DO YOU LOVE ME? - | Berlinale

Page created by Stephen Coleman
DO YOU LOVE ME? - | Berlinale

                         PRODUCED BY FAMILY PRODUCTION
                A FILM BY TONIA
                             WITH              / UKRAINE,
                                  FILM I VÄST AND         SWEDEN 2023
                                                  COMMONGROUND   PICTURES
                         PRODUCED BY FAMILY PRODUCTION

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023   2
One year before the Soviet Union collapses.
Kira (17 y.o) is stepping out of her adolescence into adult life at
the very same moment as Ukraine steps out of Soviet slavery
into the unknown. Together they will try all kinds of things for
the first time – funny, dangerous, rebellious – as every teenager

Just as her parents' marriage falls apart and her Motherland
faces the abrupt challenge of reformation, Kira must step into
a new world of adolescence and face the crumbling of her
childhood. Kira has to grow up briskly, learning to through her
own decisions and mistakes, getting rid of childish illusions.
“Mom, dad, Universe – do you love me still, and if you do, why is
it all happening to us?” – seems to be a real question Kira
keeps asking. As a young adult, she makes her first clumsy
attempts to find an adult love too. No matter what happens,
we understand that her carefree childhood is over, making
room for a new challenge and adventure called life.

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023

"Of course, I immediately agreed to this role. As a
representative of another generation, to immerse yourself
into the 90s was a challenge for me. I advised with my
parents as it was then, because my generation of 20-year-
old modern Ukrainians grew up in other realities, in
another country.

The filming process was much easier and more pleasant
for me than the rehearsals. Almost every day we met with
Tonia and other actors to work on the scenes. We
rehearsed every scene you see in the film. We rehearsed a
lot, it took hours and hours until Tonia could say "Okay, let's
move on".
It was incredibly challenging sometimes, but this job
helped a lot on set. I believe that if you want a quality
product, rehearsals are simply necessary”.

                              Karyna Khymchuk, Lead actress
This is a personal story of my growing up and the formation of my
generation. This is my song about saying goodbye to a childhood
of illusions and the desperate search for love. I wanted the
audience to physically feel how our past is slipping away like
sand through our fingers. I put all of my heart into this movie and
carefully recreated every detail of that time that I kept in my
memory and soul in order to convey the feeling of a bygone era
on the screen. An era when your parents were young, and you are
rebellious and childishly naive with your big open heart, and
whole life ahead of you.

My Kira is a symbol of my generation, the first generation of
independent Ukraine.

Tonia Noyabrova

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
Tonia Noyabrova      Tonia Noyabrova, Kyiv, Ukraine.

          DIRECTOR   Screenwriter, director. Born in 1983 and raised in the family of noted
                     Ukrainian TV presenter Ilya Noyabrov and theatre actress Svetlana
                     Noyabrova. Education: The Kyiv National University of Culture and
                     Arts. Director. Started career by filming TV commercials and music
                     videos. After her first short film Tonia’s feature film career began. She
                     was awarded best Ukrainian Director at the Odesa International
                     Film Festival (2018). For now Tonia has three shorts and two feature
                     length films. All her movies are based on her own scripts.


                     • Independence Day (2012)
                       best short film Odesa International Film Festival
                       best short film Molodist IFF

                     • Odesa (2014)
                     • Everything will be all right (2015)
                     • Hero of my hour (2018)
                       best director Odesa International Film Festival

                     • Do you love me? (2023)
                       World Premiere Berlinale, Panorama
Vilius Machiulskis          DOP. Vilius was born in Klaipeda, Lithuania in 1979.
                            He cultivated a sense for texture and shape while
  DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY   studying sculpture in Vilnius Art Academy. Worked as
                            an art director in the film industry where he discovered
                            a passion for shooting. In 2005 Vilius started his DOP
                            studies at VGIK.

                            Collaborated on art films which have been selected for
                            exhibition in the Centre Pompidou, the Venice Biennale,
                            and won the Special Mention and FIPRESCI prizes in the
                            Oberhausen film festival.

                            During February of 2022 in Ukraine, Vilius fortunately
                            finished filming his first author’s feature film ‘Do you
                            love me?’. He is grateful that this Ukrainian project has
                            reached the screen.

                            instagram facebook
KEY CREW:                                                LEAD CAST:
Screenwriter & Director - Tonia Noyabrova                Kira – Karyna Khymchuk
Director of photography - Vilius Machiulskis             Lev – Maksym Myhayilychenko
Production Designer - Volodymyr Romanov                  Vira – Natalia Lazebnikova
Casting - Alla Samoilenko                                Misha – Oleksandr Zhyla
Costume Designer - Tetiana Kremen
Editor - Tamuna Karumidze
Sound Designer - Niklas Skarp
Sound Editor - Christian Holm
Color Grading - Jacob Ihde
Executive Producer - Stanislav Prytula
Producer - Anastasiia Bukovska, Danylo Kaptyukh
Co-producer - Jonas Kellagher
Production - Family Production
Co-Production - Commonground Picture
Supported by Ukrainian Film State Agency & Film i Väst

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
Karyna Khymchuk        Karyna Khymchuk, the main character.
                       In 2016, she entered the Kyiv National University
        LEAD ACTRESS   of Culture and Arts. The Faculty of directing and
                       show business, pe#orming arts department.

                       A"er graduating from the university in 2020, she
                       started acting in movies. Her debut was in
                       Myroslav Latyk's "Kings of Rap" ("Koroli repu"),
                       then there was a role in Vincent Ward's "Storm
                       School", and the main role in Tonia Noyabrova's
                       film "Do you love me?".

                       instagram facebook
NATALIA                     Vira          OLEKSANDR   Misha   MAKSYM      Lev

LAZEBNIKOVA                               ZHYLA               MYHAYILYCHENKO

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
FAMILY                                                               Filmography:

                                                                     • The Final Journey (Leanders letzte Reise) (2017,
PRODUCTION                                                            directed by Nick Baker-Monteys, feature film, Ukraine,
                                                                      Germany) – production service
Family is a Kyiv based production company founded by
hereditary filmmakers in 2004. We make a lot of content.             • Free Country (Freies Land) (2019, directed by Christian
Feature films, commercials, music videos, you name it. And we         Alvart, feature film, Ukraine, Germany) – production service
do not plan to stop.
                                                                     • Bullmasti$ (2020, short film, directed by Anastasiia
Family helped to create national stands of Ukraine at the most        Bukovska, Ukraine) World Premiere Molodist International Film
important film forums in the world: the Berlinale, the Cannes IFF,    Festival, International Competition - Wins «The Scythian Deer»
the Toronto IFF.                                                      for the best short film. The best short film of “Golden Dzyga”
                                                                      Ukrainian Film Academy Awards

                                                                     • Golden leggings (2022, short film, directed by Arkadii
                                                                      Nepytaliuk, Ukraine) World Premiere Cottbus Film Festival

                                                                     • DAD (2022, Anna Maliszewska, feature film, Ukraine, Poland) –
                                                                      co-production. World premiere Warsaw Film Festival, Main
                                                                      competition, prize of the Ecumenical Jury

                                                                     • Euphoria (2022, directed by Julian Rosefeldt, film installation,
                                                                      Ukraine, Germany, Bułgaria, USA) - co-production. World
                                                                      premiere Park Avenue Armory, New York

                                                                     • Do you love me? (2023, directed by Tonia Noyabrova,                                                 feature film, Ukraine, Sweden) – co-production. World
instagram facebook                                                    Premiere Berlinale, Panorama

Anastasiia is a director and producer. Behind her back is a
director's education at the Kyiv Theater, Cinema and
Television University, TV experience, kilometers of footage, big
clients and sleepless nights on set. Anastasiia, a member of
the board of the Ukrainian Film Academy, as well as the head
of the board of the Commercial Productions Association of
Ukraine. Bullmasti$, Anastasiia's film debut as the director,
was released in 2020 and received numerous awards at
international film festivals.

Danylo is a producer. Working in the film industry for 19 years.   PRODUCER             PRODUCER
At Family, he coordinates filming processes, deals with            ANASTASIIA           DANYLO
financial issues and internal communications. Despite his
executive functions, Danylo's position is tacitly called "a        BUKOVSKA             KAPTYUKH
creative director.                                                 instagram facebook   instagram facebook
Along with Anastasiia, he also co-founded the Ukrainian Film
Industry Association.

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
USFA is the main Ukrainian fund that financially
supports and promote Ukrainian cinema all over
the world. USFA provides producers with a modern
mechanism of state support – from the
development of film projects, through production,
promotion and distribution of Ukrainian and
European films. The Ukrainian State Film Agency
welcomes all foreign partners - producers,
distributors and filmmakers alike – interested in all
forms of collaboration, including majority and
                                                        HEAD OF THE
minority co-production, with the Ukrainian film
                                                        UKRAINIAN STATE FILM
                                                        AGENCY                                  MARINA

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023

Jonas has produced a string of award-winning
documentaries and fiction films that have been
broadcasted and shown on festival worldwide to great
success. Films like “The Planet” directed by Michael
Stenberg, Linus Torell and Johan Söderberg (2006),
Sundance premiering ”Sepideh” directed by Berit
Madsen (2013), Silver Bear winner at Berlinale “United
States of love” by Tomasz Wasilewksi (2016), Fugue
directed by Agnieszka Smoczynska premiering as part
of Semaine de la critique at Cannes 2018 and Sundown        PRODUCER
by Michel Franco premiering as part of the official
competition at Venice Film Festival (2021) to name a few.   JONAS
                                                            KELLAGHER                                instagram facebook

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
Film i Väst is Scandinavia’s leading film fund and has
co-produced more than 1.300 films and drama series
since 1992. Thanks to great co-operation with Swedish
and international producers over 100 films have been
screened in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Toronto.

Our co-productions have received twelve Oscar
nominations since 2011 and eleven Palme d’Or
nominations including Ruben Östlund’s winners The
Square and Triangle of Sadness. Thomas Vinterberg
won an Oscar in 2021 for Another Round, and Joachim      PRODUCER
Trier’s The Worst Person in the World was double         KRISTINA
nominated for Oscars in 2022. Film i Väst is a part of
Region Västra Götaland.                                  BÖRJESON
                                                         instagram facebook

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
We participated in:

• Work in progress section of the Cannes film
  festival «Ukraine now»

• O$icial selection work in progress section of
  the San-Sabastian film festival

• Work in progress section of the Stockholm
  film festival for Ukraine

• EAVE in Demand in Ukraine under the
  tutorship of Diana Elbaum

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
Stills from the film                           Poster of the film
DOWNLOAD                                       DOWNLOAD

Director’s and producers’ photos

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
Links to the social            FILM                    DIRECTOR
networks of the film           DO YOU                  TONIA
and the director
                               LOVE ME?                NOYABROVA
                               instagram facebook      instagram facebook

Links to the social            PRODUCER                PRODUCER             CO-PRODUCER
networks of the producers      ANASTASIIA              DANYLO               JONAS
and production companies
                               BUKOVSKA                KAPTYUKH             KELLAGHER
                               instagram facebook      instagram facebook   instagram facebook

                               FAMILY                  COMMON               FILM I VÄST
                               PRODUCTION              GROUND
                               instagram facebook      website   facebook   instagram facebook

“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023
“Do you love me?” Dir. Tonia Noyabrova, 2023   21
For press contacts and collaboration:
        18, Vozdvizhenska Str,
          04071 Kyiv, Ukraine
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