DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia

Page created by Norma Armstrong
DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia
DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia

 Imtrade Australia is an
 Australian owned
 agricultural chemical
 and R&D company.

 Established in 1981,
 the company operates
 a custom-built
 manufacturing and
 laboratory facility in
 Kwinana, Western
 Australia. Research &
 product manufacturing
 and quality control
 are conducted from
 this facility, with
 distribution warehouses
 located in all states

 Imtrade Australia
 supplies quality
 products designed
 for the broadacre,
 horticultural, turf and
 pasture markets.
DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia
DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia

Increased pressure
due to no-till

                         Invertebrate pests of Australian Broad-acre cropping have
                         generally arisen from incursions onto the Australian mainland
                         by foreign species introduced via various human activities.
                         Whilst a number of these species have been present in
                         Australia for some time without having a significant effect
                         on production systems, it has been the recent adoption of
                         moisture and stubble retention based agro-systems that has
                         seen the pests rapid rise to prominence in some regions.

                         The Australian climate dictates that agricultural practices
                         that prevent moisture loss, improve water infiltration, build
                         organic matter and soil structure and prevent the erosion
    Imtrade Transcend®   of topsoil via wind and water are of paramount importance.
      and Earwig 2018    Recent trends in climate shift are also further influencing
                         these practices as rainfall and temperature trends become
                         more sporadic. Since the mid 1990’s, the adoption of minimal
                         and no-till practices has seen rapid uptake across most broad-
                         acre cropping regions. These systems usually involve one
                         or more of the following practices; stubble retention, direct
                         drilling, minimal/no tillage, minimal/no burning, controlled
                         trafficking, chemical fallows and harvest chaff management.

                         All of these practices generally equate to high organic
                         matter/detritus layers on the soil surface in various stages
                         of decomposition, more friable soils through compaction
                         minimization, no soil disturbance/inversion, removal of
                         unwanted out-of-season vegetation and more retained
                         moisture. Since these practices have been adopted, there
                         has been a clear shift in the abundance of pest species, in
                         particular in the prevalence and distribution of Snail & Slug,
                         European Earwig, Portuguese Millipede and various Slater

                         All these species have been highly advantaged by the
                         adoption of these newer practices, as the traditional cultural
                         practices utilised in broad-acre agro-systems was naturally
                         disadvantageous to these pests. Mechanical manipulation of
                         soils, burning and general removal of bio-mass removed sub-
                         soil moisture, promoted compaction, disturbed invertebrate
                         refuges, eggs and dormancy stages, effectively providing
                         an unfavorable habitat and disrupting the life-cycle which
                         prevented rapid population explosions.

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DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia
DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia
Snails & Slugs                        term population control. Baiting
                                                              activities prior to/at sowing also
Egg laying activities
                        There are four Snail species of       seem to be more effective in
have been linked to     significance in Australian Broad-     preventing crop damage than post-
recent studies on the   acre cropping, with the majority      sowing baiting programs.
effects of humidity.    first being noted in the 1920’s.
                                                              Snails and Slugs are not attracted
                        Snails and Slugs damage newly         to baits, with consumption of bait
                        emerged seedlings of most             products being solely reliant upon
                        broad-acre crops, with Slugs also     encounter. Thus the number of
                        damaging sown legume seeds            baits per square meter becomes
                        before emergence. Additional          imperative for effective control
                        to early season damage, Snails        operations.
                        pose a contamination risk to
                        harvested commodities in the          The four species of snail are;
                        spring/summer, as they move up        • Conical or Pointed Snail
                        vegetation during this period in        (Cochlicella acuta)
                        order to enter their dormancy         • Small Pointed (conical) Snail
                        phase over the summer months.           (Prietocella barbara)
                        This leads to mechanical issues       • White Italian Snail
                        in harvesters and potential             (Theba pisana)
                        commodity contamination which         • Vineyard or Common White Snail
                        can effect receival.                    (Cernuella virgata)

                        Recent data indicates that            There are two major introduced
                        humidity appears to be the trigger    Slug species of significance in
                        for dormancy break and egg laying     Australian broad-acre cropping,
                        activities in Snails, with sub-soil   with records noting Milax
                        moisture at 50-60cm the trigger for   incidence in the 1820’s.
                        dormancy break in Slugs. Baiting
                        activities conducted around           The two species of slug are;
                        this trigger-point appearing to       • Black Keeled Slug (Milax gagates)
                        be the most effective for long-       • Reticulated Slug (Deroceras

                                IMTRADE          6
DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia
“Imtrade Transcend®
              is class leading in
              weather resistance
              integrety for 4-8
              weeks in the field”

DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia

              In Australia there are
             three species of Slater
            associated with damage
               to broad acre crops

Imtrade Transcend® provides protection from all three Slater species
and will assist in protecting your young crops from attack. Before
Imtrade Transcend® it was extremely difficult to control insects such
as Slaters and Earwigs amongs broad acre crops, but a solution has
finally been found in the form of a dynamic pellet bait.

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DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia
Earwigs, Slaters &                     Being highly mobile compared to
                                                                              Snails/Slugs, Earwigs, slaters and
                                       Millipedes                             Millipedes are able to encounter
                                                                              baits much more rapidly, and as
                                       There is one species of Earwig,        there is no ill effect, they tend to
                                       one species of Millipede and three     consume baits in their entirety
                                       species of Slater associated with      before Snail/Slug encounter can
                                       damage to broad-acre crops in          occur. With snail/slug control
                                       Australia.                             reliant on the number of baits
                                       These are;                             per square meter, this feeding
                                       • European Earwig (Forficulina         behavior of Earwigs, Slaters and
                                       auricularia)                           Millipedes significantly reduces
                                       • Portuguese Millipede                 the efficacy of the Snail baiting
                                       (Ommatoiulus moreletii)                program.
                                       • Pill Bug (Armadillidium vulgare)
                                       • Common Slater (Porcellio scaber)  The triggers to feeding and
                                       • Flood Bug (Australiodillo bifrons)population dynamics of
                                                                           these invertebrates is poorly
                                       These species have only recently    understood, however there seems
                                       become a major pest of broad-       to be some correlation between
                                       acre crops in Australia, they       activity and the prevalence of
                                       tend to cause feeding damage to     moisture. There are currently very
                                       young, newly germinated crops.      limited control options available
                                       Similarly to Snails and Slugs,      for the control of these species in
                                       some species can also be a harvest broad-acre agronomics, with some
                                       contamination issue when large      of the available options considered
                                       numbers are present in the crop     limited in their usefulness and
                                       canopy. Additionally, recent trials efficacy.
                                       have shown that these species
                                       are consuming Metaldehyde bait
                                       products intended for Snails,
                                       apparently without any
                                       ill-effect (Fig 1).

Fig 1; Portuguese Millipedes (Ommatoiulus moreletii)
feeding on metaldehyde snail baits as captured by
timelapse camera. (photo credit: PIRSA/SARDI)

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DUAL BAITING SYSTEM - Imtrade Australia
The Solution:                                                                  “Growers do not
Imtrade CropScience, in                  means that a single pass with         need to change
collaboration with growers and           Transcend® can persist longer
researchers has developed a              in the field and may remove the       their practices
unique, Australian designed pellet       requirement for secondary bait        of machinery to
bait for the control of Snails, Slugs,   applications in a season, which is    accomodate Imtrade
European Earwigs, Slaters and            often the case with low durability
Portuguese Millipedes. Imtrade           Snail baits.                          Transcend®”
Transcend® Molluscicide &
Insecticide provides growers with
an effective and efficient baiting       Highly effective on Slaters,
option designed to fit seamlessly        Millipedes and Earwigs
into current broad-acre operations
so growers do not need to change    The occurrence of these
their practices or machinery to     invertebrate species often
accommodate the new technology.     coincides with Snail and Slug
Transcend® has delivered a game-    activity in Australian broad-
changing solution to growers,       acre cropping. Transcend® is
effectively reducing early season   highly palatable to these species,
crop damage and aiding in           delivering a lethal dose at very
population control, reducing        small consumption rates (Table
harvest-time contamination.         1). While this is advantageous
                                    to preventing crop damage, it
                                    also addresses the issue of these
Highly effective on                 species consuming Snail/Slug
Snails and Slugs                    baits. Even though ingestion is
The small, compact pellet provides required for efficacy, the amount
between 40 and 80 bait points per   consumed to cause lethality
square meter (dictated by use rate) is low, leaving the majority
which is considered effective for   of the bait available for Snail/
Snail and Slug population control. Slug encounter. The efficacy
The bait formulation demonstrates of Trancend® on these species
class leading rainfastness,         is exceptional, with controlled
maintaining its physical integrity  experimental designs indicating
for 4 – 8 weeks under field         100% control (Table 2).
conditions. This durability

Use of Imtrade Transcend ® in Canola is pending registration with the APVMA.

                                              IMTRADE         10
Table 1; The weight of baits applied per treatment per arena in controlled laboratory assays and the mean consumption
    of baits 3 DAT by Common Slater (Porcellio scaber), European Earwig (Forficulina auricularia), and Portuguese Millipede
    (Ommatoiulus moreletii).

                                                                                         Slater                                  Earwig                                         Millipede
     No.            Treatment                   No. Pellets               Applied             Consumption                  Applied Consumption                             Applied Consumption
                                                (per arena)               Wt mg                      mg                    Wt mg        mg                                 Wt mg         mg
     A              Transcend®                       2                      26                       1.8bc                       26                     6d                   30          10c
     B              Transcend®                           4                    47                     1.9bc                       53                     6d                      60                     10c
     C      Transcend®                                   8                    91                      0.2c                      106                     5d                     116                     11c
     D      Mesurol                                      2                    55                    6.5ab                        75                   23c                      101                   15c
     E      Metakill                                     4                    43                     0.0c                        53                   51b                       52                   49b
     F      Placebo                                      4                    61                    11.2a                        63                   62a                       77                   72a
     P Value                                                                 ana
TRANSCEND® is a Registered Trademark of Imtrade CropScience Pty Ltd
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