Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System

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Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung:
Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System

                   Tibor Harkany1,2
          1KarolinskaInstitutet, Stockholm, Sweden
            2Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Wirkungsmechanismen von Drogen
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Phasen der Entwicklung des Gehirns
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Die Hanfpflanze – vom Himalaya in die Apotheke

Cannabis sativa
- Cannabis indica
- Cannabis ruderalis

Used for:
-   Hemp (fibers, non-toxicant or low
    amount of phytocannabinoids),
-   Marijuana (dried flower buds),
    selective cultivation led to
    numerous subspecies with
    discrete THC/CBD ratios, also for
    medical use,
-   Hashish (resin) or hashish oils
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Gesetzeslage rund um Cannabis - weltweit
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Gesetzeslage rund um Cannabis – Europa
  (speziell medizischer Einsatz von Cannabis)
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Tibor Harkany1,2 Drogenkonsum und Gehirnentwicklung: Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoid-System
Unterschied zwischen medizinischer Anwendung
             und Genuss-Konsum

Recreational cannabis use:
Impacts an “intact system” (= physiological) in which
additional drug enhances/modulates/disrupts
endocannabinoid signaling.
Risks are from “having too much of a good(?) thing”
particularly in case of a hidden condition.

Medical cannabis use:
Treatment of a “faulty system” (= disease) in which
endocannabinoid signaling is impaired. Benefit is
from compensating an error.
Indikationen für medizinische Cannabis

•   Nausea and vomiting (including cancer chemotherapy),
•   Appetite stimulation (anorexia, cachexia, AIDS, Alzheimer’s),
•   Spasticity (Multiplex sclerosis, spinal cord injury),
•   Movement disorders,
•   Pain (cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, headache, menstruation, chronic
    inflammation, neuralgias),
•   Glaucoma (intraocular pressure - 30-50% decrease),
•   Epilepsy,
•   Asthma, allergic reactions,
•   Withdrawal in dependency on benzodiazepines, opiates and alcohol,
•   Anxiety, depression (and bipolar disorder),
•   Inflammatory diseases.
Zugelassene Produkte die
Phytocannabinoide beinhalten

 •   Sativex (GW Pharma), THC/CBD, pain & spasticity,
 •   Dronabinol/Marinol (Solvay Pharma), synthetic THC,
     nausea and vomiting,
 •   Nabilone / Cesamet (Valeant Pharma), synthetic
     cannabinoid, nausea and vomiting,
 •   Dexanabinol (Solvay Pharma), non-psychotropic
     cannabinoids, neuroprotective (TBI),
 •   CT-3 (ajulemic acid, Indevus Pharma), THC-11-oic acid,
     spasticity and pain,
 •   Cannabinor (Pharmos), pain – not introduced,
 •   HU 308 (Pharmos), CB2 agonist, hypertension, anti-
     inflammatory – not approved,
 •   HU 331 (Cayman), CB1/CB2 pharmacology, weight loss,
     appetite – pre-clinical,
 •   Acomplia/Rimonabant (Sanofi-Aventis) – CB1 antagonist,
     weight loss, appetite – withdrawn,
 •   Taranabant (Merck) – CB1 antagonist, appetite –
Medizinische Verwendung:
noch nicht hinreichend beforscht?
Ein Geschichte-Wissenschafts Mix
                                               (von altertümlichen Kräuterbüchern bis zum Klonieren)

time line   Shennong bencao jing

            2800 BC                           1967         Woodstock
                                     Phytocannabinoid     1969
                                                                       CB1R cloning                            1992 – 1995


                                                                                               Anandamide (AEA)

                                                                                             2-Arachidonoyl Glycerol (2-AG)

                                                                                     Gaoni & Mechoulam (1967) Tetrahedron Lett
                                                                                                  Devane et al (1988) Mol Pharm
                                                                                                  Herkenham et al (1990) PNAS
                                                                                    Ramos et al (2010) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Wie wirkt es im Gehirn?
                 (Physiologische Basis - Endocannabinoide)

Human cerebral cortex               Networks                     Synapses

                                                             (A) Get excited! (Glu)
                                                             (B) Slow down! (GABA)

 5 cm

 Neuron:     2 x 1010

Synapse:    1.5 x 1014
                                                              Give me a break!!!
Meilensteine der CB1R Pharmakologie
     (Ligand-Entdeckung, Verteilung)

                     Gaoni & Mechoulam (1967) Tetrahedron Lett
                     Devane et al (1988) Mol Pharm
                     Herkenham et al (1990) PNAS
Physiologische Bedeutung des Endocannabinoid-Signals
                    (2-AG & AEA)


                                                    50 pA

                        Control DSI/DSE Recovery

                             Wilson & Nicoll (2001) Nature
Bedeutung im Menschen

7 - 17% of women were estimated to use
marijuana during pregnancy (SAMHSA, 2002).
    Mulder et al. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
Endocannabinoid signals contribute to:
(a) Stem cell proliferation,
(b) Stem cell survival,
(c) Neuron vs. glia fate decision,
(d) Neuronal migration,
(e) Synaptogenesis, axonal growth.

This is achieved through the likely existence of
endocannabinoid gradients and a mixture of cell
autonomous / intercellular signaling events.
Klaudia Barabas

Endocannabinoid Signale bestimmen Spezifizierung von
Pyramidenzellen und lang-reichweitige Axonen
rompted the vibrant discipline of contempo-   Neurogenesis: the process by which neurons are created, irrespective of the
logy. Developmental biology studies con-       specific region where these cells are generated or their specific functions
he formation of endocannabinoid signaling
 , the role of endocannabinoids [10–19] and,
                                               within the nervous system.
                                               Progenitor cell: an early descendant of a stem cell that can proliferate and     Molecular model of cannabis
                                               differentiate. A progenitor cell is more limited than a stem cell in the lineages
the molecular   blueprint of prenatal cannabis

23] in the developing
              Review    nervous system soon
                                               of cells it can generate.
                                               Retrograde signaling: a phenomenon during which a signal molecule travels
                                                                                                                                sensitivity in developing
present understanding    is that endocannabi-
              Molecular model of cannabis
                                               from the postsynaptic neuron toward the presynaptic neuron in a direction
                                               opposing that of the relevant synaptic neurotransmitter.                         neuronal circuits
                 sensitivity model
uthor: Harkany, T. (Tibor.Harkany@ki.se)    in developing   of cannabis       Synaptogenesis: the formation of functional synapses.
                                                                                  Erik Keimpema1, Ken Mackie2 and Tibor Harkany1,3
t matter ! 2011 Elsevier
                         Ltd. All rights reserved.
                                                   doi:10.1016/j.tips.2011.05.004 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, September 2011, Vol. 32, No. 9
                                                                                   European Neuroscience Institute at Aberdeen, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, UK
                 neuronal                circuits
                 Erik Keimpema , Ken Mackie and Tibor Harkany           2                                  1,3                  2
                                                                                   Gill Center for Neuroscience and Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana Univ
                                         1 Institute at Aberdeen,                                         IN 47405, USA
                                           , Ken Mackie2 and                                1,3
                 Erik    Keimpema
                   European   Neuroscience                             Tibor
                                                                  University     Harkany
                                                                             of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD,
                                                                                                          3 UK
                   Gill Center for Neuroscience and Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana Division     of Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karo
                                                                                                            University, Bloomington,
                    47405, USA
                              Neuroscience Institute at Aberdeen, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, UK             Sweden
                   Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, S-17177
                  Gill Center for Neuroscience and Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington,
                 IN          Sweden
                    47405, USA
                  Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, S-17177
                 Stockholm, Sweden
                 Prenatal cannabis exposure can complicate in utero de-                                                     Prenatal
                                                                                                 noids can act as focal instructive             cannabis
                                                                                                                                           signals   that affect exposure
                                                                                                                                                                  neural        can complicate in utero de-     noids can act as focal instruc
                 velopment of the nervous system. Cannabis impacts the                           progenitor proliferation [18] and neuron versus glia fate
                 formationcannabis       exposure
                              and functions            can complicate
                                                 of neuronal      circuitries in by
                                                                                 utero     de-
                                                                                      target-    noids  can [24],
                                                                                                 decisions  act asasfocal   velopment
                                                                                                                      wellinstructive      signalsof
                                                                                                                             as the differentiation  thatthe    nervous
                                                                                                                                                           affect neural
                                                                                                                                                           programs     of    system. Cannabis impacts the      progenitor proliferation [18
                 ing cannabinoidof the receptors.
                                        nervous system.         Cannabis impacts
                                                       Endocannabinoid            signalingthe   progenitor   proliferation
                                                                                                 forebrain neurons             [18] and
                                                                                                                        (including      butneuron
                                                                                                                                               notand  versus
                                                                                                                                                     restricted glia
                                                                                                                                                                  to fate
                                                                                                                                                           functions  cell of neuronal circuitries by target-   decisions [24], as well as th
                 emerges asand      functionscassette
                                 a signaling     of neuronalthat circuitries
                                                                   orchestrates  by target-
                                                                                      neuro-     decisions
                                                                                                             axonalas well
                                                                                                                       growthas and
                                                                                                                                 the differentiation
                                                                                                                                       synapse development)programs     of
                 ing  cannabinoid receptors.
                 nal differentiation                   Endocannabinoid
                                         programs through           the precisely signaling
                                                                                       timed     forebrain
                                                                                                    Here, we neurons        ingmolecular
                                                                                                               ask: are(including
                                                                                                                           the      cannabinoid
                                                                                                                                        but not mechanisms      receptors.
                                                                                                                                                     restrictedof toendo-
                                                                                                                                                                      cell      Endocannabinoid signaling       forebrain neurons (includin
                 interactionasof a endocannabinoid
                                   signaling cassetteligandsthat orchestrates         neuro-
                                                                      with their cognate         migration,
                                                                                                 cannabinoid axonal    growth
                                                                                                                signaling        and
                                                                                                                            (that  is, synapse  as
                                                                                                                                        the dynamic development)
                                                                                                                                                      a signaling
                                                                                                                                                         arrangements[24]. cassette that orchestrates neuro-    migration, axonal growth an
                 nal differentiation
                 cannabinoid             programs
                                 receptors.            through the precisely
                                               By indiscriminately         prolonging  timed
                                                                                           the      Here,
                                                                                                 of the     we ask: are
                                                                                                         enzymatic         the molecular
                                                                                                                      control                   mechanisms of avail-
                                                                                                                                 of focal endocannabinoid           endo-
                 ‘switched-on’ of endocannabinoid
                                    period of cannabinoid ligands     with theircannabis
                                                                   receptors,       cognate      cannabinoid    signalingatnal
                                                                                                 ability and signaling      (that  differentiation
                                                                                                                                   is, 1the
                                                                                                                              the CB          dynamic arrangements
                                                                                                                                        R) necessary              programs through the precisely timed
                                                                                                                                                         and sufficient                                            Here, we ask: are the m
                 cannabinoid     receptors. By indiscriminately            prolonging      the   of
                                                                                                 to the  enzymatic    control    of focal in endocannabinoid       avail-
                 can hijack endocannabinoid            signals to evoke          molecular          establish
                                                                                                         and signaling
                                                                                                                              the CB1R) necessary
                                                                                                                                                 developing    neurons?
                                                                                                                                                    of endocannabinoid
                                                                                                                                                                                  ligands with their cognate    cannabinoid signaling (that
                 rearrangements,    period  of cannabinoid
                                       leading    to the erroneous receptors,
                                                                           wiring cannabis
                                                                                     of neu-     We present    a series of                    to pinpoint   thesufficient
                 ronalhijack   endocannabinoid
                       networks.     Here, we formulatesignals     to evoke molecular
                                                                a hierarchical     network       to establish
                                                                                                 axon    as a cannabis
                                                                                                                 structural cannabinoid
                                                                                                                                 substrate            receptors.
                                                                                                                                             in developing         actionBy indiscriminately prolonging the
                                                                                                                                                 of cannabisneurons?                                            of the enzymatic control of
                 design necessary leading         to the to
                                        and sufficient     erroneous
                                                               describewiring        of neu-
                                                                            the molecular        We  present aand
                                                                                                 [6,13,15,17],   series
                                                                                                                      to of  arguments
                                                                                                                         suggest     a causal to pinpoint   the nascent
                                                                                                                                                   link between      com-
                 underpinnings of cannabis-induced neural network
                       networks.     Here,  we   formulate      a hierarchical       growth      axon    as a structural
                                                                                                                    endocannabinoid          signaling
                                                                                                                                                 of cannabis
                                                                                                                                                         and cannabis
                                                                                                                                                                       of cannabinoid receptors, cannabis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ability and signaling at the C
                 design   necessary     and  sufficient    to  describe
                 defects. We integrate signalosome components, deduced      the  molecular       [6,13,15,17],  and   to    can
                                                                                                                         suggest    hijack
                                                                                                                                     a   causal    endocannabinoid
                                                                                                 (or cannabinomimetic)-driven modifications to the wiringbetween     com-       signals to evoke molecular      to establish cannabis sensi
                 from genome- and     of proteome-wide
                                            cannabis-induced     arraysneural        growth
                                                                           and candidate         partmentalized     endocannabinoid
                                                                                                 of emergent neuronal       networks in signaling        and cannabis
                                                                                                                                              the fetal brain   [6,7,13].
                 analyses,We  tointegrate
                                              a mechanistic     components,
                                                                   hypothesisdeduced of how      Our
                                                                                                 (or cannabinomimetic)-driven
                                                                                                      molecular model reconcilesmodifications
                                                                                                                                         competing and
                                                                                                                                                             the wiring
                                                                                                                                                                            to the erroneous wiring of neu-     We present a series of argum
                 from  genome- andectopic
                 cannabis-induced         proteome-wide
                                                    cannabinoid  arrays    and candidate
                                                                       receptor      activity    of emergenton
                                                                                                 hypotheses    neuronal
                                                                                                                  the modes ronal
                                                                                                                               of actionnetworks.
                                                                                                                                          inofthe fetal brainHere,
                                                                                                                                               endocannabinoids,       we formulate a hierarchical network
                                                                                                                                                                      the                                       axon as a structural su
                 analyses,    to propose a neurodevelopmental
                                                 mechanistic hypothesis              of how      Our  molecular
                                                                                                 cellular         model reconciles
                                                                                                           configuration                 competing machinery,
                                                                                                                             of their metabolic        and provocative
                 overrides physiological
                 cannabis-induced        ectopic
                 binoid signals, affecting      thecannabinoid
                                                     timely formation  receptor
                                                                              of synapses.       hypotheses
                                                                                                 signaling byonintracellular
                                                                                                                  the modes ofversus
                                                                                                                                  action of
                                                                                                                                                             CB1Rs. the
                                                                                                                                                                        sufficient to describe the molecular    [6,13,15,17], and to suggest
                 overrides physiological neurodevelopmental endocanna-                           cellular configuration underpinnings
                                                                                                                             of their metabolic machinery,    of and   cannabis-induced neural growth           partmentalized endocannab
                 binoid  signals, affectinggatekeepers
                                                the timelyof     neuronalof synapses.
                                                               formation                         signaling by intracellular versus extracellular CB1Rs.
                 development                                                                       Glossary                 defects. We integrate signalosome components, deduced                               (or cannabinomimetic)-drive
                 Molecular cloning of gatekeepers            of neuronal
                                           the CB1 cannabinoid           receptor (CB1R)                                        from genome- and proteome-wide arrays and candidate
                                                                                                  Cell cycle exit: the event when a cell permanently leaves the cell cycle to adopt                             of emergent neuronal netwo
                 [1] and its functional characterization as the major target                      Glossary
                                                                                                  a terminal differentiation program. To achieve this, cells become refractory to
                 Molecular    cloning of the CB(THC)
                 of D -tetrahydrocannabinol         1 cannabinoid        receptor
                                                              from cannabis        [2](CB
                                                                                            to    proliferative signals.        analyses, to propose a mechanistic hypothesis of how
                                                                                                  Cell cycle exit: the event when a cell permanently leaves the cell cycle to adopt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Our molecular model reconci
                                                                                                  Fate decision: the point when a progenitor cell commits toward and initiates an
                 [1] and its functional
                 a sea-change
                                  in the understanding              as molecular
                                                               of the   the major target
                                                                                       mech-                                    cannabis-induced ectopic cannabinoid receptor activity
                                                                                                  a terminal differentiation program. To achieve this, cells become refractory to
                                                                                                  intrinsic specification program to generate a terminally differentiated cell.
                                                                                                  proliferative signals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                hypotheses on the modes of a
                 of D -tetrahydrocannabinol
                 anisms    of this psychoactive     (THC)
                                                        drug’sfrom    cannabis
                                                                  actions          [2] led to
                                                                             on neuronal          Lateral geniculate nucleus: resides within the thalamus and functions as the
                 a sea-change
                 structure   andin   the understanding
                                   function   in brain regions of thecontrolling
                                                                        molecularmemo- mech-                                    overrides physiological neurodevelopmental endocanna-
                                                                                                  Fate decision: the point when a progenitor cell commits toward and initiates an
                                                                                                  primary relay center for visual information received from the retina of the eye.
                                                                                                  intrinsic specification program to generate a terminally differentiated cell.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                cellular configuration of the
                                                                                                  Growth cone: a specialized region at the tip of a growing neurite that is
                 anisms    of  this  psychoactive       drug’s    actions
                 ry, cognition, movement and pain perception [3]. These      on   neuronal                                      binoid signals, affecting the timely formation of synapses.
                                                                                                  Lateral geniculate nucleus: resides within the thalamus and functions as the
                                                                                                  responsible for sensing the local environment and for guiding the axon                                        signaling by intracellular ve
                                                                                                  primary relay center for visual information received from the retina of the eye.
                 structure   and function
                 findings, coupled      with in
                                              thebrain    regions
                                                    discovery     thatcontrolling
                                                                          the CB1Rmemo-  func-    through the transduction of attractive and repulsive extracellular guidance
                                                                                                  Growth cone: a specialized region at the tip of a growing neurite that is
                 ry, cognition,     movement      and transducer
                                                         pain perception                          cues toward a target cell.
                 tions  as an essential       signal                     in an [3].    These
                                                                                  elaborate       responsible for sensing the local environment and for guiding the axon
                                                                                                  Intercellular (synaptic) communication: information exchange between neu-
                 findings, coupled
                 molecular     network  with  the discovery
                                          relying                 that the
                                                     on ‘endogenous            CB1R func-
                                                                            cannabinoids’                                       Endocannabinoids: gatekeepers of neuronal
                                                                                                  through the transduction of attractive and repulsive extracellular guidance
                                                                                                  rons via neurotransmitter release at a specialized junction, the synapse.
                                                                                                  cues toward a target cell.
                 tions  as an essential
                 (endocannabinoids)        to signal
                                               modulate transducer       in an elaborate
                                                             the plasticity        of many        Neurite outgrowth: sequential process including the specification, elongation
                 synapses [4], network
                                  promptedrelying    on ‘endogenous
                                               the vibrant     disciplinecannabinoids’
                                                                             of contempo-                                       development
                                                                                                  Intercellular (synaptic) communication: information exchange between neu-
                                                                                                  and branching of developing axons and dendrites.
                                                                                                  rons via neurotransmitter release at a specialized junction, the synapse.
                                                                                                  Neurogenesis: the process by which neurons are created, irrespective of the
                 (endocannabinoids)        to modulate thebiology
                 rary neurobiology. Developmental                    plasticity    of many
                                                                             studies      con-                                  Molecular cloning of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R)
                                                                                                  Neurite outgrowth: sequential process including the specification, elongation
                                                                                                  specific region where these cells are generated or their specific functions
                                                                                                  and branching of developing axons and dendrites.                                                               Cell cycle exit: the event when a cell p
                 cerned with[4], the
                                      formationthe vibrant     discipline of contempo-
                                                     of endocannabinoid           signaling       within the nervous system.
                 rary  neurobiology.
                 networks                 Developmental
                             [5–9], the role                     biology studies
                                                of endocannabinoids           [10–19] and,con-                                  [1] and its functional characterization as the major target
                                                                                                  Neurogenesis: the process by which neurons are created, irrespective of the
                                                                                                  Progenitor cell: an early descendant of a stem cell that can proliferate and
                                                                                                  specific region where these cells are generated or their specific functions
                                                                                                  differentiate. A progenitor cell is more limited than a stem cell in the lineages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a terminal differentiation program. To
                                                                                                                                          9                                                                      proliferative signals.
                 cerned with the
                 consequently,     theformation
                                       molecular of      endocannabinoid
                                                     blueprint     of prenatal signaling
                                                                                  cannabis        within the nervous system.
                                                                                                  of cells it can generate.     of D -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from cannabis [2] led to
                                                                                                  Progenitor cell: an early descendant of a stem cell that can proliferate and
                 abuse       [5–9], the
                         [16,20–23]     inrole
                                           the of  endocannabinoids
                                                 developing                   [10–19] soon
                                                                 nervous system           and,    Retrograde signaling: a phenomenon during which a signal molecule travels
                                                                                                  differentiate. A progenitor cell is more limited than a stem cell in the lineages                              Fate decision: the point when a progen
                                                                                                  from the postsynaptic neuron toward the presynaptic neuron in a direction
CB1 Rezeptor Antagonisten induzieren

              SR141716      SR141716

                  Hui-Chen Lu & Klaudia Barabas
THC reduziert SCG10/stathmin-2 Inhalt im
          embryonalen Gehirn

                                  Giuseppe Tortoriello
Bedeutung im Menschen
(muetterlicher Cannabiskonsum)

                                 Claudia Morris
                                 Yasmin L. Hurd
THC-induzierte Änderungen persistieren im Gehirn
          des betroffenen Nachwuchs

                       Janos Fuzik & Giuseppe Tortoriello
Medizinisches Cannabis: Therapie der Zukunft,
       wenn wir die Pflanze verstehen

              Medical cannabis:

              •   More than 400 phytocannabinoids exist in the
                  plant – this suggests tremendous therapeutic

              •   The combination and ratios of these
                  components can be used successfully in
                  many, and most diverse, medical conditions,

              •   Research must be directed to understand
                  when, at which combination, and doses
                  cannabis constituents should/could be

              •   The study of cannabis already led to the
                  discovery of an ancient and fundamental
                  system endogenous to our body – what
                  awaits next?

 Katarzyna Malenczyk, Giuseppe Tortoriello,
 Erik Keimpema, Alan Alpar, Daniela Calvigioni, Janos Fuzik

                                                              novo nordisk fonden

International collaborators:

Vincenzo Di Marzo, ERG, CNR, Naples, Italy
Yasmin L. Hurd, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Ken Mackie, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Pat Doherty, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
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