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Volume 11 Article 21 Number 1 Summer 7-15-1984 Dragons for Tolkien and Lewis Ruth Berman Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mythlore Part of the Children's and Young Adult Literature Commons Recommended Citation Berman, Ruth (1984) "Dragons for Tolkien and Lewis," Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature: Vol. 11 : No. 1 , Article 21. Available at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mythlore/vol11/iss1/21 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Mythopoeic Society at SWOSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature by an authorized editor of SWOSU Digital Commons. An ADA compliant document is available upon request. For more information, please contact phillip.fitzsimmons@swosu.edu. To join the Mythopoeic Society go to: http://www.mythsoc.org/join.htm
Online Winter Seminar February 4-5, 2022 (Friday evening, Saturday all day) https://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon/ows-2022.htm Mythcon 52: The Mythic, the Fantastic, and the Alien Albuquerque, New Mexico; July 29 - August 1, 2022 http://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon/mythcon-52.htm Abstract Discusses the revival of dragons in fantasy after a long hiatus (perhaps spurred by Victorian studies of dinosaur fossils), which both influenced and was further refined by Tolkien and Lewis, with a brief look at dragons in fantasy since their time. Additional Keywords Dragons in C.S. Lewis; Dragons in J.R.R. Tolkien; Dragons in literature; Dragons in mythology; Lewis, C.S.—Characters—Dragons; Tolkien, J.R.R.—Characters—Dragons This article is available in Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature: https://dc.swosu.edu/mythlore/vol11/iss1/21
Page 53 Dragons for Tolkien and Lewis Ruth Berman When J .R .R . Tolkien and C.S. Lew is were boys, Sigurd the Volsung, as well as in a version r etold for dragons were only just beginning to come back into youngsters in The R ed Fairy Book, e d ited by Andrew literatu re a fte r a hiatus o f more than two centuries. Lang. During the eighteenth century, most kinds o f fantasy w ere d is c o u r a g e d . During the n ineteenth century, Tolkien has d escrib ed his fascin ation with dragons fantasy becam e a g enre, but the absence o f dragons in h is essay, "On F a ir y -S to rie s ": among the wealth o f ghosts, w itch es, dev ils, m e r-fo lk , fairies, e t c ., is striking. Monsters in general were I desired dragons with a profound d esire. Of rare, but dragons were much rarer. Nineteenth century course, I in my tim id body did not wish to f a n ta s is ts in v e n te d o r ig in a l m o n s t e r s - - L e w is have them in the neighbourhood, intruding C arroll's Jabberw ock and Snark, Lina and the oth er into my r e la tiv e ly sa fe w orld, in which it patchwork beasts led by Curdie in George M acDonald's was, fo r in stan ce, possible to read stories The Princess and Curdiel — o r they made use o f less in p eace o f mind, fre e from fe ar. But the fam iliar mythical beasts — Lewis C arroll's Gryphon, world that contain ed even the im agination o f Frank R. S tockton 's G riffin ("T h e G riffin and the F a fn ir was r ic h e r and m ore b e a u t if u l, at Minor C an on "), the Salamander and his snake-daughter w hatever co st o f p e r il.2 in E.T.A H offm an's "The Golden P ot," assorted snake- women in C olerid g e's "C h ris tab el," K eats' "Lam ia," o r There were a few V ictoria n dragons, most o f them O liver Wendell Holmes' Elsie V enner, o r the unusually in p oetry . William Morris was fond o f dragons in his v a r ie d m en a g erie o f a sp h in x , a p h o e n ix , and an p oetry , including several in the v erse-n a rratives that ou roboros-sn ake/m agn et in N ovalis' K lingsohr's Tale make up The Earthly Paradise: the d ra g on -lik e Chimera (in Heinrich von O fte r d in g e n ). In A ndrew L a n g 's in "Bellerophon in Lycia," a dragon-woman in "The Lady Prince P r ig io ' there is a ba ttle betw een a Firedrake o f the Land," the dragon guarding the apples o f the and a Remora. The form er ought to be a dragon by its Hesperides in "The Golden Apples" (Tennyson also had a name, but it has horns and h ooves; the la tte r might as v e r s io n o f th e H e s p e r id e a n d r a g o n in "T h e well be a dragon by its d escrip tion , a long snaky ic e - H esp erid es"). He also had several dragons in The L ife creatu re coilin g g la cie r -lik e ov e r the land, but Lang and Death of Jason, which was to have been part of The did not choose to call it one. It was not until afte r Earthly Paradise, but grew to o long f o r it: not only the turn o f the century that Lang included a dragon in the dragon guarding the golden f le e c e called fo r by one o f his own stories, in "The Magician Who Wanted the original legend, but a swarm o f marsh dragons More" (Tales of a Fairy Court, 1906), and even then it along the riv e r north o f C olch is, and a glimpse o f the was a dragon that wasn't real but only the Magician in H esperides and th eir guardian dragon. (He om itted the d isg u ise . dragons that draw M edea's cha riot when she flees I o lc o s .) In h is p ro s e f i c t i o n , h o w e v e r , M orris Until almost the end o f the century, the only p referred humanoid wonders — w itch es, magicians, un major nineteenth century dragon was T olkien 's own earthly maidens. f a v orite, Fafnir, appearing not only in Wagner's Ring Cycle o f o p e r a s , b u t a l s o in W illia m M o r r is ' The relu cta n ce to use dragons was probably a tr a n sla tio n o f The V olsu n g Sa g a, and in his poem result o f the to o rigid id e n tifica tio n o f the dragon
Pag‘ 54 with the dragon o f the Book o f Revelations, that is, mortal men. And at this point we should also Satan. The most important uses o f the dragon before realise that dragons and snakes did not have dragons disappeared in literature had been the dragon a uniformly bad reputation in G reece and the w hich is the d e v il, fou gh t by St. G e o r g e , who is Near East. Greece to o had its benevolent H olin ess, in Book I o f S p e n s e r's F a erie Queene reptilian d e itie s: sn ak es th at w e re sp ir its (sixteenth century) and the dragon which is the shape o f s p r i n g s , g e n ii l o c i , e m b o d im e n ts o r imposed upon the devil when he reports the Fall in a ttributes o f gods, e .g ., Asklepios, Athena, Book X o f M ilton's Paradise Lost (seventeenth cen A pollo . . . . Zeus h im s e lf.4 tury). The alleg orica l id en tification o f the dragon with Tolkien im plicitly complained o f this id e n tifica Satan made it d ifficu lt to make use o f the ambiguity tion in Beowulf: the Monsters and the C ritics, which p ro p e r ly b e lo n g e d to d ra g o n s. Some o f the the essay in w hich he s u c c e s s fu lly d e fe n d e d the monsters in nineteenth century fantasy were not evil s tr u ctu r a l in te g r ity o f the m on sters o f B e o w u lf at all, and some were h ostile without being morally again st e a r lie r c r it i c s who had th ou gh t the poem evil (Jabberwocks must be killed , and it may be a good c h a o tic . T o lk ie n s t r e s s e d th e d r a g o n 's n o n - idea to try to eliminate Snarks from the e co log y , but allegorical nature in the poem: whiffling in tulgy woods and looking grave at puns are not sins). Some were e v il, but not evil enough to be The dragon wields a physical fire , and covets represented as Satanic: the patchwork monsters in The gold not souls, he is slain with iron in his Princess and Curdie are expiating their sins, and one b e lly . Beow ulf's by m e was made by Weland, is a little like a dragon in appearance — a winged and the iron sh ield he bo r e ag a in st the s e r p e n t w ith tin y le g s - - bu t to c a ll it a d ra gon serpent by his own smiths; it was not yet the would be to grant it an absolute, and inappropriate breastplate o f righteousness, nor the shield degree o f ev il. By contrast, when C.S. Lewis had a o f faith fo r the quenching o f all the fiery human d evolved into a monster and working ba ck to darts o f the w icked.3 humanity through g ra ce, he fe lt fre e to turn Eustace into a straightforward dragon (The Voyage o f the Dawn He had already commented that conscious allegory in Treader). MacDonald included the corpse o f an actual general might have harmed the poem: "had the matter dragon in Phantasies, but only b r ie fly , described in (o f the theme o f man at war with the world, doomed to one paragraph ( in chapter 23 ). overthrow in Time] been so exp licit, his poem would certainly have been the worse" (p. 16). In theory, When nineteenth century writers did want to write there is perhaps no reason why allegory should be less ab ou t Sa ta n ic e v il, th e y g e n e r a lly c h o se a human e ffe c tiv e than subconscious symbol; in the p ra ctice o f shape. The use o f a monster to represent absolute such a p oet as Sp en ser (bu t T olk ien d id n ot lik e e v il, a f t e r a ll, im p lies th at e v il is an o u tsid e S p e n s e r ) a l l e g o r y w as s u p r e m e ly e f f e c t i v e . in fluence imposed upon innocent humanity. The writers Nevertheless, it is true in p ra ctice fo r many writers in the same age th at p ro d u c e d Freud w ere more that a conscious allegory is harder to d evelop than a interested in evil as an element o f humanity — the concrete figure with perhaps unconscious sign ifican ce. Doppelganger o f James H ogg's Justified Sinner, Mary C erta in ly , n in ete e n th c e n tu r y w r ite r s drew no Shelley's em bittered Monster, G oethe's Mephistopheles, inspiration from the equation o f dragon and Satan. Stevenson's Mr. Hyde. Still, the equation was natural enough, given the Dragons were thus inappropriate symbols fo r most primary attitude toward dragons in previous Western nineteenth century fantasy writers, and even where mythologies. The dragon was a creature o f e vil, an o th e r w ise a p p r o p ria te , t o o r ig id , to o obvious, too ad v ersary to be k ille d by the h e ro , St. G e o rg e , clumsy fo r use. The dragon had to be separated from D a n ie l, Z e u s , A p o llo , S ig u r d , B e o w u lf , e t c . its Christian alleg orica l meaning be fo re it could be Sometimes, though, the dragon was not in itself evil, easily used by modem writers, Christian and non- but was a faithful guardian, killed by the hero who C hristian a lik e . has come to win the treasure — Hercules and the Hesperidean dragon, Jason and the dragon o f the Golden Meanwhile, dragons were being brought into favor F leece. These dragons do not hoard gold on their own by the d iscov ery o f dinosaurs. Stephen Prickett has (unlike the dragons o f Sigurd and B eow ulf), and there shown in h is V ic t o r ia n F a n tasy th a t d in osa u rs is often a strong element o f pity fo r the unfortunate influenced the portrayal o f dragons; illustrators soon loyal guardians in the way o f the marauding (however began drawing saurian monsters (his earliest example, heroical) champions. Sometimes the Western dragon may ap a rt from illu s t r a tio n s to b o o k s o f s c ie n c e , is even be admired, as in the dragons o f Wales and King Tenniel's Jabberw ock, 1871), and the dragons they drew Arthur which represent heraldically the strength o f a ten d ed to be more sa u ria n , w ith s h o r t e r , b u lk ie r b o d ie s , and le s s se r p e n tin e than th e y had been b e fo r e .5 Pickett does not discuss the gap between the As Joseph F on ten rose show s in h is stu d y o f appearance o f dragons in illustration .and in writing classical dragons. P y th on , the dragon is n a tu ra lly (h is e a r lie s t exam ple o f the w r itte n d ra g on is E. ambiguous. Hero and dragon easily change places in N esbit's Book o f Dragons, 1900). The gap is probably s to r ie s , and even the Western dragon has a benevolent a r e su lt o f the a l le g o r i c a l in te r p r e ta tio n o f the sid e while the Oriental dragon, which is primarily dragon. A Jabberwock drawn by Tenniel as a distorted benevolent, has its d e structive sid e: dragon is still a Jabberwock, not a dragon. Where C a rro ll might a llo w h im se lf a sim p le m en tion o f The Chinese dragons are in general benevolent d ra g on s as a p p ea rin g in a L a tin e x e r c is e - b o o k and beneficent d eities, who send rain and belonging to the characters — "Their tu tor . . . had bring good crops. They a ls o bring thunder tr ie d to e x tr a c t a m oral . . . as in the w ords storm s, tem p ests, w h irlw in d s, and flo o d s . 'In fluen ce o f Sympathy in United A ction ,' which stood Like Zeus or Baal, they bring both good and opposite to the anecdote 'Balbus was assisting his bad w ea th er; fo r the g o d , we sh ou ld not m other-in-law to convince the d ra g o n ,'"6 a .B. Frost, f o r g e t , can send both go o d and e v il upon the illustrator, made a fu ll-pa g e (p. 5) illustration
Page 55 out o f the sen ten ce, showing the fru strated Balbus and L ila c b o o k s , and q u o te d from th e V io le t p r e f a c e . his m oth er-in -law with heaps o f re fe r e n ce books about Tolkien disagreed with some o f Lang's assumptions and them, and the dragon looking very s ce p tica l indeed. p r e f e r e n c e s , bu t h is o v e r a ll ju dg m en t was th at It was a dragon, but it did not r e ca ll visually those p ro b a b ly n o o th e r c o l l e c t i o n s o f f a i r y - s t o r i e s in more snaky dragons trampled u n derfoot in paintings o f E n glish r iv a le d " e it h e r th e p o p u la r ity , o r th e St. George or the Angel M ichael. inclusiveness, o r the general merits o f the tw elve books o f tw elve co lo rs" (p. 17). T olk ien h im se lf d is lik e d th e id e n t if ic a t io n o f dragons and .dinosaurs: Although Lang shied away from dragons in his original fantasy tales, he was willing to include them I d id n o t lik e b e i n g t o l d t h a t t h e s e w h ere he fo u n d them in h is s o u r c e s . He b ega n creatures were "d r a g o n s !" . . . C h ild re n ca u tiou sly: in The Blue Fairy Book dragons appear as ex p ect the d iffe r e n ce s they fe e l but cannot minor cha ra cters in one story, "The Story o f Pretty analyse to be explained by th eir elders, o r G old ilock s" (tran slated from Mme. d 'A u ln oy), in which at least r ecog n ized, not to be ignored or the h e ro 's tasks include g e ttin g past tw o watchful denied. I was keenly alive to the beauty o f dragons; dragons are mentioned in "The Y ellow Dwarf" "R eal thin gs", but it seemed to me quibbling and, at sligh tly more length, in the c a t 's explanation to confu se this with the wonder o f "O th er o f how she becam e a cat in "The White C at" (another th in g s". I was e a g e r to stu d y N a tu re , d 'A u ln o y ). But in th e o n ly s t o r y w h ich Lang actu ally more eager than I was to read most tr a n s la te d /c o m p ile d h im s e lf f o r th e v o lu m e, "T h e f a i r y - s t o r i e s ; but I d id n o t want to be Terrible H ead," a version o f the story o f Perseus, q u ib b le d in to S c ie n c e and c h e a te d ou t o f Lang did not use "dragon" to d escrib e the m onster, but Faerie by people who seemed to assume that by c a lle d it o n ly "a m on strou s b e a s t " o r "a sea som e kind o f o r ig in a l sin I sh ou ld p r e f e r c re a tu re ." H.J. Ford, who did most o f the illustra fa ir y -ta le s, but accordin g to some kind o f tions fo r the volume (th ere were also some by G.P. new religion I ought to be induced to like Jacombe H ood), included the- dragons in his illustra scien ce. tions to "The Y ellow Dwarf" and "The Story o f Pretty ( "Gh F a ir y -S to rie s ," Tree and L ea f, p. 6 6 .) G o ld ilo ck s." As an "explanation" o f dragons, the id e n tifica tio n is In th e s e c o n d v o lu m e , Lang was a l i t t l e le ss certa in ly too redu ctive to be satisfyin g. (Further cau tiou s, and the illustrators continued to be less more, it is probably in c o rr e ct. Humans n ever met live cautious than th eir e d itor. "The Story o f Sigurd" d in osa u rs, and e x tr a p o la tio n from existing snakes, included Fafnir, and dragons were mentioned in "The lizards, allig a tors, e t c ., to the dragon o f myth is Princess Mayblossom" (from d 'A ulnoy) and a Romanian more lik ely than extrapolation from the occa sion al ta le , "The Enchanted Pig." L a n celot Speed (who join ed bone — the bones are more lik ely to have in flu en ced Ford in illustrating this volume) had tw o drawings o f the giants o f myth.) But the realization that large Fafnir, and chose to draw the Norka (an undescribed reptiles, even flying re p tile s, if not fire-breath in g monster) in "The Norka" and some goblins in "The on e s, had e x is te d d re w a t te n tio n to th e f ic t i o n a l Golden Branch" as d ra g o n -lik e . possibilities o f dragons, with perhaps an increased awareness o f and delight in a d ragon's physical beauty By the third book , Lang was con fid en t enough o f and terror (such as Tolkien praised in the B eow u lf- his dragons to d efen d them in the p re fa ce : p o e t). Tolkien eventually made use o f P terod acty l lik e c r e a tu r e s f o r the s te e d s o f th e N azgu l in Probably you who read the tales know very The Lord o f the Rings, but he c a r e fu lly did not use well how much is true and how much is only terms suggestive o f dragons to d escrib e them. m ake-believe . . . . I f there are frigh tfu l monsters in fa iry ta les, th ey do not frighten In a d d itio n to th e s p e c ia l in te r e s t in d ra g o n s you now, because that kind o f monster is no p rom p ted b y d in o s a u r s , th e r e was an in c re a s in g lon ger going about the w orld, w hatever he may interest in the study o f fo lk ta le s. As early as 1812 have d o n e lo n g , lo n g a g o . He h as b een Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm had published th eir first tu rn ed in to s to n e , and y o u may s e e h is c o l l e c t i o n o f K in d e r - und Ha u s - ma r c h e n . As it remains in museums. T h erefore, I am not happened,the German fairy ta les' had few dragons— only a fr a id th a t y o u w ill b e a fr a id o f the h alf a d ozen among the 210 stories o f The Complete magicians and dragons. 8 Grimm's Fairy T a le s, 7 n on e o f them in c lu d in g the dragons in the t i t l e s . The im plicit id e n tifica tio n o f dragons and dinosaurs in th is p a ssa g e w ou ld h a v e ir r it a t e d T o lk ie n , but A much wider range o f dragons becam e available to c uriously he came clo se to the same answer in the the general public when A ndrew Lang bro u g h t ou t problem o f ch ild ren 's possible fe a r o f monsters: "This The Blue Fairy Book and its sequels. These c o lle c is, naturally, o fte n enough what children mean when tions mixed folkta les from many cultu res, r e -te llin g s they ask: 'I s it tr u e ?' They mean: 'I like this, but from ancient myth, and litera ry tales by such writers is it c o n t e m p o ra ry ? Am I s a fe in my b e d ? ' The as Mme. d'A ulnoy o r Hans Christian Andersen. Lang a n sw e r: 'T h e re is c e r t a in ly no d ra g o n in E ngland edited a dozen o f the co lo rs Blue (18 89 ), Red to d a y ', is all that they want to hear" ("O n F airy- (1890), Green (18 92 ), Yellow (18 94 ), Pink (18 97 ), Grey S t o r ie s ," p . 4 0 ). (1900), V iolet (1901), Crimson (19 03 ), Brown (1904), Orange (19 06 ), Olive (19 07 ), and Lilac (19 10 ). In the stories o f the third book , a dragon was a ch a ra cte r in "The T h re e D o g s ," and d ra g on s w ere Tolkien eviden tly read the whole series. In "On m entioned in "The Blue Bird" (from d'A ulnoy) and F a iry-S tories" he id en tified him self as "one o f the "H eart o f I c e " (tran slated from the Comte de C aylus). children whom Andrew Lang was addressing — I was bom Ford (the sole illu stra tor in this volume and in the at about the same time as the Green Fairy B ook" r e s t o f th e s e r ie s ) c h o s e th e sin g le s e n te n c e in (p . 38), discussed in d eta il stories from the Blue and "H eart o f I ce " saying that the fairy G orgonzola rode
away on a dragon as the basis fo r a splendid fu ll-page (Considering Tolkien's attachment to Fafnir, it seems d ra w in g p r i n t e d b o t h as p. 119 and as th e a little surprising that he was able to enjoy comic fron tisp iece. dragons, to o .) A rare example o f good and primarily non-com ic dragons appeared in Kenneth Morris' Book of In the following volumes Lang included dragons the Three Dragons (1930). freely; the next one. The Yellow Fairy Book, had two as title characters, " The Dragon o f the North" (an The co m ic d ra g on s might h ave resu lte d Estonian ta le), and "The Dragon and his Grandmother" eventually in a s te r e o ty p e as r ig id as that o f the (from the Grimms — and in the Grimms' version titled Sa ta nic d ra g o n , but T o lk ie n r e sto re d the dragon's "The Devil and his Grandmother"); there were also potential for primarily non -com ic evil in Smaug ( The s e v e r a l le s s im p o r ta n t d r a g o n s , in clu d in g the Hobbit, 1937). Smaug has his comic moments — neces in e v ita b le dragon rap id tran sit so p op u lar among sarily, since the c h ie f opponent to this mighty evil French fairies. is the timid Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, and seeing the mighty tripped up is one o f the basic elements o f Suddenly, at the very end o f the century, three writers turned dragons to e ffe c tiv e use in stories o f their own creation, by turning the stereotype o f St. This mixture o f comedy and heroism corresponds to George slaying the Satanic dragon topsy-tu rvy: Kenneth Tolkien's moral vision o f ordinary humanity as a force Grahame with "The Reluctant Dragon" (in Dream Days, fo r good. As Gandalf said several times, there is 1898), E. Nesbit with a collection o f short stories, more to H obb its than m eets the e y e ; E lron d 's The Book of Dragons (1900, printed first the year characterization o f heroism attempted by the small is: before in The Strand Magazine), and in America L. "This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much Frank Baum with A New Wonderland (1900; reprinted with hope as the strong. Yet such is o ft the course of a change o f title and place-nam e as The Magical deeds that move the wheels o f the world: small hands Monarch o f Mo in 1903), featuring a Purple Dragon as do them because they must, while the eyes o f the great the main antagonist. are e lse w h e r e ."' The Reluctant Dragon, as Grahame imagined him, is Bilbo, timid though he is, reaches a com ic heroism a good dragon, indeed, a lovable dragon; Saint George o f his own in dealing with Smaug: "'C onfound you, is able to recognize the dragon's goodness (once it is Smaug, you worm!' he squeaked aloud. 'S top playing pointed out to him by the B oy), and the fight between h id e-an d -seek! Give me a light, and then eat me, if them is a put-up job to satisfy the conventional- you can catch m e!'"1 0 Smaug doesn 't answer; it takes minded villagers. Nesbit's dragons and Baum's Purple more than Bilbo alone to conquer such a dragon. But Dragon are evil, but com ically evil; because they are it takes the unheroic protagonist Bilbo to get the amusing they are likable in almost the same way as the information which enables the h eroic minor cha ra cter Reluctant Dragon, even though they lack his sweetness Bard o f Dale to shoot the dragon. of temper. It is not entirely surprising when one o f Nesbit's dragons ("h e Dragon Tamers") is tamed by Tolkien used evil dragons tw ice more, Glaurung in kindness and d e ce it - - and turns in to a p u s sy ca t. The S ilm a rillio n (an d Un fin ish e d T a le s ) and the These dragons are defeated not by h eroic, militant virtue, but by n on-heroic ingenuity. unnamed dra g on o f the poem "T h e H oard" in The Adventures o f Tom Bombadil. Glaurung is entirely and Two of Nesbit's stories in The Book of Dragons and uncomically e v i l : one o f Baum's later stories (the episode o f "The Royal Dragon of Spor" in The Enchanted Island of Yew, 1903), The Dragon craw led with slow weight to the are lik e "The R e lu cta n t D ragon " in e x p lic it ly edge o f the c lif f, and he did not turn aside, upsetting the legend o f St. George. In Nesbit's "The but made ready to spring over the chasm with Deliverers o f their Country" the statue o f the saint his great forelegs and then draw his bulk refuses to wake up and fight a whole horde o f dragons; afte r. Terror came with him; fo r he did not instead he gives two children some weatherlore from begin his passage right above, but a little his fe llo w sain t Denis so that th ey can rain the to the n o rth w ard , and th e w a tch e r s from dragons out. In Nesbit's "The Fairy Kingdom" Princess beneath could see the huge shadow o f his head S a brin ette (g ra n d -d a u g h te r o f George and Princess against the stars; and his jaws gaped, and he Sabra) is p rotected by h er in h e rite d d r a g o n -p r o o f had seven ton g u es o f fire .' Then he sen t equipment, aided by the power o f love. Baum's Royal fo rth a b la s t, so that all the ra v in e was Dragon o f Spor, although terrifying to behold, quietly filled with a red light, and black shadows and firm ly r e fu se s to fig h t P rin ce M arvel, h aving flying among the rocks; but the trees before learned a lesson from St. G eorge's d efeat o f his (the him withered and went up in smoke, and stones dragon's) father. The Magical Monarch tries to fight crashed down into the river. And thereupon the Purple Dragon h eroically at the start o f A_ New he hurled himself forward, and grappled the Wonderland and fails com pletely, getting his head- bft fu rth e r c l i f f w ith h is m ighty c la w s , and o f f f o r his pains. It takes a mass a t ta c k with a began to heave him self across. 1 gian t d en tal fo r c e p s and some lu ck to d e fe a t the Purple Dragon. Yet Glaurung is not a symbolic equivalent o f Satan. Like most nineteenth (and tw entieth) century writers, A ft e r th ese th ree works at the turn o f the Tolkien p referred a human figure to symbolize Satan — century, many comic dragons were created — e.g., Lord Sauron in The Lord o f the R in g s. M orgoth in The Dunsany's "Miss Cubbidge and the Dragon ofRom ance," S i l ma r i l l i o n and Un f in is h e d T a l e s ; M orgoth is Lady G r e g o ry 's p la y The D rag on , the d ra gon s in Glaurung's Master. A.A. M iln e's "Us T w o" and " K n ig h t-in -A r m o r " (in Now We___Are S ix ), o r the c ir c u s D raco in P.L. In "The Hoard" Tolkien portrayed an ambivalent Travers' Mary Poppins Comes Back. Even Tolkien wrote dragon — like the elves, the dwarf, and the human one. Farmer Giles of Ham (1949), in which the unheroic hero who have also tried to possess the hoard, the Farmer Giles d efeats and tames the dragon Crysophylax. dragon is to be pitied as well as condemned. It has
Page 57 given way to greed and d estroyed its own happiness in modern animals are c a lle d out o f Narnia by Aslan, and the p rocess: then d in osaur-like crea tu res come out to eat away the v e g e t a t io n : " g r e a t d ra g o n s and g ia n t liz a r d s and There was an old dragon under grey ston e; feath erless birds with wings like b a t's wings . . . . his red eyes blinked as he lay alone. They went to and fro tearing up the trees by the roots His jo y was dead and his youth spent, and cru m b lin g them up as if th e y w e re s t ic k s o f he was knobbed and wrinkled, and his limbs rhubarb."15 bent in the long years to his gold chained; In his lo g ic a l way, Lewis even wondered what an in his h eart's furnace the fire waned. u n fa lle n d ra g o n w ou ld b e , and in c lu d e d on e in Perelandra. Ransom The g reed f o r beauty is a theme Tolkien used many tim es over. In The Lord o f the Rings it is subor saw a s tr a n g e h e r a ld ic a ll y c o lo u r e d tr e e dinate to greed fo r the pow er o f the ring, but one loaded with y ellow fru its and silv e r leaves. form o f that tem ptation is to p e rce iv e the ring as too Round the base o f the indigo stem was coiled fa ir to d estroy. In oth er works, the beau ty matters a smal 1 dragon c o ve re d with sca le s o f red more than the pow er. Thorin's desire to possess the g o ld . He r e c o g n is e d th e g ard e n o f th e Arkenstone contrasts with B ilb o's g en erosity in giving H esperides at o n ce . ° it up (an d la t e r in g iv in g up th e One R in g ); the desire to possess the Silmarillion d estroys many o f It is a g u a rd ia n , n o t a h o a r d e r , and its g o ld is the Elves. The mythical figure o f the dragon and its u n coin able. It fears no th eft and is fre e to leave h oard o f g o ld f i t t e d in w e ll f o r T o lk ie n 's use in the tree to eat, o r drink, o r nudge Ransom to pat its developing this theme again in "The H oard." C.S. Lewis did not cre a te any dragon as important L e w is a p p a re n tly c o n s id e r e d u sin g d ra g on s as in it s s to r y , o r as m em orab le as Sm aug, bu t lik e sy m b ols o f g o o d n e s s , in th e a s p e c t o f t e r r if y in g Tolkien he was fascin ated by the idea o f dragons — godhood, but in both cases he d e cid e d against it. In strong, bea u tifu l, and dangerous. And like Tolkien he Dymer the Brute is d escrib ed in terms that sound as if m en tion ed th e id e a o f " th e lit h e s c a ly b o d y o f it is a dragon o f some kind — "The pale and h eavy Fafner"13 as desirable — although unlike Tolkien he b r u te , r o u g h -r id g e d b e h in d , / And fu ll o f e y e s , chose to give a list o f several figu res in Norse myth clinking in sca ly rind" 17 — and in Till We Have Faces th a t b rou g h t him j o y , in s te a d o f sin g lin g o u t the the version o f the myth o f Cupid and Psyche given dragon. r e fe rs to her as taken by a dragon. Within the body o f the story , how ever, the Shadow-Brute is never As n oted, Lewis made use o f the dragon as a symbol d e s c r ib e d s p e c i f i c a l l y . L e w is may h ave d e c id e d o f (redeem able) evil in the transform ation o f Eustace against d ra gon -god s p a r tly b e c a u s e o f th e S a ta n ic in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He made an unusual a s s o c ia t io n , bu t th e sy m b ol o f sh a d o w in ess is so use o f the M iltonic d ra g o n -a s-d e vil by parodying it in im p o r ta n t in b o t h B ru te s that, u sin g so s p e c i f i c a The S c re w ta p e L e t t e r s , e x c e p t that the dragon is m onster as a dragon would have been inappropriate in om itted in the p rocess. Screw tape is n ot transform ed any case. in to a d ra g o n , h y d ra , o r ch im e ra d ir e , bu t in to a centipede. Tolkien, then, and (in a lesser d e g re e ) Lew is were im portant in bringing the n o n -co m ica lly evil side o f In h is a l le g o r y P ilg rim 's R e g r e s s L e w is u sed d ra g o n n atu re b a c k in to u se . B oth made u se o f dragons alleg orica lly with some e ffe c tiv e n e s s as the sym pathetic aspects o f dragon nature as w ell, but the final shapes o f the ex ces ses o f North (rig idity , la ck m ajority o f th eir dragons were e v il, including among o f em otion) and South (ca relessn ess, irra tion ality ). them the best known o f their dragons, Tolkien 's Smaug. Each dragon is p ortrayed in a poem (rep rin ted in Poems as "The Dragon Speaks" and "D ra g o n -S la y e r"). The O th er-w riters then p roce e d e d to c re a te memorable v ictorious chant o f Vertue the d ra g on -slay er seems to evil dragons, as in John Gardner's Grendel, Ursula K. me to dwell too much on the jo y o f pulling the brute LeG uin's The Beginning Place and the Earthsea books to p ieces; it leaves me wondering if Vertue could n't (Earthsea dragons, h ow ever, are amoral rath er than have found it in him to give the brute a qu icker and im m oral, c r e a t u r e s o f e le m e n ta l n a tu r e , n o t o f more m erciful death. "The Dragon Speaks" is the more darkness), o r Andre N orton's Dragon M agic. Good or interestin g, with the dragon 's song tempting John to com ic dragons also continue popular, rounding out the g re e d and at th e same tim e p o rt ra y in g (sy m p a com p lexity o f values prop er to dragon myth. Some th etica lly , somewhat as in Tolkien 's "The H oard") how exam ples are My Father's Dragon (and the sequels) by the dragon itse lf had been tem pted and given way to Ruth Stiles Gannet, Poo-P oo and the Dragons by C.S. greed . I t c o m p la in s , " I n w in t e r n ig h t th e Forester, The Dragon and the George by Gordon Dickson, g old /F reez es through toughest scales my c o ld b e lly ,"14 the smithing dragons o f The Swordsmith by Eleanor but it is unable to give up the freezin g gold. Arnason, Smarasderagd in Peregrine: Secundus by Avram Davidson, o r the trained dragons o f the Pern books by A d r a g o n -r e la t e d fig u r e is th e g ia n t g re e n Anne M cC affrey o r o f Dragon's Blood by Jane Y olen. serpent, the oth er form o f the g reen, w itch , in The Silver Chair. Unlike the n in eteen th -cen tu ry snake- Footnotes women, she is en tirely ev il. (The salamander's snake- daughters are apparently good; K eats' Lamia seems to 1 MacDonald included a dragon in Phantastes, but lov e h er human sw eetheart genuinely, as does M orris' only b r ie fly : in ch a p ter 23 a paragraph is given to dragon-w om an, and Elsie Venner struggles against her the d escrip tion o f the body o f a dragon slain by the venomous nature; even Geraldine at moments seems to knight. In L ilith , with its stress on the repent o f what she is doing to C hristabel.) redeem ability o f all, the word "dragon" is avoided in the d escrip tion o f w orm -like and sn ak e-like large Morally neutral dragons appear b r ie fly in The Last monsters buried in "th e bad burrow " (ch a p ter 10; also B a tt le in a kind o f u n w in din g o f e v o lu t io n . The cha p ter 40 ).
Page 58 2 Tolkien, "On F airy-Stories," in Tree and Leaf 8. Barbara Strachey. Journeys o f Frodo: An Atlas of (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1964), p. 40; original J.R.R. T o lk ie n 's The Lord o f the R ings. ly published in Essays Presented to Charles Williams, BalI antine Books. New York 1981. Map 26. 1947, 9. Jana Garai. The Book of Symbols. Simon and 3 Tolkien, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics Schuster. New York 1973. Page 115. (F olc roft, PA: Arden Library, 1980), pp. 21-22; 10. C.G. Jung. Symbols o f Transformation. Princeton originally published 1936. University Press. Princeton, N.J. 1976. Page 396. ’ Joseph L. Fontenrose, Python, A Study o f Delphic 11. Heinrich Zimmer, The King and the Corpse, ed. Myth and its Origins (Berkeley and Los Angeles: Joseph Campbell. Bollingen Series XI, Princeton University o f California Press, 1959), pp. 491-492; University Press. Princeton, N.J. 1970. Pages see also pp. 469-474 fo r discussion o f the inter 26-52. changeability o f hero and dragon. 12. Raymond de Becker, The Understanding of Dreams and 5 Stephen Prickett, V ictorian Fantasy Their Influence on The History of Man. Hawthorn (Bloomington, IN, and London: Indiana University Books, Inc. New York 1968. Page 345. Press, 1979), pp. 79-91. 13. New Larousse Encyclopedia o f Mythology, lo c . c i t ■ 6 Lewis Carroll, A Tangled Tale (NY: Dover, 1958), p. 6 ("K not II. Eligible Apartments1') ; originally published 1885. BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 The Complete Grimms Fairy Tales, translated by Margaret Hunt, revised by James Stern, with intro Tales duction by Padraic Colum and commentary by Joseph Pliya, Jean. "The Fetish Tree," in A frican Writing Campbell (NY: Pantheon, 1944). Today, ed. Ezekiel Mphahlene, Penguin Books, 8 Andrew Lang, The Green Fairy Book (London: Baltimore, 1967. Pp. 226-240. Longmans, Green, 1892), pp. x -x i. It is interesting Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord o f the Rings. 3 vols. to note in this volume "The Enchanted Ring," Ba 1Iant i ne Books. New York 1965. translated from Ffenelon, a story in which a ring with the power to make the wearer invisible is given back Gcrimentary to the fairies by the hero, as too dangerously Carpenter, Humphrey. Tolkien: A Biography. Ballantine powerful fo r mortal use. Another ring conferring Books, New York 1978. invisibility is found in "The Dragon o f the North," an Carter, Lin. Tolkien. A Look Behind the Lord o f the Estonian story in The Yellow Fairy Book; King Solmon's Rings. B allantine Books, Inc. New York 1969. ring is given the hero by a witch-maiden, and she C irlot, J.E. A Dictionary o f Symbols. 2nd ed. takes it away from him afte r he has slain the dragon Phi1osophica1 Library. New York 1971. (he U also aided by a good magician). Cooper, J.C. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia o f Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (Boston: Traditional Symbols. Thames & Hudson Ltd. London Houghton Mifflin, 1954), p. 283 ("The Council o f 1978. El rood" ) . de Becker, Raymond. The Understanding of Dreams and 0 Tolkien, The Hobbit (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Their Influence on the History of Man. Hawthorm 1966), p. 247 ("N ot at Hom e"); originally published Books, Inc. New York 1968. 1937l l Eliade, Mircea. Images and Symbols. Search Books, Tolkien, Unfinished Tales (Boston: Houghton Sheed and Ward. New York 1969. M ifflin, 1980), pp. 133-134. Garai, Jana. The Book of Symbols. Simon and Tolkien, "The Hoard," in The Adventures o f Tom Schuster. New York 1973. Bombadil (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1962), p. 54l Isaacs, Neil D. and Zimbardo, Rose A. Tolkien and the Lewis, Surprised by Joy (London: Fontana, C ritics. Essays on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord o f the 1959), p. 66; originally published 1955. The d if Rings. University of Notre Dame Press. Notre ferent spelling is the d iffe re n ce between German and Dame, Indiana 1968. Scandinavian sources. Jahn, Janheinz. Muntu, the new African culture. Lewis, The Pilgrim 's Regress (Grand Rapids, MI: Grove Press. New York 1961. Wm A. Eerdmans, 1958), p. 195; originally published Jung, C.G. Symbols o f Transformation. Princeton 193315 U niversity Press. Princeton, N.J. 1976. Lewis, The Last Battle (NY: Macmillan, 1956). Natural Magic. Black Vfetch, Baltimore 1974. pp. 194, 147. New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Prometheus Lewis, Perelandra (NY: Macmillan, 1968), p. 45; Press, The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited. Hong Kong originally published 1944. 1968. Lewis, Dymer, in Narrative Poems, ed. Walter O 'N eill, Timothy R. The individuated h obbit: Jung, Hooper (NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1969), p. 27 Tolkien and the Archetypes o f M iddle-earth. (Canto IX, verse 27). Houghton M ifflin Company. Boston 1979. Strachey, Barbara. Journeys of Frodo: An Atlas of J.R .R . Tolkien's The Lord o f the Rings. Ballantine B o o k s.N e w York 1981. TREES IN TOLKIEN continued fro m page 52 Tyler, J.E.A. The New Tolkien Companion. ' Avon Books. 4. From a lecture by Dora K a lff, 17 January 1969, New York 19807 -------- Berkeley, C alifo rn ia. Zimmer, Heinrich. The King and the Corpse, ed. Joseph 5. New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Campbell. Bollingen Series XI, Princeton Prometheus Press, the Hamlyn Publishing Group University Press, Princeton, N.J. 1970. Limited. Hong Kong 1968. pp. 352-353. 6. J.C. Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia o f Traditional Symbols. Thames & Hudson Ltd. London 1978. 7. Timothy O 'N eill. The individuated hobbit: Jung, Tolkien and the Archetypes o f M iddle-earth. Houghton M ifflin Conpany. Boston 1979. Page 36.
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