Draft public participation report Motivation for the postponement of compliance timeframes in terms of Regulation 11 of the Section 21 NEM:AQA ...
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Draft public participation report Motivation for the postponement of compliance timeframes in terms of Regulation 11 of the Section 21 NEM:AQA Report Prepared for Sasol South Africa Limited Report Number 554010 Report Prepared by January 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page i Draft public participation report Motivation for the postponement of compliance timeframes in terms of Regulation 11 of the Section 21 NEM:AQA Sasol South Africa Limited Sasol South Africa Limited, operating through Secunda Synfuels Operations Synfuels Road Secunda 2302 SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. Section A Second Floor, Suite 02/B1 Norfolk House 54 Norfolk Terrace, off Blair Atholl Drive Westville 3630 South Africa e-mail: Durban@srk.co.za website: www.srk.co.za Tel: +27 (0) 31 279 1200 Fax:+27 (0) 31 279 1204 SRK Project Number 554010 January 2020 Compiled by: Reviewed by: Philippa Burmeister PrSciNat Marius van Huyssteen CEAPSA Principal Environmental Scientist Partner Email: pburmeister@srk.co.za Authors: Philippa Burmeister; Romi Bellusci BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page ii Table of Contents Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................................... iii List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... iv 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 2 Approach to public participation ................................................................................ 2 3 I&AP identification........................................................................................................ 2 4 I&AP Notification .......................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Public comment on the Draft Motivation Report and AIR ................................................................... 4 4.2 Public Meetings ................................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Comment and Response Report ........................................................................................................ 4 5 Way Forward ................................................................................................................. 5 Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 6 Appendix 1: I&AP database ............................................................................................ 7 Appendix 2: I&AP notification letter .............................................................................. 8 Appendix 3: Advertisements .......................................................................................... 9 Appendix 4: Comment Forms ...................................................................................... 10 List of Tables Table 4-2: Public openday venues ................................................................................................................ 4 List of Figures Figure 2-1: Technical and Public Participation Process ................................................................................. 2 BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page iii Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this report have been based on the information supplied to SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. (SRK) by Sasol South Africa Limited (Sasol). The opinions in this Report are provided in response to a specific request from Sasol to do so. SRK has exercised all due care in reviewing the supplied information. Whilst SRK has compared key supplied data with expected values, the accuracy of the results and conclusions from the review are entirely reliant on the accuracy and completeness of the supplied data. SRK does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the supplied information and does not accept any consequential liability arising from commercial decisions or actions resulting from them. Opinions presented in this report apply to the site conditions and features as they existed at the time of SRK’s investigations, and those reasonably foreseeable. These opinions do not necessarily apply to conditions and features that may arise after the date of this Report, about which SRK had no prior knowledge nor had the opportunity to evaluate. BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page iv List of Abbreviations AEL Atmospheric Emission Licence AIR Atmospheric Impact Report CO Carbon Monoxide CRR Comments and Responses Report CTL Coal-To-Liquids DEA Department of Environmental Affairs EIA Environmental Impact Assessment I&APs Interested and Affected Parties MES Minimum Emission Standards NAQO National Air Quality Officer NEMA National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) NEM:AQA National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act No. 39 of 2004) NGO Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) PPP Public Participation Process Sasol Sasol South Africa Ltd. (Sasol) SCO Sasol Chemical Operations SSO Secunda Synfuels Operations WRF Waste Recycling Facility BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 1 1 Introduction Sasol was established in 1950 and started producing synthetic fuels and chemicals in 1955, from the world’s first commercial Coal-To-Liquids (CTL) complex in Sasolburg. Today Sasol is a multinational organisation with key activities in South Africa in Secunda (mining, coal and gas to liquids and chemicals operations) and Sasolburg (mining, provision of utilities, chemicals operations and petroleum refining) together with other smaller operations at various locations in the country. This document pertains to the Secunda Synfuels Operations (SSO) in the Mpumalanga Province. SSO fully intends to meet the Minimum Emissions Standards (MES) and has implemented a number of initiatives to do so. However, during SSO’s recent Atmospheric Emissions Licence (AEL) renewal process an extensive due diligence exercise was conducted and in the course of reviewing its Secunda facility against the conditions of SSO’s previous AEL, Sasol became aware that there may be certain point sources which could fall within the scope of certain of the listed activities included in the AEL, but which were not specified therein (“additional point sources”). Having confirmed with the relevant licensing authority that these additional point sources were required to be recorded in the AEL, an application to vary SSO’s AEL was duly submitted to the Gert Sibande District Municipality. The application was received favourably and the current AEL includes the additional point sources. It is a condition of the AEL that SSO undertakes monitoring and measuring of the additional point sources to establish an emissions baseline in terms of which the licensing authority could then finalise emission and reporting requirements for them. SSO was given 18 (eighteen) months to conduct the monitoring for the various additional point sources. The baseline monitoring and measurement activities were expeditiously conducted and the preliminary results suggest that SSO may not be able to meet certain of the MES new plant standards particularly in relation to volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and carbon monoxide (CO) for some of the additional point sources. Sasol is therefore applying for postponement, from the National Air Quality Officer (NAQO), with the concurrence of its licensing officer, in terms of the compliance timeframes of the Minimum Emissions Standards (MES) which were published in Government Notice No. 893 in Government Gazette 37054 of 22 November 2013 (“GN 893”) and published in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act No. 39 of 2004) (NEM:AQA) for the following sources: Coal Tar Filtration (CTF) stack for one source for volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions only. Waste Recycling Facility (WRF) for one source for VOC and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions only. Phenosolvan depitcher and sand filter vents: Depitcher, one source on the east side, and one source on the west side of the factory and for VOC emissions only. Sand filter, for four sources, at one per phase, for VOC emissions only. This draft public participation report is included as Annexure C of the report titled: “Secunda Synfuels Operations - Motivation for the Postponement of Compliance Timeframes in terms of Regulation 11 of the Section 21 NEM:AQA Minimum Emissions Standards”, by Sasol, dated January 2020. The abovementioned motivation report includes the findings of an independently prepared atmospheric impact report (AIR), which determines Sasol’s impact on ambient air quality, along with further reasons that warrant consideration in a decision about postponements from the MES. Sasol has appointed Airshed Planning Professionals (Airshed) to prepare the AIR and SRK Consulting (South Africa) Ltd. (SRK) to manage the technical studies and the public participation process (PPP). BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 2 This draft public participation report, as compiled by SRK, documents the public participation activities undertaken to date, as well as details the process whereby interested and affected parties (I&APs) have the opportunity to comment on the Draft Motivation Report and AIR prepared as part of the application. 2 Approach to public participation The PPP undertaken as part of Sasol’s application for postponement of the compliance timeframes is structured to meet the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (Government Notice No. 982, 04 December 2014) (as amended in 2017), published under the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA), as specified in the November 2013 MES Regulations. The PPP is an important component of the application and is closely linked to the technical activities required for the preparation of the motivation report. Figure 2-1 details the technical and PPP processes. November 2019 – January TECHNICAL PROCESS PROPOSED PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS 2020 PREPARATION OF DRAFT AIR PREPARATION OF DRAFT MOTIVATION COMMENT ON DRAFT (30 DAY PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD) • Distribute Letter, Motivation Report, AIR and comment sheet • Advertisements and Site Notices Feb 2020 • Opportunity for I&APs to comment online, by email, fax, tel, comment sheets PUBLIC OPENDAY (Secunda) COLLATE COMMENTS INTO COMMENT & RESPONSE REPORTS (CRR) UPDATE MOTIVATION REPORT & March 2020 AIR SUBMIT FINAL MOTIVATION DOCUMENT & UPDATED CRR TO NAQO STAKEHOLDERS NOTIFICATION • Make report available for stakeholders’ information • Distribute letters, regarding report availability and that comments can be submitted to NAQO Figure 2-1: Technical and Public Participation Process 3 I&AP identification I&APs were identified as follows: Identified from previous environmental authorisation processes undertaken by SRK. Registered with the previous Sasol postponement applications in 2014, 2016 and 2017. Registered at any of the bi-annual SSO environmental/health consultation sessions on air quality matters. Registered with the Sasol offset implementation plan PPP. BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 3 The I&AP database for SSO comprises approximately 722 I&APs, representing various sectors of society as listed below (refer to Appendix 1 for the full database of I&APs): National government: The Department of Environment Affairs, Department of Mineral Resources and the Department of Water and Sanitation. Provincial government: The Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Land Administration. District and local government: Gert Sibande District Municipality. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and interest groups: Olifants River Catchment Forum, Mpumalanga Parks Board, Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency, Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA), Legal Resources Centre (LRC), Centre for Environmental Rights and GroundWork. Organised business and commerce: Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), Witbank Chamber of Commerce and Proconics (Pty) Ltd. Organised mining and industry: Chamber of Mines and Harmony Gold Mines. Community based organisations: Solidarity, Umindi Ratepayers Association and Waterval Farmers Association. Labour unions and associations: Mpumalanga Agricultural Union, National Education Health and Allied Workers’ Union. Research and academia: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and Discovery Training Centre. Media: Mpumalanga Communication Services, Ridge Times and Ekasi. Parastatals: Eskom, Transnet, Telkom, South African Heritage Resource Agency, and the South African National Biodiversity Institute. Sasol employees (internal I&APs). Adjacent and surrounding landowners. The database was reviewed and updated during the PPP. 4 I&AP Notification Stakeholders will receive notification on the availability of the documents and an invitation to attend the public meetings to facilitate comment on the Draft Motivation Report and AIR. Stakeholders will be invited to participate in the process as follows: Distribution by email, of invitation letters accompanied by a Registration and Comment Form (see Appendix 2 for a copy of the letter). Advertisements will be placed in two local newspapers (see Appendix 3 for the advertisements), as follows: The Ridge Times (English and Afrikaans); and Seskhona (IsiZulu). Sites notices (A2-size) in English, Afrikaans and IsiZulu will be erected at the following locations: Secunda Public Library; Govan Mbeki Local Municipality; and Sasol Secunda Site Offices. The Draft Motivation Report, AIR, invitation letter and comment forms (Appendix 4) will made available in public places (as above) and on the SRK website https://www.srk.co.za/en/za-sasol- 2020-mes-postponement-applications. Stakeholders will be notified via facsimile and SMS notification to inform and remind them of public meetings and opportunities to comment. BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 4 4.1 Public comment on the Draft Motivation Report and AIR The Draft Motivation Report and AIR will be available for public comment for a period of 30 days from Wednesday 5 February 2020 to Wednesday 4 March 2020. Electronic versions of the reports and comment sheets will be available on the SRK website, https://www.srk.co.za/en/za-sasol-2020-mes-postponement-applications. from Wednesday 5 February 2020. Electronic copies will also be available on request from the Stakeholder Engagement Office at SRK Consulting. In addition, printed copies of the report and comment sheets will be available at the publicly accessible venues as listed in Table 4-1 for stakeholders to view and comment on. Table 4-1: Publicly accessible venues Public place Address Contact Telephone Public library Laurens Muller street, Secunda Tersa Griesel 017 620 6175 Govan Mbeki local municipality Horwood street, Secunda Reception 017 620 6279 Sasol Charlie 1 main entrance Frans Du Toit Street, Secunda Reception 017 610 1111 Comments and suggestions on any aspect of the Draft Motivation Report or AIR will be collated and responded to, where appropriate. These comments and suggestions will be used to inform the authorities’ decision. I&APs will be able to comment by: Completing the online registration and comment form at the following link: https://arcg.is/1DKT9r Completing the enclosed registration and comment form and submitting it to SRK (details below); Writing a letter or additional written submission by mail, email or fax; or Calling SRK. 4.2 Public Meetings A public openday will be held to facilitate comment on the Draft Motivation Report and AIR as listed in Table 4-2. Table 4-2: Public openday venues Date Time Venue Thursday 20 Outeniqua Venue,The Sasol Secunda Recreation Club, Nelson 10h00 – 15h00 February 2019 Mandela Drive, Secunda The primary objectives of the public opendays are to: Foster robust engagements and build relationships with Sasol’s host communities. Share information on Sasol, their activities and air quality impacts relating to the postponement application. Provide an opportunity for the community to raise any issues regarding the postponement application process. Facilitate comments on the Draft Motivation Report and AIR. I&AP’s will be asked to document comments for inclusion in the comment and response report, with SRK assistance, on comment sheets at the openday. 4.3 Comment and Response Report All comments, concerns, questions and suggestions raised during the public participation process, including comments received during public opendays and written comments received from stakeholders will be recorded in the Comment and Response Report (CRR). The CRR provides a consolidated record of stakeholder comments, as well as responses from the SRK, Airshed and the Sasol project team members. The CRR will be attached to the Final Motivation Report. BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 5 5 Way Forward After the closure of the comment period the Draft Motivation Report, AIR and CRR will be finalised. The consolidated final documents will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), NAQO and SSO’s licensing authority for consideration. Stakeholders will be notified in writing (sms, email and/or fax) that the final documents have been submitted to the NAQO for decision-making and that comments on the final reports can be submitted directly to the NAQO within 21 days. The Final Motivation Report, AIR and CRR in support of the postponement application will be made available electronically for stakeholder’s information, on the SRK website (https://www.srk.co.za/en/za-sasol- 2020-mes-postponement-applications.) or on request from the stakeholder engagement office. Registered I&APs will also be notified of the decision of the relevant authorities in this regard as per the applicable requirements. Prepared by Reviewed by _______________________________ ___________________________________ Philippa Burmeister PrSciNat Marius van Huyssteen Principal Environmental Scientist Partner All data used as source material plus the text, tables, figures, and attachments of this document have been reviewed and prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering and environmental practices. BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 6 Appendices BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 7 Appendix 1: I&AP database BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
Mr/Ms First Name Last Name Company Phiwe Nkosi Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr Nic Dinham Bnp Paribas Mr Abel Motloung Earthlife Africa Mr Troy Phili South African Heritage Resource Agency (SAHRA) Ms Lugile Motsitsi Eskom Transmission Ms R Beukman Mpumalanga Deptartment of Agriculture & Land Administration (MDLA Ms Lerato Kgomo National Planning Commission (NPC) Mr Zikalala Futhi Department of Minerals and Resources (DMR) Mr Danie Smit Secunda Resident Mr Jerry Vilakazi Business Unit South Africa (Busa) Mr Paul Mashatile African National Congress (ANC) Ms T Abrahamse South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI Mr Shumari Mugeri Department of Transport (DoT) Prof Eugene Cairncross University Of Cape Town Mr Jerry Mafifi Methula Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) Mrs Magadi Ratema Telkom SA (Pty) Ltd Mr Dumisa Jele National Planning Commission (NPC) Miss N Mansoor Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mr T Thimisha Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mr Abram Phaahla Veri-Green Solutions Pty Ltd Mr Pieter Ackerman Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mr Alex Anderson Sasol Technology Pty Ltd Ms Alexandra Russell Sasol Mr Alistair Smith National Economic Development And Labour Council (Nedlac) Mrs Angela Andrews Legal Resources Centre Mr Bafana Motheogane Sasol Technology Mr Bhutiza Letsie Sasol Mr Nikisi Lesufi Chamber of Mines Mr Brian North Council For Scientific And Industrial Research (Csir) Mr Bob Kleynjan Sasol Infrachem Mr Bobby Peek groundWork - Friends of the Earth South Africa Mr Bongani Mthembu South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) Ms Brenda Nkosi Sasol Mr Carl Scholtz Natref Charlene Wassenaar Natref Mr David Kleyn National Department of Agriculture Mr Desmond D'Sa South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) Mr Mziwonke Dlabantu Department of Public Works Mr Sipho Mtombela Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) Mr Wolsey Barnard Department of Energy (DoE) O Dlamini Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr Doc Twala Sasol
Mrs Tristan Taylor Earthlife Africa Ms Elise Tempelhoff Beeld Newspaper Ms Esme Young Sasol Mrs Estelle Marais Sasol Mr Fulu Mukhadi South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) Mr Francois van Wyk Rand Water Mr Gert Rostoll Natref Mr Gilbert Mahlatsi African National Congress (ANC) Mr Bashan Govender Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mr Amos Monyela National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) Mr Henk Human Sasol Mr Henry Murray Nova Institute Mr Herman van der Walt Sasol Mr Hartmut Ilgner Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) ' Mpumalanga Wetland Forum Ms Janet Love Legal Resources Cenre (LRC) Ms Jennifer Kemp Earthlife Africa Mr Johan Marx Gibb Mr Joseph Tshimanga Sasol Synfuels Ms Karin Fourie Sasol Mr Marius Keet Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mr Jacob Kganebo Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee Mr Kgatlaki Ngoasheng Business Unit South Africa (Busa) Mr Leon Van Rooyen Mpumalanga Agricultural Union Mrs Lydia Muditambi Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) Ms Thapelo Machaba Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mr Mahandra Naidoo National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) Ml Makhubo Ms Makoma Lekalakala Earthlife Africa Marcel Mitchelson Sasol Ms Mariette Liefferink Federation for Sustainable Environment (FSE) Mrs Marilize Grobler Sasol Technology Ms Marlaine Andersen Leads 2 Business Mrs Maureen Mboshane Sasol Synfuels Masesi Mofokeng Fezile Dabi District Municipality Ms Melita Steele Greenpeace Ms Nhlakanipho Zuma South African Communist Party (SACP) Ms Nani Mangoale Sasol Group Services Ms Ndivile Mokoena Justice And Peace Organisation Nhlanhla Mntaka Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Ms Robyn Hugo Centre For Environmental Rights (CER)
Ms Nosipho Ngcaba Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Mr Attie van Niekerk Nova Institute Mr Neren Rau South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr Patrick Cebekhulu Natref Mr Patrick Craven Congress Of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) Mrs Phillipa Burmeister SRK Consulting Mrs Edna Molewa Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) Mr Peter Pyke Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mrs T Rakgotho Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mrs Romi Bellusci SRK Consulting Ms Rethabile Ndjibu Sasol Mr Richard Vallihu Transnet Mr Rico Euripidou groundWork - Friends of the Earth South Africa Mr Ristoff Van Zyl Sasol Mr Rivash Panday Sasol Jr Hall Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr Robby Mogalaka groundWork - Friends of the Earth South Africa Ms Kristy Langerman Eskom Mr S Rademeyer Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Mr Lincoln Seoloane Ministry Of Water And Environmental Affairs Shamini Harrington Sasol Ms Sharna Johardien National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) Ds Sithole Dipaleseng Local Municipality Ms Siziwe Khanyile groundWork - Friends of the Earth South Africa Ms Sylvia Kamanja Centre for Environmental Rights Sophia Pitsillis Sasol Mrs Tammy Hale SRK Consulting Mr/Ms . Friends of the Earth Mr/Ms . Greater Delmas Civic Movement (GDCM) Mr/Ms . Guqa Community Service Centre Mr/Ms . Highveld Environmental Network Ms Valerie Carelse Sasol South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Mr/Ms First Name Last Name Company Mr Saimon Buthelezi Mrs Ettie Dladla Mrs Maria Dlamini Mrs Thandi Dukashe Mr Mandla Izebini Mrs Mabel Khoza Ms Ayanda Kubheka Mrs Dinah Mahlangu Mr Josef Mahlangu Ms Kate Mahlangu Linah Maseko Mr Michael Mavuso Mr Mishack Mazibuko Mr Tumo Mefane Mr Elias Mgomezulu Mr Lebohang Mohtlepi Nomusa Mokoena Mrs Elly Mthelezi Mr Johannes Mtshwene Ms Sarah Ndlovu Bomi Nkosi Mr Vusi Nkosi Mr Samuel Phadi Mr Sicelo Sicelo Mr Anton Zondo Mrs Elizabeth Zwane Mrs Joanah Malindisa Lentle Ms Elizabeth Tholo Leslie Ms Jana Oosthuizen Ridge Times Newspaper Mr A.M Malinga Sasol Club Mr Patrick Mdebele Sanny Tholo Phiwe Nkosi Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr/Ms Erda Veldan Sasol Mr Charl Noel Sasol Mr Honres le Roux Sasol Mr LA Mohelepi Sasol Babo Lovedalioh Sasol Mrs Kathy Jagasun Sasol Mrs Nokuthula Mtungwa Sasol Bongumusa Shabangu Mr Chonco Correctional Service Tonny Motsoagae Community Policing Forum ' S S Mshayisa Primary School Ms Dorcus Mkhonza Alice Lekhoba
Maqhawe Kunene Gert Sibande District Municipality Mbali Mkhonza Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr Victor Mtsweni Madam Lizzy Magagula Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Aff PH Zikhalai Mdshi ' CEF Ms Thandi Mogajane Kusemandleniwethuu Londi Mthembu Right to care Mr Sbonelo Soko Mr Bafana Sikhosana Mrs Zelda Mahlobo Mr Jacob Mthombeni B Mkhwanzi Govan Mbeki Disability Forum Councillor Simon Mabena Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Thoko Mtethwa Thuthukani:HBC Nomusa Gamede Ms Olivia Repingg CDW 06 Mr Jabulane Sikhosana Mr MJ Mabala Mr Vusi Mbatha Gogo Thoko Traditional Healers’ Association Cecelia Tiki Farmers Association Ms Zamokhule Mtshweni Mr Bongane Jali Mr Petros Sithole Xohisile Ngcobo Mr Benjamin Mahlangu Nkosinathi Mahlangu Mrs Florence Zungu Mr Raphael Mtsweni Mr Lucky Tholo Mr Dumisani Mtshali Sbongile Nhlapho HEAPS Mr Mangcongoy Njongo Paul Murrure Mr Cairo Nkambule Leslie Mr Oupa Mohlala Mr Bomu Leslie Mr Meshack Mbonani Fanyana Ngwenya Ms Sonto Madontsela BD Tshabalahla Sbusiso Yende Isibindi Tunu Thuthukani Drop in Centre Ms Duduzile ' Greater Leandra Business Forum Councillor Elias Sibande Govan Mbeki Local Municipality
Khosi Mnguni African National Congress (ANC) Ms Zodwa Zodwa Ms Roseline Mbonani Mrs Lettie Tsotetsi Mrs Thandi Lushaba Councillor Mteta Nkabinde Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mxoligi Mahlangu Sipho Hadebe South African Police Service (SAPS) Mr Thato Tema Qakaza Projects Mtseledu Mr Timothy Mbonana Mr Patrick Duma Highveld Environmental Justice Network (HEJN) Mr Patrick Highveld Environmental Justice Network (HEJN) Mr Isaac Dhludhlu Mr Neo Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Thembela Hawanca Miss Prudence Kubhela Mr Linda Cebekhulu Youth Desk Ms Sophie Sibayoa Mr Mahlangu Trichardt Traditional Authority Mr Meshack Ketsekile Buli Sibila Zodwa Mokoena Mr Vincent Sibanyoni Ward Committee - Ward 2 Mr Sizwe Mzakana Sbongile Moloi Councillor Lucky Mtsweni Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mrs Trevine Naidoo Sasol Mr Siphiwe Mahlanga Mr Bafana Tsgiso Leslie ANC Mr Hlalukale Hlalukale EN Mnyakeni S Makobula Ridge Times Mr Cyprial Mtshali African National Congress (ANC) P Mdingi Leslie Pastor Seake PP Shoba Zamokuhle Taxis Association Mr Sikie Sithole Sanco Gwm Mr Micheal Ngwenya Mr Lazarus Mtsweni Thembisile Muakalelwa African National Congress (ANC) Khabo Sibanyoni Nolu Hanolotho N Malindisa M2M Side Coordinator Given Matlakala Mr Sipho Khaye Buhlebakhe Mtolo
Tsepo Nqonde Economic Freedom Front (EFF) Mkhwanazi Mkhwanazi Funeral Parlour Councillor Welcome Mvundla Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Thembi Mahlangu Mr Mphikeleli Masango SABC News Mr Kenneth Bhosholo Unokhethwako Mr Musa Madikizela Mr Joseph Marumuleni Mrs Nasiphi Tsheme Mr Mahlangu Nomsa Vilakazi Mr David Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Joint Community (GMJC) Siphiwe Maseko Mr Mike Manana Evah Mthombeni Ms Letti Mavuso Mr Sibusiso Ndimande Govan Mbeki Joint Community (GMJC) Mr Vusi Mashini eMbalenhle eYEC Youth Ms Gertrude Mzizi Mr Mario Mavuso SE Zwane Mrs Sophy Maseko Mrs Nelisiwe African National Congress Womans League (ANCWL) Mr Jerry Mahlangu Mr Bhuti Gada Nzimande Govan Mbeki Joint Community (GMJC) Khabonina Sizani Miss Zanele Mahlangu Ms Prudence Mabote Girly Mahlangu Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Aff Mr Abednego Matshoba Ms Anna Motsweni Mr Victor Mopane Sasol Ms Bathabile African National Congress (ANC) Mr Doctor Thanjekwayo Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Doctor Thanjekwayo Govan Mbeki Joint Community (GMJC) PL Mayaba Mr Sipho ' Trust Mr William Lephaila Mr Johannes Mogisi African National Congress (ANC) Mr Petros Mhlangu Ubukhosi Hlatshwyo Mr Ben Mthethwa Mrs Lili Dludlu GCE Mr Jeremia Jeremia Mr Sipho Ngozo
Sipho Arends Ms Dollie Mashiane Ms Phindile Marimbela Nova Institute Mr Samuel Khoza F Tsolele Positive Woman Network (PWN) Cyril Gwiji Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Themba Mokoena Mr Timothy Mthimunye Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Khethiwe Khwela Affairs Mr Prince B Xumde Mr Shellboy Sikhosana Mr Adam Nkambule Councillor Innocent Shongwe Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Siyabanga Nyoka Ms Mirriam Matabane African National Congress (ANC) OP Kele CPF Leslie WM Sithole Ms Cynthia Sikiti Ms Margaret Mtsweni Zakhele Masina Ms Elizabeth Dludlu Sasol Club NN Mkwanazi Mr Gideon Radebe Phindile Phiri Mr Jabulane Jabulane Mr Leonardo Mokoena Leslie Councillor Buti Douglas Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Gugu Khumalo Highland Sdudla Moabi Leandra Home Base Mr Jeremiah Kwanyana Mr Nick Mzwandile Mathebe Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Thembi Jiyane Sphiwe Nsibande Nontembeko Makawza Mr Richard Nkosi South Programe Mr Ronald Mahlalela R Sebolai Department of Social Development Nonkuleleko QABSO Mr Bongani Mthombeni Mr John Mailula Mr Alfred Mphuti Mr Jude Gulube Mr Stanley Sehlabela Councillor Sipho Makhaye Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Patrick MukaNgaNyisi Sbusiso
Mrs Duduzile Mahlangu Councillor Philisiwe Gracious Nzama Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Sbusiso Mahlango Ms Anna Dluli Motaung Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Jerry Mbica Sasol Nomusa Madonsela Ward Committee Vusi Nkosi Taverners’ Association Ms Fisiwe Kutu Positive Woman Network (PWN) N Jiyane Sudor Coal Mr Lungisani Ndlovu Senophina Zondo Maite Babile Tryphine Skosana Mr Thulane Gulube Mr Fanyana Sibanyoni Unokhethwako Community Development Ms Charlotte Mashiloane Umsobomvu Youth Fund Pastor Mazabane Councillor Elphus Albert Vilakazi Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Puleng Sekabate African National Congress (ANC) Mr Billy ' Sasol Mr Jabulani Mahlangu Mrs R Van Jaarsveld Reta Van Jaarsveld Mr Aart Reedijk The Bulletin Mr Dirk Riekert Ren Boerdery Mr Thamsanqa Shoba Qakaza Projects T Ntshangase Boithato Khaya Thabede Mr John Mahlagaume Kenny Mgabi Leandra Pastors’ Forum Mr Wonderboy Mdekane Mr James Allison Mr Abednigo Mathibela Ms Lemna Dlamini Mr Joseph Mosele Remosholmong FE Sebiloane Mr James Masango Democratic Alliance (DA) Mr JWJ Smith Landowner Ms Sam Sibeko Nafcoc Hlatshwayo Educational Forum Mr Jacob Mahlangu Sasol Mr Joseph Nkosi Mr Ephraim Radebe Zinhle Thwala GM Tsotetsi South African Police Services (SAPS) Mr Willem Pistorius Landowner Miss Joyce Tsale Siyanqoba Old Age Centre
Ms Elsie Shabalala Mr Simon Mbonani Councillor July Masango Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Lucas Hlakola The Givers - Aid Organisation Mr Phillip Mlangeni Themba Msomi Sizakele Danise Humena People Mr John Mtsweni Mr Samson Hlope Ms Emmah Ndhlovu Mr Solomon Nkosi Mr Jacob Mohlala Mr Kobus Latey Sasol T Hlophe DSD Mr A Steinhöbel Landowner Mr FJG Visser Landowner Mr JM Joubert Landowner Mrs Sarah Mathibela Happy Family Dc Mr S Horn Telkom South Africa Mr G Du Preez Landowner Mrs Martie Van Coller Hendriko Landgoed (Pty) Ltd Mr Peter Maruping G3 Business Solutions Mr A Maseko Vusumuzi Combined School Mr G Vosloo Agri Enviro Lab Mrs A Kerslake Dick Kerslake Family Trust Mr K Lowrens Hjp Louwrens Beleggings Cc Mr Kostant De Boom Megchem Engineering And Drafting Services (Pty) Ltd Ms Estelle Russell Witbank Chamber Of Commerce Mr S Bothma Sarel E. Bothma Ms Marina Caird WESSA Lowveld Environemntal Affairs Mr Kerneels Terblanche Terblanche Transport Secunda Mr Danie Smit Secunda Resident Mr S Sombane Nanini 357 Cc Mr B Kotze Elizabeth A. Lanser Mrs A Beierle Landowner Mr J Scholly Landowner Dr A Berruti Agricultural Research And Extension Development Program Mr Thabo Mabaso City Of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality Mr D Horn Ansan Eiendomme Cc Mr Wisdom Mpofu Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr Fannie Peens Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr Justus Mohlala Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency Mrs I Britz Ben Britz & Istelle Britz Cllr E Masiteng Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mrs H Bierman Gerhardus P. Bierman Clr AR Amod Dipaleseng Local Municipality Clr EM Ntabanyane Dipaleseng Local Municipality
Clr T Makhubu Dipaleseng Local Municipality Clr B Shozi Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr B Jackson Inkomati Catchment Management Agency Mr Neels Bezuidenhout Landowner Viano Prinsloo Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) Mr Theunis Steyn Eskom Mr S Marebane Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture & Land Administrat Mr G Bothma Landowner Mr M Combrink Agri HoeVeld Mr Neville Austin Graceland Hotel Casino & Country Mr Neels Van Niekerk Laerskool Secunda Ms Gail Nussey Sasol Mr Fekile Theledi Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture and Land Adminsitr Mr Israel Silinda Mpumalanga Department Of Economic Development, Envir Clr C Van Wyk Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr JJ Erasmus Uncebo Mining Mr B Conradie Harmony Gold Mines, Evander Operations Ms Thembisile Masilela Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Velaphi Sekwane Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Cllr Sakhile Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Municipality Mr N Netshitakani Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Ms Betty More Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Clr O Mtsweni Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Timothy Mark Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Ms Careen Swart Department of Health Mr David Mabuza Office Of The Premier Mr S Mnisi Office of the Premier Mr J Blaauw Mpumalanga Department Of Public Works Road & Transpo Mr K Mashile National House Of Traditional Leaders Ms Dineo Tswai Department of Economic Development , Environment and T Mr C Nkadimeng Sizwakele High School Mr L Makhubela Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Miss Marlene Van Der Linde Highveld Ridge Primary School Mr J Steyn Sasol ZE Sibeko eMzinoni Community Policing Forum Alex Persent Highveld East Community Environment Monitoring Associat Mr Aaron Mabadahanye City Of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality Mr A Bosman Waterval Farmer's Association Mrs SE Berruti Landowner Mr Alex Anderson Sasol Technology Pty Ltd Ms Alexandra Russell Sasol Mr Tshediso Pudumo Nova Institute Tshediso Nova Institute Ms Alida Claassen Gce/Sasol Club Ms Alix Davies Sasol
Mr Kobus Duvenhage Bhs And Wilge River Conservancy Mr Andre Lipema Dr Andrew Venter Pvt Mr Andy O'toole Solidarity Ms Angela April Govan Mbeki Youth Council Mr A Botes Sasol Mr Augustus Dludlu Mpumalanga Department of Water Affairs (DWA) Bheki Zitha Department of Education Mr Bablo Nkosi Sanaco Mr Bafana Motheogane Sasol Technology Mr Noome Hoer-en Laerskool Balfour Pvt Khensani Shilubane Highveld Environmental Justice Network (HEJN) Ms Gugu Langa SA Local Government Association Mpumalanga (Salga) Ms Beatrice Matekenya Sasol Benzi Soko Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr B Botha Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Mrs Browi van der Meer Mr Bheki Mndawe Sasol B Ngwane Mr Dennis Martin Greater Middelburg Residents Association Mr Bhutiza Letsie Sasol Mr Benjamin Tsietsi Moduka Mpumalanga Heritage Resources Authority Mr Bob Kleynjan Sasol Infrachem Ms Bonhle Tladi Sasol Mr NG Bierman Gerhardus P. Bierman Mrs Brenda Lundie Sasol Nitro Ms Brenda Nkosi Sasol Mr F Erasmus Templemore Trading 69Cc Ms Candice Odell Sasol Synfuels Mr Callie van Heerden Sasol Mr Carl Scholtz Natref Mr Carl Brown Mpumalanga Communication Service Mr Chris Potgieter Ekandustria Safety Health And Evironmental Forum Mr Chris Ferreira Witbank Chamber Of Commerce Mr Chris Schoeman Mrs Cindy Schoonwinkel Secunda Resident Ms Carol Mathonsi Cocase Sa(Pty)Ltd Clr Andries Gamede Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr Dan Hlanyane Gert Sibande District Municipality
Mr MD Sambo Sasol Mining Mr Dean Harmse Steyloy Castings Mr Delani Nxumalo Mr Dennis Kotze Pvt Mr Derick Erasmus Templemore Trading 69 Pty Ltd Clr HJ Badenhorst Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Archie Urquhart Archibald A. Urquhart Cllr Ns Nhlapo Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr Terry Williams Discovery Training O Dlamini Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr Doctor Mtshali National Education Health And Allied Workers' Union (Neha Mr Doc Twala Sasol Mr Donald Green Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Dorothy Phahla SABCOHA D Mndebele Leandra Community Centre Mrs Wilma van Vuuren Echo Ridge Newspaper/Ridge Times Elaine Wildey Sasol Dr F Greyling Earlybird Farm Pty Ltd Mr Emile Blaauw Sasol Mining Ms Erda Van Zyl Sasol Ms Esme Young Sasol Mrs Estelle Marais Sasol Cllr Ethel Nkosi Govan Mbeki Municipality Mrs Evelyn Mokoena Mpumalanga Department Of Labour Mr Faan Rousseau Sasol Mr Themba Mr Fana Sibanyoni NSM Environmental Projects Mr Falami Mahlangu Secunda Resident F Mokwena Anglo American Mrs Fikile Roberts Ma-LuandleTrading Ms Fortune Mavimbe Mrs Franciska Wessels Sasol Legal Mr F Mashabela Mpumalanga Department Of Agriculture And Land Administ Mr Fred Goede Sasol Technology Mr Freddie Brand Sasol Mr J Grabe Agri SA Gabisile Ntshangase Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Aff Ms Glenda Gallieboy Telkom South Africa Mr George Malefane Block 13 Entrepreneurs Mrs M Bothma Gert H.P. Bothma
Mr Gert Rostoll Natref Ms Gertrude Tshabalala Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Ms Johanna Ndlovu Govan Mbeki Municipality Mr G Masuku Mpumalanga Department Of Transport And Public Works Mrs Gladys Ndwandwe Siyanqoba Old Age Centre Mr Altus Lotter Mpumalanga Department Of Economic Development Envir IK Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Traditional Leadership Mr David Ralehoko Govan Mbeki Joint Community (GMJC) Mr Grant McGillan P Sibiya HEAPS Mr H Dhulab Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Mr Hendrik van der Merwe Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Hendrik Snyman Nova Institute Mr Hendrik Smith Nova Institute Mr Henk Human Sasol Mrs H Schoeman Agri Mpumalanga Vlu Mr Herman van der Walt Sasol Mr Herman Kriel Earlybird Farm Mr TC Nkosi Motswala Trading 3 cc Mr Willem Schoombie Secunda Medi Clinic Mr Fj Van Papendorp Highveld Ridge Primary School Mr L Pieterse Hoerskool Secunda Mr Ian Ross Templemore Trading 69 (Pty) Ltd LI Makoe Department of Health Mrs Marie van de Heever Ekan Concrete F Mthimunye PSASA Mr Qaphelani Molilebo Inhlelento Civil Engineering Mr Sekgosane Nkadimeng Inhle Lento Civil Engineering (Pty) Ltd Ntombikayise Masala Isiphephelo Home Base Care Forum Jackport Ndinisa Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Aff Mr J Linde Sasol Synfuels Pty Ltd JM Komape ESST Mr Jakes Lock Sasol Mr James Williams Private Mr Jan De Klerk Sasol Nitro Mr Attie Jankowitz Klipdrift Mr Jabu Zwane Embalenhle Community Development Forum (Ecdf) Mr Ampie Wessels Landowner Mr Jabulani Ndhlangamandla Madam Jerry Mbiza Sasol Mr T Mabhena Embalenhle Traditional Authority Mr J Coetzee Sasol Mr Johann Bronkhorst Sasol
Mrs Ivonne Scholly Private Mr Johnny Reddy Sasol Mr Joseph Tshimanga Sasol Synfuels Ms June Nhlabathi Gert Sibande District Municipality Ms Justine Sweet Sasol She Legal Mrs Karen Clark Sasol Ms Karin Fourie Sasol Cllr D Khanye Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr Khehla Mahlangu Environmental Monitors (NPO) Ms Komilla Knarasoo Mpumalanaga Tourism And Parks Agency (MTPA) Mr K Lategan Sasol Mining Cllr Elzma Labuschagne Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mrs Laurika van den Berg Sasol Mr Lawrence Moagi Sasol Mr L Rootman Harmony Gold Mines Mr Leornard Re-action L Nkambule SASSA ML Nkosi Leandra Community Centre Mrs Lindi Masina Govan Mbeki Local Municipality IL Moumakwe Department of Health Mr M Botha Moses Botha Familie Trust Mr Lucas Klopper Waterval Farmers Association Mr JJR Dreyer Landowner Mr W Klopper Platkop Mr Lucky Mhlongo Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Muzi Lubaxa Unokhethwako Maggy Moukangwe Department of Social Development Mr Siyabonga Mahlangu GLDT Mr Felani Mahlangu Unokhethwako NP Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Women’s Forum Mr N Nkosi Dipaleseng Local Municipality Ml Makhubo Marcel Mitchelson Sasol Mrs Marilize Grobler Sasol Technology Mr Ca Habile Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr M Krüger Sasol Mrs Mary Mogale Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) Linda Masilela Masinakekelimvelo Environmental Management C Sindane Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Ms Mariana Nieuwoudt Olifants River Catchment Forum (ORCF) Mrs Maureen Mboshane Sasol Synfuels Masesi Mofokeng Fezile Dabi District Municipality
Siya Zondi Health and Development Africa Mr Muzi Chirwa African National Congress (ANC) Mr Mfungelina Radebe Eyel Thato Tlali Fezile Dabi District Municipality Ms Mncedisi Mlilo Sasol Technology Mrs Esther Mnguni Thulane Mnisi Humana people to people Ms Modise Shakung Mr George Mmola Mrs Refilwe Mokobodi Eskom Generation - Kriel Mr Monde Nqiwa Community Member Mr Monde Magewu Moreli Gininda South African Police Service (SAPS) Mr M Ramokhothoane Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Mr Hennie Laas Mpumalanga Agricultural Union Mr Vusi Sibeko Ms Nhlakanipho Zuma South African Communist Party (SACP) P Mthembu Treatment Action Campaign A Mthethwa Department of Health M Mbebe Agri SA Ms Nani Mangoale Sasol Group Services Clr NB Monini Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr Ndaly Manabela Sasol NT Vilakazi ESST Mr Nelis Saayman Sasol Technology Pty Ltd Nhlanhla Mntaka Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mrs Mbali Nhlengethwa Eskom Mr Nkuyathe Masango Greater Leandra Business Forum Ms NV Mthethwa Gert Sibande District Municipality Mr AL Lawrence Anthony Lawrence Trust Ms Nomsa Zulu Mrs Nomsa Thabethe Gert Sibande District Municipality Ms Nthabeleng Ramashoai South African Communist Party (SACP) Ntombi Skhosana Megabus & Coach Mr Ntuli Greater Middelburg Residents Association (GMRA) Remember Nxumalo Sasol Mr Mf Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr M Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Attie van Niekerk Nova Institute O Mashego HPPSA Mr Onashan Pillay Ms Octavia Motsweni Mr Owen Pretorius Sasol Environment Mr Patrick Cebekhulu Natref
Mrs Phillipa Burmeister SRK Consulting Peace Maseko Mr Phineas Makgopela Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (Mega) Mr P Jordaan Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Mr Pieter Bezuidenhout Sasol Mr Piet Mahlangu Govan Mbeki Traditional Leadership Mr Piet-Nel de Vos Sasol Mining (Pty) Ltd Ms P Chetty Sasol Mining Mrs Romi Bellusci SRK Consulting Mr Johannes Kruger Landowner Ms Rethabile Ndjibu Sasol Mr RT du Preez Landowner Mr Rhigardt Nolte Proconics Pty Limited Ms Ria Ntuli Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Ad Mr Rio Kgatle Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Mr Ristoff Van Zyl Sasol Mr Rivash Panday Sasol Jr Hall Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr Rob Mokgalaka Groundwork Mr Andy Nuns Umjindi Ratepayers Association Mr Godfrey Tshivhalavhala SAHRA - Mpumalanga Mr Andrew Brown Golder Associates Sindile Motaung SATAWU ES Mokeona South African Council of Churches Shamini Harrington Sasol Mr Simon van Renssen Sasol Synfuels Busisiwe Mathebula Graceland S Pindelo Department of Home Affairs Sipho Ka-Masina Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Ms Sister Mahlangu South African Communist Party (SACP) Khethiwe Siphumelele Youth Centre Ds Sithole Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mrs Sizakele Masilela Sasol Mr Skhakha Sibeko NSM Environmental Projects S Makoe DCSR Mrs E Smith Landowner Mr SE Smith Elardus Trust Mr Siphiwe Nhlapo Teachookig Youth Information Centre Ms Jackie Snyman Sasol Sophia Pitsillis Sasol Mr Dv Nqcobo Dipaleseng Local Municipality Mr S Van Niekerk J C Els Mr Takalani Tshikosi Proconics (Pty) Ltd Mrs Tammy Hale SRK Consulting
Councillor Abraham Mtsweni Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Thabo Babana Proconics Ms Nomcebo Makhubelo Mrimalanga Youth Against Climate Change Cllr T Tsotetsi Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Cllr M Taylor Embalehle Local Municipality Cllr Johan Nkosi Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Cllr B Zulu Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Themba Mahlangu Department of Local Government and Housing (DPLG) Mr TA Nhlabathi Nova Institute Mr T Pistorius M&C Boerdery Trust Miss Tracey Laban Sasol SHE Centre Mr Tshilidzi Masalesa Ga-Pila Concerned Community Ms Valerie Carelse Sasol South Africa (Pty) Ltd Billy Modise Contractors Forum Velaphi Senkwane Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Cllr Naomie Victor Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr Vincent Matabane Transnet Mr Vishal Subbaye Sasol Vuyo Ngwako Mr Willem van den Heever Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Mr Thamsanqa Xesibe Mpumalanga Department Of Water Affairs (Dwa) Senza Dlamini Zakhele Masilela Govan Mbeki Local Municipality Mr George Malatsi Zamokuhle Primary Ms Zandile Khumalo Sasol Ziba Sibeko Maziya Funeral Undertakers
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 8 Appendix 2: I&AP notification letter BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
Section A, 2nd Floor, Suite 02/B1, Norfolk House 54 Norfolk Terrace Off Blair Atholl Drive Westville, 3630 P O Box 1969 Westville, 3630 South Africa T: +27 (0) 31 279 1200 F: +27 (0) 31 279 1204 E: durban@srk.co.za www.srk.co.za 4 February 2020 554010 Attention: Interested and affected parties Dear Interested and Affected Party INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE AND COMMENT Applications for postponement of certain requirements of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act - Minimum Emission Standards, for Sasol South Africa Limited operations in Secunda Availability of the draft motivation report and AIR for comment Invitation to public open day Next steps in the application process Sasol South Africa Limited (Sasol) operating through Secunda Synfuels Operations (SSO) owns and operates a petrochemical facility in the Sasol Secunda complex south of central Secunda, Mpumalanga, among others. Sasol is required to comply with Minimum Emission Standards, 2013 (MES), published in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act No 39 of 2004). Sasol fully intends to meet the MES and has implemented a number of initiatives to do so. However, during SSO’s recent atmospheric emission license (AEL) renewal process an extensive due diligence exercise was conducted and in the course of reviewing its Secunda facility against the conditions of SSO’s previous AEL, certain additional point sources were identified that form part of existing listed activities recorded in the SSO AEL. Preliminary baseline emission monitoring and measurement results suggest that SSO may not be able to meet certain of the MES new plant standards in relation to volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and carbon monoxide (CO) for some of the additional point sources. Sasol therefore intends to apply for postponement of compliance timeframes, as provided for in the MES for the following sources namely, the waste recycling facility, coal tar filtration stack and phenosolvan depitcher and sand filter vents. Partners R Armstrong, S Bartels, N Brien, JM Brown, CD Dalgliesh, BM Engelsman, R Gardiner, M Hinsch, African Offices: Group Offices: W Jordaan, WC Joughin, DA Kilian, F Lake, JA Lake, V Maharaj, I Mahomed, HAC Meintjes, MJ Morris, DH Mossop, Cape Town + 27 (0) 21 659 3060 Africa GP Nel, VS Reddy, T Shepherd, PJ Shepherd, MJ Sim, VM Simposya, JS Stiff, M van Huyssteen, AT van Zyl, Durban + 27 (0) 31 279 1200 Asia MD Wanless, ML Wertz, A Wood East London + 27 (0) 43 748 6292 Australia Directors AJ Barrett, CD Dalgliesh, WC Joughin, V Maharaj, VS Reddy, PE Schmidt, PJ Shepherd Johannesburg + 27 (0) 11 441 1111 Europe Pietermaritzburg + 27 (0) 33 347 5069 North America Associate Partners PJ Aucamp, CM Bauman, LSE Coetser, SA de Villiers, M du Toit, SG Jones, L Linzer, JI Mainama, NG Macfarlane, RD O’Brien, S Reuther, D Visser, C Wessels Port Elizabeth + 27 (0) 41 509 4800 South America Pretoria + 27 (0) 12 361 9821 Consultants JR Dixon, PrEng, GC Howell, PrEng, PhD, PR Labrum, PrEng, RRW McNeill, PrTech Eng, Accra + 23 (3) 24 485 0928 PN Rosewarne, PrSci Nat, MSc, AA Smithen, PrEng, TR Stacey, PrEng, DSc, PJ Terbrugge, PrSci Nat, MSc, Lubumbashi + 243 (0) 81 999 9775 HFJ Theart, PrSci Nat, PhD, DJ Venter, PrTech Eng SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd Reg No 1995.012890.07
SRK Consulting Page 2 As part of the application, Sasol must submit an atmospheric impact report (AIR) supported by detailed justification and reasons for the application and must also undertake a public participation process in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations. Sasol appointed SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (SRK) to assist it in preparing the motivation report that will detail SSO’s justification and reasons for the application, and to undertake the public participation process. Airshed Planning Professionals (Pty) Ltd (Airshed) was appointed to prepare the AIR in support of a motivation report. Availability of the draft motivation report and AIR for comment The draft motivation report and AIR is available for public comment from Wednesday 5 February 2020 to Wednesday, 4 March 2020. Electronic versions of the reports and comment sheets are available on SRK’s website at: https://www.srk.co.za/en/za-sasol-2020-mes-postponement-applications. Electronic copies are also available on request from the stakeholder engagement office at SRK. In addition, printed copies of the report and comment sheets will be available at the following publicly accessible venues for stakeholders to view and comment on: Public place Address Contact Telephone Public library Laurens Muller street, Secunda Tersa Griesel 017 620 6175 Govan Mbeki local municipality Horwood street, Secunda Reception 017 620 6279 Sasol Charlie 1 main entrance PDP Kruger Road, Secunda Reception 017 610 1111 Your comments and suggestions on any aspect of the draft motivation report and AIR will be considered and included in a comments and response report appended to the application. You are welcome to comment on the draft motivation report and AIR by: Completing the online registration and comment form at the following link; https://arcg.is/1DKT9r Completing the enclosed registration and comment form and submitting it to SRK (details below); Writing a letter or additional written submission by mail, email or fax; or Calling SRK. DUE DATE FOR COMMENTS: WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH 2020. Public Open day To facilitate comment on the draft motivation report and AIR, a public open day will be held where the application will be explained. Participants will have the opportunity at the open day to meet the project team and to provide comments. Details of the public open day is follows: Date Time Venue Venue Contact Details Outeniqua Venue, Thursday 20 February 10h00 – 15h00 The Sasol Secunda recreation club, 017 610 0473 2020 Nelson Mandela drive, Secunda To confirm your attendance, submit comments or to obtain more information; please contact SRK at the contact details below: Philippa Burmeister or Romi Bellusci at SRK, Tel: +27(0)31 279 1200 Fax: +27(0)31 279 1204, e-mail: pburmeister@srk.co.za/ rbellusci@srk.co.za Next steps in the application process The public participation report and comment and response report will be updated once all comments are received. These documents will be included as part of the final postponement application submitted for approval by the relevant authorities. Registered I&APs will be notified of the submission and copies of the submission will be made available on SRK’s website. Registered I&APs will also be notified once a decision, regarding the postponement application has been made by the authorities. BURP/BELR 554010_20200120_Secunda_IAP Letter_Final January 20
SRK Consulting Page 3 Yours faithfully, SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd Philippa Burmeister PrSciNat Principal Scientist BURP/BELR 554010_20200120_Secunda_IAP Letter_Final January 20
SRK Consulting: Project No: 554010 Draft PP Report Page 9 Appendix 3: Advertisements BURP/BELR/VHUY 554010_20200128_PP Report_BURP Jan 2020
APPLICATION FOR POSTPONEMENT OF CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: AIR QUALITY ACT NO 39 OF 2004 MINIMUM EMISSION STANDARDS, FOR SASOL SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED OPERATIONS IN SECUNDA INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE AND COMMENT Sasol South Africa Limited (Sasol) operating through Secunda Synfuels Operations (SSO) owns and operates a petrochemical facility in the Sasol Secunda complex south of central Secunda, Mpumalanga, among others. Sasol is required to comply with Minimum Emission Standards, 2013 (MES), published in terms of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act No 39 of 2004). Sasol fully intends to meet the MES and has implemented a number of initiatives to do so. However, during SSO’s recent AEL renewal process an extensive due diligence exercise was conducted and in the course of reviewing its Secunda facility against the conditions of SSO’s previous atmospheric emission license (AEL), certain additional point sources were identified that form part of existing listed activities recorded in the SSO AEL. Preliminary baseline emission monitoring and measurement results suggest that SSO may not be able to meet certain of the MES new plant standards in relation to volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and carbon monoxide (CO) for some of the additional point sources. Sasol therefore intends to apply for postponement of compliance timeframes, as provided for in the MES, for the following sources namely, the waste recycling facility, coal tar filtration stack and phenosolvan depitcher and sand filter vents. As part of the application, Sasol must submit an atmospheric impact report (AIR) supported by detailed justification and reasons for the application and must also undertake a public participation process in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations. Sasol appointed SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (SRK) to assist it in preparing the motivation report that will detail SSO’s justification and reasons for the application, and to undertake the public participation process. Airshed Planning Professionals (Pty) Ltd (Airshed) was appointed to prepare the AIR in support of a motivation report. The draft motivation report and AIR is available for public comment from Wednesday 5 February 2020 to Wednesday, 4 March 2020. Electronic versions of the reports and comment sheets are available on SRK’s website at: https://www.srk.co.za/en/za-sasol-2020-mes-postponement-applications. Electronic copies are also available on request from the stakeholder engagement office at SRK. In addition, printed copies of the report and comment sheets will be available at the following publicly accessible venues for stakeholders to view and comment on: Public place Address Contact Telephone Public library Laurens Muller Street, Secunda Tersa Griesel 017 620 6175 Govan Mbeki local municipality Horwood Street, Secunda Reception 017 620 6279 Sasol Charlie 1 main entrance Frans Du Toit Street, Secunda Reception 017 610 1111 To facilitate comment on the draft motivation report and AIR, a public open day will be held as follows: Date Time Venue Venue Contact Details Outeniqua Venue, Thursday 20 February 10h00 – 15h00 The Sasol Secunda recreation club, 017 610 0473 2020 Nelson Mandela drive, Secunda To confirm your attendance, submit your comments or obtain more information please follow the link below to the online comment form or contact Philippa Burmeister or Romi Bellusci at SRK: Tel: +27(0)31 279 1200 Fax: +27(0)31 279 1204 Online comment form: https://arcg.is/1DKT9r E-mail: pburmeister@srk.co.za / rbellusci@srk.co.za Closing date for comments: Tuesday, 3 March 2020
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