Doctor innovation Shaking up the health system - Commissioned by Philips

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Doctor innovation Shaking up the health system - Commissioned by Philips
Doctor innovation
Shaking up the
health system

                                                                             Commissioned by Philips

The second report in a series of four from the Economist Intelligence Unit
Doctor innovation Shaking up the health system - Commissioned by Philips
Doctor innovation
    Shaking up the health system


    Preface		                                                                                 2

    Executive summary                                                                         3

    The healthcare innovation environment                                                     5
    Going slow on the information superhighway	10

    Share data to know what works                                                            11
    Data mining in Minnesota                                                                 11

    Let entrepreneurs get on with it                                                         14
    Privatised screening	14
    Innovation in India’s eye care	16

    Put the patient back in the centre                                                       18
    Western Germany’s integrated headache remedy                                             19

    Patients doing it for themselves                                                         21

    Conclusion                                                                               25

                                                  © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation Shaking up the health system - Commissioned by Philips
Doctor innovation
    Shaking up the health system


    D     octor innovation: Shaking up the health system is an Economist Intelligence Unit report,
          commissioned by Philips, the second in a series of four to be published in 2009. The Economist
    Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for the content of this report. The findings and views
    expressed within do not necessarily reflect the views of Philips.
       This paper, a sequel to Fixing Healthcare, which was published in March 2009, focuses on the
    organisational and structural impediments that have been hindering innovation in healthcare
    outcomes—and considers several specific case studies that illustrate how such barriers might be
       It is based on a number of interviews with leading experts and senior executives as well as
    extensive desk research. It also draws on a survey of 775 healthcare professionals from the US, UK,
    Germany, and India. The report was written by Dr Paul Kielstra and edited by Gareth Lofthouse, Iain
    Scott, and James Watson.
       We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey, and all the interviewees, for their
    time and insight. The following individuals were interviewed for the study:
    Dr Natalie-Jane Macdonald, UK managing director, BUPA, UK
    Stephan Gutzeit, executive director, Stiftung Charité, Berlin, Germany
    Simon Stevens, president of global health, UnitedHealth Group, USA
    Professor Elizabeth Teisberg, University of Virginia, USA
    Professor Bernard Crump, CEO, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, UK
    Dr Volker Amelung, president, German Managed Care Association and Professor for International
    Healthcare System Research, Medical University of Hannover, Germany
    Dr James Morrow, director of medical operations, New Medical Limited, UK
    Dr Jennifer Dixon, director, Nuffield Trust, UK
    Jim Chase, executive director, Minnesota Community Measurement, USA
    Dr P. Namperumalsamy, chairman, Aravind Eye Care System, India
    Susannah Fox, associate director, digital strategy, Pew Internet & American Life Project, USA
    Erika S. Fishman, director of research, Manhattan Research, USA
    Professor Vinayshil Gautam, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

                                                                     © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation Shaking up the health system - Commissioned by Philips
Doctor innovation
    Shaking up the health system

    Executive summary

    A    sked to picture healthcare in the twenty-first century, readers might imagine scientists applying
         the latest breakthrough in biotechnology as a radical cure for disease. But equally, they might also
    think of lengthy waiting lists, shabby wards and lumberingly bureaucratic administrative systems.
       This dichotomy is one of the biggest problems confronting policymakers and managers when they
    look at today’s health sector. Advances in medical science and technology have not been matched by
    innovation in healthcare management and processes. It is a failure that costs taxpayers and patients
    dearly. “Twenty-first century medical technology is delivered with 19th century organisational
    structures,” notes Professor Elizabeth Teisberg of the University of Virginia’s Darden School of
    Business. “The most powerful innovation in the coming decade will be structural and organisational—
    new ways of working, new team approaches to delivering the full cycle of care.”
       The problem is not a lack of ideas, as cutting-edge medical research continues apace. Nor is it
    unwillingness to put money into healthcare, which consumes vast budgets. Rather, the difficulties lie
    in the diverse blockages to new ideas finding their way into widespread and transformative change.
       But new approaches exist which demonstrate how healthcare systems could be improved. The
    Economist Intelligence Unit conducted interviews with a range of healthcare professionals and leading
    experts, along with extensive desk research, to uncover several examples (profiled here as in-depth
    case studies) which illustrate how organisational and structural changes can deliver clear benefits. The
    research suggests that policymakers and healthcare professionals should focus on five main areas of
    system innovation:
    l Share information, especially on the outcome of treatments, to improve quality. Modern
    healthcare systems are typically characterised by a lack of transparent, comparative data about the
    costs and effectiveness of medical interventions. At a very basic level, knowing what actually works
    best in given situations is central to outcomes-based medicine. But only recently, driven by cost at
    least as much as by purely clinical considerations, has such data begun to be collected. In places where
    this has been carried out, the results are often striking. One such example can be found in Minnesota,
    where a non-profit organisation has been gathering and sharing data from participating local
    healthcare providers, leading to striking improvements. For example, since 2006 the rate of childhood
    immunisation has leapt from 52% to 78%. Still, although numerous similar initiatives are under way
    around the world, the healthcare sector is only beginning to scratch the surface of what is possible.
    l Bring outside entrepreneurship to healthcare. The inherent conservatism of health managers—
    understandable, when mistakes pose such a risk to human safety—too often allows incumbents
    to resist innovation that might leave them at a competitive disadvantage. This does not stop
    innovation, but makes it more likely to come from incremental change by existing bodies than through
    revolutionary change from outside. But it does not always have to be this way. When the UK’s National
    Health Service (NHS) would not begin screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms, which kill one in 50

                                                                     © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation
    Shaking up the health system

    British men, a group of doctors formed New Medical Limited in 2002 to provide a private service. They
    have since examined 15,000 people, one in 20 of whom had the condition; one in 200 required, and
    received, urgent attention. Facilitating other, similar breakthroughs requires reforms that reduce the
    ability of incumbents to block or deter market entrants. Entrepreneurial ideas must be judged on their
    medical potential, not on the threat they pose to existing providers.
    l Deliver integrated care based on medical conditions rather than provider expertise. “Patient-
    centric” healthcare has been a buzzword in the industry for some time. However, it is impossible to be
    patient-centric when healthcare systems are so fragmented and incentive structures do not sufficiently
    reward innovation. In particular, the pay-for-service model puts too high a value on aspects of
    treatment at the expense of the overall care of a patient. But there are examples of genuine progress
    towards redesigning healthcare around the needs of the patient. The West German Headache Centre,
    for example, provides consultations with various types of specialists, all of whom work within the
    same facility and collaborate on diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Of those who have gone
    through its programme, the proportion missing more than six days of work in six months has fallen by
    around 80%, resulting in lower costs to the healthcare system.
    l Treat patients as a source of innovation. Large organisations find it inherently difficult to remain
    innovative. So it is in healthcare, where many countries operate monolithic systems. However,
    although many businesses have realised that their customers can be a powerful source of new ideas
    and innovations, healthcare providers seem almost instinctively to resist such an approach. Many
    initially saw the spread of medical information on the Internet as a nuisance or even a risk, although
    most have since come to see it as a way of enriching doctor-patient conversations. Data from the Pew
    Research Centre shows that of those Americans with Internet access, 83% use it to look for health
    information. These “e-patients” increasingly use social networking platforms to teach each other
    about conditions and treatments. In turn, this will again change the doctor-patient relationship,
    and could even create the basis for a more market-driven system where customers are able to make
    informed choices about varying providers.
    l Use these ideas together. The ideas and approaches reviewed in this study are not mutually
    exclusive. Together, they become even more powerful. India’s Aravind Eye Care System provides
    a compelling story of innovation in medicine, employing all of the advice listed above. It is
    entrepreneurial in its outlook; it measures and reports outcomes data; and it is also highly integrated.
    Finally, it learns from its customers: certain innovations—such as the establishment of permanent
    village clinics—took place after market surveys of patient needs and service uptake.
        These various examples point to innovations that get at the root of the obstacles to further
    improvement of healthcare. Such ideas are not simple market prescriptions for what ails healthcare,
    however much they may borrow from other sectors. They are about thinking differently in order to do
    things differently. Such ideas are worthwhile not because they may or may not be based on a market-
    led approach, but because they provide better healthcare.

                                                                      © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation
    Shaking up the health system

    The healthcare innovation environment

    I  nformation technology has promised tantalising benefits within the field of healthcare for a long
       time. One academic paper reviewed for this report, entitled “The new age electronic patient record
    system”, writes about this bright new innovation as being just around the corner. Such records would
    help clinicians improve their decision-making and better analyse complex health problems. But the
    paper, which was written in 1995, illustrates how slow-moving the industry can be, given that exactly
    the same ideas and promises are still being bandied about today.
       Healthcare’s apparent reluctance to adopt IT is one example epitomising its reputation for being
    slow to innovate. Even the way in which healthcare is provided is firmly anchored in the past. Dr
    Jennifer Dixon, director of the UK’s Nuffield Trust, notes that, despite recent changes, the British
    system is “still essentially based on lines of 1948: hospitals are still hospitals, GPs are still GPs.” Across
    the Atlantic, Harvard University professor Clayton Christensen and doctors Jerome Grossman and
    Jason Hwang, in their book The Innovator’s Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care, describe
    the traditional hospital as no longer even a viable business model: “In the absence of an array of cross-
    subsidies, restraints on competition, and philanthropic life support, most of them would collapse.”
    Professor Elizabeth Teisberg of the University of Virginia, and co-author of another recent bestseller,
    Redefining Health Care, notes of the whole sector that it “is, in management terms, more than a decade
    behind most.”
       Healthcare’s poor reputation for the implementation of innovation is no secret. The Innovator’s
    Prescription and Redefining Health Care are only two recent additions to a copious body of literature
    pointing to the pressing need for change in how healthcare is delivered. The stakes are high: if current
    trends continue, healthcare spending will leave governments bankrupt within decades.
       But how did things reach this state? Healthcare should be among the most innovative sectors in
    developed economies. Money, which could reward innovation, is plentiful. According to the OECD, in
    2006—the latest year for which figures are available—15.3% of GDP in the US went towards health.
    America is known for its high spending in this field, but the figures for Germany and the UK were still
    10.6% and 8.4% respectively.
       Equally, there is no shortage of spending on health research and development (R&D), and
    technological roadblocks do not pose huge problems. Dr Natalie-Jane Macdonald, managing director
    of UK-based private health insurance company BUPA, points to “a lot of advancement” in the last
    10 years in terms of technology and techniques across a range of specialities. Nor is there a lack of
    inspiration: medical professionals are typically highly trained, very committed individuals.
       “There are millions of ideas,” notes Stephan Gutzeit, executive director of the Stiftung Charité in
    Berlin, Germany. But, he adds, “very few people are courageous enough to innovate, especially in
    healthcare.” Simon Stevens, Tony Blair’s former health policy adviser and now president of global
    health at UnitedHealth Group—a US-based health management company serving 70 million people
    and operating in over 50 countries—believes that in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) it is not

                                                                         © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation
                                    Shaking up the health system

                                    mainly the supply of innovative ideas that is the problem, but the demand to then implement them.
                                       There are indeed many ideas for ways in which healthcare can combine greater cost effectiveness
                                    and improved patient care, including better exploitation of the possibilities of IT, integration of
                                    services, or patient-centred care. But most of these have been around for some years. Progress has
                                    been anything but rapid. This Economist Intelligence Unit study therefore addresses the organisational
“There are millions                 barriers that do so much to hold healthcare innovation back, rather than medical and technological
of ideas, [but] very                advances. After looking at the interlocking factors that together impede change, we present a
few people are                      series of case studies that contain lessons on how the underlying blockages to innovation might be
courageous enough                   tackled. Finally, we consider how patients themselves are driving innovation outside of the system’s
to innovate,                        professional constraints.
especially in
healthcare.”                        Friction in the system
Stephan Gutzeit, executive
director of the Stiftung Charité,   How does such a scientifically-based sector do so badly at innovation, and why, in such a well-funded
Germany                             sector, are costs seen as such a big barrier to improvement?
                                    Big and fragmented: Healthcare systems in developed countries are invariably highly complex,
                                    but not especially modern. “Twenty-first century medical technology is delivered with 19th century
                                    organisation structures, management practices, and pricing models,” notes Professor Teisberg of
                                    healthcare in the United States.” In particular, American healthcare is famously fragmented—by loci of
                                    care, geography, and payment provider—impeding meaningful competition and allowing inefficiencies
                                    to escalate costs.
                                       Large, centralised state-run healthcare systems might in theory seem better structured to deliver
                                    innovation, but in practice they are not. “When Americans look at the NHS, they often assume it’s a
                                    unitary system that can be reformed by Whitehall diktat” says Mr Stevens. “But in reality there are
                                    many of the same constraints that arise in other countries.” Professor Bernard Crump, CEO of the NHS
                                    Institute for Innovation and Improvement, adds that “the journey to take a good idea and end up with
                                    everyone who could be beneficially using it doing so is bewilderingly complicated.”
                                       Large organisations are rarely good at innovating from within—they often need outsiders with
                                    challenging, fresh ideas to drive innovation. Indeed, what Professor Crump notes of the NHS is true of
                                    many big institutions: “Leaders haven’t been chosen, or been successful in general because of their
                                    conspicuous leadership of innovation within their organisations. They have been successful for other
                                    attributes.” These leaders also often have to learn on the job how to foster innovation. Large, state-
                                    managed systems can suffer from fragmentation every bit as badly as private ones. Professor Crump
                                    points to the very complexity of the NHS as a challenge—1.3 million employees, 500 operating entities,
                                    and 50 million users. He likens it not so much to a whale but to a shoal of fish that swim like a whale.
                                    Mr Gutzeit of Stiftung Charité says that “silo thinking” has long been a problem in German healthcare
                                    organisations as well.
                                    Data fog: An absence of transparent, comparative data about the true cost and effectiveness of
                                    medical interventions is also an obstacle to healthcare innovation. Despite the obvious benefit of such
                                    information for doctors and nurses who need to make decisions about treatment, medical professionals

                                                                                                     © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation
                              Shaking up the health system

                              were among the first to object to collecting comparative data. Opposition still exists. As Dr Macdonald
                              of BUPA notes: “The power of the healthcare provider traditionally rests in maintaining an asymmetry
                              of information between them and the patient. There is little incentive to empower the patient—many
                              feel it makes their jobs harder.”
                                 But the absence of comparative data has led to even more fragmentation of medical care. The
                              treatment for a given condition can depend as much on chance factors—the specialties and interests
                              of the care provider, or even the region of the country in which treatment took place—as on the
                              optimal approach. In 1991, the Journal of the American Board of Family Practices reported on a study
“A lack of provider           in which an actor, posing as a patient, described his condition to 135 doctors and was recommended
competition has               82 different treatments—implying that doctors are not relying on comparative data as a basis for
meant that the                diagnosis. The collection and analysis of comparative data has advanced in the last decade or so, but
opportunity costs of          Professor Teisberg of the University of Virginia notes that “not enough has been done. Measuring
not innovating are            outcomes well is tricky, but the important thing is to start measuring.”
not great enough.”
                              Barriers and competition: In a traditional marketplace, problems like this would not matter so much.
Simon Stevens, president of
global health, UnitedHealth   Large, slow-moving entities would have to innovate or face challenges from hungry new entrants.
                              But healthcare systems in developed countries have proved remarkably resistant to innovation from
                              outside. In part, explains Mr Stevens of UnitedHealth, hospital provider market concentration means
                              that, unlike other parts of the economy, most improvement occurs through incremental efficiency
                              gains by incumbents, rather than from new entrants deploying radically improved methods. “Arguably,
                              a lack of effective provider competition has meant that the opportunity costs of not innovating are not
                              great enough,” he says. Similarly, in the UK, Dr Macdonald notes that existing value locked up in the
                              delivery models of incumbent providers makes it difficult to introduce new healthcare delivery in the
                              UK with any scale. “It is a very inefficient market,” she says.
                                 All too often, the problem for innovators coming from outside is that insiders can resist changes
                              that threaten their interests. If an innovator gains a competitive advantage over the existing system,
                              then “a new law will change it, so nobody is willing to invest,” says Dr Volker Amelung, president of the
                              German Managed Care Association and professor for International Healthcare System Research at the
                              Medical University of Hannover. In a 2006 Harvard Business Review article, “Why Innovation in Health
                              Care Is So Hard”, Professor Regina Herzlinger of Harvard University points to numerous American
                              examples where incumbents, from local doctors to large hospitals, have sent innovative competitors
                              packing with the help of regulators or politicians. Often, Professor Herzlinger writes, the argument was
                              not even the quality of the care provided by new entrants so much as that their cheaper, more efficient
                              specialty services were siphoning off profits needed to subsidise other types of care. The healthcare
                              industry spent US$481 million lobbying the US government in 2008—the most by any sector and a 73%
1,             increase over five years1. The American Medical Association (AMA) alone spent US$200 million. This
Lobbying: Ranked Sectors
                              sort of money is rarely laid out solely to advance the public good over private interests.
2008. https://www.
                                 The environment for outsiders is equally hostile in the UK, even with the government actively trying
php?showYear=2008&            to instil competition within the healthcare service. “Huge pressure is applied when anybody tries
indexType=c                   to enter the market with a new model,” confirms Dr Macdonald of BUPA. “They get squashed by the

                                                                                               © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation
    Shaking up the health system

    existing players whose incentive is to maintain the status quo.” Dr James Morrow, a Cambridgeshire
    GP, experienced at first hand the challenges of innovating within and outside the system when he
    co-founded New Medical Limited in 2002. Any true healthcare innovation, he has found, has to battle
    against a system designed to resist change. “Very few ideas have the stamina,” he says. “People give
    up because it becomes too difficult.” He is not alone. Professor Crump of the NHS says that successful
    champions of innovation within the UK’s health service tend to talk in terms of battles they have had to
    fight to overcome inherent facets of the system.
       This resistance to change is all the more powerful because healthcare as a whole, including its
    regulators, is inherently risk averse. One of the first things learned by every medical student is the
    precept, “first, do no harm”, which underlines the notion that a novel approach that goes wrong could
    have fatal consequences. This caution is extended beyond the walls of medical schools. “Officials know
    they will be punished by the public and politicians more for under-regulating... than for tightening...
    even if doing so delays a useful innovation,” writes Professor Herzlinger.
       Such inherent conservatism has provided centuries of examples of medical establishments rejecting
    new ideas, the worth of which has later become well established. Even in the 19th century, doctors
    were dismissive of the idea that hand-washing before surgery or assisting with birth might prevent
    infection. A more recent example is that of medical information on the Internet. As recently as 2000,
    the AMA warned patients against it, worried they might receive misleading advice. Today, the AMA
    embraces it, and two-thirds of American physicians consider it a positive thing if patients come to
    consultations armed with information from the web, according to a study by Manhattan Research.
    Misaligned incentives: Healthcare innovation is not impossible—many companies and organisations
    within the healthcare sector innovate perfectly well. However, innovation mostly takes place inside
    existing systems, which means that changes must usually benefit existing stakeholders, including
    incumbent providers. Dr Dixon of Nuffield Trust points to both top-down innovations, such as the
    creation of NHS Direct—a nurse-led, medical advice telephone line—and bottom-up ones, such as an
    after-hours cover service for GPs created by doctors themselves. The common element in both was not
    so much the nature of the innovation, as they were pitched into an environment that was conducive to
    them being maintained.
       Incentive structures within healthcare are crucial to the success of innovation. But often they are
    inadequate, or will even block change. Dr Amelung explains that in Germany there is little incentive to
    innovate—inefficient performers do not risk losing their roles, and innovators cannot make a return
    on investment. Ironically, he notes, the amount of cash in the German healthcare system may actually
    impede change, by making everyone comfortable.
       The normal practice of paying care providers for medical services rather than outcomes encourages
    healthcare based on as much treatment as possible, not on what is necessarily most cost effective or
    efficient. In The Innovator’s Prescription, Professor Christensen calls fee-for-service reimbursement
    “a runaway reactor” fuelling costs, citing estimates that as much as one-half of US consumption of
    healthcare “seems to be driven by physician and hospital supply, not patient need or demand.”
       In the UK, for much of the last decade, the government’s efforts to reform the NHS have included

                                                                     © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation
                                Shaking up the health system

                                modifying incentive structures and introducing elements of “constructive discomfort”—competition
                                within the service and with outside providers. So far, the result has not been a dramatic increase in
                                the level of new entrants, but the threat of competition has driven existing elements in the NHS to
                                improve. Dr Dixon says that the relative success of the NHS in reducing waiting times for treatment
                                came about partly through edict, partly through new money, and in small part because “[the NHS was]
                                facing the direct threat of competition from independent treatment centres.”
                                   To date, efforts to restructure how the system operates have had mixed success. Professor Crump says
“The most powerful              he could still point to many examples of innovations that are widely seen as desirable, but which under
innovation in the               current business processes would create significant financial disincentives. “The process of changing
coming decade will              these incentives is a slow and complicated one,” he says. Dr Dixon nevertheless stresses the positive. She
be structural and               says recent efforts have resulted in an evolution: “There is gradual change, but still quite a way to go.”
organisational—                    The military theoretician Karl von Clausewitz famously said: “Everything in war is simple, but the
new ways of                     simplest thing is difficult.” The accumulated challenges, small and large, which arise within a military
working, new team               environment, together create an inconceivable friction. The overlapping barriers to innovation create
approaches to                   a parallel, debilitating friction for healthcare reform—which might explain the frequent use of battle
delivering the full             analogies by healthcare innovators. “Lots of things seem to block innovation,” notes Dr Morrow of New
cycle of care.”                 Medical Limited. “It is difficult to maintain enthusiasm if every line you go over has barbed wire across it.”
Professor Elizabeth Teisberg,      Most healthcare professionals to our survey identify patient-centred care as a key strategy for driving
University of Virginia, USA
                                down costs and improving standards of care. However, 40% say resistance from policymakers would be
                                the leading barrier to the introduction of patient-centred care, ahead of lack of political will (37%) and
                                general resistance to change from the medical community itself (28%). Improving the ability of health
                                systems to adopt innovation, then, will not depend so much on the creation of new ideas—which are
                                already legion—as on finding ways to let them advance. “The most powerful innovation in the coming
                                decade will be structural and organisational—new ways of working, new team approaches to delivering
                                the full cycle of care,” confirms Professor Teisberg of the University of Virginia.
                                   There is no single formula to release innovation in healthcare. Various changes are necessary to
                                ensure that any changes to the underlying healthcare systems can have a lasting impact. Over the next
                                few chapters, this study looks at three such innovations in greater detail.

                                                                                                     © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009
Doctor innovation
                                       Shaking up the health system

Going slow on the information superhighway
                                                                                             reported on a 2008 survey that pointed squarely at the lack of
                                                                                             incentives for individual physicians. Only 4% had complete EPR
                                                                                             systems, and another 13% had simpler ones. By contrast, 66%
                                                                                             said that the cost was the leading barrier to the purchase of such a
                                                                                             system, and 50% worried about return on investment.
                                                                                                 In Germany, Dr Amelung has seen no progress at all on the
                                                                                             diffusion of EPRs. A lack of incentive to change plays a role, but so
                                                                                             does risk aversion. He recalls viewing an advanced record system at
                                                                                             an Israeli hospital when on a study trip with senior German health
                                                                                             executives. “The German group talked only about data security,
                                                                                             looking at what could fail, not at the added value for the patient,” he
                                                                                             notes. Given Germany’s advanced IT sector, he says, “we could have
                                                                   © SNEHIT/Shutterstock
                                                                                             had electronic patient records for years. Attitudes and incentives are
 One of the hottest topics in healthcare is integrated care. More than                       holding it back.”
 20% of Americans, for example, suffer from more than one chronic                                In the UK, EPRs have been stalled by a traditional tale of
 condition, such as diabetes, arthritis or heart disease. Potentially,                       bureaucratic innovation gone wrong. Launched in 2002, the
 they will have several doctors. But they do not have access to all                          government’s £12.7 billion Connecting for Health programme—
 their medical records, and may lack the knowledge to be able to                             the largest civil IT project in the world, designed to provide an
 convey details of their treatments to every medical professional who                        EPR system for all NHS patients—is running at least four years
 treats them.                                                                                behind schedule. Officials will no longer even give an expected
     A logical solution would be the provision of portable electronic                        implementation date, and pilot projects have gone so badly that
 patient records (EPRs)—universal medical files accessible on demand                         hospitals designated for installation have requested delays. In
 by care providers, allowing treatment decisions to be made in the                           March 2009, a leaked memo suggested that the Department of
 context of the patient’s complete history. Proponents such as Dr                            Health had taken over policy control from Connecting for Health
 Volker Amelung, president of the German Managed Care Association,                           officials, and was looking at allowing local procurement of systems
 insist that without such records, “integrated care will not work.”                          around a national core rather than the single unified system
     Despite their potential to improve care and reduce costs, the                           foreseen under the plan.
 adoption of EPRs has been exceedingly slow. In our survey, only a                               Even when these problems are solved, others threaten to take
 minority of medical professionals rate existing electronic storage                          their place. According to our survey, in each country the issues
 and management of health data in their countries as good—23%                                described above were only the second most frequently cited
 in the US, 21% in Germany, and just 12% in the UK. Most describe                            impediments to EPRs. Everywhere, respondents thought that
 them as acceptable, or even basic.                                                          patient worries about privacy remained an even bigger, unresolved
     Barriers to their implementation differ between countries, but                          concern. The barriers are different, but equally effective at blocking
 the result has been the same. The New England Journal of Medicine                           the kind of innovation healthcare needs.

 In your view, how would you rate the sophistication of the following aspects of IT and technology in your country’s healthcare system?
 (% respondents; from Germany, India, UK and US)
                                                                                                                    Good   Acceptable     Basic     Non-existent         Don’t know
 Electronic storage and management of patient/public health data
                                  19                                                                       42                                           28                   8       4
 Operational IT systems (eg, patient bookings, administration, etc)
                             17                                                                                    48                                              28            4   3
 Hospital-based medical devices (eg, cardiac monitors, CAT scanners, etc)
                                                                   37                                                                       44                           14 1        3
 Remote access healthcare devices (eg, devices to enable ambient living at-home patient monitoring systems, etc)
                  11                                                  26                                                   34                                19                      10
 Useful online or telephone-based health information help/support
                    12                                                            35                                                          36                        12           5

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Doctor innovation
                            Shaking up the health system

                            Share data to know what works

                            A     s noted above, one of the big barriers to innovation is a lack of transparent data about the true
                                  cost and effectiveness of medical intervention or even prevention programmes. Healthcare
                            commissioners, especially private insurers, are obviously interested in obtaining better results and
                            lower costs, and in the last decade the latter in particular have been increasingly gathering outcomes
                            data. UnitedHealth in the US, for example, has implemented programmes to collect outcomes on
                            complex cancers, cardiovascular care, and muscular-skeletal services, among others. Insurers pay
                            more to providers that achieve better results, and give patients incentives to use them, according to
                            Mr Stevens of Ovations, which is a subsidiary of UnitedHealth. This leads to superior service, and the
                            benefits of better medical results more than cover the cost of gathering the data.
                               In the UK, BUPA began several years ago to use a study of outcomes to change how it funded care
                            for back pain, abandoning the use of lengthy physiotherapy where it was statistically ineffective.
                            Again, patients were more satisfied and wasteful spending was cut. The NHS has been less enthusiastic,
                            but is coming round, building outcomes measurement into the commissioning process. According to
                            Professor Alan Maynard, a healthcare economist at the University of York, politicians have approved
                            NHS investment in patient-reported outcome measures even without overt public enthusiasm.
                            “Almost inadvertently, Whitehall policy wonks may be creating the building blocks for improved NHS
                            efficiency,” he says. This data, combined with cost and hospital episode statistics, has the potential to
                            increase provider transparency and accountability.2
                               Although American insurers have been engaged in this sort of activity longer than anyone, the
                            scope for information-led innovation is still immense. “Healthcare systems in all industrial countries
                            are still in the foothills of that kind of revolution,” says Mr Stevens.

                            Data mining in Minnesota
                            One model for even broader collection and dissemination of patient outcome information operates in
                            the US state of Minnesota. Minnesota Community Measurement (MCM) grew out of co-operation early
                            in the decade between non-profit insurance plans seeking improved care quality. A pilot project devised
                            suitable metrics, correlated with long-term positive outcomes, to create a measureable gold standard
                            in diabetes care provision by doctors and clinics (the D5). This led to the creation of a non-profit
                            organisation, which sought to use the same concept for other conditions, with various stakeholders as
                            members—insurance firms, the Minnesota Medical Association, healthcare providers, and patients and
                            employers. Now, the organisation’s website provides detailed, comparative treatment processes and,
                            where appropriate, patient outcome results for medical groups and clinics dating back to 2004.
                               Jim Chase, MCM’s executive director, explains that the approach was new because many people
com/index_files/            at the time would have said that quality could not be measured. He notes that the organisation
v2n1Maynard.htm             needed to be clearly structured so that the data was not seen as a tool of one vested interest group

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                    or another. Most importantly, a multi-stakeholder approach has given a helpful balance on the
                    sort of information that it is desirable to obtain. Providers, for example, are less interested in cost
                    information than employers, but it is important that every side finds the output useful.
                       An emphasis on co-operation also helped to overcome one of the biggest early barriers to the
                    project—getting the clinical information necessary to measure the impact of care on patients.
                    According to Mr Chase, health plans had administrative data from claims forms, which did not
                    necessarily include results, and he was surprised that clinicians would themselves volunteer the data.
                       The clinics were right to take this leap—they may be the stakeholders making the most direct use of
                    the results. Comparative data has let them know how they are doing. In some cases, clinics found that
                    they were not accomplishing what they thought they were, says Mr Chase.
                       The results have been very positive.
                    l In the last five years in Minnesota, the number of diabetics achieving all their “D5” goals (lower blood
                       pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, quitting smoking and taking aspirin) has more than tripled.
                    l The percentage of those for whom it is appropriate actually getting screened for breast, cervical,
                      and colorectal cancer has surpassed 50%, an increase of more than 5% in one year.
                    l Since 2006, the rate of childhood immunisation has jumped from 52% to 78%.
                    Mr Chase points out that while the data on its own did not bring the changes, it led to an environment in
                    which those doing well shared best practice. Nevertheless, the very fact of measuring has had an impact,
                    and in the diabetes case has even defined in practice the meaning of the goal of excellent care.
                       Innovation usually drives knock-on, unexpected change, and MCM is no exception. Mr Chase notes
                    that he had not expected that healthcare payers would use the data to create bonus payments to well-
                    performing providers. He hopes that the organisation will contribute to more change in the future.
                    MCM is looking, for example, at measuring knee and hip replacements, not just by which procedures
                    have the best results, with the hope that this can help clinicians and patients in making informed

 Case study: Minnesota Community Measurement
                                                               n What it does: Collects and publishes comparative treatment
                                                                 processes and, where appropriate, patient outcome results
                                                               n Why it’s innovative: It has shown that it is possible to
                                                                 overcome clinicians’ reluctance to gather and publish
                                                                 transparent data about the true cost and effectiveness of
                                                                 medical intervention.
                                                               n What it has achieved so far: Comparative data lets patients
                                                                 and clinics know how they are doing. Locally, cancer
                                                                 screening and childhood immunisation rates have shot up,
                                                                 as has the number of diabetics reaching key targets. Future
                                                                 goals include data gathering on long-term patient outcomes.
                           © Minnesota Community Measurement

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     decisions about the best treatment in certain circumstances. Finally, he would like to see another
     leap in the type of data gathered to consider long-term outcomes: “Did the patient get better? Is the
     patient better off two years later?”
        MCM is not the only organisation involved in such work. The number of US communities undertaking
     this sort of reporting has grown to at least 14, Mr Chase says. In the UK, the NHS recently announced
     that it would post online mortality rates for hospitals. In Germany, newspapers and magazines
     have begun publishing comparative rankings of even specialist clinics. Nor are self-publication or
     multi-stakeholder non-governmental organisations (NGOs) the only model for this type of work.
     Outcomes Health Information Solutions of Charlottesville, Virginia, is one of the US’s fastest-growing
     small companies, specialising in the acquisition and analysis of patient outcomes data. Meanwhile,, financed by advertising, publishes patient ratings for nearly 200,000 doctors across the
     US. As outcomes reporting burgeons, Mr Chase is finding that providers in several areas are asking for
     alignment between the various measuring organisations. The value of the work in Minnesota shows
     that working through the problems of national quality measures will be worthwhile.

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                      Let entrepreneurs get on with it

                      A   nother barrier to innovation in healthcare is the systemic obstacles put in the way of innovators
                          not already within the system. Entrepreneurs, however, are outsiders who see things differently.
                      Nurturing all medically sound entrepreneurs, rather than just insiders, could create enormous change.
                      The problem is that the opportunity cost of this failure is invisible, but it is nevertheless real. In fact,
                      Mr Gutzeit of Stiftung Charité believes that the leading stumbling block to innovation in German
                      healthcare is that it is missing entrepreneurship.

                      Privatised screening
                      In his career as a GP, Dr James Morrow had two patients die of a burst abdominal aortic aneurysm
                      (AAA). The condition has very few symptoms before it leads to near-instant fatality. It kills about one
                      in 50 British males, making it a problem of similar magnitude to breast cancer, from which about one in
                      30 women die. After the deaths, Dr Morrow discovered that screening for the condition could be done
                      by ultrasound, following which a relatively simple surgical procedure could eliminate the danger for
                      those affected. The best evidence indicated overwhelmingly that a screening programme would be cost
                      effective for the UK’s NHS.
                         When he pursued the matter through the approved channels, however, he recalls that the
                      experience was like beating his head against a wall. “The response of the local NHS health sector was
                      that ‘it’s not that simple—this should be a national decision, and it doesn’t fit our strategic view’,”
                      he says. When he tried to raise the issue elsewhere in the NHS, he was told that it was not a national
                      priority. Convinced that screening should be available, both medically and ethically, Dr Morrow and
                      two colleagues with entrepreneurial experience—Dr David Berger and James Kraft—raised private
                      capital and set up New Medical Limited in 2002 to provide the service privately.

 Case study: New Medical Limited
                                                                 n What it does: Provides a private screening service for
                                                                   abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), which kill about one in
                                                                   50 British men.
                                                                 n Why it’s innovative: The NHS was unwilling to launch a
                                                                   screening programme, even though a simple operation could
                                                                   eliminate the danger of AAA. Since its launch it has won
                                                                   praise, and the NHS has pledged to launch its own service.
                                                                 n What it has achieved so far: Screened about 15,000 patients,
                                                                   one in 20 of whom had the condition, and one in 200 of whom
                                                                   needed urgent intervention.
                                         © New Medical Limited

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                             What do you think would be the biggest obstacles to establishing patient-centred care in your country's healthcare system?
                             Select up to three.
                             (% respondents; from Germany, India, UK and US)

                             Resistance from government policymakers
                             Co-ordination costs (eg, time, resources required)
                             Cost of implementing relevant technology/telecommunications
                             Lack of political will to change
                             Lack of skills among medical staff (eg, communication skills)
                             Resistance from medical community
                             Lack of relevant technology/telecommunications (eg, for remote monitoring of patients)
                             Uncertainties about long-term effect of approach
                             Resistance from patients
                             Other, please specify

                                 Since its launch, New Medical has received strong support from medical experts and professional
                             colleagues in general, as well as high marks from users. The NHS, on the other hand, actively showed
                             its displeasure in various ways, says Dr Morrow. “We have experienced pressure to stop providing
“The response                our services, not from patients, GPs or consultants, but from existing health authorities. Despite
of the local NHS             convincing evidence that the testing we provide helps to save lives, some health authorities appear to
health sector was            believe that equity of provision is more important than saving some lives through self-pay screening.
that ‘it’s not that          The net result of such a policy is unnecessary preventable deaths.”
simple—this should               Dr Morrow is no violent critic of the NHS—he still works as an NHS doctor, and is the co-ordinator
be a national                of a new end-of-life care programme in Cambridgeshire which the service has chosen to fund as one of
decision, and it             16 integrated care pilot projects in the country. He adds that he has been “impressed by the desire to
doesn’t fit our              innovate from the highest level, including politicians and senior officials.” Indeed, in our survey of medical
strategic view’.”            professionals, the NHS, as well as the UK’s political leaders, scores higher than those of other countries in
Dr James Morrow, director
of medical operations, New   its willingness to pursue innovation. Nevertheless, it matters where the innovation occurs. “The lengths to
Medical Limited, UK
                             which the establishment will go to resist independent innovation are substantial,” Dr Morrow says.
                                 New Medical has yet to make a profit, but it has to date screened about 15,000 patients, one in 20
                             of whom had the condition, and one in 200 of whom needed urgent intervention. “We’ve probably
                             saved quite a few lives,” says Dr Morrow. The firm has now expanded to screening for osteoporosis—not
                             available on the NHS—and to providing a statistically far more effective screen than the NHS does for
                             bowel cancer. Against this must be set the melancholy statistics of what might have been. Dr Morrow
                             says that since 2002, when good evidence of the value of screening for AAA was published, 55,000
                             British men have died from the condition. He estimates that at least one-half of them could have been
                             saved if screening had been brought in early.
                                 The NHS, however, does not seem geared for speed. The UK National Screening Committee did not
                             recommend screening for AAA until 2007, and as yet there is no programme in place. Entrepreneurship
                             is hard enough at the best of times, without having to overcome any additional barriers.

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                      Innovation in India’s eye care
                      Another example of how big a contribution entrepreneurship can make can be found in India.
                         In 1976, at 58 years old, eye surgeon Dr Govindappa Venkataswamy retired from government
                      service to set up his own clinic. Helped by his sister and brother-in-law, who are also
                      ophthalmologists, he established an 11-bed clinic with the grand goal of eliminating avoidable
                      blindness in India, especially among the poor. Unable to convince financiers to back the venture, Dr
                      Venkataswamy mortgaged his house.
                         Within a year, the clinic had quadrupled in size. By 1981 a 250-bed hospital was open, and today the
                      multi-facility, financially self-supporting Aravind Eye Care System treats more than 2 million patients
                      a year, including a quarter of a million surgical operations. According to Aravind’s chairman, Dr P.
                      Namperumalsamy, the organisation provides 45% of eye care in the state of Tamil Nadu, or 5% or all
                      such services in the entire country.
                         One contributor to this success has been an ongoing flow of business model innovation. Dr Nam, as
                      he is known, points out that the first barrier to good eye care in a country like India was letting people
                      know treatment was even available. Millions of people in India suffer from full or partial blindness,
                      which in about 80% of cases is caused by easily treatable cataracts. Those affected, especially among
                      the rural poor, often assume either that there is no treatment, or that it would be unaffordable. “We
                      create a demand, an understanding, that if you have a cataract, a simple operation can work,” says Dr
                      Nam. “You can again support your family.”
                         From Aravind’s early days, its clinicians have gone out to provide care in nearby rural villages—
                      treating those they can on the spot and referring others for more advanced care in one of the
                      hospitals. More recently, the organisation found that only a small percentage of those with eye
                      problems used their temporary “eye camps”, so they set up permanent village out-clinics.
                         When the clinic began, the cost of eye care, even basic cataract surgery, was indeed too high for
                      many patients. This is a broader problem for India: according to our survey, lack of funding is the single

 Case study: Aravind Eye Care System
                                                                   n What it does: From small beginnings, Aravind now treats more
                                                                     than 2 million eye patients in India a year, including a quarter
                                                                     of a million surgical operations.
                                                                   n Why it’s innovative: Its clinicians provide care in rural
                                                                     communities to prove that most blindness is treatable, and,
                                                                     importantly, affordable. All patients receive the same care
                                                                     for free, but extras are charged for, so wealthier patients help
                                                                     subsidise poorer ones.
                                                                   n What it has achieved so far: Entrepreneurial innovation has
                                                                     driven down costs: Aravind now makes its own low-cost
                                                                     lenses and trains local villagers as paramedics to handle non-
                                                                     medical work, freeing up doctors.
                                       © Aravind Eye Care System

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     biggest barrier to improved healthcare in the country (cited by 39% of respondents), followed closely
     by the related difficulty of understaffing (35%). Rather than giving up or cutting corners, Aravind has
     driven costs down through entrepreneurial innovation.
        Rather than importing the artificial lenses used in cataract surgery from developed countries, which
     cost hundreds of dollars, Aravind started making its own. These are ISO-certified, cost US$2-3 each, and
     are now exported widely. The organisation has since begun manufacturing, where cost effective, the
     pharmaceuticals needed by patients, and even the surgical equipment and sutures used in operations.
        Aravind trains local villagers, usually young women with a high school education, as paramedics
     to complete all non-medical work, undertake routine investigations, and to help in theatre. “You can
     employ 20 doctors or 200 paramedics—the quantity is more and the quality is the same,” says Dr Nam.
     “We make the best use of available resources.”
        This leaves doctors free to concentrate on where they add most value, in particular the actual
     operations. According to Dr Nam, each doctor can do eight to ten surgeries per hour, instead of the
     typical one to two in a state facility. Economies of scale come into play—the more operations that are
     done, the cheaper they become.
        Even inexpensive surgery, however, is beyond the scope of many budgets. Dr Nam’s statistics
     indicate that about 15% to 30% of patients cannot afford to pay any amount. Accordingly, Aravind
     needed an innovative pricing structure. Now, everyone receives exactly the same care for free. The
     hospital charges, however, for after-care accommodation. Those who wish, and have the means, can
     pay for a private recovery room with hot meals; those with less can pay to sleep on a straw mat; and
     those with absolutely nothing can recover at home. In effect, the better off subsidise the poor, but do
     so voluntarily by paying for services.
        The search for improvement does not stop. Some time ago, for example, the organisation invested in
     a teleconferencing capacity to allow doctors to take part in joint seminars with Johns Hopkins University
     in the US. Recently it adapted this technology to create mobile telemedicine vans that allow screening of
     diabetics in rural villages, with the images beamed to doctors in the main clinics. This meets a pressing
     need in a country with 45 million diabetics and just 12,000 ophthalmologists. Dr Nam comments: “We
     always encourage innovation. Not only doctors and managers, but if anybody suggests something we
     always follow it up. Each week we have a meeting to look at suggestions on how to improve.”
        Others are taking note: nearly 250 hospitals have come to the Aravind clinics to learn how to
     improve. The knock-on effect of innovation is substantial, but not infinite. Dr Nam makes clear that
     only eye hospitals have shown interest in the Aravind model. Eye problems are tangible in outcome, so
     quickly achievable results create great demand.
        India is no poster child for deregulation, but Aravind’s success in large measure comes because it
     was allowed to get on with it, in a way that would simply have been unlikely in developed countries.

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                                Put the patient back in the centre

                                H     ealthcare, intuitively, should focus on its customers, rather than caregivers. But Professor Teisberg
                                      of the University of Virginia believes that healthcare systems are typically set up around hierarchies,
                                rather than patient needs. “If they were set up around patient needs, we would set up care cycles around
                                solutions for patients and families,” she says. Innovation of that kind has little to do with the specifics
                                of medical knowledge. It is about business practice. “Integrated care is nothing other than product
“It makes a big                 design,” says Dr Amelung of the German Managed Care Association. “What counts is how everything
difference to who               works together. It makes a big difference to who has to be involved and how you set incentives if you
has to be involved              look at what the product is like from the patient perspective.” Professor Crump says his NHS institute is
and how you set                 a strong proponent of experience-based design, arguing that it is natural to work with patients on how
incentives if you               services are delivered. His organisation has used emotional mapping of patient reactions at different
look at what the                points in the care cycle, which then feed into a process where clinicians and patients are partners in
product is like                 redesigning the details of care. “Even very good services with high-quality clinical outcomes and good
from the patient                patient feedback have nonetheless found that if they adopt these approaches, they bring about tens or
perspective.”                   scores of small changes, and get significant enhancement of the patient experience,” he says.
Dr Volker Amelung, president,      Just thinking hypothetically in this way can yield great value. A Swedish project of the late 1990s
German Managed Care
Association and Professor       involved healthcare professionals trying to think through the patient flow process from the perspective
for International Healthcare
System Research, Medical        of Esther, an imaginary, elderly but competent woman who has various things go wrong in different
University of Hannover,         scenarios. Changes resulting from the innovations identified by the Esther Project were dramatic:
                                within a five-year stretch, for example, hospital admissions in the Esther catchment area fell by 22%.3
                                   A fragmented care system, on the other hand, throws up a host of incentives which focus on specific
                                aspects of care, but in so doing become impediments to improving overall patient care, and even
                                hinder innovation. There are many examples: in most countries, hospitals are reimbursed for the
                                length of time a patient stays, rather than how quickly care is provided. Obviously, simply paying more
                                for shorter stays would create perverse incentives—a focus on the value of the treatment to the patient
                                would be more appropriate.
                                   The impacts of disjointed incentives are diverse. One reason, for example, that telephone
                                consultations are so rare in the US is simply that Medicare does not pay for them.4 More worryingly,
                                Professor Teisberg explains, “in the United States in particular, we do not have a good focus on
3        diagnosis, because we don’t pay directly for diagnosis, and what we do pay is determined only after
                                care is delivered.” As a result, a majority of malpractice suits involve misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis
ImprovingPatientFlow            or failure to diagnose. And it gets worse: “When you have a wrong diagnosis, all of the care that you
TheEstherProjectinSweden.       deliver is wasted, and increases the risk to the patient,” she says.
htm.                                When incentives map onto overall patient needs rather than individual health services, many of
 John C Goodman, Perverse       these incentives disappear. Care not only improves, but also becomes cheaper. In fact, according to
Incentives in Health Care,      our survey, 81% of medical professionals believe that patient-centred care will be either critical or
Wall Street Journal online,
April 5th 2007.
                                important for reducing overall healthcare spending. Insurance companies are frequently cited as

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