.S. cities; supply           important to consider the factors that
contracts with some of the world’s            have led to the e-commerce
largest parts manufacturers, including        penetration gap between automotive
Bosch, Federal-Mogul, Dorman, and             parts and other consumer categories.
Cardone; and the game-changing                The “Last Mile Challenge” is
Amazon Home Services, which will              particularly acute in the automotive
dispatch an installer to the customer’s       aftermarket, and a combination of
desired location.                             product and market characteristics
                                              make it difficult for e-commerce to
These advantages have allowed                 gain traction for certain types of
Amazon to capture market share from           automotive products.
automotive parts chains and other
outlets that cater to do-it-yourself
(DIY) vehicle owners, including gas
stations, mass merchants, and local
hardware stores. DIY consumers are
Timeliness is the biggest impediment.      traditional automotive retailers. But,     One of the biggest advantages
Unlike more discretionary consumer         in the battle for the online customer,
products, automotive shoppers tend to      retailers with a brick-and-mortar
                                                                                      that traditional retailers have
have an immediate need for parts.          presence have the ability to advance       is their national distribution
There is also a knowledge gap;             their e-commerce strategy through          network that allows for
shoppers are not only less confident       their store network.
                                                                                      multiple deliveries of
about which parts to purchase, but
they also often lack the technical         Traditional automotive retailers have      parts to stores each day,
expertise and necessary tools to install   realized that they need to deploy a        including weekends.
the part themselves. The weight and        complementary e-commerce strategy
bulkiness of many automotive               in which online convenience enhances
aftermarket parts is another challenge,    the in-store customer experience and
largely because this can result in         leverages the distribution network
higher shipping costs. Because of          and in-store employee expertise.
these factors, automotive parts that       Relative to e-tailers, traditional
have particularly low online               retailers with a national footprint have
penetration include batteries and          several key advantages: in-store
heavy, complex items that are part of      pickup, the comfort of speaking with a
the powertrain.                            knowledgeable employee, and a
                                           responsive distribution network that
Conversely, discretionary products         can quickly get the part to
have proved more conducive for e-          the customer.
commerce than mission-critical parts.
Discretionary parts, such as lighting      One of the biggest advantages that
and accessories, are often bought for      traditional retailers have is their
personalization reasons. This makes        national distribution network that
speed of delivery and installation less    allows for multiple deliveries of parts
of an issue and lowers the cost of         to stores each day, including
choosing the wrong part. In addition,      weekends. In addition, some of the
accessories typically are physically       traditional retailers have built mega-
smaller and easier to ship, and once       stores in large markets. These large-
received, shoppers can install them in     footprint stores serve as regional hubs
a DIY fashion.                             and can maintain massive amounts of
                                           inventory and a wide array of SKUs. Of
                                           course, the cost of maintaining these
Traditional Retailers Shift Gears in       robust networks of warehouses and
Race for E-commerce Market Share           stores limits traditional retailers’
The growth of pure-play e-tailers is       ability to compete on price.
undoubtedly a major threat to

 Pure-Play E-tail Contribution to Aftermarket Sales
 E-tailers are aggressively challenging traditional retailers for share of the
 automotive aftermarket. In addition to the growth of specialized sites such as
 Tire Rack and RockAuto, Amazon has invested aggressively over the last few
 years to add capabilities that make shopping online for automotive parts more
 convenient, including sending an installer directly to the customer’s house.
 United States E-Tailing Market Size ($ in billions)

     Estimated 18% CAGR for Pure-Play                                    $12.9
     E-Tailers from 2017-2022                              $10.8

      2017            2018       2019         2020          2021         2022
 Source: Technavio.
The brand recognition of industry          option allows the manufacturer to          Traditional retailers are
stalwarts such as Advance Auto Parts,      capitalize on the third-party site’s
AutoZone, and O’Reilly is another          traffic and brand recognition, the
                                                                                      better-positioned than pure-
advantage that larger traditional          margins are thinner and the                play e-tailers to overcome the
retailers can leverage in their efforts    manufacturer has less pricing control.     “Last Mile Challenge.”
to gain e-commerce market share. In
addition, these retailers can offer a      Alternatively, manufacturers can also
true omnichannel experience through        go direct-to-consumer with their own
fully constructed consumer websites        branded website or by listing their
with full access to parts catalogs,        parts on a third-party marketplace,
including the ability to check in-store    such as Amazon Marketplace or eBay
availability and place orders online.      Motors. Direct-to-consumer, however,
Moreover, traditional retailers are        requires shipping capabilities that
better-positioned than pure-play e-        some manufacturers might not have.
tailers to overcome the “Last Mile         In addition, selling directly to
Challenge.” Thanks to their                consumers online requires enough
regionalized distribution networks,        brand recognition to generate organic
traditional retailers can stock specific   traffic to the website, or the company
parts based on local consumer              needs to make significant investments
preferences and fulfill                    in search engine optimization (SEO) or
immediate needs.                           advertising. These necessary
                                           expenditures eat into the margin
                                           benefits that motivate manufacturers
Manufacturers Evaluate Their E-            to sell direct-to-consumer in the first
commerce Roadmaps                          place. Finally, manufacturers can
In the current landscape, automotive       pursue a combination play comprising
manufacturers have multiple options        stand-alone e-commerce and third-
that they can pursue to complement         party listings.
their traditional business model of
working with warehouse distributors
and brick-and-mortar retailers.
Manufacturers can list their parts on
third-party websites, such as Amazon,
RockAuto, and Tire Rack. While this

 Manufacturers Consider Alternate Routes to E-commerce Success
 Automotive manufacturers have several options to complement their existing business model of working with warehouse
 distributors and brick-and-mortar retailers. Manufacturers can list their parts on third-party websites, go direct-to-consumer
 with their own branded website, or deploy a combination play. Each option presents its own set of strengths
 and weaknesses.

                           Third-Party                                      Third-Party              Direct via Website
                           E-commerce                                       E-commerce               or Marketplace
                                                                Pros        • Leverage site traffic • Margins / economics
                                                                            • Distribution          • Opportunity to
                                                                              capabilities            extend brand
                                                                            • Consumer confidence
                                                                Cons        • Margins                • Requires small parcel
                                                                            • Less pricing control     drop shipping
                            Direct via                                                               • Patented channel
                            Website or                                                                 conflict
                           Marketplace                          Examples •     Amazon               • Amazon Marketplace
     Manufacturers                           Consumers                   •     AutoAnything         • eBay
                                                                         •     Auto Parts Warehouse
                                                                         •     RockAuto.com
                                                                         •     The Tire Rack
                                                                         •     U.S. Auto Parts
Merging Traffic: E-commerce Drives          Challenge" for mission-critical parts. A
Dealmaking                                  knowledge and expertise gap will
The growth of e-commerce in the             challenge pure-play e-tailers because
automotive aftermarket is driving           many customers are still more
interest from strategic acquirers and       comfortable speaking to a person in
financial sponsors alike. Strategic         the store about automotive parts.
buyers have shown a healthy appetite
for e-commerce brands that reach            Despite these headwinds, e-commerce
consumers directly and capture higher       is poised for strong growth in the
margins while avoiding channel              automotive aftermarket over the next
conflict. Recent acquisitions where the     several decades. In our next article, we
target’s online presence was an             will examine how the emergence of
important value driver include Wheel        the install-it-for-me (IIFM) model is
Pros’ acquisition of ReadyLIFT, a           emerging as a hybrid of the
manufacturer and distributor of             conventional choices of either DIY or
suspension leveling products and lift       do-it-for-me (DIFM). To learn more
kits for trucks, Jeeps, and sport utility   about these and other trends shaping
vehicles (SUVs); Truck Hero’s               the dealmaking environment in the
acquisition of Superlift Suspension         automotive aftermarket, please do not
Systems, a manufacturer, distributor,       hesitate to contact us.
and e-commerce retailer of
suspension leveling products and lift
kits for trucks, Jeeps, and SUVs; and
Drake Automotive Group’s acquisition
of Fender Gripper, a manufacturer of
protective fender covers, trunk mats,
and carpet underlayments.
Given that many financial sponsors
are modeling for a recession in their
holding periods for new investments,
the automotive aftermarket’s
defensive characteristics make the
sector particularly attractive. Sponsor
interest is particularly high for early
movers and category creators with
significant barriers to entry. Recent
sponsor acquisitions of automotive
aftermarket companies with strong e-
commerce capabilities include FSN
Capital’s acquisition of Rameder
Group, the leading European
distributor of towbars, bike carriers,                                                 “William Blair” is a trade name for William Blair &
                                                                                       Company, L.L.C., William Blair Investment
and roof racks; TSG Consumer                                                           Management, LLC and William Blair International, Ltd.
Partners’ acquisition of Power Stop, a                                                 William Blair & Company, L.L.C. and William Blair
                                                                                       Investment Management, LLC are each a Delaware
supplier of performance-upgrade                                                        company and regulated by the Securities and Exchange
brake products; and Gridiron Capital’s                                                 Commission. William Blair & Company, L.L.C. is also
                                                                                       regulated by The Financial Industry Regulatory
acquisition of Rough Country, a                                                        Authority and other principal exchanges. William Blair
manufacturer and marketer of                                                           International, Ltd is authorized and regulated by the
suspension products and off-road                                                       Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in the United
                                                                                       Kingdom. William Blair only offers products and
accessories for the truck and                                                          services where it is permitted to do so. Some of these
Jeep markets.                                                                          products and services are only offered to persons or
                                                                                       institutions situated in the United States and are not
                                                                                       offered to persons or institutions outside the United
It remains to be seen how e-commerce                                                   States. This material has been approved for
penetration will progress for the                                                      distribution in the United Kingdom by William Blair
                                                                                       International, Ltd. Regulated by the Financial Conduct
automotive aftermarket relative to                                                     Authority (FCA), and is directed only at, and is only
other consumer products. For many                                                      made available to, persons falling within COB 3.5 and
aftermarket product categories, even                                                   3.6 of the FCA Handbook (being “Eligible
                                                                                       Counterparties” and Professional Clients). This
the best online shopping experiences                                                   Document is not to be distributed or passed on at any
will struggle to overcome fundamental                                                  “Retail Clients.” No persons other than persons to
                                                                                       whom this document is directed should rely on it or its
challenges, including time and speed                                                   contents or use it as the basis to make an
requirements and the "Last Mile                                                        investment decision.
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