Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Curriculum 2020 -2021
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Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Curriculum 2020 -2021 Our Recovery Curriculum is designed to sensitively and efficiently promote the mental well-being and emotional resilience of our pupils, and to reignite a sense of community learning. Our aim is to ensure that pupils are re-immersed into our school community again, so that they can continue to embrace and enjoy their learning experiences in a secure, stable and familiar environment. We intend to raise aspirations by reconnecting to our core school values of ambition, empathy, creativity, resilience, respect and courage, and through ensuring that our pupils have a secure sense of self. Our curriculum is based upon an integrated thematic approach which links to the wider world – hence the importance placed upon ‘cultural capital’. We will motivate and inspire our pupils through our innovative and creative curriculum and continuously provide them with opportunities to grow as learners and experience success. We are excited to share with our children the transformative nature of education and the endless possibilities that exist within it and through it.
Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020/2021 Aims and Objectives At Dog Kennel Hill we aim to provide a rich and meaningful learning experience for all our children which will prepare them for an ever-changing world. In designing our curriculum, we aim to not only maximise the natural and man-made resources around us but to build directly on the experience, needs, and interests of our children as well as the expertise of the staff. We have also taken into account the cultural and social diversity of all our pupils therefore creating opportunities for all to succeed. This is a curriculum for us by us. Our curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards clearly defined end points. We aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our understanding of ‘knowledge and cultural capital’ is derived from the following wording in the national curriculum: ‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement’. We actively promote the use of the outdoors as a learning environment not just for PE and the Early Years but for all children in all subjects. We are fortunate to have access to local nature areas such as Lettsom Gardens, where we have an allotment and Forest School for the EYFS. We also have a community space at DKHAP (Dog Kennel Hill Adventure Playground) and our own wildlife area at school. Our curriculum is based on the 2014 National Curriculum Framework. 1 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Curriculum Intent We provide a rich, relevant and engaging curriculum, ensuring all pupils: ● Are challenged to achieve the very best they can and make progress in line with, or above, national expectations ● Develop enquiring minds and a balanced outlook on life ● Build upon knowledge and deepen understanding ● Are taught with context and purpose ● Are collaborative, resilient learners with a strong sense of personal choice and responsibility who enjoy and value their learning ● Grow into confident and responsible young people who can shape their own views and explain their opinions embodying the River Hill Federation Values Curriculum Implementation We do this through: ● Creating an aspirational high achievement culture ● Ensuring progression, context and purpose in our curriculum content, underpinned with specific knowledge (outlined by knowledge organisers and curriculum maps) ● Providing a smooth transition between phases by allowing staff the unique opportunity to learn and observe across phases, building relationships and developing knowledge and strengthening skills. ● Providing extensive enrichment opportunities to raise cultural capital ● Valuing creativity and learning within and beyond the classroom, taking full advantage of the wealth of art and culture East Dulwich and London has to offer ● Collaboration and competition with other educational establishments and exposure to a range of workshops, guest speakers, members of the community and parents 2 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
We provide diverse and exciting experiences, which are taught with context and purpose. From EYFS to Year 6 our curriculum is thematic, with room for cross-curricular teaching as well as discrete teaching of particular subjects and units. Curriculum Impact We measure the impact of our curriculum by: ● Reflecting on the standards achieved against planned outcomes ● Celebrating the learning at the end of each topic, where children demonstrate the knowledge they have gained ● Sampling children's learning across the school to demonstrate learning ● Pupil discussions with teachers and Senior Leaders about their learning ● Annual tracking of standards across the curriculum We use formative strategies such as using feedback to inform planning, as well as summative assessments at set times during the year. We benchmark against national standards in a variety of ways including; marking and moderating across the school, Local Authority EYFS consultant visits, English consultant support, external Maths Mastery visits in KS1 and Year 3, and frequent moderation activities with colleagues from across the federation. Pupil progress is monitored by way of pupil progress meetings, where results of summative assessments allow us to identify and address barriers to learning of individuals and groups. Pupil and parent voice are crucial tools in informing us what we are doing right, and what we need to develop. End of year outcomes show that DKH children achieve highly, embody our core values and have a deep knowledge and understanding of our curriculum. 3 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Reception and Nursery will spend some of the Autumn Term settling in and getting used to their new learning environments. This forms part of the transition period. During this time teachers are observing, assessing and screening their children in the areas of learning. Activities are set up both indoors and out to support all areas of the EYFS curriculum. The Prime (in bold) and Specific Areas are: ● Personal, Social and Emotional development ● Physical development ● Communication and Language development ● English ● Maths ● Understanding the World ● Expressive Arts and Design Nursery will be working through Letters and Sounds phonic phases 1 and 2 which focus on distinguishing sounds and identifying sounds. In Reception the focus is more on phases 3 and 5 which are phonemes (minimum unit of sound) and making words. The Dandelion readers, which are sent home with the children along with a book of the child’s choice, heavily support our phonic programme. By the Spring Term a topic-based approach is fully embedded. Planning is informed heavily by the previous assessments of where the children are in the prime areas (their needs), the interests of the children and the requirements of the curriculum. In the Summer Term, teachers are gathering evidence to support their final judgements for the Early Years Foundation stage profiles. The expectation is that most children will achieve a Good Level of Development. By the end of the foundation stage children are expected to ● Write simple sentences with plausible phonetic spellings- children who should exceed the good level of development should be writing some compound words ● Read simple sentences relying on phonics and contextual cues 4 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
● Work with numbers to at least 20 Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Year Group Nursery Curriculum Overview 2020- 2021 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Topic Transition Unit Once upon a time…/ Superheroes What’s inside the Cracking creatures/ life I do like to be beside Here we are Celebrations egg? cycles the seaside…/ Oliver Jeffers Transition Settling/ Marvellous me Trips Sainsbury’s for Lettsom gardens In school visit from Lettsom gardens Battersea Zoo cooking ingredients Firefighters, police, Contact Surrey docks lollipop person farm Horiman Museum – Aquarium Events Jeans for KS1 Production New Year World Book Day KS1 SATs Summer Fair and Genes Day Festivals Christmas Fair & World Autism Easter KS2 SATs Year 6 production MacMillan Christmas Awareness Day Coffee Eid Al Fitr Morning Children in Need Rosh Diwali Anti-Bullying Week Hashanah Harvest Festival World Mental Health Day Diversity Month 5 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Reading Owl babies - Where's spot – Eric Hill Superhero Oh Dear – Rod Non-fiction books: Commotion in the Martin Waddell Spots Birthday Party – Dad/Superhero Campbell Life cycle of the ocean - Giles Andrea No Matter What - Eric Hill Mum/ Superhero Egg Drop – Mini ladybird, frog and Sharing a shell - Julia Debi Gliori Kippers birthday - Gran – Joe Grey butterfly Donaldson Lulu's First Day - Mick Inkpen Berger Jack and the Lucy and Tom at the Anna McQuinn The Gingerbread Super Daisy - Kes beanstalk Sea Side - Surely Maisie Goes to Man Gray Am I Yours? By The very hungry Hughes Nursery -Lucy Maisie' Birthday - Lucy Supertato books Alex Latimer caterpillar - Eric Carl What the ladybird Cousins Cousins by Sue Henra and Non-fiction Life What the ladybird heard at the Sea side – Three Little Pigs Alfie’s birthday Paul Linnet cycle of the heard – Julia Julian Donaldson Elmer – David surprise – Shirley Supertato Chicken Donaldson 101 Things to see at the McKee Hughes Supertato:Veggies The Odd Egg - The little Red Hen sea side - Osborne Plenty of Cake Supertato: Run Emily Gravett Goldilocks and the Books opportunity for The Jolly Postman - Veggies:Run The Emperors Egg three bears The Rainbow Fish - Nursery Rhymes Allan Ahlberg - Martin Jenkins Marcus Pfister Peace at last – Jill Beegu – Alexis Deacon Murphy Stick Man – Gullia Donaldson The Gruffalo’s Child - Gullia Donaldson Writing Exploring marking Story mapping - Drawing pictures Using Talk for Recording in our Writing postcards making in the Where's spot of our own writing to story caterpillar diaries Making train environment Making party superpowers map and re-tell Making life-cycle books tickets/plane tickets Wanted posters invitations Drawing pictures Odd Dear observations drawings Mark making in the Sequencing Writing birthday cards of the Recording in our Labelling sand familiar stories Writing Christmas superpowers of chick diaries Writing our names Writing our own name Learning how to cards our Learning to write Writing bread Recipes Using our sounds to use story maps to Writing Christmas lists families/friends our own names Writing letters support writing initial re-tell nursery Writing to Father Letters to the Evil labelling different requesting the pets we sounds and CVC words rhymes Christmas Pea eggs would like and why Drawing pictures for Orally re-telling Writing labels Wanted posters sequencing Jack our new teacher - All stories Story mapping and the beanstalk about me books Phase 1 phonics Supertato built into provision Introducing Sound of the Week; 6 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
tuning into initial sounds Maths Number Number Number Number Number Number Number songs Singing fireworks Compares two continued Shows an interest in Recognises numerals 1 and Rhymes songs in order to groups of objects, development of number problems. to 5 Exploring numbers strengthen counting saying when they numbers beyond Shows an interest in Counts up to three or 1-5 1-5 and 1-10 have the same 10 numerals in the four objects by saying Counting our Ordering, labelling number Exploring 1 more environment. one number name for fingers and toes in and exploring more Number problems. and 1 less Shows an interest in each item sequence or less from numbers Separates a SSM representing numbers. Estimates how many Measuring and 1-1 group of objects Using language of SSM objects they can see comparing Making birthday and recognising size in relation to Uses shapes and checks by heights Making a cakes and counting that the total is still growing appropriately for tasks. counting them hair and eye how many candles the same. Recording number Uses positional SSM colour pictogram we put on each cake Shows an interest in our play language. Beginning to use SSM Matching numeral in numerals in the Learning about 2D Orders two or three mathematical names Talking about the and quantity environment. and 3D shapes items by length or for ‘solid’ 3D shapes size of objects correctly Shows an interest Exploring shapes height and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and ordering SSM in representing that roll Using language of size and mathematical them Noticing Language of size numbers. measuring terms to describe shapes in our Guess the shape Realises not only Beginning to talk shapes. environment Using coins to buy objects, but about the shapes Selects a particular items from our role anything can be of everyday named shape. play shop counted, objects, e.g. including steps, ‘round’ and ‘tall’ Can describe their claps or jumps. relative position such SSM as ‘behind’ or ‘next to’. Playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects Uses positional language KUW Talking about our Making Christmas Healthy eating/ Helping to look Caring for our Talking about our own families and Cookies and Ginger exercise after our garden, environment - litter experiences of going relations Bread Men watering plants on holiday/ a trip 7 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Looking at our Learning how to Learning about and looking for Taking photographs of Researching what community make a birthday Chinese New Year signs of spring caterpillars creatures we might find Learning about cake Learning about Looking after our Life-cycles - tadpoles, at the seaside our bodies Learning about Divali, the weather chicks, making caterpillars, What sounds and Using mirrors to Christmas and bonfire predictions, Bringing in our own smells might we find at look at ourselves night learning about teddies from home and the sea side and identify our Using different how we can look throwing a teddy bear Celebrating Eid – feature materials to make a after and care for picnic for them religious traditions. Investigating our dark dens and use the chicks, Learning about finger prints torches to explore handling chicks different animals and Exploring our light and dark with care talking about what is senses Talking about how the same and what is Taste testing the eggs hatched different; what do they activity developing an eat? Where do they Learning how to understanding of live? make playdough change over time - planting beans Conducting our own egg drop EAD Making houses Making birthday Cape/Mask Designing our own Salt-dough caterpillars Seaside collage using different party decorations Making odd egg Painting symmetrical Salt-dough sea animals materials Making Christmas Vegetable Painting pictures/ butterflies Junk model transport using mirrors to decorations printing making collages Pastel drawings of draw pictures of Making fireworks Designing our own of our chicks spring flowers ourselves Colour Mixing super hero’s Making our own Collage ladybirds Drawing pictures Designing our own bean stalks of our families vegetable Playdough chicks Creating our own superhero family trees Exploring the different ways our bodies can move to music PD Experimenting Mounts stairs, steps or Runs skillfully and Can stand Draws lines and circles Holds pencil between with movement climbing equipment negotiates space momentarily on using gross motor thumb and two fingers, and beginning to using alternate feet. successfully, one foot when movements. Uses one- 8 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
move freely and Walks downstairs, two adjusting speed or shown. handed tools and no longer using whole- with pleasure and feet to each step direction to avoid Understands that equipment. hand grasp. confidence in a while carrying a small obstacles. equipment and Holds pencil near point range of ways. object. Can catch a tools have to be between first two Can tell adults Gains more bowel large ball. used safely. fingers and thumb and when hungry or and bladder control Observes the uses it with good tired or when they and can attend to effects of activity control. Can copy want to rest or toileting needs most on their bodies. some letters. play. of the time Dresses with help Can usually themselves. manage washing and drying hands. C&L Listening to stories Understanding the Understanding Using more Uses talk in pretending Building up vocabulary with increasing use of objects. ‘how’ and ‘why’ complex that objects stand for that reflects the attention and Showing questions. sentences to link something else. breadth of their recall. understanding of Using intonation thoughts. experience. Using talk Joining in with prepositions. and rhythm to Retelling past to connect ideas. repeated refrains Responding to simple express meaning. events. Questioning why things and anticipating instructions. Uses vocabulary Using a range of happen and given key events and focusing on tenses. explanations. phrases. objects and Focusing people that are attention. particularly Following simple important to directions. them. 9 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Year Group Reception Curriculum Overview 2020- 2021 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Topic Transition Unit Things that go/ Supertato vs. Evil Dinosaur diggers Cracking creatures To infinity and beyond Here we are Celebrations Pea Oliver Jeffers Transition Marvellous me/ Once upon a time… Trips Learning walks Environmental Trips to Sainsbury’s Lettsom gardens Visit from ‘animal Godstone farm around wider walks around for children to person’ school grounds local area purchase ingredients for cooking Events Jeans for KS1 Production New Year World Book Day KS1 SATs Summer Fair and Genes Day Festivals Christmas Fair & World Autism Easter KS2 SATs Year 6 production MacMillan Christmas Awareness Day Coffee Eid Al Fitr Morning Children in Need Rosh Diwali Hashanah Anti-Bullying Harvest Week Festival World Mental Health Day Diversity Month 10 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Reading Starting School by The Naughty Bus Supertato books by Harry and the Life cycle books: Whatever next by Jill Allan Ahlberg and by Jan Oke Sue Henra and Bucketful of Murphy Janet Ahlberg Mrs Armitage on Paul Linnet Dinosaurs by Ian Ladybird Look Up! By Nathan Elmer by David Wheels by Whybrow and Frog Byron McKee Quentin Blake Supertato Adrian Reynolds Butterfly Usborne Look Inside The Smeds and Lost and Found Supertato: Veggies Harry and the Chicken Space! the Smoos by Julia by Oliver Jeffers Assemble Dinosaurs at the Chicken Licken Field Trip to the Moon Donaldson Amelia Earhart Supertato: Run Museum by Ian The Little Red Hen by Jeanne Willis & John The Colour by Isabelle Veggies Run Whybrow and The Grouchy Hare (picture book) Monster by Anna Sanchez Vegara Supertato: Evil Pea Adrian Reynolds Ladybird The Skies above my Llenas Pumpkin Soup Rules Dinosaur Bones by by Eric Carle Eyes by Charlotte The Gingerbread by Helen Cooper Supertato: Veggies Bob Barner The Hungry Guillain Man Room on the in the Valley of The Dinosaur Who Caterpillar by Eric The Koala who Could The Three Little Broom by Julia Doom Lost Her Voice by Carle by Rachel Bright and Pigs Donaldson Supertato: Carnival Julie Ballard & Jim Field The Three Billy Femi the Fox by Catastro-Pea! Francesca Oh, the Places you’ll Goats Gruff Jeanette Supertato: Hap- Gambatesa go! by Dr Zeuss Goldilocks and Kwakye pea Ever After Bumpus Jumpus the Three Bears Stick Man by Dinosaurumpus by Red Riding Hood Julia Donaldson Tony Mitton The Gruffalo’s Life on Earth: child by Julia Dinosaurs by Donaldson Heather Alexander & Andres Lozano Writing Name writing Recording ‘how Letters to the Evil Factual books – Life cycle books – Letter writing to Neil Self portraits we get to pea dinosaur fact facts about different Armstrong ‘My family’ writing school’ Wanted posters writing life cycles Space book – facts Labelling features Labelling Map making Instruction writing – Observational Story writing to match Recording our transport Speech bubble how to hatch an drawings picture book ‘worries’ for the Factual posters – caption writing egg ‘How to care for Letters to our teacher worry monster Amelia Earhart Badge/ medal Own dinosaur chicks’ manual All about me Wanted posters Recipes for making name writing Wishes/ worries for Year Simple sentences Pumpkin soup Easter writing 1 describing African maps characters labelling 11 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Traditional tales Writing to Father story writing Christmas Christmas traditions Number Pattern and shape Shapes and Numbers within 15 Grouping and Measure Addition and sorting sharing Subtraction (2) Recognise, create Recognise, count Compare objects and describe Talk about, and order Solve practical and quantities, solve Compare quantities to shapes with compare, numbers; estimate problems involving size, weight and solve problems that mathematical measure and and compare groups of 2, 5 or 10; capacity problems in include doubling, language order objects groups of objects explore counting in everyday language halving and sharing and Quantities steps of 2. Numbers within 20 Money Numbers beyond 20 (1) Numbers within 6 Numbers within Doubling and 10 Recognise, count halving Recognise, compare Recognise, count, Recognise, count and order and order coins and order and estimate and order Count reliably, numbers; estimate Solve problems their values using numbers to 100; solve numbers; say place in order, and compare and explore the everyday language problems including which numbers recognise groups of objects relationship grouping and sharing. are ‘more or less’ numerals, use between doubling Addition and ordinals, Position and Time and halving Subtraction (1) Numbers beyond 20 (2) understand zero Use everyday Add and subtract Recognise, count and Shape and language to talk single-digit numbers order numbers to 50; calendar about time; use by counting on or estimate and compare mathematical back groups of objects Explore language to characteristics of describe position shape, using mathematical language. Use everyday language to discuss time. Shape and pattern 12 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Explore, discuss, recognise, classify and describe in mathematical language. KUW Daily routines/ Celebrations/ Healthy eating- Science week Caring for living Planets and the solar time religion – what is good for experiments: things system What do we need Christmas us? – focus on Erupting volcano Life cycles – Differences in to grow? Black history vegetables Mentos in coke tadpoles, pupa, environments Why do we need month – cooking Celebrations – Slime making eggs, caterpillar Celebrating Eid – exercise? Jellof rice Chinese New Year: Egg shell walking Habitats religious traditions. Oral hygiene Observations of looking at Tissue colour run Caring for our Invite parents in to Skeleton – looking environmental traditions, clothes, Gummy bears environment – speak about at X-rays/ labelling changes – food, music, Pollution jars pollution celebrations/ sharing of Taking photos of looking at dragon parade Celebrating Recording videos of food from different friends using changes in Using computer to pancake day - life cycles cultures cameras and weather and complete a simple Pancake making Using search engine to iPad’s outdoor ICT game (Maths Celebrating Easter research facts environment game) – Easter bonnet Celebrating parade Diwali Using metal Bee-bots and detectors map making EAD Paper plate face Vehicle making – Cape making Clay dinosaur Playdough chick Art week – focus on decorating – focus junk modelling Vegetable printing modelling modelling different artists and on features Yoga for kids Still life drawings of Dinosaur stomp – Observational styles of art- Van Gogh, Paintings of our Tea light candle vegetables movement and drawings of life Picasso, Andy Warhol own family holder making dance cycles Eid card making Colour mixing – Salt dough Easter bonnet Pastel drawings of Salt dough Eid paint Christmas making spring flowers decorations decorations Reception’s got Christmas talent – rehearsals present wrapping 13 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
PD Experiments with Travels with Uses simple tools to Shows a Begins to form Show control and different ways of confidence and effect changes to preference for a recognisable letters. coordination of in large moving. skill around, materials. dominant hand. Uses a pencil and and small movements. Jumps off an under, over and Handles tools, Begins to use holds it effectively to Move confidently in a object and lands through objects, anticlockwise form recognisable range of ways. appropriately. balancing and construction and movement and letters, most of which Handle equipment and Negotiates space climbing malleable retrace vertical are correctly formed. tools effectively. successfully. equipment. materials safely lines. Shows increasing and with control over an increasing control. object. C&L Maintaining Building two Listening to and Extending Able to follow a story Uses talk to organise, attention during channeled responding to vocabulary, without pictures of sequence and clarify appropriate attention – ideas and opinions especially by props. Listening to thinking, ideas, feelings activities. listening and expressed by grouping and stories and and events. Uses language to ‘doing’ at the others. naming, exploring accurately Showing awareness of imagine and same time. Links statements the meaning and anticipating key the listeners needs in recreate roles and Responding to and sticks to a sounds of new events, responding conversation. experiences in instructions main theme or words. with relevant Developing own play situations. involving a two intention. Shows some comments. narratives and Introduces a part sequence. Eats a healthy understanding that Practices some explanations by storyline or Shows range of foodstuffs good practices appropriate safety connecting ideas. narrative into their understanding of and understands with regard to measures without play. how to transport need for variety in exercise, eating, direct supervision. Usually dry and and store food. sleeping and clean during the equipment Shows hygiene can day safely. understanding of contribute to good Dressing and the need for safety health. using the toilet when tackling new independently. challenges, and considers and manages some risks. 14 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Year Group 1 Curriculum Overview 2020- 2021 YR1 Reading YR1 Writing YR1 Grammar Match graphemes for all phonemes Name letters of the alphabet Using ‘and’ to extend sentences Read accurately by blending sounds Spell very common ‘exception’ words Sequencing sentences Read words with very common suffixes Spell days of the week Using spaces between words Read contractions & understand purpose Use very common prefixes & suffixes Introducing: capital letters, full stops, questions marks and Read phonics books aloud Form lower case letters correctly, starting and finishing in exclamation marks Link reading to own experiences the correct place Capital letter for names and I Join in with predictable phrases Form capital letters & digits YR1 Speaking and Listening Discuss significance of title & events Forming sentences Listen and respond appropriately Make simple predictions Compose sentences orally before writing Ask relevant questions Read own writing to peers or teachers Maintain attention and participate YR1 Number/Calculations YR1 Geometry and Measures YR1 Fractions Count to / across 100 Use common vocabulary for comparison, e.g. heavier, Recognise & use ½ & ¼ Count in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s taller, full, longest, quickest Identify ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ Begin to measure length, capacity, weight Read & write numbers to 20 Recognise coins & notes Use language, e.g. ‘more than’, ‘most’ Use +, - and = Use time & ordering vocabulary symbols Know number bonds to 20 Tell the time to hour/half-hour Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, Use language of days, weeks, months & years including zero Recognise & name common 2-d and 3-d shapes Solve one-step problems, including simple arrays Order & arrange objects Describe position & movement, including half and quarter turn Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 YR1 Transition Unit Here Traditional Tales Fairy Tales Toys Places People Live Monsters and Aliens Topic we are Oliver Jeffers Our World and Beyond YR1 Museum of London- Surrey Docks Farm Horniman London Eye Horniman Museum: Kew Gardens Trips Mary Seacole Museum: Toys River Cruise Garden Explorer London CLC around the Cable Car (Computing) World Brunel Museum 15 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Dulwich Picture Gallery/ National Portrait Gallery YR1 Jeans for KS1 Production New Year World Book Day KS1 SATs Summer Fair Events Genes Day and Christmas Fair & World Autism Easter KS2 SATs Year 6 production Festivals MacMillan Christmas Awareness Day Coffee Eid Al Fitr Morning Children in Need Rosh Hashanah Diwali Harvest Festival Anti-Bullying Week Diversity Month World Mental Health Day YR1 My Friend Bear Handa’s Surprise Traditional Dogger Shirley Squash and a Aliens Loves READING Jez Alborough Eileen Browne Fairytales Hughes Squeeze Underpants Space Boy Oliver’s Range of Room on the Broom Claire Freedman and Leo Landry Vegetables non-fiction The Gruffalo Ben Cort The way back Vivian French texts Monkey Puzzle Beegu home The snail and the Alexis Deacon Oliver Jeffers Man On the Moon whale Simon Bartram Stick man Zog Julia Donaldson Poetry by heart Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Caribbean Teddy Bear Teddy Buckingham There’s a Monster in (all verses) poems Counting Rhyme Bear turn around Palace my Closet Pamela Mordecai A. A Milne Susan Burd YR1 Whatever Next! Little Red Hen Rumpelstiltskin Lost in the toy The Smartest Giant Where the Wild WRITING Jill Murphy Diane Muldrow Printed version museum in Town Things Are Davis Lucas Julia Donaldson Maurice Sendak Draw and label Retell a story A bear called story map 16 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Write beginning, Recognise Paddington Predict end of Write a character Write a list using middle and end features of Michael Bond rhyming couplets in description simple adjectives Traditional Tales reading and writing Write apology Write sentences Write information Write a Thank you Create Wanted Poster Thought bubbles in letter text letter role - pronoun verb Write clues for a Write a letter – I am, I wish, I want, Write a story with given fairy-tale Add a contents Writing extended a twist - write an page and a story Write setting Write a diary extended ending Add thoughts Glossary description and feelings Innovate extended Write a postcard - Create labels and write of new story Write a fantasy story join words and Describe a description clauses character Write explanation Recount known Write dialogue text story using simple between two adjectives characters Create a toy museum Write a fairy tale Make a game and write instructions YR1 Numbers to 10 Numbers to 20 Time Addition and Numbers 50 to 100 Money MATHS subtraction within and beyond Maths Addition and Addition and Exploring 20 (comparison) Multiplication and Mastery subtraction within subtraction within calculation Addition and division 10 20 strategies within Fractions subtraction (applying 20 strategies) Measures: Capacity Shape and patterns Measures: Length and volume Numbers to 50 and mass Money 17 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
YR1 Biology: Animals Including Humans Chemistry: Everyday Materials Biology: Plants Science Ourselves Distinguish between an object and the Identify and name a variety of Kent Scheme material from which it is made common wild and garden plants, Identify, name and - label parts of the including deciduous and evergreen body Identify and name a variety of everyday trees materials, including wood, plastic, glass, The senses (sight, taste,) metal, water, and rock Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common Say which part of the body is associated Describe the simple physical properties of flowering plants, including trees. with each sense a variety of everyday materials Find and name common animals that are Compare and group together a variety of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals everyday materials on the basis of their and invertebrates simple physical properties Find and name common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores YR1 We are Treasure We are TV Chefs We are Painters We are Collectors We are Story We are Computing Hunters Break down a Use the web safely Find and use tellers Celebrating Rising Stars Understand that a process into simple, to find ideas for an pictures on the use sound Develop basic programmable toy clear steps, as in an illustration web recording keyboard skills, can be controlled algorithm equipment to through typing by inputting a Select and use Know what to do if record sounds and formatting sequence of Use different features appropriate they encounter text instructions of a video camera painting tools to pictures that cause Develop skills in create and change concern saving and Develop basic Develop and Use a video camera images on the storing sounds on mouse skills record sequences to capture moving computer Group images on the computer of instructions as images the basis of a Use the web to an algorithm Understand how this binary (yes/no) Develop find and select Develop use of ICT differs question collaboration skills images Program the toy to collaboration skills from using paint as they work follow their and paper Organise images together in a Develop skills in algorithm Discuss their work into more than two group storing and Debug their and think about groups according Understand how retrieving files programs how it could be to clear rules a talking book 18 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Predict how their improved Create an Sort (order) images differs from a Develop skills in programs will work. illustration for a according to some paper-based combining text particular purpose criteria book and images Know how to save, Ask and answer Talk about and Discuss their work retrieve and binary (yes/no) reflect on their and think about change their work questions about use of ICT whether it could their images be improved Reflect on their work Share recordings and act on with an audience feedback received YR1 Lives of significant Changes in living Significant History individuals in the memory (linked historical events, past who have to aspects of people and contributed to national life places in their national and where own locality international appropriate) Bright Lights, Big achievements Toys now and in City London Then Neil Armstrong the past and Now Understand where Sort toys between Learn about the people fit old and new / UK’s capital city chronologically Identify similarities using common and differences Develop words and phrases between them knowledge of e.g. before, after, key locations a long time Bring in own toys, parents/carers’ Develop Sequence in toys and then understanding of pictures the life of grandparents/car transport Armstrong ers’ toys - Identify similarities and Develop differences and understanding of put them in order Brunel from newest to oldest Develop 19 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Discuss how the understanding of materials from events that have which toys are shaped London’s made have past changed over time and why this is the case Place toys on a timeline in the chronology in which they were played with. Write a short description describing the toy Place the chronology of previous learning (e.g. Apollo moon landing, Mary Seacole’s and Edith Cavell’s childhoods) on the same timeline as toys. Discuss which toys children will have been playing with in those times. Discuss which toys grandparents have played with and is played with 20 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
today Use words and phrases such as old, new, before (I was born), after (I was born), past, present, then, now, a long time ago YR1 Locational Human and Contrasting Geography Knowledge: The Physical locality: London United Kingdom Geography: and New Delhi, Name, locate and Seasons & Compare identify Weather London to a characteristics of Identify non- the four countries seasonal/daily European and capital cities of weather country the United Kingdom patterns in the (location, and its surrounding UK and the animals, seas location of hot landmarks, art, and cold culture, Food, Mapping Skills areas of the history, London world in language, Use basic relation to the weather) geographical equator and vocabulary to refer the North and to local & familiar South Poles features. (link to English - Use four compass farming) directions and simple vocabulary YR1 Drawing Painting Collage Art & Design Develop sketchbook skills through a series Learn about primary colours and explore Continue to develop drawing skills of warm up and drawing exercises an artists’ work on colour(Piet Mondrian) Explore the link between drawing Introduce graphite, wax resist and Explore what happens when primary and making watercolour as a medium colours are mixed together 21 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Develop vocabulary through Develop hand to eye coordination Explore colour and colour mixing in an exploring a range of materials intuitive way Explore experimental and observational Discover colour and texture through drawing Create a colour wheel and name collage secondary and primary colours Explore composition Improve observational drawings and record what is seen Printmaking 3D and Sculpture 3D and Sculpture Introduce print making as a medium Explore, discover and invent ways for 2d Create and Display to transform into 3d sculpture Explore modelling materials such as Understand how understand how everyday Modroc, clay and plasticine in an objects can be used as a tool Explore modelling materials such as open-ended manner, to discover Modroc, clay and plasticine in an open- what they might do use tools to apply pressure and create ended manner, to discover what they patterns might do Complete 3D sculptures and evaluate their work Explore mark making in a 3D material Improve their work and use precise Explore the concept of positive and vocabulary to describe the processes negative used to complete their sculpture Explore pattern through print making YR1 Free standing structures Moving Pictures: Food Technology: Design & (making rockets) (picturebook) (make a fruit salad) Technology Design and create a rocket replica Understand that different mechanisms Select and prepare raw fruit ensuring that it is freestanding produce different types of movement ingredients Know how to join components together Know and use technical vocabulary Know that simple utensils can be effectively relevant to the project used to process food and make it Know that a range of tools can be used for easier to eat different purposes: cutting, sticking, curling, Understand the steps to make a moving Know that fruit and vegetables can bending, joining etc. picture or toy be farmed or grown at home 22 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Understand how structures can be made Understand that products are designed Understand that a vegetable is a stronger for users based on criteria, and what plant used for food simple criteria for a moving toy could be: the mechanism should work smoothly, it Understand that nutrients are the should make the right type of movement things in food that the body needs to remain healthy Understand sensory evaluation YR1 Being Me In My Celebrating Dreams and Goals Healthy Me Relationships Changing Me PSHE World Difference Set simple goals, Recognise healthy Explore Explore life cycles Jigsaw Introduce Jigsaw Discuss similarities and how to achieve and unhealthy friendships and compare Charter and differences and what them and choices and how with human life setting makes us unique and overcoming these make us feel Understand how cycle expectations special difficulties when to treat others they try Discuss importance with respect Look at simple Discuss rights, Learn about bullying, of hygiene, keeping changes from responsibilities, how it feels and who Recognise feelings clean and that Explore ways to baby to adult choices and to ask for help associate with germs will make us help myself and consequences facing obstacles unwell others when Know the names Discuss friendships, feeling upset of the private Recognise what differences and the Discuss partner Learn about road parts of our body makes us special importance of being working and how safety and people and knowing how kind to do this well who can help us Learn how to we keep ourselves stay safe manage own and each other feelings and safe know how to access help YR1 Introducing Brain Getting Focussed Sharpening Your It’s All About Taking Action Expressing Mindfulness Breaks How our brain works Senses Attitude Mindfully Gratitude Introduction to the Mindful awareness Mindful seeing Mindful movement Choosing Performing acts core practice of Focussed awareness Mindful tasting Perspective taking optimism of kindness deep breathing Mindful listening Mindful smelling Appreciating Taking mindful happy action in the experiences world 23 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Expressing gratitude YR1 What does it mean to belong? RE How do you How do you belong How do you belong How do you How do you How do you live belong to to Christianity? to Islam? belong to belong to well? Christianity? Christmas List Muhammad’s Hinduism? Sikhism? Discuss some of Identify the qualities and explain Identify and name Discuss Sikh story the special symbols that are Talk about my why this made him 3 Hindu gods and and explain some objects people important to feelings for a special a good leader goddesses of the things that have in their religious groups gift Explain why Sikhs believe as a homes and use the right Explore what Muhammad is Retell the story result names for them happens for a important for about Krishna and Draw and write Christian at Christmas Muslims say why Krishna is Retell a story about what Identify the symbol a very special about Guru makes you of the cross, the Discuss why Christians Name objects that person for Hindus Nanak and special water and candle light candles at are special to explain why Guru Christmas Muslims. Explain what a Nanak is a very Describe some Sequence pictures Hindu does during special person for of the activities in the right order Recognise what gifts Explore the two puja a Sikhs that take place and explain why are special to people celebrations called in a home at Christians baptise Eid Recognise & name Recognise and special times a baby Explain the the objects used name the five K’s significance of Discuss the during puja and and explain why Research how a Create a card to Christmas to difference between explain why they they are friendship band be given to a Christians the two and why are important to important to Sikhs can be Christian with they are celebrated Hindus important to a symbols on it Draw and name Describe why Hindu person the objects on a Guru Gobind Identify symbols or puja tray and Singh is a special Retell the story of badges which explain how they person to Sikhs the Prodigal Son show belonging are used using pictures and discuss Retell the Amrit and drama ceremony YR1 Rhyme and Show time The Beat Goes On Sounds we Hear Are You Sitting Around the Music Rhythm Repetoire Performance Handling & Making sound Comfortably World in 80 Days Clap rhythm of the Singing project/ 24 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Specialist words in songs and Sing a wide range of Controlling scapes to poems play linked to a Songs from other teacher rhymes songs with increasing Instruments and stories story cultures Pitch match and control and accuracy Rhythmic phrases Use graphemes to Actively listen for Maintain pulse in respond to Play instruments to represent sounds specific elements singing and direction to Explore dynamics in accompany songs in music playing with improve singing Use graphemes to increased Play instruments with record musical Describe in terms accuracy Sing an increased an increased ideas of dynamics, variety on songs awareness of pulse pitch, timbre, Follow directions and rhythm with Create mood, tempo and arrange Hand signs to show greater control soundscapes instrument the pitches so mi la Sing with sounds for songs Play specific Sequence sound increasing range rhythms and and control patterns in a phrase Choose and select instruments to Read simplified rhythm patterns on Make music and cards describe their music and choices Create rhythm phrases YR1 Days of the week Numbers from 1-20 Farm animals and Spanish instructions Spanish speaking Recap of topics Spanish Months of the year pets countries Specialist teacher YR1 PE Football Skills Dance Gymnastics Circuit Basketball PB Athletics Cricket Skills Coach Class Multiskills Gymnastics KS1 Problem Athletics Net Game: Invasion games: Teacher solving using a racket Sending and receiving or throwing towards a target 25 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Year Group 2 Curriculum Overview 2020- 2021 YR2 Reading YR2 Writing YR2 Grammar Develop phonics until decoding secure Spell by segmenting into phonemes Subordinators (when, if, that, because) Read common suffixes Learn to spell common ‘exception’ words co-ordination (and, or, but) Read & re-read phonic-appropriate books Spell using common suffixes, etc. Expanded noun phrases Read common ‘exception’ words Use appropriate size letters & spaces Present and past tense Discuss & express views about fiction, non-fiction & poetry Start using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes full stops, question marks and exclamation marks Become familiar with & retell stories needed to join letters commas for lists Ask & answer questions; make predictions Develop positive attitude & stamina for writing Begin to Apostrophes for contractions Begin to make inferences plan ideas for writing YR2 Speaking & Listening Record ideas sentence-by-sentence Articulate & Justify answers Initiate & respond to Sentence types (question, statement, exclamation, comments command) Use spoken language to develop understanding Make simple additions & changes after proof reading YR2 Number/Calculations YR2 Geometry and Measures YR2 Fractions Know 2, 5, 10x tables Begin to use place value (T/U) Count Know and use standard measures Find and write simple fractions in 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s Identify, represent & estimate numbers Read scales to nearest whole unit Understand equivalence of e.g. 2/4 = ½ Compare / order numbers, inc. < > = Write numbers to 100 Use symbols for £ and p and add/subtract simple sums of YR2 Data Know number facts to 20 (+ related to 100) Use x and ÷ less than £1 or in pounds Interpret simple tables & pictograms symbols Recognise commutative property of Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes Identify & sort 2-d & 3-d Ask & answer comparison questions multiplication shapes Ask & answer questions about totalling Identify 2-d shapes on 3-d Surfaces Order and arrange mathematical objects Use terminology of position and movement Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 YR2 Transition Unit Fire Fire! Under a Blanket of All About Animals Tales with a Twist Dragons Topic Here we are Stars Oliver Jeffers Traditional Tales YR2 Horniman Museum of London- Horniman Museum- Sydenham Hill Vauxhall City Farm Tower of London Trips Museum- Around London’s Burning Animals and their Woods- Self Africa Fire Safety Officer Visit Habitats Workshop Guided Visit Local Library 26 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Hampton Court The Mandir Palace Neasden YR2 Jeans for Christmas Production New Year World Book Day KS1 SATs Summer Fair Events and Genes Day Festivities Christmas Fair & World Autism Easter KS2 SATs Year 6 MacMillan Christmas Awareness Day production Coffee Morning Children in Need Eid Al Fitr Rosh Diwali Hashanah Anti-Bullying Week Harvest Festival World Mental Health Day Diversity Month YR2 James and the The Twits ● FantasticThe OwlRoald Mr Fox whoDahl was Fantastic Mr Fox The Princess How to Train READING giant peach Roald dahl afraid of the dark Roald Dahl Roald Dahl and the Pea A Dragon Roald Dahl Toby and the● great Jill Tomlinson Lauren Child Cressida fire of London How to catch ● a ● Cowell + set Margaret Nash star ● Roald Dahl The Great Fire of Lost and Found ● London – how do we The way back know about? home Deborah Fox Up and down A range of non-fiction Stuck texts The day the crayons quit Oliver Jeffers Poetry by heart 27 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
There was an old Guess (fire poem BBC) The Owl and the On the Ning, Nang Funky Chicken Dragon Lady who Berlie Doherty Pussycat Nong Benjamin Zephaniah Poems swallowed a fly Christmas Poems Edward Lear Spike Milligan J Foster & K Paul Traditional Nursery Rhyme YR2 The Gigantic Great Fire of London Owl babies Woodland Animals The Pea and the George and WRITING Turnip Range of non-fiction texts Martin Waddle Range of non- Princess the Dragon Aleksei Tolstoy fiction texts Mini Grey Christopher Find a key word using Setting description Wormell Label story map an index and locate Woodland Diary in role Write expanded relevant information Sentences in role Creatures Setting noun phrases – on a page Write non- description Letter alliteration/ Learn by heart story chronological similes Note main points from and add extra report Character a book or screen Create character thoughts, dialogue descriptions descriptions Practise parts of and wishes –ext. Not Now Make and use a class Extended the story ending Bernard glossary David Mckee Retell story in role story using1st person Extended write Follow a line of Box up story Character enquiry description News report Beginning, middle Explain and draw a and end of a story Diary entry diagram Compare things (the Use drama to more, the less) explore thoughts and feelings Create glossary Write and improve a story YR2 Number within Addition and Multiplication and Fractions Faces, shapes and Measures: Mass MATHS 100 subtraction word division: 2, 5 and 10 patterns; lines and Maths Mastery problems Addition and turns Exploring Addition and Time subtraction of 2- calculation subtraction of 2- Measures: Length digit numbers Numbers within strategies digit numbers Fractions 1000 28 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
Graphs (regrouping and Multiplication adjusting) Measures: and division: 3 Multiplication and Capacity and and 4 division: 2, 5 and 10 Money volume YR2 Biology: Animals Chemistry: Uses of Biology: Animals Biology: Living Chemistry: Uses of Biology: Plants Science Including Everyday Materials Including Humans Things and Their Everyday Materials Requirements Kent Scheme Humans Sorting and classifying, Survival, health, Habitats (including Sorting and for Growth (set Survival, health, changing materials exercise and growth micro habitats) classifying materials up a exercise and (twists, stretches, etc) Food Chains comparative growth Basic needs of Identify and test) Compare how things animals & offspring, Simple food chains compare uses of Basic needs of move on different animal classes & habitat different materials Growing plants animals & surfaces (water, light, offspring, animal warmth) classes YR2 We are We are Games Testers We are Researchers We are We are Detectives We are Computing Astronauts Describe carefully Consider the Photographers Understand that Zoologists Rising Stars Have a clear what happens in technical and Develop email can be used Sort and classify understanding of computer games artistic merits of collaboration skills to communicate a group of items algorithms as photographs through working as Develop skills in by answering sequences of Use logical reasoning Use a digital camera part of a group opening, questions instructions to make predictions of or camera app Develop research composing and Collect data what a program will skills through sending emails using tick charts Convert simple do searching for Take digital or tally charts algorithms to information on the Gain skills in programs Test these predictions photographs internet opening and listening to audio Use simple Predict what a Think critically about Review and reject or Improve note- files on the charting simple program computer games and pick the images taking skills through computer software to will do their use they take the use of mind produce mapping Use appropriate pictograms and Spot and fix Be aware of how to Edit and enhance language in emails other basic (debug) errors in use games safely and their photographs Develop charts their programs in balance with other presentation skills Develop skills in activities Select their best through creating editing and Take, edit and images to include and delivering a formatting text in enhance 29 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
in a shared short multimedia emails photographs portfolio. presentation record Be aware of e- information on a safety issues when digital map using email YR2 Events beyond living Significant History memory that are historical events, significant nationally people and or globally places Great Fire of London Kings and Queens Investigate about how the Great Fire of Understand London started and what a spread monarch is and the qualities Describe some of the needed to be a ways in which how we good monarch live now is different to how people lived in Research about 1666 some important British monarchs Understand how London was rebuilt Find out how after the Great Fire the title of king or queen is Recount some of the inherited ways in which London has changed Sequence British kings and Investigate the impact Queens in of Samuel Pepys diary chronological order Lives of significant individuals in the past Investigate what who have contributed kings and 30 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
to national and queens ate international during medieval achievements and banquets Black History Mary Seacole/ Find out about Florence Nightingale and compare the lives of Explain what makes Elizabeth I and a person significant Queen Victoria Explain how Florence Nightingale improved nursing Explain who Mary Seacole was and how she improved nursing Compare and contrast the roles of Nightingale and Seacole Write a report on Nightingale and Seacole and explain their impact YR2 Contrasting Human and Geography locality Physical London and Geography/ Ghana Geographical Compare and Skills and Contrast Fieldwork Dulwich/Ghana Why do we love to be beside the Describe a place seaside? 31 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
outside Europe using Use basic geographical vocabulary to words describe a less familiar area Describe the features of a Use aerial place, using images and words like other models to beach, coast, create simple forest, hill, plans and maps, mountain using symbols Explain how the Use simple jobs people do fieldwork and may be different observational in different parts skills to study the of the world immediate environment Name the continents of the Explain what world and find makes the them in an atlas seaside special Describe the Describe the human and human features physical features of the seaside of both localities such as the jobs, people do Explain what facilities a town or village might need 32 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
YR2 Drawing Painting Collage Art & Design Improve observational drawings and Explore the colour wheel Identify warm and cool colours observational skills by developing cartoon improve dexterity skills sketches Name primary and secondary colours and explore what happens when primary Explore colour and texture through Explore portraiture colours are mixed painting and collage Use a variety of drawing materials Develop awareness of shades and tones Develop decision making skills through exploration and play Explore the relationship between drawing Select correct paintbrushes appropriate and making for the task Create continuous line drawings using Observe and ask questions about famous coins as a stimulus artwork (Paul Klee/Georgia O’Keeffe Discuss how sketches have improved Printmaking 3D and Sculpture 3D and Sculpture Explore mono printmaking Discover how to re-use everyday Create and Display Explore the texture, shape and size of Use and experiment with carbon paper to materials clay create prints Plan and construct 3d models using everyday materials Use tools to create a relief picture Explore pattern, line, shape and texture Develop motor skills when sticking, Experiment with clay tools to create Make thoughtful mark making constructing and testing products patterns Use pastels to add texture Use basic tools to help deconstruct and then construct Work on their print in order to add texture after printing Use mark making to create a picture Observe real objects and use them to Use layering techniques to create texture create prints and depth YR2 Mechanisms (Vehicles with Wheels) Textiles: Making Puppets Food: Making raw vegetable dish Design Know which equipment is needed to Know the purpose of different tools Technology sew material together and which to select for use in 33 Dog Kennel Hill Curriculum 2020-2021
You can also read