DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow

Page created by Donald Mcgee
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow

                                              The Story Unfolds
                                              Token Information
                                                  Doshi GO
                                                 Road Map

 DISCLAIMER: Included within this Whitepaper is financial information, approximations, and positions that take into consideration and derive
 from known and unknown variables and risks. Results may vary substantially from expressed views and forward looking language here within.
  The information shared in this document is not an exhaustive list nor is it a full and complete representation. It does not seek or intend to
    pursue any element or notion of a binding agreement. The Whitepaper is written to communicate to potential community members the
aspirations of Doshi and to provide additional information for those interested in the analysis of this project to make an educated decision. We
                                              recommend reviewing this document in its entirety.
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow
Welcome to the first chapter of an            One day, very suddenly and unexpectedly,
exciting, adventurous and action-packed       a tsunami hits the coast of Japan. This
story. Welcome to Dōshi (Comrade).            disaster inevitably eliminates many
                                              members of the armies following behind
On the coast of Japan, an abundance of        the Doge and the Shiba.
species reside; most notably, the Doge
and the Shiba Inu. These two, the             In the wake of the tsunami, both of these
greatest of the land, rose from poverty to    fierce leaders find themselves stranded,
become the leaders of their respective        side by side. They each cling to their raft,
territories. They are able to take down       with no choice but to rely on one another
anything that comes in their way with         for survival.
their unstoppable armies close behind.
                                              After a period of silence they came
The earliest believers who bet their          together and, through their desperate
livelihoods on the Doge and Shiba             confessions discover that they are
Inu clans rose from rags to richest           related. Bonding over this, they decide
themselves. Placing wagers on the             to go on a quest together. With the
lengthy duels these two factions involve      remnants of the respective armies that
themselves in, they too found immense         they possess, the power to build one
success.                                      massive, unstoppable army is undeniable.

The rivalry between the Doge and Shiba        Together, Doge and Shiba has built a
is intense. Battles are long and hard         battalion, unlike no other, Dōshi, and they
fought. Both are strong. Both are wealthy.    are on a questto find their lost family
Both are successful. Neither can recall       members.
why they don’t like each other. But, still,
there is a deep and firey vengeance.          The journey continues...
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow
                       T E R M I N O LO GY
                            • Dōshi : The name of the project.
                        • ElonVerse: The metaverse ecosystem.
                           • Dōshi (Token): The ERC20 token.
               • Doshi Go: A P2E game within the metaverse ecosystem.


The Doshi project is the first of a multi   Shiba Inu dog, Kabosu, to her personal
chapter adventure storyline combining       Tumblr blog. One image in particular
the two historic meme coins Doge and        featured Kabosu sitting on a couch while
Shiba Inu. Doshi is all encompassing,       glaring sideways at the camera with
providing a play to earn game, designed     raised eyebrows. By the year 2013, the
for users to play, experience, explore,     image
and monetize their content with others      of Kabosu had gained both viral fame and
who are not in the same physical space,     the attention of IBM and Adobe software
powered by the Ethereum blockchain.         engineers, Billy Markus and Jackson
                                            Palmer. These engineers would use the
Meme & Dog Coins started back in 1976.      image to become the face of their so
An evolutionary biologist named Richard     called payment system.
Dawkins coined the word ‘meme’ in his
book. Dawkins defined a ‘meme’ as an        Doge is widely regarded as the first ‘dog
idea, behavior, or style that spreads       coin.’ Dogecoin remained dormant until
from person to person within a culture.     the year 2020, when it skyrocketed
Years later, the rise of the internet and   after supporters on TikTok and Reddit
the formation of a culture around it        forced it into the mainstream spotlight,
would see the phrase reappropriated         and aided by Elon Musk, of course.
to describe a piece of media, often         Shiba Inu quickly galvanized communities
humorous, that spreads virally.             around blockchain technology and
                                            inspired some of the most popular
The prolific nature of the internet meme    non-fungible token collections, paving
was apparent by the year 2010, when a       the path for blockchain to become
Japanese kindergarten teacher, Atsuko       a key component of metaverse
Sato, posted several images of her          implementations.
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow

      Token name: Dōshi
        Ticker: $DOSHI
  Total supply: One Quintillion

        Buy tax // 10%
        Sell tax // 10%

       Reflections // 1%
      Development // 1%
           LP// 2%
       Marketing // 6%
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow

               DOSHI GO

 Doshi Go is a single and multiplayer first person racing
  game, with a combat component. By acquiring various
 digital assets, players will embellish their GO-karts and
   characters within the game universe. Players aim to
  race, collect, create, and build karts for their avatars
 that will enhance their in-game experience and improve
              their performance in matches.
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow
                  PHASE 1 //
                MARCH 2022

             Token Private Sale
                   Token Launch
       Social Media Formation
              Website Creation
           Whitepaper Release
             Community Building
        CMC Listing + Trending
  CoinGecko Listing + Trending
              Dextools Trending
Cross-Platform Marketing Push
                                       PHASE 2 //
 Weekly Community Giveaways
                                       APRIL/MAY 2022
    Utility Reveal (at 2.5M MC)
                                       Smart Contract Audit
        Team Dox (at 25M MC)
                                       5,000 Holders
Youtube + Twitter Space AMA’s
                                       50,000 Followers across Social
                  1,000 Holders
                                       Media & TG/Discord
10,000 Followers across Social
                                       Organic Dextools Trending
            Media + TG/Discord
                                       Youtube + Twitter Space Doxxed
               First CEX Listing
 $10,000,000 (10M) MC Target
                                       NFT Set Release
                                       Major Influencer Marketing
                   PHASE 3 //          Partnerships
                   JUNE 2022           Major Project Partnerships
                                       Cross-Chain Social Media
           Huge Marketing Push         Marketing/Advertising
          Celebrity Partnerships       Massive Weekly Community
                 10,000 Holders        Giveaway
100,000 Followers across Social        2nd Utility Reveal + Pre-Alpha
            Media & TG/Discord         Testing the App
             Top 10 CEX Listings       Major CEX Listing
               3rd Utility Reveal      $100,000,000 (100M) MC
    1st and/or 2nd Utility Official    Target
 $1,000,000,000 (1B) MC Target
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow


   The philosophical foundations, fundamental
     project rationale, supporting economic
    theory, and future directions of the Dōshi
  project were all explained in this whitepaper.
       This whitepaper will be updated as
  implementation strategies for future project
              goals are determined.
DOSHI W HI T EPAPER 2022 - Webflow
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