Dyspepsia Challenge in Primary Care Gastroenterology

Page created by Andre Meyer
Stomach and Duodenum: Review Article

                                                    Dig Dis                                                              Received: March 29, 2021
                                                                                                                         Accepted: June 4, 2021
                                                    DOI: 10.1159/000517668                                               Published online: June 14, 2021

Dyspepsia Challenge in Primary Care
Vladimir Milivojevic a, b Ivan Rankovic a Miodrag N. Krstic a, b
Tomica Milosavljevic c
      for Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia; bSchool
of Medicine, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia; cInternal Medicine, Gastroenterology Euromedic Hospital,
Euromedic, General Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia

Keywords                                                                 toms is the diagnostic and therapeutic challenge dictated by
Dyspepsia · Primary care · Alarm symptoms                                organizational and economic potentials of the health sys-
                                                                         tem, professional resources, and primary health care capa-
                                                                         bilities to accept and treat patients with dyspepsia and to
Abstract                                                                 properly refer those with alarm symptoms and findings in-
Background: The purpose of this review is to take a deep                 dicative of organic disease to a gastroenterologist.
dive into general problems and challenges of diagnosis and                                                                    © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel
treatment of patients with symptoms of dyspepsia in prima-
ry care practice. Summary: Primary care physicians become
acquainted with a broad range of clinical problems and                       Introduction
therefore require a wide span of knowledge in taking care of
patients from their first medical examination within the                    The purpose of this review is to take a deep dive into
health care system. Dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori infec-             general problems and challenges of diagnosis and treat-
tion are two of the most frequent reasons of digestive-relat-            ment of patients with symptoms of dyspepsia in primary
ed health care issues, despite that in primary care practice,            care practice and evaluate their further transfer to gastro-
current recommendations for diagnosis and differential                   enterology with the aim to make adequate diagnosis of
therapy are often not implemented. The “test-and-treat”                  potential serious disease.
strategy is the initial management of the condition, reserv-
ing gastroscopy for patients refractory to symptomatic treat-                Role of the Primary Care
ment and for patients presenting with any of the following                   Primary care physicians become acquainted with a
alarm signs: age of above 55, dysphagia, anemia, weight loss,            broad range of clinical problems and therefore require a
frequent vomiting, family history of GI malignancy, or a                 wide span of knowledge to take care of patients from their
physical examination with key pathological findings. Key                 first medical contact within the health care system. That
Messages: Examination and treatment of dyspepsia symp-                   contact is very important and should provide unrestrict-

karger@karger.com      © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel                        Correspondence to:
www.karger.com/ddi                                                       Vladimir Milivojevic, dotorevlada @ gmail.com
ed access to health care service, dealing with all health      tice, current recommendations for diagnosis and differ-
problems despite age, sex, or any other personal differ-       ential therapy are often not implemented [11]. Family
ences [1]. Patients in primary care present with nonspe-       doctors are often confronted with the clinical picture of
cific symptoms and low incidence of serious illness. On        dyspepsia in everyday clinical practice. Earlier investiga-
that level, it is important to make adequate triage between    tions yielded that approximately 5–7% of patients in a
harmless symptoms and rare, but serious organic diseas-        primary care practice have symptoms that are related to
es. That kind of differentiating constitutes a major chal-     dyspepsia [12]. In recent studies in the United Kingdom,
lenge for the primary care physicians. Unessential recom-      Canada, and the USA, approximately 10% of the adult
mendations and diagnostic procedures need to be bal-           population have dyspepsia according to the Rome IV def-
anced against the risk of misdiagnosis [2]. Scientific         inition [13–15]. About 20–45% of the world’s population
suggestions reveal that noncommunicable disease bur-           suffers from dyspepsia and accounts for one-quarter of
den can be significantly reduced if cost-effective preven-     primary care referrals to the gastroenterologist [16]. Main
tive and therapeutic actions, alongside preventive proce-      organic causes of dyspepsia are peptic ulcer, gastroesoph-
dures and monitoring of noncommunicable diseases               ageal reflux disease, gastric or esophageal cancer, pancre-
which is already available, were to be conducted in an         atic or biliary disorders, intolerance to food or drugs, and
operative and balanced way. Health care service has to         other infectious or systemic diseases [17].
elaborate on simple methods for preselection of patients
at high risk to allow their implementation in strategies          Helicobacter pylori and Dyspepsia
and respect the demand of cost-effectiveness and preven-          Dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori infection are two of
tion of false diagnosis and mistakes [3]. General practice     the most frequent reasons of digestive-related health care
has restricted approach to bring out medical examination       problems. The infection with H. pylori represents chron-
in determining serious illness [4], but for any symptom,       ic burden of about one-half of the world population [18,
the primary care physician can search for red flags which      19]. The management of H. pylori transferred from gas-
are warnings of potentially severe underlying disease          troenterology to general practice in the last 10 years. In
which requires further medical monitoring and examina-         2017, H. pylori infection was classified as a high-priority
tion [5].                                                      infectious disease, which needs to be treated [20–22]. In
                                                               the last 2 decades, there has been more substantial con-
   Digestive Diseases and Dyspepsia in General Practice        tent of references, expert’s literature, guidelines, and con-
   Digestive diseases such as digestive cancers, liver dis-    sensus conferences on H. pylori and dyspepsia diagnosis
eases, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and         and treatment that ensure correct recommendations to
functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs), like dys-       be applied in general medicine [20, 23–27]. Also the “Eu-
pepsia and irritable bowel syndrome, make a range of           ropean Registry on H. pylori management” that includes
widespread health problems in primary care settings [6].       over 21,000 patients from 27 countries supports these ef-
According to the Rome IV criteria, dyspepsia is a condi-       forts and, in this moment, concluded that management
tion that significantly influences routine activities of pa-   of H. pylori infection by European gastroenterologists is
tients and is distinguished by one or more symptoms re-        heterogeneous, suboptimal, and discordant with current
lated to the upper part of the abdomen that stays unex-        recommendations. Only some regimes allow satisfactory
plained after a usual clinical workup [7]. Gastrointestinal    eradication rates. Tendency of the European guideline is
(GI) disorders which are in relation to motility changes,      to slowly and heterogeneously start being incorporated
visceral hypersensitivity, altered mucosal and immune          into routine clinical practice, which will be associated
function, gut-brain axis, and altered central nervous sys-     with an increase in effectiveness and eradication rate [28].
tem processing represent the spectrum of FGIDs or dis-
orders of gut-brain interaction. FGIDs correspond to the          Dyspeptic Symptoms without Red Flags
economic burden of health care systems and significantly          It is especially important to make optimal treatment of
reduce quality of life [8, 9]. Dyspepsia in general practice   dyspepsia because of its high prevalence [29]. According
encompasses patients with recurrent epigastric pain, with      to cost benefit analysis, upper endoscopy in younger pop-
or without bloating, nausea, or vomiting. In patients with     ulation without alarm symptoms due to limited budget is
uninvestigated dyspepsia, it is mandatory to manage pa-        unlikely to be an economically adoptable approach in
tients with “reflux-like” symptoms, also [10]. Despite         most health care systems. Reliable strategies in patients
functional dyspepsia being frequent in primary care prac-      without red flags for the initial management of uninves-

2                    Dig Dis                                                        Milivojevic/Rankovic/Krstic/Milosavljevic
                     DOI: 10.1159/000517668
Table 1. Warning signs in gastroenterology                    pending on the availability of limited investigatory pa-
                                                              rameters at primary care level. All the red flags do not
Dysphagia                   Anemia                            have an equal diagnostic power [37]. Some alarm symp-
Persistent vomiting         Weight loss
Age >55 years               Palpable abdominal mass           toms like loss of weight and loss of appetite are general
GI bleeding                 Family history of GI malignancy   and could be due to many conditions, while hematemesis
                                                              and melena are specific red flags which indicate gastroin-
   GI, gastrointestinal.                                      testinal bleeding [38]. All red flags, whether highly diag-
                                                              nostic or not, general or specific, warn us of the possibil-
                                                              ity for serious conditions. The availability of an early up-
                                                              per endoscopy program in primary care for patients with
tigated dyspepsia include (1) testing for H. pylori nonin-    dyspepsia and red flag signs decreases the number of vis-
vasively and performing upper GI endoscopy in those           its to a gastroenterologist [29]. Some European countries
who test positive, referred to as a “test-and-scope” strat-   lack this approach to early gastroscopy in general prac-
egy, (2) testing for H. pylori and treating the infection     tice, which may lead physicians to send these patients di-
with eradication therapy if present, the so-called “test-     rectly to gastroenterologists to be sure to avoid poten-
and-treat” strategy, and (3) empirical acid-suppression       tially severe condition [39]. Western Europe and North
therapy if H. pylori testing is negative [30]. Unexamined     America have age limit from 50 to 55 years which recom-
dyspepsia in young patients requires the “test-and-treat”     mends prompt upper endoscopy for uninvestigated dys-
strategy with noninvasive tests before decision of starting   pepsia [40–43]. Some Eastern European and Asian coun-
proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy or upper endoscopy        tries suggest a lower age limit due to higher prevalence of
(OGD), to make cost savings and reduce unpleasantness.        stomach cancer [44].
The test-and-treat strategy will cure most cases of under-
lying peptic ulcer disease and prevent most potential cas-       Limitations of Red Flags
es of gastroduodenal disease, and numerous studies sup-          The current recommendation of the American College
port the increasingly accepted idea that “the only good H.    of Gastroenterology (ACG) and the Canadian Associa-
pylori is a dead H. pylori” [31, 32]. The “test-and-treat”    tion of Gastroenterology (CAG) is to limit upper GI en-
strategy is not advised in regions when risk of stomach       doscopy to patients with dyspepsia when aged 60 years or
cancer is high [33], and then upper endoscopy is required,    older. In those aged below 60 years, these guidelines sug-
according to MAPS guidelines which focus on endoscop-         gest to withhold endoscopy even if patients present with
ic surveillance of precancerous lesions including atrophy,    alarm symptoms due to the limited predictive value of
IM, and dysplasia, but do not address general population      alarm symptoms for upper GI malignancy [41]. Some
screening. The age of subjects with gastric cancer dictates   studies revealed that even with inclusion of these “high-
regional variations [34–36].                                  risk” patients with red flags and performing upper endos-
                                                              copy, only a total of 0.8% was found to have a (upper) GI
    Red Flags                                                 cancer diagnosed [45].
    Treatment of dyspepsia may be managed in primary
care; if red flag signs are present that represent clinical      Diagnostic and Treatment Approach of Dyspepsia
indicators of a possible serious underlying condition, fur-      Ultrasound diagnostics in primary care can signifi-
ther examination is performed on the next health care         cantly contribute to diagnostic evaluation and early treat-
level. According to Maastricht V recommendation, the          ment of patients with hepatobiliary and pancreatic dis-
“test-and-treat” strategy is the initial management of the    eases presenting with symptoms of dyspepsia. The first
condition, reserving gastroscopy for patients refractory      step after ultrasound and laboratory tests can be in-depth
to symptomatic treatment and for patients who present         review of medications as a possible cause of dyspepsia
any of the following alarm signs: over the age of 55 years,   (calcium antagonists, nitrates, theophyllines, bisphos-
dysphagia, anemia, weight loss, frequent vomiting, fam-       phonates, corticosteroids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflam-
ily history of GI malignancy, or a physical examination       matory drugs) [10]. Treatment of patients who do not
with key pathological findings [20] (Table 1).                respond to the recommended treatment strategies is a
    Examination of red flags is of the highest priority to    challenge for family physicians. Regular visits and psy-
ensure precise and adequate decision-making and is sub-       chotherapeutic support in these patients can reduce the
ordinate to medical history and clinical presentation de-     level of anxiety and encourage the patient for treatment

Dyspepsia in Primary Care                                     Dig Dis                                                   3
                                                              DOI: 10.1159/000517668
Patients with symptoms
                                                                                  of dyspepsia
                                                                                                                 stop NSAID
                                                                            Clinical examination and
                                                                                 laboratory tests

                                                                              Warning symptoms
                                                                               and/or Age>50yr.
                                                                  Yes                                        No

                                                        Transfer to
                                                 Abdominal ultrasound exam
                                                                                      ‘Test and treat’                   Abdominal
                                                    OGD, colonoscopy,
                                                                                     H.Pylori infection              ultrasound exam
                                                                           Yes                     No
                                                                                                                   If present: Treat
                                                                                                                    hepatobiliary or
                                                                                              PPI therapy,              pancreas
                                                                   Eradication                  lifestyle          diseases, transfer
                                                                                              modification            to surgery or
                                                                                              Response on
                                                     Repeat if                               PPI and lifestyle
                                                    necessary,                       Yes                                No
                                                    transfer to
                                                                             scheduled           negative
                                                After second                  periodic                                 Transfer to
                                                 failure OGD                   visits                               gastroenterology,
                                                with culture or                                                     Additional testing,
                                                      PCR                                                           OGD, colonoscopy

                                                                                                Other treatment                positive
Fig. 1. Potential approach to diagnosis and                                                       possibilities
therapy of dyspepsia in primary care and

of psychological morbidity, as well as his efforts in health-           symptoms which fail symptomatic treatment is plausible,
ier behavior [46]. Treatment of concurrent mental disor-                but not generally indicated according to recent guide-
ders can improve the symptoms of dyspepsia. Recent re-                  lines, and treatment is carried out by acid suppression
search studies suggest improvement in understanding of                  [49]. In patients failing to achieve success in treatment,
the complex interaction in biopsychosocial processes that               further endoscopic diagnosis is indicated. Nowadays, we
constitute the pathophysiology of FGID which can pro-                   have clear evidence that PPIs are often overused in am-
ceed to designing useful clinical tools for health care prac-           bulatory patients. The main reasons for inadequate utili-
titioners utilizing them in improving assessment and                    zation of PPIs are the prophylaxis of gastroduodenal ul-
treatment of these disorders [47]. The main aim is to en-               cers in low-risk patients and stress ulcer control in non-
sure effective physician-patient relationship which can                 intensive care units, steroid and anticoagulant treatment
increase patient satisfaction, treatment compliance, re-                without risk factors, and overtreatment of functional dys-
duction of symptoms, and other health benefits [48]. En-                pepsia [50]. Potential adverse events of inappropriate use
doscopic workup in dyspeptic patients without alarm                     of PPIs may also lead to enteric infections (particularly

4                      Dig Dis                                                                Milivojevic/Rankovic/Krstic/Milosavljevic
                       DOI: 10.1159/000517668
Clostridium difficile diarrhea), nutritional deficiencies,                   mary health care capabilities to accept and treat patients
community-acquired pneumonia, hip fractures, gastric                         with dyspepsia. After successful initial examinations, the
carcinoids, and also ischemic heart disease, chronic kid-                    important step is referring those with alarm symptoms
ney disease, and dementia [51] (Fig. 1).                                     and findings thus indicating an organic disease to a gas-
   It is important in the context of functional dyspepsia                    troenterologist. We should also look at the current trends
treatment to give proper lifestyle advice, including advice                  in the settings of COVID-19 pandemic or realize poten-
on healthy eating, reduction of weight, and stopping                         tially new and similar global health care problems and
smoking. Suggesting patients to refrain from precipitant                     consider adjustments for optimal and timely diagnosis
factors such as alcohol, coffee, chocolate, and fatty foods                  and adequate treatment of patients with symptoms of
and being overweight is pivotal [10]. Endoscopic diag-                       dyspepsia that may have serious underlying conditions.
nostics is in the domain of gastroenterologists, and recent
studies report an integrated gastroenterological service
and direct referral to endoscopy by a family physician as                        Conflict of Interest Statement
a form of improving early diagnosis and treatment with
additional economic justification. Such organization in-                         The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
cludes a greater degree of integration and coordination of
health services at the primary and secondary health care
levels with cost-effectiveness [52].                                             Funding Sources

                                                                                 None of the authors received any funding.

   Examination and treatment of dyspepsia symptoms is                            Author Contributions
an important diagnostic and therapeutic challenge dic-                          V. Milivojevic wrote the manuscript; M. N. Krstic reviewed and
tated by the organizational and economic potentials of                       corrected the manuscript; I. Rankovic and T. Milosavljevic wrote
the entire health system, professional resources, and pri-                   the manuscript section, reviewed, and corrected the manuscript.

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6                         Dig Dis                                                                         Milivojevic/Rankovic/Krstic/Milosavljevic
                          DOI: 10.1159/000517668
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