Collaborating to Advocate in Primary Care for Children During COVID-19

Page created by Beatrice Wells
Collaborating to Advocate in Primary
                             Care for Children During COVID-19
                             Elizabeth Harrison, MD, Jane Garbutt, MB, ChB, Randall Sterkel, MD, Sherry Dodd, BA, Ruoyun Wang, MS, MHA,
                             Jason Newland, MD, MEd, Katie Plax, MD, ST LOUIS REGIONAL PEDIATRIC COVID-19 LEARNING COLLABORATIVE

The St Louis Regional Pediatric Learning Collaborative of pediatric primary care                     abstract
providers and infectious diseases specialists formed in March 2020 to address the
needs of children and families during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
                                                                                                     Washington University, St Louis, Missouri
pandemic. More than 400 pediatric primary care providers participated, using a
listserv to discuss care and organize webinars to provide updates on local and                       Drs Harrison, Garbutt, Newland, and Plax
                                                                                                     conceptualized and operationalized the Collaborative
national data and plan next steps. To inform local decision-making about care and                    and designed the data collection instruments,
                                                                                                     drafted the initial manuscript, and reviewed and
testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, 95 providers from                       revised the manuscript; Dr Sterkel conceptualized
26 practices partnered with the local practice-based research network to rapidly                     and operationalized the Collaborative, designed the
                                                                                                     data collection instruments, and reviewed and
collect and share data about children with COVID-19–like symptoms. Of 2162                           revised the manuscript; Ms Dodd conceptualized and
children tested for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, 9% had                          operationalized the Collaborative and designed the
                                                                                                     data collection instruments, collected data,
positive test results. Test result positivity was 33% if a patient was exposed to a                  coordinated and supervised data collection, and
                                                                                                     reviewed and revised the manuscript; Ms Wang
confirmed case of COVID-19 and 4% if they had COVID-19–like symptoms and no                          designed the database, conducted the initial
exposure. School or day care attendance was associated with lower rates of                           analyses, and reviewed and revised the manuscript;
                                                                                                     and all authors approved the final manuscript as
positive test results. Although not originally planned, these findings drove local                   submitted and agree to be accountable for all
                                                                                                     aspects of the work.
advocacy efforts by the Collaborative for increased access to testing and contact
tracing and safe in-person school. Members communicated directly and                                 DOI:

collectively with local politicians, provided advice and resources for school boards                 Accepted for publication Jun 30, 2021

and superintendent groups, and appeared on various media platforms. In these                         Address correspondence to Jane Garbutt, MB, ChB, 660
                                                                                                     South Euclid Ave, Campus Box 8005, St Louis, MO 63110.
efforts, they shared local data, highlighting the lower rate of positive test results                E-mail:
for children in school to support the idea that schools could be safely open.                        PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online,
Outreach from trusted pediatricians sharing prospective, timely, local data
                                                                                                     Copyright © 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
sustained in-person school for some districts and aided in future in-person
                                                                                                     FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated
openings for other school districts.                                                                 they have no financial relationships relevant to this
                                                                                                     article to disclose.
                                                                                                     FUNDING: Supported by the Washington University
                                                                                                     Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences
                                                                                                     grant UL1TR002345 from the National Center for
Sometimes advocacy evolves quickly                Pediatric Learning Collaborative (the              Advancing Translational Sciences of the National
in response to urgent need. We                    Collaborative) with local pediatric                Institutes of Health. The content is solely the
                                                                                                     responsibility of the authors and does not
report on the opportunity for                     infectious diseases experts. The                   necessarily represent the official view of the
advocacy work realized during our                 Collaborative was operationalized                  National Institutes of Health. Additional funding was
                                                                                                     provided by the Department of Pediatrics,
efforts to provide optimal care for               through our long-standing practice-                Washington University, and St Louis Children’s
children during the coronavirus                   based research network (PBRN) and                  Hospital. The funders did not participate in the
                                                                                                     work. Funded by the National Institutes of Health
disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.                 a newly implemented listserv.                      (NIH).
Early in the pandemic, pediatric                  Frequent webinars were held to                     POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have
primary care providers (PCPs) faced               share local, national, and                         indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to
unprecedented challenges in caring                international information about
for their patients. Given a lack of               COVID-19, discuss concerns and
information about COVID-19 in                     experiences, and plan action steps.
children, PCPs in our community                                                                       To cite: Harrison E, Garbutt J, Sterkel R, et al.
                                                  Initially, providers used the listserv              Collaborating to Advocate in Primary Care for
were motivated to work together to
                                                                                                      Children During COVID-19. Pediatrics.
optimize care. To this end, they                  to ask questions about patient                      2021;148(4):e2021052106
formed the St Louis Regional                      management, such as the accuracy

                                  Downloaded from by guest on October 9, 2021
PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 4, October 2021:e2021052106                                                              ADVOCACY CASE STUDY
and availability of testing for severe      symptoms and rarely are severely or             (45%) did not. Test result positivity
acute respiratory syndrome                  critically ill,2–9 local data from a            rate for SARS-CoV-2 virus was 6%
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), access          cohort of children with symptoms                for the group attending school and
to and appropriate use of personal          suggestive of COVID-19 provided                 12% for the group not in school,
protective equipment (PPE), and             opportunity to identify                         P < .001, relative risk: 0.49 (95%
recommendations for quarantine. An          discriminating factors for COVID-19             confidence interval: 0.34 to 0.71).
early concern was an inability to           to guide testing decisions.                     Similarly, for the 883 forms that
distinguish COVID-19 from other                                                             provided information about
common childhood infections                 To this end, between June 1, 2020,              attendance at a day care center, 267
especially in light of limited testing      and October 16, 2020, 95 PCPs                   (30%) attended and 616 (70%) did
availability. These limitations             prospectively reported data for                 not. The values for test result
included few test sites for pediatric       2162 patients who presented with                positivity for the 2 groups were 3%
patients, long delays in receiving          symptoms suggestive of COVID-19                 and 11%, respectively, (P < .001,
test results, uncertainty about the         and were tested for SARS-CoV-2                  relative risk: 0.28 [95% confidence
accuracy of test results, and the lack      (84% white, 6% African American                 interval: 0.13 to 0.57]).
of in-office testing due to shortages       or Black, 3% multiracial, 2% other,
                                            5% unknown; 4% Hispanic; 15%                    As we collected and analyzed our
of protective equipment and test
                                            government insurance). Nine                     data, there began to be more focus
supplies. The challenges of accurate,
                                            percent had positive test results.              locally and nationally on the
timely diagnosis limited optimal
                                            The majority of these patients had a            potential educational, health
patient care, resulted in unnecessary
                                            history of significant contact with a           (including mental health), and
quarantine recommendations and
                                            confirmed case of COVID-19 (59%)                economic consequences of
created significant family hardship.
                                            and had COVID-19–like symptoms                  prolonged school closures for
The Collaborative recognized that
                                            (89%). The median number of                     children, especially for children of
testing and quarantine decisions had
                                            symptoms at presentation was 3                  color and those from a lower
critical effects on family functioning
                                            (range 1 to 10). For many                       socioeconomic status.10–16 We
specifically regarding the impact on
                                            symptoms, although statistically                realized our unique opportunity as a
safe school and day care attendance.
                                            significant in this large sample, the           Collaborative to collectively use our
                                            difference in frequency between                 local data to advocate widely and
To address these concerns, the
                                            children with and without COVID-19              often for children and their
Collaborative circulated a list of area
                                            did not vary in a clinically                    families.17 Although disadvantaged
pediatric testing sites and
                                            significant way. For example, the               children were underrepresented in
collectively developed a clinical
                                            most common symptom of runny                    our local data collection, our
testing algorithm on the basis of
                                            nose or congestion was present in               advocacy efforts intentionally
Centers of Disease Control and
                                            66% of patients with COVID-19 and               included school districts serving
Prevention recommendations at the
                                            in 73% without COVID-19. Similarly,             diverse populations. The goals of
time.1 The algorithm considered
                                            cough was present in 48% with                   these advocacy activities were to
exposure to a known COVID-19 case
                                            COVID-19 and 57% without. Using                 increase access to testing, provide
and presenting symptoms to inform
                                            these local data, we learned that the           optimal care for children, and to
testing decisions and                       clinical algorithm could not reliably
recommendations for return to                                                               support safe day care and in-person
                                            identify those with and without                 school attendance for all children in
school or day care. To understand           COVID-19. In effect, COVID-19
presentations of COVID-19 in                                                                our community.
                                            cannot be ruled out clinically in
children in our community and               most cases for children with viral
determine the utility of the                                                                METHODS AND PROCESS
                                            symptoms, and, therefore,
developed testing algorithm,                widespread access to reliable testing           Over 4 months, 95 PCPs from 26
members of the Collaborative                for SARS-CoV-2 was needed for                   practices spanning the greater St
worked with the PBRN to                     optimal patient management.                     Louis area participated in data
implement a mechanism to rapidly                                                            collection, sharing data on >2000
gather and share information about          We also collected information about             children presenting with
COVID-19 in symptomatic children            school and day care attendance.                 COVID-19–like symptoms. In the
across their outpatient offices.            Among the 1403 patient forms that               absence of a common electronic
Although many studies have                  provided specific information about             health record, the data were
revealed that children with                 school attendance, 767 (55%)                    collected prospectively by using a
COVID-19 typically have mild viral          children attended school and 636                1-page form. This rapid data

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2                                                                                                                     HARRISON et al
collection was possible because of              The infrastructure provided by the               letter in late July, signed by >70
the infrastructure of the                       PBRN was also important.                         pediatric providers and sent to 2 St
established PBRN, which provided                Relationships among local pediatric              Louis Congressional
expertise in data collection, data              care providers and the PBRN were                 Representatives; the letter
entry and, when necessary,                      long-standing and tested. The PBRN               advocated for more rapid use of the
obtained data sharing agreements.               has existed for almost 20 years and              Coronavirus Aid, Relief and
Additionally, because the project               was trusted by the community of                  Economic Security Act funds to
was to improve care locally, it was             pediatric care providers to deliver              expand SARS-CoV-2 testing and
determined not to be human                      help and support. This partnership               contact tracing; because some of our
subjects research by the                        facilitated prospective data                     Collaborative members had long-
Washington University Human                     collection and storage of published              standing relationships with elected
Research Protection Office.                     articles, reports and other resources            officials, the letter was followed by a
                                                that were relevant for providing                 phone conversation on next steps;
Findings from the data collection               optimal care, advice, and advocacy               our members of Congress then
drove advocacy efforts by members               ( The                 worked with local political officials
of the Collaborative. In addition to            Collaborative served as a platform               to improve partnership and
sharing local data within the group,            to organize members in rapid                     communicated back directly to the
advocacy work included providing                deployment advocacy activities. Let-             Collaborative; (2) a letter sent in
advice and resources for school                 ters to local politicians were devel-            August to the Saint Louis County
boards and superintendent groups,               oped collectively via the listserv, and          Executive advocated for in-person
appearing on various media                      resources for school boards were                 school; the letter was signed by
platforms and communicating                     shared via the PBRN Web site.                    close to 100 pediatric practitioners
directly with local politicians via             Importantly, many members of the                 and addressed school mitigation
letters developed collectively and              Collaborative already had relation-              strategies of masking, social
signed by many Collaborative                    ships with local politicians and other           distancing, and PPE and cleaning
participants.                                   key decision-makers from past advo-              supplies for schools. In addition, the
                                                cacy efforts. These long-standing                letter called for limiting large
Several factors were critical to the            trusted relationships between                    gatherings and closing facilities
success of these advocacy activities.           elected leaders and pediatricians                associated with disease spread
The urgency and commitment of the               provided greater access for discus-              (bars, indoor gathering sites) while
providers to support the health and             sion about pediatricians’ concerns               maintaining in-person school.
wellbeing of their patients and                 and sharing of local data.                       Pediatricians reinforced the letter
patient families was essential. The                                                              with media work on television and
Collaborative ensured that providers            OUTCOMES                                         radio; this led to dialogue with the
banded together to receive group                Advocacy to increase access to                   county executive and greater
support and advocated in concert                SARS-CoV-2 testing through the                   pediatric representation in
together. In addition, infectious               local hospital system was                        workgroups that included school
diseases specialists provided the               unsuccessful for many months.                    superintendents and the metro-wide
most up-to-date knowledge and                   However, PCPs increasingly                       COVID-19 task force; (3) in early
expert opinion, shared local and                provided in-office specimen                      November, we developed a one-page
national data as they became                    collection for testing at private                document outlining the results of
available, and participated in the              laboratories, supporting each other              the Collaborative data gathering
advocacy work. These specialists                with information about local                     project; the document was
worked diligently to address                    laboratory resources, PPE                        presented to local public health
providers’ concerns in real time via            purchasing, and advice about                     officials, political leaders, and school
the listserv and through webinars.              operationalizing telemedicine and                officials in various meetings; it
The uncertainty of the times meant              parking lot visits. This alternative             highlighted the lower rate of
prompt dissemination of shared new              strategy rapidly increased pediatric             positive test results for children in
knowledge was critical for                      access to testing in the community.              school and day care, supporting the
participating pediatric care                                                                     idea that local daycares and schools
providers, and this was a strong                Regarding advocacy work to                       could be open safely; this one-page
motivator for participation and                 promote safe in-person school and                document sustained in-person
ongoing engagement in both                      day care attendance, 3 activities                school for some districts and aided
pediatric care and advocacy.                    seemed especially impactful: (1) a               in future in-person openings for

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 4, October 2021 from by guest on October 9, 2021
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other school districts; pediatricians       increased resources for schools, and            medicine and a listserv participant,
reinforced these results through            it has encouraged pediatricians to              provided 2 webinars covering care
continued engagement with local             engage in advocacy efforts such as              of patients with anxiety and suicide
school boards, private schools, and         signing letters to state and federal            risk assessment, each attended by
superintendent group meetings.              politicians. However, in many                   >50 PCPs. These timely webinars
                                            communities, decisions about school             were especially relevant because
LESSONS LEARNED                             opening during the COVID-19                     recent data reveal that emergency
Our experience revealed that                pandemic are being made at the                  department visits for suspected
important and successful advocacy           community level and have been                   suicide attempts among children
work by community pediatricians             influenced by both local positivity             aged 12 to 17 years has
can occur through a timely response         rate and transmission dynamics as               dramatically increased during the
to urgent needs. The goal of our            well as local politics, including               pandemic.24 Our PBRN has
project was to provide optimal care         school boards. Our advocacy work                disseminated resources and tools to
and improve access to in-person             in this area was community based                support primary care management
school and day care for local               and rooted in what pediatricians                of depression and anxiety through
children during the COVID-19                were seeing “on the ground” as the              the listserv and is conducting
pandemic. It involved organizing            pandemic unfolded, and it was                   interviews with providers to
pediatric care providers to follow          supported by local data that aligned            describe their experiences in
best practices that were constantly         with the growing body of literature             providing mental health care during
changing, standardizing testing             in the United States about the safety           the pandemic. We will use this next
recommendations during a                    of in-person school.20–23 The need              round of local data to advocate for
confusing time when consensus for           for advocacy was clear to providers,            needed services for children in our
pediatric patients was lacking, and         and, therefore, strategies were                 community.
collecting data to inform future            quickly developed, shared through
decision-making for schools and             listserv discussions, webinars, and             CONCLUSIONS
daycares. Although not originally           other means and then rapidly                    While working together to provide
planned, all of these activities            deployed for action. Many members               optimal care for families in the face
provided opportunities for local            of the Collaborative already had                of great uncertainty, our
PCPs to use their shared knowledge          ongoing relationships with local                Collaborative accomplished many
to advocate widely in our                   politicians and school boards from              advocacy goals focused on the needs
community for improved outcomes             previous involvement, so these were             of children and families during the
and opportunities for children. This        leveraged to increase pediatrician              COVID-19 pandemic. We conclude
advocacy supported local school             influence on groups making                      that timely advocacy efforts can be
leaders and public health officials to      decisions at the local level. Both              effective when pediatric providers,
help most local schools open.               newly forged and ongoing                        both community and academically
                                            relationships were critical to the              based, band together with shared
Our project revealed that pragmatic         success of the advocacy activities              goals. In our case, the Collaborative
collaboration between community-            reported here.                                  was able to rapidly gather local data
based PCPs, academically affiliated                                                         about COVID-19 in children and
pediatric infectious diseases experts,      The Collaborative listserv is now               influence school reopening decision
and a PBRN led by academicians              cemented in our community as a                  using letters, media, and
could effectively organize advocacy         collegial network that offers an                relationships built with local
efforts during the COVID-19                 effective platform for timely                   leaders.
pandemic. National organizations            problem solving and support. As of
like the American Academy of                June 14, 2021, the total number of              Current efforts of the Collaborative
Pediatrics and the American Medical         participants on the listserv is 447.            are focused on the continuing
Association have provided structure         Providers continue to answer                    challenges for primary care
and resources to support physicians         questions and share information,                providers presented by COVID-19,
in caring for patients during the           and experts are consulted for advice.           specifically the increased demand
pandemic.18,19 The American                 For example, in response to recent              for mental health care associated
Academy of Pediatrics has                   questions and discussion about care             with the pandemic. This work
advocated at the federal and state          for pandemic-related mental health              presents an opportunity to advocate
level for financial relief for patients     issues for children and teenagers, Dr           for a coordinated system of mental
and providers, access to testing, and       Katie Plax, an expert in adolescent             health care in our community to

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4                                                                                                                     HARRISON et al
optimize outcomes and use of                    Calfee, MD, Erin Casey, MD, John                 Skoultchi, MD, Carolyn Smith, MD,
resources. As children’s hospitals              Cole, MD, PhD, FAAP, Lora Collier,               Joshua Smith, MD, David Sonder-
continue to sound the alarm of the              MD, Tracy Cope, RN, MSN, CPNP,                   man, MD, Robert Spewak, MD, Craig
behavioral health crisis and                    Alison Cosa, RN, FNP-C, Kristine                 Spiegel, MD, Kristin Stahl, MD, Lacey
difficulties in caring for these                Costello, FNP, Teresa Dillard, CPNP,             Stevenson, PNP, Marissa Stock, MD,
children, efforts among primary care            Alla Dorfman, MD, Julie Dorfman,                 Kristen Terrill, MD, Cassandra Wal-
clinicians to fill the increasing gap in        MD, Jennifer Dunn, MD, Adam                      lace, PNP, Karen Whiteside, MD,
mental health care services for                 Eaton, MD, Jay Epstein, MD, Diane                Kristine Williams, MD, MPH, Latoya
children is ever more critical.                 Eschmann-Morie, MD, Rose Eslinger,               Woods, NP, Kathie Wuellner, MD,
                                                PNP, Kora Felsch, MD, Isabel Fer-                FAAP, Staci Young, MD, and Daisy
Although clinicians who care for                nandez-Holtzman, MD, Maria Gan-                  Zhou, MD.
children from disproportionately                ninger, MD, Caryn Garriga, MD,
impacted racial groups participate in           Elizabeth Hammer, MD, Suzanne
the listserv, few of these clinicians           Hanson, MD, David Hartenbach, MD,                  ABBREVIATIONS
participated in the data collection             Amy Hauch, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC,
                                                                                                   COVID-19: coronavirus disease
project, resulting in                           Mary Jo Hernandez-Zipfel, MD, Jane
underrepresentation of these                    Hicks, CPNP, Laura Hill, MD, Laura
                                                                                                   PBRN: practice-based research
children in our sample. A goal of the           Holzum, MD, Anna Huger, MD, Marti
Collaborative is to engage more                 Ianiri, CPNP, Virginia James, RN,
                                                                                                   PCP: pediatric primary care
primary care clinicians who provide             MSN, CPNP, Angela Jones, MD, Pam
care to populations of racially                 Kane, MD, Karla Keaney, MD, Stefa-
                                                                                                   PPE: personal protective
diverse children and children living            nee Keth, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC, Joel S.
in poverty to extend the reach of               Koenig, MD, Katherine Komendow-                    SARS-CoV-2: severe acute
this work and expand opportunities              ski, MD, Valerie Kover, MD, Katy                                respiratory
for local advocacy.                             Kreusser, MD, Abby Kushnir, MD,                                 syndrome
                                                Liling Lai, MD, Kenneth Levy, MD,                               coronavirus 2
The unique challenges faced during              Stephanie Lorts, MD, Christine
the pandemic drove the                          Machicao, CFNP, John Madden, MD,
development of our Collaborative,               PhD, Julia Mayer, MD, Jina McAtee,
which will certainly continue to                                                                 REFERENCES
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Collaborating to Advocate in Primary Care for Children During COVID-19
Elizabeth Harrison, Jane Garbutt, Randall Sterkel, Sherry Dodd, Ruoyun Wang, Jason
                             Newland and Katie Plax
                                Pediatrics 2021;148;
      DOI: 10.1542/peds.2021-052106 originally published online July 7, 2021;

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References                     This article cites 19 articles, 5 of which you can access for free at:
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Collaborating to Advocate in Primary Care for Children During COVID-19
Elizabeth Harrison, Jane Garbutt, Randall Sterkel, Sherry Dodd, Ruoyun Wang, Jason
                             Newland and Katie Plax
                                Pediatrics 2021;148;
      DOI: 10.1542/peds.2021-052106 originally published online July 7, 2021;

  The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
                          located on the World Wide Web at:

 Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
 has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
 the American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 2021
 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.

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