How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends

Page created by Eduardo Hawkins
How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends
How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends
What is it?

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle-arena (MOBA) created and updated by Riot
Games, Inc. This video game is a team-based strategy-oriented game set in an earth-like fantasy
world. There are 5 players per team, and each player has a different role in the game, with a
common goal of destroying the opponents’ base. Included in this document are specific game
terminologies that may not be known by inexperienced or non-players. Therefore a glossary of
these terms are definitions is included at the end. There are several game modes in League of
Legends, but let’s focus on the most popular game mode. Summoner’s Rift is actually the name
of the map where the battle is played. The following picture portrays the map in a simple

Summoner’s Rift

The first part to note about the map are the two bases located on opposite corners of the map.
One team (the Blue Team) spawns and defends the Blue base, while the other team (the
Purple/Red Team) spawns and defends the Purple/Red base. Another important thing to note
are the three lanes located in the middle, top, and bottom of the map, clearly shown in the
above pictures. In between the lanes are areas of wild jungle, where neutral monsters lurk in
the darkness. These monsters are considered neutral because they will not attack a passing
player unless they are attacked first. Typically, two players of each team fight each other in
bottom lane, one player from each team fight in middle lane, and one player fight in top lane.
This leaves one player remaining on each team. Their job is to enter the jungle and fight the
neutral monster camps and gank enemies in the three lanes. The jungler is arguably the most
important player in the game, as he or she helps the three lanes and is in charge of securing
How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends
objectives such as dragon and Baron Nashor. Dragon and Baron Nashor give a team global gold,
meaning every person on the team is granted gold, which becomes very substantial throughout
the game.

Dragon                                           Baron Nashor

Dragon spawns (becomes available to              Baron Nashor is a menacing beast in
interact with) at 2:30, 2 minutes and 30         Summoner’s Rift. It is the strongest neutral
seconds after the game starts. It is unwise      monster on the map, and requires everyone
to challenge the dragon at this time             on the team to participate in defeating. As
however, as it is a very strong neutral          such, it does not spawn until 15:00. At this
monster. Some champions can fight dragon         point in the game, both teams should have
alone early, but that has a couple of            kills and at least one or two dragon fights
prerequisites, such as vision control,           should have occurred. It is rare to see a
personal skill, and lane dominance.              Baron fight at 15:00, since Baron is so
Typically, dragon fights occur around 8-10       strong. Instead, Baron fights occur closer to
minutes into the game, between both              20:00 into the game, after laning phase is
teams and dragon, making it a three-way          over. Whether the game is one-sided or
fight. Since dragon is so valuable, killing it   relatively even, killing the Baron Nashor can
should be on the precipice of everyone’s         change the tide of the game. He grants
mind. By 8 minutes into the game, the            global gold (more than the dragon) and a
jungler should have complete vision control      global buff to alive members of the killing
of and around dragon. The following page         team. Baron Nashor is the most important
gives directions on not only how to have         objective on the map and a large amount of
complete vision control, but also, which         preparations must be made before
steps to follow before fighting dragon and       challenging this beast. Again, the following
Baron.                                           page details some of these preparations.
How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends
Lane Dominance

This is the first step in securing dragon and Baron Nashor. Fighting these objectives is very
dangerous, because of the damage they put out. If a team is already engaged in fighting the
monster, and the other team attacks them from behind, the team stuck between the two
forces is most likely to lose. They would sustain damage from enemy champions and the
monster. This is why preparation is important. The first step occurs long before the actual
objective fight starts. By “Lane Dominance” I mean that your allies in each of the respective
lanes are either winning or going even, especially mid and bot. Dragon is located midway
between mid and bot. If these two lanes are winning, there is much less to fear in terms of
the enemy team challenging the dragon fight. As I stated above, it is the jungler’s job to
help each of the lanes. Having your lanes winning is not required, but it is very helpful. The
following are the steps a jungler should take right before and during a dragon fight. These
steps take into assumption that you are starting on Blue side and are either winning or even
at that moment. Similar steps can be applied to Baron, except with more care and on the
North side of the map (where Baron is).

Securing Dragon

1. Place Wards – After purchasing
   wards, run to the objective and
   place wards in the designated

2. Gank Bottom Lane – Enter bottom
   lane through the river to attack and
   push back the enemy team. Try to
   kill at least one if not both enemies.
How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends
3. Challenge Dragon – Immediately
   after the gank, ping your teammates
   to help you fight dragon. Start the
   fight as soon as possible.

4. Keep an Eye Out – As you are
   fighting dragon, make sure to keep a
   watchful eye on enemy movement
   and the wards you placed in step 1.

5. Use Health Potions – It is likely that
   your health is getting low from
   dragon’s attacks. It is best to use
   about 2 health potions during the

6. Share Damage – Allow your
   teammates from bot and mid to
   take some of the damage. All you
   have to do is walk away from dragon
   and back towards it.

7. Secure Kill – As a jungler, Smite
   should be off cooldown by now.
   Wait until the dragon’s health is very
   low before using Smite, to make
   sure you get the killing blow.
How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends

Bot or Bot Lane: short-hand notation for Bottom Lane.

Buff: a temporary stat increase and performance boost.

Champions: an in-game character that the user chooses to play as. Each champion has unique
stats and abilities.

Cooldown: the time it takes before a spell or item is available for re-use. For example, if you use
Smite on a monster, you must wait 30-40 seconds before using Smite again. Of course, you can
do other actions while Smite is on cooldown. “Off cooldown” means it is available for use.

Fog of War: a universal term in the gaming industry. Signifies parts of the map that the player
cannot see. Information in the area is unavailable.

Gank: to ambush an enemy in another lane in an attempt to kill them.

Gold: a form of in-game currency used to purchase weapons/armor to make your character

Health Potion: a tool in the game that gradually increases your current health.

Laning Phase: the first 16-20 minutes in the game where the players on each team fight to
destroy the opposing teams first tower.

Mid or Mid Lane: short-hand notation for Middle Lane.

Ping (1): a special sound used to communicate with teammates. A much quicker way to either
warn, ask for help, or notify that an enemy is missing. This is the only definition used in this

Ping (2): the interference the game is experiencing in terms of internet connection. Affected by
a variety of issues.

Smite: a spell that does massive damage to a neutral monster. Used by player interaction,
pressing the D or F key when equipped.

Vision Control: an element to the game involving the fight over wards and ward placement.

Ward: a tool in the game that gives the player sight around the area where the ward is placed.
The information in the area that becomes shown is given to all of the players on that team.
How to Secure Dragon in League of Legends
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