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The WWSF Foundation logo was kindly donated by WWSF Message from the President & CEO Hans Erni, Switzerland’s most famous artist. right to development, equality and peace, and lobby their government for robust implemen- 2018 Achievements tation of the unfinished business of gender equality and women’s rights. and 2019 Outlook The world has today a powerful roadmap pro- Dear Partners and vided by the Sustainable Development Agen- Friends, da 2030, and there can be no more excuse not to deliver lasting results. WWSF Global Newsletter Empowering Women and Children In closing a good year Femmes et Enfants-Maitriser sa vie with many activities and Regarding the WWSF Children-Youth section, Mujeres y Niños – Dirijan sus vidas events, we wish to say we are happy to share that some very impres- Edition No. 25 – 2018 « Thank You » to all our sive activities were organized by coalition partners, friends and member organizations in several countries, Published by WWSF Women’s World Summit sponsors who accom- briefly described in this report. In addition, Foundation panied us through our WWSF published online a more detailed “Glob- Case postale 5490, CH-2011 Genève 11 Tel +41 (0 ) 22 738 66 19 annual program of work. al Impact Report 2018. Fax + 41 (0) 22 738 82 48 Indeed, partnerships wwsf@wwsf.ch - www.woman.ch with generous relation- In 2018, WWSF included in its 19 Days cam- www.ruban-blanc.ch ships and networks are paign Kit a new dimension to remind coalition WWSF, a Swiss Foundation and an the new leadership for members “that it will take compassion to help International empowerment network for women, children and youth, empowering the Social Good and drive the de- end violence against children and youth”, serves with its annual initiatives, velopment agenda for solving local problems. while advocating for the implementation of the campaigns, world days, prize awards and Round Tables, the implementa- Convention on the Rights of Child, (our road tion of women and children’s rights In 2018 WWSF attended the 62nd session of map) to create a world fit for children. and the United Nations Development the UN Commission on the Status of Women WWSF invited its members to learn about Agenda 2030. (CSW) in New York with the Priority theme: “How to create circles of compassion” as a WWSF has consultative status with “Challenges and opportunities in achieving community service program, and shared the the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations ECOSOC and gender equality and the empowerment of need to develop increased compassion in our with UNFPA and DPI. rural women and girls.” (Link to the agreed societies to empower local change makers to All rights reserved Copyright © conclusions: http://www.unwomen.org//media/ help end abuse and violence against children WWSF 2018 headquarters/attachments/sections/csw/62/ and youth and decide to individually and csw-conclusions-62-en.pdf?la=en&vs=4713 ) collectively help realize the promise of the Sus- List of WWSF Board of Directors: Elly PRADERVAND tainable Development Goal Target #16.2. Founder and President, Switzerland During the CSW 62 session, WWSF co-con- Gulzar SAMJI vened with our partners in the USA a side Regarding the Swiss White Ribbon campaign, P.Ag., Vice-President, Canada event on the topic « Rural Women Rise, we continued in 2018 with our regular outreach Jyoti MACWAN Rise, Together for a 5th World Conference via social media alerts and newsletters to Board Member, SEWA, India on Women in 2022 » in the hope that a UN invite civil society (men, women and youth) to Anne Pélagie YOTCHOU T. Member State will emerge and declare to pledge online “not to commit, condone or re- Board Membre, Cameroon host the conference to take stock of the 1995 main silent about violence against women and Beijing promise and the SDG Agenda 2030. youth in our country”. We organized events Acknowledgements: WWSF also submitted a written statement to and Round Tables, and launched with local Sincere thanks are that effect, which was published by the UN university students a “Youth Engage-White expressed Economic and Social Council in the context of Ribbon campaign” and Declaration by and for to all donors, board directors, advisors, the Commission on the Status of Women (copy youth to sign on. (Read more on our website consultants, on Page 7-8). www.ruban-blanc.ch) staff and volunteers who make the work Regarding our WWSF rural women section, we 2019 Outlook – Now is the time to create of WWSF possible. celebrated in 2018 the 25th Anniversary of our lasting change. WWSF will continue with its annual « Prize for women’s creativity in rural annual empowerment programs to help enable life » with a ceremony at the Geneva Press coalition networks to double their efforts to Club in the presence of the Swiss prizewinner, speed up social change, respect for human Marie-Thérèse Chappaz, who presented her rights and the rights of the child, and increase work as a winegrower with passion and cre- compassion to break the cycle of persistent Fondation privée Genevoise ating miracles (more about her on Page 19). violence and abuse. Join us on that journey - Geneva Communes 10 prizewinners were honored with US$ 1000 the world will become better for it. each. A new additional national rural women’s prize award was launched in Cameroon (see In partnership and solidarity, Page 11) by the 2016 WWSF Prize laureate, Anne Pélagie Yotchou T. The prize program Elly Pradervand WWSF Members continues to honor rural women entrepreneurs WWSF President and Executive Director who empower their communities to claim their
WWSF Introduction Introduction to the WWSF Program of work As an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental, lay organization (INGO), created as a Swiss Foundation on 8 March 1991 in Geneva, WWSF serves by building an international network coalition and designing programs for the empowerment of women, children, youth and relevant NGOs. With its annual conferences, campaigns, world days and prize awards, WWSF advocates for the implementation of women and children’s rights and the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. Since 1995, WWSF has enjoyed UN consultative status with ECOSOC, UNFPA and DPI and is an active member of several global partnerships and NGO working groups connected to the UN. An international Board of Directors manages the annual program of work and oversees the functioning of WWSF. Specifically, WWSF seeks to fulfill its mission by organizing annually the following initiatives 1) ● 17 Days of activism for the empowerment of rural women and their communities 1-17 October ● International Day of Rural Women – 15 October ● WWSF Prize for women’s creativity in rural life (442 prizes awarded to-date) 2) ● Swiss White Ribbon campaign and its “16 Days of activism for the elimination of violence against women and youth by 2030”, mobilizes men, women and youth to pledge not to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and youth with main activities during the 16 days of activism (25 November – 10 December) 3) ● 19 Days of activism for prevention of violence against children and youth 1-19 November, including the World Day - 19 Nov. ● WWSF Prize for innovative child abuse prevention activities ● Round Tables, UN side events and working group meetings strategizing for transformative action Communicating ● With a global network of common understanding, broad e-Alerts, video clips, social media, etc. solidarity, cooperation and collaboration with NGOs, women’s ● Via websites: www.woman.ch and www.white-ribbon.ch groups, UN entities, the media and civil society at large. ● Publishing on Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram ● Via oral and written statements to the UN Commission ● Networking and partnership building with organizations, institutions and grassroots actors to expand outreach and action on the Status of Women and occasionally to the Human Rights Council, press releases, e-Newsletters, Activity Reports, Maintaining ● A secretariat for administration and management of relation- and prizewinners, as well as UN contacts and the media, ships with WWSF Board-and Advisory Panel members, Swiss the Swiss White Ribbon Ambassadors network, including authorities, donors and partners, coalition member organizations relations with NGOs and civil society actors. WWSF recommendations to governments and civil society actors for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 ● Delivering the transformative Sustainable Development ● Assisting small farmers and especially women farmers Agenda 2030 with a strong rights-based focus who are feeding the majority of the populations and encouraging ● Reducing the gap between the very rich and the very poor, them to continue to protect local seeds which continues to rise ● Achieving the elimination of violence against children and ● Achieving the full implementation of the binding UN Conven- youth with the SDG Target 16.2: “End abuse, exploitation, tion’s CEDAW and CRC, as well as the unfinished business of trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture the Beijing Platform for Action to speed up the realization of a of children, including harmful practices, such as child, early more just and non-violent world and forced marriage, female genital mutilation, and prostitution” ● Convening a UN 5th World Conference on Women in 2022 ● Commemorating 19 November - World Day for Prevention ● Achieving the elimination of violence with SDG Target 5.2: of Violence Against Children & Youth, now that we have a “End all forms of violence against all women and girls in public concrete plan with SDG target 16.2 and private spheres, including trafficking, sexual and other types ● Creating strong partnerships between governments and of abuse and ensure women’s full participation in decision mak- civil society organizations, institutions and groups, engaged in ing and equal rights to own land and economic resources” realizing the SDG Agenda 2030 - Transforming ourselves and our ● Supporting robust action by rural women and youth world addressing extreme poverty and climate change 3
WWSF Introduction WWSF main campaign activities Brief presentation of our three annual initiatives «17 Days for the Em- «19 Days for «16 Days of activism powerment of prevention of for the elimination rural women and violence against of violence against their communities children and youth women & girls in CH UN agenda 2030 for 1-17 October» 1-19 November» 25 Nov. - 10 Dec.» global transformation Prize for Women’s Prize for Innovative Youth Engage - White All year round, WWSF advocates and shares relevant Creativity in Rural Life Prevention Activities Ribbon Switzerland UN SDG Targets to remind everyone that we all have a The 17 Days Campaign action The 19 Days Campaign The Swiss national White Rib- role to play to help realize this Kits and together with the Ru- action Kit helps create a bon Campaign with it’s 16 Days bold promise for development, ral Women Prize awards en- culture for better preven- activity tool kits (in French & equality and peace by 2030, leaving no one behind. courage rural women to Rise, tion of abuse and violence German), continues to mobilize claim their rights, mobilize for against children and youth, men and boys, women and action, and hold their leaders and mobilizes civil society girls to build a Switzerland free accountable. actors and organizations of gender-based violence. to increase programs for The annual updated Kit is robust implementation The campaign convenes published online, as well as of the rights of the child, monthly meetings to strategize the profiles of prizewinners the relevant Sustainable for societal transformation. who receive the annual ‘Prize Development Goals and To-date, 50 Swiss White for women’s creativity in rural in particular Target #16.2, Ribbon Ambassadors signed a life’ awarded on 15 October and hold local and national “Declaration for the elimination - International Day of Rural leaders accountable. The 19 of gender-based violence by Women. (442 prizes have so Days Campaign marked its 2030”. far been awarded with US$ 8th edition in 2018 and the 1000 per laureate 1994-2018). annual Prevention Kit and Our 2018 Round Table in Global Impact Reports are Geneva on the topic «The The 2018 ten prizewinners are available online. need for a new masculinity presented on P. 14-19 to learn better adapted to the present about their courage, creativity In 2018, close to 1’000 context», focused on ending and compassion in their strug- events were organized with especially domestic violence gles for a development that over 220’000 particitants and presented a new campaign includes equality, rights and by our coalition member «Youth Engage - White Rib- non-violence. organisation using the an- bon», as well as a Declaration nual Campaign Kit. WWSF drafted by youth to increase In 2018, WWSF celebrated awarded one member personal commitments: ...not the 25th Anniversary of the organization with it’s Inno- to commit, condone, or remain Prize program at the Geneva vation Prize (US$ 2’000) to silent about violence against Press Club on 15 October and encourage the Amani Initi- women and youth - an idea in the presence of the Swiss ative in Uganda to continue whose time has come. Prizewinner, Marie-Thérèse advocating for the end of Chappaz. child marriage and teenage pregnancies. 4
tive and will prosper. But even more important, gender equality is a matter of justice. obligation to ensure a balanced set of values.” – Klaus Schwab, Found and Executive orum. ! WWSF Statistics WWSF annually publishes updates on Gender Equality statistics Gender Gender EEquality quality == PProgress rogress FFor or HHumanity umanity Supporting tGender E quality he Implementation = of the S ustainable P rogress F or H umanity Development Goals – Agenda 2030 Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030 Supporting tW WWSF Campaign: The Numbers Must Change! © 2016 Edition he Implementation WSF Campaign: The of N the Sustainable umbers Must CDhange! evelopment Goals © 2016 – Agenda 2030 Edition for Humanity is published by WWSF—Women’s World Become Aware, Share and Help Change the Statistics. Summit Foundation—an with UN cWhy WWSF Become Campaign: Aware, The Numbers Share Must and Help Change! Change the S© 2016 Edition tatistics. This status, onsultative Cthampaign? serving the implementation of women’s and children’s Why s and advocating T his C ampaign? for a 5 W orld Conference Become A ware, S hare a nd H elp C hange t he S tatistics. “Gender equality is more otn han Women a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of poverty, promoting sustainable ul to Aamena Why “Gender This WCWSF Ahmadi. equality ampaign? interns, is for mhore er rtesearch han a gand oal updates. in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of poverty, promoting sustainable wwsf@wwsf.ch development and building good governance.” -‐ Kofi Annan “Gender equality is more than a gdevelopment aind oal in itself. It s ab puilding good fgor recondition overnance.” -‐ cKhallenge meeting the ofi Annan of poverty, promoting sustainable All W WSF P rograms a re p ublished o n: development a nd b uilding g ood g overnance.” -‐ K ofi A nnan oman.ch -‐ With http://19days.woman.ch -‐ www.white-‐ribbon.ch this updated report, we hope to inspire men and women to commit to gender equality, and to realize the scope of gender With this updated report, we hope to inspire men and women to commit to gender equality, and to realize the scope of gender equality in human rights issues. All human rights issues must be viewed through the lens of women’s rights and gender equality, as equality in human rights issues. All human rights issues must be viewed through the lens of women’s rights and gender equality, as With this updated report, we hope to inspire men and women to commit to gender equality, and to realize the scope of gender women’s rights are human rights, and gender equality should be a concern even in those human rights issues that are not typically women’s rights are human rights, and gender equality should be a concern even in those human rights issues that are not typically equality in human rights issues. All human rights issues must be viewed through the lens of women’s rights and gender equality, as associated with women’s rights, such as armed conflicts, literacy and economic rights. WWSF has compiled various statistics to associated with women’s rights, such as armed conflicts, literacy and economic rights. WWSF has compiled various statistics to women’s rights are human rights, and gender equality should be a concern even in those human rights issues that are not typically demonstrate that women bear a disproportionate burden of the world’s most pressing issues. We encourage you to share this demonstrate associated that with women bear a such disproportionate burden of the world’s most pressing issues. has We compiled encourage you to statistics share this report, to add to women’s it, and to rights, contemplate as armed how other conflicts, issues in literacy and the world economic affect rights. women. WWSF To not address gender various in all aspects of life is to a report, demonstrate to add that to it, women and to cbear ontemplate a how other issues disproportionate in tof burden he the world affect most world’s women. To not pressing address issues. gender We in all ayou encourage spects to of life this share is a failure to address the issues fully, and that is a disservice to the progress of humanity. failure report, tto o aaddress dd to itt, he issues and fully, and that to contemplate is ao dther how isservice to issues in the the pwrogress of humanity. orld affect women. To not address gender in all aspects of life is a failure to address the issues fully, and that is a disservice to the progress of humanity. • Up to 60% of women in developing countries and rural areas work in agriculture with no social protection or labor The concept of mainstreaming gender issues into society was clearly established as a global strategy for promoting gender equality The concept of mainstreaming gender issues into society was clearly established as a global strategy for promoting gender equality the rights. 1 in Platform for Action adopted at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995). It highlighted the necessity of in the Platform for Action adopted at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995). It highlighted the necessity of The concept of mainstreaming gender issues into society was clearly established as a global strategy for promoting gender equality ensuring that gender equality be a primary goal in all areas of social and economic development. in •the Less than 13% of agricultural at landholders are women. 2 ensuring that Platform gender for equality Action be a primary adopted the gUN oal Fourth in all areas World of sConference ocial and economic development. on Women (Beijing, 1995). It highlighted the necessity of ensuring that gender equality be a primary goal in all areas of social and economic development. • Rural Definition women are 38% less likely to give birth at a health care center than urban women. 3 Definition In • July Rural 1997, the areUN Economic and to Social Council as (ECOSOC) defined the concept girls.4 of gender mainstreaming as follows: In July Definition "Mainstreaming girls 1997, the twice UN more likely Economic get married and Social Council (ECOSOC) a gender perspective is the process of assessing childbrides than urban defined the the concept implications for of gender mainstreaming as follows: women and men of any planned action, 4 5 In • July including More "Mainstreaming 1997, than legislation, the a ½gender of UN poor rural perspective Economic policies women or programmes lackin and is Social the literacy process Council of all areas skills. assessing (ECOSOC) and at all defined the implications levels. It the for women is a concept strategy of and men of any planned for gender making mainstreaming women’s as well action, as as follows: men’s including "Mainstreaming legislation, a policies gender or programmes perspective is the in all areas process of and at all the assessing levels. It is a strategy implications for for making women and women’s men of any as well as planned men’s 6 action, concerns • Most and of the experiences 3.9 billionan integral people notdimension connectedof tothe the design, internetimplementation, are the poor lessmonitoring educated and rural evaluation women and of girls. policies and concerns including and experiences legislation, policies an integral or programmes dimension in all of the and areas design, at implementation, all levels. It is a monitoring strategy for and evaluation making women’s of well as policies as and men’s programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not • In 59% programmes concerns and ofexperiences in states all around political, an the world, economic integral and customary dimension societal and spheres of the religious design, so that practiceswomen discriminate implementation, and men monitoring against benefit women equally and andinequality and evaluation undermine of policies is and not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender e quality." the full Tin perpetuated. programmes implimentation he all ultimate ofis legal goal economic political, codes. to achieve and 7 gender societal equality." spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality." • In 2 Agenda recent 030 -‐ Sdata on physical ustainable and sexualGviolence Development oals (SDGs) commited by a husband/partner in the past 12 months, 26 out of 48 Agenda 2030 -‐ Sshowed countries ustainable higher Development rates of Goals in(SDGs) violence rural The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established during the United Nations Summit areas than in urban areas.8 Agenda 2 030 -‐ S ustainable D evelopment G oals ( SDGs) The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established during the United Nations Summit for • the for the post-‐2015 Globally, post-‐2015 the development unmet need for development agenda, familyheld agenda, planning held in New affects in New The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established during the United Nations Summit York York the from lives25-‐27 from of 214September 25-‐27 million women September 2015, inas 2015, as one of the developing one of the countries.9 cornerstones of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A main focus of the SDGs is the protection of cornerstones for • the post-‐2015 of the the pay2030 Agenda development for Sustainable agenda, held Development. in New men York and A women from main focus 25-‐27 of the September SDGs is work the as protection of 10 women, Globally, which is reflected gap in hourly explicitly in wages Goal 5, between “Gender Equality”. Gender doing equality theis samean 2015, important one reaches of 40%. aspect the of women, which is reflected explicitly in Goal 5, “Gender Equality”. cornerstones of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A main focus of the SDGs is the protection Gender equality is an important aspect of achieving all of 17 goals, even where the goal does not explicitly refer to gender differences. The 9 targets under • Globally, women areexplicitly twice asin likely this goal re closely is reflected tied to Goal to5, be“Gender unemployed Equality”. as their achieving all of 17 goals, even where the goal does not explicitly refer to gender differences. The 9 targets under women, awhich Gender male counterparts, equality 11each other, but to other targets and goals their connection is less obvious. The targets with theaspect is an important femaleof unemployment this rate 20 % in 2017. goal are closely tied to each other, but to other targets and goals their connection is less obvious. The targets achieving all of 17 goals, even where the goal does not explicitly refer to gender differences. The 9 targets under under Goal 5 address a need for deeper legal and legislative changes, as in many countries gender discrimination is under • this Goal Women goal 5 calosely are ddress in Arab a nStates tied eed for are to each doeeper more ther, blegal than ut to ao nd twice legislative ther tas likely argets cahanges, togbe nd ats heir unemployed oals in mcany countries onnection thanis men. gender less oIn discrimination Southern bvious. The tAsia, argets is 82 % of wo- rooted in and backed by legal and social norms. Economics and politics are also spheres where gender disparities rooted in and backed by legal and social norms. Economics and politics are also spheres where gender disparities under men G oal were 5 a ddress in vulnerable a n eed f employment or d eeper l egal a compared nd l egislative with c 72 hanges, % ofa men. s i n m any 12 countries gender discrimination is continue despite progress over the decades. The SDGs very strongly call out for measures against violence against continue despite progress over the decades. The SDGs very strongly call out for measures against violence against rooted in and backed by legal and social norms. Economics and politics are also spheres where gender disparities women, an evil no country has been able to put an end to or make much progress in overcoming. It was women, continue an despite evil no country progress has been able Tto put an very end trongly to or make much mprogress easures ain overcoming. aIt was highlighted that the issue oof ver the violence decades. against he SDGs women was smissing cfrom all out for Millennium the gainst violence Development gainst Goals. It is apparent that 1 - http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedia/2018/2/infographic-rural-women highlighted that the issue of has violence against women was missing from the Millennium Development Goals. It is apparent that women and girls are disproportionately affected by the issues that the SDGs seek to address. The advancement was women, an evil no country been able to put an end to or make much progress in overcoming. It of gender equality is women highlighted a nd g that irls a re the d isproportionately issue of violence a ffected against 2 - http://plataformamulheres.org.pt/wp-content/ficheiros/2018/03/Report_SecGenUN_ruralwomen.docx b y women t he i ssues was t hat missing t he S from DGs s eek the t o Millennium a ddress. T he a Development dvancement Goals. o f It gender equality is apparent is that paramount to the achievement of the SDGs and thus should be a central focus of work in the &period http://www.unwomen.org/en/digi up till 2030. women tal-library/multimedia/2018/2/infographic-rural-women paramount and to the aare girls chievement disproportionately of the SDGs and tb affected hus should y the issues be that a central the SDGs focus of wto seek ork in the pTeriod address. up till 2030. o f gender equality is he advancement paramount to the achievement of the SDGs and thus should be a central focus of work in the period up till 2030. 3 - http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedia/2018/2/infographic-rural-women 1 1 4 - https://www.unicef.org/media/files/Child_Marriage_Report_7_17_LR..pdf & http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedia/2018/2/info 1 graphic-rural-women 5 - http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedia/2018/2/infographic-rural-women 6 - http://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/multimedia/2018/2/infographic-rural-women 7 - http://plataformamulheres.org.pt/wp-content/ficheiros/2018/03/Report_SecGenUN_ruralwomen.docx 8 - http://plataformamulheres.org.pt/wp-content/ficheiros/2018/03/Report_SecGenUN_ruralwomen.docx 9 - http://plataformamulheres.org.pt/wp-content/ficheiros/2018/03/Report_SecGenUN_ruralwomen.docx 10 - https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_541211.pdf 11 - https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_541211.pdf 12 - https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_541211.pdf 5
WWSF CSW - New York WWSF attended the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women given that the theme was « Empowering Rural Women and Girls ». WWSF co-convened a side event on the topic « Rural Women Rise, Rise Together for a 5th World Conference on Women in 2022 » with the hope that a UN Member State will declare to host such a conferece to deliver the unfinished business for women and girls and to strategize for the realization of the SDG Agency 2030. CSW62 (2018) The sixty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on the 12 to 23 March 2018 (Link to the agreed conclusions of CSW 62 : http://www.unwomen.org/-/ media/headquarters/attachments/sections/csw/62/csw-conclusions-62-en.pdf?la=en&vs=4713) Priority theme: Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls; Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality Emphasis is placed on tackling structural barriers and creating and the empowerment of rural women and girls a supportive economic and social policy environment in key Report of the UN Secretary-General areas such as poverty eradication, agricultural and fisheries development, food security and « The 2018 session of the United Nations Commission on the nutrition, physical infrastructure such as water and sanitation, Status of Women reached a strong consensus on ways and energy, transport, access to land and other productive means of achieving gender equality and the empowerment resources, health, including sexual and reproductive health and of rural women and girls. The “agreed conclusions” adopted reproductive rights, education, and social protection. Action is by the Commission at its sixty-second session (E/2018/27) required in the areas of economic empowerment and decent set out steps necessary to overcome persistent inequalities, work, entrepreneurship and procurement, financial inclusion discrimination and barriers faced by women and girls living and financial services, ICT, as well as unpaid care and domestic in rural areas, and put forth concrete measures to lift all rural work. Action is needed to strengthen the resilience and adaptive women and girls out of poverty and to ensure realization of their capacity of all rural women and girls in response to humanitarian rights, wellbeing and resilience. emergencies and climate change. The section contains actions The introductory part (paragraphs 1 to 45) sets out and in support of specific groups of women and girls in rural reaffirms existing commitments on gender equality and the contexts. It calls for strengthening collection, analysis and empowerment of all women and girls, including those living in dissemination of data, and for a significant increase in rural areas. It highlights the Beijing Declaration and Platform investment to close resource gaps. for Action and other outcome documents and their linkages The third section targets the collective voice, leadership and to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This part decision-making of all rural women and girls. It includes specific draws attention to persistent discrimination and inequalities, measures to ensure women’s full and equal participation in the and marginalization, that women and girls living in rural areas design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of policies continue to face, and the many challenges they encounter. and activities that affect their livelihoods, well-being and It also summarizes the significant contribution that rural resilience. It calls for opportunities for rural women and girls to women and girls make to poverty eradication and highlights exercise their voice, agency and leadership. It sets out actions opportunities for contributing to the realization of their rights around freedom of association, peaceful assembly, collective and well-being as agents and beneficiaries of sustainable bargaining, and participation in conflict prevention and peace development. processes. The important role of civil society and women human Following this introductory part, the Commission outlined rights defenders in promoting and protecting the human rights policies and actions to be undertaken by Governments and and fundamental freedoms of rural women and girls receives other stakeholders in the following three areas: attention, as does the media. The section calls for the full • Strengthen normative, legal and policy frameworks engagement of men and boys to achieve gender equality and (paragraphs 46 (a) to (l)); the empower all women and girls and to eliminate all forms of • Implement economic and social policies for the empowerment discrimination and violence against women and girls, in both of all rural women and girls (paragraphs 46 (m) to (iii)); public and private spheres. • Strengthen the collective voice, leadership and decision- The concluding paragraphs (paragraphs 47 to 52) highlight making of all rural women and girls (paragraphs 46 (jjj) to (sss)). the roles of other actors in achieving gender equality and The first section sets out actions needed to strengthen the empowerment of all rural women and girls. The roles of normative, legal and policy frameworks. It calls for action national mechanisms for promoting gender equality and the to fully implement existing commitments and obligations for empowerment of women and girls and of the Commission itself the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment are highlighted. The entities of the United Nations system are of all women and girls and the full and equal enjoyment of called upon to support States, and UNWomen is called upon their human rights and fundamental freedoms. It calls for the to continue to play a central role in promoting gender equality ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms and the empowerment of women and girls and in supporting of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the governments and national women’s machineries, in coordinating Rights of the Child. Action is needed to strengthen legislation the United Nations system and in mobilizing civil society, the and eliminate discriminatory laws including in the context of private sector, employers’ organizations and trade unions and multiple legal systems, eliminate all forms of discrimination and other relevant stakeholders. violence, sexual harassment and harmful practices against rural Governments and other stakeholders are now called upon to women and girls, enhance their access to justice, guarantee implement the actions contained in the agreed conclusions to universal birth and timely marriage registration, and access achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women to natural, economic and productive resources. The second and girls, and the full realization of their human rights. UN- section focuses on actions to implement economic and social Women stands ready to support all stakeholders in these policies for the empowerment of all rural women and girls. efforts.” 6
WWSF Statement to the CSW WWSF Written Statement to the UN CSW 2018 Economic and Social Council Commission on the Status of Women Sixty-second session 12 - 23 March 2018 Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century” E/CN.6/2018/NGO/128 Statement submitted by Women’s World Summit Foundation a non-governmental organization in consultative status with ECOSOC* The Secretary-General has received the following statement, which is being circulated in accordance with paragraphs 36 and 37 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. Urge the Conference on Women would governmental organizations conference on women Commission on the accelerate this process. (NGOs) and civil society, gained the support of the two Status would meet. The focus would most important leaders of the of Women to Women need to become be on learning best practices, United Nations. On Support a Fifth activists on their own behalf; networking support and 8 March 2012, the Secretary- otherwise women are implementing the Beijing General Ban Ki-Moon, and the World Conference subordinated to men’s needs Platform for Action, Security President of the on Women in 2020. or the priorities of institutions Council Resolution 1325 and General Assembly issued a and political parties. These the Sustainable Development joint statement, proposing a We urge the UN General were the conclusions of Goals. Development of the global conference on women Assembly to support a the 2012 study on violence next generation of women by the United Nations. Their resolution to convene the Fifth against women by the global and local leaders, who context was that women make World Conference on Women, American Political Science will know one another, will up half of humanity and given to be held within three years. Review. The study concluded grow out of this. the importance and relevance Declarations and resolutions that only strong feminist of women’s issues for global about human rights for women movements are able to voice A world conference on women progress, they emphasized will not be achieved until and organize around their top under United Nations auspices that it was time that such violence toward women and priorities as women. Women would raise consciousness a world conference was children becomes morally want a world fit for children. and mobilize networks and convened, and that it was all and socially unacceptable The study found astonishingly circles of women at every the more important because with legal consequences, high rates of sexual assault, level of society and across of the enormous changes and until governments take stalking, trafficking, violence the world. It would energize the world was going through, responsibility for implementing in intimate relationships and a global women’s movement, with both positive and other their commitments. The other violations of women’s which is necessary to create implications for women. In only way these goals will bodies and psyches. The the political will needed to their statement, they noted be achieved is for women study included every region bring about gender equality. that this conference could to become activists on of the world, varying degrees Together, political will and tackle emerging issues since their own behalf, which of democracy, rich and poor compassionate action can end Beijing, which would include will support political will at countries and a variety of the violence against women and implementing UN Security the top to implement these world’s religions. It girls in its many forms and Council Resolution #1325, goals. All of the Sustainable covered 85 per cent of the further a “mother’s agenda” equal access to decent Development Goals require world’s population. whereby all children work, aid effectiveness, food, the empowerment and have what every woman security, and addressing equality of women in order to The Fifth World Conference wants for her own child, trafficking, drugs, migration, be implemented. To achieve on Women would be the first beginning with living without environment, climate change gender equality and empower such conference in the twenty- fear of violence. The holding and information technology, women, political will to make first century, the first since the of such a conference and the all of which have an impact on these goals national and widespread use of the Internet effects rippling out from it women. international priorities has to and technologies could will be steps towards the exist. Mobilization of women bring issues and solutions creation of a culture of peace The Secretary General and on their own behalf has been to every city and Internet in the home and in the world President of the 66th General the most effective, and often device. As a United Nations- Assembly’s Joint request for the only reason for the gains sponsored conference, the Grass-roots efforts to a Fifth World Conference on made so far. A UN 5th World parallel conference of non- mobilize support for a global Women led to a proposed 7
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