DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation




       2020 DONORS!


       An Obstetrician and Gynecologist blazing a trail
       for female surgeons at Peace Arch Hospital
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

       Welcome to summer! And what a joyous summer it is.
       We made it! We are inching our way out of the             here at home. We can’t wait to finalize the details
       pandemic and for the first time in 16 months, we are      and announce what the future of health care looks
       all taking a collective sigh. It has been a long and      like at Peace Arch. This future is made possible
       challenging experience for sure, and we continue to       because of you, and your support of our work.
       be so proud of and inspired by how our community
                                                                 Our community has demonstrated time and again that
       came together to support our frontline workers and
                                                                 we can overcome anything if we help each other when
       keep everyone safe. The sacrifices you have made
                                                                 it’s needed and give back when we can. As we settle
       are extraordinary and speak to the resilience, sense
                                                                 into a new season, one of hope and relief, we raise our
       of fellowship, and solidarity that exists in White Rock
                                                                 glasses to you and the bright days ahead of us.
       and South Surrey.
       Our team at the Foundation is itching to get back
       to planning events and meeting with our wonderful
       donors in person. We have so many exciting things
       to look forward to. Our brand new ER and ORs will
       be completed near the end of the year and will start          Janice Stasiuk                    Stephanie Beck
       welcoming patients in early 2022. The
       Peace Arch Hospital Gala will be back,
       and better than ever, next May and
       we promise to bring you La Dolce
       Vita in all its glory. There are a
       number of new projects for
       Peace Arch Hospital on the
       horizon that will continue
       the trajectory of ensuring
       you and your family have
       access to the very best
       health care possible, right

2 thrive
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation
15521 Russell Avenue
White Rock, BC V4B 2R4
T 604.535.4520


Janice Stasiuk – Chair
Grant Turnbull – Vice-Chair
Geoff Funke – Past Chair
Peter Donaldson – Treasurer/Secretary
Jeffory M. Borkowski
Marco Buccini
                                                    CONTENTS                          SUMMER 2021
Colin Cameron
Grace Cleveland
Jerrod Hendry
                                                    4 DONOR                           12    FOUNDATION
                                                     PROFILE                                SPOTLIGHT
Harp S. Hoonjan
Kim Karras
Ritu Khanna                                          Two neighbours inspire each            The Foundation is launching
Cici Liang                                           other to make matching gifts           Youth In Action, a new
                                                     for critically needed medical          program for local high
Siobhan Philips
                                                     equipment.                             school students.
Lynne Sinclair

                                                    5 OUR THRIVING 13
Neil Yarmoshuk

                                                                                            MAKING A
Dr. Jane Wu – PAH Medical Staff                      COMMUNITY                              DIFFERENCE
Dr. Tahmeena Ali – PAH Medical Staff                 Alexandra Neighbourhood                Vaccines are making the
                                                     House Society launches a               end of the pandemic
                                                     program to help at-risk youth          within sight!
Graham Cameron
                                                     with funding from a Healthy

Bob Cooper
Vincent Coyne
                                                     Community Grant.
                                                    7 RAISING
Gus da Roza
Ellen Kennett
Jane Manning                                         FUNDS                                  Learn more about the
                                                                                            Foundation’s 2020-2021
Art Reitmayer                                        Meet three local organizations         financial highlights.
Dragana Sanderson                                    giving back in our community.

                                                                                      16    2020 LIST
                                                    8 FEATURE                               OF DONORS
                                                      STORY                                 A special thank you to our
                                                     Dr. Cheryl Wilson, one of just         generous donors.
Published by:                    Feature Writer:     three female surgeons at
Peace Arch Hospital Foundation   Logan La Roue
                                                     Peace Arch Hospital, shares
Managing Editor + Writer:        Graphic Design:     her thoughts on the new
Vicki Brydon                     Kennedy Anderson
Director, Public Relations       Creative Group      operating suites opening early
                                                     next year.
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

 The Neighbourly Way!
  Two neighbours, both anonymous donors, have made                          The neighbours, both residents of
  generous $50,000 matching gifts to purchase a new $90,000                 Ocean Park, are longtime donors
                                                                            to Peace Arch Hospital and
  portable mini c-arm x-ray unit, otherwise known as an
                                                                            regularly challenge each other
  imaging scanner intensifier, for Peace Arch Hospital’s ER.                to matching gifts. The remaining
                                                                            $10,000 from their donations
  With the ability to tell our medical   This portable, lightweight,        went to the Foundation’s Area of
  team immediately if a patient          fluoroscopic and x-ray imaging     Greatest Need.
  has a sprain or fracture, this new     device allows for imaging of all
  versatile piece of equipment is        extremities at the exact point
  a much-needed addition for our         of care. The device is cordless
  hospital. It allows x-rays to be       and collapsible, which allows it    Our heartfelt gratitude
  taken in the ER instead of having      to be hand-carried throughout        goes out to these two
  to move patients to the imaging        the emergency department
  department, resulting in a quicker     and other areas of the hospital,
                                                                            anonymous donors – you
  diagnosis and treatment, and           revolutionizing how and where         know who you are!
  better patient care overall.           doctors are able to use x-rays.

4 thrive
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

Peace Arch Hospital &
Community Health Foundation,
whose mission is to raise
funds, advocate, and support
initiatives that enhance the
hospital campus and the
health and wellness of our
community, is proud to
have recently contributed
$300,000 – its largest grant           YOUTH SPACE GETS A BIG
to date – towards Alexandra
Neighbourhood House’s Youth
                                       BOOST IN FUNDING WITH A
Space Project. This innovative         HEALTHY COMMUNITY GRANT
youth-driven program works
to build a foundation for
holistic wellness by creating
a safe, sober, and inclusive
community space that honors
the wisdom and expertise of
youth in the White Rock and
South Surrey community.

The Youth Space project was
initiated in 2012, when Alexandra
Neighbourhood House youth
workers and over 100 youth aged
10-24 came together to form the
                                    disconnection from family,         “Safe and consistent staffing
Youth Collective, advocating for
                                    school, positive community         is key for the Youth Space,”
a community space to connect
                                    supports, and lack of meaningful   Larmour adds. “Funds from the
and create. Unlike other youth
                                    connection,” says Maxine           Foundation’s Healthy Community
drop-in programs, this youth-
                                    Larmour, Client Services Lead      Grants Program are vital to the
adult partnership secures all its
                                    at Alexandra Neighbourhood         success of this project. Funding
funding through local grants to
                                    House. “Our Youth Space is         for expanded staffing has allowed
support the youth right here in
                                    driven by the youth, for the       us to build even more long-term
our community.
                                    youth, and addresses the root      relationships with the youth,
“As evidence by the youth voice,    causes of many common issues       provide them with resources, and
many problems that youth            faced by youth by promoting        build support systems that last.”
face – from the pressures of        connection and belonging and
life, stress and anxiety, family    providing an opportunity for
conflict and more – have led to     youth to re-create meaning and
substance misuse, depression,       purpose in their lives.”

                                                                                               SUMMER 2021   5
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

  Healthy Communities don’t just
  happen, they are built by caring              the             The Youth Collective is a diverse group of leaders, aged 10 to 24,
  people who want to make a                  SS/WR              from the South Surrey / White Rock community. Together, they
                                                                develop and operate the Youth Space, with the goal of improving
  difference. That’s why Peace Arch
  Hospital Foundation supports
                                          YOUTH SPACE           youth wellness by providing a safe, sober and inclusive youth-
                                                                driven space to connect, create, and innovate.
  local programs and initiatives            3 years in          We officially opened the doors to our Youth Space at our launch
  – like the Youth Space – to
  assist in creating the healthiest          review             party on May 5, 2017. Since then, it has been a hub for drop-ins,
                                                                programs, events and passion projects for all youth in community.
  community possible through
  our Healthy Community Grants
  This innovative and upstream
                                                                              Youth                        Youth
  approach to healthcare was                    Held 184                                                contributed
  first initiated by the Foundation                                                                    2006 volunteer
                                                meetings                                                   hours
  in 1999 when the Healthy
  Community Grants Program was
  created to support its mission
  to raise awareness and enhance
  the overall health and wellness
  of our community. Community
  grants of this kind are multi-
  year, big-picture projects that           510 youth          100 sessions         61 workshops     42 special events
  assist in shaping the “healthiest       visited the YS      building social    including Financial   such as open
  community possible.” This grant           9842 times       skills for 56 youth Literacy, Naloxone,   mic nights &
                                                                 aged 10-13        & Sexual Health    clothing swaps
  values innovation, collaboration,
  and out-of-the-box thinking.
  “With a focus on helping
  everyone in the White Rock and         19 cultural family 35 events for          21 virtual Wellness    61 youth &
  South Surrey community be            dinners celebrating LGBTQ+ youth,             Workshops on      families received
  the healthiest possible, we are         Diwali, Nowruz,   including an           Mindfulness, Yoga, care packages in
                                       Indigenous heritage annual Queer               & Journalling      response to
  pleased to support this project            and more           Prom                                      COVID-19
  for Alexandra Neighborhood
  House,” says Stephanie Beck,        ★   Youth Space Infographic     ★    April 2017 – 2020      ★    theyouthspace.com        ★
  Peace Arch Hospital Foundation’s
  Executive Director. “A safe space
  for youth to navigate challenges
  and form community connections
                                      “The youth of today are
  is important for optimum health     the leaders of tomorrow,”
                                                                                    For more information
  and wellness and the Foundation     Larmour says. “Supporting
  is committed to ensuring our        them now sends the
                                                                                    on the Youth Space,
  community has the resources for
                                      message that they matter                      visit alexhouse.net/
  youth in need.”
                                      and supports a circle of                      youth-space
                                      care in our community for
                                      many years to come.”

6 thrive
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

                                       MAKING STEPS COUNT
                                       Peace Arch Hospital Foundation
                                       staff participated in the Scotiabank
                                       Charity Challenge Marathon, a
                                       unique fundraising opportunity in
                                       which teams could run or walk in
                                       support of Peace Arch Hospital.
                                       Funds were raised towards the
                                       Area of Greatest Need.

White Rock FC donated 10% of
their Spring 2021 membership
fees in support of Peace Arch
Hospital, totalling $700! If you are
looking for a way to keep your
kids active while also making an
impact in your community, check
them out! They have pledged
their annual support to Peace
Arch Hospital Foundation.

                                       COBS BREAD SWEET
                                       Funds were raised in early
                                       2021 with the support of Cobs
                                       Bread’s customers. For an
                                       entire month, customers could
                                       choose to donate $1 to Peace
                                       Arch Hospital Foundation on
                                       top of any bakery purchase or
                                       purchase a 6-pack of Hot Cross
                                       Buns with $2 of the proceeds
                                       benefitting the Foundation.
                                       $4,783 was raised overall!

                                                                 SUMMER 2021   7
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

  Dr. Cheryl Wilson is one of
  just three female surgeons
  at Peace Arch Hospital. As an
  Obstetrician and Gynecologist,
  these days her work involves
  surgeries that are mostly
  done using scopes to look
  directly into the area she is
  operating on. This includes
  hysteroscopes for the uterus       “I am so humbled by the trust my patients extend to me as
  and laparoscopes for the           their physician and surgeon. It is so affirming when patients
  abdomen, resulting in surgery
                                     are appreciative, as I am involved at times in people's lives
  that is much less invasive, with
                                     that can be stressful and difficult, even when it involves
  quicker recovery and less pain
  for her patients.                  happy events, like births. I am so glad when I can make
                                     those times easier for patients and their families. When our
  “Apart from cesarean sections,
  most of my patients are having     patients extend their gratitude with a gift to the Foundation,
  minimally invasive procedures      it is a meaningful way of paying it forward. It really makes a
  which is very different from
                                     difference for future patients, as we wouldn’t have the latest
  even 10 years ago when I was
  in training,” Dr. Wilson says.     equipment or facilities like the birthing unit or new surgical
  “The majority of hysterectomies    centre without the generosity of this community. I am truly
  were done by open laparotomy
  incisions. The techniques we can   grateful for the support our patients and their families show
  use now due to new equipment       for Peace Arch Hospital, as it makes this a very special
  and technology have evolved so
  much, and this makes surgery
                                     place to work.” - Dr. Cheryl Wilson
  safer for the patients and more
  ergonomic for the surgeons.”

8 thrive
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

All that modern equipment            us deliver the superior standard      and summer when many less
is currently being crammed           of care our patients deserve,”        urgent surgeries were postponed.
into Peace Arch Hospital’s tiny      Dr. Wilson says. “Peace Arch          The rules around limiting visitors
operating theatres that were built   is a small community hospital,        and therefore important support
in the 1960s, but that’s about       but we play a crucial role in         for patients at vulnerable times in
to change with the opening of        delivering quality care close to      their lives, both in the office and
five brand new state-of-the-art      home. This beautiful expansion        hospital settings, continue to be
operating suites in early 2022.      has been made possible by             very difficult for both patients and
                                     incredible support from our local     the care team.
 “This extra capacity for            community and is something we         “Now I rarely meet both parents
 both new equipment and              should all be very proud to have      before delivery, even though I
 adequate space will be              in White Rock and South Surrey.”      often get to know the mothers
 transformational for the            Between a busy office practice,       well during their pregnancy,
 surgeons, nurses, and               operating days, being on call         she says. “They have questions
                                     for the maternity ward, and           and concerns too, but they are
 patients. It’s impossible
                                     taking care of her three young        left out. Even worse, if things
 to retrofit the current             kids at home, Dr. Wilson, like        don’t go as planned or a patient
 small ORs with what                 all working moms, somehow             needs additional medical care,
 we need, and different              manages to juggle her many            the challenges for the patient
 surgical services share             competing priorities. Though          and their care providers are
 the same rooms so each              society is adapting, there is still   compounded; family or friends
                                     the odd patient asking Dr. Wilson,    aren’t there to help them
 piece of equipment has
                                     once they have completed their        understand what is going on and
 to be wheeled in and out            consult with her, who will be         to advocate for them. It can be
 depending on the surgery.           doing the surgery.                    heartbreaking.”
 This creates a lot of work          “Society is slowly changing and       What makes up for those difficult
 for the team and results in         becoming more aware of gender         days is seeing how happy and
 extra wear and tear on the          inequality issues in the broader      thankful her patients are when
 equipment as well.”                 workforce as well as in medicine,”    their surgeries are done and they
                                     she says. “The pay gap between        get to go home, often the very
With the new expansion, Dr.          male and female surgeons and          next day.
Wilson and her colleagues will       lower pay in specialties that have
have a dedicated gynecological       more women in their ranks is well       “When a patient is in
operating room with ceiling-         documented even though we all           recovery, or is ready to be
mounted equipment on                 complete many years of training         discharged, they are so
                                     and have excellent skills. There
adjustable arms, along with                                                  relieved and appreciative;
enough computer stations for         are many complicated reasons for
                                     it, but I hope we can all continue
                                                                             it makes my work so
everyone on the team - nurses,
                                     working together to address             worthwhile that I am able
surgeons and anaesthetists -
to access the new electronic         gender equality issues because I,       to help them. With the
charts and dictation programs        along with every woman, deserve         brand new operating
that provide critical patient        equal pay for equal work. It starts     theatres coming, that
information and communicate          by simply acknowledging that a
                                                                             level of care will only be
within the health care system.       problem exists.”
                                                                             enhanced, and I think I can
“The new theatres will be modern     Dr. Wilson admits the last year has
                                                                             speak for the entire Peace
with cutting-edge technology,        been very challenging due to the
                                     pandemic, especially last spring
                                                                             Arch surgical team that we
designed in a way that will help
                                                                             are thrilled.”

                                                                                                     SUMMER 2021   9
DR. CHERYL WILSON - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation

  Expansion Updates
   About the Project                      The new extension is a significant    operating rooms with five new
                                          increase of space along with          ones providing more surgeries
   Peace Arch Hospital is
                                          redesigned work and patient           for patients closer to home. The
   undergoing a $91 million multi-
                                          flow. The expanded Emergency          relocation of the Medical Device
   phase renovation project that
                                          Department will support our           Reprocessing department closer
   includes the expansion of the
                                          teams in continuing to provide        to the Surgical Suites will provide
   Emergency Department and
                                          quality care, in spaces better        improved access, infection
   Surgical Suites along with the
                                          designed to meet the needs            control, and safety for patients,
   relocation and upgrading of the
                                          of patients. The new Surgical         physicians, and staff.
   Medical Device Reprocessing
                                          Suites will replace three existing

                        PHASE 1                                                  PHASE 2
       Projected to be complete Fall 2021 and                Projected to be complete Summer 2022 and includes
       includes the expansion of the Emergency               the renovation of the old emergency space and the
       Department, the perioperative area and the            expansion and relocation of Surgical Day Care, which
       Medical Device Reprocessing department.               includes one additional procedure room.

10 thrive

Construction on the project is well underway with 80
per cent complete as of May 2021. The contractor is busy
working on the building exterior, window installations and
are boarding walls in the interior on each level.

Project Highlights
The hospital’s clinical operations teams are finalizing service delivery plans
for emergency, surgical, and Medical Device Reprocessing services in the
new building. Services will increase as follows:

•   The Emergency Department will triple in size with the number of care
    spaces going from the current 38 care areas to 48 medically equipped
    care spaces.
•   The surgical area will be more than twice the size as the existing space
    and will include five new operating rooms - an increase from the current
    three - and a 10-bed post anesthetic care unit. In Phase 1, surgical
    volumes will be similar to what we see today with the exception of the
    cataract service, which will increase to five days a week.
•   The Medical Device Reprocessing department will be three times larger
    than the current space with substantially enhanced workflow to improve
    infection control practices.

If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you!
Contact info@pahfoundation.ca

                                                                                    SUMMER 2021   11

  White Rock and South Surrey
   Peace Arch Hospital Foundation just launched a new Youth in Action program designed for
   students in grades 10-12 in White Rock and South Surrey who want to make a difference,
   get hands-on volunteer experience, and get involved with helping to make their community
   the healthiest possible. And more than 100 youth have applied for this inaugural year!

   The program is the first of its kind   Through the program, the               volunteer Board of Directors and
   in our community and offers an         students will take part in a variety   Healthy Community Steering
   exciting opportunity for youth to      of volunteer experiences, healthy      Committee, we have broadened
   step outside of their comfort zone,    lifestyle activities, and learn how    our mandate to invest in vital
   learn, and grow after a year of        to organize, plan, and execute a       health care projects that reach
   navigating life from home during       fundraising event. Youth will also     beyond the hospital campus.”
   the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.         learn about different careers,         “What started with the
                                          job skills, and local organizations    Foundation’s community grants
     “Our Youth in Action                 from guest speakers at monthly         and bursaries program in 1999
     Program has 18-25 spots              meetings.                              has now evolved into a full-
     available each year and              “With a vision to make our             fledged movement to make
     members are accepted                 community the healthiest               White Rock and South Surrey the
                                          possible, the Foundation invests       healthiest community possible,”
     through an application and
                                          in projects and programs that          Westen adds. “And that includes
     phone interview process,”            promote physical, social, and          supporting our local youth with
     says Amy Westen,                     mental well-being,” Westen says.       the Youth in Action Program – it’s
     Community Engagement                 “Under the leadership of our           a win-win for students and our
     Officer at Peace Arch
     Hospital Foundation.
     “Each youth can only be
     a member of the program
     for a maximum of two
     years and must reapply
     each year.”

12 thrive

Our best shot
You have the power to make a BIG difference in our community
and around the world. The solution is simple: GET VACCINATED!
All eligible people in our community can now register to book their vaccine online.
If you have not received your first dose yet, there are three easy steps to register to
book your vaccine appointment:

Register online at getvaccinated.gov.bc.ca,
by phone at 1.833.838.2323 (toll free),                                      “Registering and receiving
or in person at a BC Services Centre.
                                                                              my vaccine was an easy
                                                                              and meaningful way
                                                                              to make a difference!
Book an appointment.
                                                                             The vaccine will help to
STEP 3:                                                                       protect me, my family, my
                                                                              colleagues, and my clients.
Get the first dose of your vaccine.
                                                                              I am proud to have done my
                                                                              part to stop the spread of
What is next? Prepare for
your second dose! Second
                                                                              COVID-19 in my community!”
doses will be given out
                                                                              JUSTIN BEZUBIAK,
around eight weeks after                                                      FINANCIAL PLANNER,
your first dose. People who                                                   TD WEALTH (WHITE ROCK)
get their first vaccine dose
will be notified by email,
text, or phone call when
they are eligible to
book an appointment
for their second dose.

                                                                                                  SUMMER 2021   13


   fuel our frontline workers
   with hot meals
   The mission of Peace Arch Hospital Foundation has always been
   to raise funds, advocate, and support initiatives that enhance the
   hospital campus and the health and wellness of our community.
   And local philanthropists Vern and Helga Höing have helped
   us go the extra mile during what has been a very fearful and
   unprecedented year for the staff at Peace Arch Hospital.

   COVID-19 brought forth many           And when Easter rolled around
   changes for medical and               in April, they were able to renew
   administrative teams working on       a sense of hope again for all
   the hospital campus. Site-wide        staff. Their additional $20,000
   cafeteria closures, community         gift to the Foundation provided
   dining restrictions, and daily        breakfast for all staff over the
   personal protective equipment         course of a week in April, followed
   (PPE) requirements prevented          by free coffee, tea, and other        of PAH Foundation Lodge, a
   the usual provision of the most       specialty treats every Friday         200-bed residential care facility
   fundamental need of all: food.        throughout May and June at the        that opened its doors in the
   Vern and Helga Höing recognized       hospital’s local Tim Hortons.         Spring of 2020. “It feels good to
   this need early on, and quickly       Vern Höing came to Canada             give,” Mr. Höing says. “Giving is
   began working with the                from Germany in October 1954          the reason for living.”
   Foundation to mobilize support.       and worked for a short time in        “We are so grateful for the
   In December of 2020, the Höings       Saskatchewan in the furniture         heartfelt generosity of the Höings
   donated a week’s worth of hot         business before coming to BC in       and their consistent investment
   meals for every staff member          1955, which is where his career as    in our community hospital,” says
   in each department at Peace           a successful entrepreneur took        Stephanie Beck, Peace Arch
   Arch Hospital, totalling $12,000.     off. He and his wife Helga are        Hospital Foundation’s Executive
   These meals helped to feed and        lifetime members of Peace Arch        Director. “The pandemic has
   nourish the frontline workers who     Hospital’s Ambassadors Circle, a      affected everyone who lives in
   were helping to diagnose, serve,      transformational group of donors      White Rock and South Surrey,
   and protect our most critically       who give a minimum of $10,000         and these recent gifts have made
   ill patients in PAH’s ER, ICU, and    annually. They have contributed       such a meaningful impact for our
   long-term care facilities. It was a   much more than that over the          hospital staff on the frontlines
   Christmas wish come true for all.     years, including a leading gift of    and beyond.”
                                         $600,000 towards the building

14 thrive
FINANCIAL SUMMARY              ✚

FINANCIAL                                                      DISBURSEMENT OF
                                                               FUNDS: $10.4M

                                                               To view our audited financial
                                                               statements, or for more information,
                                                               please visit pahfoundtion.ca/
                                                               financials or call us at 604.535.4520
Sources of fundraising revenue:   Funds designated for:        Disbursements designated for:

47%      Estate gifts
                                  52%      Area of Greatest
                                           Need                 9%       Medical Equipment

 1%      Events
                                  20%      Operating Room
                                           Campaign             6%       Healthy Community

52%      Other Sources
                                  22%      Medical Equipment
                                                                1%       Peace Arch Hospital
                                                                         Grants/other programs

                                   6%      Other
                                                                         Emergency Room/
                                                                         Operating Room
                                                                         Project Costs

                                                                                                  SUMMER 2021   15

   The Weatherby Circle is our way of
                                                        Donors in our Caring Circle make                             Comprised of like-minded
   extending heartfelt appreciation to
                                                        healthcare a priority with an annual                         individuals and corporations whose
   those thoughtful donors who have
                                                        donation or pledge payment                                   contributions have an immediate
   made us aware of deferred gifts
                                                        between $1,000 and $9,999 — either                           positive impact in the community,
   through their will, life insurance
                                                        through a monthly gift or single                             the Ambassadors Circle includes
   policy or retirement fund.
                                                        annual contribution.                                         individuals who give a $10,000
                                                                                                                     cash gift or pledge payment in the
                                                                                                                     current year. Corporations that
   OUR GENEROUS                                                                                                      contribute $25,000 or more in a
   DONORS MAKE A                                       This donor list recognizes individuals and                    cash gift or pledge payment in the
   DIFFERENCE FOR                                      organizations who supported Peace Arch Hospital
                                                       Foundation between January 1 and December 31,
                                                                                                                     current year are recognized as our
                                                                                                                     Corporate Ambassadors.
   EVERYONE IN OUR                                     2020. Every effort has been made to ensure the
                                                       accuracy of this list. If you notice an error, kindly
   COMMUNITY!                                          contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520.

   $1,000,000 +                Foundation                      Gary & Anne McPhail                Richard & Elizabeth Barley   Cesarina Conte
   Anonymous                   RBC Foundation                  The Neufeld‑Lee Family &           Ernest Barnes                Randy & Gail Cooper
   Master Painters and         TB Vets Charitable              Open Hands Charity/CNCF            Brian D. Bateman             Charlaine Corbett
   Decorators Association      Foundation                      Rice Harbut Elliott LLP            John & Mary Fran Bateman     Dr. Stephen & Elizabeth
                               Ventana Construction            Frederick Sleigh Roberts           Beebe Cline PREC             Coret
   $500,000 ‑ $999,999
                               Richard Von Hehn                Rotary Club of White Rock          Alex & Fleur Beleski         Keith Cork
   Jack & Jane Aanen
                               Westland Insurance Group        Peace Arch                                                      Vincent E. Coyne
   Gollman Family Trust                                                                           Peter & Margaret Bendiksen
                               Limited                         Royal Canadian                                                  Ralph & Clarian Currie
                                                               Legion ‑ #8                        Larry & Sherrill Berg
   $250,000 ‑ $499,999         Xiang Yang & Jige Chen                                                                          CYSP Sushi Enterprises Ltd.
                                                               Solaris Management                 Hermann & Carol Bessert
   Anonymous (3)               Zacharias Investments Ltd.                                                                      Heike Czisch
                                                               Consultants                        Chris & Nenve Bicknell
   Colin & Carmen Cameron                                                                                                      Dr. Suzanne de Gruchy
                               $10,000 ‑ $24,999               Isabel Streight                    Birmiwal Family
   The Cowell Foundation                                       TD Canada Trust                                                 Lance & Lorene De Silva
                               Anonymous                                                          Lynn Blatchford
   $100,000 ‑ $249,999         Todd & Debra Antifaev           Art & Judy Trojan                  Sheron L. Blewett            DEC‑K‑ING
   Bob & Carolyn Cooper        Yongjun Ba & Dicun Zhao         Grant & Michelle Turnbull          BMW Langley                  Marilyn Desmarais
   Elaine Godwin               BMO Financial Group             Tibor Tusnady                      BNSF Railway Company         Richard Dewinetz
   Dave & Rani Mann            Barrie & Joan Boulton           White Rock Korean                  Jean M. Boehme               Maghar Singh Dhaliwal
                               Gerald W. & Lorraine Burns      Community Church                                                Pete & Candace Donaldson
   Qualico Developments                                                                           Peter Boychuk
                               Anna & Yan Chen                 Ivan & Eleanor                                                  R. Paul & Sue Douglas
   Surrey Fire Fighters                                        Worthington‑White                  Brenda Brice
   Charitable Society          DMCL Chartered                                                     Georgia Briggs               Dr. Suzanne Degruchy Inc.
   White Rock Firefighters     Professional Accountants        $1,000 ‑ $9,999                                                 June Dubay
                                                                                                  Dani Brown
   Charity Association         Drive For The Cure              Anonymous (10)                                                  Rose Dyke
                               Foundation                                                         Arvinder Bubber
   $25,000 ‑ $99,999                                           Ed & Beverley Ackerman             Bruce Buchanan               Eat The Frog Fitness ‑
                               First West Foundation                                                                           South Surrey
   Al & Debbie Arbuthnot                                       Aco Design & Consulting            Dr. Hal Bunting
                               Geoff Funke                     Inc.                                                            Bruce & Rosemary Eddie
   Pasquale Baratta and                                                                           Randy & Janice Butchard
   Family                      GML Mechanical Ltd.             Mariane Adamson                                                 Douglas & Jo‑Anne Ellenor
                               Bev & Helen Hadley                                                 Dr. Mohammad I. Butt
   John & Gillian Bertamini                                    Diane Adkins                                                    Michael Elliott
                               Peter & Donna Harco                                                Butterley Family
   George & Nellie Bureyko                                     Puneet Agrawal                     Foundation                   Brent & Tram Ellwyn
   Graham & Darlene Cameron    The Hilton Family               Dr. Karim Ahamed                                                Envision Financial
                               Foundation                                                         Ian & Patricia Campbell
   Foundation                                                  Emmanuel & Rocio                                                ESC Holdings
                               Dave Hiscocks & Margaret                                           Diane Carter
   Werner & Helga Höing                                        Aligizakis                                                      Fiona Fearon
   Foundation                  Otte                                                               Dr. Edward Chang
                                                               Lorraine Ambrosio                                               Ingeborg Fehlhaber
   Houle Electric              James B. Wallace                                                   Alexander & Gloria Chang
                               Foundation                      Abby Lane Health Centre &                                       Timothy Ferris
   Eugene & Marolyn Jow                                        Amica at White Rock                Ross Chapman
                               KDS Construction Limited                                           Tianjun Chen & Yichun Xu     Catherine Fifik
   Ed & Johanna Kampschuur                                     Gwen Arnold
                               Alice Kozier                                                       Marga Chidlow                William Finley
   Rowena Leivo                                                Douglas G. Baker
                               Landmark Premiere                                                  Anthony Ciccozzi             Silvia Floreano
   Manjit Lit & Family         Properties Ltd.                 Dr. Rangappa & Roopa
                                                               Balakrishna                        Denis & Carmelle Clements    Dr. J. Forbes Surgical
   Steve & Karen McDonald      Lark Group                                                                                      Services Inc.
                                                               Laraine Barclay                    Dr. Andrew Collins
   John & Lilian Mitchell      Mawer Investment                                                                                Robert Foster
                               Management Ltd.                 Gordon & Cheryl Barefoot           Colour of Campus Society
   Pacific Blue Cross Health

16 thrive

Fraser Valley Chinese          Frances La Roue              Reidunn Mudie               A.M. & Ella Scrimgeour        William G. & Blanche Weiler
Culture Association            Dianne Lane                  Susan Mueller               Robert Seymour                Yongqi Wen & Zhihua He
Al & Donna Freeze              Abe & Isabel Lank            David G. Munro              William & Lillian Shaw        West Coast Gardens
Harsha Galgewela               Jack Last                    Brian & Margaret Murtsell   Horst & Rosie Sieg            West Coast Retina
Virgil Gamet                   Max & Linda Latchford        Linda Nenninger             Ralph & Florence Simpson      Consultants
Douglas K. Garland             Catherine Latremouille       Newton's Hi‑Quality Meats   Lynne Sinclair                Joseph P. West
Willie & Irma Geisler          Dr. Jean Lauzon & Jennifer   Limited                     Dr. Sonia Singh Inc.          Elke & Klaus Westen
Peter & Ramona Gemmell         Bland                        Russ Nicol                  Dr. Peter & Charmaine         Verne Westover
Gen Group                      Dr. Martin Lebl              Nicola Wealth Private       Skepasts                      Westshore Terminals
Donna George                   John Lee & Heidi Neufeld-    Giving Foundation           Skulsky Family Giving         Whitecliff by Revera
Dr. Grant & Beryl Gibbings     Lee                          Gene & Aline Nimetz         Foundation                    Gwen Wick
Stan & Nancy Gieschen          Robert & Susan Legault       John & Donna Ogilvie        Dr. Arno Smit & Veerle        Jill Wilchek
                               Nancy Lehman                 Robert Ogilvie              Anseeuw
Mary Gilholme                                                                                                         John & Jan Wild
                               Cheryl A. Lemire             Laurence Olsen              Douglas Smith
David Gill                                                                                                            Don & Linda Williamson
                               Leonis Management &          Dr. Barbara M. Olson        Sydney Smith
William & Joan                                                                                                        Thomas Willie
Goodpasture                    Consultants Ltd.             OpenRoad Auto Group         Dr. Werner & Vivian
                                                                                        Spangehl                      Dr. Cheryl Wilson
Eelko & Linda Grandia          Phill & Sandi LeQuesne       OpenRoad Lexus Richmond
                                                                                        Lynne Spurr                   Wish Youth Network
Anne Greengrass                Paul Lewthwaite              OpenRoad Toyota Peace                                     Society
                               Li Li                        Arch                        Wolfgang Stange
Martha Greig                                                                                                          Bert Wolfe
                               Jinjing Liang                Simon Osborne               Jefferey & Janice Stasiuk
William R. Greig                                                                                                      Clark Woodland
                               The Li‑Leger Family          PARC Retirement Living      George & Patricia Stephen
Robert & Linda Grimm                                                                                                  Ken & Elizabeth Wright
                               Heng‑Hsin Lin                Jack Pals                   Colin & Heather Stewart
Viktoriya Gutica                                                                                                      Dr. Jane Wu
                               London Drugs Foundation      Parihar & Associates        Elvina A. Stewart
Dr. J.A. Hagel Inc.                                                                                                   Gengxin Xie
                               Donald & Stella Longstaff    Gurminder Parihar           Stratified Automotive
Helga Hamilton                                                                          Controls                      Chin‑Hung Yang
Christine H. Hari              Bob & Joan Lowe              Dale & Kym Parsons
                                                                                        Strive Law Corporation        Ruth Yelle
Mounir Hassan & Fatemah        Loyal Protestant             Amardeep Pawar
                                                                                        Keith & Denise Stuart         Dr. Kerry & Kate Yoshitomi
Cyr                            Association                  PayPal Giving Fund Canada
                                                                                        Sukhmani Sahib Society        Bin Yuan
Dr. T. Helou                   Donald & Shirley Ludwig      Peace Arch Duty Free Shop   Guildford                     Jie Zeng
Peter & Sylvia Hemmes          Doris Luking                 Peace Arch Farms Ltd.       John Taggart                  Binghua Zhang, Sheng
Carel Hendricks                Parker & Barbara             Peace Portal Alliance       Drs. Peter Tsang & Mae Tam    Zhang & Jun Shen
                               MacCarthy                    Church
Dr. Jerrod & Danielle                                                                   Ruperto & Emelita Tan         Jianyong Zhang
Hendry                         Team McKnight Real Estate    Stewart & Laureen
                                                                                        Jianlei Tang                  Ruihong Zhang
John Hitchcock & Judy          Barry MacDonald              Peddemors
                                                                                        Paul Tang                     Ying Zhang
Freeman                        Alec & Marlene MacKenzie     Dr. Lourens Perold
                                                                                        Chong Ze Teh                  Liping Zhou
Bill Hobbis                    Mary T. MacLeod              Michael Peters
Fred A. & Margaret Hopton      Barbara Maguire              Alex & Siobhan Philips      Susan Telawsky                $250 ‑ $999
Howe's Market                  Ian & Terri Mankey           Lynne Pitts‑Dawes           Kenneth & Judy Tetz           Anonymous (5)
Gary Hudson                     Mike Mannella & Irene       Irene Plett                 The Base Coat Nails           0834644 BC Ltd
Ki Ho Antonio Hui              Jacob                        Gerry & Carol Pogson        Dan Thomasson & Liz Elliott   Sherey Adamov
John & Carol Hunt              Paul & Jane Manning          David & Joan Poole          Dr. Pamela Thornton           Barbara Addems
Innovative Fitness ‑ White     Daniel & Dorothy Manulak     Porsche Centre Langley      Robert Thornton & Kris        Betty Z. Ahmon
Rock                           Rolf & Roswitha May                                      Stead
                                                            Nigel & Iva Potts                                         Rolf Alberti
Drs. Gary Jackson &            Bruno Mazzucchi                                          Stephanie Tortorelli
                                                            Private Giving Foundation                                 Wayne Albertson
Jennifer Cant                  Margaret McIntyre                                        Don & Carline Tough
                                                            Joe & Helga Pusch                                         John Albinet
John Jans                      Gerry & Lynn McKay                                       Trimax Sports Inc.
                                                            Vladimir & Mary Ann                                       Ernie Althaus
Kahn Zack Ehrlich Lithwick     Gilbert McKay                Pylpchuk                    Arie & Alice Trommel
Barristers & Solicitors                                                                                               Jo‑Anne Amey
                               Bruce McLean                 Julia F. Qiu                Jens Tveden
Howard & Kim Karras                                                                                                   Ronald Amos
                               Robert & Delda McLennan      Ron & Greta Racanello       Scott Ullrich
Howard & Ellen Kennett                                                                                                Drs. Brian Anderson &
                               McNally Creek                Charly Ranu                 Valerie Ullrich               Barbara Robertson
Ritu Khanna                    Developments                                             The Unger Family
                                                            Kiran & Erin Rao                                          Dr. Timothy Andrews
Veena Khanna                   Medical Administration and                               Vancouver Foundation
                                                            Rasoi Restaurant Inc.                                     Anra Investments Inc.
G. & L. Kincade                Support Fund                                             Vancouver Student‑Led
                                                            Wendy Reid                                                Gail Arens
Dr. Charles King & Wendy       Henry Mei                                                Charity
Wulff                                                       Douglas Renner                                            Kuljason Ark
                               Rui Meng                                                 Ronald & Lena Vanderhelm
Tom & Marylou Kirstein                                      Bill K. & Diane M. Ridge                                  Brad Armstrong
                               Mercedes‑Benz Surrey                                     Dr. Elizabeth Varughese
Dr. George & Dragica Kljajic                                Rieding Projects Limited                                  Georgina Arundel
                               Vic & Irene Michaluk                                     Margaret Wainman
Knights of Columbus ‑                                       Richard & Anna Robinson                                   Joseph Atkinson
                               MNP LLP                                                  Florence Wall
Surrey Council 4767                                         Royal London Optometry                                    Avanti Freight Services Ltd
                               Lynda Moller                 Boutique                    Jennifer Wang
Marianne Koch                                                                                                         Sharon Avery
                               Mike Montesano & Ann         Dr. James Rudnik            Jimmy Wang
Henry & Brenda Kozub           Mickelson                                                                              S. Marina Axford
                                                            Milt & Heather Sadoway      Robert Warick
Gerhard & Rita Krause          More or Les Ventures Ltd.                                                              Michael Balk
                                                            Kent & Dragana Sanderson    Carolyn Watson
Brenda Krumhardt               Morgan Creek Dental Clinic                                                             Geoffrey & Catherine Ball
                                                            Bernie & Cyndi Scholz       Alan & Lucille Webster
Dr. Herman C. Kwan Inc.        John & Elizabeth Morrish                                                               Sheena Ball
                                                                                        Kent & Katherine Webster

                                                                                                                                       SUMMER 2021   17

   Myles Ballendine            Robert W. & Edna M.           Francis Driscoll              Jacqueline Gresko             Pavitpal Khunkhun
   Johann Bank                 Catterall                     Christine Dudra               Balwant Grewal                Kin Thai Kitchen and Bar
   David Banta                 Helen Chabun                  Carrie Duenas                 Raj Grewal                    Ltd.
   Selda Baptie & Dr. Sandra   Gin‑Kway Chang                Brian Duncan                  Roy & Lee Griffith            Lothar & Maureen Kiner
   Baptie                      Helen Chang                   Anna Duyzer                   Linda M. Gronert              Sherry Klassen
   Clarence & Stella Barber    Qing Chang                    Marion Dyck                   Geoffrey Gudewill             Nancy Klinkhamer
   Lodovico Bassanese          Shiraz Charania               Patricia Easterbrook          Arthur & Barbara Haddon       Sandy & Garry Knights
   Nora Batchelor              Carol Chase                   Hermann & Marianne            Jan Halliburton               Jutta Koloska
   Eric Batut                  Harjeet Chatha                Eggers                        Lorne & Janet Halliday        Katherine Koop
   Lorna Bauer                 Xue Song Chen                 Hugh Ellenwood                Bob & Carol Halsey            Neil & Elsie Korpach
   Nicoletta Baumeister        Yu Cheng                      Gerald & Elizabeth Ellis      Donovan & Karen               Kees & June Koster
   Joseph & Janet Baxfield     Ralph & Sylvia Chernenkoff    Envision Denture and          Hammersley                    Michal Krawczak
   Bay Hill Contracting Ltd.   Elaine Cheung                 Implant Centre                Don Hanberg                   Gerald J. Kristoff
   John Bayfield               Dr. Joseph Chong              Envision Financial Credit     Keith Hanson                  Scott Kunstman
   Margaret Beck               Chu Tea And Coffee By                                       Ken Hanson                    Chih Chun Ivan Kuo
                               Dreamwalker Holdings Ltd      Edward Epp
   Stephanie Beck                                                                          Sandeep Hansra                Stanley Kustra
                               Antonius Chung                Wally Escher
   Asher William Bell                                                                      Harness Solutions Inc.        Marilyn Lacate
                               City of White Rock            Maria Espiritu Jotie
   Margaret Bellamy                                                                        David Harris                  Richard Lachapelle
                               Robert Clark                  Penny Essex
   Susan Bender                                                                            Roberta Harrison              Faye Lamont
                               Dr. Ronald & Heather Clarke   Brian A. Evans
   Leanne Berry                                                                            Wendy Hartford                Alfred & Erma Lange
                               Patrick & Audrey Clayton      Joseph Everett
   Lillie Bevan                                                                            Donald & Marie Harvey         Edward J. Lasko
                               Robert & Gerda Clifford       Yuan Fang
   Robert Billington                                                                       Shannon Harvey‑Renner         Roland Laurin
                               Carol Cluff                   Alexander & Milly Ferronato
   Tom Bindon                                                                              Shirley Hazzard               Jim Lawson
                               Patricia Clutchey             Fiera Capital Corporation
   Christine Birdsall                                                                      Elizabeth Heggie              Pamela M. Leang
                               Manijeh Colabella             Finch Tree Dental
   Andrew & Kerry Block                                                                    Hazel Herd                    Shu Rong Lee
                               Richard R. Cole               William Fleener
   Antonio Bocale                                                                          Catherine Hewson              Ross Leeder
                               Colebrook Equities Ltd.       Norm Flemig
   Louisa Bomben                                                                           Bonnie Hewstan                Barry & Monika Lepin
                               Ronald Collingwood            Mary Fletcher
   Brent Bondarenko                                                                        Diana Higgins                 Evelyn Lewis
                               Barbara Cooper                Vanessa Flockton
   John L. Booth                                                                           Elsie Higgins                 Matthew & Lisa Lewis
                               Carol Cote                    Arthur & Ann Foreman
   Nancy Boresky                                                                           Barton & Gillian Hildebrand   Ken Lewko
                               Irene Courville               Rodney Fors
   Marcel & Gail Bousema                                                                   Brian Holden                  Eric G. Lewtas
                               Cranley Place Community       Louis & Daphne Fortin
   Iola E. Boyce                                                                           Shirley Holowaychuk           Jack Li
                               Association                   Dr. Jason Francoeur
   Gurtej Brar                                                                             Doug & Ruth Homan             Dawei Lin
                               Jack & Joan Creasy            Karl & Jackie Frangi
   Sheila Brew                                                                             Terri Hough                   Hsieh Yu Lin
                               Crescent Park Elementary      Yvonne Fraser
   Peter & Teresa Broerken                                                                 Earl Howell                   Gale Lindenthaler
                               Ken & Muriel Croft            Dea Freschi
   Bill Brooks                                                                             Zhang Liang Hu                Tim & Sharon Little
                               Ted & Carolyn Crosby          Lorraine J. Frier
   Colin & Eileen Brown                                                                    Sandra Hubbick                Roger S. & Therese
                               Russ & Irene Cuming           Edwin Friesen
   Janet Brown                                                                             Sungjin Huh                   Livingstone
                               Charles & Wendy Curteis       Frosst Creek Developments
   Robert Brown                                                                            Rodney Humeniuk               Carolyn Logan
                               Alice Dalke                   Ltd.
   Ryan Brown                                                                              Randy Hundt                   Robert & Jacquie Lougheed
                               Ann Danyluk                   Ming Fu
   Doreen C. Bruce                                                                         Fiona Hutchison               Dwayne Love
                               Sharon L. Darlington          Lilian Garcia de Olmedo
   Marco & Maria Buccini                                                                   Frances Jacks                 Ken & Peggy Lowe
                               Diane Davies                  Robert Gardner
   Thi Bui                                                                                 Scott & Jackie Jacob          Randy & Monica Lowe
                               Glyn Davies                   Norval Garrad
   Ray & Joyce Bullinger                                                                   Marianne Janot                Robert & Helga Lowe
                               Carol De Boeck                Richard Gateman
   Trent Bureyko                                                                           Jean Jarrett                  Walter & Judith Lowry
                               Leonel de Sousa               Darlene Geiger
   Douglas & Katrina Burry                                                                 Archie Jaswal                 Mervyn & Barbara Lutes
                               Robert Delaney                Subaig Ghag
   Barbara Burton                                                                          Jay Jay Communications        Christopher Lythgo
                               Bingyan Deng                  Jagdeep Gill
   Richard & Lorna Bury                                                                    Piara Singh Johal             Quentin MacAulay
                               Chunhui Deng                  David J. Gingrich
   Helen Buss                                                                              Rob & Lorna Johnson           Phyllis MacDonald
                               Heather G. Dennedy            Wayne Gingrich
   Bob Buswell                                                                             Patricia Johnston             Esme MacFarland
                               Adi Desai                     Jane Girard
   Monika Butt                                                                             Kenneth J.E. & Sharon         Ian Mackenzie
                               Jasmail Dhaliwal              Julienne Goddard
   Gordon Buttolph                                                                         Jones                         June MacKenzie
                               Maleksultan Dhanani           Jill Goldsby
   James Cambrey                                                                           Edward Kabanuk                Cecilia MacKinnon
                               Judith Dingle                 Rod & Bernice Goodchild
   Rob & Patty Campbell                                                                    Betty Kadar                   Helen Maclean
                               Manraj Doad                   William Gordon
   Villi & Margret Canavese                                                                James Kang                    Barbara R. MacPhee
                               Hugh Dobbie                   Terrie Goto
   Dennis J. Capstick                                                                      Sukhvinder Kang               Norman & Donalda
                               Dr. Frederic Dobson           Drs. John Todd & S. Jane                                    MacRitchie
   Dr. Robert Carlisle                                       Goundrey                      William Kay
                               Guy Dorchester                                              Erna Keil                     Jacky Mak
   Derek Carr                                                Andrew Grange
                               Greg & Andrea Downes                                        James & Karen Kerr            Mahesh Malik
   Peter Cass & Jocelyn                                      Bob Gray
   Creigh‑Cass                 Dr. Kevin P. McDermid MD,                                   Joan Kerr                     Walter Malkinson
                               PHD, FRCP(C) Inc.             Stan & Dawn Green
                                                                                           Tracy Kerr                    Sue Mankarios
                               Dr. Stephanie Balog Inc       Diane Grenier

18 thrive

Loula Manolopoulos            R. Edward Parker             Ken Scoten                   Allan & Patricia Thomson     Brian Byoungkoo Yu
Diane Manuel                  Richard & Maxine Parkyn      Keith Scott                  Stewart & Karen Tiessen      Joe Zenko
Magdalena Marquardt           Howard Pateman               Manjeet Sembi                Judie Tomcheck               Daniela Zezulka
Alan & Norma Marsh            Thomas & Carolyn Paterson    John & Janet Semple          Aarne & Anne Tork            Ling Zhao
Christian Martin              Maria Patten                 Clyde Sharp                  John Trca                    Yanlin Zhao
David Martin                  Shirley Paulenko             Ken Shaver                   Sheila Triffo                Yuping Zhao
Jacqueline Matier             June Pauliuk                 Tina Shaw                    Hans Tung                    Xiaoling Zhen
Kenichi & Reiko Matsuo        Edward Peck                  John Sherstone               Darrell Unger                Hui (Patrick) Zhou
Irene Maule                   Hugo & Carolyn Pedersen      Richard Sherwood             Kevin Utendale               Cherie Ziola
Peter & Gerry Maw             Mia Pedersen                 Yue Cheng Shi                Tyler Utendale
                                                                                                                     TRIBUTES & HONOUREES
John R. Mawhinney             Dr. Edward & Marlene         Shoppers Drug Mart           Bharat Vadgama
                              Penner                                                                                 Merrily Diane Abbott
Glen & Lori McCrady                                        Herdeep Sidhu                Dr. Peter N. Van Den Bosch
                              Ken & Florence Penny                                                                   Michael Allan
James I. McCue                                             Karin Siebert                Marc Vance
                              David Pepper                                                                           Lena Anderson
Kelly McIntosh                                             Anneliese Siemens            Melis & Elsbeth
                              Dennis Perry                                              Vandenakker                  Keith Axford
Betty McJannett                                            Silveridge Homes Ltd
                              Barbara Petticrew                                         Marjorie Vernon              Ivy Bateman
Dianne McLaren                                             Eleanor Simmons
                              John & Eleanor Phillips                                   Jan & Alida Versluis         William Bellamy
Tania McNaughton                                           Gurpreet Singh
                              Lois C. Phillips                                          Frances Waldie               Dr. Antonio Benitez‑Gomez
Andy & Diana Mernett                                       Douglas & Virginia Skilton
                              Zora Plummer                                              Annette Walker               Paul Bennett
Gil Mervyn                                                 Merv & Lynn Sliz
                              Michael Podolsky                                          Lila Walsh                   Dorothy Bilodeau
Terrence Metcalfe                                          Derek Slobodian
                              Peter & Molly Podovinikoff                                Cheng Rong Wang              Theodore Boresky
Nicole Meunier‑Cameron                                     Alison Smith
                              Joan Poisson                                              Yi Wang                      Dr. Stan Briggs
Deidre Michael                                             Craig & Donna Lee Smith
                              Phyllis Polanski                                          Margarethe Wardel            George Bureyko
Bruce Middleton                                            Dennis & Janice Smith
                              Mary Pope                                                 Dr. Gwen Warren              Nellie Bureyko
Mile Jovanovic Md Inc.                                     The Eric & Elma
                              Mike & Vera Portalier        Sommerfeld Charitable Gift   John & Marni Warren          Shireen Burton
Gary & Barbara Miller
                              Don & Connie Porter          Fund                         Virginia Warwick             Pat Cambrey
Dr. Shiraz Mohamed
                              Gail Poston                  Louise Sorensen              Tom & Joan Webster           Ajit Chatha
Sherri Mohoruk
                              Robert Poulton               Percival Soutar              Ray Wechselberger            Anne‑Lill Christoffersen
Roberta Mohr
                              Pravin & Jaiesmeeta Prasad   Gerald Spence                Chen‑Yuan Weng               Robert Dawes
Dr. Santhoshan Moodliar
                              Dr. Bryan R. Prentice        Michael & Yukiko Spencer     John & Jackie Wharton        Joyce Duncan
Barbara & Martin Moore
                              Incorporated                 John Stager                  David & Joan Whitaker        William Dyke
Des Moore
                              Edward Priest                Dieter & Linda Stamm         White Rock Consulting Inc.   Boris Dziubenko
James Moore
                              Shelley Prpich               Sandra Staudt                White Rock Medical           Dr. Jason Forbes
Jim Moore
                              Eunice V. Pruden             Elizabeth Stephen            Associates                   Tom Green
Patricia Morales
                              Dr. Jeff & Carol Purkis      Stevested Machinery &        Sid White                    Jakob Gutica
Richard & Phyllis Moreau                                   Engineering Ltd.
                              Jean Putman                                               Casey Whitworth ‑ Realtor    Len Hazzard
G. Morriss                                                 Bill & Debbie Stewart        REMAX Colonial Pacific
                              John Quigley                                                                           Gisela Herbert
Dave Mortimer                                              Blake Stewart                Wayne & Janet Wilkie
                              Nelmida Rafael                                                                         Norman Leang
Stephanie Muise                                            Gwendoline Stewart           Janet Williams
                              Satnam Rana                                                                            Lillian Long
Judy Mullin                                                James & Judy Stewart         Leonard & Jacqueline
                              Hardev Randhawa                                                                        Parker MacCarthy
Ghazi & Sylvia Nassar                                      Teresa Stilling              Williams
                              Marion Reid                                                                            Alastair Maclean
Frances H. Nesbitt                                         Edward & Marjorie Stock      Mollie Williams
                              Milton Reinheimer                                                                      Delda McLennan
William & Carole Neville                                   Rudy & Violet Stork          Kent & Fay Williamson
                              Tasia Richards                                                                         James McNamee
Thang Nguyen                                               Herman Streu                 Gladys Willmer
                              Debbie Rigters                                                                         Harry Michael
Ian Nichols                                                Jo‑Ann Stuart‑Chatterley     Gordon & Emily Wilson
                              Marlene Ritcey                                                                         Teresa Miller
Marilyn Nunuk                                              Al Styles                    Gail Witherspoon
                              Chris Robbins                                                                          Gene Nimetz
Bob Oben & Carla Montalto                                  Ming Su                      Peter Wodynski
                              Fathima Robertson                                                                      Nardo Panganiban
Barry J. & Pamela O'Connell                                Beth Sukha‑Barker            Artur & Elisabeth Wolter
                              Janet Rogers                                                                           Inge Paquette
Victor Oh                                                  Sunnyside Elementary         David Wood
                              Myrna Rollingson                                                                       Mohinder Kaur Rana
Gerard & Doreen O'Keefe                                    School                       Fern (Bunny) Wood
                              Huub & Margaret Romer                                                                  Dr. Emerson Reid
Don & Patricia Olsen                                       Marje Suurkask               Karen Woodington
                              Suzanne Roots                                                                          Mona Runka
Norma R. Olsen                                             David & Dianne Swansburg     John Wornig
                              Roger & Geraldine Roy                                                                  Hardeep Sidhu
Dr. Med & Julia Orfaly                                     Michael & Jay Syroid         Mary Louise Wright
                              Richard & Emma Ruf                                                                     Dr. Harvey Strecker
Roy & Shirley Osgarby                                      Dianne Taft                  Yuping Xiong
                              Gail Ruginis                                                                           Bert Ullrich
Joseph & Urania Pacheco                                    Lucy Teng                    Hong Xu
                              Stanley & Emma Rutledge                                                                Marcie Unger
Annie Pallesen‑Brown                                       The Charitable Gift Funds    Lena Xu
                              Slavica & Marijan Sakic      Canada Foundation                                         Joyce Whiteside
Jim & Dianne Palmer                                                                     Yichun & Tianjun Xu
                              Tj Samra                     The Fahy Family Charitable                                Dr. Keith Wood
Maria Panganiban                                                                        Brook Ye
                              Gurpreet Sandhu              Trust
Alvin Paquette                                                                          Man Sen Yong
                              Peter Schoepgens             Pinder Thiara
Janice Pardy                                                                            David & Aileen York
                              Erika Schulz                 Mary Thomas
Donna Parker                                                                            Charlie R. Young
                              Arnold & Florence Schwab     Eleanor Thompson
                                                                                        Donald & Roberta Young

                                                                                                                                       SUMMER 2021   19

Launching this summer, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation
is sharing stories of resilience, generosity, innovation,
and inspiration on the new Power to Heal podcast.

Hosted by broadcaster and local South Surrey resident, Wayne Cox,
you'll hear the latest updates on Peace Arch Hospital and how
community health is shaping what it means to be healthy.

Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,
and Google Play.

Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Contact Elodie Egersperger
at elodie@pahfoundation.ca or 604.535.4520.
You can also read