DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A

Page created by Robert Byrd
DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center

   February 2022 Board Meeting

February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
       Conference Room A


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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Table of Contents

Cover Page                                                  1

Table of Contents                                           2

2022-2023 CVCC School Calendar - First Reading              3

Bullying-Harassment Report 2021-22 First Semester           4

CVCC Student WD Report 2021 - 2022                          5

AE HVAC Presentation Feb 2022                              11

News Flash -February 2022                                  16

January 13- 2022 Organizational Meeting Minutes            27

January 13- 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes                   37

Board Financial Report December 2021                       45

Board Financial Report January 2022                        59

Donations - February 2022 Board Agenda                     73

COS Revision Schedule - through 2023                       74

COS Revision Schedule - through 2028                       76

Evergreen Resources LLC. and CVCC 2022                     78

Southwest General Health Center 02-2022                    79

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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
                                      CUYAHOGA VALLEY CAREER CENTER
                  July                                               August                                              September
 S     M      T    W      Th   F Sa                    S      M     T     W Th F Sa                           S     M     T    W  Th F Sa
                                1  2                           1     2     3  4  5  6                                              1  2  3
 3      4     5     6      7    8  9                    7      8     9    10 11 12 13                         4      5     6    7  8  9 10
10     11    12    13     14   15 16                   14     15    16    17 18 19 20                        11     12    13   14 15 16 17
17     18    19    20     21   22 23                   21     22    23    24 25 26 27                        18     19    20   21 22 23 24
24     25    26    27     28   29 30                   28     29    30    31                                 25     26    27   28 29 30
7/4 - Independence Day                               8/22-8/23-Teacher In-Service Day-No Students           9/5- Labor Day-No School
                                                     8/24- First Day of School

              October                                              November                                              December
 S     M      T    W      Th    F Sa                   S      M     T     W Th F Sa                           S     M     T    W  Th F Sa
                                   1                                 1     2  3  4  5                                              1  2  3
 2      3     4     5      6    7  8                    6      7     8     9 10 11 12                         4      5     6    7  8  9 10
 9     10    11    12     13   14 15                   13     14    15    16 17 18 19                        11     12    13   14 15 16 17
16     17    18    19     20   21 22                   20     21    22    23 24 25 26                        18     19    20   21 22 23 24
23     24    25    26     27   28 29                   27     28    29    30                                 25     26    27   28 29 30 31
30     31
10/12-10/13-Evening Conferences                      11/8-Teacher In-Service Day-No Students                12/19-1/2-Winter Break-No School
10/14-Non-Calendar Day/NEOEA-No School               11/23-11/25-Thanksgiving Break-No School

              January                                              February                                                March
S      M     T     W Th F Sa                           S      M     T     W Th F Sa                           S     M     T    W Th F Sa
 1      2     3     4  5  6  7                                             1  2  3  4                                           1  2  3  4
 8      9    10    11 12 13 14                          5      6     7     8  9 10 11                         5      6     7    8  9 10 11
15     16    17    18 19 20 21                         12     13    14    15 16 17 18                        12     13    14   15 16 17 18
22     23    24    25 26 27 28                         19     20    21    22 23 24 25                        19     20    21   22 23 24 25
29     30    31                                        26     27    28                                       26     27    28   29 30 31

12/19-1/2-Winter Break-No School                     2/20-Presidents' Day-No School                         3/27-3/31-Spring Break-No School
1/16-Martin Luther King Day-No School
1/20-Teacher In-Service Day-No Students

                  April                                                  May                                                  June
 S     M      T    W      Th    F Sa                   S      M     T     W Th F Sa                           S     M     T    W  Th F Sa
                                   1                           1     2     3  4  5  6                                              1  2  3
 2      3     4     5      6    7  8                    7      8     9    10 11 12 13                         4      5     6    7  8  9 10
 9     10    11    12     13   14 15                   14     15    16    17 18 19 20                        11     12    13   14 15 16 17
16     17    18    19     20   21 22                   21     22    23    24 25 26 27                        18     19    20   21 22 23 24
23     24    25    26     27   28 29                   28     29    30    31                                 25     27    28   29 30
4/7-Good Friday-No School                            5/2-Teacher In-Service Day-No Students                 6/7-Last Day for Students
                                                     5/29-Memorial Day-No School                            6/8-Last Day for Teachers

                                                                                                                  GRADING PERIODS
     Teacher Inservice Day - No Students                                 Holiday - No School                 1st                  46
     Non-Calendar Day - No School                                        Return to School                    2nd                  43
     End of Grading Period - School in Session                           Evening Conferences                 3rd                  44
                                                                                                             4th                  45
Note: Ohio Revised Code requires 177 days of student contact. When CVCC must be closed for more                                  178     days
than 3 days of student instruction, the days missed will be made up in June, beginning with the first day
after the end of the grading period. Additional Cosmetology make-up will also occur at this time.

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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Bullying/Harassment Report 2021-2022 – 1st Semester

Incident #1

Three female students, who are non-traditional students in their program, came to the Principal and
stated two male students in the program were harassing them by saying they should not be in the
program and name calling. The three female students wrote statements as to what they were claiming
had occurred and the Principal discussed the statements individually with the students and asked
clarifying questions. The Principal then spoke individually with the two male students who had been
accused of making the statements. It was reinforced to the two students that any student whether male
of female has the opportunity to participate in any program at CVCC. It was further reinforced that
comments of this nature are not tolerated at CVCC and regardless of personal feelings, students must
learn to be able to work together just as they would be expected to in the work place. There have been
no more reported incidents.

Incident #2

Student A sent harassing and threatening messages to Student B who is in the same program. This
became a disruption in the program and Student A was disciplined. There have been no more reported

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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
CVCC Student WD Report May 2021-January 2022

                                              Data 100 Students WD

Gender of 100 Student’s WD from CVCC

                                                           51 Males = 51%

                                                           49 Females = 49%

Grade level of 100 Student’s WD CVCC

                                                             12th grade 39 students = 39%

                                                             11th grade 58 students = 58%

                                                             10th grade 0 students = 0%

                                                             9th grade 3 students = 3%

Home District Break Down of 100 Students WD

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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Number of Students WD in each program

9th grade Success Program   3 Students    3%
Architecture & Mechanical   2 Students    2%
Auto Body                   6 Students    6%
Auto Service                4 Students    4%
Building & Property         1 Student     1%
CNA                         3 Students    2%
Construction                1 Student     1%
Cosmetology                 10 Students   10%
Culinary                    3 Students    3%
Dental                      5 Students    5%
Digital Design              5 Students    5%
Electrical                  1 Student     1%
Engineering                 4 Students    4%
Fire & EMS                  9 Students    9%
Graphics                    2 Students    2%
Health Careers              13 Students   13%
Hotels & Resorts            1 Student     1%
HVAC                        5 Students    5%
Job training                1 Student     1%
Machine Tech                1 Student     1%
Medical Admin               6 Students    6%
Media Tech                  2 Students    2%
Power Equipment             2 Students    2%
Programing & software       6 Students    6%
Sales & Service             2 Students    2%
Sports Med                  1 Student     1%
Transportation Systems      1 Student     1%
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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Switched on-line school                      1 Student       1%
Stay at home school with friends             5 Students      5%
COVID non-attendance & failing grades        5 Students      5%
Didn’t like program/career path              36 Students     36%
Moved out of district                        3 Students      3%
IEP Team decision                            8 Students      8%
Suspended/Expelled                           3 Students      3%
Medical                                      9 Students      9%
Failing grades CVCC                          15 Students     15%
Failing grades Home school                   4 Students      4%
Attendance CVCC                              6 Students      6%
Sports/Athletics/Band                        2 Students      2%
College                                      1 Students      1%

Reason for WD                            Program
didn't like program/career path change   9th grade academy
Stay at home school with friends         9th grade academy
Stay at home school with friends         9th grade academy
didn't like program/career path change   Arch & Mechanical Design
didn't like program/career path change   Arch & Mechanical Design

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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Moved out of district                    Auto Body
IEP Team                                 Auto Body
didn't like program/career path change   Auto Body
medical                                  Auto Body
Failing grades HS                        Auto Body
IEP Team                                 Auto Body
didn't like program/career path change   Auto Service
Sports/Athletics/Band                    Auto Service
Failing grades CVCC                      Auto Service
Covid non-attendance/engagement failing Auto Service
IEP Team                                 Building Property Maintenance
didn't like program/career path change   CNA
didn't like program/career path change   CNA
didn't like program/career path change   CNA
Covid non-attendance/engagement failing Construction
didn't like program/career path change   Cosmetology
didn't like program/career path change   Cosmetology
didn't like program/career path change   Cosmetology
didn't like program/career path change   Cosmetology
didn't like program/career path change   Cosmetology
didn't like program/career path change   Cosmetology
didn't like program/career path change   Cosmetology
Moved out of district                    Cosmetology
Failing grades HS                        Cosmetology
Failing grades CVCC                      Cosmetology
didn't like program/career path change   Culinary
medical                                  Culinary
Attendance CVCC                          Culinary
Covid non-attendance/engagement failing Dental
Failing grades CVCC                      Dental
Attendance CVCC                          Dental
medical                                  Dental
medical                                  Dental
didn't like program/career path change   Digital Design
didn't like program/career path change   Digital Design
didn't like program/career path change   Digital Design

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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Failing grades CVCC                      Digital Design
didn't like program/career path change   Digital Design
Suspended/Expelled                       Electrical
Sports/Athletics/Band                    Engineering
College                                  Engineering
Failing grades CVCC                      Engineering
Failing grades CVCC                      Engineering
switched online school                   Fire & EMS
didn't like program/career path change   Fire & EMS
medical                                  Fire & EMS
didn't like program/career path change   Fire & EMS
didn't like program/career path change   Fire & EMS
medical                                  Fire & EMS
Attendance CVCC                          Fire & EMS
medical                                  Fire & EMS
didn't like program/career path change   Fire & EMS
medical                                  Graphic
didn't like program/career path change   Graphic
didn't like program/career path change   Health Career
didn't like program/career path change   Health Career
Failing grades CVCC                      Health Career
Failing grades CVCC                      Health Career
switched online school                   Health Career
Attendance CVCC                          Health Career
Attendance CVCC                          Health Career
Failing grades CVCC                      Health Career
Failing grades CVCC                      Health Career
Failing grades CVCC                      Health Career
Failing grades CVCC                      Health Career A
switched online school                   Health Careers
didn't like program/career path change   Health Careers
IEP Team                                 Hotels and Resorts
didn't like program/career path change   HVAC
didn't like program/career path change   HVAC
Moved out of district                    HVAC
didn't like program/career path change   HVAC

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DOCUMENTS Cuyahoga Valley Career Center February 2022 Board Meeting February 24, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Conference Room A
Covid non-attendance/engagement failing HVAC
IEP Team                                 Job Training
didn't like program/career path change   Mach Tech
Stay at home school with friends         MAS
Stay at home school with friends         MAS
Suspended/Expelled                       MAS
Suspended/Expelled                       MAS
Attendance CVCC                          MAS
Covid non-attendance/engagement failing MAS
didn't like program/career path change   Media Tech
medical                                  Media Tech
didn't like program/career path change   Power Equip
Failing grades HS                        Power Equip
didn't like program/career path change   Programming and software
Failing grades HS                        Programming and software
Failing grades CVCC                      Programming and software
Failing grades CVCC                      Programming and software
didn't like program/career path change   Programming and software
Failing grades CVCC                      Programming and software
IEP Team                                 Sales and Service
IEP Team                                 Sales and Service
Covid non-attendance/engagement failing Sports Med
IEP Team                                 Transportation Systems

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Heating, Ventilation and Air
      Adult Education / Customized
              Growth Model
            February 24, 2022

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Two approaches to the community’s need

Adult Education                        Customized
• 200 Hours                            • Objectives are company specific
• Meets twice week 6 – 10 pm           • Flexible Hours
• Cost $3,512.00                       • Rate varies based on hours &
• 12 point certification                 curriculum development
   • Section 608 Technician            • Section 608 Technician
     Certification                       Certification
     EXCELLENCE ) credentials also

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Customized Training for industry

                     2 custom                                    20K
   FY20 (COVID)     programs            18 Students
                  (ICD/Fowler)                                 Revenue

                                     •ODYS locked down

                                 F21(COVID               3 custom           36           55K
                                 continues)              programs        Employees     Revenue

                                                   •ODYS (finished)

                                                                                         3 custom               60         67 K
                                                                                         programs            Employees   Revenue

                                                                                     •ODYS (starting soon)

                                                                                                                                   Page 13 of 82
Adult Education Classes

                                                          License       Placement
   FY20       Cohort          16       Completion:
                                                           Rate:           Rate:
  (Covid)   (October –     Students
                                                           87.5%           100%

                                                                                       License   Placement
                                          Two                30          Completion:
                                                                                        Rate:       Rate:
                                         Cohorts          Students         95.24%
                                                                                       96.67%      80%

                                      • October
                                      • January (T/R)

               Two            30                           License       Placement
   FY22                                 Completion
                                                             Rate           Rate
              Cohorts      Students

            • Sept (M/W)              • Classes in      • Classes in   • Classes in
            • Jan (T/R)                 progress          progress       progress
                                                                                                             Page 14 of 82
Success story
• Shared resources / space
• Community needs met
• Instructor growth
• Variety of funding sources
   •   TechCred TechCred |
   •   Short Term Certificate Grant
   •   Second Chance Grant
   •   Trade Academy Scholarship
   •   Endowment Scholarship

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News Flash!
CVCC Board of Education
                             February 24, 2022
Upcoming CVCC Job Fair
CVCC will host a Job Fair on Thursday, March 3, from 3:00 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. Employers and organizations in all fields with full-time,
part-time, and seasonal employment opportunities for job seekers
age 14 and older will participate in the Job Fair. A $30 registration
fee for employers is required, which includes a 6-foot table,
refreshments, and event promotion. CVCC encourages employers to
register as soon as possible due to limited availability. Interested
employers can register online at, or contact Martha Sluka
at or 440-746-8260 for additional
information. This event will be held at CVCC and is free for Job
Seekers; registration is not required. For more information, including
Job Fair Tips and a list of participating businesses and
organizations, visit . We
hope to see you there!
Tenth Grade Visitations
CVCC held tenth grade visitations for students interested in attending CVCC next school year. On
Wednesday, February 9 and Thursday, February 10, hundreds of students attended CVCC from our
associate districts of Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School, Cuyahoga Heights High School,
Garfield Heights High School, Independence High School, Nordonia High School, North Royalton
High School, Revere High School, and Twinsburg High School. CVCC looks forward to welcoming
the class of 2024 in the fall!
Career Technical Education Week at CVCC
Career Technical Education Week was held Monday, February 7 to Friday, February 11. To
celebrate, CVCC held its quarterly 100% Club Recognition Ceremony and hosted Bring Your Parent
to School Day, Military Career Day, and Spirit
Wear Day. To commemorate Black History
Month, a Black History Trivia Contest was held
throughout the week as well.

Alumni Speaker for Career Technical
Education Week
On Thursday, February 10, CVCC’s Digital
Design junior students had the opportunity to
speak with CVCC Alumni, Jim Heiser. Jim

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graduated from Revere High School in 1983 and was enrolled in CVCC’s Graphic Communications
program at that time. Jim is the owner of Bullseye Activewear Inc., a local full-service printing
company. Jim has over two decades of experience in this industry and shared his experiences with
current CVCC Digital Design students. Additionally, Jim is on the Digital Design Advisory Committee,
led by Digital Design instructor, Melissa Munro. CVCC is immensely thankful to alumni like Jim!

100% Club Perfect Attendance 2021-2022: 2nd Quarter
A total of 108 students achieved the 100% Club Award for this quarter.

Brecksville-Broadview Heights:
Carli Began, Cosmetology
Michaela Cartagena, Cosmetology
Hannah Chrisopulos, Dental Assisting
Kendra Culler-Gautschi, Education Professions
Jacob (Jake) DeLuca, Architectural & Mechanical Design
Vincent Gillota, Construction Trades
Alexander Harwood, Transition-to-Work
Marina Hearns, Transition-to-Work
Denisse Hernandez, Dental Assisting
Jana Hussein, Health Careers
Charlotte (Carly) Jones, Sports Medicine Exercise Science
Jordan Miller, Health Careers
Leo Miller, Transition-to-Work
Andriana (Nani) Skwarski, Sales & Service Fundamentals
Cecelia (Cece) Stoddard, Health Careers
Makenzie Williams-Mitchell, Health Careers
Emma Wondolowski, Cosmetology
Zachary Zawacki, Construction Trades

Cuyahoga Heights:
Alexis Baciak, Dental Assisting
Zachary Bernstein, Building & Property Maintenance
Samuel Borsuk, Computer Networking Academy
Michael Derbin, Computer Networking Academy
Caleb Mahoney, Heating & Air Conditioning
Joshua Sanicky, Electrical Systems
Tessa Studniarz, Sports Medicine Exercise Science
Michael Zorc, Machine Technology

Garfield Heights:
Gabriel Cobb, Construction Trades
Sofia Fasone, Medical Administrative Specialist
Darius Garner, Building & Property Maintenance
Jason Isom, Sports Medicine Exercise Science
Kyle Miller, Transition-to-Work

John Burmeister, Electrical Systems
David Eichler, Computer Networking Academy
Chase Manelski, Heating & Air Conditioning
Richard Piros, Success Academy

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Giovanni (Gino) Adamini, Heating & Air Conditioning
Colton Babareka, Power Equipment Technology
Jeffrey Balaga Jr., Health Careers
Isabella Banks, Construction Trades
Keiran Bell, Power Equipment Technology
Nicholas Chesser, Power Equipment Technology
Hailey Cruz-Mondragon, Health Careers
Michael Ference III, Heating & Air Conditioning
Colton Francis, Fire & EMS Academy
Ayden Hunter, Building & Property Maintenance
Mark Hupcey, Construction Trades
Ryan Kinch, Engineering Technology
Nina Marcoguiseppe, Sports Medicine Exercise Science
Vincenzo (Vinny) Novilla, Building & Property Maintenance
Edward (Eddie) Orzel, Engineering Technology
Timothy Raia, Sales & Service Fundamentals
Caleb Ridgley, Fire & EMS Academy
Nicholas Schaub, Power Equipment Technology
Ezra Speegle, Media Arts
Jonathan Vadnal, Power Equipment Technology
Aiden Vinson, Power Equipment Technology
Jayson (JJ) Walker, Programming & Software Development

North Royalton:
Matthew Beckett, Heating & Air Conditioning
Lawrence (Larry) Betlejewski III, Construction Trades
Giovanni Capone, Programming & Software Development
Daniel Castillo Jr., Sales & Service Fundamentals
Auron Clark, Digital Design
Christopher (Chris) Cooper, Sports Medicine Exercise Science
Connor Dougherty, Construction Trades
Daniel Fenohr, Digital Design
James Glenboski, Electrical Systems
Anthony Greco, Construction Trades
Isabella Hajovsky, Education Professions
Jennat Hamdan, Health Careers
Dalal Ibrahim, Cosmetology
Emma Jacoby, Power Equipment Technology
Nishun Kornuc, Construction Trades
Edward (Eddie)Macak, Media Arts
Lydia Marcinonis, Machine Technology
Samuel Neumann, Heating & Air Conditioning
Vincenzo Panichi, Construction Trades
Joseph Perry, Media Arts
Alexander Purcel, Computer Networking Academy
Beck Tranter, Digital Design
Brennen Valley, Machine Technology

Quaker Digital Academy:
Jove Stewart, Auto Service Technology

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Abigail Gayner, Sports Medicine Exercise Science
Jeanne Hujer, Health Careers
Stepan Mukha, Programming & Software Development
Nicolas (Nick) Cultrona, Electrical Systems
Kaitlyn Peffley, Health Careers
Steven Thomas, Construction Trades
Robert (Rob) Rock, Machine Technology

Arianna Bennardo, Construction Trades
Ritika Chavan, Health Careers
James (Jimmy) Cucuzza, Computer Networking Academy
Dillon Greene, Architectural & Mechanical Design
Bryan Howard Jr., Construction Trades
Laura Hoyle, Culinary Arts
Jai'len James, Building & Property Maintenance
Jaspreet (Jazzy) Kaur, Health Careers
Lauren Lockemer, Health Careers
Daniel Loucka, Computer Networking Academy
Brendan McNeil, Graphic Imaging Technology
Zachary Miller, Engineering Technology
Kyndal Mingo, Health Careers
Diego Muniz Aviles, Sports Medicine Exercise Science
Eric Raduan, Digital Design
Joshua Raymond, Construction Trades
Brenden Roch, Power Equipment Technology
Ben Snow, Transportation Systems
Kaylyn (Kay) Walker, Transition-to-Work
Morgan Woodford, Culinary Arts

College and Military Career Day
On Wednesday, February 9, CVCC held its
Military Career Day. CVCC thanks all those who
participated in the Military Career Day event at
CVCC. What a great way to continue celebrating
Career Tech Education Week!

Bring Your Parent to School Day
On Tuesday, February 8, almost 200
parents/guardians attended CVCC’s Bring Your
Parent to School Day. Thank you to all the parents
and guardians who participated in the day’s
activities! What a great event for students to show-
off their interactive programs and the wonderful
skills they are learning in them!

CHHS Virtual Mock Interviews
Cuyahoga Heights’ juniors have been participating in Virtual Mock Interviews. The students are
adapting to the virtual interview platforms many organizations have moved to. Interviews began
January 31st and will continue through the beginning of March. Students participated in several

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Career Readiness lessons in the first semester leading up to
creating resumes, mock interview preparation, building social
capital and concluding with the mock interview
experience. CVCC Career Specialist in the Cuyahoga Heights
Local School District, Jennifer Hedinger, has partnered with
several outside organizations and CVCC staff members to
interview students via Zoom. It has been a fun experience for
the students and is becoming an annual activity taking the place
of in-person mock interviews.
HOSA Regional Competition
On Saturday, January 29, CVCC hosted the Health Occupations
Students of America (HOSA) Regional 2 Conference and
Competitive Events. Participating institutions
included: Avon, Berea High School (Polaris Career
Center), BioMed Science Academy, Brookside
High School, Brush High School, Cleveland
Heights High School (4 chapters), Cuyahoga Valley
Career Center (8 chapters), Euclid High School,
Fairview High School (Polaris Career Center),
Kenmore (Garfield High School), Kent State
University, Lakewood City High School (2
chapters), Loraine County JVS (2 chapters),
Medina County Career Center, Mentor High
School, NIHF Stem HS Biotechnology, Normandy
High School, Olmstead Falls (Polaris Career
Center), Parma City School, Strongsville High
School (Polaris Career Center), TRHS-Kent
Roosevelt High School, Trumbull Career and
Technical Center, Twinsburg High School, The
University of Akron, and Willoughby-Eastlake City
School District (4 chapters). This was a wonderful
event that CVCC was thrilled to host. A special
thank you to CVCC’s Health Careers instructor,
Mrs. Patty Valukievic, and CVCC’s Assistant
Principal, Mr. Josh Hayes, who headed the
planning of this event, along with CVCC Health
Career instructor, Ms. Diane Ellis, and Dental
Assisting instructor Ms. Lisa Theodore. Many
former CVCC students, staff members, and
community members volunteered their time to
assist in this event, CVCC is extremely thankful for
the dedication and support. In addition, much
appreciation goes to Jim Scott, HOSA State
Advisor and his team for their time and assistance.
The following CVCC students qualified to move on
to the HOSA State Competition that will be held in
Columbus, Ohio on March 24 and 25:

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Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School:

                                   Healthy Lifestyle
Sabrina Battaglia         BBHHS    1st place               Dental Assisting, AM
                                   Health Career Display
Paige Clark               BBHHS    4th place               Dental Assisting, AM
                                   Dental Science
Denisse Hernandez         BBHHS    3rd place               Dental Assisting, AM
                                   Biomedical Debate
Jana Hussein              BBHHS    1st place               Health Careers, PM
                                   Dental Science
Christine Rossello        BBHHS    4th place               Dental Assisting, AM
                                   Medical Math
Cecelia Stoddard          BBHHS    4th place               Health Careers, PM
                                   Health Career Display   Sports Medicine Exercise Science,
Annaka Szczesniak         BBHHS    3rd place               AM
Makenzie Williams-                 Writing
Mitchell                  BBHHS    1st place               Health Careers, PM

Cuyahoga Heights High School:

                            Dental Terminology
Alexis Baciak Cuyahoga Hts. 1st place          Dental Assisting, PM
                            Sports Medicine
Alize Reyes Cuyahoga Hts. 4th place            Sports Medicine Exercise Science, AM

Garfield Heights High School:

                                  Dental Science
Faridath Nonditchao Garfield Hts. 2nd place                Dental Assisting, PM
                                  Research Poster
Kaila Pulley        Garfield Hts. 2nd place                Dental Assisting, PM
                                  Extemporaneous Writing
Morgan Rosello      Garfield Hts. 4th place                Dental Assisting, AM
                                  Research Poster
Monteniece Robinson Garfield Hts. 1st place                Dental Assisting, AM
                                  CPR/ First Aid
Anai’jha Smith      Garfield Hts. 2nd place                Health Careers, PM

Independence High School:

                            Health Career Display
Alex Leffler   Independence 4th place             Dental Assisting, AM

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Research Poster
Cooper Query Independence 3rd place                 Dental Assisting, PM

Nordonia High School:

                              Clinical Specialty
Jeffrey Balaga     Nordonia   3rd place                Health Careers, AM
                              CPR/ First Aid
Julie Bocskey      Nordonia   2nd place                Health Careers, PM
                              Biomedical Debate
Madelyn Cormier Nordonia      1st place                Health Careers, PM
                              CPR/ First Aid
Alexandra Picoult Nordonia    3rd place                Fire & EMS Academy, AM
                              Sports Medicine
Amanda Stanek      Nordonia   1st place                Sports Medicine Exercise Science, PM
                              Extemporaneous Writing
Lauren William     Nordonia   3rd place                Dental Assisting, AM

North Royalton High School:

Josue Benitez-        North          Speaking Skills
Polanco               Royalton       1st place                    Dental Assisting, PM
                                     Public Service
                      North          Announcement
Emily Bialkowski      Royalton       1st place                    Health Careers, AM
                      North          Prepared Speech              Sports Medicine Exercise
Brenda Diaz           Royalton       1st place                    Science, PM
                      North          Dental Terminology
Olivia Fortini        Royalton       2nd place                    Dental Assisting, AM
                      North          Health Career Display        Sports Medicine Exercise
Emma Kraynik          Royalton       3rd place                    Science, AM

Revere High School:

                            Sports Medicine
Abbie Gayner       Revere   2nd place                     Sports Medicine Exercise Science, PM
                            Nurse Assisting
Jeanne Hujer       Revere   2nd place                     Health Careers, PM
                            CPR/ First Aid
Erik Mitchell      Revere   3rd place                     Fire & EMS Academy, AM
                            Public Service Announcement
Kaitlyn Peffley    Revere   1st place                     Health Careers, AM
                            Public Service Announcement
Kennadee Sawan Revere       1st place                     Health Careers, AM

                                                                                              Page 22 of 82
Twinsburg High School:

                          Clinical Specialty
Ritika Chavan   Twinsburg 1st place                          Health Careers, AM
                          Biomedical Debate
Kelsey Kundla   Twinsburg 1st place                          Health Careers, PM
                          Biomedical Debate
Lauren Lockemer Twinsburg 1st place                          Health Careers, PM
                          Sports Medicine
Nico Navez      Twinsburg 3rd place                          Sports Medicine Exercise Science, AM
                          Public Service Announcement
Allison O’Brien Twinsburg 1st place                          Health Careers, AM
                          Medical Reading
Sofia Spicer    Twinsburg 4th place                          Health Careers, AM
                          Nurse Assisting
Madison Wilt    Twinsburg 1st place                          Health Careers, PM

Business Professionals of America Regional Contest
On Thursday, January 20, CVCC hosted the Business Professionals of
America (BPA) Regional Competition. CVCC students, along with
neighboring district students, competed in the contest. The students who
qualified will continue and compete in the BPA State Conference in
Columbus, Ohio on March 10 and 11. The following CVCC students
qualified for the state contest:
Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School:

                        Database Applications, 1st         Programming & Software Development,
Om Bakhshi        BBHHS place                              PM
Daryna                  Business Law & Ethics, 1st
Myroniuk          BBHHS place                              Computer Networking Academy, PM
                        Video Production Team, 1st
Lauren Vavrek     BBHHS place                              Digital Design, PM

Cuyahoga Heights High School:

Samuel          Cuyahoga      Linux Operating System Fundamentals, Computer Networking
Borsuk          Hts.          1st place                            Academy, AM

Garfield Heights High School:

Myla         Garfield      Intermediate Word Processing Skills,   Medical Administrative Specialist,
Bridges      Hts.          2nd place                              AM
Sofia        Garfield      Health Insurance & Medical Billing -   Medical Administrative Specialist,
Fasone       Hts.          Pilot, 1st place                       PM
Kalvin       Garfield      Fundamentals of Web Design, 2nd        Programming & Software
Kuchta       Hts.          place                                  Development, PM

                                                                                               Page 23 of 82
Isabella      Garfield    Health Administration Procedures, 1st   Medical Administrative Specialist,
Torres        Hts.        place                                   AM

Independence High School:

David                    Device Configuration & Troubleshooting, Computer Networking
Eichler     Independence 1st place                               Academy, PM

Nordonia High School:

Christian                                                         Programming & Software
Auman          Nordonia Web Site Design Team, 1st place           Development, PM
                                                                  Programming & Software
Preston Kruty Nordonia Web Site Design Team, 1st place            Development, PM
                                                                  Programming & Software
John Shuble    Nordonia Web Site Design Team, 1st place           Development, PM
Jessica                                                           Programming & Software
Gyorki         Nordonia Java Programming, 1st place               Development, PM
Ariana Lozoya Nordonia Digital Media Production, 1st place    Digital Design, PM
                       Server Administration Using Microsoft, Computer Networking Academy,
Aiden Sedor Nordonia 1st place                                AM
Maria Cundra Nordonia Video Production Team, 1st place            Digital Design, PM

North Royalton High School:

               North          Fundamental Desktop Publishing, 2nd
Auron Clark    Royalton       place                                 Digital Design, PM
Paige          North          Health Administration Procedures, 2nd Medical Administrative
Prochaska      Royalton       place                                 Specialist, AM
Alexander      North                                                Computer Networking
Purcel         Royalton       Computer Security, 1st place          Academy, PM
Miles          North          Linux Operating System                Computer Networking
Scimenes       Royalton       Fundamentals, 3rd place               Academy, AM
               North          Advanced Desktop Publishing, 6th
Beck Tranter Royalton         place                                 Digital Design, PM
Grace Isabella Royalton       Video Production Team, 1st place        Digital Design, PM

Revere High School:

Stephan                Web Site Design Team, 1st         Programming & Software Development,
Mukha           Revere place                             PM

Twinsburg High School:

                                                                                               Page 24 of 82
James                                                       Computer Networking Academy,
Cucuzza         Twinsburg Computer Modeling, 2nd place      AM
                                                            Computer Networking Academy,
Daniel Loucka Twinsburg Computer Security, 2nd place        AM
                        ICD-10-CM Medical Diagnostic        Medical Administrative Specialist,
Alisha Young Twinsburg Coding, 3rd place                    PM
                        SQL Database Fundamentals, 6th      Programming & Software
Brody Zack    Twinsburg place                               Development, PM
Kayla                   Fundamental Desktop Publishing, 6th
McClendon     Twinsburg place                               Digital Design, PM

Student Parent Information Night
On Thursday, January 20, CVCC hosted its
annual Student Parent Information Night for
all students and their parents/guardians to
explore the many high school programs
offered. What an excellent turnout as more
than 1,000 people attended! CVCC thanks all
the staff members involved in making this
event possible, as well as all those who came
out to see the great opportunities CVCC has
to offer!

Congratulations CVCC Adult Education Students
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center sends congratulations to
Adult Education students, Tiffany Brown who received her
Adult Diploma through completing the Phlebotomy program!
Best wishes on your future endeavors!

Adult Student Awarded HVAC Scholarship
A very big congratulations goes to CVCC Adult Education
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning students,
Bartholomew Hahn and Stephen Boersma on being Trade
Academy HVAC Scholarship winners. Over 200 applicants
applied for the scholarships, and two CVCC
students received them, what an
accomplishment! They were both awarded a
$2,500 scholarship for tuition and tools, a 1-
year supply of WD-40® Brand products, an
individually selected Truewerk workwear
system, and a 1-year Housecall Pro
'Essentials' subscription. A virtual ceremony
was held on Tuesday, January 18 to
commemorate their hard work, both recipients,
and HVAC instructor, Dan Hunter attended the
virtual event. Congratulations!

                                                                                         Page 25 of 82
Nursing Information Night at CVCC
On Tuesday, February 15, CVCC's Nursing program held an
Information Night where potential students were able to meet
instructors, and participate in a question and answer segment. For
more information, visit:

Upcoming Events

   Thursday, March 3 ⬧ Job Fair at CVCC ⬧ 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
   Wednesday, March 9 and Thursday, March 10 ⬧ Educator’s Rising
   State Conference ⬧ Columbus, Ohio
   Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11 ⬧ BPA State
   Conference ⬧ Columbus, Ohio
   Thursday, March 24 and Friday, March 25 ⬧ HOSA State Leadership Conference ⬧ Columbus,
   Thursday, March 24 ⬧ Board of Education Meeting ⬧ 6:30 p.m.

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Cuyahoga Valley Career Center

January 2022 Organizational Board Meeting
    January 13, 2022, 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
          Conference Room A


                                                  1 of 82

Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
January 2022 Organizational Board Meeting
Thursday, January 13, 2022, 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Conference Room A

In Attendance
Ashley Thomas; Gary Suchocki; Heidi Dolezal; Jacquelyn
Arendt; James Virost; Mike Kahoe; Robert Felber; Russ
Not In Attendance
James Gilbride

Cuyahoga Valley Career Center prepares youth and adults to enter, compete, advance, and lead in
an ever changing world of work, college, and careers.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the
School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time
for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda item.

  I. Call to Order
     President Pro Tempore Mrs. Arendt called the meeting to order at 5:35
 II. Pledge of Allegiance

     One-Year Term
      * Heidi Dolezal, North Royalton (Rotating)

     OATH OF OFFICE: I, Heidi Dolezal, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will
     support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of
     Ohio; and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge my duties as Board
     Member in and for the said Cuyahoga Valley Career Center, Cuyahoga County,
     Ohio, to the best of my ability, and in accordance with the laws now in effect and
     hereafter to be enacted, during my continuance in said office and until my
     successor is chosen and qualified.
                                                                                                           2 of 82
Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____
   Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____ Ms. Thomas____
   Mr. Virost____
V. Election of President for Calendar Year 2022 (Jacquelyn Arendt,
   President Pro-Tempore presiding.)
   A. Open Nominations for President:
      Moved by Mrs. Arendt to open nominations

      (1) Mr. Felber
      Nominated by: Mrs. Arendt
      Seconded by: Mr. Virost

     (2) -
     Nominated by: ________________
     Seconded by: _________________
  B. Close Nominations for President:
     Moved by Mr. Kahoe to close nominations
     Seconded by: Mr. Virost
  C. Election of Board President:
     Mr. Felber as President
      • ROLL CALL:
        Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____
        Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____
        Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____ Mrs. Arendt____
        Move: Mike Kahoe Second: James Virost Status: Passed
         Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
         Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

            OATH OF OFFICE:
            I, Robert Felber, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the
            Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of
            Ohio; and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge my duties as
            President of the Board in and for the said Cuyahoga Valley Career
            Center, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, to the best of my ability, and in
            accordance with the laws now in effect and hereafter to be enacted,
            during my continuance in said office and until my successor is chosen
            and qualified.
                                                                                      3 of 82
VI. Election of Vice-President for Calendar Year 2022 (Newly elected
    President presiding.)
    A. Open Nominations for Vice-President:
       Moved by Mr. Felber to open nominations

       (1) Mr. Suchocki
       Nominated by: Mr. Felber
       Seconded by: Mr. Virost

       (2) -
       Nominated by: ________________
       Seconded by: _________________
   B. Close Nominations for Vice-President:
      Moved by Mr. Kahoe to close nominations
      Seconded: Mrs. Arendt
   C. Election of Board Vice-President of Board of Education
      Mr. Suchocki as Vice-President
        • ROLL CALL:
          Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____ Mr. Gilbride____
          Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____ Ms. Thomas____
          Mr. Virost____ Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____
          Move: Mike Kahoe Second: Jacquelyn Arendt Status: Passed
          Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
          Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

             OATH OF OFFICE:
             I, Gary Suchocki, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support
             the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State
             of Ohio; and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge my duties as
             Vice-President of the Board in and for the said Cuyahoga Valley
             Career Center, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, to the best of my ability, and
             in accordance with the laws now in effect and hereafter to be enacted,
             during my continuance in said office and until my successor is chosen
             and qualified.
VII. Resolution #2022-1 1 A Resolution Fixing the Time and Place of
     Meetings of the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board of Education:
    BE IT RESOLVED that the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board of Education
                                                                                          4 of 82
shall hold its meetings on the following Thursdays:

    Regular Meetings
     - February 24, 2022
     - March 24, 2022
     - April 28, 2022
     - May 26, 2022
     - June 30, 2022
     - July: no meeting scheduled
     - August 25, 2022
     - September 29, 2022
     - October 27, 2022 (All Boards Dinner)
     - November: no meeting scheduled
     - December 8, 2022
     - January 12, 2023*

    Special Board Meetings
     - June 23, 2022

    *Organizational Meeting
     - January 12, 2023

    Regular meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) in
    Conference Room A at Cuyahoga Valley Career Center located at 8001
    Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio.

    Note: Unless otherwise noted, the Ad Hoc Committees' time and place will
    always precede the Regular Meeting of the Board at 6:00 p.m.
        • ROLL CALL:
          Mr. Fortlage____ Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____
          Mr. Suchocki____ Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____
          Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____
          Move: Robert Felber Second: Gary Suchocki Status: Passed
          Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
          Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

VIII. Resolution #2022-1 2 A Resolution Establishing a Service Fund:
    WHEREAS, Revised Code 3315.15 provides for the setting aside from the
    General Fund a sum not to exceed two dollars ($2.00) for each child enrolled or
    twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) whichever is greater, such sum of money to
    be known as the "Service Fund" to be used in paying expenses of members of
                                                                                       5 of 82
the Board actually incurred in the performance of their duties or of their official
   representatives when sent out of the school district, now

   THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Cuyahoga
   Valley Career Center does hereby establish a Service Fund, such fund to be
   set aside as an account within the General Fund, in accordance to the
   provisions of ORC 3315.15.
        • ROLL CALL:
          Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____
          Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____ Mrs. Arendt____
          Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____
          Move: Mike Kahoe Second: Jacquelyn Arendt Status: Passed
          Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
          Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

   (Items A. through V. may be handled as one motion.)
   A. General Counsel:
      Authorize the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center to retain as general counsel
      the law firms of Fisher and Phillips LLP, Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd., and
      Squire Patton Boggs LLP.
   B. Construction Related Counsel:
      Authorize Cuyahoga Valley Career Center to retain as construction related
      counsel The Riley Law Firm, LLC.
   C. CVCC Ad Hoc Committees:
      Approve Committees of Board Members, who shall, when specifically
      charged to do so by the Board, conduct studies, make recommendations to
      the Board, and act in an advisory capacity, but shall not take action on behalf
      of the Board; committees shall consist of no more than four (4) members;
      members shall be appointed by the President; each Board Committee shall
      be convened by a Chairperson who shall report for the Committee; as
      approved by the Board of Education, and recommended by the
   D. Organizational Meeting President Pro Tempore:
      Approve Board President to serve as President Pro Tempore during the
      2023 January Organizational meeting. If sitting President's term expires
      prior to Organizational meeting, the Vice President will serve as President
      Pro Tempore. If both the President and Vice President terms expire, the
                                                                                               6 of 82
selection of President Pro Tempore will take place during the December
   Board meeting.
E. Dispense with Reading of Board Minutes:
   Authorize that the reading of the Board Minutes be dispensed with as these
   are made available in advance of Board meetings.
F. Board Participation in Meetings:
   Authorize to continue Board Member participation in regional, state, and
   national meetings, directed toward achieving the Board's goals and
   objectives. Members of the Board of Education are encouraged to be
   actively involved in these areas. The Superintendent is expected to provide
   information and to assist members of the Board of Education in the
   pursuance of the District Goals, as recommended by the Board of
G. Local, Regional, State, and National Organization Participation:
   Approve the continuing District participation in local, regional, state, and
   national organizations which support the goals and purposes of the
   Cuyahoga Valley Career Center consistent with appropriation levels and in
   keeping with the Purchasing Policy of the District.
H. Fiscal Procedures:
   WHEREAS, in order to provide for the prompt transactions of fiscal affairs
   for 2022, it is necessary that authority be granted to the fiscal officer to
   proceed with related functions in this regard, now

   THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the
   Cuyahoga Valley Career Center that the Treasurer be authorized to perform
   the following functions during 2022:

   1. Invest funds, whenever practical as permitted by law, either in short-term
   or long-term investments, and to give a report to the Board each month;

   2. Provide payments to employees for salaries and expenses, and to
   suppliers for goods and services within appropriations; and

   3. Use a facsimile signature.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent and Treasurer do
    internal appropriation transfers and/or transfers to other funds, as well as
    cash advances whenever necessary under provisions of the purchasing and
    other financial policies of the District.
 I. Tax Settlement Advances:
                                                                                        7 of 82
Authorize a request to the Auditors of Cuyahoga and Summit Counties to
   draw their warrants, and Treasurers of said counties by and here by are
   requested to pay the Treasurer of the Board, from time-to-time as funds are
   available, any money in the County Treasuries to the account of this Board
   and lawfully applicable to the purpose of tax year 2021 payable in calendar
   year 2022 and to the purpose of tax year 2022 payable in calendar year
J. Prevailing Wage Coordinator:
   Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 4115 of the Ohio Revised Code, it
   is recommended that Michael McDade, Business Manager, (or the
   Superintendent's designee) be designated as the school district's Prevailing
   Wage Coordinator for 2022.
K. Board's Suspension Hearing Officer:
   It is recommended that Marcy Green, Assistant Superintendent, (or the
   Superintendent's designee) be designated as the school district's Board's
   Suspension Hearing Officer for 2022.
L. Title IX Coordinator:
   Per the requirements of Title IX, the administration recommends the
   appointment of Marcy Green, Assistant Superintendent and Michael
   McDade, Business Manager, (or the Superintendent's designee) as the Title
   IX Coordinator(s) for the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center for 2022.
M. AHERA and Safety Coordinator:
   Pursuant to the requirements of Public Law 101-236, it is recommended that
   Michael McDade, Business Manager, (or the Superintendent's designee) be
   designated as the school district AHERA and Safety Coordinator for 2022.
N. Title VI Coordinator:
   Per the requirements of Title VI, the administration recommends the
   appointment of Marcy Green, Assistant Superintendent and Michael
   McDade, Business Manager, (or the Superintendent's designee) as the Title
   VI Coordinator(s) for Cuyahoga Valley Career Center for 2022.
O. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973/ADA:
   Per the requirements of Section 504/ADA, the administration recommends
   the appointment of Michael McDade, Business Manager, (or the
   Superintendent's designee) as the Section 504/ADA Coordinator for the
   Cuyahoga Valley Career Center for 2022.
P. Participation in State and Federal Grants:
   Approve Cuyahoga Valley Career Center's participation in all state and
   federal programs and grants requiring Board approval including, but not
                                                                                   8 of 82
limited to, Carl D. Perkins, High Schools That Work, Federal Pell and Direct
Q. Drug Free Compliance Officer:
   It is recommended that the Superintendent, David Mangas, shall be
   designated Compliance Officer and shall establish whatever programs and
   procedures are necessary to meet the federal certification requirements but
   which also comply or do not interfere with collectively-bargained agreements
   (Drug-Free Workplace Policy #3122.01/page 1 of 1 - Professional Staff), as
   recommended by the Superintendent.
R. Expulsion Hearing Officer:
   It is recommended that the Assistant Superintendent, Marcy Green, (or the
   Superintendent's designee) be designated as the Cuyahoga Valley Career
   Center's Expulsion Hearing Officer for 2022.
S. Appeal Hearing Officer:
   It is recommended that the Superintendent, David Mangas, (or the
   Superintendent's designee) be designated as the Cuyahoga Valley Career
   Center's Appeal Hearing Officer for 2022.
T. Superintendent to Accept Resignations:
   It is recommended that the Superintendent, David Mangas, accept
   resignations, which have been submitted by employees during times when
   this Board is not in session. Upon approval by this Board, such resignations
   shall be deemed irrevocable after the Superintendent's acceptance.
U. Superintendent to Make Offers of Employment:
   It is recommended to authorize the Superintendent, David Mangas, during
   periods when this Board is not in session, to make offers of employment
   directly to candidates for either teaching or non-teaching positions on behalf
   of this Board, and to acknowledge acceptance of such offers on behalf of
   this Board, subject to approval by this Board; provided however, that upon
   approval by this Board, the employment shall be deemed effective as of the
   date and time of the employee's acceptance of the Superintendent's offer.

   Nothing in this resolution shall require the Board of Education to employ or
   continue to employ an individual who has not provided a criminal records
   check satisfactory to the Board or who has not satisfied any other
   prerequisite to employment created by law or Board policy.

   The authorization provided by this resolution shall (remain in effect until
   withdrawn by formal action of this Board) commence on January 13, 2022
   and remain in effect through January 12, 2023.
                                                                                        9 of 82
V. Long-Term Substitutes for Certified Positions:
      Authorize the Superintendent to employ Long-Term Substitutes for Certified
      positions when certificate/license, state boards, or other circumstances
      require an industry-trained professional to deliver instruction. The
      employment will be at Step 0-A of the Teacher Salary Schedule and be
      considered when the leave is greater than 10 days.
       • ROLL CALL:
         Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____ Ms. Thomas____
         Mr. Virost____ Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____
         Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____ Mr. Gilbride____
         Move: Gary Suchocki Second: Ashley Thomas Status: Passed
         Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
         Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

   5:49 p.m.
       • ROLL CALL:
         Mr. Suchocki____ Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____
         Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____
         Mr. Fortlage____ Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____
         Move: Robert Felber Second: Jacquelyn Arendt Status: Passed
         Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
         Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

             Next meetings:
             Regular Meetings:
              * Thursday, January 13, 2022 immediately following Organizational
             Meeting in Conference Room A.
              * Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM in Conference Room A.

  *APPROVED: ____________________

  *ATTESTED: ____________________

  *DATE: _______________________

                                                                                  Page 36
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Cuyahoga Valley Career Center

   January 2022 Board Meeting

January 13, 2022, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
      Conference Room A



Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
January 2022 Board Meeting
Thursday, January 13, 2022, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Conference Room A

In Attendance
Ashley Thomas; Gary Suchocki; Heidi Dolezal; Jacquelyn
Arendt; James Virost; Mike Kahoe; Robert Felber; Russ
Not In Attendance
James Gilbride

Cuyahoga Valley Career Center prepares youth and adults to enter, compete, advance, and lead in
an ever changing world of work, college, and careers.

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the
School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time
for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda item.

  I. Call to Order
     Mr. Felber called the meeting to order at 5:49 PM
     Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____
     Mr. Fortlage____ Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____
     Mr. Suchocki____ Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____
     * Board Appointments/Welcome New Board Member(s)
     * Appointment of Ad-Hoc Committee Membership:

     Buildings & Grounds
     Mr. Fortlage
     Mrs. Dolezal
     Mr. Suchocki- Chairperson

     Business & Finance
     Mr. Gilbride
     Mr. Fortlage
     Mr. Virost - Chairperson
Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Gilbride
Mr. Suchocki
Mrs. Arendt - Chairperson

Mr. Kahoe
Mrs. Arendt
Mr. Felber - Chairperson
A. Resolution #2022-1 4 APPOINTMENTS
   The following resolutions may be handled as one motion.
    • OSBA Legislative Liaison:
       Approved appointing Mrs. Arendt as the OSBA Legislative Liaison and
       Mr. Kahoe as Alternate for 2022.
       2022-1 4 (1)
    • Appoint Delegate and Alternate - OSBA Annual Meeting:
       Approve appointing the following as official Delegate and Alternate to the
       Ohio School Boards Association Annual Business Meeting, according to
       Article IV, Section B, of the OSBA Constitution.

      Mrs. Arendt Delegate
      Mr. Felber Alternate
      2022-1 4 (2)
    • Tax Incentive Council:
      Approve Mr. Richard Berdine, Treasurer, as the Board's appointee to
      attend Tax Incentive Council Meetings. The alternate to the Council will
      be the designated Cuyahoga Valley Board of Education Member
      representing the community unless there are two members from the
      district. In such case, one of the two members shall be appointed the
      2022-1 4 (3)
    • ROLL CALL:
      Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____
      Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____
      Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____ Mrs. Arendt____
      Move: Mike Kahoe Second: Heidi Dolezal Status: Passed
Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
            Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

     * Career-Technical Education Week Activities, Feb. 7-11, 2022
     * Career & Technical State and National Conferences
     * Academic Plan Presentation
     * News Flash
     * Legislative Liaison, Mrs. Arendt
     * Regular Meeting: December 2, 2021
          • ROLL CALL:
            Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____ Mr. Gilbride____
            Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____Ms. Thomas____
            Mr. Virost____ Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____
            Move: Robert Felber Second: Mike Kahoe Status: Passed
            Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
            Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

      The Board values and encourages public comment on education issues.
      Anyone having an interest in actions of the Board may participate during the
      open forum portion of the meeting. If possible, please identify yourself, prior to
      the meeting, to the Board President or Superintendent. Should your comments
      include a question, it may not be possible to provide you with the information
      you request at the meeting.

     The speakers may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs,
     but the Board will not hear complaints about school personnel or other persons
     at a public session. Other channels provide for Board consideration of
     complaints involving individuals.

     Participants must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their
     comments by an announcement of their name, address and group affiliation, if
     and when appropriate.

     Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five (5) minutes
    A. Resolution #2022-1 5 Routine Items Recommended (may be handled as
       one motion):
      Move to accept all of the following routine financial items, as recommended
      by the Treasurer.
       • Budget:
         Approve adopting the 2022-23 Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Tax
         Budget and authorize the Treasurer to sign the Budget, as
         recommended by the Treasurer.
         2022-1 5 (1)
       • Treasurer's Report:
         Acceptance of the Financial Report for the month of November 2021.
         2022-1 5 (2)
       • OSBA Annual Membership:
         Approve membership in Ohio School Boards Association in the amount
         of $3,621.00. A portion of the dues will fund expenses associated with
         board members representing OSBA and its member districts at the state
         and national level.
         2022-1 5 (3)
       • ROLL CALL:
         Mr. Fortlage____ Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____
         Mr. Suchocki____Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____
         Mrs. Arendt____ Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____
         Move: Jacquelyn Arendt Second: Gary Suchocki Status: Passed
         Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
         Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

X. NEW BUSINESS - Personnel
   Resolution #2022-1 6 Personnel Items Recommended (may be handled as
   one motion).

   Move to accept all of the following administrative, certified and classified
   personnel recommendations, conditioned on statutes of the state as revised
   and consolidated into general provisions, titles, chapters and sections including
   all bills passed and filed contained in the Ohio Revised Code, as
recommended by the Superintendent.
    • Adult Education Instructors' List 2021-22 School Year:
      Approve the addition of Lonisha Sweeney to the part-time Adult
      Education Instructors' List for the 2021-22 school year.
      2022-1 6 (1)
    • High School Substitute Teachers' List 2021-22 School Year:
      Approve adding Suzanne Shaw and Devon Everett to the 2021-22 High
      School Substitute Teachers' List as assigned and approved.
      2022-1 6 (2)
    • Professional Growth Days/Out-of-State Trips:
      In accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement between Cuyahoga
      Valley Career Center and the Cuyahoga Valley Federation of Teachers,
      approve the following staff person(s) for professional growth days and/or
      out-of-state trips. Professional growth days are granted outside of the
      normal working day.
      2022-1 6 (3)
    • Amend Resolution #2021-12 41 (3) Overnight Fieldtrip:
      Amend Resolution #2021-12 41 (3) Overnight Fieldtrip to reflect
      change of location to "Deer Creek State Park Lodge in Mt. Sterling,
      Ohio" and dates to "January 16-19, 2022."
     2022-1 6 (4)
    • Employment:
      Per Resolution #2021-12 41 (13), authorize the employment of Raul
      Luciano as Custodian, effective January 3, 2022 through June 30, 2022,
      on a one year, limited contract for 260 days annual (prorated to 129
      days), at Custodian, Step 8 per the agreement between the Cuyahoga
      Valley Career Center Board of Education and the Ohio Association of
      Public School Employees (OAPSE).
      2022-1 6 (5)
    • ROLL CALL:
      Mr. Gilbride____ Mr. Kahoe____ Mr. Suchocki____
      Ms. Thomas____ Mr. Virost____ Mrs. Arendt____
      Mrs. Dolezal____ Mr. Felber____ Mr. Fortlage____
      Move: Mike Kahoe Second: Ashley Thomas Status: Passed
Yes: James Virost, Gary Suchocki, Jacquelyn Arendt, Russ Fortlage,
         Robert Felber, Mike Kahoe, Ashley Thomas, Heidi Dolezal

XI. NEW BUSINESS - Non-personnel
    Resolution #2022-1 7 Other Items Recommended (may be handled as one

   Moved to accept all of the other following items, as recommended by the
       • Disposal of Inventory Items:
         Approve the disposal of varied inventory items as listed.
         2022-1 7 (1)
       • Donations:
         Accept donations as per resolution #1976-167.
         2022-1 7 (2)
       • Off-Site Campus Training:
         Approve adding the listed establishments to the approved 2021-22 Off-
         Site Campus Training Locations.
         2022-1 7 (3)
       • Approve Agreement:
         Approve the Local Cisco Academy Agreement for the period beginning
         July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, and a $1,000 payment to
         Cuyahoga Community College to provide training.
         2022-1 7 (4)
       • Agreement between Cuyahoga Valley Career Center and Cleveland
         Approve contract between Cuyahoga Valley Career Center and
         Cleveland Cliffs for HVAC Customized Training.
         2022-1 7 (5)
       • Agreement between Cuyahoga Valley Career Center and Redwood
         Living, Inc.:
         Approve contract between Cuyahoga Valley Career Center and
         Redwood Living, Inc. for HVAC/R Technician Training.
         2022-1 7 (6)

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